1.     I CANu2019T create the installation with VB6 with Crystal Report XI. What I miss?
2.     We have upgrade CR9 to CR XI in a VB6 program. When we do report.printout if we put the  parameter [PromptUser]= true  the report doesnu2019t print. I need to do this and show
3.     Sometimes the selection formula in the report doesnu2019t work. For example two time yes and then no. WHY ???
Public ApplicazioneCR As New CRAXDRT.Application
Public rptReport As New CRAXDRT.Report
Public rptFamigliaParametri As CRAXDRT.ParameterFieldDefinitions 'x passaggio parametri
Public rptParametri As CRAXDRT.ParameterFieldDefinition 'x passaggio parametri
    'Imposto la formula di selezione per i dati
     If Not IsNull(strFormulaDiSelezione) And strFormulaDiSelezione <> "" Then
          rptReport.RecordSelectionFormula = strFormulaDiSelezione
          If Err.Number > 0 Then
               MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "Errore nella selezione"
               Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
               Exit Sub
          End If
     End If

Hi There
Did you get a resolution to your problem?
Steve A Jones MCP, MCAD

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    Please ignore my earlier post -- answered my own question.
    NULL parameter values do not get replaced by default values in SQL -- that is normal behavior in both SQL 2000 and SQL 2005. Just goes to show, that no many how many years programming experience you have, you can still get tripped up sometimes : (

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    Ajax 1.0
    Crystal Reports version 10.5.3700.0
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    Thank you.

    Thanks Ludek. I got it by searching KB number.
    Unfortunately, it didn’t fix my problem even my IE (IE8 and IE 9) has correct setting.  I double check my version. PrintControl.CAB is version we use VS 2005 Crystal report and VB .NET. It works fine on HTTP. But when we use HTTPS (SSL Certificate from go daddy).
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    Please advise.
    Thank you very much!

  • Query Engine report error with Crystal Report 9 And MS SQL SErver 2000

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    "Table Not Found" Error is coming.Later I Found that In stored procedure for certain conditions only this error comes.But I cant resolve it.
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    ELSE IF ISNULL(@intSourceID,0) = 10 Or ISNULL(@intSourceID,0) = 11 Or ISNULL(@intSourceID,0) = 12 Or ISNULL(@intSourceID,0) = 13 Or ISNULL(@intSourceID,0) = 14  
    IF ISNULL(@intSchemeID,0) <> 0  
    Select* From table
    ELSE IF ISNULL(@intSchemeID,0) = 0  
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    Can any one help me....plz....I m in such a critical situation...

    Currently I m doing a report with Crystal Report 9 and MS SQL as back End.I used a stored procedure to fetch data from DB.The Stored procedure works properly with query analyzer . But when I take report through application
    "Table Not Found" Error is coming.Later I Found that In stored procedure for certain conditions only this error comes.But I cant resolve it.
    Can any One check any pblm with this query
    ELSE IF ISNULL(@intSourceID,0) = 10 Or ISNULL(@intSourceID,0) = 11 Or ISNULL(@intSourceID,0) = 12 Or ISNULL(@intSourceID,0) = 13 Or ISNULL(@intSourceID,0) = 14  
    IF ISNULL(@intSchemeID,0) <> 0  
    Select* From table
    ELSE IF ISNULL(@intSchemeID,0) = 0  
    When I comment the above codes , report works fine....
    Can any one help me....plz....I m in such a critical situation...
    Refer the above statement highlighted in BOLD. That statement is WRONG. Select what ???? Try any one of the below statement,
    select ''
    select 0
    select null
    Regards, RSingh

  • Crystal report 11 and IIS

    Post Author: lijolawrance
    CA Forum: Exporting
    Hi to all
    We are using crystal report 8.5 for my application till now. The reports are viewed online using IIS and report viewer. Due to some technical infeasibility, we have planned to switch to crystal report 11. Can anyone tell me that how can i migrate to this using the IIS. I want to open my report online like (http:
    localhost:8099\report.rpt user earlier)./can anyone help me in that

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    CA Forum: Data Connectivity and SQL
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  • Crystal Reports 9 and Dot Net 2 SP2

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    Hi Brian,
    Moved your post to the Legacy SDK forum.
    Which report engine are you using in your app?
    Cr 9 is end of support long time ago so nothing we can do to fix this other than to upgrade to CR for .NET components. Or possibly CR XI R2 and the RDC if that is what you are using.
    What error do you get?

