CredentialAccessPermission credstore.provider.credstore.ADF.anonymous#scott

When I run Model project(ADF BC) have only one view object DeptView i get this error in log
C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jdk\bin\javaw.exe -client -classpath C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\BC4J\jlib\bc4jtester.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\BC4J\lib\bc4jsyscat.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\BC4J\lib\db-ca.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\BC4J\jlib\bc4jwizard.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jlib\jdev-cm.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\lib\xmlparserv2.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jlib\ohj.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jlib\help-share.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jlib\share.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jlib\jewt4.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jlib\oracle_ice.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jlib\ojmisc.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\ide\lib\idert.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\ide\lib\javatools.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jdk\jre\lib\rt.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jdk\jre\lib\i18n.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jdk\jre\lib\sunrsasign.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jdk\jre\lib\jsse.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jdk\jre\lib\jce.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jdk\jre\lib\charsets.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jdk\jre\classes;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jdev\mywork\Application1\.adf;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jdev\mywork\Application1\Model\classes;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\BC4J\lib\adf-share-support.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\BC4J\lib\adf-share-ca.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\BC4J\lib\adf-share-base.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jlib\identitystore.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\BC4J\lib\adfm.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\BC4J\lib\groovy-all-1.0.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jlib\commons-el.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jlib\jsp-el-api.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jlib\oracle-el.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jlib\resourcebundle.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\lib\java\api\jaxb-api.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\lib\java\api\jsr173_api.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\lib\activation.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\lib\java\shared\sun.jaxb\2.0\jaxb-xjc.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\lib\java\shared\sun.jaxb\2.0\jaxb-impl.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\lib\java\shared\sun.jaxb\2.0\jaxb1-impl.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\BC4J\lib\adfshare.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\adfdt\lib\adf-dt-at-rt.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\adfdt\lib\adf-transactions-dt.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\adfdt\lib\adfdt_common.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\mds\lib\mdsrt.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\lib\servlet.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jdbc\lib\ojdbc5dms.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jlib\commons-cli-1.0.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jlib\xmlef.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jlib\dms.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\lib\oc4j-unsupported-api.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\lib\xml.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\lib\java\api\cache.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\lib\pcl.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\ucp\lib\ucp.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\lib\java\shared\oracle.javatools\\dafrt.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\lib\java\shared\oracle.javatools\\javatools-nodeps.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\jazn.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\jazncore.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\jps-api.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\jps-common.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\jps-internal.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\jps-fmw.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\jps-unsupported-api.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\lib\jacc-api.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\lib\security-api.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jlib\orai18n.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jlib\ojdl.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\dvt\lib\dvt-jclient.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\dvt\lib\dvt-utils.jar;C:\oracle\jdevstudio1111\jlib\LW_PfjBean.jar; oracle.jbo.jbotester.MainFrame -X 119BDB17F16 -H "jar:file:/C:/oracle/jdevstudio1111/jdev/doc/studio_doc/ohj/bc4j_f1.jar!/bc4j_f1.hs"
May 6, 2008 1:05:39 PM handleLocation
WARNING: [XmlConfigurationFactory.handleLocation] Exception occurred when handling origLocation=/C:/oracle/jdevstudio1111/j2ee/home/config/system-jazn-data.xml : no protocol: /C:/oracle/jdevstudio1111/j2ee/home/config/system-jazn-data.xml
May 6, 2008 1:05:39 PM handleLocation
WARNING: [XmlConfigurationFactory.handleLocation] Exception occurred when handling origLocation=/C:/oracle/jdevstudio1111/j2ee/home/config/system-jazn-data.xml : no protocol: /C:/oracle/jdevstudio1111/j2ee/home/config/system-jazn-data.xml
[JpsAuth] For permisson ( CredentialAccessPermission credstore.provider.credstore.ADF.anonymous#scott read), domain that failed: ProtectionDomain cs(file:/C:/oracle/jdevstudio1111/BC4J/lib/adf-share-support.jar), []
and I get error message when show the view
(oracle.jbo.SQLStmtException) JBO-27122: SQL error during statement preparation. Statement: SELECT Dept.DEPTNO, Dept.DNAME, Dept.LOC FROM DEPT Dept
and if make ViewController project have one JSF page contain Read only table for DeptView
the page start but no data display and show empty table with Fetching Data.. Lable
i suppose Jdev 11g use JPS-security.xml why the log file search on system-jazn-data.xml
when i search i found the problem occurs if put Jdev11g in path have blank but i put JDev11g in
I think the problem in security or privilege to access data
Best Regards..

