CS4: change document DPI, keep pixel size, change cm's

As the title says, I am looking for a way to change the DPI of a document, but by default photoshop changes the pixels, and keeps the centimeters.
However, I want the centimeters to change, and not the pixels, when changing the dpi.
Is this possible, and if so, how?

Kinda weird it is now re-rendering the smart filters, because the pixels havent changed, but I guess thats standard procedure with resizing.
Thanks a bunch!

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    >my indesign file is a web file
    Or do you mean that, when you created a new document, you choose Web as intent maybe?

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    There are basically two ways.
    Image>Image Size... This will adjust the quality of the image, allowing you to adjust the pixel dimensions and keep the full image.
    In the tool bar on left side of screen 5th icon down looks like a sliding picture frame. That is the crop tool, that will adjust the pixel size of a document by removing a portion of the image, allowing you to get rid of portions of the image you do not want.
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    Frank Caggiano wrote:
    Again this is not normal Aperture behavior, this doesn;t occur on my system. If you could post the screen shot of the adjustments it might help.
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    FCP 5.1.4
    QT 7.1.5

    Squished 4:3 = anamorphic. If you set your sequence to anamorphic (checkbox in Sequence Settings), it should display your clips properly and not insist on rendering. As others have noted, the rest of the sequence settings need to match you clip properties to avoid rendering or RT. You can check those properties with a control-click on the clip in the browser. There is an item there for checking the clip's technical properties. Make your sequence settings match those clip properties.

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    DId you check clip to artboard when yo made the jpeg, did your image size shwo the correct dimensions.
    If you are checking the file on your end and it is correct, then we need to know more about what is going on at the recipeient's end and how they are determining the size is wrong.

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    Be well...

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    Bidds,  you are confusing DPI (Dots Per Inch) with PPI  (Pixels Per Inch).
    DPI is a technical specification of the output or input of hardware devices like a printer when you print, monitor when you display your digital image, scanner when you scan to make digital images, and etc. For printers DPI specifies the size of the ink drops when printing. For monitors, DPI specifies the monitor's resolution or in other words the size of the monitor's pixels. The term DPI for monitors came from the use of the CRT displays (those heavy monitors and TVs in the past with big tubes) which are no longer in production. These displays used guns to shoot light at the back of the screen with variable size dots and the term DPI perfectly described the monitor resolution used. Today there is only LCD displays on the market and thy use fixed cells which define the monitor resolution. Because the cells are fixed, for describing the resolution of LCD monitors, people mostly use the term Pixels Per Inch when they want to describe the size of monitors' pixels (cells). And this can cause some confusion that you are experiencing.
    PPI is an attribute of a digital raster image. It specifies the output resolution of a raster image or in other words how large the pixels in the digital file will be output.
    In Photoshop you are setting PPI not DPI.
    Illustrator is a vector program. Vector graphics are resolution independent (have no pixels) and don't have PPI attributes. The PPI attributes are valid only when creating a raster image for outputting to devices like printers. Printers can print the pixels of your digital image with different size, and thus the image with the same number of pixels can be printed with different sizes. Monitors however don't use PPI settings of digital files to display images, instead they use the zoom level specified by the user using software, and by default the software programs (your browser for example) use 100% zoom which fits one image pixel to one monitor pixel. Because different monitors have monitor pixels (cells) with different sizes that cannot be changed on LCD screens, a digital image with the same number of pixels will be displayed at different size at the default 100% zoom on different monitors. Also have in mind that certain elements  like software interfaces cannot be zoomed (changed) by the user.
    So, the DPI mentioned in the link you provided does not mean PPI and it doesn't suggest in anyway that you should set PPI in Photoshop or any other program when creating images for the web. You got that wrong. It is only telling you that monitors with higher resolution (DPI) will display your image smaller so, you may want to make the image larger (with more pixels) and vice versa. The PPI settings in a raster image are simply ignored for display on monitors and thus on the web. That's why you don't have an option for PPI in Save for Web and devices. Whether an image with a certain number of pixels is 72, 96, 300, 1 million or 1 PPI (pixels per inch) this will not make any difference when displayed on the web.

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    Kind regards,
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    Whenever you combine two images, the resolution (ppi) of the bottom image is the resolution for everything. So if you take an image that is, say, 72 ppi, and paste that into an image at 300 ppi, the pasted object will shrink a lot. If you paste a high-res image into a low res image, the pasted object will enlarge a lot. The best way to get consistent results is to make sure that both images are at the same resolution (image>resize>image size) before you start.

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    1) When I crop in LR, I see no way to maintain the original pixel size as is easily done in PSE.  Is it not possible?
    2) When I select "Help" or press F1 in LR, I get LR Help, however the Search feature doesn't list LR as one of the Product selections in the dropdown box.  I did register LR.
    3) When you make an adjustment in LR, isn't there a way to Undo it?  I thought you might be able to delete it from the history.
    4) What is the best free source for learning LR, preferably video.  I did see the ones by J. Kost on the Adobe TV website, but they weren't very detailed/complete.

    Thanks dj.  A couple of follow-ups on your responses then I'll mark it as correct:
    1) So when I crop in PSE with the pixel size set at the size of the original, that is not really buying anything?  I don't think it does a resample, just decreases the Document Size by a corresponding amount.  There is no advantage as far as photo quality or anything else to keeping the pixel dimensions at the larger size (of the original)?
    3) When you "undo" by double-clicking on the name of the slider, is this a true undo (i.e. the history item is deleted) or does it just create another history item that offsets the original adjustment?
    And a couple of other items on recommended ways to do things:
    - Would you recommend when making adjustments to show both the before and after in the panel to see how it is changed?
    - Do you personally use shortcuts all the time?  From watching videos from J. Kost and some other guy whose name I don't recall, they both seem obsessed, to the point that it is annoying, with using shortcut keys.  There are so many of them that I don't see how it is a shortcut if you have to look them up.
    Thanks dj.

  • Do you have any API to set document DPI.

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    There is no API call to get or set a resolution of an object. The resulting
    resolution of a raster object depends on two things:
    - the number of pixels available in your raster object
    - the scaling factor applied to the object - which means the size the
    object is placed on on the PDF page)
    If you have a 300x300 pixel raster image, and you scale it so that it
    occupies 1x1" on a PDF page, you end up with a resolution of 300dpi. If you
    place it as a 10x10" object, you end up with a resolution of 30dpi. There
    are no API calls to get that effective resolution - you need to calculate
    it. Also, there is no functionality to change the resolution of a raster
    object: It's your responsibility to change the raster data, and then place
    the modified object on the page with a different scaling factor.
    Karl Heinz Kremer
    PDF Acrobatics Without a Net
    PDF Software Development, Training and More...
    [email protected]

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    All I'd like to to is keep the width, but add some pixels to the top and bottom. And keep text sizes the same. Is there a trick of how I could do that?
    Thanks very much for your help!

    Yes trick
    This works perfectly:
    1) Write down font sizes
    2) Go from 1920x1080 to 1920x1440 (via "Custom Slide Size" instead of "Standard 4:3")
    3) This will increase font size.
    4) Redefine font sizes to what they were before resizing
    Perfect fit.

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    (I don't know if this needs to be mentioned but I am working on the new macbook pro and just downloaded the new photoshop update for retina displays).
    Thank you in advance!!!

    Ask in teh PS forum. Generally, though, pixels are pixels. Perhaps you simply have things backwards - as far as I know by default Safari doubles image sizes on Retina devices, which can lead to such discrepancies. There's an option for that in the prefs.

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