CSS11000 - Configuring Maximum TCP Connections

Maybe this is a stupid question. But I'm going to ask it anyway :)
If I set the max connection on a service can I redirect the connections that are over the max connection to an error page?
Or I'm I looking in the wrong place. I'll try to explain what I’m trying to do.
I want to protect my application servers, if my application servers reaches a certain threshold I want to redirect the connection to a error page.
How should I tackle this problem.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Hi Gilles,
First of all I wanted to thank you for help. Very kind of you to take time helping us.
Second of all I want to apologies for my first post. I should have been clearer about the problem.
Let me try again.
Our web servers connect to our backend vip. Now the specific application doesn’t like being switched from one server to the other while in the same session. We tried to solve this problem but we didn’t succeed.
Now we gave up balancing that application.
But now we want to set a limit on how much connections can flow to that one application server. So the application server won’t give up under high load.
Now when the load goes above a certain value we want to display an error page. Something like sorry try again later. But if server 1 crashes we want all connection goes to server 2. We don’t want the connections to go to server 2 when the max of connections is reached. Because than we want to see the error page.
When I tried to create a redirect service to an url I got :
%% Cannot have a redirect service on a Layer 4 rule.
Now the redirect to an error page isn’t a real must. More a nice to have. But what we would like is that the server2 only takes over if server1 is down and not when the max connections is reached.
Now this is what I have by now. But now I’m a little bit stuck. We noticed than if we are load testing the webserver thinks app1 is down because it reaches the max connections and goed to server two. Witch we don’t want.
service geert
type redirect
keepalive type none
redirect-string "www.cisco.com"
service cisco_1
ip address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
protocol tcp
keepalive type tcp
port xxxx
keepalive port xxxx
string 5
max connections 40
service cisco_2
ip address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
protocol tcp
keepalive type tcp
port xxxx
keepalive port xxxx
string 5
max connections 40
content cisco
protocol tcp
port xxxx
vip address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
add service cisco_1
primarySorryServer cisco_2
with kind regards,

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    ip address
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    How about editing the Maximum non TCP sessions per second per rule setting?
    For more information:
    Best Regards,
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
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    There is no official article related to that. However, based on my experience, there is a registry key to define the maximum number of connections that TCP can have open simultaneously.
    You can check the key of TcpNumConnections in registry editor under the path below:
    If there is no such registry existing, you can add one and configure the value from 0x0–0xFFFFFE(REG_DWORD). (0 means that you cannot establish any connections)
    More information:
    Best regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

  • TCP connection error when sending MODBUS commands to WAGO 750-881 controller after 113655 bytes of data have been sent

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    Go to Solution.
    Basic_VI.png ‏84 KB
    Expanded_VI.png ‏89 KB

    AvdLinden wrote:
    Hi ThiCop,
    Yes the error occurs after exactly 113655 bytes every time. The timeout control I would like to use is 10ms, however even increasing this to 1s or 10s does not remove the error, which leads me to believe that this is not the issue (furthermore, not adding any delay to the while loop, thus letting it run at maximum speed, has shown that the TCP connection is able to send all 113655 bytes in under 3 seconds again pointing towards the timeout control not being the issue here). 
    I attempted Marco's suggestion but an having difficulty translating the string returned into a readable string, (rightnow the response given is "      -#   +   ").
    As to your second suggestion, I implemented something similar where I created a sub VI to build a TCP connection, send a message and then close the connection. I now build each message and then send the string to this subVI which successfully sends the command to my application. Whilst not being the most elegant method of solving the issue, it has resolved the timeout problem meaning I am able to send as many commands as I want. So in that sense the problem has been solved. 
    If you still have tips on how to correctly read the TCP read output, I would however like to see if I could not get my first program to work as it is slightly more robust in terms of timing. 
    Modbus TCP RTU is a binary protocol, as you show in your Basic VI, where you format the data stream using byte values. So you have to interprete the returned answer accordingly with the Modbus RTU spec in hand. Now what is most likely happening is that the connection gets hung after a while since you do NOT read the data the device sends as response to your commands. The TCP/IP stack buffers those bytes and at some point the internal buffers overflow and the connection is blocked by the stack. So adding the TCP Read at strategic places (usually after each write) is the proper solution for this. Is there any reason that you didn't use the NI provided Modbus TCP library?
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

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    1 - Open System Preferences from  (Menu)
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    8 - You will want to click back on to the "TCP/IP" tab and make sure IPv4 is set to " Using DHCP "
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    11 - If after these steps you still have issues I would recommend Power Cylcing your Router and Modem for about 5 minutes
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  • How to send joystick data over TCP connection

