Crosstab - Different Value Different Color

Post Author: tomahawk
CA Forum: Crystal Reports
I have a cross tab which has 3 columns (priority) The value of the column (Priority) comes from the database which can be either Critical, Major or Minor or all 3. For each priority, there is a value in the row area which is calculated as an average of duration for each priority. If the average is more than 3 for Critical i want the text value to be in red else green. If the value of average duration is more than 4 for Major, i want the text value to be in red else green and similarly, if the average is more than 7 for Minor, i want the text value to be red else green. I have tried the following formula but it does not help me.
If {VW_AVAPM_MTTR.PRIORITY} = "Critical" then    If Average ({VW_AVAPM_MTTR.DURATION}) <= 3 then        Formula = crGreen    else        Formula = crRed    End IfElseIf {VW_AVAPM_MTTR.PRIORITY} = "Major" then    If Average ({VW_AVAPM_MTTR.DURATION}) <= 4 then        Formula = crGreen    else        Formula = crRed    End IfElseIf {VW_AVAPM_MTTR.PRIORITY} = "Minor" then    If Average ({VW_AVAPM_MTTR.DURATION}) <= 7 then        Formula = crGreen    else        Formula = crRed    End IfEnd If
How do i write the correct formula for this?
Thanks in advance,

Check if any value date is entered in Budget profile. Currency translation happens with Exc rate available at value date for controlling area currency.
Hope this helps

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    it is not necesseary that you need to do that in WAD , you can do the same in BEx platform, Since WAD is build above the bex reports. so automatially any changes done in Report will be replicated in WAD
    Go for Exceptions in Bex. Give some range for Actuals and Forcasting at the creation of the exception.
    if you do those changes in BEX automatically it will replicate in the WAD.
    for more information please read this link
    hope this will solve your problem.

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    This is what i have done :
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    <style selector=".1">
    <includeStyle name="DefaultFontFamily"/>
    <property name="font-size">11pt</property>
    <property name="font-weight">Bolder</property>
    <property name="color">#008000</property>
    <property name="text-indent">3px</property>
    <style selector=".2">
    <includeStyle name="DefaultFontFamily"/>
    <property name="font-size">11pt</property>
    <property name="font-weight">Bolder</property>
    <property name="color">#FFFF00</property>
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    2. Sql query of the VO is :
    select comments,role ,decode(role,'REQUESTER','1','2') Colorattr from xxat_sars_action_history where request_id = :1 and event_name = :2 and action_code <> 'PENDING'
    order by sequence_num desc
    3. Coded the following in the process request of the controller:
    OATableBean table = (OATableBean)webBean.findIndexedChildRecursive("CommentsTB");
    OAMessageStyledTextBean roleBN = (OAMessageStyledTextBean)webBean.findIndexedChildRecursive("role");
    OADataBoundValueViewObject cssjob = new OADataBoundValueViewObject(roleBN,"Colorattr");
    roleBN.setAttributeValue(oracle.cabo.ui.UIConstants.STYLE_CLASS_ATTR, cssjob);
    where 1 and 2 form the colors ( i have even tried with 'Red' and 'Yellow' it was not working replaced with 1 and 2)
    4.The query returns data fine with corresponding 1 and 2 values.
    But different colors are not getting reflecting on to the UI.
    I am testing this on my local jdev.
    Please do let me know if i am missing something.
    Thanks ,

    Any Clues please.....

