CRM roles

Are the roles/users defined in the mobile server same as R/3 or CRM roles or are they different.
Is it possible to use exisiting R/3 or CRM roles?

you can reuse user and role information in CRM or R/3 and replicate users automatically to the MI server (Web AS). You need to
1. assign a MiniApp (Type: Offline Application) to the role/s in the backend system in PFCG. Here it would make sense to create a install sequence on the MI server and then call the MiniApp exactly like the MCD.
2. Create a user group called "MESYNC" in the MI server
3. Execute role synchronization - Report "WAF_DEPLOYMENT_FROM_ROLES". That's it.
Then you have all the users copied over to the MI server, all having "init" as password, bundled in user group "MESYNC" and having the chosen applications assigned (see 1.).

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    Since you are relatively new to CRM I suggest you obtain and look through the Security Guide for your version of CRM. From there you might have more specific questions regarding your CRM role design. Its a great start.

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    No, the portal role will not be the same for the same CRM Role.
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    Muhammad Osman Yousuf

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    The portal roles drive the iView, workhseet, etc. The backend CRM roles give the needed authorization to run CRM.
    I assume your CRM Coordinator role is a custom role, you can either assign the standard CRM Portal Roles that provide the related iView for that backend role or create new CRM Portal Role using Content Admin. You can find the standard CRM portal roles by User Admin, change Search Criteria to Role and uses crm.
    Don't forget to check the permission on your new portal roles.
    Good luck.
    Hope this

  • SAP CRM Role assignment block - Customer cc

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    Thanks, Sue

    hi ahmedi khan,
    the role key what you have created that will be assign to your business role.
    go to CRMC_UI_PROFILE or
    SPRO >> Customer relationship Management >>UI Framework >>Business Roles >> Define Business Role
    click on your business role and under role config key you have to pass your custom role key..
    like this..
    go through this link you can get to know..
    The Usage of the SAP CRM Role Configuration Key –Detailed example
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Importing CRM roles into Portal

    Hi All,
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    Indranil Datta

    Hi Indranil
    SAP/CRM roles are built with transaction PFCG. Portal roles are built using portal tools. They have no direct connection.
    In theory you can upload SAP/CRM roles into the portal to become portal roles, but what do you gain? Every time you change the SAP/CRM role you need to upload it again..
    You are better to make portal roles that are assigned to portal groups that are the same as the PFCG roles. Maintain the portal roles manually, probably with a subset of the all the functions in the CRM role and assign them to the portal group that represents the FCG role.

  • Creation of MKK and Contract Account for New CRM Roles

    Hi Experts,
    I need a help in CRM for creating new roles and extending the same in R/3 in MKK role.
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    getting created in R/3 BP but it is not creating an MKK Role in FI-CA.
    The following steps can be used to simulate the problem
    Step-1: Create a BP in CRM with the ZCRM00 role. Please do not
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    Sold to Party role then the problem will not occur and Business does
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    be having Sold to Party Role
    Step-2: Create a Business Agreement for that BP
    Step 3: Go to R/3. Run Transaction FPP3 and search for the BP created
    in  role. The system throws the message "usiness Partner <BP
    Number> does not exist in the MKK Role".
    Step-4: If you go to the transaction CAA2 and enter the Contract
    Account Number (Appearing in the Business Agreement Tab of BP Business
    AGreement Tab in CRM) and the BP Number the system will say "Business
    Partner <BP Number> does not exist in the Contract Partner.
    I have already executed the steps mentioned in OSS Notes 632749 but it did not result into anything.
    Can anybody please help me to create the MKK role and Contract Account in R/3 for the newly created role in CRM. I understand this thing works fine for the Sold to Party role in CRM. I believe when SAP has given the flexibility to create new role in CRM, there will be some way to create the MKK role and contract account automatically (very much like Sold to Party) in R/3.
    Looking forward for your reply
    Karthi V

    Can you please guide us if you were able to resolve this issue and you were able to assign the MKK Contract partner role for the custom BP Roles.

  • Is file created by report CRMD_UI_ROLE_PREPARE mandatory in CRM Role Design

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    The CRM 7security guide mentions usage of file created by report CRMD_UI_ROLE_PREPARE for Designing role. Can anyone suggest, whether it is Manadatory to perform this report.
    I have designed Role, WITHOUT using this report.