  • Crystal Reports 2008 and Postscript

    I think I have to start a new thread for this. Originally I described the problem here:
    Printing Crystal Report to Postscript
    Now we upgraded our Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005 to the latest version - CR 2008 SP0. We had purchased the full version to be able to print the postscript files correctly, without any prompts for the file name, because I've read that this was a bug in the old versions, but it had been fixed. But I still cannot do this.
    I'm trying to print my reports to the postscript file:
    PrinterSettings ps = new PrinterSettings();
    ps.PrinterName = "TRADEPOSTSCRIPT";
    ps.PrintFileName = txtPath.Text.Trim() + "
    " + txtFormNo.Text.Trim() +
    ps.PrintToFile = true;
    rpt.PrintOptions.CopyFrom(ps, ps.DefaultPageSettings);
    rpt.PrintToPrinter(1, true, 0, 0);
    I'm still getting prompt for the file name.
    This doesn't make any sense - the path and file name are specified in my code. The whole project will be useless for us if the users will be getting prompts.
    Could you please help me how to solve this issue?
    Thank you,
    Peter Afonin

    I am trying to print and specify a filename to a postscript printer as well. However, my version of crystal reports in Visual Studio 2008 does not come with this method....
    reportDocument.PrintToPrinter(printerSettings, pageSettings, True) ?  
    I have checked and there does not exist an overloaded method in the object browser for this 'PrintToPrinter' method that would accept PrinterSettings object??
    The only method I have is as below:
    public virtual void PrintToPrinter(int nCopies, bool collated, int startPageN, int endPageN)
        Member of CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument
    Prints the specified pages of the report to the printer selected using the PrintOptions.PrinterName property. If no printer is selected, the default printer specified in the report will be used.
    nCopies: Indicates the number of copies to print.
    collated: Indicates whether to collate the pages.
    startPageN: Indicates the first page to print.
    endPageN: Indicates the last page to print.
    My version is Crystal Reports Basic and is what comes with VS 2008 (not upgraded):
    From  the GAC:
    CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine, Version=10.5.3700.0
    Please help.

  • Converted to Crystal Reports 2008 and now have an issue with deployment

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    CA Forum: Deployment
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    Verifying file integrity of C:\DOCUME1\lauriew\LOCALS1\Temp\VSD1B7B.tmp\CrystalReports 12.0\CRRuntime_12_0_mlb.msiWinVerifyTrust returned 0File trustedError: Setup has detected that the file 'C:\DOCUME1\lauriew\LOCALS1\Temp\VSD1B7B.tmp\CrystalReports 12.0\CRRuntime_12_0_mlb.msi' has changed since it was initially published.
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    I'm having the same problem ! Can someone help me with this problem ????

  • Crystal 10 RCD and Windows (Advanced) Print Dialog Box

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    Ahhh, what you're looking for is descibed in note #[1212245|] - How to use the Printer Setup dialog box.

  • Crystal Reports 11 and 8.5

    I have a 8.5 Crystal Report Server and need to update reports. We can't find our 8.5 license and needed to know if I can run a Cyrstal report written in version 11 and run on a 8.5 server.

    Hi Tom,
    No, Crystal Reports 8.5 file format can be read by CR 9 and above but CR 9 and above reports cannot be read by CR 8.5 and below. We updated CR 9 to fully support UNICODE and therefore the file format in CR 9 and above is not backward compatible or readable by CR 8.5.
    Only option is to try to find an old copy of CR 8.5 and valid license.
    Thank you

  • Crystal Reports 11 and 8.5 Compatibility

    Post Author: mcneillb
    CA Forum: Deployment
    Can an application running Crystal Reports 11 and a legacy application running Crystal Reports 8.5 co-exist on the same system?  The legacy application is a vb6 app and just uses the crystal report viewer.  If they canu2019t what needs to be fixed or otherwise changed?
    It appears if the legacy app is installed last, then the Crystal Reports 11 application is broken (its report viewer doesnu2019t work).

