Cs5 mask edge refine HELP please

I love the new mask 'edge refine' feature, but am having a small problem.
After getting my initial mask, I use the edge refine brush tool to refine the edges of the mask in the transition areas (eg. hair details).  I am finding it fills in the details perfectly when holding the brush down (mouse button down), but when I let off the button the details fade dramatically.
I have tried to change the edge refine brush settings, but it is either not working or I am not doing it properly.
HELP & suggestions PLEASE..
THANKS in advance..

When you paint on the mask in Refine Edge while keeping the mouse button held down, this just reveals a preview of the masked area of the edge that you're painting around.  It's a way of helping you see the masked image information as you paint so that you can grab the details better that you want included in the "refined" area of the mask edge.
After releasing the mouse button, Refine Edge goes through a preview solving process.  Refine Edge is a performance intensive process, so the preview of the final brush stroke result slowly progresses visually into its final stage.  This is a way of providing quick visual feedback so that you at least know Refine Edge has read your brush stroke and is working on solving it.
If you like the preview look of one of the stages before it gets to the final preview, try brushing a smaller area of the edge with a smaller brush size.  Smaller width brush strokes should give you a more subtle refinement.

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    You might find something useful in one of these hits:
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      //Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
      var i,j,tmLn,props,keyFrm,sprite,numKeyFr,firstKeyFr,propNum,theObj,firstTime=false ;
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          sprite = tmLn[i];
          if (sprite.charAt(0) == 's') {
            if (sprite.obj) {
              numKeyFr = sprite.keyFrames.length; firstKeyFr = sprite.keyFrames[0];
              if (fNew >= firstKeyFr && fNew <= sprite.keyFrames[numKeyFr-1]) {//in range
                for (j=0; j<sprite.values.length; j++) {
                  props = sprite.values[j];
                  if (numKeyFr != props.length) {
                    if (props.prop2 == null) sprite.obj[props.prop] = props[fNew-firstKeyFr];
                    else        sprite.obj[props.prop2][props.prop] = props[fNew-firstKeyFr];
                  } else {
                    while (keyFrm<numKeyFr && fNew>=sprite.keyFrames[keyFrm]) keyFrm++;
                    if (firstTime || fNew==sprite.keyFrames[keyFrm-1]) {
                      if (props.prop2 == null) sprite.obj[props.prop] = props[keyFrm-1];
                      else        sprite.obj[props.prop2][props.prop] = props[keyFrm-1];
          } else if (sprite.charAt(0)=='b' && fNew == sprite.frame) eval(sprite.value);
          if (fNew > tmLn.lastFrame) tmLn.ID = 0;
    function MM_initTimelines() { //v4.0
        //MM_initTimelines() Copyright 1997 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
        var ns = navigator.appName == "Netscape";
        var ns4 = (ns && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 4);
        var ns5 = (ns && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) > 4);
        var macIE5 = (navigator.platform ? (navigator.platform == "MacPPC") : false) && (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4);
        document.MM_Time = new Array(1);
        document.MM_Time[0] = new Array(1);
        document.MM_Time["myhat1"] = document.MM_Time[0];
        document.MM_Time[0].MM_Name = "myhat1";
        document.MM_Time[0].fps = 3;
        document.MM_Time[0][0] = new String("sprite");
        document.MM_Time[0][0].slot = 1;
        if (ns4)
            document.MM_Time[0][0].obj = document["Image1"];
        else if (ns5)
            document.MM_Time[0][0].obj = document.getElementById("Image1");
            document.MM_Time[0][0].obj = document["Image1"];
        document.MM_Time[0][0].keyFrames = new Array(1, 17, 34, 54, 73, 92, 111, 130);
        document.MM_Time[0][0].values = new Array(1);
        document.MM_Time[0][0].values[0] = new Array("../Images/slideshow/1.jpg","../Images/slideshow/2.jpg","../Images/slides how/3.jpg","../Images/slideshow/4.jpg","../Images/slideshow/5.jpg","../Images/sl ideshow/6.jpg","../Images/slideshow/7.jpg","../Images/slideshow/8.jpg");
        document.MM_Time[0][0].values[0].prop = "src";
        document.MM_Time[0].lastFrame = 130;
        for (i=0; i<document.MM_Time.length; i++) {
            document.MM_Time[i].ID = null;
            document.MM_Time[i].curFrame = 0;
            document.MM_Time[i].delay = 1000/document.MM_Time[i].fps;

    gayathri_bna wrote:
    Im in a hurry. As a suggestion...find someone locally and pay them to fix your computer.
    This site is for programming java not for fixing computers.

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    Can you describe more about what you summarize as "unable to re-install my adobe on the same computer." ?  What actions do you take and what results?  What messages do you get?  Are you able to install it on a different computer?
    Since you use the word "same", it might be a case that you do have another machine that the install is functional on.  If so, or even if you installed a couple of times on the same machine, it might be a case where your activation allowance has been used up and you need to have them reset.  If you contact Adobe Support thru chat you can ask them to reset your activations so that you have the two allotted to you available again.
    For the link below click the Still Need Help? option in the blue area at the bottom and choose the chat option...
    Serial number and activation chat support (non-CC)
    http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/global/service1.html ( http://adobe.ly/1aYjbSC )

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    In any event, that camera was first supported by ACR version 7.4 which needs at least CS6 to run.  Naturally, all later versions support it too.
    Your choice is either to upgrade your Photoshop, or to look for, download, install, launch and run the free, stand-alone Adobe DNG Converter 8.6 on each folder containing your raw Canon files to convert them first to raw DNGs that you can open in CS5.
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    Where can I find more info and tutorials on using the refine edge tool to get a perfect edge selection?
    I am trying to extract people to create a collage.
    Thank You
    Sean Udal

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    I can’t see my images and only get a black screen (or strange pattern).
    For the ID issue ask in their forum.

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    If you are talking about the templates that Adobe offers, you can find them here:
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    Thanks for your advice, but play back resolution is FULL and yes I`m exporting interlaced footage. The thing is that when I import the footage
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    I`m not exporting to web.
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    There is no wrong.
    the brush and the eraser are used to add or remove the edge that you selected at the first time
    this feature give you several methods to define a new edge by using different background to compare the edge you wish to have

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