CRVS2010 Beta - Unable to find the report in the manifest resources

I upgraded to VS2010 Beta where we soon encountered this error.
Unable to find the report in the manifest resources. Please build the project, and try again.
at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.EngineExceptionUtils.DoThrowException(String message, EngineExceptionErrorID id)
   at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ExceptionThrower.ThrowEngineException(String messageID, EngineExceptionErrorID id)
   at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportClass.Load(String reportName, OpenReportMethod openMethod, Int16 parentJob)
   at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.EnsureLoadReport()
   at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.SetDataSourceInternal(Object val, Type type)
   at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.SetDataSource(IEnumerable enumerable)
Searching the forums I saw some similar issues. Here is how the issue was solved on my end.
Looking at the properties of the crystal report file in VS2010 the Build Action was "None". After setting it compile things worked as normal. The exception made sense after finding the cause.
I'm not sure if this was caused by VS2010 as my organization was in the middle of migrating to TFS 2010 that may have caused an issue.
Hope this helps someone.

Cliff, thank you very much for sharing this soution with the community. Once CRVS2010 RTMs, I'll create a KBase on it.
Happy coding,

Similar Messages

  • CRVS2010 beta - How to email a report from the viewer

    So, I know I can export and print a report directly from the report viewer, but I need to be able to click a button on the viewer and then email a PDF version of the report.  Is this, or something like this, possible?

    You'll have to add your own button to the menu bar, there are multiple ways to do this and then you can use this code to export:
                rptClientDoc = new ReportClientDocument();
                CrystalDecisions.Shared.PdfRtfWordFormatOptions pdfOpts = CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportOptions.CreatePdfRtfWordFormatOptions();
                CrystalDecisions.Shared.MicrosoftMailDestinationOptions mailOpts = CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportOptions.CreateMicrosoftMailDestinationOptions();
                CrystalDecisions.Shared.DiskFileDestinationOptions diskOpts = CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportOptions.CreateDiskFileDestinationOptions();
                CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportOptions exportOpts = new CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportOptions();
                pdfOpts.UsePageRange = false;
                exportOpts.ExportFormatOptions = pdfOpts;
                diskOpts.DiskFileName = "";
                mailOpts.MailMessage = "See attached Action Plan";
                mailOpts.MailSubject = "Action Plan";
                mailOpts.MailToList = "";
                exportOpts.ExportDestinationOptions = mailOpts;
                exportOpts.ExportDestinationType = CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportDestinationType.MicrosoftMail;
                exportOpts.ExportFormatType = CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
    Thank you

