CS6 download Help!!

I am trying to download creative suite 6 electronically. After i go through the hour and a half dpownload process of the first 7z file, it tell me that windows cant support the file. what do i need to do to download this onto my computer?

I tried to download the .7z first and it went through the install to tell me at the end that windows couldn't read the file type. Is there a certain file type it should be to read adobe to continue the download?

Similar Messages

  • CS6:  Adobe Help Manager - PDF download/extraction error

    Hi - we have received several reports through this forum that some users are encountering an issue when downloading Help reference PDFs through the Adobe Help Manager in CS6. 
    Problem: Although the application appears to be downloading the Help content, the application hangs during the 'extraction' phase of the process. Further, when users check in their shared documents folder, the PDF files are actually present and unzipped as expected.
    Solution:  the application database files and/or corrupt configuration files are likely at fault. To resolve the issue, please delete the following two directories.
    Delete the following directory:
    Windows: %appdata%/chc.4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1 
    Tip:  To find this directory in Windows, copy the preceding phrase into the Windows Explorer file manager.
    Mac OS: /[user name]/Library/Preferences/chc.4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1
               Tip:   To find this directory on Mac OSX 10.7, open the Terminal application and enter the following: "chflags nohidden ~/Library/” and execute.
    And delete this directory too:
    Windows : C:\Users\Public\Documents\Adobe\ (Help and PDF directories within)
    Mac : \Users\Shared\Documents\Adobe (Help and PDF directories within)
    Then simply restart the Help Manager and restart the download process.
    The engineering team is continuing to investigate the root cause but the steps above should resovle the issue for the majority of users.  Thanks for your patience while we continue to investigate.

    Hi Mark
    I was almost sure that this issue was related to our proxy, so I decided to trace the dialog between HelpManager and our proxy.
    I used a HTTP sniffer called Charles  ( demo downloadable here:  http://www.charlesproxy.com/ ) to trace everything.
    Bingo !
    HelpManager has some problems talking with the proxy ( authentication issues ).
    If you are interessed, I can mail you the log created by my sniffer to allow your engineering team to investigate.
    Hereafter are some screen shots of the trace :
    As you can see, it's very short :
    1) the first HEAD failed (normal) : the proxy request an NTLM authentication
    HEAD #1 request :
    HEAD #2 answer :
    2) the 2nd HEAD failed :
    HelpManager did not respected the NTLM authentication method requested by our proxy !
    HEAD #2 request :
    HEAD #2 answer : error 403 !
    3) then a POST is made :
    Failed because the authentication is bad  (not NTLM, as expected by our proxy)
    POST request :
    POST answer : error 403
    4) then a GET is made on the URL :
    This time, the authentication negotiation between HelpManager and the proxy is OK, but the last GET failed : error 404, the requested xml file is not found on your site !
    GET #3 request :
    GET #3 answer : error 404
    Mark, I hope these informations will help your engineering team to correct this issue !
    Feel free to request complementary information if needed.
    Best regards,
    Didier Nicolas

  • Diosappearance of CS6 PDF Help Downloads

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    Can the correct CS6 downloads be replaced, please, and separate downloads for  CC be added? 

    Hey Alan,
    Sorry for the inconvenience. Here are the links to CS6 pdfs:
    We are also working towards ensuring that a CS6 product will direct you to a CS6 PDF and not CC.  Will keep you posted.

  • Downloading help for PS CS6 and MAC

    I have been trying to download Photoshop CS6 that I just purchased for my MAC and have not been successful.  Failure with Akamai, failure with alternative methods.....any advice?

    Hi davsobotka,
    Please follow the steps below to download Photoshop CS6 directly without using the Akamai download manager
    1. Navigate to Photoshop CS6 Downloads page : http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/tdrc/index.cfm?product=photoshop
    2. Sign in with your Adobe ID.
    3. copy and paste the following link on the address bar and hit enter :
    Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended English Mac
    4. Save the file.
    5. Run the .dmg file.

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    thank y

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    and the others
    Second : adobe bridege - help - updated
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  • CS5.5 help titles visible in CS6 Adobe Help Manager

    Dear  Community Help Team,
    After my upgrade from CS5.5 to CS6, old Help titles were still visible in the Download Preferences section of the Help Manager.
    I removed the complete CS5.5 suite to ensure a clean install of CS6. Unfortunately, the Adobe de-installation script does not clean up the CS5.5 files in the C:\Users\<name>\AppData folder of Windows 7. The same happened after my upgrade from CS4 to CS5.5.
    Fortunately, I was able to fix the issues myself:
    I went to:
    C:\Users\<name>\AppData\Roaming\chc.4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1\Local Store\HelpCfg\en_US
    Apparently, the Help Topics are built from the contents of this folder.
    I removed the old .helpcfg files. If a help file is not included in Adobe Help > Download Preferences, I added them manually by going to e.g. this folder:
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\HelpCfg\en_US
    And copied the required .helpcfg file to the folder mentioned above.
    Is there a possibility to remove old Help titles in the next de-installation script of a future CS product?