    Hello Javier,
    There isn't going to be much, if any, DLL files that are compatable with both. When version 9 was made it was redesigned from the ground up to be Unicode compliant. When this was done all DLL files that worked with the old versions would not work with the new versions.

  • Crystal Reports - Saving and the transport request screen

    Good morning BI people,
    Has anyone had this annoyance?
    You are creating a Crystal report(2008 v12.2.7.598) with connection to sap bi(7.01) and when you save, the transport request screen doesn't come up front of crystal reports, it is created behide the screen. so, you sit and look at the hour glass for 5 mins, move on to other things, and then you realize that the transport screen is behide the crystal reports screen. and, it is not like you can minimize the crystal screen. you have to minimize all your screens and then click on the crystal screen from you tool bar and then, the transport screen comes up.
    anyone have a fix for this?
    or am i alone....

    Hi Brad
    I'm not sure that Modules would show us anything in this case, so let's try a few other things:
    1) Make sure you are using SP 1 for Crystal Reports Basic Runtime for Visual Studio:
    Crystal Reports for VS 2005 and VS 2008 Updates & Runtime Downloads
    2) Seeing as this works on dev, this may be some db inconsistency so enabling the report option "Verify on 1st Print" will be a good idea.
    3) Double check the database client and make sure the same client is used on dev and deployed systems. Actually I take back my Modules negative as this is where it may prove useful. Once you have the Modules logs, look at who is loading the crpe32.dll, then look at that process and see the client dlls.
    4) Check the printer driver; see if there are any updates. Try a different printer driver.
    Ten subreports is not too bad, though not that good either as you are loading the report engine with at minimum 11 simultaneous reports (each subreport is considered to be a report). If a subreport is in a details section and the details section returns a 100 records, you are running 100 + 1 reports. This may lead to memory issues, which may lead to the error.
    If I was a betting man, I'd put most of my money on the printer driver (based on your last addition to your post). What ever money I had left would go to some database issue (be it actual data or client related).
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow us on Twitter

  • Oracle8i with Crystal Report 8 and ASP

    Hai there
    am new to Oracle8i.
    am using Crystal Report 8 and 8.5, Windows NT, IIS, Oracle8i.
    i created a simple query report in Crystal report 8 and coded a
    asp todisplay at client browser but i cant view the report.
    the CRviewer controle is displayed but no report
    Server has not yet been opened.
    please help me
    thanking you

    CR was released well before .NET framework 3.5. Mo test would have been done. Only option is to not install 3.5 or upgrade to CR 2008 which supports 3.5 framework. Also will require you to update your app to ASP.NET.

  • Crystal Report - Cube and OLAP concept

    could anyone please provide the good url for to learn Crystal Report - Cube and OLAP concept.

    Moved to OLAP forum

  • Crystal report 9 and framework 3.5

    I have a dot net application using framework 1.1 and crystal 9 ( stand alone version and not the version shipped with visual studio ). I converted this application to use framework 3.5 ( studio 2008 ) and I was able to call my old version 9 reports from the application on my machine( I have crystal 9 installed on my machine).
    My question is what do I need to do to install this application on a machine where crystal 9 is not  installed. My old installer which used to install the crystal dependencies doesn't work I get error Unable to open report : Could not load file or assembly CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms, Version 10.5.3700.0.
    Can i create a new installer using a different crystal merge module? If yes where can I get that merge module which will help me deploy my application compiled in framework 3.5 but which needs to call reports created with crystal version 9.