Hi Zuhair,
Try put the following in $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/config/java2.policy
grant codebase "file:${oracle.home}/BC4J/lib/adf-share-support.jar" {
permission "","";
Use jvm flags
or setSystemProperty for the above in your code before using AppModule.
Let me know if this works. Sorry it took me a while to respond.

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  • Strange error in JDeveloper Technology Preview 4

    I download starter workspace from
    A Home for Your Chrome and open in JDev 11g TP4 then go to Application Resources and change scott connection Oracle JDBC and test the connection I get Success!.
    when Run HRModule and select Departments to show data I get this error
    (oracle.jbo.SQLStmtException) JBO-27122: SQL error during statement preparation. Statement: SELECT Dept.DEPTNO, Dept.DNAME, Dept.LOC FROM DEPT Dept
    If press Details button in error I get
    (oracle.jbo.SQLStmtException) JBO-27122: SQL error during statement preparation. Statement: SELECT Dept.DEPTNO, Dept.DNAME, Dept.LOC FROM DEPT Dept
    ----- Level 1: Detail 0 -----
    (java.sql.SQLException) ORA-01866: the datetime class is invalid
    In Log:
    C:\jdevstudio1111\jdk\bin\javaw.exe -client -classpath C:\jdevstudio1111\BC4J\jlib\bc4jtester.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\BC4J\lib\bc4jsyscat.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\BC4J\lib\db-ca.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\BC4J\jlib\bc4jwizard.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jlib\jdev-cm.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\lib\xmlparserv2.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jlib\ohj.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jlib\help-share.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jlib\share.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jlib\jewt4.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jlib\oracle_ice.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jlib\ojmisc.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\ide\lib\idert.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\ide\lib\javatools.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jdk\jre\lib\rt.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jdk\jre\lib\i18n.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jdk\jre\lib\sunrsasign.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jdk\jre\lib\jsse.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jdk\jre\lib\jce.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jdk\jre\lib\charsets.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jdk\jre\classes;C:\jdevstudio1111\mywork\FrameworksJulAug2008\.adf;C:\jdevstudio1111\mywork\FrameworksJulAug2008\Model\classes;C:\jdevstudio1111\BC4J\lib\adf-share-support.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\BC4J\lib\adf-sh are-ca.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\BC4J\lib\adf-share-base.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jlib\identitystore.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\BC4J\lib\adfm.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\BC4J\lib\groovy-all-1.0.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jlib\commons-el.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jlib\jsp-el-api.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jlib\oracle-el.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jlib\resourcebundle.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\lib\java\api\jaxb-api.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\lib\java\api\jsr173_api.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\lib\activation.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\lib\java\shared\sun.jaxb\2.0\jaxb-xjc.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\lib\java\shared\sun.jaxb\2.0\jaxb-impl.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\lib\java\shared\sun.jaxb\2.0\jaxb1-impl.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\BC4J\lib\adfshare.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\adfdt\lib\adf-dt-at-rt.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\adfdt\lib\adf-transactions-dt.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\adfdt\lib\adfdt_common.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\mds\lib\mdsrt.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\lib\servlet.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jdbc\lib\ojdbc5dms.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jlib\commons-c li-1.0.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jlib\xmlef.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jlib\dms.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\lib\oc4j-unsupported-api.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\lib\xml.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\lib\java\api\cache.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\lib\pcl.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\ucp\lib\ucp.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\lib\java\shared\oracle.javatools\\dafrt.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\lib\java\shared\oracle.javatools\\javatools-nodeps.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\jazn.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\jazncore.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\jps-api.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\jps-common.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\jps-internal.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\jps-fmw.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\jps-unsupported-api.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\lib\jacc-api.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\j2ee\home\lib\security-api.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jlib\orai18n.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\jlib\ojdl.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\dvt\lib\dvt-jclient.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111\dvt\lib\dvt-utils.jar;C:\jdevstudio1111 \jlib\LW_PfjBean.jar; oracle.jbo.jbotester.MainFrame -X 11A6DAF0C7F -H "jar:file:/C:/jdevstudio1111/jdev/doc/studio_doc/ohj/bc4j_f1.jar!/bc4j_f1.hs"
    Jun 9, 2008 5:16:08 PM handleLocation
    WARNING: [XmlConfigurationFactory.handleLocation] Exception occurred when handling origLocation=/C:/jdevstudio1111/j2ee/home/config/system-jazn-data.xml : no protocol: /C:/jdevstudio1111/j2ee/home/config/system-jazn-data.xml
    Jun 9, 2008 5:16:08 PM handleLocation
    WARNING: [XmlConfigurationFactory.handleLocation] Exception occurred when handling origLocation=/C:/jdevstudio1111/j2ee/home/config/system-jazn-data.xml : no protocol: /C:/jdevstudio1111/j2ee/home/config/system-jazn-data.xml
    [JpsAuth] For permisson ( CredentialAccessPermission credstore.provider.credstore.ADF.anonymous#scott read), domain that failed: ProtectionDomain cs(file:/C:/jdevstudio1111/BC4J/lib/adf-share-support.jar), []
    If I build new JSF page and drag and drop Departments to show as read only table when run page I show the Table without data but only statement
    Fetching Data…
    Please if anybody can help me and tell me where is the problem.
    Note1: This error happen in all application created in Jdev 11g TP4 I have Jdev 10g and it is working perfect.
    Note2:In Log Please show this message:
    [JpsAuth] For permisson ( CredentialAccessPermission credstore.provider.credstore.ADF.anonymous#scott read), domain that failed: ProtectionDomain cs(file:/C:/jdevstudio1111/BC4J/lib/adf-share-support.jar), []
    Best Regards
    Zuhair Jawish