  • Unable to find the report in the manifest resources

    <p>Hi!</p><p>I have problem using Crystal Report documents created in Visual Studio 2005 using the build-in version of Crystal Reports. If I create a project from scratch with one report and then some code to initialize and export the report to disk I get the following error message:</p><p>"Unhandled Exception: CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.LoadSaveReportException: Unable to find the report in the manifest resources. Please build the project, and try again."</p><p>I have tried using both the "Embedded resource" and the "Content" options during build, but with no luck at all. When using the Content option I explicitly load the rpt-file but no luck at all. Do anyone have a clue to what the problem is? I have absolutely no idea. The things worked in Visual Studio 2003 but not in 2005. What is the manifest resource?</p><p>Would really appreciate some help, thanks in advance!</p><p>My source code is below.</p><p>Best regards<br />Lars</p>class Program {<br /><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">   public</font> <font color="#0000ff">static</font> <font color="#008080">TableLogOnInfo</font> CreateConnectionInfo(<font color="#0000ff">string</font> userID, <font color="#0000ff">string</font> password, <font color="#0000ff">string</font> serverName, <font color="#0000ff">string</font> databaseName) {<br />         <font color="#008080">TableLogOnInfo</font> conInfo = <font color="#0000ff">new</font> <font color="#008080">TableLogOnInfo</font>();<br />         conInfo.ConnectionInfo.UserID = userID;<br />         conInfo.ConnectionInfo.Password = password;<br />         conInfo.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = serverName;<br />         conInfo.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = databaseName;<br /><font color="#0000ff">         return</font> conInfo;<br />   }<br /><br /></font><font color="#0000ff"><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">   public</font> <font color="#0000ff">static</font> <font color="#008080">ReportClass</font> CreatePersonalWillReport(<font color="#008080">TableLogOnInfo</font> conInfo, </font><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">string</font> personID) {<br />           </font><font size="1"><font color="#008080">ReportClass</font> doc = <font color="#0000ff">new</font> <font color="#008080">ReportClass</font>();<br />           </font><font size="1">doc.Load(<font color="#800000">@"C:\Utveckling\reports\main\ClassLibrary1\bin\Debug\CrystalReport1.rpt"</font>);<br />           </font><font size="1"><font color="#008080">List</font><<font color="#008080">ReportParameter</font>> parameters = <font color="#0000ff">new</font> <font color="#008080">List</font><<font color="#008080">ReportParameter</font>>();<br />           </font><font size="1">parameters.Add(<font color="#0000ff">new</font> <font color="#008080">ReportParameter</font>(<font color="#800000">"@personID"</font>, personID));<br />           </font><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">return</font> ApplyReportParameters(doc, parameters, conInfo);<br />   }</font></font><font color="#0000ff"> <p>&#160;</p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">   public</font> <font color="#0000ff">static</font> <font color="#0000ff">void</font> ExportReportToDisk(<font color="#0000ff">string</font> fileName, </font><font size="1"><font color="#008080">ReportClass</font> report, </font><font size="1"><font color="#008080">ExportFormatType</font> formatType) {<br />           </font><font size="1">report.ExportToDisk(formatType, fileName);<br />   </font><font size="1">}</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">   protected</font> <font color="#0000ff">static</font> <font color="#008080">ReportClass</font> ApplyReportParameters(<font color="#008080">ReportClass</font> report, <font color="#008080">List</font><<font color="#008080">ReportParameter</font>> paramList, </font><font size="1"><font color="#008080">TableLogOnInfo</font> conInfo) {<br />           </font><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">foreach</font> (<font color="#008080">Table</font> t <font color="#0000ff">in</font> report.Database.Tables) {<br />               </font><font size="1">t.ApplyLogOnInfo(conInfo);<br />           </font><font size="1">}</font></p><p><font size="1">           <font color="#0000ff">foreach</font> (<font color="#008080">Section</font> s <font color="#0000ff">in</font> report.ReportDefinition.Sections) {<br />                  </font><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">foreach</font> (<font color="#008080">ReportObject</font> ro <font color="#0000ff">in</font> s.ReportObjects) {<br />                        </font><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">if</font> (ro.Kind == CrystalDecisions.Shared.<font color="#008080">ReportObjectKind</font>.SubreportObject) { <br /></font><font size="1"><font color="#008080">                             SubreportObject</font> sro = (<font color="#008080">SubreportObject</font>)ro;<br />                             </font><font size="1"><font color="#008080">ReportDocument</font> doc = sro.OpenSubreport(sro.SubreportName);</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">                             foreach</font> (<font color="#008080">Table</font> t <font color="#0000ff">in</font> doc.Database.Tables) {<br />                                  </font><font size="1">t.ApplyLogOnInfo(conInfo);</font></p><p><font size="1">                             }<br />                        </font><font size="1">}<br />                  </font><font size="1">}<br />           </font><font size="1">}<br /><br />           </font><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">foreach</font> (<font color="#008080">ParameterFieldDefinition</font> paramField <font color="#0000ff">in</font> report.DataDefinition.ParameterFields)  {<br />                </font><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">foreach</font> (<font color="#008080">ReportParameter</font> rp <font color="#0000ff">in</font> paramList) {<br />                     </font><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">if</font> (paramField.Name == rp.Name) {<br />                         </font><font size="1"><font color="#008080">ParameterValues</font> pv = paramField.CurrentValues;<br />                         </font><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">string</font> s = (<font color="#0000ff">string</font>)rp.Value.Value;<br />                         </font><font size="1"><font color="#008080">ParameterDiscreteValue</font> pdv = <font color="#0000ff">new</font> <font color="#008080">ParameterDiscreteValue</font>();<br />                         </font><font size="1">pdv.Value = s;<br />                         </font><font size="1">pv.Add(pdv);<br />                         </font><font size="1">paramField.ApplyCurrentValues(pv);<br />                     </font><font size="1">}<br />                </font><font size="1">}<br />            </font><font size="1">}</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">           return</font> report;</font></p><p><font size="1">       }</font></p><p>&#160;</p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">          static</font> <font color="#0000ff">void</font> Main(<font color="#0000ff">string</font>[] args) {<br />               </font><font size="1"><font color="#008080">TableLogOnInfo</font> conInfo = CreateConnectionInfo(<font color="#800000">"username"</font>, <font color="#800000">"password"</font>,<br />                                                                                </font><font size="1"><font color="#800000">"server"</font>, <font color="#800000">"database"</font>);<br />               </font><font size="1"><font color="#008080">ReportClass</font> report = CreatePersonalWillReport(conInfo, <font color="#800000">"-1291000956"</font>);<br />               </font><font size="1">ExportReportToDisk(<font color="#800000">"C:\temp\report.pdf"</font>, report, <font color="#008080">ExportFormatType</font>.PortableDocFormat);<br />           </font><font size="1">}</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"><summary></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> Helper class that contains parameter key/value pairs.</font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"></summary></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">protected</font> <font color="#0000ff">class</font> <font color="#008080">ReportParameter</font> {</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"><summary></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> The parameter name.</font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"></summary></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">private</font> <font color="#0000ff">string</font> name = <font color="#0000ff">null</font>;</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"><summary></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> The parameter value.</font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"></summary></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">private</font> <font color="#008080">ParameterDiscreteValue</font> value = <font color="#0000ff">new</font> <font color="#008080">ParameterDiscreteValue</font>();</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"><summary></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> The parameter name.</font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"></summary></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">public</font> <font color="#0000ff">string</font> Name {</font></p><p><font size="1"><font
    color="#0000ff">get</font> {</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">return</font> <font color="#0000ff">this</font>.name;</font></p><p><font size="1">}</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">set</font> {</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">this</font>.name = <font color="#0000ff">value</font>;</font></p><p><font size="1">}</font></p><p><font size="1">}</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"><summary></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> The parameter value.</font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"></summary></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">public</font> <font color="#008080">ParameterDiscreteValue</font> Value {</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">get</font> {</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">return</font> <font color="#0000ff">this</font>.value;</font></p><p><font size="1">}</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">set</font> {</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">this</font>.value = <font color="#0000ff">value</font>;</font></p><p><font size="1">}</font></p><p><font size="1">}</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"><summary></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> The constructor.</font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"></summary></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"><param name="name"></font><font color="#008000">the parameter name</font><font color="#808080"></param></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#808080">///</font><font color="#008000"> </font><font color="#808080"><param name="value"></font><font color="#008000">the parameter value</font><font color="#808080"></param></font></font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">public</font> ReportParameter(<font color="#0000ff">string</font> name, <font color="#0000ff">object</font> value) {</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">this</font>.name = name;</font></p><p><font size="1"><font color="#0000ff">this</font>.value.Value = value;</font></p><p><font size="1">}</font></p><p><font size="1">}</font></p></font>

