CS3 - Unexpected end of file was Encountered

I was saving a layered Photoshop file when " unexpected end of file was encountered " this pop up. After that happened, I can't open my file. Is there a way to save the file? I was able to open it in Illustrator, and then in Photoshop, but it is flattened. Is there a way to save the layered file? Please I really need those layers! HELP PLEASE!

this usually means the file is corrupt. If you have Imageready and the file is RGB you might be able to open it with that. your other options are Illustrator and Graphic Converter which will flatten the file.

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    Hi gerry,
    does this happen for a particular image only, or for all images?
    And does this happen only from your account or also from other user accounts?

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    Probably not good news I'm afraid. Hopefully you use Time Machine to keep regular backups of your work?
    Have you tried to open the file in Graphic Converter (shareware application)?
    I find file corruption practically non-existant these days. I would suggest that you maintain your machine. This can be done with Onyx http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/system_disk_utilities/onyx.html. Run all the tasks in the "automation" section of this application. 
    If you can do a drive check - checking your hard drive for physical issues might also be a good idea. 

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    Hello, Rebecca. This forum is for Photoshop Elements, the consumer version of Photoshop. For questions about full photoshop/Creative Suite you'll find more knowledgeable help in the Photoshop forum:
    Good luck!

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    If it is in the forums (and actually, all over the place on the web) and it is a Photoshop issue in both Windows and Mac, I just assumed is.
    The unexpected eof could be a hardware issue or possibly owed to individual set-ups as it is not an issue that plagues all (or even an ostensible majority of) users.
    Are Photoshop and OS fully updated?
    As with all unexplainable Photoshop-problems you might try trashing the prefs (after making sure all customized presets like Actions, Patterns, Brushes etc. have been saved and making a note of the Preferences you’ve changed) by pressing command-alt-shift on starting the program or starting from a new user-account.
    System Maintenance (repairing permissions, purging PRAM, running cron-scripts, cleaning caches, etc.) might also be beneficial, Onyx has been recommended for such tasks.
    Weeding out bad fonts never seems to be a bad idea, either. (Validate your fonts in Font Book and remove the bad ones.)
    If 3rd party plug-ins are installed try disabling them to verify if one of those may be responsible for the problem.

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    Could not initialize Photoshop because an unexpected end-of-file was encountered. | Mylenium's Error Code Database

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    Please check following links if they are useful:
    Unexpected end-of-file
    Photoshop CS6 Not Loading: Actions & Preferences Errors
    Two Fatal Error Messages when Starting Photoshop

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    When you load Action and when you create new actions they are saved into you Photoshop Preferences into Actions Palette.psp.  This File is read when you start Photoshop.
    Apple and Microsoft both like to hide important files on users.  Windows search and Apple finder will not find and show hidden files unless you change Mac and Windows setting.  I you getting the error when you start Photoshop there is a shortcut to reset preferences. Hold down Alt, Ctrl, and Shift keys (Mac: Command, Option, Shift) while starting up Photoshop you should be prompted to for an OK to delete preferences.
    If this keeps happening perhaps you have a bad spot on your disk.  Loaded actions are saved into that file so they should show up in the Actions Palette when Photoshop Start Up and read that file during start up. Photoshop Writes that file when you load action sets, when you record and edit actions and most likly also when you close down Photoshop.

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    Have you taken a look at this thread? Could not load actions because an unexpected end-of-file was encountered.

