[CS4/JS] Pnglib.jsx -- A PNG creator function

After seeing Marc Autret's marvellous pngswatch script, I spent several hours creating PNGs with Photoshop, copying its hex data into Javascript compatible format, finding the relevant color bytes to change ... and all the while I was thinking, "there was an uncompressed PNG format, wasn't there?"
That's not because I have a bad memory.
Sure, Marc created his PNG in some other program, saved it as a compressed file, and 'only' changed the palette part in his script -- which involves delving quite deeply into the actual PNG format --, and that's a feasible way of doing the stuff he intended to: change jsut the color. But if you want to actually create a dropdown or listbox image on the fly -- say, for a line widths dropdown --, you have to be able to create an entire image a-new. And PNGs are notoriously difficult to create, because the image pixels themselves are compressed using the very advanced zlib compression.
But (as I was thinking) ... zlib also allows a "non-compressed" format!
With some sleuthing I found a couple of hints to get me started, and found a totally useful utility as well: pngcheck, which can take a PNG to bits and tell you what's wrong with it. So, here you have it: a lightweight PNGLIB Javascript, that can create any PNG right out of nothing!
Any image, apart from the limitations, that is.
Its main limitation is that you can only create 8-bit palettized PNGs with it. I see no reason to add umpteen functions to cater for the occasional 1-, 2-, or 4-bit or true color PNG, or to add total support for all the different types of transparency that PNG supports. But, hey, its main use is for icons, and you'll have to do with the limits of "just" 256 colors -- or even less than that, if you reserve one or more colors for transparency. On the plus side again, it's total real pixel alpha-level transparency we're talking about (overall that can make your graphics still better than the average '90s DOS game).
Using the function is easy; at the bottom of the script is an example, but it boils down to:
Create a string for the palette's colors. Each color is a triplet, in RGB order.
Create a string for the transparency indexes. Each single entry determines the transparency of the full palette color at that index; the first entry applies to color index #0, the second to color index #1, and so on. The value [00] indicates zero opacity (fully transparent), the value [FF] full opacity. The transparency index string doesn't need to define all of your colors' transparencies; unlisted values are "normal", non-transparent, and if you only need to make color index #0 transparent, you are done right there and then. By the way, the transparency string may be omitted entirely if you don't need it.
Create a string for the image itself -- wide x high color indexes. Make sure you fill the entire image, 'cause my function will refuse to work if this string length isn't correct.
Then call my function: myImg = makePng (wide, high, palette, pixels [, transparency]);
The returned string can be used immediately as a source for a ScriptUI dialog image, or -- less useful, but might come in handy -- be written to a file.
Tips: hmm. I dunno. Don't use this function to create super-huge PNGs, I guess. The non-compression format uses a couple of checksums on its own, and they are sure to fail on very large images. But, come on, be realistic: it's not a Photoshop replacement we're talking about, it's for icons!
And Be Kind to Your Users: it's rather overkill to include all of the data for a static PNG image, such as a logo or something. Just create that once, and include the binary data in your script! This function is designed to create PNGs on the fly, from variable rather than static data.
Before I forget: here it is. Enjoy!
/****** PngLib.jsx ******/
/* A Jongware Product -- based *very* heavily, however, upon Marc Autret's pngswatch
/* script (http://forums.adobe.com/thread/780105?tstart=0), and with further
/* help from the pages of David "Code Monk" Jones (http://drj11.wordpress.com/2007/11/20/a-use-for-uncompressed-pngs/)
/* and Christian Fröschlin (http://www.chrfr.de/software/midp_png.html)
/* Any errors, of course, must have crept in while I wasn't paying attention.
/* [Jw] 26-Jan-2010
var makePng = (function()
     // Table of CRCs of 8-bit messages
     var CRC_256 = [0, 0x77073096, 0xee0e612c, 0x990951ba, 0x76dc419, 0x706af48f, 0xe963a535, 0x9e6495a3, 0xedb8832, 0x79dcb8a4, 0xe0d5e91e, 0x97d2d988, 0x9b64c2b, 0x7eb17cbd, 0xe7b82d07, 0x90bf1d91, 0x1db71064, 0x6ab020f2, 0xf3b97148, 0x84be41de, 0x1adad47d, 0x6ddde4eb, 0xf4d4b551, 0x83d385c7, 0x136c9856, 0x646ba8c0, 0xfd62f97a, 0x8a65c9ec, 0x14015c4f, 0x63066cd9, 0xfa0f3d63, 0x8d080df5, 0x3b6e20c8, 0x4c69105e, 0xd56041e4, 0xa2677172, 0x3c03e4d1, 0x4b04d447, 0xd20d85fd, 0xa50ab56b, 0x35b5a8fa, 0x42b2986c, 0xdbbbc9d6, 0xacbcf940, 0x32d86ce3, 0x45df5c75, 0xdcd60dcf, 0xabd13d59, 0x26d930ac, 0x51de003a, 0xc8d75180, 0xbfd06116, 0x21b4f4b5, 0x56b3c423, 0xcfba9599, 0xb8bda50f, 0x2802b89e, 0x5f058808, 0xc60cd9b2, 0xb10be924, 0x2f6f7c87, 0x58684c11, 0xc1611dab, 0xb6662d3d, 0x76dc4190, 0x1db7106, 0x98d220bc, 0xefd5102a, 0x71b18589, 0x6b6b51f, 0x9fbfe4a5, 0xe8b8d433, 0x7807c9a2, 0xf00f934, 0x9609a88e, 0xe10e9818, 0x7f6a0dbb, 0x86d3d2d, 0x91646c97, 0xe6635c01, 0x6b6b51f4, 0x1c6c6162, 0x856530d8, 0xf262004e, 0x6c0695ed, 0x1b01a57b, 0x8208f4c1, 0xf50fc457, 0x65b0d9c6, 0x12b7e950, 0x8bbeb8ea, 0xfcb9887c, 0x62dd1ddf, 0x15da2d49, 0x8cd37cf3, 0xfbd44c65, 0x4db26158, 0x3ab551ce, 0xa3bc0074, 0xd4bb30e2, 0x4adfa541, 0x3dd895d7, 0xa4d1c46d, 0xd3d6f4fb, 0x4369e96a, 0x346ed9fc, 0xad678846, 0xda60b8d0, 0x44042d73, 0x33031de5, 0xaa0a4c5f, 0xdd0d7cc9, 0x5005713c, 0x270241aa, 0xbe0b1010, 0xc90c2086, 0x5768b525, 0x206f85b3, 0xb966d409, 0xce61e49f, 0x5edef90e, 0x29d9c998, 0xb0d09822, 0xc7d7a8b4, 0x59b33d17, 0x2eb40d81, 0xb7bd5c3b, 0xc0ba6cad, 0xedb88320, 0x9abfb3b6, 0x3b6e20c, 0x74b1d29a, 0xead54739, 0x9dd277af, 0x4db2615, 0x73dc1683, 0xe3630b12, 0x94643b84, 0xd6d6a3e, 0x7a6a5aa8, 0xe40ecf0b, 0x9309ff9d, 0xa00ae27, 0x7d079eb1, 0xf00f9344, 0x8708a3d2, 0x1e01f268, 0x6906c2fe, 0xf762575d, 0x806567cb, 0x196c3671, 0x6e6b06e7, 0xfed41b76, 0x89d32be0, 0x10da7a5a, 0x67dd4acc, 0xf9b9df6f, 0x8ebeeff9, 0x17b7be43, 0x60b08ed5, 0xd6d6a3e8, 0xa1d1937e, 0x38d8c2c4, 0x4fdff252, 0xd1bb67f1, 0xa6bc5767, 0x3fb506dd, 0x48b2364b, 0xd80d2bda, 0xaf0a1b4c, 0x36034af6, 0x41047a60, 0xdf60efc3, 0xa867df55, 0x316e8eef, 0x4669be79, 0xcb61b38c, 0xbc66831a, 0x256fd2a0, 0x5268e236, 0xcc0c7795, 0xbb0b4703, 0x220216b9, 0x5505262f, 0xc5ba3bbe, 0xb2bd0b28, 0x2bb45a92, 0x5cb36a04, 0xc2d7ffa7, 0xb5d0cf31, 0x2cd99e8b, 0x5bdeae1d, 0x9b64c2b0, 0xec63f226, 0x756aa39c, 0x26d930a, 0x9c0906a9, 0xeb0e363f, 0x72076785, 0x5005713, 0x95bf4a82, 0xe2b87a14, 0x7bb12bae, 0xcb61b38, 0x92d28e9b, 0xe5d5be0d, 0x7cdcefb7, 0xbdbdf21, 0x86d3d2d4, 0xf1d4e242, 0x68ddb3f8, 0x1fda836e, 0x81be16cd, 0xf6b9265b, 0x6fb077e1, 0x18b74777, 0x88085ae6, 0xff0f6a70, 0x66063bca, 0x11010b5c, 0x8f659eff, 0xf862ae69, 0x616bffd3, 0x166ccf45, 0xa00ae278, 0xd70dd2ee, 0x4e048354, 0x3903b3c2, 0xa7672661, 0xd06016f7, 0x4969474d, 0x3e6e77db, 0xaed16a4a, 0xd9d65adc, 0x40df0b66, 0x37d83bf0, 0xa9bcae53, 0xdebb9ec5, 0x47b2cf7f, 0x30b5ffe9, 0xbdbdf21c, 0xcabac28a, 0x53b39330, 0x24b4a3a6, 0xbad03605, 0xcdd70693, 0x54de5729, 0x23d967bf, 0xb3667a2e, 0xc4614ab8, 0x5d681b02, 0x2a6f2b94, 0xb40bbe37, 0xc30c8ea1, 0x5a05df1b, 0x2d02ef8d];
     // PNG Cyclic Redundancy Code algorithm -- http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#D-CRCAppendix
     var crc32s = function(/*uint[]*/buf)
          var c = 0xffffffff, i;
          for( i=0 ; i < buf.length; i++ )
               c = CRC_256[(c ^ buf.charCodeAt(i)) & 0xff] ^ (c >>> 8);
          return (c ^ 0xffffffff);
     var header = function ()
          return "\x89PNG\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A";
     var i2s = function (/*int32*/i)
          return String.fromCharCode(i>>>24) + String.fromCharCode(i>>>16) + String.fromCharCode(i>>>8) + String.fromCharCode(i);
     var chunk = function (/*4 Char PNG code*/chunkType, /*data*/data)
          var buf = chunkType + data;
          var crc = crc32s(buf);
          buf = i2s (data.length) + buf + i2s (crc);
          return buf;
     var adler32 = function (/*string*/buf)
          var i, a = 1, b = 0;
          for (i=0; i<buf.length; i++)
               a += buf.charCodeAt(i); s1 %= 65521;
               b += a; b %= 65521;
          return (b<<16)+a;
     return function(/*int*/wide, /*int*/high, /*string*/ pal, /*string*/image, /*string*/transpIndex)
          var t, bits;
          if (pal.length % 3)
               alert ("Bad Palette length -- not a multiple of 3");
               return null;
          if (image.length != high*wide)
               alert ("Size error: expected "+(high*wide)+" bytes, got "+image.length);
               return null;
          bits = '';
          for (t=0; t<high; t++)
               bits += "\x00"+image.substr(t*wide, wide);
          t = bits.length;
          bits += i2s (adler32(bits));
          var r = header() + chunk ('IHDR', i2s (wide)+i2s(high)+"\x08\x03\x00\x00\x00");
          r += chunk ('PLTE', pal);
          if (transpIndex != null)
               r += chunk ('tRNS', transpIndex);
          r += chunk ('IDAT', "\x78\x9c\x01"+ String.fromCharCode (t & 0xff)+String.fromCharCode((t>>>8) & 0xff)+String.fromCharCode ((~t) & 0xff)+String.fromCharCode(~(t>>>8) & 0xff)+bits);
          r += chunk ('IEND', '');
          return r;
/* Sample usage. Remove when #including the above in _your_ script! */
var pngPal  = "\x00\x00\x00"+"\xff\x00\x00"+"\x00\xff\x00"+"\x00\x00\xff"+"\xff\xff\x00"+"\x40\x40\x40";
var pngData =     "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"+
img = makePng (10,11, pngPal, pngData, "\x40");
var w = new Window("dialog", "Image test");
w.add ('image', undefined, img);
var f = new File(Folder.myDocuments+"/test-me2.png");
if (f.open('w'))
     f.encoding = "BINARY";
     f.write (img);
} else
     alert ("eh -- couldn't write test file...");