    I tried to include 'CRRedist2008_x86.msi in  the setup project but then it gives following errors :
    WARNING: Error merging 'CRRedist2008_x86.msi': Unable to merge data from the merge module because it conflicts with existing data in the package.
    MergeModule: table='Directory' row='ProgramMenuFolder'
    Database: table='Directory' row='ProgramMenuFolder'
    WARNING: Error merging 'CRRedist2008_x86.msi': Unable to merge data from the merge module because it conflicts with existing data in the package.
    MergeModule: table='Directory' row='DesktopFolder'
    Database: table='Directory' row='DesktopFolder'
    WARNING: Error merging 'CRRedist2008_x86.msi': Unable to merge data from the merge module because it conflicts with existing data in the package.
    MergeModule: table='Property' row='ProductName'
    Database: table='Property' row='ProductName'
    WARNING: Error merging 'CRRedist2008_x86.msi': Unable to merge data from the merge module because it conflicts with existing data in the package.
    MergeModule: table='Property' row='ProductCode'
    Database: table='Property' row='ProductCode'
    WARNING: Error merging 'CRRedist2008_x86.msi': Unable to merge data from the merge module because it conflicts with existing data in the package.
    MergeModule: table='Property' row='SecureCustomProperties'
    Database: table='Property' row='SecureCustomProperties'
    WARNING: Error merging 'CRRedist2008_x86.msi': Unable to merge data from the merge module because it conflicts with existing data in the package.
    MergeModule: table='Property' row='ProductVersion'
    Database: table='Property' row='ProductVersion'
    WARNING: Error merging 'CRRedist2008_x86.msi': Unable to merge data from the merge module because it conflicts with existing data in the package.
    MergeModule: table='Property' row='Manufacturer'
    Database: table='Property' row='Manufacturer'
    WARNING: Error merging 'CRRedist2008_x86.msi': Unable to merge data from the merge module because it conflicts with existing data in the package.
    MergeModule: table='Property' row='DefaultUIFont'
    Database: table='Property' row='DefaultUIFont'
    WARNING: Error merging 'CRRedist2008_x86.msi': Unable to merge data from the merge module because it conflicts with existing data in the package.
    MergeModule: table='Property' row='UpgradeCode'
    Database: table='Property' row='UpgradeCode'
    WARNING: Error merging 'CRRedist2008_x86.msi': Unable to merge data from the merge module because it conflicts with existing data in the package.
    MergeModule: table='Control' row='ErrorDialog,Y'
    Database: table='Control' row='ErrorDialog,Y'
    WARNING: Error merging 'CRRedist2008_x86.msi': Unable to merge data from the merge module because it conflicts with existing data in the package.
    MergeModule: table='Control' row='ErrorDialog,A'
    Database: table='Control' row='ErrorDialog,A'
    WARNING: Error merging 'CRRedist2008_x86.msi': Unable to merge data from the merge module because it conflicts with existing data in the package.
    MergeModule: table='Control' row='ErrorDialog,C'
    Database: table='Control' row='ErrorDialog,C'
    WARNING: Error merging 'CRRedist2008_x86.msi': Unable to merge data from the merge module because it conflicts with existing data in the package.
    MergeModule: table='Control' row='ErrorDialog,ErrorText'
    Database: table='Control' row='ErrorDialog,ErrorText'
    WARNING: Error merging 'CRRedist2008_x86.msi': Unable to merge data from the merge module because it conflicts with existing data in the package.
    MergeModule: table='Control' row='ErrorDialog,I'
    Database: table='Control' row='ErrorDialog,I'
    WARNING: Error merging 'CRRedist2008_x86.msi': Unable to merge data from the merge module because it conflicts with existing data in the package.
    MergeModule: table='Control' row='ErrorDialog,N'
    Database: table='Control' row='ErrorDialog,N'
    WARNING: Error merging 'CRRedist2008_x86.msi': Unable to merge data from the merge module because it conflicts with existing data in the package.
    MergeModule: table='Control' row='ErrorDialog,O'
    Database: table='Control' row='ErrorDialog,O'
    WARNING: Error merging 'CRRedist2008_x86.msi': Unable to merge data from the merge module because it conflicts with existing data in the package.
    MergeModule: table='Control' row='ErrorDialog,R'
    Database: table='Control' row='ErrorDialog,R'
    WARNING: Error merging 'CRRedist2008_x86.msi': Unable to merge data from the merge module because it conflicts with existing data in the package.
    MergeModule: table='Dialog' row='Cancel'
    Database: table='Dialog' row='Cancel'
    WARNING: Error merging 'CRRedist2008_x86.msi': Unable to merge data from the merge module because it conflicts with existing data in the package.
    MergeModule: table='Dialog' row='DiskCost'
    Database: table='Dialog' row='DiskCost'
    WARNING: Error merging 'CRRedist2008_x86.msi': Unable to merge data from the merge module because it conflicts with existing data in the package.
    MergeModule: table='Dialog' row='ErrorDialog'
    Database: table='Dialog' row='ErrorDialog'
    WARNING: Error merging 'CRRedist2008_x86.msi': Unable to merge data from the merge module because it conflicts with existing data in the package.
    MergeModule: table='Dialog' row='FilesInUse'
    Database: table='Dialog' row='FilesInUse'
    WARNING: Error merging 'CRRedist2008_x86.msi': Unable to merge data from the merge module because it conflicts with existing data in the package.
    MergeModule: table='UIText' row='NewFolder'
    Database: table='UIText' row='NewFolder'
    WARNING: Error merging 'CRRedist2008_x86.msi': Unable to merge data from the merge module because it conflicts with existing data in the package.
    MergeModule: table='UIText' row='SelLocalLocal'
    Database: table='UIText' row='SelLocalLocal'
    ERROR: Unable to import merge module 'S:\TEMP\CrystalReports10_5\CRRedist2008_x86.msi'
    Any ideas,