    Â Have you read the CRnet_deployment.doc if not it may help fix your problem (It didnt mine but hey you may be lucky) See
    I have a similar issue but in using the bundled CR package. I'm trying to use CR in a Web Service called from a Compact Framework device. I've confirmed I'm using the correct Merge Modules & my Build Actions are all set as stated in the CR Application Deployment document but it still spits out Unable to find the report in the manifest resources
    I've looked extensively on the net and while others have had this problem the only advice I've seen revolves around embedded build actions and using the correct merge modules. There must be something else causing this problem and some one who has found a way round it?!?
    If your that someone please take 5 minutes out and help a couple of guys in distress?
    Thanks in advance,

  • Unable to find the report in the manifest resources. Please build the project, and try again.

    The error is received when i transfer the .exe file, bin\Debug folder to another machine:
    Unable to find the report in the manifest resources. Please build the project, and try again.
    The error is issued when i try to open the form that contain the Crystal report viewer, I already checked the properties of the report file and it says "Embed Resource" in the "Build Action"
    This error is not visible on my development machine where visual studio is installed, anybody know what i should install on the other machine for this to run.
    I'm using C#, WinForms, .net 2.0, VS 2005.

    Fronde Systems Group: 
    Setting the build action to Embedded resource  is working
    in my local machine which has Visual studio 2003 installed. But when i deploy the same on Server
    (server has no .net framework installed on it), it keeps failing. I get the the following error:
    "ERROR Thrown from Crystal Reports ===> An undocumented error occured" which is triggered when it is Unable
    to find the report in the manifest resources.
    Please suggest me guys.... 
    [email protected]

  • SummaryInfo exception - Unable to find the report in the manifest resources. Please build the project, and try again.

