Crosstab Query re Grouping Data into Value Ranges

I am trying to analyse some data in a Crosstab & have a query re grouping.
The data contains sales transaction info such as selling price, quantity etc. I would like to create a grouping in the Crosstab based on a sale price range (eg £0 - £10, £10 - £20 etc) so that I can show the total quantity sold in each price range.
To date my method has been to create a formula with Select Case which identifies each transaction into a price range. I would then use this formula in my Crosstab. The main issue with this method is that there will be a large number of Cases & the possibility this will need to be added to / modified going forward.
Whilst I think this will work I am hoping there is better method to follow?

Hi Jamie,
Thank you for your help.
I'm looking to group in increments of 10 so it looks like the Floor function will do the trick, thank you.
I'll probably use an If statement to do a "block" of prices at either end of the scale (ie < 100 then 100, > 1000 then 1000+ else Floor ({Sales Field},10). Hopefully this way I'll reduce the overall no of rows.
Thanks again for your help.

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    The following code with the CAML query for your reference:
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    More information about the CAML:
    Here is a tool will help you to build and test SharePoint CAML Queries:
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    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support

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    code1 21-jan-2012 tested
    code1 20-jan-2012 tested
    code1 01-jun-2012 tested
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    code3 04-jun-2012 tested
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    Hi, Sun,
    sun1977 wrote:
    Thanks EKH,
    Yes, in lines of the output of this query. Is it possible to,
    1. In the query, if condition is met, the it simply displays 1 else 0. Basically, we need to get the count of the number of the codes in that week. So if code 1 happened 5 times, it should show 5.Sure; use COUNT instead of MAX.
    2. Provide the output between two dates. Lets say, I have to do it for the last 14 weeks from sysdate. Then will the logic of week1 = 1 work?Use date arithmetic to get the number of days between the starting date and col2, then divide by 7 to get the number of weeks. Use that number instead of the value returned by TO_CHAR.
    3. any suggestions if the counts have to be changed to percentages. How can we have the percentage value showingYou can do that. Exactly how depends on exactly what you want. It may involve using the analytic RATIO_TO_REPORT function in a sub-query. Post the exact results you want from the sample data that Ekh posted (or new sample data that you post), and explain how you get those results from that data.
    4. Would we also be able to add a date bind value. Lets say, if the user selects start date as may, 1st, 2012 and end date as jun5th. It sort of shows the same data but in weekly format for the weeks between the period selected?Sure, just use those values in a WHERE clause. The output needs to have a fixed number of columns, however. Say that number is 14. You can give a range that only covers 5 weeks, but the output will have 9 0's at the end of every row. You can give a range that covers 15 or more weeks, but the weeks after 14 will not be shown. To get around that requires dynamic SQL (if you want each week in a real column) or string aggregation. See {message:id=3527823}
    Point 3 is different from point 1 as in, the first one would be maybe using your logic but hardcoding for 14 weeks. Point three would be a little more dynamic.
    Thanks for your time.
    Edited by: sun1977 on Jun 7, 2012 2:28 AM
    EXEC  :start_dt_txt := '01-May-2012';
    EXEC  :end_dt_txt   := '05-Jun-2012';
    WITH  got_week_num  AS
         SELECT  col1, col2
         ,     1 + FLOOR ( (col2 - TO_DATE (:start_dt_txt, 'DD-Mon-YYYY'))
                         / 7
                     )     AS week_num
         FROM    t
         WHERE     col2     >= TO_DATE (:start_dt_txt, ':DD-Mon-YYYY')
         AND     col2     <  TO_DATE (:end_dt_txt,   ':DD-Mon-YYYY') + 1
    SELECT       col1
    ,       COUNT (CASE WHEN week_num =  1 THEN 1 END)     AS week_1
    ,       COUNT (CASE WHEN week_num =  2 THEN 1 END)     AS week_2
    ,       COUNT (CASE WHEN week_num =  3 THEN 1 END)     AS week_3
    ,       COUNT (CASE WHEN week_num =  4 THEN 1 END)     AS week_4
    ,       COUNT (CASE WHEN week_num =  5 THEN 1 END)     AS week_5
    ,       COUNT (CASE WHEN week_num =  6 THEN 1 END)     AS week_6
    ,       COUNT (CASE WHEN week_num = 14 THEN 1 END)     AS week_14
    FROM       got_week_num
    GROUP BY  col1
    ORDER BY  col1
    ;Edited by: Frank Kulash on Jun 7, 2012 5:53 AM

