CS3 Pen Tool

Has anyone been able to get the pen tool in CS3 to
automatically fill a closed path, as it did in Flash 8? I went
through preferences, but it didn't seem that there was an option to
turn this on.

Duh! Thanks so much!

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    OK, here is my problem. I'm using CS3 photoshop right now. Last time I was using it regularly was in 2001, so it was version 5 or 6. At that time you could use the pen tool to make a selection or a path without ANY color. I'm trying to cut out something that needs precision (therefore the pen tool) but I need to be able to see what I'm doing. Therefore, would prefer no color option. This used to be easy, with paths, it was the default.
    Can't figure it out now, HELP is no help. And, the User Guide is no longer available on Adobe.com. Looked for the one for the CS4 suite, not much much luck there either. I can call them tomorrow about that. *Right now, all I'm trying to do is put together a little pasted together thing for my niece. Two stuffed animals with antlers and santa hats on a Xmas background. Everything is done but cutting out around the stuffed animals. They need their little tufts of stuffing, so I need a tool that can create a smooth path without blocking what I'm doing with color.* Any help will me appreciated. I've tried for days to figure this out on my own, since last time I posted, I figured it out before someone responded. And, the response was quick, so I didn't want to waste anyone's time.
    The pdf user guide for this is unavailable, I just ordered a book to help me with the stuff I can't figure out by myself. Thanks for everyone's quick help. –Suze

    {quote:title=Suze159 wrote:}
    I'm trying to cut out something that needs precision (therefore the pen tool) but I need to be able to see what I'm doing. *Right now, all I'm trying to do is put together a little pasted together thing for my niece. Two stuffed animals with antlers and santa hats on a Xmas background. Everything is done but cutting out around the stuffed animals. They need their little tufts of stuffing, so I need a tool that can create a smooth path without blocking what I'm doing with color.*{quote}
    I too use CS3 and I may be confused about your post. If so, I apologize for wasting any reader's time.
    When I need a precision tool for rotoscoping a subject, I usually choose the Polygonal Lasso tool. Of all the Lasso tools, using the polygonal is the most labor intensive, but gives you the highest degree of control. With a little practice you can get quite good at it. If necessary, blow up the image to help you see what you are doing.
    -- Duplicate the background layer
    -- Rotoscope the subject
    -- Click Refine Edge and adjust Radius, Contrast, Contract/Expand, Smooth and Feather to taste
    -- Choose New>Layer via Copy or Cut
    -- Hide background layer(s) and Save As or Move this layer onto your original graphic.
    There may be other ways of doing it but this is what works for me. I hope that helps.

  • Pen Tool in PhotoShop CS3 VERY Slow

    I just installed CS3 on my laptop and am trying to use the pen tool to draw a path. I have to wait between 30 seconds and 2 minutes for each point to show up. Needless to say it's impossible to create a curve because I can't see the path. I'm using PhotoShop CS3, Windows XP Professional on an IBM Thinkpad T42. I'm not using a tablet, although I do hve one available to use.
    Thank you for your time.

    As usual could be a variety of things depending on your system. Try a search for "slow tools" to see some of the posts. Here is one on slow pen drag.

  • How do you transfer pen tool drawings from Photoshop CS2 to Flash CS3?

    I tried to copy and paste it but that didn't work.
    I didn't want to redraw the entire picture in in pen again in Flash (so that I could later animate the drawing), so I was wondering how I could transfer the pen tool drawings from Photoshop to Flash?

    helpmepleaze a écrit:
    I have an old laptop with Photoshop elements 5.0 and wanted to move that program to my newer PC but the program was too old so I bought and loaded Photoshop Elements 13 on my PC.  To import my photos from the 5.0 I did a full backup on a flash drive and then loaded the pictures to the PC with 13.  The pictures are there but none of my collections from 5.0. I read the manual and said I was supposed to be prompted to convert old catalogs.  I was never prompted and do not know how to transfer my collections in my catalog from 5.0 to the 13.
    What you are doing is not only to install a newer version of PSE, it's also to migrate to a new computer.
    The general solution is to do a full organizer backup on an external drive and do an organizer restore to the new computer (or new drive).
    Use Backup, Restore to move catalog | Organizer | Elements 6 or later
    The problem is that since PSE5 is an old version working with a different database engine, you must first use a conversion utility to create a PSE13 version.
    So read that paper carefully, do the backup restore and conversion as described.