    Hi Raghu, your explaination is not clear to me.
    my understanding-The report produces the file from a Business Role, which contains Services/BSPs,etc.... This file needs to be imported into Menu Tab, by option 'Import From File'. So, when these Services/BSPs are added into Menu tab, they will auto-populate their SU24 entries(authorization objects) in Authorization Tab(like in Transaction Codes)
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    Also, "you can import the file from PFCG profile menu" is not clear. Which MENU are you referring here? The MENU tab which contains Services/BSPs,Transaction Codesetc.. OR the MENU bar inside Authorization Tab
    Could you suggest on this, as i this is what i am desparately looking for

  • CRM - Role of technical resource

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    I would like to know what role technical (development) resource expected to play in CRM projects.
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    I would appreciate if you have spell out skills which are desirable and essential to work on CRM projects.
    Best Regards,

    Hi Nagendra,
                      I would suggest that you need to be good in the following areas for CRM technical role:
    1) Middleware Integration : This is a process for integrating CRM with R/3 back-end system and BW systems for different reports and data processing.
    2) Groupware Integration : For integration of CRM with Exchange Server and Lotus.
    3) CTI : This technology is used for Call Center Integration with SAP CRM
    4) BSP : From SAP CRM 2007 we have major role of BSP(se 80). For Z report you should know how to use it
    I think that all these are well within the scope of CRM technical consultant. The documentation for all these are available in SDN.
    Also it is very difficult to segregate the role of CRM Technical and Functional. You need to read and explore all the things on both sides to have a clear picture about the same.

  • Adding New BP Role In CRM 5.0

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    thanks in advance,

    Hi BPX Partners,
    It is not necessary to have same key for business Partners Mapping between CRM to ECC.
    But, it would be advisable to create the Z role instead of using the standard role. As, you can make any changes to Z role.
    In order to map the BP"s , you need to maintain settings in T code "PIDE" & PIDV" where in you can maintain mapping of CRM role to ECC Account group.
    Please let me know for any help you need on this.

  • Assign biz role through CRM -SU01 and display page at portal

    HI, SDN Fellows.
    I am creating some custom portal roles at portal and mapped it to the custom business roles for some PCUI screens at crmc_blueprint_c --> "Assign Portal Role to Single Role" ("Assignment of CRM Role to Portal Role").
    Currently, our portal UME data source is mapped to CRM system.
    Right now, I have to assign both the CRM Role through SU01(to have access the CRM Object Method at CRM-PCUI application) and Portal Role through User Admin of WAS/portal (to access/display the PCUI iView in the portal).
    My goal is to just assign role through CRM-SU01 and achieve the same output as I described above. Meaning can I just do the role assignment for the CRM role (through SU01) and able to access to the CRM-PCUI application through portal (able to see the pcui screen)?

    What I want is when I assign a role (Sales Manager) said user A in CRM system, userA should able to see the related workset/page/iviews in the portal (without the need to assign the same: Sales Manager role in portal).
    Now, what I have to do is assign the related objects into a single/composite roles in CRM (for backend data access), then I have to assign a portal role (through User Admin of Portal, so that they can see the portal content),
    is that a way we can do it in one step?

  • CRM Portal Role Copier

    Anybody used this tool?
    A portal role is linked to a backend single role.  SAP ships several standard portal roles / backend single roles specific to CRM.
    Since the CRM Portal Roles hyperlink between several portal iViews / PCUI applications within the Portal (this is setup in the backend on tables crmc_prt_role_mo & crmc_prt_role_rl).  To make things easier there is a role copied on the Portal (crm admin role)
    But I've tried using this by copying a crm backend single role and portal role that exists to a new single backend crm role and portal role.  So far hasn't work
    The documentation says make sure the single role and portal role exists - are they talking about the destination role?
    Also mentions addition to desitnation role field - what's this?

    To keep it clear ,using role copier copy CRM backend role to custom role whatever created on portal .Once portal role is generated assign that to user profile to get the object links .

