Css to center align

Hi I have tried to center allign using css as described in a tutorial cafetownsend by adobe. However, it doesn't seem to work.
I added the link to the css stylesheet and put the dive tag in but it doesn't allign to center.
This is the css
#wrapper {
width: 969px;
margin-right: auto;
margin-left: auto;
This is the code in html
<link href="css/centreNavbar.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<body onload="MM_preloadImages('images/buttons/b_Academia_blue.jpg','images/buttons/b_Colegio_b lue.jpg','images/buttons/b_Empresa_blue.jpg','images/buttons/b_Escuelainfantil_blue.jpg',' images/buttons/b_Particulares_blue.jpg','images/buttons/b_Informacion_blue.jpg')">
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      <td height="146"> </td>
<map name="Map" id="Map"><area shape="rect" coords="760,6,855,30" href="multimedia.html" alt="iniciar sesion" />
<area shape="rect" coords="251,70,342,93" href="multimedia.html" alt="multimedia" />
<area shape="rect" coords="185,70,247,96" href="index.html" alt="home page" />
<area shape="rect" coords="452,72,532,95" href="#" alt="contact email" />

All the theory seems to be easy BUT now my navigation bar isn't center alligned. I'm not too sure if I've written the div tag properloy either.
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background-color: #CCCCCC;
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body { text-align: center;}
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<area shape="rect" coords="452,72,532,95" href="#" alt="contact email" />

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  • How to center align preview page

    When I preview my webpage (which I am creating in fireworks) in the browser it is to the left of the page, How do I center align it?? Thank you in advance for your help

    You shouldn't be creating your total web page in Fireworks, only the graphics  :-)
    You should slice up the images you need and then export those and use them in your HTML or via the stylesheet as background images.  A web page that is full of images will only slow down the loading plus not be indexed by search engines...
    To then center the page, you need to use CSS to to align the page in the center of the browser window regardless of window size.  This again, is done when you move over to the HTML editor, not in FWs.
    A good tutorial that may help the transition from taking a FWs comp to HTML
    Adobe® Community Expert : Dreamweaver
    Unique CSS Templates |Tutorials |SEO Articles
    Book: Ultimate CSS Reference

  • Some of the pivot table header column not center-aligned

    I've dragged a pivot table model from Data Controls. The generated pivot table on page does not display some of the header columns center-aligned. I tried to set a css style in HeaderFormat listener for the columns, but it did not work. I checked the html source code and found the problem was caused by "colspan" not created properly. I'd like to know how pivot table header columns are created, anyone who knows please kindly give some tips,thanks!

    Try setting the Header Row to allow to repeat. I've had to set that Repeat option to get things to break over pages correctly.
    Ryan D. Lunka
    Cardinal Solutions Group
    [email protected]

  • Center Aligning a Webpage?

    For some reason, my webpage is center aligned in Firefox, but not in Safari or Opera.  I'm not sure about IE since I don't have it on my computer.  Whatever the case, I finally got the webpage to align the way I wanted it to (in the center), and it looked perfect in Firefox.  In Safari, however, it was left aligned, and in Opera, it was between the two... about 25% away from the left part of the screen.
    Is there any way to fix this problem?  Here's my code.
    <link href="../styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <div id="wrapper">
      <div id="container">
        <div id="header"></div>
        <div id="menu"><img src="../Images/home_button" width="160" height="43" alt="home_button"><img src="../Images/faq_button" width="160" height="43" alt="faq_button"><img src="../Images/newsletter_button" width="160" height="43" alt="newsletter_button"><img src="../Images/donate_button" width="160" height="43" alt="donate_button"><img src="../Images/contact_button" width="160" height="43" alt="contact_button">
        <div id="middle">
          <h2>Text Goes Here</h2>
        <div id="footer">

    As John says, without seeing your style sheet or preferably showing the page on a live website, it's impossible to say what the problem might be. However, I see that you have a wrapper div. The style for the wrapper should be something like this:
    #wrapper {    width: 780px;    margin: 0 auto;}
    That will centre your page and make the contents 780px wide. You can change the width to suit your requirements, but the div must have a declared width (it can be a percentage or measured in ems if you prefer).

  • Center Align images?

