CUP. Requestor Last/First Name autofill

Dear colleagues!
My business asked me about possibility of  autofill "Requestor Last/First Name" fields. So if I try to create request, system must fill requestor's fields automaticaly, for example, basing on my login. For my business I answered "No, it's impossible", but I still I have some doubts. Does anybody have assurance in this feature? It is very inconvenient to deprive customer of possibility to choise between auto and handle fill.

Excuse me, Frank, but when I sad "we don't use ldap" I meant that LDAP is using for other aims and managed by my colleagues. That's why I created pseudo-ldap. There is very poor chance that they allow me to make some changes
Frank Koehntopp wrote:
You use LDAP mapping to tell CUP which field of an LDAP person entry corresponds to which field in CUP. You have to enter the LDAP attribute names for User ID, first name, last name etc. (example: in AD, User ID usually is samAccountName).
Regarding to you reply I should ask you, how could I do this mapping?
In CUP there is no field of Requestor (here is the [list|])
Appreciate you for help!

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    First, I'd encourage you to contact tech support to get hotfix 2.04, as it includes a security fix.
    Second, have you looked thorugh the webmail customization guide? Truly, all I know about customizing webmail is there.
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    The below include program is with the reference of std report CATSSHOW.
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    QWKP99K050532 13081999 note 167550
    XQIALRK154280 19.11.98 key date on selection screen
    YIKALRK098973     30.03.1998  F4 Hilfe für Objektid
      INCLUDE CATSDATA                                                   *
    Remarked by LuX 11 Dec. 1998
       crhd.                                                 "YIK
        catsd,                             "dialogstruktur
        t77mt,                             "modulübergreifende texte
    Remarked by LuX 19981210 - CATS decoupling (seems not used)
    "arbeitsplatz aus sicht pläne
    Added by Jerlece on 04/04/2002 - SIR 2836
        pa0001,           "HR Master Record: Infotype 0001 (Org. Assignment)
         hrp1000.          "Infotype DB table : 1000
    *End of addition
    type-pool enthält feldkatalogstruktur
      DATENULL20          TYPE D             VALUE ' ',      QWKP99K050532
        datenull20          TYPE d             VALUE '        ',
        datenull30          TYPE d             VALUE '00000000',
        no                  TYPE c             VALUE 'N',
        off                 TYPE c             VALUE '0',
        yes                 TYPE c             VALUE 'Y'.
    Added by Jerlece on 10/04/2002 - SIR 2836
    DATA: BEGIN OF i_objid OCCURS 0,
           END OF i_objid.
    End of addition
        gt_sp_groups TYPE kkblo_t_sp_group WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA : old_otype LIKE wplog-otype VALUE 'O'.
    DATA: BEGIN OF i77eo_key,
             mandt LIKE t77eo-mandt,
             otype LIKE t77eo-otype,
           END   OF i77eo_key.
    DATA: BEGIN OF i77eo OCCURS 2.
             INCLUDE STRUCTURE t77eo.
    DATA: END OF   i77eo.
    DATA: BEGIN OF i778l OCCURS 5.
    DATA:   langu LIKE t778l-langu.
    DATA: END OF   i778l.
    DATA   allowed_pernr_index       LIKE sy-tabix.
    DATA    flag_save                 TYPE c.
    DATA:  selcheck_save_struk_index LIKE sy-tabix.
        flag           TYPE c,             "Drucktastenbelegung
        saveflag       TYPE c,
        saveflag_esa   TYPE c,
        f_stich        TYPE c VALUE yes,   "1. X sichtag
        daynumber      TYPE c,             "Wochentagnummer 1-7
        pchobjid_count TYPE i,
        i778l_count    TYPE i,
        i77eo_count    TYPE i,
        txtid          LIKE t77mt-txtid,   "Wochentagtext
        exist_werk     TYPE c,             "werk eingegeben
        week           LIKE scal-week,     "Wochen zum Tag
        no_selection   TYPE c.             "YIKALRK167448
    DATA: BEGIN OF icatsdb OCCURS 0.
             INCLUDE STRUCTURE catsdb.
           include structure cats_exten.
    *data: checkbox(1) type c,
         lights(1)   type c,
    DATA:  END OF icatsdb.
    DATA: BEGIN OF selcheck OCCURS 0,