    Hi all,
    I am a long time Labview discussion forum user for learning, but this is my first time posting a question, I hope somebody can help me!
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    Thanks all in advance for your help,
    cameraserver.vi ‏24 KB
    cameraclient.vi ‏18 KB

    Physicsnole wrote:
    In the attached VI I am trying to send data from a joystick over a TCP connection. I can send data fine using the TCP examples (in fact the majority of my VI is just a copy of the example). However I am to the point where I do not know how to send all the data necessary (3 axis data, 12 buttons, and the POV data) over TCP. Strings, clusters, and arrays were never my strong suite and converting between them is a nightmare for me.
    Well, you cast the axis info cluster to a string, but then you cast it back to an array of DBL. Thatr's not compatible. You should probably cast it back to an "axis info" cluster of exactly the same type. Go the the other VI and right-click the cluster wire to create a constant. Now move that diagram cluster constant to the other VI and use it as type.
    Your default ports don't seem to match. You seem to have client and server roles confused. In the sever you create a listener, but then you start sending packets, even though no connection is established. The connection needs to be initiated by the client.
    Your client stops the loop the first time a timeout is encountered. Shouldn't that be more permanent? Also, please retain code clarity and avoid unecessary complexities. For example, replace the "not or" with a plain "or" and change the loop to "stop if true"
    Physicsnole wrote:
    Basically I am trying to send each axis data (X,Y, and Z), button data (12 buttons), and POV data (the POV data will be calculated to adjust the position of a camera, so the immediate data is not important, I will add functions to add the change in the button movements to write a standing position for two servos [pan and tilt], for which that I will need to send over the TCP connection) over the TCP connection to control various cameras and motors. I don't know if it is posible to send that much data over a TCP connection in one write VI through a string, and also how to separate the string on the other side in order to control the client VI.
    You can send as much as you want. The casting to/from string is the same as described above.
    Physicsnole wrote:
    Another question I have (not impotant to get the program running just might make it easier on me) is can a TCP server (which sends the data to the client) also recieve data back from the client on the same port ( for example sensor data and digital positions [on,off])? Or do I need to set up two TCP communication loops with the first client acting as the server on a different port than the first, which then sends the data to the original server, which also has a client TCP configuration in another loop? I hope this makes sense..
    The primary function of a "server" is to wait for a connection and then communicate with the client once a conenction is established. An established TCP/IP connection is fully two-way and both sides can send and receive.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • ACE TCP connection timeout

    our customer has a problem with correct closing TCP connections on the ACE. TCP session (HTTP protocol) is closed _correctly_ (we can see it in the sniffer output), but 'sh conn' on the ACE shows it as 'established' (session is already closed). TCP timeout is set to default (60min).
    Any new connection from the same src port (because many connection to the service) is closed after TCP session is established.
    When I try generate 200 concurrent sessions TCP sessions in my lab, this are on the ACE closed correctly. Customer's traffic is around 20-30.000 concurrent session, but I can't generate so much traffic.
    SW version on the ACE: 3.0(0)A1(3b)

    Thanks Gilles!
    The problem occurs only with traffic from WAP nodes (too many short HTTP requests).
    We try it upgrade to A1(5b), but I'm not sure, if this is our problem...
    Bug description:
    With L7 LB configuration, Some times connections do not close.
    SYN sent to Real server may result in ACK coming from server. ACE TCP module was not handling this ACK correctly.
    ...but our traffic is only L4 LB and we have a problem with connection state on the ACE from both sides (client and server). on the client and server side is connection closed properly, but on the ACE module ('sh conn') we can see it in 'established' state. It's closed after TCP timeout and that is not correct.

  • How to set TCP connection timeout in solaris 9

    Hello All,
    I am new to solaris. While using oracle, sometimes I face tcp connection timeout.
    The timeout happens after a long delay like more than 8 min. I want to reduce the tcp connection timeout to 2 min in solaris.
    Please help me to change this setting.
    My current configuration is
    SunOS testmachine 5.9 Generic_122300-13 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V440

    There's a fair amount of tunables. Without known what is timing out (dns, lost packet...), it's hard to say what you want to tweak. The list of parameters can be seen by using ndd:
    ndd /dev/tcp \?
    ndd /dev/ip \?
    and can be set by using ndd -set (see ndd(1M) ). Note that anything you set has to be reset on reboot, so you have to stick this in a script somewhere, or know what the variable translates to to stick it into /etc/system.


