CRM APIs - what's missing?

Hi everyone,
We are interested to hear from those of you currently using the current SOAP CRM APIs what's missing and what are the major problems you are currently facing while using these.

Hi TheBCMan,
BC provides backend apis and a way to these APIs in frontend (module_webresource). With this you can create your own apis for your site where you control the data you want to expose. Here is a simple use case which can be achieved with what we currently have in production:
I want to create a sign up form where user must choose a username and a password. As a constraint, I want to keep username unique within my site and I want to be able to check through AJAX if a given username value is reserved or not. The strategy for achieving this is presented below:
1. Create a page on your site (e.g /max-2014/backend/check-username-uniqueness.html with the following code in it):
{module_webresource resource="customers" version="v3" where="\{'username': {{this.globals.get.username}}\}" fields="id" collection="customers" template="" skip="0" limit="1"}
2. From your browser access the follow url: http://<site-domain>/max-2014/backend/check-username-uniqueness.html?json=true&username=bcman. Once you did this you will get a valid json object which contain customers as key. customers.totalItemsCount tells you how many customers already have bcman username.
3. Write your client side code and use this API through ajax.
               var username = "bcman";
                var response = $.ajax({
                    "url": "/max-2014/backend/check-username-uniqueness.html?username=" + username + "&json=true",
                    "type": "GET"
                response.done(function(data) {
                    if(data.customers.totalItemsCount == 0) {
                         console.log("username available");
                    var customer = data.customers.items[0];
                    console.log("Username is taken by user with id: " +;
Early next week we will publish several how to tutorials on our documentation covering module_webresource.
Please let me know what you think. You might also find useful another discussion from forum: Web App API and front-end pages

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    function searchCustomers(phoneID) {
    console.log('searchin customers');
    var request = $.ajax({
    url: "/webresources/api/v3/sites/current/customers",
    type: "GET",
    contentType: "application/json",
    headers: {
    "Authorization": $.cookie('access_token')
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    console.log("Request failed.");
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    GET 404 (Not Found) jquery-1.10.2.js:8706
    Request failed. searchController.js:96
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    Error text: Not Found searchController.js:98
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    I've got this error:

  • What's missing ? - onPlugDefault can't see component controller -  NW2004

    I can't do something like this:
    //@@begin javadoc:onPlugDefault(ServerEvent)
      /** Declared validating event handler. */
      public void onPlugDefault( wdEvent, java.lang.String someValue )
        //@@begin onPlugDefault(ServerEvent)
    Beacuse the only  wdThis.wdGet...that I see is  wdThis.wdGetAPI().
    What is missing??
    Thanks a lot for your time on this thread.

    Hallo Rocio,
    define a controller usage relation to the component controller within the Properties Tab. Afterwards, your IPrivate-API of the component interface view controller should expose this access method to invoke the IPublic-API of the component controller.
    Best regards, Bertram

  • I run a mac air on a single user account but multiple people using it, which is ok for the situation. All have their accounts in the apple mail app. what is missing for me is a separate password to access the mail account. otherwise anyone can see anyones

    I run a mac air on a single user account but multiple people using it, which is ok for the situation. All have their accounts in the apple mail app. what is missing for me is a separate password to access the mail account. otherwise anyone can see anyones
    Any clue, how i can add a mail account to apple mail app, but with separate password / pin to open it.
    Years ago there was a program called mail switcher which added this functionality, but thats gone.

    They would have to be logged in as separate users in order not to see your account in Mail. Whatever accounts put in Mail under your account will show up. All mail accounts usually have there own user and password. The only thing you can do is to remove the password from Keychain and take the account offline so you don't keep getting prompts for passwords each time it checks for mail.
    Not a great solution.
    Best way is to give the other user their own user account with their own mail and enable fast user swithcing to log between the different users if all access the computer frequently.

  • "Failed to open midi support library". What is missing? And if so, how do I get it back? What to do?

    I own a new Macbook pro 15" quadcore with OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.4
    When trying to start software Reason 7 I only get the message "Failed to open midi support library".
    What is missing? And if so, how do I get it back? Reinstalling Mountain Lion did not solve anything.
    What may I do? Is there separate MIDI-drivers or else that Macbook needs to be running audio at all?
    My audiocard Apogee Duet 2 is´nt working well either and I cannot even open the MIDI-window in Mac,
    so that road is blocked. I´ve seen more ppl having problem but found no explaination.
    Some say to remove midi-drivers but that folder is empty (or hidden?) when opening.
    Also, Garage Band cannot open. It´s no problem with graphic apps, only with audio/midi.
    My 2011 Macbook pro13" with OS X Lion runs like a charm. So how can this be? It really puzzles my mind.
    Have thoughts on having OS X Lion on the new Mac as well but will not do it until I know where the real problem is.
    Hope there is an easy fix to it. Thanks in advance.

