CS3 or Elements 6?

Hi all,
I am trying to find out if it is worth buying CS3 in stead of elements 6. Surprisingly, nobody has been able to tell me what the difference exactly is.
The best I got so far was that elements is a trimmed down version of CS3 but what more can I do with CS3?
As I am in England, CS3 would cost me about $1100, as opposed to $650 in the US, which is a bit much if you don’t know exactly what you get for that amount.
It says something on the adobe features section about BETTER raw processing, but not compared to what. Old version? Other software? Better than nothing?
I will be running it under XP, and the only use will be to optimise images from a digital camera in RAW format, 90%, and a jpeg (10)%, partially for web use, partially for prints.
The most common things are:
Correcting exposure when pics are unevenly lit.
Correcting color temperature.
Removing unwanted parts of a picture e.g. somebody stepping into the picture, advertising signs or copyrighted material.
Altering color of small parts of an image like that of a single flower in a bouquet.
Removing blemishes in portraits.
The photos will always stay single photos, I can not foresee any use for slide shows, animations, video or anything related.
From what I have been able to find out so far, it seems that Elements 6 will do all this and I don’t need to spend the extra $1000, or should I?

I don't know of a chart or matrix style list of features that the two
programs support, but some of the big ones are:
CS3 supports real curves, and the Lab and CMYK color spaces. The cloning
and healing tools are more comprehensive. There is better control of
embedded profiles, and you can edit profiles to some extent. Masking and
adjustment layers are more powerful. Smart filters allow a larger number
of filters to be used non-destructively. You mentioned better Raw
Does this add up to enough functionality to be worth the price difference?
If you are a professional and get paid for your work, then I'd say yes,
this is a no brainer. Otherwise, you can answer that yourself by
installing the 30 day trial version.

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    Yes, archiving means effectively what you wrote. Onna Mac, it's easy to zip the file in place, then delete the application.
    If you do this, you probably won't have to deal with PS matters; but I should add you'd then delete the LR prefs, and reset. Then your PS CS3 should pop into place as the default.
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    There are differences. You won't get the Tone Curve, HSL/Grayscale, Split-toning, Lens Corrections, etc. tabs.
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    Hey guys, thanks a whole bunch.
    Yes, all the Camera Raw files were where they were supposed to be.  I had a couple of Camera Raw files hanging out in temp locations and I deleted them, but it didn't help.
    Then I started looking a little more closely at the Camera Raw file in the CS3 File Formats folder -- and noticed that it was a different size than the one un-zipped in my Download folder (the place where I save downloads and I did the un-zip there).  The old Camera Raw file was around 9.7 MB while the new one was 10.4 MB.
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    P.S.  As I was typing this, I had a tendency to type KB instead of MB for the plugins (10 MB for a plugin, are you kidding me).  I guess that shows you just how old I am -- well let's just say I was around when they invented computers -- and back when 64KB was a lot of memory -- and now 64MB is small and we are working with GB now, soon to be TB.  Anyway, the other thing I wanted to mention was that the Camera Raw file in CS3 had a 2007 date on it, which was probably when I installed CS3 (couldn't find the version number listed anywhere).  So the Camera Raw file was there, but probably didn't have the support for the Nikon D300 camera at that time.  Everything worked on my desktop computer since I just replaced it a couple of months ago and had to reinstall everything.
    Anyway, as I said, everything is working now.
    IMPORTANT NOTE:  And for anyone else that is having a similar problem, this is the fix.  Check the dates on the Camera Raw file in your CS3 or Photoshop Elements File Format folders (thanks to the guys above for suppluying that location information) to make sure you are woking with the correct / current / right Camera Raw file.
    Thanks again to everyone for pitching in on this.  You led me to finding the solution to the problem and I couldn't be happier.  This is the only place where a person like me, or probably anyone for that matter, can find this kind of help (personal and to the point).  Sorry to make this so long..
    Ron in Round Rock

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    And when... what´s my fault? Can you give me a hint?
    Thanks for help.

    There was a post some time ago that I will try to recall - hopefully not too inaccurately. I have never used PSE so don't really know what you are trying to do.
    The way I remember it PSE uses some sort of a table for the keywords. Bridge does not, but embeds the information as metadata to each file. Apparently this is more of a standardized format for the data and can be used by other applications.
    For a clearer explanation on how the information is handled go to Bridge Help and type in metadata. It does say something about ability to export metadata so maybe that would work for you.
    Before you go to all that effort you might investigate how PSE Organizer may handle the data in the future. Can never tell - the next upgrade may change that feature also. Perhaps PSE forum?

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    The file PhotoshopElementsFileAgent.exe is located in C:\Program
    Files\Adobe\Photoshop Elements 5.0. It may be on the list of Windows XP
    Services. Possibly also listed as Adobe Active File Monitor or Adobe Active
    File Monitor V5. Set any and all of these services to 'Disabled'.
    Additionally, it is a good idea to go to Elements Organizer preferences and
    uncheck 'Automatically check for Services' and also uncheck 'Auto Launch
    Adobe File Downloader on Device Connect'.
    And, yes, ACR 4.3.1 should be manually installed. As a matter of fact, turn
    off the automatic updater service, too (in >Help).

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    - Resetting the iPod. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Next try placing the iPod in Recovery Mode and then restoring via iTunes.
    iTunes: Backing up, updating, and restoring iOS software

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