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    css - Set background color of every individual checkbox of p:selectManyCheckbox - Stack Overflow
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    <af:selectManyCheckbox label="List" id="smc2"
                          <af:selectItem label="text1" value="text1" id="si47"/>
                          <af:selectItem label="text2" value="text2" id="si43"/>
                          <af:selectItem label="text3" value="text3" id="si46"/>
                          <af:selectItem label="text4" value="text4" id="si45"/>
                          <af:selectItem label="text5" value="text5" id="si44"/>
    and I would like to color first selectItem text to orange, second to red.. etc, The list is a static list. Not would be changed.
    After Alejandro answer I build simple for each element (anyCollection contains item with two fields: textValue and label {(text1,text1), (text2,text2)...}
      <af:forEach items="#{bean.anyCollection}"
                            <af:selectItem id="si48" value="#{item.textValue}"  styleClass="yourClassName#{var.index}"
    And now if I have my var called "item" I can write 5 css style classe yourClassName#{var.index} with different color, but there is a problem:
    Attribute styleClass is not defined for af:selectItem
    If it will be so simple I will just add 5 style classes for each selectItem
    <af:selectItem label="text1" value="text1" id="si47" styleClass="yourClassName0"/>
    <af:selectItem label="text2" value="text2" id="si43" styleClass="yourClassName1"/>
    Should I use other component then adf facer rich?

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    Thank you for your time and efforts.
    Suchit Shah
    Graduate Student
    Electrical & Computer Engineering,
    Northeastern University,
    MA 02115
    Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer
    Go to Solution.
    block dia.JPG ‏45 KB
    front dia.JPG ‏122 KB

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    one for each value of Vgs. Looking in your forum I've found the code (21 kb) posted by Darin.K about a month ago that use Multiple
    plots and it is perfect for my goal because with this I can plot every curve with a
    different color. The only problem is that I like to plot my data in real time.
    The code, however, use a Loop with N=50, accumulates the values on the edge
    and plot at the end of the Loop the entire line.
    My question is if someone can explain me how to modify the code to plot the line
    point by point, so in real time and not at the end o the loop because I need to see
    the current values during the measurement and not only at the end.
    I think that I need to move the XYgraph inside the loop. I try but without lucky.
    Can anyone help me?
    thanks and sorry for my very bad english.

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    are loaded in (by using the "dataProvider" attribute) my dataGrid
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    dataGrid, but I don't think that is possible.
    ANY IDEAS AT ALL!! On how to change the color of the text in
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    HUGE!!! help. Or any info on how to setup a datagrid listener that
    listens for when a object (a row) from the arraycollection is added
    to the datagrid... Perhaps I could use that info some how to my
    email me, if you like I don't care I just need a answer to
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    item in that row based on array of rgb values, ARG!
    [email protected]
    thanx in advanced.

    <mx:Label color = "red" />
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    No the logo was created for print and I originally had used a pantone color but converted to CMYK.  The actual value is C69 M7 Y0 K0.  When my client inserts the eps file into her InDesign layout, it prints a bright aqua color and if she uses either the jpeg or tiff, it is a much different blue.  We've tried other colors because I was thinking it might just be the fact that it's a blue color... but the same thing happens to other colors. I am wondering if there is some sort of color management setting that is causing the eps to be different?

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    With a picture ring you can implement a 3 color button without any code. Look at the attached customized control.
    I have imported the picture of a boolean in three different items and
    colored them. I centered the text and hide/made transparent uneeded
    graphic elements. I set the size of the decrement arrow to cover all
    the picture and made it transparent so when you click on the control
    you decrement the value of the ring and change the picture/color
    Edit: you'll notice that the picture is not fullt covered by the
    decrement arrow so if you click near the bottom of the button, the
    picture ring will show its normal behavior displaying all 3 available
    Message Edité par Jean-Pierre Drolet le 07-07-2005 10:07 PM
    LabVIEW, C'est LabVIEW
    Attachments: ‏8 KB

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    CSF: North American Web/Internet  (RGB color space = sRGB),
    Proof Set-up: Internet Standard sRGB
    Proof Colors turned On.
    RGB Values:  R=0  G= 162  B=211
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    I expect I'm missing some difference in the two apps' behaviour.
    Any info from anyone experienced in this corner of the field appreciated.

    I've got some students who noticed that Illustrator and Photoshop display completely different colors on screen for eactly the same RGB values despite Color Settings being synchronized.
    Settings are:
    CSF: North American Web/Internet  (RGB color space = sRGB),
    Proof Set-up: Internet Standard sRGB
    Proof Colors turned On.
    RGB Values:  R=0  G= 162  B=211
    But colors displayed are not close between Ai and Ps.
    With Proof Colors turned off, both apps display the colors reasonably closely.
    I teach Photoshop and Print Color Management, so I admit my knowledge of how Illustrator handles screen proofing and proof set-ups for screen destinations is not comprehensive.
    I expect I'm missing some difference in the two apps' behaviour.
    Any info from anyone experienced in this corner of the field appreciated.