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            to_date('06-Oct-2013','dd-Mon-yyyy') high_date,
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      from dates d,
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              max(prohibit_country_key) pkey
              dd_prohibited_country) a,
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              replace(prohibited_level_id,'EA','EUR') plevelid
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    Because you are not incrementing your pkey. Try like this.
       into dd_prohibited_country
    select a.pkey+b.pkey,
       from (select     max(prohibit_country_key) pkey
            from dd_prohibited_country) a,
         (select     row_number() over (order by prohibit_country_key)  pkey,
              replace(level_id,'EA','EUR') levelid,
              level_id_flg as ieflag,
              replace(prohibited_level_id,'EA','EUR') plevelid
            from     dd_prohibited_country
           where level_id = 'EA' or prohibited_level_id = 'EA') bNote: If you are in multiple user environment you can get into trouble for incrementing your PKey like this.

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    19-MAR-06 10:01 100
    19-MAR-06 10:02 100
    19-MAR-06 10:03 100
    19-MAR-06 10:04 100
    19-MAR-06 10:05 100
    19-MAR-06 10:06 100
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    19-MAR-06 00:00 0
    19-MAR-06 00:05 0
    19-MAR-06 10:00 400
    19-MAR-06 10:05 200
    Any suggest?

    SELECT times.all_time, NVL(real.sum,0)
       (SELECT  mintim + (level * (1/12/24)) - 1/12/24 AS all_time
        FROM    ( SELECT trunc(MIN(time),'DD') mintim
                       , trunc(MAX(time),'DD') + 1 maxtim
                  FROM   testtab
        CONNECT BY mintim + (level * (1/12/24)) - 1/12/24 <= maxtim
        ) times,
       (SELECT TRUNC(time,'HH24') +
              (TRUNC(TO_CHAR(time,'MI')/5)*5)/24/60 real_time, sum(data) sum 
        FROM testtab                      
        GROUP BY  TRUNC(time,'HH24') + (TRUNC(TO_CHAR(time,'MI')/5)*5)/24/60) real
    WHERE times.all_time = real.real_time(+)  
    ORDER BY times.all_time
    19-Mrz-2006     0
    19-Mrz-2006 0:05:00     0
    19-Mrz-2006 0:10:00     0
    19-Mrz-2006 0:15:00     0
    19-Mrz-2006 9:45:00     0
    19-Mrz-2006 9:50:00     0
    19-Mrz-2006 9:55:00     0
    19-Mrz-2006 10:00:00     400
    19-Mrz-2006 10:05:00     200
    19-Mrz-2006 10:10:00     0
    19-Mrz-2006 23:45:00     0
    19-Mrz-2006 23:50:00     0
    19-Mrz-2006 23:55:00     0
    20-Mrz-2006     0

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    Hi Salini
    Using BDC or LSMW might lead to some inconsistencies.
    Uploading of various infotype data depends upon its volume.
    There is a FM: HR_MAINTAIN_MASTERDATA through which you can upload the data. But this does for one record at a time. So the performance gets affected at times. Before calling this FM each time, clear the buffer using the FM:  'HR_PSBUFFER_INITIALIZE'. This will be of great help.
    Incase you want to upload all your data at once, you can use BAPI_HRMASTER_SAVE_REPL_MULT.
    Let me know incase you need any help in any of these.

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    Kind Regards,
    Mariya Stancheva

    i think you have to do it by your own code.

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    Please read the SQL and PL/SQL FAQ:
    SQL and PL/SQL FAQ
    especially the second question regarding how to post a question on the forums.

  • Grouping data sent to servlet

    I have an applet servlet pair and I'm having trouble grouping the data coming in from various clients. Let's say there are five clients connected to the servlet on individual threads. The data from clients A, B, and C need to be grouped together, while the data from clients D and E are grouped together. In reality the exact groupings are determined at runtime by the users, but for out example let's say this is how it has worked out. My idea was to create for each group an instance of some class, let's call it simply "clientGroup" on the server that holds and processes the data for each client group. So data coming in from clients A, B or C would be placed into clientGroup1, while any data that came in from D and E would be placed in clientGroup2. To do this it seems that I need to send some sort of metadata with the actual data I'm sending from the applet to the servlet that instructs the servlet "put this data into clientGroup1" or whichever. Reflexivity seems only to be able to create new objects of class clientGroup, not reference and edit existing instances like clientGroup1 or clientGroup2. So what can I pass along with my data to instruct the servlet in which class instance to put the incoming data?