  • CR XI R2: Crystal Reports freezes and crashes when I try to open a report

    I added this question as a Reply to a message by nic2deep a month ago <Crystal Reports freezes every time I try to open a report.>, but got no response so I thought I'd try again on my own.
    I have 2 laptops with CR XI installed (same problem from original R2 through SP 5). The old laptop is an IBM Thinkpad R51. The new one is an HP Elitebook 6930p. Both have the exact same software and versions of Win XP and network security.
    If I try to open a report that has an "invalid printer" selected, it will open in the old IBM (with the message, 'This report uses an invalid printer. The default printer will be used instead'), but on the new HP, it freezes and I have to do a CtlAltDel to get out.
    I've tried everything Don Williams suggested to nic2deep:
    1) Open Contol Panel and add/remove programs and select CR. Do a repair install and if possible use the Custom Options and install all DB drivers and Export options, except Lotus Notes, unless you' re using them.
    Results: Tried many times with no effect.
    2) It may be that your firewall setting or anti-virus software is blocking access to system files or resources. When you do the repair install make sure to disable them and un-plug yourself from the network so you protect your PC while they are off line.
    Results: Firewall was always OFF because network security handles all that. Can't turn off anti-VIrus, but both computers have the same antivirus system anyway.
    3) Look in the System and Application Event logs in Admin tools; it may give you a clue what your PC is trying to get to and being denied.
    Results: The only thing that is logged in Admin Tools when this happens is a "Security/Privilege Request" with no errors.
    Clearly, when CR in the HP looks for the printer selected in the report and doesn't find it, that causes CR to freeze.
    Any idea what difference between the 2 machines could cause this? Something in the Registry?
    This is a royal pain, because I can only be on one computer at a time.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Debi,
    Because in CR XI R2 it is WYSIWYG meaning we use both the display and the printer drivers to render the report. Same as what PDF does. If we can't find the printer the report was designed against, and all the placements of each object is dependent on the printer when designed, we have to default to your default printer to be able to calculate internally when to render the report objects and format the layout thus the message from CR indicating so.
    Basically CR dynamically builds the page layout dependent on the local system. Also the reason why CR requires a default printer to be installed, if it's not then we use Microsoft's Generic Print driver. It's not that reliable either but we have to use something.
    And another "for your info" is the same for our database drivers. Example, if you create a report off of MS SQL Server and then you want to view the SQL CR generates you need to log on first. This way CR can query the DB client and generate the SQL according to the DB. If you just want to see the SQL you could just set location to Access, problem with this is because CR dynamically generates the SQL according to the DB you set lcoation to we may change the SQL Statement and not actually show you what the report uses when connecting to the real database.
    One of the side effects of supporting so many DB's and Printers and Video drivers. Sometimes drivers do non-standard functionality which CR did not anticipate or code on how to handle.....
    This all changed in CR 2008, we are not as dependent on the printer driver but this created a whole new set of problems if you hadn't noticed from all the Printer problems posted.... But we are going back to the CR XI R2 printer functionality model to resolve all of the issues....
    Thanks again

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