  • How to set input ready query cell is different color?

    Dear All
      Hi, everyone, hereby i have a IP question.
      i would like to know, how to set the input ready query's cell different color between those cell which is unable to change value one in workbook..?
    Example :
      For my workbook which have a input ready query,
      i have 4 rows for my input ready query report.
      For the first row which is not input ready cell and unable to change any value for the cell, then following rows's cell can be change value,
      so, i would like to make first row's color cell different with following row's cell.
      In additional, all value of cell is initial zero.
      therefore, is there any mehtod to make different color between able cell and unable cell?
    Thanks a million.

    Cells in the input ready query result have different styles given by SAP. All rows will have one style, column headings will have one style whereas input ready cells will have one style. If you are in Excel 2003, put cursor in the input ready cell, goto format -> style, you can see one BeX style attached to that cell, apply watever color you want for that style, save the workbook. If you do this for one cell, it will be applied to all the input ready cells by default. In the same way you can give different color to the non input ready cell styles. In Excel 2007, Cell styles are available in Home -> Cell styles. Here you can see all Bex related styles.

  • Different colors for same series in bar chart / "Deviation" Chart

    I calculate the absolute deviation for a certain characteristic - let's say 0CUSTOMER - with respect to an average value on a certain key figure - let's say "Sales".
    Let's say, the average "Sales" over 3 customers is 100 €.
    Customer 1 has "Sales" = 150 (-> deviation = +50)
    Customer 2 has "Sales" = 80  (-> deviation = -20)
    Customer 3 has "Sales" = 70  (-> deviation = -30)
    I'd like to show the positive and negative deviations (which build up one series) in a bar chart that is able to show the positive values in a different color than the negative values (green for positive; red for negative).
    I tried the bar chart of the WAD, but I have no idea, how I can have values of the same series be shown in two different colors depending on their value (e. g. positive vs. negative).
    Is there a way to smartly solve this problem?
    Thanks for any answer in advance.
    Best Regards,

    Hello Kai,
    I've already seen that value range functionality in the chart editor. But actually I'm doing my first steps concercnig the WAD and chart design - still quite unexperienced user
    I will give it a try with the value ranges... perhaps it helps me solving the problem. I will report on the outcome here.

  • A quick way to set different color for certain items in JList?

    is there a quick way of setting different color for certain items in JList?

    Either use HTML strings as the values in your JList (quickest, but may not be the most convenient, especially if your model isn't just text), or create your own ListCellRenderer (e.g. extend DefaultListCellRenderer).
    There is no such thing as "list.setItemForeground(int index, Color c)". You'll have to use one of the methods above.

  • How to set different color text in JTabe cell

    I have been searching many forums to find how can this be done, but no success.
    I have Custom JTable with MyTableRenderer which is nothing else but alternate the color of rows(cells), CustomTableModel extends DefaultTableModel adding functionality for updateCellContent with different messages.
    I have a column in which cells i want to set these messages in different color.They are not set by user's editing, and by updating the content using the table model.
    Here is the code for that
    public void updateCellContent(HashMap<String, String> messages, int col) {
            for (int row = 0; row < this.dataVector.size() - 1; row++) {
                //This value is hardcoded for now.
                boolean isError = true;
                String filename = getFilename(row);
                String message = messages.get(filename);
                if (message != null) {
                    if (isError) {
                        setErrorMessage(message, row);
                    } else {
                        setMessage(message, row);
        private void setErrorMessage(String message, int row) {
            this.setFileStatus(message, row);
        private void setMessage(String message, int row) {
            String value = (String) this.getValueAt(row, COL_FILE_STATUS);
            ((Vector) this.dataVector.get(row)).setElementAt(value + " " + message, COL_FILE_STATUS);
            fireTableCellUpdated(row, COL_FILE_STATUS);
    public void setFileStatus(String message, int row) {
            setValueAt(message, row, COL_FILE_STATUS);