Here is a more complicated (and useful ) example. (--Its actual usefulness is not as, erm, useful as I hoped, because it seems you don't have access to the built-in stroke styles! If anyone knows a work-around that, let me know ...)
First, create a few custom Striped and/or Dashed stroke styles; then call this Javascript to see them created "live" in the drop down. Make sure you removed the sample code from the end of "pnglib.jsx", otherwise that dialog with interfere and mess up my nice program.
#include "pnglib.jsx"
function createStripeImg (styleIndex)
     var pngPal  = "\x00\x00\x00"+"\xff\xff\xff";
     var pngData = '';
     var x,y, ystart;
     var stripes = [];
     var i;
     for (y=0; y<app.activeDocument.stripedStrokeStyles[styleIndex].stripeArray.length; y++)
          stripes.push (Math.round (11*app.activeDocument.stripedStrokeStyles[styleIndex].stripeArray[y]/100));
     i = 0;
     for (y=0; y<11; y++)
          if (y >= stripes[i])
               if (y <= stripes[i+1])
                    for (x=0; x<48; x++)
                         pngData += "\x00";
               i += 2;
          for (x=0; x<48; x++)
               pngData += "\x01";
     return makePng (48,11, pngPal, pngData, "\xff\x00");
function createDashImg (styleIndex)
     var pngPal  = "\x00\x00\x00"+"\xff\xff\xff";
     var pngData = '';
     var x,y, xstart;
     var dashes = [];
     var i, len;
     len = 0;
     for (y=0; y<app.activeDocument.dashedStrokeStyles[styleIndex].dashArray.length; y++)
          len += app.activeDocument.dashedStrokeStyles[styleIndex].dashArray[y];
     xstart = 0;
     for (y=0; y<app.activeDocument.dashedStrokeStyles[styleIndex].dashArray.length; y++)
          dashes.push (xstart);
          xstart += Math.round (48*app.activeDocument.dashedStrokeStyles[styleIndex].dashArray[y]/len);
     dashes.push (47);
     i = 0;
     for (y=0; y<11; y++)
          if (y < 3 || y > 8)
               for (x=0; x<48; x++)
                    pngData += "\x01";
          } else
               xstart = 0;
               for (x=0; x<48; x++)
                    if (x >= dashes[xstart])
                         if (x >= dashes[xstart+1])
                              xstart += 2;
                         pngData += "\x00";
                    } else
                         pngData += "\x01";
     return makePng (48,11, pngPal, pngData, "\xff\x00");
if (app.activeDocument.stripedStrokeStyles.length+app.activeDocument.dashedStrokeStyles.length < 1)
     alert ("This example needs a few custom stripe or dash stroke styles to play with");
     exit (0);
var w = new Window("dialog", "Select a stripe type");
var ddl = w.add("dropdownlist");
for( i=0; i < app.activeDocument.stripedStrokeStyles.length; i++)
     (ddl.add('item', " "+app.activeDocument.stripedStrokeStyles[i].name)).image = createStripeImg (i);
for( i=0; i < app.activeDocument.dashedStrokeStyles.length; i++)
     (ddl.add('item', " "+app.activeDocument.dashedStrokeStyles[i].name)).image = createDashImg (i);
ddl.selection = 0;
g = w.add ("group");
g.orientation = 'row';
g.add ("button", undefined, "OK");
g.add ("button", undefined, "Cancel");

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    After following Lorains' gradient link, when you have the first box tweaked to your liking and you need it replicated to the remaining two boxes (without having to go through the process again)
    1. Select the box that has the new Gradient, then Edit > Copy (or Ctrl/Command + C)
        Then select the remaining two boxes that need the new gradient style, then Edit > Paste Attributes
       This process with carry over (copy/paste attributes) the first box to the others.
    2. Select the box that has the new Gradient changes, then in the Property Inspector (PI), to the far right, tick the small icon under to create a New (Object) Style. Once created, open the Window > Styles Panel. Select the two remaining boxes on the canvas then click the New Style icon in the Styles Panel to apply.
    1. is memory resident/temporary and will be lost when you later utilize the Copy command. But 2 has more 'staying' power and you can reuse it, go back to it, save it to disk, and tweak it further to create new ones at any time.
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    That's a bit, um, oh never mind. Would've been a rubbish joke anyway.
    Aww...pooh. I love "rubbish" jokes!
    If fireworks is unable to export a transparent png at 24bit, then why have the option?
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    Transparency for 24-bit isn't an option and isn't implied. Create a FW document with a transparent canvas. Go to File>Image Preview. If you select PNG8 as your export option, then you have drop-downs for No Transparency, Index Transparency, or Alpha Transparency. PNG32 shows the checkerboard where the document is transparent. If you select PNG24, you do not have the transparency options. Transparent areas in your document are set to white, just as they are if you select the JPEG format. Try it.
    I don't know why your rendering is horrible. I'd have to see your image.
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    docName = sourceDoc.name;
    NamesaveRef = new File( outputFolder + "/" + docName );
    var NewfileRef = new File( NamesaveRef )
    var options = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb();
    options.format = SaveDocumentType.PNG;
    options.transparency = true;
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    PNG does not have a quality setting. The quality property is used when exporting jpeg. That is why changing that property has no effect with PNG files.
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    <?php require_once('Connections/innerchoice_books.php'); ?>
    <?php require_once('Connections/innerchoice_books.php'); ?>
    if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) {
    function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")
      if (PHP_VERSION < 6) {
        $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue;
      $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue);
      switch ($theType) {
        case "text":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
        case "long":
        case "int":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";
        case "double":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? doubleval($theValue) : "NULL";
        case "date":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
        case "defined":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;
      return $theValue;
    if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) {
    function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")
      if (PHP_VERSION < 6) {
        $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue;
      $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue);
      switch ($theType) {
        case "text":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
        case "long":
        case "int":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";
        case "double":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? doubleval($theValue) : "NULL";
        case "date":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
        case "defined":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;
      return $theValue;
    $editFormAction = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
      $editFormAction .= "?" . htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
    if ((isset($_POST["MM_insert"])) && ($_POST["MM_insert"] == "form1")) {
      $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO email_list (ml_fname, ml_lname, ml_email, ml_job, ml_state) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['ml_fname'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['ml_lname'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['ml_email'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['ml_job'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['ml_state'], "text"));
      mysql_select_db($database_innerchoice_books, $innerchoice_books);
      $Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $innerchoice_books) or die(mysql_error());
    mysql_select_db($database_innerchoice_books, $innerchoice_books);
    $query_rsSubscribers = "SELECT * FROM email_list";
    $rsSubscribers = mysql_query($query_rsSubscribers, $innerchoice_books) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_rsSubscribers = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsSubscribers);
    $totalRows_rsSubscribers = mysql_num_rows($rsSubscribers);
    mysql_select_db($database_innerchoice_books, $innerchoice_books);
    $query_rsStates = "SELECT * FROM states ORDER BY state_id ASC";
    $rsStates = mysql_query($query_rsStates, $innerchoice_books) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_rsStates = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsStates);
    $totalRows_rsStates = mysql_num_rows($rsStates);
    mysql_select_db($database_innerchoice_books, $innerchoice_books);
    $query_rsJobs = "SELECT * FROM jobs ORDER BY job_id ASC";
    $rsJobs = mysql_query($query_rsJobs, $innerchoice_books) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_rsJobs = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsJobs);
    $totalRows_rsJobs = mysql_num_rows($rsJobs);
    <?php require_once("webassist/email/mail_php.php"); ?>
    <?php require_once("webassist/email/mailformatting_php.php"); ?>
    if (!isset($_SESSION))session_start();
    if ((($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") && (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]) && strpos(urldecode($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]), urldecode($_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])) > 0) && isset($_POST)))     {
      //WA Universal Email object="mail"
      $EmailRef = "waue_mailList_signup_2";
      $BurstSize = 0;
      $BurstTime = 0;
      $WaitTime = 0;
      $GoToPage = "mailList_signup_thanks.php";
      $RecipArray = array();
      $StartBurst = time();
      $LoopCount = 0;
      $TotalEmails = 0;
      $RecipIndex = 0;
      // build up recipients array
      $CurIndex = sizeof($RecipArray);
      $RecipArray[$CurIndex] = array();
      $RecipArray[$CurIndex ][] = "".((isset($_POST["ml_email"]))?$_POST["ml_email"]:"")  ."";
      $TotalEmails += sizeof($RecipArray[$CurIndex]);
      $RealWait = ($WaitTime<0.25)?0.25:($WaitTime+0.1);
      $TimeTracker = Array();
      $TotalBursts = floor($TotalEmails/$BurstSize);
      $AfterBursts = $TotalEmails % $BurstSize;
      $TimeRemaining = ($TotalBursts * $BurstTime) + ($AfterBursts*$RealWait);
      if ($TimeRemaining < ($TotalEmails*$RealWait) )  {
        $TimeRemaining = $TotalEmails*$RealWait;
      $_SESSION[$EmailRef."_Total"] = $TotalEmails;
      $_SESSION[$EmailRef."_Index"] = 0;
      $_SESSION[$EmailRef."_Remaining"] = $TimeRemaining;
      while ($RecipIndex < sizeof($RecipArray))  {
        $EnteredValue = is_string($RecipArray[$RecipIndex][0]);
        $CurIndex = 0;
        while (($EnteredValue && $CurIndex < sizeof($RecipArray[$RecipIndex])) || (!$EnteredValue && $RecipArray[$RecipIndex][0])) {
          $starttime = microtime_float();
          if ($EnteredValue)  {
            $RecipientEmail = $RecipArray[$RecipIndex][$CurIndex];
          }  else  {
            $RecipientEmail = $RecipArray[$RecipIndex][0][$RecipArray[$RecipIndex][2]];
          $EmailsRemaining = ($TotalEmails- $LoopCount);
          $BurstsRemaining = ceil(($EmailsRemaining-$AfterBursts)/$BurstSize);
          $IntoBurst = ($EmailsRemaining-$AfterBursts) % $BurstSize;
          if ($AfterBursts<$EmailsRemaining) $IntoBurst = 0;
          $TimeRemaining = ($BurstsRemaining * $BurstTime * 60) + ((($AfterBursts<$EmailsRemaining)?$AfterBursts:$EmailsRemaining)*$RealWait) - (($AfterBursts>$EmailsRemaining)?0:($IntoBurst*$RealWait));
          if ($TimeRemaining < ($EmailsRemaining*$RealWait) )  {
            $TimeRemaining = $EmailsRemaining*$RealWait;
          $CurIndex ++;
          $LoopCount ++;
          $_SESSION[$EmailRef."_Index"] = $LoopCount;
          $_SESSION[$EmailRef."_Remaining"] = round($TimeRemaining);
          $endtime = microtime_float();
          $TimeTracker[] =$endtime - $starttime;
          $RealWait = array_sum($TimeTracker)/sizeof($TimeTracker);
          if ($LoopCount % $BurstSize == 0)  {
            $TimePassed = (time() - $StartBurst);
            if ($TimePassed < ($BurstTime*60))  {
              $WaitBurst = ($BurstTime*60) -$TimePassed;
            else  {
              $TimeRemaining = ($TotalEmails- $LoopCount)*$RealWait;
            $StartBurst = time();
          if (!$EnteredValue)  {
            $RecipArray[$RecipIndex][0] =  mysql_fetch_assoc($RecipArray[$RecipIndex][1]);
        $RecipIndex ++;
      $_SESSION[$EmailRef."_Total"] = 0;
      $_SESSION[$EmailRef."_Index"] = 0;
      $_SESSION[$EmailRef."_Remaining"] = 0;
      if ($GoToPage!="")     {
        header("Location: ".$GoToPage);
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  • [CS4 JS] Script UI refreshing statictext from function