    I've inherited the ReportClass.
        public class PReport : CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportClass
            protected DataSet dataSet;
            public override void Export(CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportOptions exportOptions)
            public override void SetDataSource(DataSet dataSet)
                this.dataSet = dataSet;
    public void main()
    PReport report = myObject.CreateReport();
    report.SummaryInfo.ReportSubject = this[CriteriaName].StringValue; <<< exception
    in the debug mode, when passing the line, I obtain:
    -          report.SummaryInfo     'report.SummaryInfo' threw an exception of type 'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.LoadSaveReportException'     CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.SummaryInfo {CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.LoadSaveReportException}
    Unable to find the report in the manifest resources. Please build the project, and try again.
    I have rebuit the project bat the behavior didn't change.

    the same exception  message I obtain when calling
    public override void SetDataSource(DataSet dataSet)
                base.SetDataSource(dataSet); <<< here

  • Unable to find analytics reports in bi publisher 11g

    Want to create a report based on Oracle BI Analysis in BIPublisher.
    Trying to create a datamodel by selecting Oracle BI Analysis as data source. But unable to find analytics reports.

    Hi Surya,
    How are you collecting the BI content.
    In BI content select the datasource and collect data flow afterwards. You will get update rule in it.

  • Alert subscription data source module encountered errors while running: Alert subscription data source module was unable to find alerts that match the subscription because of database errors.

    Hi,    We recently started getting these errors a couple times a day.   There are 12 of them in total.     We also have exactly 12 subscriptions.   Does this indicate some db issue causing all of these
    to fail?
    Alert subscription data source module encountered errors while running: Alert subscription data source module was unable to find alerts that match the subscription because of database errors.
    The following error(s) were encountered:
    Exception Message: ExecuteScalar requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is closed.
    One or more workflows were affected by this.
    Workflow name: Subscription8b108a3e_4e3d_4fd0_b67e_cbfc21cd10b8
    Instance name: Alert Notification Subscription Server
    Instance ID: {E07E3FAB-53BC-BC14-1634-5A6E949F9230}
    Management group: A Company Management Group
    Thanks Lance

    Do you have hotfixes applied?
    Also, I found a relevant thread for your reference.
    Alert subscription data source module encountered errors while running</u1:p></u1:p>
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Type-mapping not working correctly, get "Unable to find a javaType for the xmlType" WARNING