    I have Custom JTable with MyTableRenderer which is nothing else but alternate the color of rows(cells)If I understand you correctly a better way to do this is to override the prepareRenderer(...) method of JTable. You can search the forum for my "Table Prepare Renderer" (without the spaces) example which shows how this can be done.
    I have a column in which cells i want to set these messages in different color.Then you need to use a custom renderer for that column.
    If you need further help then you need to create a [Short, Self Contained, Compilable and Executable, Example Program (SSCCE)|], that demonstrates the incorrect behaviour.

  • Set different color for one JTree node

    I managed to find how to set a color for Jtree nodes but the problem is that with my method all the nodes will b the same color whereas i'm looking to have nodes of different color depending on the situation.
    the method for setting all Jtree nodes the same color(other than black):
    new DefaultTreeCellRenderer() {
       public Color getTextNonSelectionColor() {
         return Color.lightGray; } });I WANT TO CHOSSE EACH COLOR FOR EACH NODE
    help plz

    You need to implement TreeCellRenderer interface
    public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree,
                                                  Object value,
                                                  boolean sel,
                                                  boolean expanded,
                                                  boolean leaf,
                                                  int row,
                                                  boolean hasFocus)You can know which node is rendering by check value argument. Please read DefaultTreeCellRenderer's code.

  • Ho to set different color to different Jtree Nodes

    In a JTree I need to remark with a different color the leaves that bring
    different categories of information.
    I wrote this function to achieve this purpose:
    private void assignRenderToTrees(JTree jTree, String category) {
             // a different color depending from the category
            Color color = null;
            String ssttrr = category.substring(0, 1);
            if (ssttrr.compareTo("*") == 0) {
                color = Color.YELLOW;
             if (ssttrr.compareTo("^") == 0) {
                color = Color.BLUE;
            // the same icon to all nodes
            String pathXopen = "resources_toShowMouth/oneToothGoodMod.gif";
            URL imgURLXopen = MedidentStart.class.getResource(pathXclose);
            ImageIcon iconXopen = new ImageIcon(imgURLXopen);
            if (iconXopen != null) {
                DefaultTreeCellRenderer renderer = new DefaultTreeCellRenderer();
            } else {
                System.err.println("Leaf icon missing; using default.");
        } // assignIconsToTree()But in this way, I don't get the selection for the leaf, depending for the category.
    Instead I get all the nodes with the same color.
    I can believe that this happen because I am getting the nodes of all the tree,
    instead the single nodes..., but I am not able to select a single node to
    assign the color...
    I would have an help to do it..
    thank you