    This script displays a simple floating palette with a Refresh button that when clicked should display a list of files in a particular folder. This list is retrieved using the getString([]) function which is commented out in the code below.
    For this example I have defined a myArray with values "one" and "two". I am OK with my function returning a valid array.
    The problem I am having is removing the list and replacing it everytime the Refresh button is clicked. The contents of the array are just added to the bottom of of the statictext.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    #targetengine "session"
    var w = new Window("palette","Open Neptune Jobs",undefined);
    w.addList = new Array();
    w.orientation = "column";
    w.Refresh = w.add("group",undefined);
    w.Refresh.Button3 = w.Refresh.add('button',undefined,"Refresh", {name:"refresh"});
    w.Refresh.Button3.onClick = function ()
    myArray = ["one","two"]
    //myArray = getString ([]) // This is the function that gets my list of files
    w.myGroup = w.add( "group" );
    w.myGroup.orientation = "column";
       if ( this.window.addList.length > 0 ) {
                this.window.myGroup.remove( this.window.addList.pop() );
                this.window.layout.layout( true );
    for( var i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++ )
      myString = myArray[i]
      this.window.addList.push( w.myGroup.add( "statictext", undefined, myString ) );
      this.window.layout.layout( true );
    w.frameLocation = [ 100, 100 ];
    w.show ();

    I think this is what you want. Works in ESTK.
    // just to make it fun...
    makeArray = function() {
        var array = new Array();
        var a = parseInt( Math.random() * 20 ) + 1;
        for ( var i = 0; i < a; i++ ) {
            array.push( parseInt( Math.random() * 100 ) );
        return array;
    var w = new Window("palette","Open Neptune Jobs",undefined);
    w.addList = new Array();
    w.orientation = "column";
    w.Refresh = w.add("group",undefined);
    w.Refresh.Button3 = w.Refresh.add('button',undefined,"Refresh", {name:"refresh"});
    w.Refresh.Button3.onClick = function () {
         var myArray = makeArray();
         if ( this.window.myGroup ) {
             this.window.remove( this.window.myGroup );
         w.myGroup = w.add( "group" );
         w.myGroup.orientation = "column";
        for( var i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++ ) {
            w.myGroup.add( "statictext", undefined, myArray[ i ] );
        this.window.layout.layout( true );
    w.frameLocation = [ 100, 100 ];
    w.show ();

  • Why can't I save as my photoshop cs4 file to .png file? I don't see any option now?

    why can't I save as my photoshop cs4 file to .png file? I don't see any option for saving .png in Save As diolog box now? It was working fine until yesterday. Neither I can open a .png file nor save my psd file to png file?
    Please help. I am using Microsoft Window XP Professional and Photoshop CS4.

    In Photoshop CS4, .png open/save support was provided by a plug-in.  It is possible the plug-in has been deleted or moved, or has become unavailable to Photoshop because of a change in file protections.
    Do you have the file PNG.8BI on your system.  It should be here on a 32 bit Windows system:
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS4\Plug-ins\File Formats\PNG.8BI

  • Converting a PNG to a Symbol Causes Instant Crash in CS4

    Every time I try to convert a PNG to a symbol, Flash CS4 instantly crashes. The PNG images are coming from LightWave 3D, but I've run them through Fireworks and saved with a new name to no avail. They aren't anything unusual, 480 x 270 pixels with alpha trnasparency. There was some discussion about removing fonts with red icons, did that, no help. Reset Preferences>Text>Font mapping default to Arial, no help. Flash 8 works fine.
    Could use a little help.

    You should probably deactivate before uninstalling, but going back on the same machine you don't need to remove the serial number.
    Rename C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\InDesign\<Version #>\<Language>\InDesign Defaults and C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Adobe\InDesign\<Version #>\<Language>\Caches\InDesign SavedData

  • Photoshop CS4 extended freezes on startup for up to 10 mins

    When I select Photoshop to start, it has suddenly started taking an inordinate amount of time to start. This has been timed at 10 minutes!
    The blue loading screen appears and it stops at the point where it is reading preferences.
    No other design suite programs are affected.
    If I open an image in Bridge I can access Camera Raw and open Photoshop from the "Open Image" and this tends to be quicker.
    I have tried resetting the preferences. I have tried reinstalling Photoshop, and made sure it is updated fully.
    The only changes that were made were the manual installation of a Plug in (NAPP Watermark Creator 1.0.5).  This would not install correctly via the Extension Manager, I copied a folder to the  Program Files (x86) / Adobe Photoshop CS4 / Plug-ins / Panels / (Watermark folder goes here) and the file WatermarkService.jsx to the C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Common Files \ Adobe \ Startup Scripts CS4\ AdobePhotoshop / (WatermarkServices.jsx file goes here) both in accordance with the instructions from the creator. Both the file and folder were removed from these locations when this issue began.
    Additionally, I had changed the Scratch Disks settings in the Performance Preferences as suggested to not include the boot drive (C: drive)
    and assigned another disk with more than 60GB of free space to this.
    Resetting the Scratch disk setting to the original C: selection and restarting Photoshop makes no difference.
    Once Photoshop does load there are no problems with its usage.
    Any advice would be gratefully received.
    Andy Wallace

    Well just to point out something.
    By noting that it is effecting both the 32 bit and 64 bit version you pretty much verified that its more then just a application plug-in issue.
    See while both are named Photoshop. they are completly seperate applications using completly different dlls, configurations and even plugins. The 64 bit version does not care what you installed into the 32 bit version's plug in folders and by your description you only added the plug in manually to the 32 bit. it does not use them and they likely would not work and would be ignored even if you put them in the 64 bit plug in folder.
    Is there anything you changed that would have effected both 32 bit and 64 bit photoshop?

  • Converting RAW to PNG 8 bit vs 16 bit

    When I open a 16 bit raw file in PS and save that via File-> Save for Web & Devices and choose PNG-24, it becomes an 8 bit file. When I instead just go File-> Save As and choose png from the Windows standard format dropdown menu it becomes 16 bit. Why is this? 
    I also wonder what's the max. bit for the PNG format.
    PS CS4
    W-XP SP3

    Thanks for answering Andrew. I appriciate that. Yes, in this case my 8-bit PNG is 532kb and the 16-bit is 2,3mb. They share pixel size, so that's compression. It's weird that PS doesn't have more flexible PNG "save functions" cause what ended up generating the 16-bit file was my OS, if you know what I mean.
    I know that JPEG doesn't support 16-bit but I'm only referring to PNG here. I also checked the PNG-8 option in the Save for Web & Devices function, but that removed the RGB color space and made it Indexed Color like a gif. I've tried to find out what the max bit value for PNG is but it's not clear to me. Does the format support 64-bit? So if I had let's say Windows 7 I could have a 64-bit PNG by saving that RAW file like I did trough File-> Save As? 