    Hi Frank,
    I unzip Jdev 11g in C:\jdevstudio1111
    and the workspace in C:\jdevstudio1111\mywork\FrameworksJulAug2008
    no space in the path of Jdev and the application
    I think it is strange error i format my machine for this error but i did not resolve the problem.
    maybe the problem in some environment variables.

  • Oracle.adf.share.config.ADFConfigFactory No META-INF/adf-config.xml found

    I just install jdeveloper10. 4157, and test ,When I run test ,
    display:"oracle.adf.share.config.ADFConfigFactory No META-INF/adf-config.xml found
    Please help me how to solve this problem!

    Just now I test jdeveloper 11g 4 preview
    test project display log:
    2008-6-15 22:38:14 handleLocation
    警告: [XmlConfigurationFactory.handleLocation] Exception occurred when handling origLocation=/D:/jdevstudio11114949/j2ee/home/config/system-jazn-data.xml : no protocol: /D:/jdevstudio11114949/j2ee/home/config/system-jazn-data.xml
    2008-6-15 22:38:14 handleLocation
    警告: [XmlConfigurationFactory.handleLocation] Exception occurred when handling origLocation=/D:/jdevstudio11114949/j2ee/home/config/system-jazn-data.xml : no protocol: /D:/jdevstudio11114949/j2ee/home/config/system-jazn-data.xml
    [JpsAuth] For permisson ( CredentialAccessPermission credstore.provider.credstore.ADF.anonymous#HR001 read), domain that failed: ProtectionDomain cs(file:/D:/jdevstudio11114949/BC4J/lib/adf-share-support.jar), []
    BC4J Tester exit code(0)
    Message was edited by:

  • ADF ProcessScope -- I get a new AdfFacesContext on each page load

    I am trying to store some variables in the ADF processScope. But the next time the page is loaded and calls the managed bean methods, the AdfFacesContext is different, and so the processScope is empty. The managed bean is session scope, and I am setting the processScope variables in the bean's Java code.
    In particular this happens when I click on the af:table pagination links, e.g. the "next 25".
    How can I get access to the same AdfFacesContext (and therefore the same processScope) the next time the page loads and calls the managed bean?
    I am using JDeveloper
    Here is the example code, and the output that is produced from my System.out.println statements:
    ========== (session scope managed bean) ===============
    package adfproject;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.List;
    import oracle.adf.view.faces.context.AdfFacesContext;
    public class Controller {
    private List<Map> list = new ArrayList<Map>();
    private String label;
    private static int counter;
    public Controller() {
    // initialize list with Map objects
    for ( int i = 1; i<10 ; i++) {
    Map map = new HashMap();
    map.put("A","first column");
    map.put("B", "row " + i);
    // called from JSP to initialize the ECO bean
    public String getLoad() {
    printAdfProcessContext("in getLoad");
    // get value from current process scope
    String currentLabel = (String)getProcessAttribute("LABEL");
    // print currentLabel
    System.out.println("current LABEL = "+currentLabel);
    // if currentLabel null, build new one with counter, incr counter
    if (currentLabel == null) {
    label = "xyz " + ++counter;
    System.out.println("new LABEL: "+label);
    // remember the current label in the process scope, and in member
    return ""; // empty string so nothing is displayed on web page
    public static void printAdfProcessContext(String label) {
    AdfFacesContext afCtx = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    System.out.println("============ "+label+" ===========");
    System.out.println("AdfFacesContext = "+afCtx);
    Map ps = afCtx.getProcessScope();
    System.out.println("Process scope = "+ps);
    * Get attribute from ADF "processScope".
    * This is a special scope provided by ADF which is in between Session
    * and Request.
    * @param name attribute name
    * @return
    public static Object getProcessAttribute(String name) {
    AdfFacesContext afCtx = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    return afCtx.getProcessScope().get(name);
    * Add or overwrite attribute in ADF "processScope".
    * This is a special JSF "scope" provided by ADF Faces which is somewhere
    * between Session scope and Request scope. It can be accessed in JSF
    * pages using the EL expression #{processScope.myAttribute}.
    * @param name attribute name
    * @param value attribute value
    * @return
    public static void setProcessAttribute(String name, Object value) {
    AdfFacesContext afCtx = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    public String getLabel() {
    return label;
    public List<Map> getList() {
    return list;
    ============= jsftest.jsp =====================
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="af"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="afh"%>
    <afh:head title="ADF Context Test">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
    content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"/>
    <af:outputText value="#{controller.load}"/>
    <h:panelGrid columns="2">
    <af:outputLabel value="LABEL"/>
    <af:outputText value="#{controller.label}"/>
    <af:outputLabel value="Map"/>
    <af:table emptyText="No items were found" value="#{controller.list}"
    var="row" rows="4">
    <af:column sortable="false" headerText="A" formatType="text">
    <af:outputText value="#{row.A}"/>
    <af:column sortable="false" headerText="B" formatType="text">
    <af:outputText value="#{row.B}"/>
    ================= Console Output when page loads initially ==================
    08/09/03 15:27:18 ============ in getLoad ===========
    08/09/03 15:27:18 AdfFacesContext = oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.context.AdfFacesContextImpl@101751
    08/09/03 15:27:18 Process scope = ProcessScopeMap@7009019[_map={}, token=null,children=null]
    08/09/03 15:27:18 current LABEL = null
    08/09/03 15:27:18 new LABEL: xyz 1
    ======= Console Output when I click the "next 4" link on the table, and the page reloads ========
    08/09/03 15:32:42 ============ in getLoad ===========
    08/09/03 15:32:42 AdfFacesContext = oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.context.AdfFacesContextImpl@16bf9ce
    08/09/03 15:32:42 Process scope = ProcessScopeMap@31287037[_map={}, token=null,children=null]
    08/09/03 15:32:42 current LABEL = null
    08/09/03 15:32:42 new LABEL: xyz 2
    ====== Comments =========
    As you can see above, the AdfFacesContextImpl object has changed, so I have lost the ProcessScopeMap.
    Also, on the displayed page, the label is still "xyz 1" instead of changing to "xyz 2".
    Thanks for your help,