  • Pen tool is rasterized in Photoshop CS3

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    Yes, your using paths, but drawing on a color fill layer,
    which fills the paths with color. Click on button to the right
    of the one that says shape layer.
    This will make paths with no color fill.

  • Mysterious issues with the pen tool in flash (CS3 & CS4)

    i have searched tirelessly for the answer to this problem and still have no answer. when using the pen tool to create shapes, occasionanally when i click to add the next point the line segment jumps over to a previously added point. also, sometimes when i add a point, the point mysteriously starts moving on the screen all by itself. i have used illustrator for many years and it's pen tool is perfect in so many ways and it is counterproductive to have to jump to illustrator to do any pen tool work and then import it into flash
    anybody have this issue or know why this might be happening?

    I have the same issue. I think it is a bug.
    Sometimes when I  delete points with <delete> key on keyboard, flash also deletes randomly frames on locked layers with all of its contents.
    You have to start tricking over these issues, if you do not want to be nervous. Like using a one key -shortcut substitute of Ctrl+Z
    Sometimes it's happening, because there are not perfectly overlapping shapes on each other on one layer, .
    Sometimes because there are a parenting issue, flash sometimes breaks, if you draw to deep under the "root" of the
    Or if you have a lot of vectrice on one layer. But I am just guessing too.

  • 11 Nice Features with New Awesome & easy Magnetic Pen Tool (Updated)

    1.      Scale effects during the scaling object, in the control bar there is more space (Empty) that will be the helpful to show you the example of the picture that I have made myself, when you transform any object, you will see these options in the control bar.
    2.      Save preset of filters in filter gallery:- will be really powerful, it must be exchangeable so that we could send that preset to any one, it must be applicable on percentage(%) of document size, (depends on document resolution).
    3.     Filter gallery must be the (live filter gallery), if this works on any raster object without converting to smart object, this will be helpful for creating live PSD.
    4.     History panel:- history panel must save the history of document. It will be helpful and powerful, we could apply that history to any document like actions, and history should not be saved with document itself, it must be separate like actions, create 2 arrows in the bottom of panel like layer combs’ panel, to check the history, if any step is wrong we could be able to remove that step,
    5.   Also create/convert history into action, see the pic as example,
    If (to Adobe Photoshop Team) history saving is not a good idea! Then before closing the document you must convert history into actions, when any person saves document and has forgotten converting history into actions and wants to close the document, at that time that dialogue must be opened, (Do you want to convert your history into actions, when you open (that) document again you will miss history, and also must create a CHECK BOX for don’t show again.
    6.     Layers Group:- In the group (folder) we move the objects with move tool and it moves all grouped objects that’s much better, but when we open the group (Folder), after opening it moves also all grouped object !!!, that’s not perfect, I suggest you how to do it, double click on grouped any object to open the group then move any object, and double click on any grouped object to close the group (folder). ( like Illustrator )
    7.      Photoshop Extended can create powerful creative animation with audio and animation panel support completely the smart object and smart object makes animation really smart. But the problem is that it takes too much time to generate animation of few seconds and generated video file size is very large up to 1.GB.
            Here is solution, like new document dialogue box under the Device Central button it shows the document size, as hint, same way in the render video dialogue box it must show the file size and generating time and reducing file size hints.
            I had created (20 months ago) in Photoshop extend CS3  really awesome animation of earth, from where it starts it ends there, and shadows on earth are really awesome, map that moves to the shadow side, it changes from day to night and in the shadows you can see the roads’ and cities’ lights’ just like real night map photo it happens like naturally cause of smart object, I have two photos of the map day and night used for animation, you can see that creative animation on youtube.
    (Link)= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sd86xGIkQxM
    watch this animation in full screen Mode, b/c Youtube has reduced the Quality of Video.
    8.   Welcome Screen:- Why welcome Screen is necessary?
                    Adobe’s all products must be linked with Design sequence. (Interface)
    Design Standard Suite which itself is a famous  printing and publishing suite for design ( creation) layout, must keep same sequence of all products and should not affect the attraction,
                    Example for Interface, now if CS6 all programs are created with new interface will you don’t change the Photoshop's interface???
    Here are my Design Sequences Examples
    These Pictures I have Designed in Illustrator
    Photoshop with Welcome Screen Looking like Illustrator & Indesign now it matching with its Family.
    Benifits of Welcome Screen for ( New ) user
    A.    Many people don't know that Photoshop has free few samples with it these are nice example to understand that what photoshop can do!
    B.    Photoshop Exchange : is really Necessary : for to exchange Workspace, color profile, Actions, Key Board Shortcuts, Layer Styles,    Swatches, Filter Gallery Presets & PSDs etc.
    C.    This will be helpful for New Users TV.Adobe.com they will watch free teqchniques, as see this welcome screen.
    D.     Any older user don't want to see the welcome screen that person can turn on that check box (Don't Show Again).
    9. Pen Tool + Magnetic Pen Tool =
    In my idea pen tool is the perfect tool for vector drawing it gives us perfect result as we want. but about those people like (Toys-R-Us (One Really Big Pen Tool Shortcoming) or other like him, if they can't understand, although pen tool is very easy to use, & he wants short key without going back for to breatck the handle, (for those people) if you want to create short key then short key should be "c or any easy" press to breat the handle, then press again to get back handle again during the using pen tool, or create a magnetic pen tool it must work like magnetic lasso tool works for selection, it will be the best & easy to use & to understand, during to use this tool if it goes to wrong way simply press back space key to go back to last step same like Magnetic Lasso.
    (Awesome Magnetic Pen Tool)
    or create pen tool like fireworks its pen tool shows next click's preview (very nice pen tool is in fireworks to understand ( really Awesome )
    10. keyboard shortcuts like Illustrator for Blend Modes Next , Previous & Opacity 10 to 90, I had started to learn Illustrator CS3 & since CS3 I use these shortcuts for that, (~)tildi for next blend mode, Shift (~) tildi for previous mode, & opacity 10=1 key 20=2 to 90=9 key
    11.PANEL ICONS Should be Attached under or above the tool Bar but not on Right or Left Side only ( like Indeign CS2 ).
    Note :-
    I shall appreciate your frank comments on the above suggestions.
    Message was edited by: Muhammad Amjad Khan Abro
    Message was edited by: Muhammad Amjad Khan Abro