  • CS4 crashes on snow leopard

    I recently formatted my iMac (2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo / 4GB memory) and installed Snow leopard. I then installed CS5 and all my programs started to crash, then I realized bridge didn't open at all. SO i uninstalled CS5, used the adobe cleaner tool and the installed CS$ which is what I had beofre running on LEOPARD and was running fine. But now indesign cs4 doesn't open at all. It crashes immediately. I read it was a bug from mac, i contacted them and they said its Adobe who has to answer. Please help. I have been two days formatting, installing and uninstalling.
    Here is my crash report from indeisgn CS4
    Process:         Adobe InDesign CS4 [27356]
    Path:            /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe InDesign CS4
    Identifier:      com.adobe.InDesign
    Version: (6000)
    Code Type:       X86 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [85]
    Date/Time:       2011-06-04 12:37:54.473 -0400
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.6.7 (10J869)
    Report Version:  6
    Interval Since Last Report:          212252 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           22
    Per-App Interval Since Last Report:  87 sec
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   7
    Anonymous UUID:                      19158FCC-F3FF-45EA-8BB8-21AAAE7B30B2
    Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
    Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0000000000000000
    Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
    Thread 0 Crashed:  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
    0   ???                           0xa0c166f0 _XHNDL_trapback_instruction + 0
    1   AdobeBIB                      0x00812ae0 0x807000 + 47840
    2   AdobeBIB                      0x00812e11 0x807000 + 48657
    3   AdobeBIB                      0x00812e83 0x807000 + 48771
    4   com.adobe.InDesign.PDF        0x22d53739 GetPlugIn + 1040761
    5   libSystem.B.dylib             0x9755719f __cxa_finalize + 208
    6   libSystem.B.dylib             0x975570b4 exit + 33
    7   com.adobe.InDesign            0x00001fba start + 266
    8   com.adobe.InDesign            0x00001ed9 start + 41
    Thread 1:  Dispatch queue: com.apple.libdispatch-manager
    0   libSystem.B.dylib             0x9755e922 kevent + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib             0x9755f03c _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 215
    2   libSystem.B.dylib             0x9755e4f9 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 163
    3   libSystem.B.dylib             0x9755e29e _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 240
    4   libSystem.B.dylib             0x9755dd21 _pthread_wqthread + 390
    5   libSystem.B.dylib             0x9755db66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 2:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib             0x975380fa semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib             0x97565c85 _pthread_cond_wait + 1066
    2   libSystem.B.dylib             0x97594aa8 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47
    3   ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x99122e3d TSWaitOnConditionTimedRelative + 242
    4   ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x9911e7e3 MPWaitOnQueue + 250
    5   PMRuntime.dylib               0x00012668 MemUtils::GetAvailMem() + 296
    6   ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x991027ca PrivateMPEntryPoint + 68
    7   libSystem.B.dylib             0x975657fd _pthread_start + 345
    8   libSystem.B.dylib             0x97565682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 3:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib             0x9755d9b2 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib             0x9755df48 _pthread_wqthread + 941
    2   libSystem.B.dylib             0x9755db66 start_wqthread + 30
    Thread 4:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib             0x9753809a mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib             0x97538807 mach_msg + 68
    2   ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x991caaac TS_exception_listener_thread + 160
    3   libSystem.B.dylib             0x975657fd _pthread_start + 345
    4   libSystem.B.dylib             0x97565682 thread_start + 34
    Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit):
      eax: 0x00000000  ebx: 0x00812dff  ecx: 0x0080e24a  edx: 0x0812d09c
      edi: 0x00000000  esi: 0x22e07908  ebp: 0xbffff978  esp: 0xbffff7e0
       ss: 0x0000001f  efl: 0x00010246  eip: 0xa0c166f0   cs: 0x00000017
       ds: 0x0000001f   es: 0x0000001f   fs: 0x00000000   gs: 0x00000037
      cr2: 0x00000000
    Binary Images:
        0x1000 -     0x3ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign (6000) <970AB63A-C7CF-E2BD-6F84-37178B986F1A> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe InDesign CS4
        0x8000 -     0x8fff +InDesignModel ??? (???) <04F752B0-79DF-B0C0-0D40-E5D56F5E6763> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/InDesignModel.framework/Versions/A/InDesignModel
        0xc000 -     0xcfff +InDesignModelAndUI ??? (???) <2822805A-73B5-F1C1-F21F-77EA75E194B8> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/InDesignModelAndUI.framework/Versions/A/InDesignModelAndUI
       0x10000 -    0x16fff +PMRuntime.dylib ??? (???) <9428E22B-B3BF-6645-9DE1-E821B48AE928> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/PMRuntime.dylib
       0x1b000 -   0x128fff +AdobeACE ??? (???) /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeACE.framework/Versions/A/AdobeACE
      0x146000 -   0x64efff +AdobeAGM ??? (???) /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeAGM.framework/Versions/A/AdobeAGM
      0x7be000 -   0x7fdff7 +AdobeARE ??? (???) /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeARE.framework/Versions/A/AdobeARE
      0x807000 -   0x820fff +AdobeBIB ??? (???) /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeBIB.framework/Versions/A/AdobeBIB
      0x82a000 -   0x84bff7 +AdobeBIBUtils ??? (???) /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeBIBUtils.framework/Versions/A/AdobeBIBUtils
      0x858000 -   0xaebfc7 +AdobeCoolType ??? (???) /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeCoolType.framework/Versions/A/AdobeCoolType
      0xb6f000 -   0xf39fef +AdobeMPS ??? (???) <4E366E06-A4EB-4717-9639-0443743F5104> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeMPS.framework/Versions/A/AdobeMPS
      0xfc8000 -  0x1029fff +ObjectModelLib.dylib ??? (???) <4FD4B086-E451-4EA3-2DBD-0CFB7EF8BBA2> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/ObjectModelLib.dylib
    0x1046000 -  0x107cfff +DataBaseLib.dylib ??? (???) <DAF68BCD-3194-48AD-5086-E06FD2529E85> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/DataBaseLib.dylib
    0x108c000 -  0x13fafff +PublicLib.dylib ??? (???) <BC602492-4629-CD2E-5901-D4A8AEE8BA69> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/PublicLib.dylib
    0x1557000 -  0x1578fda +AdobeAFL ??? (???) /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeAFL.framework/Versions/A/AdobeAFL
    0x1594000 -  0x159affe +libboost_thread-mt-1_34_1.dylib ??? (???) <DB58BCE6-F2FC-4E5B-B87F-ED405C3F62A7> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/libboost_thread-mt-1_34_1.dylib
    0x15a5000 -  0x1635fc3 +WRServices ??? (???) /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/WRServices.framework/Versions/A/WRServices
    0x17b0000 -  0x17b4ffc +com.adobe.AdobeCrashReporter 2.5 (3.0.20080806) /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeCrashReporter.framework/Versions/A/AdobeCrashReporter
    0x17ba000 -  0x216a57f +libicudata.dylib.36.0 36.0.0 (compatibility 36.0.0) /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/ICUData.framework/Versions/3.6/libicudata.dylib.36.0
    0x216d000 -  0x223c23b +libicui18n.dylib.36.0 36.0.0 (compatibility 36.0.0) /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/ICUInternationalization.framework/Versions/3.6/libicui18n.dyl ib.36.0
    0x22e5000 -  0x23b9db7 +libicuuc.dylib.36.0 36.0.0 (compatibility 36.0.0) /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/ICUUnicode.framework/Versions/3.6/libicuuc.dylib.36.0
    0x241a000 -  0x2461fc7 +com.adobe.adobe_caps adobe_caps ( /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/adobe_caps.framework/Versions/A/adobe_caps
    0x2467000 -  0x24ddfff +libboost_regex-mt-1_34_1.dylib ??? (???) <3FE3AFA1-CCA6-740C-9460-E04378983CF0> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/libboost_regex-mt-1_34_1.dylib
    0x2513000 -  0x26c9ff4 +com.adobe.amtlib amtlib ( <CB2EC3BF-6771-4DAB-BF29-6775FB6F9608> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/amtlib.framework/Versions/A/amtlib
    0x2700000 -  0x2740ff7  com.apple.vmutils 4.2 (106) <834EA6B0-C91B-4CF1-ED3C-229C26459578> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/vmutils.framework/Versions/A/vmutils
    0x2759000 -  0x2890fef +WidgetBinLib.dylib ??? (???) <F506904C-A3A5-2E16-C1E4-BBB1018D4288> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/WidgetBinLib.dylib
    0x2926000 -  0x2b20fcf +AdobeOwl ??? (???) <F209A9B2-9606-4182-93D8-84B349CFBE48> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeOwl.framework/Versions/A/AdobeOwl
    0x2b9b000 -  0x3099fc3 +AdobeOwlCanvas ??? (???) <DC1EE447-FCDB-43C8-B6D2-A5454291C85D> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeOwlCanvas.framework/Versions/A/AdobeOwlCanvas
    0x33ec000 -  0x33ecff7  libmx.A.dylib 315.0.0 (compatibility 1.0.0) <01401BF8-3FC7-19CF-ACCE-0F292BFD2F25> /usr/lib/libmx.A.dylib
    0x33fb000 -  0x33fcff2 +com.adobe.InDesign.Help (???) <0F4B3A38-9C70-AF9B-BF2E-214D9934FBD9> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/UI/Help.InDesignPlugin/Help
    0x37f6000 -  0x37faff9 +com.adobe.InDesign.Data Services UI (???) <85A22E03-9C0E-6F41-9C99-DDD06DD88300> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Data Services/Data Services UI.InDesignPlugin/Data Services UI
    0x7de7000 -  0x7df9ff7  libTraditionalChineseConverter.dylib 49.0.0 (compatibility 1.0.0) <EA696A00-4054-6F65-0F86-7901EAB5969F> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libTraditionalChineseConverter.dylib
    0x7ff9000 -  0x7ffbff2 +com.adobe.InDesign.SimpleTextImportFilter (???) <78004381-49BA-D66C-35CE-45DB39FEBB1E> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Filters/SimpleTextImportFilter.InDesignPlugin/SimpleTextImportFilter
    0x1da51000 - 0x1da52ff2 +com.adobe.InDesign.Global Preferences Panel (???) <6CBC6C7F-01EC-99BC-A502-933A65FEB980> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Global Preferences Panel.InDesignPlugin/Global Preferences Panel
    0x1da86000 - 0x1da94fe7  libSimplifiedChineseConverter.dylib 49.0.0 (compatibility 1.0.0) <B408E41B-D90F-4A04-DB72-D61C8C52BFBC> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libSimplifiedChineseConverter.dylib
    0x1db8e000 - 0x1dc2ffc3 +com.adobe.amt.services AMTServices (BuildVersion: 53.352460; BuildDate: Tue Jul 29 2008 16:31:09) (2 . 0) <31E82904-C3C2-424E-A1AE-A5EFADBB19B8> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/amtservices.framework/Versions/A/amtservices
    0x1dc7d000 - 0x1dc8aff7 +com.adobe.asneu.framework asneu version 1.6.2f01 (1.6.2) /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/asneu.framework/Versions/A/asneu
    0x1e39d000 - 0x1e3a4ff8 +com.adobe.InDesign.Data Services (???) <B53B8B9E-B41C-A9C4-8070-B835E5DC71F2> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Data Services/Data Services.InDesignPlugin/Data Services
    0x1e3aa000 - 0x1e3b6ff5 +com.adobe.InDesign.DTTransform (???) <C11BA48D-46A8-06FB-D803-15BE309A319E> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Data Services/DTTransform.InDesignPlugin/DTTransform
    0x1e3be000 - 0x1e3e1fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Dictionary Editor Dialog (???) <5C09D301-0BCE-7DBD-C28A-A1F55139E2CE> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Dictionaries/Dictionary Editor Dialog.InDesignPlugin/Dictionary Editor Dialog
    0x1e3f6000 - 0x1e3f9fff +com.adobe.InDesign.PNG Import Filter UI (???) <B11AF6F4-2AFF-7BA8-D2AE-BA2C0E6EC36A> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Filters/PNG Import Filter UI.InDesignPlugin/PNG Import Filter UI
    0x1e500000 - 0x1e520ff9 +TextPanelLib.dylib ??? (???) <B37A8DDD-502A-8DCE-5574-FE4F8A52A48A> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/TextPanelLib.dylib
    0x1e533000 - 0x1e54efff +com.adobe.InDesign.LILO (???) <0E824840-5088-6779-6D7E-1D940C75F0E8> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Dictionaries/LILO/LILO.InDesignPlugin/LILO
    0x1e55b000 - 0x1e605fff +com.adobe.linguistic.LinguisticManager 4.0.0 (7963) <B915463F-F448-4704-A0D8-BEE4B780F298> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeLinguistic.framework/Versions/3/AdobeLinguistic
    0x1e628000 - 0x1e63efeb +com.adobe.InDesign.Media Import Filter (???) <B25EA5A7-E8AD-2EA0-D1F2-793594E772EB> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Filters/Media Import Filter.InDesignPlugin/Media Import Filter
    0x1e647000 - 0x1e64cff3 +com.adobe.InDesign.QTAccess (???) <1A40EE48-3845-A79D-198B-522022908941> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Filters/QTAccess.InDesignPlugin/QTAccess
    0x1e651000 - 0x1e66afff +com.adobe.InDesign.Sangam Preferences UI (???) <8DF39D2E-CAE2-5231-4E82-6F8FC0866E68> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Filters/Sangam Preferences UI.InDesignPlugin/Sangam Preferences UI
    0x1e679000 - 0x1e6c5ffe +AdobeSangam 3.0.0 (compatibility 3.0.0) <7CA1710B-7675-42EA-A688-F3570ABB577B> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeSangam.framework/Versions/A/AdobeSangam
    0x1e728000 - 0x1e777ff3 +com.adobe.InDesign.SangamExport (???) <9DBC6F9D-C04E-BD09-6655-B5FB0C504802> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Filters/SangamExport.InDesignPlugin/SangamExport
    0x1e795000 - 0x1e88cfef +com.adobe.InDesign.SangamServicer-Mapper (???) <F94FF017-6AC1-81D3-4380-B1572289D0D4> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Filters/SangamServicer-Mapper.InDesignPlugin/SangamServicer-Mapper
    0x1e8d1000 - 0x1e8ddff3 +com.adobe.InDesign.SaveBack (???) <5FEC3A18-4BD3-1044-6236-3115C0C6858E> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Filters/SaveBack.InDesignPlugin/SaveBack
    0x1e8e6000 - 0x1e96efff +com.adobe.InDesign.Tagged Text Attributes (???) <392E29FB-F331-5765-4292-C72B2008621A> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Filters/Tagged Text Attributes.InDesignPlugin/Tagged Text Attributes
    0x1e99f000 - 0x1e9abfed +com.adobe.InDesign.Tagged Text Filters UI (???) <F2CD8EAB-8C46-480C-524F-E39E1E31F577> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Filters/Tagged Text Filters UI.InDesignPlugin/Tagged Text Filters UI
    0x1e9b1000 - 0x1ea4dff2 +com.adobe.InDesign.Tagged Text Filters (???) <0036BA3A-F257-141C-5B9F-5DFF9F7E8579> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Filters/Tagged Text Filters.InDesignPlugin/Tagged Text Filters
    0x1ea5c000 - 0x1ea64ff9 +com.adobe.InDesign.Clipping Path Dialog (???) <C047A93F-1863-13EE-048F-9F9406C7DDFE> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Graphics/Clipping Path Dialog.InDesignPlugin/Clipping Path Dialog
    0x1ea6d000 - 0x1ea90fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Color Management UI (???) <7932C550-D31C-6230-30FD-B4DC96D7F35B> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Graphics/Color Management UI.InDesignPlugin/Color Management UI
    0x1ea9c000 - 0x1eae9ff9 +com.adobe.InDesign.Color Picker Panel (???) <6D5F716C-4997-E6CD-6625-8C95A4A630BB> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Graphics/Color Picker Panel.InDesignPlugin/Color Picker Panel
    0x1eb04000 - 0x1ebd7ffb +com.adobe.InDesign.Dynamic Documents (???) <F93D80E9-A3D8-41E4-EE20-54FC9C8DAD6B> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Graphics/Dynamic Documents.InDesignPlugin/Dynamic Documents
    0x1ec1c000 - 0x1ecfdfc3 +AdobeSWFPort ??? (???) /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeSWFPort.framework/Versions/A/AdobeSWFPort
    0x1ed31000 - 0x1ed43ffd +com.adobe.InDesign.DynamicDocumentsUI (???) <E6DE79DC-BA0F-C0CE-7C9E-2881BF96953B> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Graphics/DynamicDocumentsUI.InDesignPlugin/DynamicDocumentsUI
    0x1ed49000 - 0x1ed50fff +com.adobe.InDesign.EPS UI (???) <402F654F-BD3A-F518-319A-66F8351A1C0A> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Graphics/EPS UI.InDesignPlugin/EPS UI
    0x1ed56000 - 0x1ed5cff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Generic Style Editor (???) <6CDB2DCF-DBF6-F8F2-4CD4-575D9FDE0D4A> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Graphics/Generic Style Editor.InDesignPlugin/Generic Style Editor
    0x1ed65000 - 0x1ed87ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Gradient Panel (???) <23AEA9F7-222A-BA00-5288-F5EE281C9155> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Graphics/Gradient Panel.InDesignPlugin/Gradient Panel
    0x1ed96000 - 0x1edd9fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Graphic Panels (???) <3491741F-72ED-3490-7CBF-FA5FB3027855> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Graphics/Graphic Panels.InDesignPlugin/Graphic Panels
    0x1edf2000 - 0x1edf6ff1 +com.adobe.InDesign.JPEG Export UI (???) <8A3D6AD4-9FDF-4DBF-345C-3640D15B1C43> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Graphics/JPEG Export UI.InDesignPlugin/JPEG Export UI
    0x1edfc000 - 0x1ee11fff +com.adobe.InDesign.JPEG Export (???) <842E1B3B-42C2-0191-198B-A392862655A2> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Graphics/JPEG Export.InDesignPlugin/JPEG Export
    0x1ee1f000 - 0x1ee54ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Output Preview (???) <8DBEAAE5-BBA0-B48F-A83E-506430EAB349> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Graphics/Output Preview.InDesignPlugin/Output Preview
    0x1ee67000 - 0x1ee74ff1 +com.adobe.InDesign.OutputMiscUI (???) <BA56ACAB-1453-D2E3-655C-EFDBD9543783> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Graphics/OutputMiscUI.InDesignPlugin/OutputMiscUI
    0x1ee80000 - 0x1eed1ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.PDF UI (???) <F979295A-2243-A862-B339-1EA6780E6A7E> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Graphics/PDF UI.InDesignPlugin/PDF UI
    0x1eeea000 - 0x1ef4afc7 +AdobeXMP ??? (???) /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeXMP.framework/Versions/A/AdobeXMP
    0x1ef59000 - 0x1ef67ffd +com.adobe.InDesign.Printer Styles (???) <7C016F3F-411F-EC5F-75BB-8507878340C8> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Graphics/Printer Styles.InDesignPlugin/Printer Styles
    0x1ef71000 - 0x1f012fe1 +com.adobe.InDesign.PrintUI (???) <8F9CB925-7B0F-FB0C-CE9E-8ACE5C193809> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Graphics/PrintUI.InDesignPlugin/PrintUI
    0x1f049000 - 0x1f053ff5 +com.adobe.InDesign.PS Import UI (???) <B8028ED9-7B2F-96DF-ACA9-341B4F74EE88> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Graphics/PS Import UI.InDesignPlugin/PS Import UI
    0x1f05c000 - 0x1f06ffff +com.adobe.InDesign.Swatch Library Panel (???) <80A8B416-E4AA-B266-FE6D-4D27A34626B8> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Graphics/Swatch Library Panel.InDesignPlugin/Swatch Library Panel