    thank you for your kind answer.
    You are right..., JTree are a large framework that I don't know very good.
    ..So often I try to arrange a solution witouth to know good the environment where I am working ...
    This is the reason I changed the approch to the problem in the different time when I posted my ask.
    At any rate now I reproduced the problem selecting a part of my program.
    To use tree.setCellRenderer(renderer) is I found in an example that I was not
    able to reproduce.
    I hope to know what is wrong in the code I posted...
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.FlowLayout;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTree;
    import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionListener;
    import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode;
    import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer;
    import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel;
    public class SSCCE_ForPeriodontalCharting extends JFrame {
        PanelArcSupSx panelArcSupSx;//
        public SSCCE_ForPeriodontalCharting() {
            panelArcSupSx = new PanelArcSupSx();
            setSize(900, 300);
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            SSCCE_ForPeriodontalCharting xxx = new SSCCE_ForPeriodontalCharting();
    } // class SSCCE_ForPeriodontalCharting
    class PanelArcSupSx extends JPanel {
        JScrollPane jScrollPane[];
        JTree jTreeForArcSS[];
        DefaultMutableTreeNode[] rootNodeArcSS;
        Dimension dimPrefSemiArcPanels = new Dimension(850, 140);
        Dimension treePrefDim = new Dimension(100, 110);
        Dimension dimMinSemiArcPanels = new Dimension(650, 90);
        String[] treesContents = {        "* aaaaa - 2",     "* bbbbb - 2",
            "^ ccccc - 2",    "ddddd - 3",     "* eeeee - 2",
            "fffff - 6",    "* ggggg - 6",     "* hhhhh - 5",
            "* iiiii - 5",   "* kkkkkkk - 1",   "^ llllll - 5",
            "^ mmmmmmm - 2",   "nnnnnnn - 4",    "^ oooooo - 4",
            "* pppppppp - 4"};
        public PanelArcSupSx() { // costruttore
            setLayout(new FlowLayout());
            jScrollPane = new JScrollPane[8];
            jTreeForArcSS = new JTree[8];
            rootNodeArcSS = new DefaultMutableTreeNode[8];
            // arc sup Sx
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
                rootNodeArcSS[i] = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("    " + i);
                jTreeForArcSS[i] = new JTree(rootNodeArcSS); // create le 8 roots
    // assignIconsToRootInTheTree(jTreeForArcSS[i]);
    jScrollPane[i] = new JScrollPane();
    jScrollPane[i].setViewportView(jTreeForArcSS[i]); // mette il nodo nel Viewport
    add(jScrollPane[i]); // mette il Viewport nel pannello
    // attiva gli ascoltatori ....
    jTreeForArcSS[i].addTreeSelectionListener(new TreeSelectionListener() {
    public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) {
    } // for
    } // costruttore
    private void fillTrees() {
    for (int i = 0; i < treesContents.length; i++) {
    String strNmbr = treesContents[i].substring(treesContents[i].length()-1, treesContents[i].length());
    int nmbr = Integer.parseInt(strNmbr);
    addToothNodeForArcSupSx(nmbr, treesContents[i]);
    private void expandTrees(){
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    * @param toothNmbr
    * @param strTreatment
    private void addToothNodeForArcSupSx(int toothNmbr, String strTreatment) {
    DefaultMutableTreeNode newChild = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(strTreatment); // nuovo treatment da inserire
    DefaultTreeModel model = (DefaultTreeModel) jTreeForArcSS[toothNmbr].getModel();
    DefaultMutableTreeNode parentNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) model.getRoot();
    model.insertNodeInto(newChild, parentNode, 0); // 0 = assegnamo sempre come primo nodo
    } // assingTreatmentToTooth()
    private void assignColorToLeafInTheTree(DefaultTreeModel model) {
    MyCustomizedRendererForJTree renderer = new MyCustomizedRendererForJTree();
    JTree tree = new JTree(model);
    } // assignIconsToLeafInTheTree()
    private void activateDialogXshowTreatments() {
    // do anithing
    private void assignIconsToRootInTheTree(JTree jTree) {
    // do nothing now
    } // assignIconsToTree()
    } // class PanelArcSupSx
    class MyCustomizedRendererForJTree extends DefaultTreeCellRenderer {
    public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(
    JTree tree,
    Object value,
    boolean sel,
    boolean expanded,
    boolean leaf,
    int row,
    boolean hasFocus) { // costruttore
    tree, value, sel,
    expanded, leaf, row,
    DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) value;
    // String value = (String) val;
    String text = (String) node.getUserObject();
    String prefix = text.substring(0, 1);
    System.out.println("------------------ text = " + text + " prefix = " + prefix);
    // per quanto riguarda il colore ....
    if (prefix.compareTo("*") == 0) {
    // System.out.println("colore da usare giallo ");
    } else if (prefix.compareTo("^") == 0) {
    // System.out.println("colore da usare blu ");
    } else {
    // System.out.println("colore da usare bianco ");
    return this;
    } // costruttore

  • Plot a bar graph of 1D array with different color of each bar?

    Any one has example for a graph of 1 D array ( exp: [1,2,6,4,6]  with different color of each bar? I want to make a bar graph of 1 D array, exp :if the value >=5, the bar is red, value< 5 is blue.

    What's wrong with the solution I showed you over two weeks ago?
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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