    I'm manually creating a web-services.xml file, and using the autogen ant task to
    generate the codec XML/Java classes. The XML definition is provided by SAP.
    The ant build.xml file:
    <project name="buildWebservice" default="stubgen">
    <target name="stubgen">
    <clientgen ear="C:\projects\RMIS\ifrrequests\RMIS.ear"
    autotype="False" />
    <target name="all" depends="stubgen"/>
    The problem is seen below in the output from Ant. Note the WARNINIG. The problem
    is that the xml type cannot be mapped to the Java type.
    C:\projects\RMIS\ifrrequests>ant -buildfile clientbuild.xml
    Buildfile: clientbuild.xml
    [clientgen] Generating client jar for RMIS.ear ...
    [clientgen] WARNINIG: Unable to find a javaType for the xmlType:['urn:sap-com:do
    cument:sap:business']:PaymentRequest.Create. Make sure that you have registered
    this xml type in the type mapping
    [clientgen] Using SOAPElement instead
    [clientgen] Compiling 4 source files to C:\DOCUME~1\944377\LOCALS~1\Temp\rmisws-
    [clientgen] Building jar: C:\projects\RMIS\ifrrequests\rmisws-client.jar
    Total time: 17 seconds
    The Java source that has the implementation of the service methods is simply:
    package com.aa.rmis.webservice;
    import com.aa.rmis.ifr.request.*;
    public class TestService
    public TestService()
    public int serviceRequest(PaymentRequestCreate request)
    System.out.println("Received serviceRequest message");
    return 0;
    public void testStringRequest(String request)
    The web-service.xml file is attached, which contains the schema for the SAP PaymentRequest.Create
    object definition.
    Another problem I have, which is probably related, is that the service method
    that has a complex data type (non-built in data type) is not being deployed into
    the WebLogic server. But the other service method that simply takes a String
    parameter is.
    The steps I took are:
    1. Get XML from SAP Interface Repository (IFR) for PaymentRequest
    2. Use ant task autogen to generate the request codec classes
    3. Create the web-services.xml file by inserting the schema definition and the
    mapping file created by the autogen task, and defining the operations
    4. Build web-services.war file that contains all autogen compiled class files,
    the web-services.xml file, and the service implementation class
    5. Build the ear file that holds the web service files
    6. Use the clientgen ant task to generate (included above) to generate the client
    jar file that should contain the proxy for both of the service methods
    * WebLogic 7.02
    * JDK 1.3.1_06
    * JBuilder 9 Enterprise
    * Ant 1.4
    Possible causes:
    * Namespace not being used correctly
    * copied verbatim the mapping xml file generated by autogen into the web-services.xml
    * xml-schema part of web-services.xml might not be set correctly
    * operation definition might not be using the correct namespace
    * Classpath used for ant might not be right
    * Doubt this is the problem, but I'm out of other ideas
    * Set by using the setWLEnv.cmd file provided by WebLogic
    * Tried adding the generated classes directory for my project to the classpath,
    but did not work
    I've been referencing the Programming WebLogic Web Services document throughout
    this entire process. I must be missing something.
    Can anybody from BEA help me out with this problem?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi JD,
    I spent a few cycles looking over your web-services.xml file, however I
    don't have any suggestions other that one that looks like you have
    already tried, at the top, in the <schema...>
    Making edits to these generated files can be tricky and my only
    suggestion is to create a small reproducer to run by our outstanding
    support team.
    A quick look at our problem database shows one issue (CR095109) related
    to a similar problem at deploy time that was fixed with 7.0SP3. Again,
    the support folks will be able to help focus in on the issue.
    JD wrote:
    The first posting contains the wrong web-services.xml file. Please refer to this
    one instead.
    "JD" <[email protected]> wrote:
    I'm manually creating a web-services.xml file, and using the autogen
    ant task to
    generate the codec XML/Java classes. The XML definition is provided
    by SAP.
    The ant build.xml file:
    <project name="buildWebservice" default="stubgen">
    <target name="stubgen">
    <clientgen ear="C:\projects\RMIS\ifrrequests\RMIS.ear"
    autotype="False" />
    <target name="all" depends="stubgen"/>
    The problem is seen below in the output from Ant. Note the WARNINIG.
    The problem
    is that the xml type cannot be mapped to the Java type.
    C:\projects\RMIS\ifrrequests>ant -buildfile clientbuild.xml
    Buildfile: clientbuild.xml
    [clientgen] Generating client jar for RMIS.ear ...
    [clientgen] WARNINIG: Unable to find a javaType for the xmlType:['urn:sap-com:do
    cument:sap:business']:PaymentRequest.Create. Make sure that you have
    this xml type in the type mapping
    [clientgen] Using SOAPElement instead
    [clientgen] Compiling 4 source files to C:\DOCUME~1\944377\LOCALS~1\Temp\rmisws-
    [clientgen] Building jar: C:\projects\RMIS\ifrrequests\rmisws-client.jar
    Total time: 17 seconds
    The Java source that has the implementation of the service methods is
    package com.aa.rmis.webservice;
    import com.aa.rmis.ifr.request.*;
    public class TestService
    public TestService()
    public int serviceRequest(PaymentRequestCreate request)
    System.out.println("Received serviceRequest message");
    return 0;
    public void testStringRequest(String request)
    The web-service.xml file is attached, which contains the schema for the
    SAP PaymentRequest.Create
    object definition.
    Another problem I have, which is probably related, is that the service
    that has a complex data type (non-built in data type) is not being deployed
    the WebLogic server. But the other service method that simply takes
    a String
    parameter is.
    The steps I took are:
    1. Get XML from SAP Interface Repository (IFR) for PaymentRequest
    2. Use ant task autogen to generate the request codec classes
    3. Create the web-services.xml file by inserting the schema definition
    and the
    mapping file created by the autogen task, and defining the operations
    4. Build web-services.war file that contains all autogen compiled class
    the web-services.xml file, and the service implementation class
    5. Build the ear file that holds the web service files
    6. Use the clientgen ant task to generate (included above) to generate
    the client
    jar file that should contain the proxy for both of the service methods
    * WebLogic 7.02
    * JDK 1.3.1_06
    * JBuilder 9 Enterprise
    * Ant 1.4
    Possible causes:
    * Namespace not being used correctly
    * copied verbatim the mapping xml file generated by autogen into
    the web-services.xml
    * xml-schema part of web-services.xml might not be set correctly
    * operation definition might not be using the correct namespace
    * Classpath used for ant might not be right
    * Doubt this is the problem, but I'm out of other ideas
    * Set by using the setWLEnv.cmd file provided by WebLogic
    * Tried adding the generated classes directory for my project to
    the classpath,
    but did not work
    I've been referencing the Programming WebLogic Web Services document
    this entire process. I must be missing something.
    Can anybody from BEA help me out with this problem?
    Thanks in advance.
    Name: web-services.xml
    web-services.xml Type: ACT Project (text/xml)
    Encoding: base64