    0x1f077000 - 0x1f0e8ff9 +com.adobe.InDesign.Swatches Panel (???) <A27CCA98-A346-0EE7-65F5-721D79D0B8AC> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Graphics/Swatches Panel.InDesignPlugin/Swatches Panel
    0x1f10c000 - 0x1f17affd +com.adobe.InDesign.Transparency UI (???) <763895B4-7EE8-FFAF-27F7-13C198906B92> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Graphics/Transparency UI.InDesignPlugin/Transparency UI
    0x1f19e000 - 0x1f1d9fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Assignment UI (???) <A910C644-993D-3FE0-924D-8AF5EFA4B614> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/InCopyWorkflow/Assignment UI.InDesignPlugin/Assignment UI
    0x1f1ee000 - 0x1f201fe5 +com.adobe.InDesign.InCopy Bridge UI (???) <DCDBF6B5-5632-E91F-BB74-0EF1B28FF7CD> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/InCopyWorkflow/InCopy Bridge UI.InDesignPlugin/InCopy Bridge UI
    0x1f20a000 - 0x1f231fff +com.adobe.InDesign.InCopy Bridge (???) <501249E6-E625-1E51-1821-B549B67DAB5E> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/InCopyWorkflow/InCopy Bridge.InDesignPlugin/InCopy Bridge
    0x1f23d000 - 0x1f241ff9 +com.adobe.InDesign.InCopyExport (???) <0DEA75D0-0A6E-4A74-C7DC-BCE47FE84CE6> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/InCopyWorkflow/InCopyExport.InDesignPlugin/InCopyExport
    0x1f248000 - 0x1f24bff3 +com.adobe.InDesign.InCopyExportUI (???) <B04E33E5-5B1B-4E42-A389-7A7ACECA9D6C> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/InCopyWorkflow/InCopyExportUI.InDesignPlugin/InCopyExportUI
    0x1f250000 - 0x1f255fff +com.adobe.InDesign.InCopyImport (???) <1255EF04-F4D8-7327-63BF-EC98077DB93F> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/InCopyWorkflow/InCopyImport.InDesignPlugin/InCopyImport
    0x1f25a000 - 0x1f25efff +com.adobe.InDesign.InCopyWorkflow UI (???) <589DC441-A7AD-2227-7B6A-9A76051A3D6C> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/InCopyWorkflow/InCopyWorkflow UI.InDesignPlugin/InCopyWorkflow UI
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    0x1f2b0000 - 0x1f2b8ffb +com.adobe.InDesign.NotePref (???) <6A2E5C76-343F-CCD2-FE42-9F5D9C536E4C> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/InCopyWorkflow/NotePref.InDesignPlugin/NotePref
    0x1f2c3000 - 0x1f2c5ff2 +com.adobe.InDesign.Username UI (???) <A2AEF94D-F8DA-9928-269E-F15F3AE94DA7> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/InCopyWorkflow/Username UI.InDesignPlugin/Username UI
    0x1f2ca000 - 0x1f30cfff +com.adobe.InDesign.ButtonUI (???) <4798B84D-AC6A-3649-2E7F-D77B605B0897> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Interactive/ButtonUI.InDesignPlugin/ButtonUI
    0x1f327000 - 0x1f340ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.MediaUI (???) <11C77707-A565-50AC-CE15-51DC1F5DB074> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Interactive/MediaUI.InDesignPlugin/MediaUI
    0x1f34e000 - 0x1f357fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Alignment Panel (???) <496EA1C7-E070-855A-0212-859689B7FEF3> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Layout/Alignment Panel.InDesignPlugin/Alignment Panel
    0x1f35e000 - 0x1f388ff3 +com.adobe.InDesign.Asset Library Panel (???) <5499FAE6-DD38-6283-C7BC-34D8AC5B9EC5> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Layout/Asset Library Panel.InDesignPlugin/Asset Library Panel
    0x1f39e000 - 0x1f3e1fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Asset PubLibrary (???) <ABA04474-28F1-A433-D1F6-9547C6340953> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Layout/Asset PubLibrary.InDesignPlugin/Asset PubLibrary
    0x1f3f6000 - 0x1f424ff1 +com.adobe.InDesign.Book Panel (???) <98F1E7EE-ED0E-3CB9-11AE-803FA2E1B624> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Layout/Book Panel.InDesignPlugin/Book Panel
    0x1f439000 - 0x1f449ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Bookmark Panel (???) <3BCF5D34-F64C-E02C-E115-B54F5588E88A> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Layout/Bookmark Panel.InDesignPlugin/Bookmark Panel
    0x1f456000 - 0x1f479ff1 +com.adobe.InDesign.Control Panel (???) <36AC28AA-8BD0-5147-BCB9-EDFF8F55D947> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Layout/Control Panel.InDesignPlugin/Control Panel
    0x1f489000 - 0x1f48efff +com.adobe.InDesign.Create Guides Dialog (???) <1D544186-D159-F548-AC11-53BEA3B3E32C> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Layout/Create Guides Dialog.InDesignPlugin/Create Guides Dialog
    0x1f494000 - 0x1f4bdfff +com.adobe.InDesign.Eyedropper Tool (???) <DCB9B263-CA26-3166-4295-8E5FD885D13E> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Layout/Eyedropper Tool.InDesignPlugin/Eyedropper Tool
    0x1f4cb000 - 0x1f51cffd +com.adobe.InDesign.Hyperlinks Panel (???) <1C45A1F4-0115-E4F3-A9EF-5CD82563FB3B> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Layout/Hyperlinks Panel.InDesignPlugin/Hyperlinks Panel
    0x1f533000 - 0x1f583ff3 +com.adobe.InDesign.Index Panel (???) <4C950BC3-94E5-7442-99CC-141B6E4BB781> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Layout/Index Panel.InDesignPlugin/Index Panel
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    0x1f602000 - 0x1f658fef +com.adobe.InDesign.Knowledge Base (???) <4B56F760-BA47-A4CF-5C39-E8B64CDB454D> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Layout/Knowledge Base.InDesignPlugin/Knowledge Base
    0x1f66c000 - 0x1f68dff9 +com.adobe.InDesign.Layers Panel (???) <6ECE67A7-473C-F979-9836-C29783EF2C20> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Layout/Layers Panel.InDesignPlugin/Layers Panel
    0x1f69f000 - 0x1f6a1ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Layout Adjustment Panel (???) <69CB7865-2D40-C519-28BF-06B4700FADF6> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Layout/Layout Adjustment Panel.InDesignPlugin/Layout Adjustment Panel
    0x1f6a6000 - 0x1f6bcfff +com.adobe.InDesign.Layout Adjustment (???) <E647D3F3-A97C-0965-85A5-B9C8212B9F04> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Layout/Layout Adjustment.InDesignPlugin/Layout Adjustment
    0x1f6c6000 - 0x1f6ebfff +com.adobe.InDesign.Links UI (???) <7A82B26D-9E4A-2C36-AF1B-E5728638E224> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Layout/Links UI.InDesignPlugin/Links UI
    0x1f6fd000 - 0x1f75dff1 +com.adobe.InDesign.ObjectStylesUI (???) <A8C7976D-0346-A50B-B6AD-492846741299> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Layout/ObjectStylesUI.InDesignPlugin/ObjectStylesUI
    0x1f77d000 - 0x1f790ff9 +com.adobe.InDesign.Page Setup Dialog (???) <9E3076FE-2315-B82E-2CC8-62CBECED9137> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Layout/Page Setup Dialog.InDesignPlugin/Page Setup Dialog
    0x1f797000 - 0x1f7feff9 +com.adobe.InDesign.Pages Panel (???) <8BF988BB-791B-2EDD-4DB7-5DB1FB73C4D2> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Layout/Pages Panel.InDesignPlugin/Pages Panel
    0x1f81b000 - 0x1f824ff1 +com.adobe.InDesign.Sections UI (???) <FA736396-CF9B-F6C4-BF76-5DE40597D321> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Layout/Sections UI.InDesignPlugin/Sections UI
    0x1f82a000 - 0x1f82fff9 +com.adobe.InDesign.StepRepeat (???) <731A4ACB-E181-4D1C-DE20-3BC5A0C36074> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Layout/StepRepeat.InDesignPlugin/StepRepeat
    0x1f836000 - 0x1f861ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Text Wrap Panel (???) <8DE26186-BAD9-F996-87CB-F5201229551F> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Layout/Text Wrap Panel.InDesignPlugin/Text Wrap Panel
    0x1f872000 - 0x1f897ffd +com.adobe.InDesign.TOC UI Dialog (???) <13CDCE4A-D2D9-083E-0560-AE7BCC5C7C40> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Layout/TOC UI Dialog.InDesignPlugin/TOC UI Dialog
    0x1f8a7000 - 0x1f8c4ff9 +com.adobe.InDesign.Transform Panel (???) <82FA3595-A7D0-7A4A-8DF2-BB71C22E0A45> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Layout/Transform Panel.InDesignPlugin/Transform Panel
    0x1f8d0000 - 0x1f8e2ff3 +com.adobe.InDesign.Image Import UI (???) <4426829B-28C7-6333-5ACA-B4F84EDB9F4D> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Page Item/Image Import UI.InDesignPlugin/Image Import UI
    0x1f8ee000 - 0x1f8fcfff +com.adobe.InDesign.Scotch Rules (???) <74F27148-FACF-5BD6-0006-9DE1FD3F2D50> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Page Item/Scotch Rules.InDesignPlugin/Scotch Rules
    0x1f904000 - 0x1f93afff +com.adobe.InDesign.BNUI (???) <AED17DBC-0E6D-6C1A-47FA-DCE1863C8E25> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/PMPack/BNUI.InDesignPlugin/BNUI
    0x1f94f000 - 0x1f956ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.CropTool (???) <918C0A42-7442-4C3B-19C6-976479A0DD41> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/PMPack/CropTool.InDesignPlugin/CropTool
    0x1f95e000 - 0x1f9ddfff +com.adobe.InDesign.DataMerge (???) <198D3D5E-B1BB-FE63-13A4-3EBFB2A8FCD3> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/PMPack/DataMerge.InDesignPlugin/DataMerge
    0x1fa0a000 - 0x1fa2bff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.DataMergeUI (???) <6B9F2583-53D7-1319-0A1E-2A353D9837F7> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/PMPack/DataMergeUI.InDesignPlugin/DataMergeUI
    0x1fa3c000 - 0x1fa4afff +com.adobe.InDesign.PMWelcomeScreen (???) <17CCEBF1-6941-902D-4742-B02B31B5A517> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/PMPack/PMWelcomeScreen.InDesignPlugin/PMWelcomeScreen
    0x1fa57000 - 0x1fa5dff8  com.apple.carbonframeworktemplate 1.3 (1.3.11) /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/ahclient.framework/Versions/A/ahclient
    0x1fa62000 - 0x1faecffb +com.adobe.InDesign.Package and Preflight UI (???) <382B9E43-94D8-6410-3C4E-B58F9B851CDC> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Prepress/Package and Preflight UI.InDesignPlugin/Package and Preflight UI
    0x1fb1c000 - 0x1fc57ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Package and Preflight (???) <4433C445-8D25-223C-05FC-8F5A7BE7F7CA> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Prepress/Package and Preflight.InDesignPlugin/Package and Preflight
    0x1fc97000 - 0x1fcbbff6 +AdobeAXE8SharedExpat ??? (???) /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeAXE8SharedExpat.framework/Versions/A/AdobeAXE8SharedExpa t
    0x1fcc3000 - 0x1fdbbfff +com.adobe.InDesign.JBX (???) <E59EE5A5-9A7C-4163-F181-2F4573FF68DA> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Sandbox/JBX.InDesignPlugin/JBX
    0x1fe09000 - 0x1fe0cff5 +com.adobe.InDesign.Script Label Panel (???) <ABF61B34-056D-3C4A-8CE0-9975F05D8267> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Script/Script Label Panel.InDesignPlugin/Script Label Panel
    0x1fe13000 - 0x1fe1afff +com.adobe.InDesign.Scripts Panel (???) <6CF81082-2079-F857-9AE3-54141FA55B18> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Script/Scripts Panel.InDesignPlugin/Scripts Panel
    0x1fe22000 - 0x1feb6fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Tables UI (???) <D086D539-9F0F-E41D-A540-671BF40FE65C> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Tables/Tables UI.InDesignPlugin/Tables UI
    0x1fed8000 - 0x1ff3ffff +com.adobe.InDesign.TableStylesUI (???) <8618D6AA-6181-6AAD-394A-C14C3FB08BA4> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Tables/TableStylesUI.InDesignPlugin/TableStylesUI
    0x1ff5e000 - 0x1ffa1ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Character Panel (???) <3CA23003-ADED-0E4F-7914-02B14F96F3F3> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/Character Panel.InDesignPlugin/Character Panel
    0x1ffbe000 - 0x1ffd9fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Conditional Text UI (???) <C53D556D-0A80-D348-7990-D4CF215CA67E> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/Conditional Text UI.InDesignPlugin/Conditional Text UI
    0x1ffe9000 - 0x1fffafff +com.adobe.InDesign.Create Outlines (???) <34C8477C-B742-DC59-1530-F92449FB0634> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/Create Outlines.InDesignPlugin/Create Outlines
    0x20003000 - 0x200bcfff +com.adobe.InDesign.Find and Change Panel (???) <2C457607-292C-1E46-F8D8-A0F9E83F52F3> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/Find and Change Panel.InDesignPlugin/Find and Change Panel
    0x200e6000 - 0x200fefff +com.adobe.InDesign.Find Change Format Panel (???) <79BC0738-646D-B618-43DE-63477BF8D87E> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/Find Change Format Panel.InDesignPlugin/Find Change Format Panel
    0x2010b000 - 0x20121ff9 +com.adobe.InDesign.Font Usage Dialog (???) <6667279D-486C-F58A-4BD6-068E8522E90A> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/Font Usage Dialog.InDesignPlugin/Font Usage Dialog
    0x2012c000 - 0x2018bff2 +com.adobe.InDesign.Glyphs Panel (???) <DE87C30B-D802-A6E2-1BF7-2B40B762FA5C> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/Glyphs Panel.InDesignPlugin/Glyphs Panel
    0x201a3000 - 0x201a9fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Hyphenation Panel (???) <C3CFD45F-7B94-E9A8-1E18-8969784D4630> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/Hyphenation Panel.InDesignPlugin/Hyphenation Panel
    0x201b2000 - 0x201bcffd +com.adobe.InDesign.Indents and Tabs (???) <7625F0BC-91D5-2A4D-1C28-9B004648D653> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/Indents and Tabs.InDesignPlugin/Indents and Tabs
    0x201c5000 - 0x201cafff +com.adobe.InDesign.Justification Panel (???) <87EC2B50-54F6-086E-2095-949E3850D70D> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/Justification Panel.InDesignPlugin/Justification Panel
    0x201d1000 - 0x201d5fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Keeps Panel (???) <CF35583F-8A7F-0726-56F2-5DF5D4C0DF0F> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/Keeps Panel.InDesignPlugin/Keeps Panel
    0x201da000 - 0x201f5ff3 +com.adobe.InDesign.Optical Kerning (???) <A8B92C1B-ABA9-EF53-E6B1-500C12C97652> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/Optical Kerning.InDesignPlugin/Optical Kerning
    0x201fe000 - 0x2021afff +com.adobe.InDesign.Paragraph Panel (???) <C954E80A-D677-9EA5-B71A-9647B4AFBFE7> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/Paragraph Panel.InDesignPlugin/Paragraph Panel
    0x20228000 - 0x20232ff2 +com.adobe.InDesign.Paragraph Rules Panel (???) <FEA8CA85-E548-98EB-6B74-51F8275DEBA4> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/Paragraph Rules Panel.InDesignPlugin/Paragraph Rules Panel
    0x20239000 - 0x20247ffb +com.adobe.InDesign.Path Type UI (???) <E88B9803-C125-424B-7D7D-E601E99071DB> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/Path Type UI.InDesignPlugin/Path Type UI
    0x20251000 - 0x20258ff5 +PathTypeLib.dylib ??? (???) <DAE01C24-16F1-7785-78DC-90936D2606E6> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/PathTypeLib.dylib
    0x2025e000 - 0x20276ffd +com.adobe.InDesign.RunIn Styles Panel (???) <0A845616-B800-CC27-3560-2AE8B80270E4> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/RunIn Styles Panel.InDesignPlugin/RunIn Styles Panel
    0x20282000 - 0x20293fff +com.adobe.InDesign.SING (???) <30CE431D-04C6-F3ED-86E8-A67FA93DFB60> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/SING.InDesignPlugin/SING
    0x2029e000 - 0x202ccffb +com.adobe.InDesign.Spelling Panel (???) <3BAB117C-339B-CED2-C9B1-2C5C39F32FA0> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/Spelling Panel.InDesignPlugin/Spelling Panel
    0x202e0000 - 0x202eaffd +com.adobe.InDesign.Story Panel (???) <74C1A1C5-65C3-C7BF-00BD-57711F4C8312> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/Story Panel.InDesignPlugin/Story Panel
    0x202f2000 - 0x20330fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Style Panel (???) <C0B6312B-D927-2AA8-5F42-961B774EE756> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/Style Panel.InDesignPlugin/Style Panel
    0x2034c000 - 0x20353ff5 +com.adobe.InDesign.Text Color Panel (???) <7024E146-9825-7FD9-6782-EF8AAE336C14> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/Text Color Panel.InDesignPlugin/Text Color Panel
    0x20358000 - 0x2036dff1 +com.adobe.InDesign.Text Frame Options (???) <7CC9425A-A54C-FC8D-9A34-CDCD403F2483> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/Text Frame Options.InDesignPlugin/Text Frame Options
    0x20378000 - 0x203adfff +com.adobe.InDesign.Text Panel (???) <F85AAED2-99E6-96BF-E4D5-3E9D700B1EEE> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/Text Panel.InDesignPlugin/Text Panel
    0x203c0000 - 0x203d3ff5 +com.adobe.InDesign.Text Preferences (???) <891714B6-9258-092B-F70D-6CE1AD5892A1> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/Text Preferences.InDesignPlugin/Text Preferences
    0x203dd000 - 0x203f4ff9 +com.adobe.InDesign.Text Ruler (???) <F6161D34-AF7E-3391-FFC8-34FCF31D2CF3> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/Text Ruler.InDesignPlugin/Text Ruler
    0x203ff000 - 0x2040dff2 +com.adobe.InDesign.Text Style Panel (???) <8E84FBAC-3BB2-48C9-6A88-ED2E59AD9AF4> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Text/Text Style Panel.InDesignPlugin/Text Style Panel
    0x20416000 - 0x20427fe7 +com.adobe.InDesign.CSXS (???) <157644AF-C315-2A02-4BB8-111ECF157B7E> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/UI/CSXS.InDesignPlugin/CSXS
    0x20435000 - 0x20497fe7 +com.adobe.PlugPlug ( /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/PlugPlug.framework/Versions/A/PlugPlug
    0x204d9000 - 0x205abfe7 +AdobeAXEDOMCore ??? (???) /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeAXEDOMCore.framework/Versions/A/AdobeAXEDOMCore
    0x205dd000 - 0x205f9ff9 +com.adobe.InDesign.Galley Preferences (???) <D09D8478-1DE4-1AD6-D39A-8A219AD3BEF6> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/UI/Galley Preferences.InDesignPlugin/Galley Preferences
    0x20609000 - 0x2060fffe +com.adobe.InDesign.General Preferences Panel (???) <FCEA8C2E-AC68-949D-BD8D-E7C6F0AB0D73> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/UI/General Preferences Panel.InDesignPlugin/General Preferences Panel
    0x20615000 - 0x20623ff5 +com.adobe.InDesign.Performance UI (???) <6317F432-FD07-3257-6FD5-8B4AA98EAEE3> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/UI/Performance UI.InDesignPlugin/Performance UI
    0x2062f000 - 0x20642fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Shortcut Editor Dialog (???) <3774220F-2424-05CF-F33E-9FACC829F118> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/UI/Shortcut Editor Dialog.InDesignPlugin/Shortcut Editor Dialog
    0x2064c000 - 0x20657fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Tool Box (???) <6694A1DD-95E8-5C43-1908-414AD2532EB4> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/UI/Tool Box.InDesignPlugin/Tool Box
    0x20661000 - 0x20668ffb +com.adobe.InDesign.Tool Tips (???) <817781E2-3F65-AD79-F9BC-0C678DBBAE7B> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/UI/Tool Tips.InDesignPlugin/Tool Tips
    0x20671000 - 0x20677ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.PerformanceMetrics (???) <71D6DC9A-F541-4A8D-B286-8AE1014BE5A0> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Utility/PerformanceMetrics.InDesignPlugin/PerformanceMetrics
    0x2067c000 - 0x20699ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Plugin Manager (???) <99E988D1-2785-D355-81C7-6300A143A614> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Utility/Plugin Manager.InDesignPlugin/Plugin Manager
    0x206a9000 - 0x206b6ffd +com.adobe.InDesign.Metadata UI (???) <6AF3FED6-83AB-D0F4-4F4D-311FC7507E3A> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Workflow/Metadata UI.InDesignPlugin/Metadata UI