    I had just finished my first page which I saved. I then checked the page on line and saw where I needed to put in a "named anchor". When I tried to do that all of the images after that point moved to the left.  They were previously centered.  The one image above the "named anchor" entry point stayed centered.  In some of the subsequent divs where there was only text it stayed centered.   I cannot imagine any reason the "named anchor" activity would effect the image centering but I am stuck.  I checked the image divs and the CSS says: text-align: center; but they are all aligned left except for the image above where I tried to place the "named anchor".  For instance the first of the following two images (LayoutDiv1) is perfectly centered and the 2nd image (Pic1) is on the left side of it's div as are all of the rest even though the CSS descriptions all say "centered".    #LayoutDiv1 {      clear: both;      float: left;      margin-left: 0;      width: 100%;      display: block;      padding-bottom: 15px;      text-align: center;      padding-top: 20px; } #pic1 {      clear: both;      float: left;      margin-left: 0px;      width: 100%;      display: block;      text-align: center;      border-image-width: 1px; }

    Since you have your page online please post a link to it.
    Partial scraps of CSS code no HTML don't help much.

  • Is there a shortcut to center-align all items of a certain type only?

    I know the title of this thread is poorly worded; I apologize. Let me try to explain.
    I design transit schedules, which I create in InDesign using tables. These schedules list arrival times for bus stops, but when the bus does not stop at a particular stop, this is indicated by an em dash.
    The times are left-aligned within the columns (they are aligned on the colon). However, the em dashes are center-aligned. Currently, the entire table is left-aligned by default, and I manually highlight and center-align the em dashes. When there are just a few em dashes or when the em dashes are all adjacent to each other, it's no big deal.
    But I often have to work with schedules in which the em dashes are in every other row (like the top half in the example above) or scattered throughout the table, and in those cases, my very manual method is a real pain in the neck—I have to highlight and center each em dash individually.
    What I would LOVE to find is a feature similar to the Find and Replace feature, in which I could essentially ask InDesign to Find all em dashes within the document and center align them only. I've searched for such a feature to no avail. Am I overlooking something, or is this just not possible in InDesign? And if it's not possible, can you think of a better and more efficient way of center-aligning the em dashes than my current method?
    FYI, I'm still using InDesign CS3, though I hope to upgrade soon. If I learn that a Find and Align type of feature is available in CS5, well—that's just more motivation for me to upgrade ASAP!
    Thanks for your help and input.

    It can be solved through find and change itself. I think the below image will clarify your requirement.

  • How to get my_text in the CENTER aligned on my_form?

    I put  a text field (say, its name is 'my_field' 80 characters length) WITH OUT caption and NONE appearence (not Solid box, no Sunken box).
    And i am populating/filling this field with some value PROGRAMATICALLY. Pre-Populating value is vary in its lenght.
    For example in 1st case,  i am pre-populating this my_field with 'AAAAAAAAAAAAA'
    In some other case,  i am pre-populating this my_field with 'AAAA'
    In some other case,  i am pre-populating this my_field with 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'
    But i want print this text/value IN THE CENTER all the time / all cases, no matter How much lenghts's value i am populating, i mean, it shuld come CENTER in the micro soft word
    Pls. let me know how to get this formatting as CENTER ALIGNMENT
    Thank you

    You probably need to set the Align property of the Text field at design time..
    Select the Text Field and then in the Text formatting toolbar, choose the Align Center option to have the text displayed always in the center.

  • Defining a Center Aligned Table in a WebI Report ?

    I sure hope I'm missing something, but one of our developers has been struggling with this for days and it seems like such an obvious report building exercise.  I looked myself and couldn't see how to do it either... not even using something crafty.
    The basic problem is that we have some content that will change every time the report is run, so we put this data in a one row table with the "show when empty" feature disabled for the cells and "auto-fit width" turned on.  If we could just center align the resulting table we would be fine, but the only way to center align it is to select another item and then use the center align feature.  However, that is a one-time operation that simply calculates the offset given the current data.  If the report is run again with different prompts (for example) the table size may be different, but the center offset is not recalculated because there is no way to mark the table for center alignment.
    So we need the table to be center aligned (either to the page, report header, or another element would work for us) because it will have multiple (optional cells).  Also, FYI, we can't just put it all in one forumla and let the cell content be centered... because we're actually embedding multiple hyperlinks in those other cells... in a borderless table... to get a centered block effect on the results.
    Any suggestions?  Only thing we've come up with is to insert padding cells that we set to Fixedsys fond and then calculate a space Fill() on based on the other results... but that's really messy and seems like overkill for something that's normally a "bread and butter" report building feature.