    At least you should be able to identify clients to check to which group they belong. The client should for example be logged in and its group ID should already be known at the server side. Or let the client pass a specific parameter indicating the group ID. If you can do that, then it is just easy. Declare an applicationwide Map somewhere where you use the group ID as key and the group data as value.

  • Value ranges

           Can anyone tell me what is the use of value ranges. and Can anyoen plz give me example how to give data in value ranges table which is presnt in domain.
    thanking u all.

    A domain defines a value range. A domain is assigned to a data element. All table fields or structure components that use this data element then have the value range defined by the domain.
    <b>The value range of a domain is defined by specifying a data type and length (and number of decimal places for numeric data types).</b>
    The value range of a domain can be restricted by defining fixed values. If all the fields or components that refer to the domain should be checked against a certain table, this table can be defined as the value table of the domain.

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    I've been trying to solve this issue for a few days now without writing a sql script to create a "blank" for all of missing data points so that I get a bar for each month.  I have date series (by day) data points grouped by two items
    that creates a set of bar charts.  EG:  one chart per product in the tablix detail grouped to site level.
    My issue is I would like the start and end of the charts to be the same for all charts and the only way I get it to work is with a chart that continues to show each date on the chart. 
    I have the graph start and end points set and scaling by month as I would like but each bar is a day instead of aggregating to a month level.   My issue I hope to find a workaround for is if I go to Category Groups and define the grouping
    to group with a year and month function the series is no longer treated as date data and I cannot control scaling.  It works fine if all months have activity, but I can't figure out how to always have all charts start at "May 2012" in this example. 
    The only start and end point that I've been able to get to work once doing this are integer based, eg normal start would be 1 for each graph, but 1 doesn't equate to the same month from chart to chart.
    I hope SSRS can provide the solution.  I do know I can write a query that creates a ZERO value for each month/product/site but I don't want to leave the client with a query like that to support.

    Hi cybertosis,
    If I understand correctly, you want to display all month category label in the X-Axis. You have configure the Scalar Axis, however, it cannot display the requirement format.
    In your case, if we want the specific data format, we can configure Number property to set the corresponding Category data format. Please refer to the following steps:
    Right click the X-Axis, select Horizontal Axis Properties.
    Click Number in the left pane. Click Date option in the Category dialog box.
    Then, select Jan 2000 option.
    Please refer to the following screenshot below:
    If there are any misunderstanding, please feel free to let me know.
    Alisa Tang
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Alisa Tang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Crosstab Query for Remaining Revenue (Count, If, Date Between )

    Hi all, hope you had a great new year.
    I am wanting to create a crosstab query for my Projects which shows ProjectID in the row headers and Time Periods split into months quarter or year as the Column Headers using the [DateAgreed] from the Session table. 
    I have created crosstabs which show revenue from sessions and count of sessions with different time periods but i am trying to make it so that it counts only completed sessions from before the column date, so that i can then multiply by the [SessionCost].
    Any ideas guys?
    Here's what i have been working with;
    TRANSFORM Sum(([tblSession]![SessionCompleted]*[tblProject]![SessionCost])) AS Revenue
    SELECT tblProject.ProjectID, tblCompany.CompanyName
    FROM (tblSession INNER JOIN tblCompany ON tblSession.CompanyID = tblCompany.CompanyID) INNER JOIN ((tblProject INNER JOIN tblProjectMetrics ON tblProject.ProjectID = tblProjectMetrics.ProjectID) INNER JOIN qryProjectStatus ON tblProject.ProjectID = qryProjectStatus.ProjectID)
    ON (tblProject.ProjectID = tblSession.ProjectID) AND (tblCompany.CompanyID = tblProject.CompanyID)
    GROUP BY tblProject.ProjectID, tblCompany.CompanyName, tblProject.Total
    PIVOT Format([DateAgreed],"yyyy-mm");
    Thanks :)