    0x206be000 - 0x20793fdd +FileInfo ??? (???) <F0932F89-FC98-4BA9-B4F2-C58D0E71D3C1> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/FileInfo.framework/Versions/A/FileInfo
    0x207c4000 - 0x207c9ffd +com.adobe.InDesign.Workgroup UI (???) <F899079C-F1BB-142A-0C23-D9E6C0A73937> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/Workgroup/Workgroup UI.InDesignPlugin/Workgroup UI
    0x207ce000 - 0x20801fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Snippet (???) <7D920E48-DFF3-8E44-6EBD-488A7E42BBEA> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/XMedia/Snippet.InDesignPlugin/Snippet
    0x20810000 - 0x20900ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.XMedia UI (???) <2909FBFB-95D5-F044-7F3E-E4A597374150> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Plug-Ins/XMedia/XMedia UI.InDesignPlugin/XMedia UI
    0x20963000 - 0x209a8fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Actions (???) <780D3F7E-9CD7-0D76-5CA3-C1C56D0F0243> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Actions.InDesignPlugin/Actions
    0x209c3000 - 0x20b29fef +com.adobe.InDesign.AppFramework (???) <5C703944-BD46-6FE8-045A-322F46EF10D2> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/AppFramework.InDesignPlugin/AppFramework
    0x20b9b000 - 0x20dfbfff +com.adobe.InDesign.Application UI (???) <1351FFD5-D065-FDD9-7F07-46261DA3F233> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Application UI.InDesignPlugin/Application UI
    0x20eda000 - 0x20fa8fff +AdobeExtendScript 3.7.0 (compatibility 3.7.0) /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeExtendScript.framework/Versions/A/AdobeExtendScript
    0x20fea000 - 0x2108bfd7 +AdobeScCore 3.7.0 (compatibility 3.7.0) /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeScCore.framework/Versions/A/AdobeScCore
    0x210c9000 - 0x210f8ff7 +com.adobe.headlights.LogSessionFramework ??? ( /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/LogSession.framework/Versions/A/LogSession
    0x2111d000 - 0x211d2fe7  libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib 0.9.7 (compatibility 0.9.7) <AACC86C0-86B4-B1A7-003F-2A0AF68973A2> /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib
    0x21218000 - 0x21229ffb +LogTransport2 ??? (???) <835B7B84-5A67-370B-AB39-8E448AA81FA0> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/LogTransport2.framework/Versions/A/LogTransport2
    0x21233000 - 0x21295fe7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Assignments (???) <18986D9E-9F7B-78FB-5866-ECAFE21B5F31> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Assignments.InDesignPlugin/Assignments
    0x212bc000 - 0x212f7fe8 +com.adobe.InDesign.AWS (???) <CC3412D5-A824-15F5-9A96-F9E5BD845155> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/AWS.InDesignPlugin/AWS
    0x21312000 - 0x21342ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.AWSUI (???) <700E5059-F44C-43C5-4BF0-07984627AA1E> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/AWSUI.InDesignPlugin/AWSUI
    0x2135a000 - 0x21381ff3 +com.adobe.InDesign.Basic Tools (???) <1D4B7B59-1C25-7F2A-2BCA-074DA30529A2> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Basic Tools.InDesignPlugin/Basic Tools
    0x21395000 - 0x213c3ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Behavior (???) <EF719127-1CEF-6E9F-0310-678A8276C38E> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Behavior.InDesignPlugin/Behavior
    0x213da000 - 0x21444fe5 +com.adobe.InDesign.BNCore (???) <5C17098D-F6CE-4C0F-4425-6B4D6ABF917E> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/BNCore.InDesignPlugin/BNCore
    0x21459000 - 0x21495ff3 +com.adobe.InDesign.Book (???) <63A44ED9-7FBB-926F-C21D-01F51E6F125B> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Book.InDesignPlugin/Book
    0x214a5000 - 0x214cafff +com.adobe.InDesign.CellStyles.rpln (???) <0C8D126A-197C-A999-4F6A-F0045F25E746> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/CellStyles.rpln.InDesignPlugin/CellStyles.rpln
    0x214d8000 - 0x2153dffb +com.adobe.InDesign.CJK Text Attributes (???) <D30AA8B0-0F5A-9C8D-5C9E-CF541ECA519A> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/CJK Text Attributes.InDesignPlugin/CJK Text Attributes
    0x21559000 - 0x215b0fff +com.adobe.InDesign.CJKGrid (???) <02C69FF0-3893-0B0C-2635-DE782B131B4F> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/CJKGrid.InDesignPlugin/CJKGrid
    0x215c7000 - 0x21670ff3 +com.adobe.InDesign.Color Management (???) <EC22EB23-A226-E5BD-20CB-EC92A928F017> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Color Management.InDesignPlugin/Color Management
    0x21695000 - 0x216d4fef +com.adobe.InDesign.CompFontMgr (???) <AA398B4E-169E-8277-995C-CADFBFC9BB60> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/CompFontMgr.InDesignPlugin/CompFontMgr
    0x216e5000 - 0x2171bfff +com.adobe.InDesign.Conditional Text (???) <0FEB5D99-F80B-2815-8908-DA4DE445B43E> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Conditional Text.InDesignPlugin/Conditional Text
    0x2172e000 - 0x21749fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Dialog Layout (???) <39F3B77C-3B80-809A-F696-35DBB2A4E6AE> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Dialog Layout.InDesignPlugin/Dialog Layout
    0x21758000 - 0x2176eff9 +com.adobe.InDesign.Document Actions (???) <B4AFD031-8F27-E279-DFA2-A9877D7D654A> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Document Actions.InDesignPlugin/Document Actions
    0x21778000 - 0x2189bfff +com.adobe.InDesign.Document Framework (???) <675F5F39-568A-395B-6C5F-8AE94039600A> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Document Framework.InDesignPlugin/Document Framework
    0x218c7000 - 0x218cdfff +com.adobe.InDesign.Document UI (???) <98E0E6A8-10FA-295F-AED8-7F97AFCFE9B6> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Document UI.InDesignPlugin/Document UI
    0x218d4000 - 0x21980fef +com.adobe.InDesign.EPS Page Item (???) <B8D9D97C-6143-983F-AA87-34746D7F9417> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/EPS Page Item.InDesignPlugin/EPS Page Item
    0x219a5000 - 0x21a5dfff +com.adobe.InDesign.Font Manager (???) <B301C656-BAF5-4E67-BB87-3D5A6BCFDEFC> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Font Manager.InDesignPlugin/Font Manager
    0x21a76000 - 0x21ad8fff +com.adobe.InDesign.FormField (???) <BB3C8CE3-44E1-1B5D-3F1E-831E858AE378> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/FormField.InDesignPlugin/FormField
    0x21b01000 - 0x21c49fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Galley (???) <B9668A6B-8AF7-C167-6D9D-8F421B433676> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Galley.InDesignPlugin/Galley
    0x21c9e000 - 0x21dc9fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Generic Page Item (???) <3E836EBE-A7A4-4C26-D9E8-B1C19C996A47> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Generic Page Item.InDesignPlugin/Generic Page Item
    0x21dfd000 - 0x21e04fff +com.adobe.InDesign.GenericSettings (???) <389B0520-8D2D-D3B8-1660-2FDC963D5EFF> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/GenericSettings.InDesignPlugin/GenericSettings
    0x21e0b000 - 0x21e52ffb +com.adobe.InDesign.Gradient Fill (???) <FDDBA359-C81C-1066-87AE-E47B492B955A> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Gradient Fill.InDesignPlugin/Gradient Fill
    0x21e67000 - 0x21ef8ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Graphics (???) <B2062238-4789-20ED-BFFF-1D40CC601D27> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Graphics.InDesignPlugin/Graphics
    0x21f16000 - 0x21f1dff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Group (???) <E66E6CE5-210C-81A6-99F6-164EC6FE99A5> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Group.InDesignPlugin/Group
    0x21f24000 - 0x21f35fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Guides (???) <E91E7A07-96B3-590C-C0AD-8BAC46F4564B> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Guides.InDesignPlugin/Guides
    0x21f40000 - 0x21fdcfff +com.adobe.InDesign.Hyperlinks (???) <C79BBD41-4D91-7A1C-3D72-048E43F24C91> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Hyperlinks.InDesignPlugin/Hyperlinks
    0x21ffd000 - 0x2204bfff +com.adobe.InDesign.Image Filters (???) <B6A94058-7C84-CE2A-9A5B-BC64591489EB> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Image Filters.InDesignPlugin/Image Filters
    0x22053000 - 0x2213afe3 +com.adobe.InDesign.Image (???) <F4E48110-2538-CFD6-F8C8-D444CC0DBB2A> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Image.InDesignPlugin/Image
    0x2217f000 - 0x22194ff3 +com.adobe.InDesign.IME (???) <F4A0C7F3-1047-53F1-3D7C-106A2D1960F7> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/IME.InDesignPlugin/IME
    0x2219f000 - 0x221d8ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Import Export UI (???) <D25D8731-A0B9-BF7C-4BF7-50DED02B5147> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Import Export UI.InDesignPlugin/Import Export UI
    0x221f9000 - 0x222bbffb +com.adobe.InDesign.InCopyShared (???) <E61C74C5-37C5-946B-1F3D-56FFB2A10BE0> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/InCopyShared.InDesignPlugin/InCopyShared
    0x22301000 - 0x22309ff3 +com.adobe.InDesign.InCopySharedUI (???) <98E08843-51DA-C02F-9AA6-4F5553B6A3FF> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/InCopySharedUI.InDesignPlugin/InCopySharedUI
    0x22313000 - 0x22387ffb +com.adobe.InDesign.InCopyWorkflow (???) <B727EB7D-41DA-26F9-0D4E-8CB2A0B3899B> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/InCopyWorkflow.InDesignPlugin/InCopyWorkflow
    0x223be000 - 0x2247fff5 +com.adobe.InDesign.Indexing (???) <EB4B2105-7FDB-B182-DD20-F73AAB9721EA> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Indexing.InDesignPlugin/Indexing
    0x224b8000 - 0x22533fe3 +com.adobe.InDesign.INXCore (???) <CF83280F-3BAD-3E2C-EB48-3B6FF9362213> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/INXCore.InDesignPlugin/INXCore
    0x2254d000 - 0x22566ff2 +com.adobe.InDesign.Layer (???) <2DD75A5D-09FA-D00C-91AE-8DF70967188E> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Layer.InDesignPlugin/Layer
    0x22573000 - 0x226abffb +com.adobe.InDesign.Layout UI (???) <605BCACC-351B-EAEF-01A9-2DEDCC3922C7> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Layout UI.InDesignPlugin/Layout UI
    0x22718000 - 0x22732ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Layout (???) <31C35FC8-1348-DD9E-060C-82CD59FFC684> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Layout.InDesignPlugin/Layout
    0x2273d000 - 0x2277effb +com.adobe.InDesign.Linguistics (???) <32A28DD7-8A2D-1784-CE2C-C0BDD9CECB82> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Linguistics.InDesignPlugin/Linguistics
    0x2279c000 - 0x228c2ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Links (???) <3D627857-8AE1-76ED-0F35-64DD172128B7> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Links.InDesignPlugin/Links
    0x2291c000 - 0x22966ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Master Page (???) <4F5F4CF3-6324-5E0D-88AB-9FD22D3F0B88> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Master Page.InDesignPlugin/Master Page
    0x22977000 - 0x22998fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Media (???) <62FE974A-C615-E5A0-C652-EA4FBA2F82B4> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Media.InDesignPlugin/Media
    0x229a4000 - 0x229a5ff2 +com.adobe.InDesign.Metadata Database Filter (???) <3808EF94-1735-0426-1D30-7117F18BE4D4> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Metadata Database Filter.InDesignPlugin/Metadata Database Filter
    0x229a9000 - 0x229fcfff +com.adobe.InDesign.Metadata (???) <F15112EC-B551-DB7E-D864-164E36BC196B> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Metadata.InDesignPlugin/Metadata
    0x22a20000 - 0x22aa2fd7 +AdobeXMPFiles ??? (???) /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeXMPFiles.framework/Versions/A/AdobeXMPFiles
    0x22ab9000 - 0x22ac7fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Movie (???) <B2D16DA2-A3A3-4D1F-80F0-5EBD3177AE22> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Movie.InDesignPlugin/Movie
    0x22ad1000 - 0x22afdfff +com.adobe.InDesign.Open Place (???) <C68CA4A0-F9E5-DB16-C683-76E6609A921E> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Open Place.InDesignPlugin/Open Place
    0x22b11000 - 0x22bc4ff3 +com.adobe.InDesign.Paragraph Composer (???) <967D2CA4-0700-81CF-03FE-36AF6CE48E96> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Paragraph Composer.InDesignPlugin/Paragraph Composer
    0x22be2000 - 0x22c0dffb +com.adobe.InDesign.Path Type (???) <FDB159DE-33B2-4298-03E8-56262819D213> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Path Type.InDesignPlugin/Path Type
    0x22c1e000 - 0x22db2fff +com.adobe.InDesign.PDF (???) <EE7885D2-9EC3-8783-4089-0FBCA473608D> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/PDF.InDesignPlugin/PDF
    0x22e27000 - 0x22f14fdf +AdobePDFPort ??? (???) /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobePDFPort.framework/Versions/A/AdobePDFPort
    0x22f57000 - 0x22f72ff9 +AdobePDFSettings ??? (???) /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobePDFSettings.framework/Versions/A/AdobePDFSettings
    0x22f8c000 - 0x22fbdff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Photoshop Import Filter (???) <1D9E0A02-5FE0-C13E-5658-93F9ABEA2868> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Photoshop Import Filter.InDesignPlugin/Photoshop Import Filter
    0x22fcf000 - 0x23d01fff +com.adobe.psl AdobePSL ( <6BE27A60-E0F9-4483-8E57-2A7A5227D878> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobePSL.framework/Versions/A/AdobePSL
    0x24035000 - 0x24036ff7  com.apple.textencoding.unicode 2.3 (2.3) <78A61FD5-70EE-19EA-48D4-3481C640B70D> /System/Library/TextEncodings/Unicode Encodings.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Unicode Encodings
    0x2403b000 - 0x2406dff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.PNG Import Filter (???) <7BBD9A6C-7B1B-C6E7-48DE-5BA3A7E4039C> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/PNG Import Filter.InDesignPlugin/PNG Import Filter
    0x24076000 - 0x241a7fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Print (???) <988F56A5-6353-0373-D872-417C75A6C9FA> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Print.InDesignPlugin/Print
    0x24200000 - 0x24215fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Rulers (???) <5AA8026D-8609-6265-13F8-6E128FE516CB> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Rulers.InDesignPlugin/Rulers
    0x24221000 - 0x24273fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Scripting (???) <0CB8C11F-DA05-5769-B097-29DD242370F9> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Scripting.InDesignPlugin/Scripting
    0x24285000 - 0x24298ff2 +com.adobe.InDesign.Sections (???) <04064EA6-1F81-0D4B-3F73-CB4933E0E13B> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Sections.InDesignPlugin/Sections
    0x242a3000 - 0x242adfff +com.adobe.InDesign.Sound (???) <46F5EAFC-9970-8719-8337-DA9F321324AB> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Sound.InDesignPlugin/Sound
    0x242b6000 - 0x242c0ff3 +com.adobe.InDesign.Spelling Service (???) <EEB29375-FF86-7ED0-CE55-A3EF61EA3DCC> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Spelling Service.InDesignPlugin/Spelling Service
    0x242c9000 - 0x242fbfff +com.adobe.InDesign.Spline UI (???) <3E9F0A2C-76FC-E55D-8666-FD97922E01C5> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Spline UI.InDesignPlugin/Spline UI
    0x24315000 - 0x2434dff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Spline (???) <493F9392-7598-942E-AB3C-6D75785FE8A5> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Spline.InDesignPlugin/Spline
    0x24366000 - 0x24396ffd +com.adobe.InDesign.Spread UI (???) <23A08DCF-3581-FB26-8456-912FFDE6405B> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Spread UI.InDesignPlugin/Spread UI
    0x243a4000 - 0x24441ff3 +com.adobe.InDesign.Spread (???) <23FA864B-2855-6373-1B48-A2985FB7FDA4> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Spread.InDesignPlugin/Spread
    0x24464000 - 0x244a6ff3 +com.adobe.InDesign.Stroke and Fill (???) <1AF83FEB-685B-5A30-101D-FCC3730CB097> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Stroke and Fill.InDesignPlugin/Stroke and Fill
    0x244ba000 - 0x244e1ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Support for AppleScript (???) <24E46FD0-7C0C-20D5-4882-35C04696A2F6> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Support for AppleScript.InDesignPlugin/Support for AppleScript
    0x244ec000 - 0x2456dff3 +com.adobe.InDesign.Support for JavaScript (???) <E971B3FA-EF64-6428-3551-7FFFC305C17D> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Support for JavaScript.InDesignPlugin/Support for JavaScript
    0x24595000 - 0x24765fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Table Model (???) <DAA560F3-3EFB-EAD7-60FD-07E7E8DBBF13> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Table Model.InDesignPlugin/Table Model
    0x247e3000 - 0x24813fff +com.adobe.InDesign.TableStyles (???) <E6CA66F5-F896-B0FC-730A-B5FE098ACA35> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/TableStyles.InDesignPlugin/TableStyles
    0x24820000 - 0x24854fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Text Attributes (???) <A5C54104-F622-B68F-4363-5DD736ABBE64> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Text Attributes.InDesignPlugin/Text Attributes
    0x2486e000 - 0x24879fff +com.adobe.InDesign.Text Editor Model (???) <47B046AD-0862-6207-A301-7D5FC254BA21> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Text Editor Model.InDesignPlugin/Text Editor Model
    0x24880000 - 0x24901ff3 +com.adobe.InDesign.Text Editor (???) <DD59576D-3474-5D8B-2A62-9E4F57E59019> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Text Editor.InDesignPlugin/Text Editor
    0x24920000 - 0x24a9ffeb +com.adobe.InDesign.Text Walker (???) <7AA2A3C9-4B8C-F8FE-1066-C2A164AFE0BD> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Text Walker.InDesignPlugin/Text Walker
    0x24b30000 - 0x24b56ff3 +com.adobe.InDesign.Text Wrap Path (???) <ACE0EA57-CEC0-20B2-CDB9-D5E47116D935> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Text Wrap Path.InDesignPlugin/Text Wrap Path
    0x24b5f000 - 0x24ba7ff7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Text Wrap (???) <3417EFE2-9C7B-CB86-5BEB-D8CFD825C687> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Text Wrap.InDesignPlugin/Text Wrap
    0x24bb9000 - 0x24f84fe7 +com.adobe.InDesign.Text (???) <6E6CF7E7-1650-0E99-D157-85DFFE0797C4> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Text.InDesignPlugin/Text
    0x25035000 - 0x2506fff5 +com.adobe.InDesign.TOC (???) <1723BD78-ACF3-EC9D-057E-2E0662A400E4> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/TOC.InDesignPlugin/TOC
    0x2507c000 - 0x2516dfef +com.adobe.InDesign.Transparency (???) <DA43615C-06C9-115B-DAD0-A133914167EA> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Transparency.InDesignPlugin/Transparency
    0x251b3000 - 0x251d6fef +com.adobe.InDesign.Utilities (???) <AC7582EE-F11B-AC82-6CB1-1E2B2366DC64> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Utilities.InDesignPlugin/Utilities
    0x251ee000 - 0x252b4ffb +com.adobe.InDesign.Widgets (???) <D5D34E1A-F3DB-5455-0C49-888FE7FD0E44> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Widgets.InDesignPlugin/Widgets
    0x25306000 - 0x2530dfff +com.adobe.InDesign.Workgroup Client UI (???) <E9703A57-BC6F-FADF-6D1D-340A913327ED> /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS4/Adobe InDesign CS4.app/Contents/MacOS/Required/Wor