  • Unable to view FF reports in the front-end of FF 5.2 tool

    After installing the FF tool on Netweaver, I am unable to see the reports from the back-end (R/3) system. The R/3 system has the FF 5.2 RTA installed and a user Id defined to connect to front-end of FF 5.2.
    I configured the FF 5.2 connector, but still am unable to view reports from the front-end.
    any suggestions would be helpful.

    I was able to resolve the issue by maintaining the gateway in the SAP adapter and running the transaction /VIRSA/ZRTCNFG on the abap side
    thanks for the suggestions

  • Nmew32rg.dll - Unable to find EM location in the registry : RegQueryValue f

    Hi All,
    I am getting below error while installing companions "" (32-bit) (HTTP server) on Windows 2008 sp2 64-bit machine.
    .....CALL INTO REGISTRY.....
    DLL TO LOAD = \nmew32rg.dll
    Unable to find EM location in the registry : RegQueryValue failed
    REGISTRY VALUE = nullThis happens only if I do installation from command line by using response file. From OUI interactive installer it is being installed properly.
    ORACLE_HOME (db) = C:\oracle\Database\oracleDB\
    Companion disk:           C:\oracle\Oracle10g\companion
    Modified response file:   C:\oracle\Oracle10g\companion\oracle.companionCD.midtier.rsp
    Command to install:
    "C:\oracle\Oracle10g\companion\install\oui.exe" -silent -nowait -force -waitforcompletion FROM_LOCATION="C:\oracle\Oracle10g\companion\stage\products.xml" ORACLE_HOME=C:\oracle\Database\oracleDB\OHS ORACLE_HOME_NAME=oracle_10gOHSHome -responseFile C:\oracle\Oracle10g\companion\oracle.companionCD.midtier.rspThe machine already has "" database installed.
    Can you please suggest what additional things I need to take care to install companions using response file?

    Thanks Werner for reply !! I was really looking for any reply of my thread.
    I think it is useless to mention because something I did which is not supported,
    1. I installed "" database on w2k8 sp2 (64-bit) machine which is supported DB version for w2k8 environment.
    2. Companions are available for w2k8 64 bit but HTTP server is not there. It is only available in "". This is a x86 (32-bit) setup and while doing interactive mode installation it is passing all prereq checks on x64 and not showing me any information to not to use this setup for x64. Also, it works fine after installation but not working in command-line installation.
    One last question,
    Will Oracle provide support on fixing this issue if I contact them or raise SR ?

  • CRVS2010 Beta - Problems with printing Crystal Reports for VS 2010

    Good afternoon,
    We have the following problem, we used the version of Crystal Reports that came integrated with visual studio for several years. But we are migrating to the version of Visual Studio 2010, and we are using the version of Crystal Reports for this same version, running on screen is correct, and run all the reports, but in print there is a failure we could not solve. Our customers use printers dot matrix as the "Epson LX300 +", but when you print the report leaves the impression defective in the previous version of Visual Studio 2005 "The impression is quite clear, we have attempted to overcome this problem with the options of PrintMode with activex and pdf in the CrystalReportViewer, and RenderingDPI option with multiple values. Obviously when using other types of printers such as laser or inkjet printing is perfect, but due to cost our customers use the printers mentioned. The server where the application is Windows server 2008 and client computers are windows xp, windows 7, windows vista. As network hardware and printers are working properly, and from other applications and from the other server with versions of Crystal Reports If anyone knows how to solve this problem I would like to receive support and ideas.
    Subject modified as per the sticky post at the top of this forum; [Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 Beta - read before posting|Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 Beta - read before posting;
    Edited by: Ludek Uher on Oct 11, 2010 3:42 PM