    OK Here goes my wannahaves...
    1) create new table or sheet from a file instead of having to open the file and copy/paste into current document. ie "Insert Sheet from file", "Insert Table from File"
    2) show linked data from a data source other than the address book - eg an ODBC data source or Filemaker database
    3) Ability to paste a filtered table into a new table with just the found rows.
    4) Ability to freeze rows and columns to allow for very wide or deep tables
    5) When typing data into a cell, automatically adjust its width as you type. Depending on your enter key config, hitting enter puts a new line in the cell and adjusts the row height to fit.
    6) Printer page formats default to regional standard: eg in Australia, UK - A4
    7) Popup list or menu contents based on a data range: eg a list of categories
    8) Media to be selected from anywhere on the system, not just in iTunes/iPhoto (eg most of my video is on an external hard drive)
    9) "Autofilter" based on contents of the column.
    10) Vlookup and other reference functions: need to be able to select a table (by name) as your range, a column/row (by name) to look up from and a column/row (by name) to retrieve. All functions should work this way, not just the basic ones.
    11) When inserting a table you should be asked how many rows and columns.
    12 "Format painter" - copy styles and other formatting from cell to cell and table to table.
    13) Outlining based upon repeated cell values

  • Problem with Pen Tool CS5

    I just got Photoshop CS5 and I'm having a bit of trouble with the pen tool - namely, I can't see the path I'm creating.  In CS3 I could clearly see the line between two points but in the new program the line is nearly invisible making it very difficult to create the path.  Is this a setting I can fix?

    I was having 32 bit while I upgraded from CS3 to  CS4. The only problem with CS4 that time was with pen tool.Though I cannot precisely recall , I can say it t was very lazy and very frustrating and this was resolved totally after shifting to 64 bit.--If urs existing system is 32 bit try with 64 bit

  • FW CS4 crashes when using the pen tool for many points

    Good morning,
    Every time I try to create a mask with the pen tool that
    requires a good
    amount of points, FW crashes. I've had this happen with CS3
    as well, but
    with CS4 , it crashes with many less points than CS3 - has
    any one
    experienced this, and more to the point, any solutions?