    I was trying to send an e-mail using the demo-mail helper package which uses UTL_SMTP package and on execution, it gives the following TCP Connection error. Is it some something to do with mail configuration?
    This is the sample code I was trying to run.
    demo_mail.mail( sender => 'Me <[email protected]>',
    recipients => 'Someone <[email protected]>, ' ||
    '"Another one" <[email protected]>',
    subject => 'Test', message => 'Hi! This is a test.');
    And this is the error I am getting.
    class oracle/plsql/net/TCPConnection does not exist
    at "SYS.UTL_TCP", line 537
    at "SYS.UTL_TCP", line 199
    at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 102
    at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 121
    at "VNARAYA.DEMO_MAIL", line 159
    at "VNARAYA.DEMO_MAIL", line 119
    at "VNARAYA.DEMO_MAIL", line 105
    at "VNARAYA.SEND_MAIL", line 2
    at line 1

    The Java library needed by UTL_TCP is not created properly. You may just run $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/initplsj.sql as SYS to install it:
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
    sqlplus sys/<sys-password> @initplsj.sql

  • Resolving a TCP connection "slowdown" problem

    SuSE 9.3, stock kernel
    Intel architecture
    I have a problem that appears to be localized in Jrockit (or
    localized in the application, which is localized in Jrockit), where a
    persistent and high-volume TCP connection slows down over the course
    of about an hour--and eventually, effectively halts.
    The TCP traffic is a stream of data, arriving at a near-constant rate
    of about 16K bytes per second, with the receiving end (with the JVM
    and app) strictly sending TCP ACKs in reply.
    Restarting the sending process, or shutting down and restarting the
    connection with the JVM / app, both restore the connection to full
    speed until, over the course of perhaps an hour (sometimes more,
    sometimes less) the same symptoms appear.
    The symptoms in network packet traces are that when the connection is
    first opened, the sender transmits packets at the full MTU of the
    Ethernet segment. Gradually, the number of full-MTU sized packets
    are replaced with packets much smaller packets, until most packets
    range from 1 to 4 bytes with the occasional 3xx-4xx byte packet and
    the odd offlier of a full-MTU packet size.
    Supporting symptoms of interest:
    1) The TCP window does not shrink
    2) The CPU on the JVM/app side tops out at around 20%, even with
    mySQL running on the machine
    3) The interval between successive ACKs transmitted from the JVM/app
    size generally narrows over the course of the connection
    4) TCP send queue on the sender becomes saturated (pegged at 90+ K)
    5) TCP receive queue on the JVM/app side is almost always 0, and when
    it is not zero is bursts up to a low number (<50) and then almost
    immediately returns to 0
    6) The app does not appear to present any general symptoms of
    slowness; the rate of writes to the database does not appear to slow.
    The writes are threaded and multiplexed
    [4] strongly implies that the slowness is caused by the JVM/app side,
    since if the sender app was slowing down for some reason its TCP send
    queue would not be saturated.
    I can copiously document everything stated, and additionally provide
    much additional detail.
    Any guidance on how to suss out role Jrockit or the app are playing
    in this little drama would be very deeply appreciated.

    Asked around and it seems unlikely that this is a JVM issue. We have never heard of this behavior before, and the network layer in the JVM doesn't do anything with MTU iirc with the possible exception of manual changes to socket options. It seems more likely that this is caused by the IP stack, the NIC device driver or something in the network configuration. Try making some changes here and see what happens. For instance:
    1) Run client and server on the same machine, communicating through loopback
    2) Try another Linux distro (CentOS 4.3, for instance)
    3) Try a different NIC and/or a different device driver
    In your Java code, check that you are closing all Socket objects properly. Leaving them to be closed by a finalizer can delay closing sockets resulting in a native resource leak. I don't see how that would cause the issue you describe, but you never know...

  • Configuring BPM-BW Connectivity

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    We're trying to connect BW with BPM. I've read that an RFC Destination is needed to do so, but I'm not sure about how to configure it.
    I'm on TCODE SM59, configuring a TCP/IP type destination. Checked on "Registered Server Program" following manuals, but now I have to enter a ProgramID, and I have no idea where do I obtain this.
    Is it a standard program on the BW, or maybe an existing one on the Composite Environment server? Do I have to write any code?
    Thanks in advance, hope anyone can give me some clue


  • HTTP tunneling / number of TCP connections

    Environment WLS 7.0 Sp2
    We are experimenting with http tunneling and we noticed the following behavior,
    when performing a lookup to get a handle to a few session beans that our UI is
    using, Weblogic opens an additional TCP connection for every lookup however when
    using t3 Weblogic opens a single connection for all of them. Our guess is that
    Weblogic's T3 is optimized to pipeline and multiplex everything asynchronously
    over one TCP connection.
    Is there a way to configure Weblogic to use a single TCP connection when tunneling?

    I believe it would just be an OS-level limit, on the number of socket handles that can be opened.

Maybe you are looking for