    I have a question about printing reports. We are using VS2008 and the CR reportviewer with printmode = ActiveX. Many of our users absolutely hate the number of steps they must go through and the time it takes to print a Crystal Report when printmode = PDF. In our environment several times per day, we need to produce hard copies of reports for legal reasons. Making the users first render the report, then had it off to Adobe to print simply takes too much time which is why we are using the ActiveX print control.
    We recently started looking at VS2010 and discovered the issue with the unbundling of Crystal Reports. We have not downloaded CR for VS2010 yet.
    My question is this: for VS2010, what happened to the ActiveX print control? I read somewhere that it was going to become some WPF-type thing but there weren't many details about that. So when a user clicks on the print button in the Crystal Report Viewer intended for VS2010, what can they expect? Can they still print straight to a printer (is there something that gives them this capabitliy like the Active X print control did?), or has that capability been deprecated and they have to go through PDF? Thanks in advance for any information you can give me.

  • The drop down menus in Photoshop CC 2014 are too small to read without using the magnifier.  They are OK in Photoshop CC.  I have been unable to find anyplace to adjust the font size.  I have Windows 7 Pro.  Looking at the Photoshop version history, it lo

    The drop down menus in Photoshop CC 2014 are too small to read without using the magnifier.  They are OK in Photoshop CC.  I have been unable to find anyplace to adjust the font size.  I have Windows 7 Pro.  Looking at the Photoshop version history, it looks like this problem comes and goes as Photoshop is updated.  It should be an easy fix.

    Try the Photoshop CC 2014 Preference experimental section 2X UI option

  • Alert subscription data source module was unable to find alerts that match the subscription because of database errors.

    We have been seeing this error in the Operations Manager Event Log for quite a while.
    Alert subscription data source module was unable to find alerts that match the subscription because of database errors.
     The following error(s) were encountered:
     Exception Message: ExecuteScalar requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is closed.
    One or more workflows were affected by this.  
    Workflow name: MMEA_1348391424 
    Instance name:
    Instance ID: {88AED57C-5627-0C0B-E5C1-A9176A7E64CD} 
    Management group: SCOMr2
    I haven't been able to spot any network outage on the management servers, or the database servers to indicate a problem.  It usually happens at night, and when I look at the health explorer, the entity is healthy.
    Please would someone help me in finding the root cause of this issue and what can be done to avoid it.
    There were no backups running when this alert was generated.  As far as I'm aware, everything was idle.
    I would appreciate any help.

     Exception Message: ExecuteScalar requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is closed.
    Based on the Error it seems the below for me
    1. Either SCOM is unable to connect to the operationsmanager / operationsmanagerDW for its transactions on subscriptions
    2. Or the SMTP server which your SCOM is using to relay emails has closed the connection.
    So my suggestion would be you check the above for issues.
    There were no network hiccups that I can see.  Minimal disk activity.  I've looked for any signs of database load, and haven't seen anything that jumps out.
    Emails were going through just fine.  These alerts get emailed to me, and if the SMTP server is 'closed' SCOM is usually quite sensitive and alerts about that too.  I've seen it.

  • Mail was unable to find your reply to the message ".....

    I keep getting this message when I try to look for a reply from within mail by clicking on the reply arrow in the inbox that shows I've replied to the message:
    "Mail was unable to find your reply to the message "...." You may have deleted the message."
    This only happens when looking for sent items from my Exchange account. The feature works correctly on all of my gmail accounts.
    I have verified in the preferences that this account is set up (box is checked) to properly "Store sent messages on the server".
    Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Cheers for that. Yes they match,  the sent folders are the same both locally and on the web interface.  They both updating almost instantly when i send something. 
    The problem is when replying, although both sent folder views contain the sent item, the little reply arrow cannot link to replied sent item.  I have attached an image of the message:

  • TS3276 Apple Mail cannot find replies or forwarded emails -- the little arrows on the left of the list of emails: "Mail was unable to find your reply to the message '[subject of message]'. You may have deleted the message."  I did not delete the message.

    Apple Mail cannot find replies or forwarded emails -- the little arrows on the left of the list of emails: "Mail was unable to find your reply to the message '[subject of message]'. You may have deleted the message."  I did not delete the message.  Bug in the program, or am I missing something?

    Of course they're in my Sent folder.  Then why can't Apple Mail find them?

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