    "FatCat" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:gkga3u$gtc$[email protected]..
    > Hi Al,
    >> I find I use CS3 for all tasks except for the few
    that require the new
    >> features in CS4. Both DW and Fireworks CS4 are giant
    grey hawgs :-)
    > I knew I should have stuck with CS3!
    > My Bridge quit working, and I figured that was Nature's
    way of telling me
    > to upgrade. I spent all of a weekend trying to download
    the software
    > (akamai means smart - what a misnomer!), then when it
    finally downloaded
    > the installation was corrupt - did that three times -
    took all night to
    > download, with a lot of stalls and freezes.
    > Then on Monday I call customer service and they tell me
    that that download
    > is too large - why offer it, then?
    > Anyway, I bought the DVD, got it a few days later,
    installed it and Bridge
    > still didn't work! Turns out that my anti-virus somehow
    kept it from
    > working! I don't know why, since it was working
    previously. Anyway, now I
    > have CS4, but it doesn't work as well as CS3, as you'd
    warned me - shoulda
    > listened to Uncle Al! ;o) It only cost me $600 plus the
    lost weekend and
    > the hassles of using a glitchy program - live and learn!
    > However, I'm an eternal optimist - haven't lost hope
    that this will get
    > fixed.
    I'm optimistic too. I think it will start to sort itself out
    when Intel's
    new 24-Core 128-bit processors hit the market in conjunction
    with Windows 8
    and OS X Cervelat.

  • Type tool anchor and pen tool problems CS4

    I have been working in In-design for my classes and everything is working fine. But recently I needed to do some work in Illustrator but when I opened the program up, some of my tools seems to be slightly bugged or something.
    The type tool will not make the anchor where I initially click. It creates the anchor around the center point of the type box. This is really annoying because if you have a specific grid, it will not line up to it. I have never adjusted this I don't think because now I have no clue on how to fix it!
    Also, my pen tool seems to be messed up. I first create the starting point, but then when I make the second point and try to drag out the node arms to make a curve, it only has one arm! Thus, the curve never is created, so I can't draw with the pen tool, therefore I fail my classes... haha
    I have a big project starting soon and any help with this odd problem would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much for any potential help
    -- Jordan

    To try to make things more clear:
    When I click on the type tool, the line tool, or the rectangle tool (any tool used by clicking on a starting point 'anchor' and dragging it) if I click and drag to the bottom right, it creates a rectangle that around the center point of the bounding box. Its really freaking weird. I've asked all my design friends and they don't know either. BUT! If I click to make the initial anchor, then drag to the upper left it works as the type tool bounding box usually does. Meaning, I can make the box to conform to grid lines, or the like. The rectangle tool does this as well.
    Now, the line tool is messed up as well, but a little different. When I select the anchor point and then start to drag (click then drag to the right) the anchor does not stay in place. IT GOES OFF TO THE LEFT. It is so annoying. So If I'm trying to make a line that goes from the top of the page down, the line will go down with my cursor as I drag down, but it will also go up at the same rate. Its real dumb. Any help would be great.
    As for the pen tool:
    I'm not a new user to Illustrator. I've been using it for years now and never seen this problem. I showed it to my professor and he had no clue. I have used CS3 and CS5 as well and both operate normally and much different from mine. I can't exactly explain it for it is that weird, but if there is any way I can reset the tool, or put it back to its defaults that would help a lot.
    Thanks in advance,

  • Using pen tool, how to activate it?

    I am just this week upgraded to CS5 from CS3, so some differences. One that has stumped me so far is finding the pen tool. It was readily available in CS3 but I cannot find it in the tool bar or anywhere else. I want to add some points to an object for text wrap purposes. I have searched the Help files and all I have found so far are directions like  "select the pen tool" which doesn't solve it for me. I am thinking there is something else I have to do to make the tool a choice. Any suggestions?

    The Pen tool hasn't moved. You should be able to select by pressing the letter P. That would make it visible if it were hiding under another of the path-editing tools.
    If it still doesn't show up, either you have a bad installation, or you need to restore your preferences. Here are the directions for restoring preferences:

  • Pen tool - turn off SNAP-TO points

    Hello -- I'm running Illustrator CS3 on a Mac Powerbook. Somehow I've got some sort of "snap-to" feature turned on for the PEN TOOL, and I can't figure out where to tun it OFF.
    It's the constraint aspect that is unwanted (the symptoms are: the cursor constantly displays "tool tip" info about all sorts of existing nearby anchor points, various constraint angles, etc -- which is OK as info, but it also keeps snapping to these points in the image when I create a new anchor point, rather than letting me just click wherever I want).
    I want to reset to the DEFAULT behavior for creating arbitrary anchor points. This forced "snap-to" business is driving me nuts -- and I can't find where to turn this feature OFF. Someone point me in the right direction please.
    Thanks -- Robin

    Thanks -- good info from both Kurt and Wade -- I appreciate the help. I suspected that there was some menu item for this (probably "hidden in plain sight"), but I just couldn't find it.
    Adobe HELP didn't seem to have this topic for the keyword "pen tool", which also surprised me.
    I bet the SMART GUIDES are very helpful under certain circumstances -- but they were creating huge problems for what I was doing.
    Thanks again -- Robin

  • Hello , I have installed adobe illustrator CS5 and when i open it..tool bar isnt working.. when i click at rectangle/pen tool the sub options on it dont appear though black sign comes.. am confused wat to do?? i have windows 8 as OS.. please help soonest.

