Unable to center align text in menu tabs

following is the code for the index page of my website faithinpeace.org/exppu...im trying to center align the menu text but something or another keeps happening . text not getting center aligned..please if anyone can help me with that
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Have you tried adding the following css selector to your css file.
.nav-bar a {
    text-align: center;
or insert it in the <style> tag you have on the page:
  <style type="text/css">
  body {
    margin-left: 200px;
  .n {
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.nav-bar a {
    text-align: center;

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    Best regards,
    Paulo Moura

    Try exporting your file with the following settings to get a high quality GIF
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    ps: please mark this post as Answered if this of any help to you

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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    public class TextPanel extends JPanel
         public TextPanel(String text)
              setBackground( Color.WHITE );
              setBorder( new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5) );
              setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
              add( Box.createVerticalGlue() );
              StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(text, "\r\n");
              while (st.hasMoreTokens())
                   JLabel line = new JLabel( st.nextToken() );
                   line.setFont( UIManager.getFont( "TextField.font" ) );
                   add( line );
              add( Box.createVerticalGlue() );
         public static void main(String[] args)
              String text =
                   "first line\n" +
                   "second line\n" +
                   "a line with more text\n" +
                   "another line";
              JFrame frame = new JFrame();
              frame.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
              frame.getContentPane().add( new TextPanel( text ) );
              frame.setLocationRelativeTo( null );

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         A. aligned paragraph
              aligned paragraph
         B. aligned paragraph
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    I'm sorry. I am new at Java so some of these concepts that may be clear to you aren't as obvious to me.
    I inserted the code as you instructed. However, I am not sure if I have to include something else.
    Please advise:
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class HelloClassTwoLine
    public static void main(String args[])
    JTextArea outputTextArea = new JTextArea(); //Create listbox object
    JScrollPane scroll= new JScrollPane(outputTextArea); //create vertical scroll object
    ===> added to original code JTextField textField=new JTextField();
    ===> added to original code textField.setHorizontalAlignment(textField.CENTER);
    outputTextArea.setText("Hello, This is Java 374\n" + //set text in list box
    "This is Java 374 with Ravi");
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, scroll, //text is argument in JScrollPane object
    "Java Program #2", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
    thank you again for your help

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    Hello specialblend, and welcome on board. Could you elaborate what you mean with center align? Do you simply mean centering the menu on screen? That would be as easy as modifying /usr/share/awesome/lib/awful/menu.lua, at line ~320 (~144 in the git version), you could remove / comment out the lines marked with a "-" and add the lines marked with a "+":
    _menu.x = _menu.parent.x + w + _menu.width > screen_w and
    _menu.parent.x - _menu.width or _menu.parent.x + w
    - if m_coords == nil then
    - m_coords = capi.mouse.coords()
    - m_coords.x = m_coords.x + 1
    - m_coords.y = m_coords.y + 1
    - end
    - _menu.y = m_coords.y < s_geometry.y and s_geometry.y or m_coords.y
    - _menu.x = m_coords.x < s_geometry.x and s_geometry.x or m_coords.x
    - _menu.y = _menu.y + _menu.height > screen_h and
    - screen_h - _menu.height or _menu.y
    - _menu.x = _menu.x + _menu.width > screen_w and
    - screen_w - _menu.width or _menu.x
    + _menu.x = (screen_w - _menu.width)/2
    + _menu.y = (screen_h - _menu.height)/2
    _menu.wibox.x = _menu.x
    _menu.wibox.y = _menu.y
    The code in this sections checks whether the menu in question has a parent. If not (the else block), we assign the half the screen width, resp. height minus the menu width, resp. height to the menus x/y coordinates. Yours could look slightly different when you are using the stable package.
    (To comment out a line in lua, preceed it with a "--")
    Last edited by Wey (2012-10-29 08:20:52)

  • How do I left justify the text in the tabs of a JTabbedPane.

    In 1.3.1 this used to work by supplying an HTML string with <div align="left"> but when I run with 1.4.1 this is now broken and I get center justification.
    Does anybody know a way to get the text in the tabs to be left justified.