    Thanks for the idea, Murph.
    I didn't need a session scope bean, request would be fine, I just was trying to make something work that would allow me access to the process scope attributes. I want to allow multiple browser windows searching on different objects independently, so I don't want to use session scope.
    I tried removing the variable declaration and setting/getting the processScope attribute in the setter/getter methods, to make the process scope attributes independent of the managed bean. But each time the page loads (by clicking the table navigation links), I still lose the process scope attributes. I tried with both session and request scope beans. Either way, in the getLoad() method, when I try to get the label from the process scope (using the new version of getLabel()), it is null.
    So the root problem is still there.
    For continued discussion on this more specific problem, see my separate thread "JSF ProcessScope attribute missing on page reload from af:table pagination"
    at JSF ProcessScope attribute missing on page reload from af:table pagination

  • Can we use more than one Help Provider class in a same project in ADF11g

    Hi All,
    There are two help providers i want to use .They are "ResourceBundleHelpProvider","OHW Help Provider"
    In adf-settings.xml file
    if try to register both help providers confliction occurs. Is it possible to register and use more than one help provider.?
    Thanks in advance.:)

    Thanks Frank,
    In adf-settings.xml file
    <help-provider prefix="RB_">
    I differentiated the help providers with the "prefix" attribute in the <help-provider> tag. So now confliction is not occuring between those.
    I used this prefix in the "helpTopicId" property of the adf components like "input text box" . I got the result. :)

  • ADF Bindings Servlet/Filter  not invoking  Faces Servlet

    I'm getting ADF Faces and Facelets working properly with pages written in jspx format, but the Faces Servlet being mapped to jsf format.
    The problem I'm getting is while displaying ADF Tables with data retrieved from the database using Toplink and bindings provided by ADF Databindings.
    The following is the Web.xml mappings for Faces Servlet and ADF bindings filter:
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    I'm getting the ADF tables displayed using ADF Bindings, if the faces servlet is mapped for jspx format;but, at the cost of losing Facelets...Facelets is not working with Faces Servlet mapped to jspx format(though written in jspx format, the faces servlet mappping has to be made for jsf format.On the other hand, if I use faces servlet mapping for jsf pages I'm getting Facelets working but ADF Databindings are not working ,(I guess) and hence ADF Faces Tables are not being displayed(I'm getting Access Denied message).
    I even tried to change the ADF binding filter mappings
    ---- from ---- jsp &jspx---- to ----- jsp and jsf ----
    But I got the same Access denied message.
    I read a similar post on this forum by Mr.Ashish Kumar who said he is using java script and automatic form submission, to refresh the page and that gave him the table working.
    as quoted in the post:
    af:table displays Access Denied
    Why should the page be refreshed at all. I Guess , the Faces Servlet is not being invoked by the ADF Bindings Filter/Servlet, and for this , I suppose , Mr.Ashish is using java script to provide the action required.
    And one more thing which that Automatic Refreshing of page using JavaScript cannot do.
    I need customised display, rather than just a Table or Form,like:
    public String getEmp() {
    BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
    OperationBinding operationBinding =
    Object result = operationBinding.execute();
    if (!operationBinding.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
    return null;
    List<Emp> res=(List<Emp>)result;
    for(int i=0;i<res.size();i++)
    Emp myrec=res.get(i);
    System.out.println("Employee ["+myrec.getEname()+"], Salary ["+myrec.getSal()+"]");
    return "";
    where I do some customisation in the backing bean.
    and I call that method binded to a button as below:
    What I'm getting is a disabled button.
    Why doesn't ADF bindings servlet invoke the faces Servlet?
    Can't we make ADF Bindings Servlet invoke Faces Servlet by configuring in the web.xml?
    Can't we get ADF Bindings filter mapped to work with jsf pages?
    Won't ADF Bindings work with jsf pages, will they work only with jspx pages?
    ADF Team,
    Please Help me.
    Thanking you,

    Hi! Frank,
    Thankyou for your Reply.
    Yes, Mr.Adam Winer has contributed that library, I guess.
    But I already have that adf-facelets.jar in my lib folder ; and with out that the Facelets won't work with ADF faces , in the first place.
    I'm getting Facelets working excellently with ADF Faces but I'm not getting ADF Bindings working with Faceletpages.
    The thing is even in another application which does not have facelets in it, if we use mapping for jsf pages, ADF Bindings are not working.
    I think the ADF bindings filter is configured some where to work with jspx pages only.Could you tell me where to change that entry to make ADF Bindings work with jsf extension?
    Thanking you,