    Like I said, it is hard to be certain.
    As far as I am aware, issues with Snow Leopard are specific to font anomalies in 10.6.7, and the fact that you cannot use the OS's printing system to produce PDFs via File > Print from Adobe applications. Do you have a link or citation for the issues you read online?
    So, reasons to suspect Adobe: running the Adobe installer triggered the problem; Adobe programs crash and they crash in Adobe code;
    Reasons to suspect Apple: it's not a single program crashing; the crashes don't seem to make sense; crashes happen for both CS4 and CS5; crashes affected non-Adobe programs (that is what you meant by "all my programs," right?).
    So, my intuition is you should try an OS reinstall.
    Though even if the root problem is the OS, Adobe probably has some blame here -- Adobe's programs should not crash. So you can certainly take it up with Adobe and hold firm to the line "your program should not crash; why is it crashing" and ultimately they should be able to tell you why (based on the crash report, and perhaps other things). But the answer may turn out to be, "because this Apple subsystem is broken. Fix it and our programs will stop crashing."
    Have you looked at the logs in Console.app? They might shed some additional light.
    Also, since you have recently reinstalled the OS, you are probably in a good position to reinstall the OS. Most people are reluctant to do so because they have a lot of data and applications, and it's a huge pain to preserve them. It sounds like you're not in that position, so doing that reinstall is relatively easy. I would therefore do it just for the peace of mind.
    You can contact Adobe Support at http://www.adobe.com/go/supportportal.