    Hi Ray,
    As I understand you want to Centre align the table , but when you select the  table centre align feature is disabled and you can only align the text in the table.
    You can use Relative Positioning Feature to align the Table in relation to the Bottom, top, Left and right edge of the report and other block. This feature allows user to fix the position of the table even if data in the table changes and auto-adjust the table position when block data or another block data changes.
    You can manually drag the table to the centre of the report; set the alignment of the text to the centre, when your data changes the, WEBI wonu2019t change the position of the table nor it changes the text alignment.
    Please paste the report data here so that I can understand how you want to display the table data and your statement u201Cwe put this data in a one row table with the "show when empty" feature disabled for the cells and "auto-fit width" turned on.
    Do you have any other blocks of data in your reporting along with the table data that you want to centre align?
    I Hope this Helpsu2026

  • Need to center align the headings in the BEX 7.0 report.

    Need to center align the headings in the BEX 7.0 report. Also need to text wrap the headings in the BEX  7.0 report . Please let me know how do we do that?

    Hi Srikanth,
    Check this help doc on Report designer:
    (Assign points if helpful)

  • Smartforms - Center Alignment in the cell

    I have defined a label in the following format using Smartforms...
    All the variables are contained within a template, which is in a loop
    I see that the texts which are right to the bar code are coming at the top right corner..
    How can I get them to right center alignment like the following image...

    Hi Grame,
    You can create the 2 windows ,. one for bar code and another for that text.
    Overlapp those wondows so that the text window will come at the place where u want.
    Try if this is working.

  • Center alignment not working for all groups

    We are trying to center our visual within our blank white canvas, and we have multiple groups within the file. See image attached. When we select all groups then hit the center alignment button, only the bottom group becomes centered and nothing else. When we try to select all layers within the first group and hit it, everything moves except the color mask which stays in the original place.
    This seems to be a glitch or bug that it's not working automatically for everything.

    Ask in the PS forum and provide exact system and version info.

  • How do you center align a Text Field box?

    The center align tool is grayed out.

    Sorry, formsCentral currently does not support alignment of the actual field box.  You can select the different alignment choices for the text label of the field.

  • Center-align iWeb pages?

    Is there a code to use to center align an iWeb page, as in vertically, so that no matter what screen size/resolution you have, the page will stay in the middle of the browser, instead of at the top?

    All objects on an iWeb page are fixed and do not move when a browser window is resized. The page itself is centered horizontally.
    iWeb does not support vertically centered pages. And from other forums I gather it is not easily done with custom code.
    But it can be done. Here's a custom page that centers and scales in all directions :
    Study the code.
    To make it work in iWeb you need a JavaScript and knowledge of how iWeb creates its pages.
    Perhaps this page guides you in the direction you want. If you can resize the objects, you can resize the page vertically :

Maybe you are looking for

  • Saffplg.js is causing lock ups in firefox

    I have firefox 24.2 and it keeps locking up with a saffplg.js error. I am running windows 7 professional and McAfee.

  • How do I find the number of instances of a text entry?

    Hello, I have a spreadsheet and the cells have either a text entry or numerical entry. I am trying to work out how to write a formula to total the number of cells which have a particular text entry. Any help would be apprectiated. Thank you.

  • Libreoffice impress not playing videos

    Hello, i can import correctly videos in a libreoffice impress ( presentation but playing them i can only see the first frame and then i can hear the audio correctly but there is no video, just a grey or black box. I have tried different video

  • OS X not finding my printer

    First, let me say I'm a UNIX systems programmer, and have been a programmer for over 25 years. I cannot get this to work - I'm stumped. I recently purchased a MacBook Pro. It's running MacOS 10.4.10. I have an old Epson Stylus Color 850Ne printer. It

  • DataSource Update mode field

    I need to export data from BW (7.0) to another non-SAP Oracle based DB table. This external DB system has a text file interface that BW must export to that requires an update method field in order to use a delta method. The values required are "I" fo