    First, I found while using JTabbedPane that the "standard" behavior is to allow to a tab the exact space needed to display the tab text. Hence with this behavior, there is actualy no difference of "left" or "center" aligned text. So I assumed that you found a way or another to make your tabs wider than the "string width"...
    Here is a solution:
    You can override the TabbedPaneUI class and ajust the "layoutLabel()" method. Here is the code..
    //Your code using the tabbedPane
    JTabbedPane tp = new JTabbedPane();
    tp.setUI(new LeftTabbedPaneUI());
    //File containing the overrided TabbedPaneUI
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.text.View;
    class LeftTabbedPaneUI extends javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalTabbedPaneUI {
            //I also overrided this function just to force tabs wider than
            //the displayed "String Width". I asume that you found another
            //way to do this so you can delete this function in your
         protected int calculateTabWidth(int tabPlacement, int tabIndex, FontMetrics metrics){
              return 150;
        protected void layoutLabel(int tabPlacement,
                                   FontMetrics metrics, int tabIndex,
                                   String title, Icon icon,
                                   Rectangle tabRect, Rectangle iconRect,
                                   Rectangle textRect, boolean isSelected ) {
            textRect.x = textRect.y = iconRect.x = iconRect.y = 0;
         View v = getTextViewForTab(tabIndex);
         if (v != null) {
             tabPane.putClientProperty("html", v);
         //This Line is added to avoid writing on tab border while aligned to left.
         //You can comment this line to test and or adjust the "5" pixel space
         Rectangle rec = new Rectangle(tabRect.x+5,tabRect.y,tabRect.width,tabRect.height);
            SwingUtilities.layoutCompoundLabel((JComponent) tabPane,
                                               metrics, title, icon,
         tabPane.putClientProperty("html", null);
         int xNudge = getTabLabelShiftX(tabPlacement, tabIndex, isSelected);
         int yNudge = getTabLabelShiftY(tabPlacement, tabIndex, isSelected);
         iconRect.x += xNudge;
         iconRect.y += yNudge;
         textRect.x += xNudge;
         textRect.y += yNudge;
    }Here I overrided the "Metal" implementation of the tab but you must override the implementation of the used Look And Feel,
    ex. "com.sun.java.swing.plaf.window.WindowsTabbedPaneUI" for the windows LAF.

  • How to Center Text in Menu and Left Align in Sub Menu

    Hi - I'm looking to Center the text in the main menu of a Spry Menu in DW CS 5.5 but left align the sub menu's.
    If someone could point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.

    See here http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/spry/samples/menubar/CenteringHorizontalMenuBarSample.h tml

  • 10.6.8 Unable to click in text boxes or on utility menu at top of screen, Dock icons lead to containing folders instead of programs

    As stated in my subject, periodically I become unable to click in text boxes (in my browser, addresses/search) and am also unable to click on the various icons in the utility bar at the top of the screen such as bluetooth and volume control etc.  Also, when this occurs if I click on Applications or one of my Dock icons it leads to the containing folder as a destination instead of the program itself.  It resolves itself after awhile, but I can fix it immediately by unplugging my mouse and plugging it back in.  At that point, everything works fine as if nothing ever happened.  What is strange to me is that it fazes in and out, while being able to return to being fully operational.

    Have you tried adding the following css selector to your css file.
    .nav-bar a {
        text-align: center;
    or insert it in the <style> tag you have on the page:
      <style type="text/css">
      body {
        margin-left: 200px;
      .n {
        text-align: center;
    .nav-bar a {
        text-align: center;

  • How to put a tab space in a center aligned paragraph and have it remained centered?

    I am trying to put a tab spacing within a paragraph that is center aligned but when I press the tab button it pushes the paragraph to the left. How do I solve the problem? I have several lines I need to do this for so adjusting it one but one is a bit tedious.