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    The reason for asking about the details has to do with a possible bug in XSan 1.2 which seem to be hitting Helios / Xinet and possibly also Apple's own AFP implementation.
    Symptoms seem to be coherent (although 3 different products are used.
    Here is post from the xsan-users mailing list
    There appear to be some semi-known issues that have come up when using Xinet's FullPress with Xsan as well. Files disappearing, becoming corrupt, reverting to earlier versions... Finder windows showing multiple versions of the same file, even though the shell only shows one... etc, etc, etc.
    I can't tell you a whole lot about it as of yet, but the problem seems to be related to issues with files' i-node numbers. If you do a "ls -il" on the directory which contains your "missing" files and folders, often they will reappear. ??? Additionally you may notice that the i-node numbers change (they are the first numbers in the resulting list) with every execution of the "ls -il" command.
    I was told by someone that it is some sort of "caching problem", although I don't know what that means exactly or how that would affect what we are seeing happen. Early indications seem to look like problems are more likely to occur when users are accessing the same files over again, at different times throughout the day, from different machines (ie. X user worked on X job in the AM on X Mac, and in the afternoon Y user worked on X job in the PM on Y Mac).
    I wish I could tell you more, but I'm still in the early stages of tracking this one down!
    Good luck,
    Dustin Tantum
    And here is a tech note from helios:
    HELIOS TechInfo #095en01
    Tue, 24 Jan 2006
    Data corruption using Apple XSan 1.2
    Recently we received feedback from HELIOS partners and customers that
    clients connected to HELIOS servers using Apple XSan 1.2 file systems
    showed indications of intermittent data corruption.
    Symptoms are that files can not be opened after Save, or show partial
    old content. Among the affected applications are Adobe Photoshop,
    InDesign, and Quark XPress.
    Another symptom are system messages from the "desksrv" process, like
    "node does not belong to index" which indicate corrupted database
    From a "ktrace" dump of a "pcshare" process a partner could provide,
    it became clear that contents of a data file were written correctly by
    HELIOS. But after the application from the same SMB client did close,
    reopen and then read the content in again, this was in part the old
    content of the file.
    As these problems may not be recognized by users every time they
    occur, it would be safest not to use XSan 1.2 as a file system.
    HELIOS has reported this to Apple who is currently investigating this
    We recommend that every customer who encounters this Xsan data
    corruption problem reports this bug to Apple.
    When a workaround or fix is available, this information will be
    distributed by a follow up to this TechInfo.
    So XSan 1.2 and doing file sharing doesn't seem to cooperate well for now

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    See whether a reset of Preferences solves the problem
    A logical next step would be to reset your Preferences.
    To reset Preferences:
    If Photoshop is already open on your screen, close it (Quit). Then hold down Shift+Ctrl+Alt (Win) / Shift+Command+Option (Mac) on your keyboard and start Photoshop.
    A dialog box will pop up asking if you want to delete the existing Preferences file (the "Settings"). Click Yes in the dialog box. The existing Preferences file will be scrapped and a new one will be created.

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    "could not complete your request because an unexpected end-of-file encountered".

    Probably not good news I'm afraid. Hopefully you use Time Machine to keep regular backups of your work?
    Have you tried to open the file in Graphic Converter (shareware application)?
    I find file corruption practically non-existant these days. I would suggest that you maintain your machine. This can be done with Onyx http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/system_disk_utilities/onyx.html. Run all the tasks in the "automation" section of this application. 
    If you can do a drive check - checking your hard drive for physical issues might also be a good idea. 

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    Any suggestions as to how to fix?
    I uninstalled and then re-installed with no success
    Running Windows 7 Pro

    That message is indicative of a corrupted file.
    Since you've already tied re-installing, the Photoshop preferences file comes to mind.  Re-installing without first removing the Preferences file is futile, as you end up right back where you started.
    Preference filenames and locations in Photoshop CC

  • Unexpected end-of-file was encountered

    I am unable to open a large (184.1 MB) multi-layer image created in Photoshop CS6.  I have looked through a few discussion forums and think this issue happened because I am working from an external hard drive.  I have several backup copies of the image saved on different spaces, and every one gets the error message.  This image was used for a print job -- I contacted the printer and they sent me the native file from their server and still I get the error.  Any suggestions on how to retrieve this file?  Below is a bunch of information that may be helpful.  Thanks in advance.
    Photoshop CS6
    Mac OS X, 10.7.5
    2.7 GHz Intel Core i5
    12 GB 1333 MHzDDR3
    External Hardrive
    Toshiba 999.95 GB
    Available 890.28 GB
    Used: 109,668,237,312 bytes (109.67 GB on disk)

    That error message usually (99.99999% of the time) is indicative of a corrupted file.
    However, you have omitted key details, as the exact version of Photoshop you are running (should be 13.0.6), what routine maintenance you perform on your machine, what troubleshooting steps you have taken so far, whether you have run Repair Permissions and Verify Disk with Apple's Disk Utility.
    Your hard drive, given it's size, does not have enough available space.  I never let a hard drive get over 85%, and if if it gets to 90% full you are in deep, deep trouble.
    Finally, you are not saving to a server, are you?  Working across a network is not supported by Adobe.

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