  • API for CRM Html Roles

    how to deallocate/revoke CRM html roles using API?
    I found following API for assigning CRM roles:
    jtf_auth_bulkload_pkg.assign_role(username, role)
    Now I am unable to find API for deleting role assigned to particular user.
    Please suggest the way to find any API related good reference and also API for revoking role.
    what is functionality of jtf_auth_principals_pkg's delete_role function?
    from where it is called?
    Thank You.
    Swati Thakkar
    Edited by: Swati on Dec 30, 2011 3:49 AM

    From the user guide:
    Roles are groupings of permissions, which are page level or function level granular
    privileges used to maintain application security. A single user can be granted
    several roles, each of which separately determines access rights to the user interface
    details, the ability to perform certain transactions and the ability to access certain
    data sets. During the registration process, users are granted the appropriate set of
    roles that map to their job function. Although Oracle User Management contains the
    following predefined roles, users with the appropriate access privileges can also
    create and customize their own roles. JTA_UM_DELEGATION_ACCESS
    The JTA_UM_DELEGATION_ACCESS role is assigned the
    JTA_UM_DELEGATION_ACCESS permission and provides users with all of the
    access privileges associated with this permission. JTA_UM_SETUP_ADMIN
    The JTA_UM_SETUP_ADMIN role is assigned the JTA_UM_SETUP permission and
    provides users with all of the access privileges associated with this permission. JTF_APPROVER
    The JTF_APPROVER role is assigned the JTF_APPROVER permission and provides
    users with all access privileges associated with this permission. JTF_PRIMARY_USER
    permission and provides users with all access privileges associated with this
    permission. JTF_SYSTEM_ADMIN_ROLE
    The JTF_SYSTEM_ADMIN role is the global system administration role and
    contains all permissions required to access and operate the System Administration
    Console including JTF_SECURITY_ASSIGN_ROLE and JTA_UM_SETUP.

  • SAP CRM 7.0 and Enterprise Portal

    Dear SAP Gurus ,
    I have question about the New CRM WEB UI and integration to SAP Enterprise Portal .
    We have been using the SAP Enterprise portal for accesing the SAP CRM functionalities before (eg create Opporutnites and Sales Order ). But with the New SAP version(7.0 and 2007 ) its possible to  have its own portal.
    Now the question is it possible to integrate the NEW SAP WEB UI into the existing portal ? Eg: If we want to have link in Enterprise portal with the Sales Order create functionalyt direlty without going into the stand alone  CRM WEB UI  . Would it be possible to directly call the Sales order service WEB UI in enterprise portal . Right now what we see is that the NEW CRM WEB UI is stand alone and for these type of fuctionalites the user need to login to the NEW web ui and then go to the create sales order screen .
    Is it possible to directly embed the new UI components in the existing SAP enterprise portal ?
    Many Thank for your kind advise !
    Best Regards,

    Once you have correctly integrated to Portal following the SAP Note, you will no longer see the CRM Navigation. They will be Portal Navigation. If you have read and understood the note, it will be clear. On an overview, let me explain the steps involved.
    1. You create a CRM role (based on some job role) say "Sales Rep" and have configured the CRM Web UI for all the navigation and applications. Like Account maintenance, Opportunities, Sales order create etc. etc.
    2. Following the note and running a CRM transaction, you will now "Export" this CRM role to an external file. This file is very similar to a "business package". All the portal roles, pages, iVeiws etc. get created.
    3. You will now "Import" this into your portal. Again follow the notes to know the loaction.
    4. In the portal, you will assign this "portal role" to your users.
    When these users log on to portal, they will see Portal Navigation (not the CRM navigation). So, the main point lies in defining the CRM role and get it working.
    Hope you get the point....
    Easwar Ram

  • CRM 5.0 BP - Account Fact Sheet session pass to R/3 transaction iView

    I am using CRM 5.0 business package in EP 7.0 and I am customizing the "Sales Representative" CRM role in Portal.
    I navigate the 'Account Management - Overview' and select an account. Then I navigate to the 'Fact Sheet' link and I can automatically see the account selected earlier in the 'Fact Sheet Summary'.
    I have created an R/3 transaction iView which brings up the 'Sales Summary' transaction (vc/2). The session information about the account is not getting passed automatically to the transaction like it happened with the other links. Is there a way to pass the customer number from the existing session automatically to this R/3 transaction?

    We are encountering the same issue; have you had any luck?

Maybe you are looking for