    Hello ,
    I have installed adobe illustrator CS5 and when i open it..tool bar isnt working.. when i click at rectangle/pen tool the sub options on it dont appear though black sign comes.. am confused wat to do?? i have windows 8 as OS.. please help soonest.....thankyou

    The following is a general list of things you may try when the issue is not in a specific file (you may have tried/done some of them already); 1) and 2) are the easy ones for temporary strangenesses, and 3) and 4) are specifically aimed at possibly corrupt preferences); 5) is a list in itself, and 6) is the last resort.
    1) Close down Illy and open again;
    2) Restart the computer (you may do that up to 3 times);
    3) Close down Illy and press Ctrl+Alt+Shift/Cmd+Option+Shift during startup (easy but irreversible);
    4) Move the folder (follow the link with that name) with Illy closed (more tedious but also more thorough and reversible);
    5) Look through and try out the relevant among the Other options (follow the link with that name, Item 7) is a list of usual suspects among other applications that may disturb and confuse Illy, Item 15) applies to CC, CS6, and maybe CS5);
    Even more seriously, you may:
    6) Uninstall, run the Cleaner Tool (if you have CS3/CS4/CS5/CS6/CC), and reinstall.

  • Pen Tool, add new point keeps previous point selected?

    This has bugged me immensely ever since the new versions of inDesign adopted this habit, is there a work-around?
    Say I want to make a customly shaped frame around a photo that's imported in the standard rectangle shape and I don't want it to be a circle, rounded rectangle, or polygon that I can simply "convert shape" to. I could try editing the path with the pencil tool but typically that will create 100+ anchor points of vector disaster.
    What I used to do in CS2, CS3, CS4 is grab the handy pen tool, add a point  and  move it where I want with the direct selection tool by simply holding CMD (ctrl).
    But now, (not sure if it started in CS5, CS5.5, or CS6) when I add a new point it keeps the previous points selected. Rubbish, now I can't move the new point where I want it without moving the previous however many I created. And there's no simple 1-click method of only selecting the point I just made (that I know of). Re-clicking with the direct selection tool does nothing and clicking other selected points does not deselect them.
    So in order to move the point I just made, by itself, I have to deselect all points then reselect the point I want to move, which is really tricky if it's under other objects.
    Does anyone know how to have ONLY the new point selected when I add a point? Or even have no points selected so I can easily CMD+click the ones I want to move?

    It looks like what is needed is some way to deselect all the points on a selected object, while keeping the object itself selected.
    Using the built-in InDesign tools, the way to do that would seem to be: switch to the direct selection white arrow tool (by pressing CMD) as you have been doing. Click anywhere on the path of the object. This clears all selected points while keeping the object selected. Now release CMD to get back to the Pen tool, and add your point.
    If this is too fiddly (it can be tricky to click on the path itself, although the white arrow changes subtely to show you that you're over the path), you can alternatively use the following one line script:
    try {app.selection[0].select()}catch(_){};
    This does the same thing: It deselects all selected points on the current page item.
    To use, copy this line to a text editor. Save with the extension .jsx and place in your InDesign scripts folder. You can then assign a keyboard shortcut to the script, so that it should be very easy to deselect all the points.

  • Pen Tool: Anchor Below Nib

    I've been practicing with the pen tool using three different source texts (K.Eismann, CS3 Classroom, Web)  and I've altered the pen setup that now the anchor points are setting at the base of the nib instead of at the point of the nib. The pen and options are correct and I've checked CS4 cursor preferences. Futzing doesn't work either; never does, only wastes time.
    Please help to correct the Pen (My) behavior.
    Your aid has always been direct and true; thanks for past rewards.

    —Verb phrase
    futz with or around with, to handle or deal with, esp. idly, reluctantly, or as a time-consuming task: I spent all day futzing with those file folders.
    After two days, this problem has been solved and after 22 hours of pen practice I find I need more practice. Believe it or not, Restarting Photoshop cured the Anchor problem.

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