  • Oracle ADF security integration with Oracle E-Business Suite SDK JAAS

    I have an Oracle ADF application that is using ADF security for authentication and authorization.
    When we deploy this application to our JDeveloper integrated weblogic server, we utilize the security setting of "Custom" and use weblogic users and roles to map to the ADF application roles. In that environment our security is working properly.
    I have a Weblogic 10.3.5 standalone server that has the ADF runtime installed as well as the Oracle E-Business Suite SDK JAAS implementation installed.
    When I deploy the Oracle ADF application to the standalone weblogic server, I am directed to the JAAS login page when I attempt to access any JSF page (including those that I have granted View access through the anonymous-role. Does the Oracle ADF anonymous-role work (allow for anonymous page access) when JAAS security is handled by the Oracle E-Business Suite SDK JAAS implementation?
    Per the SDK instructions, when we install the Oracle ADF deployment on Weblogic we have selected "DD only" for our security setting. We have defined enterprise roles in the Oracle ADF security setup (jazn-data.xml) that are assigned the appropriate application roles. Those enterprise roles have the same name (i.e. UMX|YOURROLE) as the E-Business Suite roles that are assigned to our test users. When we login with an E-Business Suite user / password we are receiving an error:
    Error 401--Unauthorized
    From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
    10.4.2 401 Unauthorized
    Any thoughts on why that would be?

    Thanks Juan.
    With the debugging options enabled it appears the issue is not an issue with the user / role credentials - it seems like the resource grants from jazn-data.xml are not being reviewed in my standalone weblogic instance EAR deployment:
    [JpsAuth] Check Permission
    PolicyContext: [TestApp]
    Resource/Target: [untitled1PageDef]
    Action: [view]
    Permission Class: []
    Result: [FAILED]
    Evaluator: [ACC]
    Failed ProtectionDomain:ClassLoader=sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@13f5d07
    Principals=total 2 of principals(
    1. JpsPrincipal: "anonymous" GUID=null DN=null
    2. JpsPrincipal: "anonymous-role" GUID=null DN=null)
    When I access the same page from my integrated weblogic server I see:
    [JpsAuth] Check Permission
    PolicyContext: [TestApp]
    Resource/Target: [untitled1PageDef]
    Action: [view]
    Permission Class: []
    Result: [FAILED]
    Evaluator: [ACC]
    Failed ProtectionDomain:ClassLoader=sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@13f5d07
    Principals=total 2 of principals(
    1. JpsPrincipal: "anonymous" GUID=null DN=null
    2. JpsPrincipal: "anonymous-role" GUID=null DN=null)
    When I review my EAR - I do see jazn-data.xml at:
    I will review the system-jazn-data.xml to see if the policy information has been migrated properly as part of the EAR deployment.

  • Query about the filterable tag in ADF Tables

    Hi all,
    We having an issue with the the implicit filtering feature provided by ADF. We have followed all the rules for filtering:
    1. filterable="true" and sortable="true"
    2. headertext is present
    3. filterModel="#{bindings.InstanceDetailsVO11Query.queryDescriptor}"
    Now the filter is working fine. But after we reset the page the filter field still has the previous data entered by the user.
    Is there any way we can refresh the field as well?
    Any suggestions would be very helpfull1

    You can programmatically clear the filter fields and refresh the table by using the below snippet.
    public void resetTableFilterListener(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            FilterableQueryDescriptor queryDescriptor = (FilterableQueryDescriptor)getYourTable().getFilterModel();
            if (queryDescriptor != null && queryDescriptor.getFilterCriteria() != null) {
                getOrdTable().queueEvent(new QueryEvent(getYourTable(), queryDescriptor));
    Try if this works for your requirement.

  • ADF : Can we skip the default activity of ADF train in bounded task flow.?