             fielname  LIKE dbindfld-field,
             flag(1)       TYPE c,
           END OF selcheck.
    DATA: BEGIN OF selcheck_save_struk OCCURS 0,
           FIELNAME(10)  TYPE C,                               NOTE 167550
             fielname      LIKE dbindfld-field,                 "note 167550
             flag(1)       TYPE c,
           END OF selcheck_save_struk.
    DATA: BEGIN OF selcheck_save OCCURS 0,
           FIELNAME(10)  TYPE C,                               NOTE 167550
             fielname      LIKE dbindfld-field,                 "note 167550
           END OF selcheck_save.
    DATA : BEGIN OF maco_objects OCCURS 5,
              plvar LIKE plog-plvar,
              otype LIKE plog-otype,
              objid LIKE plog-objid,
            END   OF maco_objects.
    RANGES so_datum_save FOR catsdb-workdate.
    datendeklarationen für CATSSTRC                                     *
    TYPE-POOLS: kkblo, capp.
    TYPES: tabix LIKE sy-tabix OCCURS 0.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF icatsdb_lst_type.
             INCLUDE STRUCTURE catsdb.
    TYPES:   checkbox(1) TYPE c,
              lights(1) TYPE c,
              ename LIKE pernr_list_structure-ename,
           END   OF icatsdb_lst_type.
    TYPES: icatsdb_lst_type_table TYPE icatsdb_lst_type OCCURS 0.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF allowed_pernr_type,
             pernr LIKE catsdb-pernr,
             ename LIKE pernr_list_structure-ename,
             begda LIKE catsdb-workdate,
             endda LIKE catsdb-workdate,
           END   OF allowed_pernr_type.
    TYPES: allowed_pernr_table TYPE allowed_pernr_type OCCURS 0.
    DATA: allowed_pernr TYPE allowed_pernr_table WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: yx TYPE c VALUE 'X'.
    DATA: is_variant LIKE disvariant.
    DATA: es_variant LIKE disvariant.
    DATA: fcode(4).
    DATA: subrc LIKE sy-subrc.
    DATA: approve TYPE c.
    rhx-f4-objid-data.                    "YIKALRK098973
    INCLUDE rhodat00.
    Added by Lu Xiaozhou for CATS decoupling 10 Dec. 1998
    DATA: sys_type LIKE tcesyst-devtype.
    DATA: posid TYPE ps_posid.
    *added by anand on 8/21/02 TD 1480 ========>D20K908220
    *ranges for date to build & then put in selection criteria
    RANGES r_datum FOR sy-datum.
    *end of addition on 8/21/02 TD 1480=======>D20K908220
    *added by anand on 9/10/02 TD 1513 =======> D20K908525
    *New internal table to get the begin & end date also with ENum
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_pers OCCURS 0,
            pernr LIKE pa0001-pernr,
            begda LIKE pa0001-begda,
            endda LIKE pa0001-endda,
           END OF it_pers.
    *end of addition on 9/10/02 TD 1513 ======>D20K908525
    begin of anc01
    DATA: BEGIN OF i_pernr OCCURS 0,
           pernr LIKE pa0003-pernr,
           END OF i_pernr.
    DATA: BEGIN OF i_persa OCCURS 0,
           persa LIKE t500p-persa,
           END OF i_persa,
           BEGIN OF i_persk OCCURS 0,
           persk LIKE t503k-persk,
           END OF i_persk.
    DATA: BEGIN OF i_orgeh OCCURS 0,
           orgeh LIKE t527x-orgeh,
           END OF i_orgeh.
    DATA: BEGIN OF i_pa0105 OCCURS 0,
           pernr LIKE pa0105-pernr,
           usrid LIKE pa0105-usrid,
           END OF i_pa0105.
    end of anc01
    begin of TD 4107 Anand
    store sub org units
    DATA: BEGIN OF i_sobid OCCURS 0,
           sobid LIKE hrp1001-sobid,
           END OF i_sobid.
    store user entered org units
    RANGES: r_orgeh FOR pa0001-orgeh.
    end of TD 4107 Anand
    *Added by Ketan Joglekar, SIR6599 05/08/2006  D20K921585
    DATA: ws_mandt LIKE sy-mandt. "#EC NEEDED
    *Added by Ketan Joglekar, SIR6599 05/31/2006  D20K921851
    DATA: BEGIN OF wa_catsco_temp,
           counter LIKE catsco-counter,
           belnr LIKE catsco-belnr,
           trans_no LIKE catsco-belnr,
           docnr LIKE catsco-belnr,
           END OF wa_catsco_temp.
    *End of changes Ketan Joglekar, SIR6599 05/31/2006  D20K921851
    DATA: BEGIN OF i_cobk OCCURS 0,
          counter LIKE catsco-counter,
          docnr LIKE catsco-belnr,
          budat LIKE cobk-budat,
          END OF i_cobk.
    DATA: ws_week LIKE scal-week.
    *End of Changes.
    -> D10K919801
    DATA: w_aut_zhr15  type c,
           w_aut_zhr17  type c.
    -> D10K919801