  • Cs4 Zoom Resize...and a litte rant...and then a plea.

    Hey Adobe, I've been a Photoshop user for over a decade and, for as long as I can remember, the two zoom resize options (the one attached to the zoom tool option bar and the one in the preferences menu) have allowed me to set the window resize option for my keyboard zoom and my zoom tool independently. This was tremendously useful for me since most of the time I don't want to resize my window and the keyboard shortcut would zoom in and out of my image in a useful and predictable manner.  Having the second option was great because it allowed me to fit my image to a smaller or larger window with a single click of the zoom tool.
    I was reading the online help for the the zoom resize function and, under the comments, another user had the same concern that, though there are STILL two options, they no longer were independent.  Much to my disappointment an adobe representative (somewhat pompasly) remarked that the zoom functionality was flawed previously and that it's current inception, with two options that do the same thing and are  thus redundant, it is the more consistent (implying correct) manner in which the functionality ought to behave. I strongly contest that point of view and feel that I, as an expert user, have been undermined in favor of a arbitrarily dumbed down solution that adds several seconds to operations that I perform perhaps hundreds of times daily.
    This brings me to a related but separate point. The update of the user interface from CS3 to CS4, with the change to the zoom functionally being at the heart of the issue, is inferior to previous versions. There are many new issues a few of which I will list for your benefit:
    A liberal waste of my screen real estate in the palettes and menus
    Annoying and unpredictable tab behavior (whcih still seem to crop up even though I have both options disabled)
    Minimized windows that cannot be moved
    A mind bogglingly poor lay out of the adjustment layer palettes (massive, unscalable, with textless icons and tiny handles on razor thin color bars)
    'Full screen with menu" mode that now covers up my windows task bar (really, Adobe how dare you?)
    Utterly mystifying hit areas of color palette sliders which will select and move the wrong slider if I don't click precisely on the intended one
    Poor performance under openGL (I have a Nvidia 8800 which is a middle-high end card).
    By my own, totally subjective account, It is fundamentally worse... for me.
    Now I'm sure there are many users who are happy with the updates you have made and I applaud you for catering to your base, but why in God's name would you remove and redisgn functionality without offering the option of employing the previous inception. It is a slap in the face, Adobe. So I emplore you as a loyal coustomer, as a user who depends on your software for my livelyhood and as a design professional who interacts with your product more than my family...Please give me more control over the UI of your software. Please don't remove change functionallty. It frustrates me and wastes hundreds of hours of my time over the course of a year. Let me have two window resize options!

    This is a user to user forum. Adobe does not read this. But I, at least, agree with some of what you posted. There is a feedback form that I have attached that will get your concerns to the right people. Hope this helps.

  • Error Message when Double-clicking a CS4 InDesign File; Won't Open

    I recently installed CS4, upgrading from CS2. Before installing CS4, I could double-click the icon for the file and it would open in InDesign CS2. After installing CS4, when I double-click an InDesign file icon, I get an error message that Windows cannot open the file and needs to know which program should be used. I check the "Select the program from a list" and a window opens that lists several of the applications I have installed. Neither InDesign versions are on the list, so I "Browse" to the Adobe folder in which both InDesigns reside. I then select a version (it doesn't matter which one; neither work) but then it doesn't appear in the list and my "selection" reverts to the "recommended" Photoshop CS4.
    I can understand if this function has disappeared in CS4, and we now have to open a file using the "open" menu item, but I can't understand why neither verison "sticks" in the "Open With" window.
    Any suggestions? I'm using Windows XP SP2.

    That's what I thought. I tried the folder options association trick at http://forums.adobe.com/message/2864550#2864550, which kind of worked.  Now, when I double-click on an InDesign file icon, InDesign CS4 opens,  but the file does NOT open. Looks like I'll have to reinstall, unless  someone has an addition to the solution.

  • Exporting files from CS4

    Is there any way to export files directly from CS4 rather than going through Media Encoder? It just took over 7min to export out a :30 spot in DV AVI format. I was recently upgraded from CS3 to CS4 and am not liking the export functions in CS4.

    No, everything must go through AME.  5.0 added the ability to do a Direct Export.
    However, that probably isn't the cause of your slowdown.

Maybe you are looking for

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