    Hi All,
    I'm a newbie for ADF and JDev. Started learning from the documentation provided for ADF, I'm trying to create a bounded task flow which has a train component and every train stop should be enabled/skipped programmatically. I'm able to skip the train stops after reading the content provided at
    But I'm not able to skip the default train stop which is the first activity call in my case upon initialization.
    Below are the steps I've followed :
    1. Created a viewController project and created a bounded task flow in it with Train component enabled.
    2. Added 4 views with train component marking the first view as default activity call.
    3. As per the document I mentioned above, I added managed bean files to skip the train stop programmatically.
    Now when i run the task flow, I'm able to skip the train stops number 2/3/4 but I'm not able to skip the stop number 1(first stop which is the default activity) on initialization.
    As per ADF documentation, for a bounded task flow there must be a default activity assigned which will always be called first when we enter the bounded task flow. So that means, default activity will always be called upon initialization of that bounded task flow and never be skipped programmatically.? or else if there is a way to skip the default activity, then please let me know the documentation/steps to do this.
    Thanks in advace.
    Edited by: 1004973 on May 9, 2013 2:52 AM

    Thanks Timo. Your idea resolved my issue. :)
    I've created a new page in my bounded task flow which I've made as a default activity for that bounded task flow. Then I applied navigation through router and based on some condition I'm now able to move my control to my desired train stop. By this design I can do other customization on train button(Back/Next).

  • Passing a Parameter to JSF / ADF

    I am using the MVC architecture with the model provided by ADF business components and the view/controller provided by JSF. Any help would be great since this project was due 'yesterday'. Thanks.
    I want going to pass a few parameters to a JSF (ex. test.jspz?userid=JOHN) using ADF business components for the database query (ex. select * where userid = 'JOHN').
    1) How to pass or accept parameters for JSF?
    2) How to parameterized the ADF business component to accept the parameter and run the query?
    A Lucky Guy

    Shay, I'm looking at the same problem - legacy application needs to pass parameters to new ADF Faces application in the URL's query string. The problem is that it needs to use the parameter to build the page. So how do I get a method with the code that you suggested to run before rendering the page?
    I'm still in the midst of working on this, but the approach that I'm working on is based on a custom ADF Page Lifecycle as described in the ADF Developers Guide for Forms-4GL Developers section I'm also looking at Steve Muench's not yet documented sample #60:
    Some pages don't need to use this method. If you are using the page parameters as NamedData elements in an action or methodAction, you can set the NDValue attributes to ${param.parameterName}. Make sure that you include an invokeAction in the executables section of your pageDef to make it execute the action when it renders the page.

  • ADF Faces : Oracle Chooses Flex

    On the home page on it says "Check out how large companies like ... Oracle ... and others use Flex ...".
    Which lead me to find ...
    - "Oracle Chooses Flex (part 1)"
    - "Oracle Chooses Flex (part 2 - BI Publisher)"
    - "Oracle Chooses Flex (part 3 - Enterprise Manager)"
    - "Oracle Chooses Flex (part 4 - Siebel CRM)"
    - "Oracle Chooses Flex (part 5 - Sales Prospector)"
    - "Oracle Chooses Flex (part 6 - Sales Library)"
    - "Oracle Chooses Flex (part 7 - Sales Campaign)"
    Also, Frank Nimphius has commented on Flex before, "Re: JDev 11 - should we start to learn Flex and ActionScript ?".
    Could someone from Oracle please remind us how all this fits in with the direction JDeveloper 11g is taking with ADF and ADF Faces?
    many thanks
    Jan Vervecken

    The standard UI technology for the Fusion apps user interface is the ADF Faces Rich Client components. This hasn't change and is the way most of the teams are developing their new applications.
    In an organization with 70,000 people it is a bit hard to make sure that all the project follow the guidelines. Unfortunately out of the about 150 projects we are building, there were a couple of projects that diverted from the standard recommended technology stack. Some of these projects are planning a migration to ADF Faces.
    Oracle continue to believe that ADF Faces RC combined with the ADF framework back-end provides the most powerful development experience.
    As far as adopting Flash - you can actually see that some of our components in 11 use Flash as a one of the possible rendering technologies - check out the graphs provided by ADF data visualization components for example.