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  • What is missing from Photoshop CS6 ???

         I tried the new PhotoShop CS6 (beta) but aside from some innovations of which my favorite is the interface (The interface is one of the best innovation that Adobe have made finally an interface that does not make you eyes hurt) and content aware move tool (content aware is definitely the best technology in Photoshop, may in the future in Photoshop CS20 will be voice-activated and will do exactly what you say even to draw for you) and maybe the new brushis, nothing that new, especially for those who draw in Photoshop concept artists, Ilustrators and so on ... etc
          In my opinion what is missing from the famous Photoshop CS 6 and should have been is :
         1 : Live symmetry drawing (horizontal and vertical) even the simplest programs like Alchemy / Sketchbook Pro and new Painter 12 has the function they have gone beyond the horizontal and vertical with the function of Kaleidoscope. I really like how the brush works in Alchemy especially in symmetry, in Sketchbook Pro are not so good in symmetry, unless thei are round but if you have a strange shapes thei tend to function as a parallel very strange but it is ther why the famous Photoshop does not have this function ??? I hoped that in PS CS6 (beta) to be, but no, I do hope maybe in the CS7 will be,
         2: I would like to make several sets of brushes, but in different windows on the screen at the same time not only a big one something like Corel Painter 12
         3: If you put a 3d function why do you tried to do something like the Google SketchUP fast, simple to use and easy to learn, or a simplified version of ZBrush sculpture in 3d clay ???
         Ok now let's talk about Bridge CS6: same functions, nothing so new, I hope that in the cs6 to implement something like the function of ACDSee Photo Manager 12 for example:
         Preview Thumbnails in a files, shortcuts that can be modified, such as double click I want to open fullscreen preview not send in photoshop or Camera Raw etc, why not the same as Photoshop, to make what I want to what I want, preview window to have the option of framing the image even if it is small or large (fit image, reduce or enlarge) the same for full screen mode the image will be framed by the edges of the screen (fit image height or widthand reduce or enlarge) from there if you want 100%, 200% etc. and many others
         What is right, there are many other features that I like and love in Bridge much more than ACDSee 12 such as preview multiple images at the same time in preview window and Review Mode (one of my favorite) and many others but ...   ... What was more important to me I said maybe for someone else is something else missing ...

    Trevor.Dennis wrote:
    …Why on earth would you want to restrict Photoshop?…
    Because I may consider it to be bloated already?
    Because I don't need to be driving around in a motor home when my car fills my needs?
    Because I don't need a hammer that doubles as a screwdriver or water-heater when I need to drive a nail?
    Because a scalpel may be more useful for my purposes than a Swiss-army knife?
    Because I would prefer the engineering team to work on refining existing features and improving stability rather than add features that are better served in drawing and painting applications?
    Because I'm not particularly impressed by some of the new "features"?
    Because I would prefer to see improvements to the History panel as have been suggested and requested over the years?
    I could think of many more such reasons why.
    Trevor.Dennis wrote:
    …I suspect there are a great many features in existing versions of Photoshop that you don't use…
    Duh!    Precisely! 
    Software bloat adds to the cost of developing and maintaining an application, delays the release of bug fixes and genuine improvements of existing features and eventually demands greater hardware resources.
    I have no clue as to what the he!! your "Prime Minister" quote is supposed to mean in the context of this discussion, unless you're implying that you feel like a 21-year-old whippersnapper who knows everything.  From your avatar picture you look younger than I am.  Besides, I know of very few "prime ministers" who are, were or have been particularly knowledgeable about "everything", so that may not even be a requirement for the job. 

  • Safari is giving me a missing plug in message when I try to view things like movie trailers. The trailers play on Firefox, so I'm not sure what's missing from Safari.

    Safari is giving me a missing plug in message when I try to view things like movie trailers. The trailers play on Firefox, so I'm not sure what's missing from Safari.  I have Safari 5.0.6 and Mac OS X 10.5.8.

    I just noticed that it won't play some newsite videos anymore either. What plug in do I need to update (if that's the problem)?

  • Why exactly is a JSF IMP and a API, what is the difference?

    Why exactly is a JSF IMP and a API, what is the difference?
    I understand that JavaServer Faces technology is a framework for building user interfaces for web applications with a set of APIs for UI components and a custom tag library for expressing a JavaServer Faces interface within a JSP page.
    But, why is there a jsf-impl.jar and a jsf-api.jar?
    A clarification would be appreciated.

    CowKing: Thank you.
    In a discussion, when a developer refers to RI, they mean the jsf-api.jar only?
    I don't need the jsf-impl.jar in my compile class path nor in my SJSAS 8.2 domain library directory either?

  • Does TM overwrite or just replace what's missing?