    Completely support!
    I yesterday switched from I-mate PDA2K and got over 200 contacts from Outlook to my 6820 in format of first name space father name space second name. Terrible!
    My phone fails to search by the last name - search is useless in fact. And last names are almost invisible because of long first and father names in Russian.
    It's a nightmare. Could anybody help please? How to sync with Outlook to have last name first???
    Best Regards,

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    Curiously, the most recently inputted entries do sort properly, as do all company entries.
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    By default any outgoing email has the addresses saved in the Collected address book. You can turn this option off if you want.

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    LAST_NAME like ZANKUR-LNAME last name
    export parameter
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    hi Vidya,
    you can get perner from PA0002 based on firs name and last name.
    use select query and get perner.

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    Any ideas about addressFormular?
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    I run MacBook Pro 4.1 laptop,  Mac OS X 10.6.8
    Address Book 5.0.3 (883) 
    Preferences set at ...
    First name following Last name 
    Sort for Last name
    Address Format Canada
    Font size Large
    Phone format set at
    When application quits - it's all forgotten and it self-resets to
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    Whenever you remove system modifications, they must be removed completely, and the only way to do that is to use the uninstallation tool, if any, provided by the third-party developers, or to follow their instructions. If the software has been incompletely removed, you may have to re-download or even reinstall it in order to finish the job.
    Here are some general guidelines. Suppose you want to remove something called “BrickYourMac.” First, consult the product's Help menu, if there is one, for instructions. Finding none there, look on the developer's website, say (That may not be the actual name of the site; if necessary, search the Web for the product name.) If you don’t find anything on the website or in your search, email the developer. While you're waiting for a response, download BrickYourMac.dmg and open it. There may be an application in there such as “Uninstall BrickYourMac.” If not, open “BrickYourMac.pkg” and look for an Uninstall button.
    If you can’t remove software in any other way, you’ll have to erase your boot volume and perform a clean reinstallation of OS X. Never install any third-party software unless you're sure you know how to uninstall it; otherwise you may create problems that are very hard to solve.
    Trying to remove complex system modifications by hunting for files by name often will not work and may make the problem worse. The same goes for "utilities" that purport to remove software.

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    Does somebody know the solution how to tell entourage to behave like mail in this matter ?

    Templeton's suggestion is best if needing help with Microsoft Entourage. Since I know the answer is "not possible" I can at least steer you toward an AppleScript that will give you a workaround. Have a look here <>.
    Further questions about this script should be directed either to its author or to Microsoft's Entourage newsgroup <>.
    Hope this helps! bill
    1 GHz Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

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    Hi Ellis,
    Thanks, that's really helpful!!
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    Settings>Mail, Contacts, Calendars>Contacts>Sort Order - First, Last or Last, First .... or Display Order and make the changes that you want.

Maybe you are looking for

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