    To answer Marc's question:
    "In an effort to improve search, Adobe has combined Help for CS5 and CS6 in the same navigation structure. Let us know what you think of this approach. Versions are typically identified in page titles, as in the page you refer to above."
    I looked into this using my previous search query: "image trace" for Illustrator CS6.In the search results list I see the CS version number in the title of the articles. I think this is a nice way of catering for different audiences of CS versions in one integrated search function.
    However, I am not sure whether the search results are ordered by version number and I am not sure if I require a CS version in my query to get my answers. Remember, I arrived at the Community Help website through a link in one of the CS6 applications, Illustrator that is.Furthermore what I would like to see as an improvement is facetted search. Here, search results are ordered by topics such as CS version and similar results topics such as "image trace" and "live trace" in my example.Now I have to scroll down a long list to find what I was looking for.
    I agree with ATS's previous post and I would like to emphesize the same point (item 2 in my previous post) again. 
    No matter how well search is improved in Community Help, we do need a comprehensive manual with text, images and instructions that deals with CS6 functionality. If the manual was not ready at the time of shipping CS6, the product is not ready for shipping..
    I also need to have a pdf manual ready for offline reading as well. On the moment there is none yet. If my internet connection drops, I am on my own. Not nice for first time users.
    CS5.5 came with a complete help manual; in Community Help as well as a pdf. You cannot expect us to figure out the differences based on articles of CS5 and CS6. If we continue the current apporach, imagine three CS versions from now where we have to revert to old version articles.Again this not nice for first time customers.
    Moreover, in my example where I search for image trace options in Illustrator CS6, I cannot revert to the old articles because the whole functionality (and algorithms) has been changed. There are no articles about the new function: only a few paragraphs and a video link.
    I do like embeded video tutorials in any future articles of Community Help. I think that has added value over a static pdf manual. It invites users to come to the Community Help website.

  • Problem with trial CS6 download

    I downloaded a trial CS6 software. How do I get it to run?

    Whoops! I assumed the software installed on download. Works great now! Thanks for the help.                                                                                Mark
    Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2012 00:30:48 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Problem with trial CS6 download
        Re: Problem with trial CS6 download
        created by Mylenium in Downloading, Installing, Setting Up - View the full discussion
    You need to install it first, of course. Click the Setup program and run it. Mylenium
         Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page: http://forums.adobe.com/message/4615344#4615344
         To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at http://forums.adobe.com/message/4615344#4615344. In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
         Start a new discussion in Downloading, Installing, Setting Up by email or at Adobe Forums
      For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to http://forums.adobe.com/message/2936746#2936746.

  • CS6 download asst and element 11

    CS6 Download Assistant Error 106. I am on Windows Vista. I also had a msg in the Image size box in Elements 11 tell me:  error launching default browser. You may need to reinstall the application and help component. Both are trials.  HELP.

    Hi Jeri Murphy
    Error 106 occurs when There is already a product waiting to be added.
    Please See the below KB Doc : http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/troubleshoot-download-assistant.html

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    But I can't find download section. I have serial number, of course.  I bought CS6 download ver. (no CD)
    Help me, please.


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    Any idea what may be the problem?

    See Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.

  • Download Helper, even with paid converter upgrade, gives "Invalid Capture File" errors and will not record audio, with "File Creation Error - Unable to rename/copy audio file" Error.

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    The paid upgrade of "Converter" doesn't work.
    Instructive documentation - not very good.
    Suggestions - Need time delay between initiation of "Record" and starting the video to be recorded.
    Could use timer tracking of the record process.
    Are there operating system limitations? (Have Windows XP Pro)

    That is an issue for the developer of that Download Helper.

  • When I open a document from a website in the browser a copy is saved automatically by download helper even if I just want to view.

    When I click to view a word, excel, PDF or other file on a website I am presented with a window that says
    "you have chosen to open ........etc What should Firefox do with this file?
    Open with
    Save file....."
    If I choose the option "Open with" the file opens and I can view the file but the file is automatically downloaded and saved. I then have to navigate to the folder on my hard drive by right clicking on the item in the downloads window, selecting open containing folder and then physically deleting the file. If I don't do this then the containing folder saves the unwanted downloaded file.
    Do I have a setting wrong/how can I stop Firefox/download helper from automatically downloading files I only want to view?

    A new tab opens by default as a blank tab (about:blank).
    If that isn't the case then an extension has changed that behavior.

  • I have Mac pro and firefox 3.0.19.I am trying to download a video from youtube.? I can see the video. I want to download it and save in my computer to see it again. I have download helper. While the 3 red,blue,and yellow sphere are turning, It gives me t

    I have mac pro and firefox 3.0.19
    I am trying to download a video from youtube.?
    I can see the video. I want to download it and save in my computer to see it again.
    I have download helper. While the 3 red,blue,and yellow sphere are turning, It gives me the choice of place to save,and when I click and choose desktop , for example, this message comes ."Conversion requires an external application that appears to be missing on your system. Configure conversion ?
    When I click on okay, another page comes, which says" converter and a box next to it . in the box is written FFMpeg. but I can change it to MEncoder. In another box, says configure conversion rules. When I click on it, nothing happen.Thanks for your help.
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == I want to download a video from youtube

    No, this reply is not helpful. It simply generates this little gem:
    "This service requires the conversion feature to be enabled.
    Configure conversion ?"
    And the same clicking on buttons that makes nothing happen and going around in circles with the escape key.

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    I had download helper n my old computer, This computer broke. I have a new computer and wanted to know how I could get this on the new computer?

    maybe you are talking about this?
    * https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/video-downloadhelper/
    if yes simply go and click on '''Add To Firefox''' button >Restart your Firefox> and Enjoy :)

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    I wonder why I can no longer be activated on the download helper
    His site also does not work

    za vprašanja na tem forumu lahko uporabljate tudi slovenščino.
    Kaj točno je vaša težava? Ste uporabljali razširitev Download Helper, sedaj pa ne deluje več?

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