  • ADF/ ADF Faces reading or tutorials

    Hi all,
    I've been doing Java SE for a couple of years (and would say that I'm pretty good on language fundamentals). J2EE however is pretty new to me. I would like to get up to speed in development with ADF/ADF Faces. I've been looking for some tutorials, but most seem to be ADF and Struts, and I get lost when the instructions get struts specific.
    Could anyone recommend any ways I should go about learning and any tutorials that they have found useful?
    I've done the walkthrough here, which was a good tutorial, but I could do with a little more detail to help me understand whats actually happening behind the scenes.
    Thanks in advanced
    Tim Williams

    I've been struggling with this as well. I'm trying to use EJB3, JSF (ADF Faces) along with ADF Binding to speed things along but due to lack of documentation I'm unable to progress beyond simple uneditable master/detail pages. There's lots of documentation on JSF, a reasonable amount on EJB3 but none (that I can find) on how JSF and the ADF Binding layer work together (I was expecting the binding stuff to show up as a managed bean or something that I could access programmatically.) There is one short tutorial that uses drag n' drop to create a master/detail app with an EJB3 backend with ADF Faces / Bindings but it doesn't connect all the dots by showing how to perform the updates (ie. hook up a "Save" button to a method on the session facade bean.)
    There seem to be two camps generating tutorials at Oracle right now. One camp that does J2EE-only (EJB, JSF/ADF Faces) and another camp that does ADF BC/Faces (Oracle-proprietary) but there are none that do EJB, JSF & ADF Binding (though the docs I can find say that ADF binding is persistence-agnostic.) Thus there are tutorials that cover using Business Components and Binding with JSF (mainly targeted at the Forms folks) and tutorials that cover using EJB3 with JSF but using backing beans to manually connect back to the EJB rather than using the Binding layer provided with ADF.
    Does anyone know of a document or tutorial that goes integrates these pieces together? The closest I have found is this one ( titled "Selected Highlights of ADF" but it assumes indepth knowledge of previous versions of the ADF so it left me with more questions than answers.
    Message was edited by:

  • Why hibernate..why not ADF BCs

    Hello  ADF  experts,  I have been noticing that many big companies are using hibernate for business components  instead of ADF business components.  And  I got the answer for reason is  security issue.   If that is the case is it a big waste that we have such a rich asset provided by ADF  ?
    So, we never ever use ADF business components in corporate projects?
    Appreciate someone can provide me some justification why hibernate is selected instead of using ADF BCs.
    I am a big fan of  ADF BCs because  in case of  Hibernate ...almost everything we need to create manually from scratch.

    I have been noticing that many big companies are using hibernate for business components  instead of ADF business components.
    Maybe because hibernate is open source and ADF BC is proprietary technology(and usually used only in ADF applications)?
    Maybe you need to compare hibernate with TopLink (or EclipseLink) ...
    And  I got the answer for reason is  security issue.
    I don't see what security has to do with ORM and persistence frameworks(security is usually handled in other app layers, for example: in db or in app view/controller).
    If persistence framework provides security features this can be bonus, but this is not reason to discard other frameworks which doesn't provide such features(and ADF BC has security features, for example: Fortune Minds - Oracle ADF: How to apply Security at Entity level in ADF Application ).

  • Alternative of ADF

    I found out that the application developed using BC4J, which deploy to other application server eg. Tomcat and JBoss must installed with ADF. Is there any alternative of not using ADF?

    no, if you develop it using ADF then the ADF Runtime libraries must be installed on the target container. JDeveloper provides an ADF Runtime Installer for all the popular (non-Oracle) containers which does the installation for you

  • Rendering video inside an ADF page

    We are developing a webcenter portal pdk application using JDeveloper Studio, we need to embedd or render video in our .*jspx* page....inside the components pallet we did not find any components that are related to include video. Is there any way to render/embedd/include video.....
    We need information on :
    1. Out of box video plugins or jar files provided by ADF/Webcenter
    2. Incoropration of third party utility or tool
    3. Any other method to do it.
    Please provide with a suitable method or guidelines for the same. Thanx......

    You can use af|media component. It plays the video with the player plugin installed in your browser.

Maybe you are looking for

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