    When I went on a business trip recently I had to delete about 15GB worth of music from iTunes to free up some hard drive space. When I got home i hooked up my iPhone to sync it and thought it would transfer all the music I had deleted. Needless to say it only transferred the purchased content and not my older tracks from physical CDs.
    Anyways... now I would like to go into Time Machine and replace JUST the files that I am now missing. However, this would be a laborious process so I would prefer to just click on the iTunes folder as a whole.
    My question is: would this overwrite my current one and therefore delete any new files ive purchased? Or just replace what's missing?
    Thanks in advance!

    TM gives you several options when you are restoring something. you can skip restoring files, you can overwrite them or you can keep both the original and the backed up copy. however, when you do this to a whole folder it will replace the whole folder. so this is not convenient in your case. what i suggest you do is copy your current itunes library to a different location (say, to the desktop) and then restore the old one replacing the current one completely. then import music from the copy you made on the desktop.

  • HT3775 I am using OS X Mountain Lion and I have this .avi file but not able to read. What is missing in my setup and what other file do I need to download to enable me to read?  I can read mp4 files though.

    I am using OS X Mountain Lion and I have this .avi file but not able to read. What is missing in my setup and what other file do I need to download to enable me to read?  I can read mp4 files though.

    Here is a link:
    I agree that VLC is also a good choice but MPlayerX is more user friendly.

  • What is missing part check in inventory

    Hi Experts,
    I want to know what is missing part check in inventory ?
    Thanks !

    Hi Dipika,
    A missing part is a stock of material that is already assigned to a goods issue at the time of goods receipt.This means that a current requirement could not be covered from existing stock(shortage or requirement undercoverage situation).As a rule,such a missing part bypasses the warehouse and ,upon receipt ,is forwarded directly to the point at which it is needed.However,this is only possible if the entered and the responsible materials planner are informed of such receipt.
    You must make following settings in customizing for <b><i>Inventory management and physical inventory under Goods Receipt>Set Missing Parts Check</i></b>
    1)<b>Activation of missing part check per plant</b>
    2)<b>Definition of a checking rule</b>
    3)<b>Specification of the details for control of the availability check</b>:To use the missing part check,you must enter a checking horizon for the missing part check.The checking horizon indcates for how many days in the future the system checks whether shortfall quantities exist for the material.Within the checking horizon,an email is sent from inventory management informing the materials planner that there has been a goods receipt for a missing part.
    4)<b>Assignment of checking rule:</b>At transaction level,the missing part check uses the same checking rules as the availability check.However,you have the option of maintaining different checking rules at movement type level.The checking rule of the movement type takes precedence over that of the transaction.Note that an entry for the movement type without an entry for the transaction has no effect.
    5)<b>Specification of the mail receipient(Email user):</b>The system sends the missing part message to materials planner(MRP Controller) responsible for the material.In order for this to happen,a user ID must be assigned to the materials planner
    6)<b>Specifications of missing part expediter</b>:If no user ID assigned to the responsible materials planner,the message is ent to the central missing part expediter responsible for the plant.This person is defined per plant.
    Reward if useful
    Thanks and reagrds

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    Thanks for quick reply
    But client do not want it to open through demand workbench
    instead contractor request requisition  should open in Sourcing super user and i should able to open through  document builder to make New RFQ

  • Which log file will give the info about what is missing in sales document

    Hello SAP gurus
    I am trying to send a quote from our application to get saved in SAP using .Net Connector. I get the following error messages
    S  V4   233  SALES_HEADER_IN has been processed successfully
    S   V4  233  SALES_ITEM_IN has been processed successfully
    W  V1  555  The sales document is not yet complete: Edit data
    I am looking for any kind of incompletion log that will give more info about what is missing etc.,
    Where can I find such a log. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated.

    Just check this path.
    Go to sales order->Edit->Incompletion log.
    This  tells your docuement status. If at all your document is incomplete,you can just see what all you are missing.

  • In CRM 2007 what is the code behind the Navigation bar?.

    In CRM 2007 what is the code behind the Navigation bar?.

    It might be in component CRMCMP_NAVBAR. However, so far I have been unable to get a break point to activate. Ideally on choosing an option from the navigation bar, like Service ticket, I would like the debug session to start before call the Service Ticket component.
    This is all in the aim of trying to determine why the initial startup of the Service Ticket is so slow.

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hi Consultants, WHere do we link between P.O and Delivery and how the system knows that a delivery should be done against  a P.O in STO process. Thanks in Advance. Siva

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  • Where is my account picture stored?

    I took a picture of myself using my iSight camera when I set up my MacBook. Where is the picture stored? Does someone have the Finder directory? I want to upload this same picture to YouTube for my profile.

  • LIS help needed : SD Extraction

    Hi Gurus I am fairly new to SD and am looking for some help regarding LIS I have setup a sales process which uses Inquiries > Quotation > Sales Order > Delivery Process. The Process is running fine. However when I am trying to get some basic reports