    Hi Gord0oo,
    You could concatenates the data as a result and show in a cell.
    TRANSFORM Sum([tblProject]![SessionCost])) & ";" & Sum([tblSession]![SessionCompleted]) AS Revenue
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Split range of dates into rows

    I have a table which basically has an account id and two dates (from and to). Sample data:
    Account ID       Balance Amt        Valid From           Valid To
    100000524       104.32               29/07/2010         05/08/2010
    100000524       104.32               03/11/2010         25/12/2010
    100000365       104.32               29/07/2010         05/08/2010What I currently do is that I loop on each record (per Account and Order by valid From). Then each row I processed into this query to split it into multiple rows - final result should be that for each of the month on the range I'll get the last day of it. See below for results:
    select account_id, balance_amt,
           last_day(add_months(valid_from_dttm, level - 1)) as valid_to_dttm
    FROM d
                                                        TRUNC(valid_from_dttm, 'Month'))
                                      ) + 1 lvl
                          FROM dual )
    Account ID       Balance Amt        Valid To
    100000524       104.32               31/07/2010        
    100000524       104.32               31/08/2010 It's pretty slow since I do it row by row. Is there any other way (faster) to do this? Thanks.
    I forgot to say is that one of the trouble I'm getting here is that the dates are overlapping e.g.:
    Account ID       Balance Amt        Valid From           Valid To
    100000524       104.32               29/07/2010         05/08/2010
    100000524       65                     05/08/2010         25/10/2010
    100000524       10                     25/10/2010         20/12/2010So in this case the August month should only be displayed once with the value of 65 since it's the "latest".
    Edited by: mortonmorton on Apr 25, 2011 2:14 AM
    Edited by: mortonmorton on Apr 25, 2011 2:19 AM

    Hi Guys,
    I've tried both your queries and it's the same issue I'm getting which is duplicate rows of the month end dates. So using the model clause above (just tweaking the data):
    with d as
    ( select 100000524  account_id, 104.32 balance_amt, to_date('29/07/2010','DD/MM/YYYY') valid_from_dttm,  to_date('05/09/2010','DD/MM/YYYY') valid_to_dttm from dual union
      select 100000524, 16.32,  to_date('05/09/2010','DD/MM/YYYY'), to_date('25/12/2010','DD/MM/YYYY') from dual union
      select 100000365 , 104.32,  to_date(' 29/07/2010 ','DD/MM/YYYY'), to_date('05/08/2010','DD/MM/YYYY') from dual
    select account_id, balance_amt,  last_day(add_months(valid_to_dttm,-1)) new_valid_to_dttm
    from d
    partition by (account_id, balance_amt, valid_from_dttm, valid_to_dttm vtd)
    dimension by (0 d)
    measures (valid_to_dttm,  valid_from_dttm vfd )
    valid_to_dttm[for d  from 1 to
                          MONTHS_BETWEEN (LAST_DAY (valid_to_dttm[0]), TRUNC (vfd[0], 'Month') )
                          increment 1] =   add_months(valid_to_dttm[cv()-1],1)
    order by account_id, valid_to_dttm
    100000365                     55.63     31/07/2010
    100000365      55.63     31/08/2010
    100000524      104.32     31/08/2010
    100000524      104.32     30/09/2010
    100000524      104.32     31/10/2010
    100000524      16.32     30/11/2010
    100000524      16.32     31/12/2010
    100000524      16.32     31/01/2011
    100000524      16.32     28/02/2011But expected output should be:
    100000524                104.32     31/07/2010
    100000524      104.32     31/08/2010
    100000524      16.32     30/09/2010
    100000524      16.32     31/10/2010
    100000524      16.32     30/11/2010
    100000524      16.32     31/12/2010
    100000365                55.63     31/07/2010
    100000365      55.63     31/08/2010One thing to note here is the September month which had a final value of 16.32 - it overlapped the previous entry of 104.32.

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    or either the system date is inserted with query .
      plz help me

    bhavishya wrote:
    sir all thing is working well now only tell me how we can insert date into ms access database which is input by user .
    insert into db2(bookname,studentname,date) values('"+bname+"','"+sname+"',date_format)";{code}
    or either the system date is inserted with query .
    plz help me
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