    I don't use Captchas because they are not web friendly.  Humans have a hard time reading them which often leads to form submission failures and frustration.  I much prefer the Honeypot (hidden input field) method.  It traps spam bots who cannot resist filling in fields because they don't use CSS or JavaScript.  If the hidden field contains any characters, your form processing script can be set-up to flag that as spam and abort the submission.  Humans never see the hidden field, so it works seamlessly behind the scenes.   There's no limit on how many hidden form fields you can have on a page.
    Nancy O.

  • How to align text(left, right or center) on a button?

    I can not figure out how to align text on a button,
    could someone help me out?
    Thanks in advance

    JButton btn=new JButton("hi");
    btn.setHorizontalAlignment(int i)
    i=0 center
    i=2 left
    i=4 right

  • Is it possible to use tabs to right align text in Muse, as you can in InDesign?

    Can I use tabs to right align text in Muse, as you can in InDesign?
    I have a beauty treatment followed by a price and I want to right align the price, keeping the treatment on the left of the text box.
    Thank you!

    For what would typically be a two column tab stop layout, I'd generally use inline text frames and the Wrap panel.
    Put the price in it's own text frame. Then cut and paste the text frame BEFORE the item name so it's an inline text frame within the text frame containing the descriptions.Using the Wrap panel set it to float to the right. Then select it and set the right offset so it floats outside the right side of the original text frame.
    Start with this.
    Cut and paste the text frame at the start of the item paragraph.
    Choose the third icon in the Wrap panel to cause the item to float to the right of the text frame.
    Turn off the lock for the 4 wrap offset values.
    Adjust the right offset to a negative value so the item is outside the text frame to the right (to wherever you want it).
    Repeat the same steps above for the other items.
    Note that once it's set up this way you can freely edit the descriptions or change the width of the original text frame and the prices will adjust accordingly. This will also result in things lining up in the browser even if the text layout engine of a specific browser line breaks the text differently.
    This approach is tedious, but the end result will continue to line up as you make changes in Design view and will line up in every browser/OS/device.
    Someday Muse will support tables, which would be the more natural way to achieve this style of layout on the web. Until then, inline items with wrap is usually the best approach for this type of two column layout.

  • Unable to Create Certifications Menu Tab in sysdmin console of 11g R2 PS1

    Hi All,
    I installed 11g R2 PS1 Successfully. But i am unable see the Certifications menu tab in Sysadmin console.
    Can anyone please let me know how to resolve this issue.
    I applied following patches.
    Patch Numbers :

    This can happen due to OIM-LDAP wrong attribute mapping/value getting passed.
    Can you please first try with OOTB attributes and see how it behaves?

  • How do you center align a Text Field box?

    The center align tool is grayed out.

    Sorry, formsCentral currently does not support alignment of the actual field box.  You can select the different alignment choices for the text label of the field.

Maybe you are looking for

  • How do I get rid of a deleted iCloud account? It keeps popping up on my iPad

    I deleted an email address for iCloud but I still get a pop up to sign into the Apple account with the deleted email address.  how do I stop the Apple sign in pop up.  I established a New email and password for my apple account but need to get rid of

  • State of DNS after Domain rename

    Hi all Still learning DNS and want to add secondary DC I initially set this up as a mydomain.local as I believed that was best practice. When researching SSL certificates I realised that it was now supposedly best practice to use mydomain.com. I did

  • Numeric pad instead of qwerty

    Hello, I only got my iphone 3gs on Friday. But, I'm surprised that it's only got a qwerty keybpard for text. How come it hasn't got a numeric pad for predictive text? Is one available anywhere? I love the phone. But it's little niggles like this that

  • Lightroom or Bridge, which is best to change 20m photo names

    I would like to completely change the naming structure of approximately 20,000 images and would like to hear opinions on which program, Lightroom or Bridge, to use and if there are any precautions with either program that I should be aware of.

  • Anything wrong with this repo?

    following the beginners guide on wiki, doing the rankmirror It says my best option is mirror.neotuli.net second best is homes.umflint.edu third is ftp.archlinux.org 4th mrrors.easynew.com I am in USA, Oklahoma any suggestions.