Curious font name..., 'Reveal Line Draw'?

Hello there.
I just wrote a GUI program which displays fonts and some rendered images for styles.
And I got a font named 'Reveal Line Draw'.
What is it? Is it just an instance of valid font?
Maybe my question can be 'Revealed' as one as some stupid... :)
Here comes my source code.
Please try to compile it and run it.
And, maybe, you can find that thing.
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JRootPane;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTable;
import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;
import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer;
import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
import javax.swing.table.TableModel;
public class FontViewer {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final String[] fontFamilyNames = GraphicsEnvironment.
        final String[] columnNames =
            {"NAME", "PLAIN", "BOLD", "ITALIC", "BOLD ITALIC"};
        new JFrame("Font Viewer") {
            protected JRootPane createRootPane() {
                return new JRootPane() {
                    protected Container createContentPane() {
                        return new JScrollPane(new JTable() {
                            protected TableModel createDefaultDataModel() {
                                return new AbstractTableModel() {
                                    public Class getColumnClass(
                                        int columnIndex) {
                                        return Font.class;
                                    public String getColumnName(int column) {
                                        return columnNames[column];
                                    public int getColumnCount() {
                                        return columnNames.length;
                                    public int getRowCount() {
                                        return fontFamilyNames.length;
                                    public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex,
                                        int columnIndex) {
                                        return null;
                            protected void createDefaultRenderers() {
                                    Font.class, new DefaultTableCellRenderer() {
                                    public Component
                                            JTable table, Object value,
                                            boolean isSelected,
                                            boolean hasFocus, int row,
                                            int column) {
                                        Font font =
                                        Component renderer =
                                                table, font.getName(),
                                                isSelected, hasFocus, row,
                                        if (column == 1) {
                                        } else if (column == 2) {
                                        } else if (column == 3) {
                                        } else if (column == 4) {
                                        return renderer;
            protected void processWindowEvent(WindowEvent we) {
                if (we.getID() == WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING) {
            public void frameInit() {
                setSize(600, 400);

Here are my printed font names. And I just wanna know what the bolded font works for?
Acutally it doesn't show any renderred image on my source.
WindowsXP SP2 JRE 1.5.0U5
Agency FB
Arial Black
Arial Narrow
Arial Rounded MT
Blackadder ITC
Bodoni MT
Bodoni MT Black
Bodoni MT Condensed
Book Antiqua
Bookman Old Style
Bookshelf Symbol
Bradley Hand ITC
Calisto MT
Century Gothic
Century Schoolbook
Comic Sans MS
Copperplate Gothic
Copperplate Gothic Light
Courier New
Curlz MT
Edwardian Script ITC
Engravers MT
Eras Bold ITC
Eras Demi ITC
Eras Light ITC
Eras Medium ITC
Estrangelo Edessa
Felix Titling
Franklin Gothic Book
Franklin Gothic Demi
Franklin Gothic Demi Cond
Franklin Gothic Heavy
Franklin Gothic Medium
Franklin Gothic Medium Cond
French Script MT
Gill Sans MT
Gill Sans MT Condensed
Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed
Gill Sans Ultra
Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed
Gloucester MT Extra Condensed
Goudy Old Style
Goudy Stout
Imprint MT Shadow
Lucida Bright
Lucida Console
Lucida Sans
Lucida Sans Typewriter
Lucida Sans Unicode
Maiandra GD
Microsoft Sans Serif
Monotype Corsiva
MS Gothic
MS Mincho
MS Outlook
MS PGothic
MS PMincho
MS Reference Sans Serif
MS Reference Specialty
MS UI Gothic
MV Boli
OCR A Extended
Palace Script MT
Palatino Linotype
Perpetua Titling MT
Quest Font
Reveal Line Draw <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @@?
Rockwell Condensed
Rockwell Extra
Script MT
Times New Roman
Trebuchet MS
Tw Cen MT
Tw Cen MT Condensed
Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra

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    &#9553; &#9553;

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        javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
          public void run() {
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    cd /d C:\Java\home\src\forums
    "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_12\bin\javac.exe" -encoding utf-8 -Xlint -d C:\Java\home\classes -cp c:\java\home\src;.;C:\Java\home\classes C:\Java\home\src\forums\
    cd /d C:\Java\home\src\forums
    "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_12\bin\java.exe" -cp C:\Java\home\classes forums.Sabre20090412a
    References: #says 1252== IANIA UTF-8 except #page for 2500 onwards #-encoding
    Roedy Green rocks!
    Thanx for the fish!
    Cheers. Keith.

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    I am attaching a file that shows this problem.
    This may be very L18N-related, but I hope someone can take a lookt at this problem.

    I have found that StarSuite7 (patch level 5) does not detect
    Japanese font names under cirtain circumstances and
    this resulted in incorrect display of characters : Worse, in my case,
    the incorrectly recognized font name resulted in invisible character
    and I failed to notice an important mark.
    I am attaching the document that shows the problem.
    What happens is this.
    The first line contains a Japanse sentence that is followed
    by a "bold right arrow mark" in WingDing font.
    The Japanese sentence part is recognized to have the
    font name "MS Gothic" (actually in Japanese character name.).
    This part is correctly recognized by StarSuite7 (patch5) both under
    linux and w2k platform.
    Unfortunately, the wingding font name is incorrectly recognized
    as "MS mincho" (again actually in Japanese character name), and
    thus this right arrow is incorrectly rendered.
    I am attaching a file that shows this problem.
    This may be very L18N-related, but I hope someone can take a lookt at this problem.

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    What could the issue be?
    FYI, my bash prompt variable. Does it display correctly for you?
    PS1="\n\[$DBLUE\]\[\016\]l\[\017\]\[$DRED\](\u@\h)\[$DBLUE\]\[\016\]qqq\[\017\](\[$LBLUE\]H\!\[$DBLUE\])\[\016\]qq\[\017\](\[$LBLUE\]C\#\[$DBLUE\])\[\016\]qq\[\017\](\[$LBLUE\]J\j\[$DBLUE\])\[\016\]qqq\[\017\](\[$LBLUE\]\D{%H:%M %A %d - %B %Y}\[$DBLUE\])\n\[\016\]t\[\017\]\[\016\]q\[\017\](\[\[$LBLUE\]\w\[$DBLUE\])\n\[\016\]mqq\[\017\]> \[$LBLUE\]"
    Last edited by Mzg (2010-07-09 10:00:41)

    After some detective work I have managed to come up with an explanation as well as what seems to be a working solution.
    If you have not tried the prompt above, basically I tried to use some line drawing characters in my bash prompt, but these refused to display correctly under any X terminals I tried (though it looked fine on virtual consoles).
    The problem was in the
    \[\016\] ... \[\017\]
    sequences. The \016 escape sequence is supposed to enter the alternate character set mode (common way to draw e.g. lines in text mode) while \017 returns the terminal to the standard character set. These work fine on the virtual consoles, but are apparently a no-no in (some) X terminals. If you tried the prompt you would notice that the color escape sequences worked fine, only the line drawing characters failed.
    So that is the explanation part. So for the solution...
    For urxvt, which is my preferred terminal emulator, the solution is quite simple. This should also work with other rxvt-derived terminals (including the popular aterm), though I have not tested this.
    These terminals offer the same functionality as the virtual consoles, though the escape sequences are different. "\033(0" enters alternate charset mode while "\033(B" returns to standard charset mode. So the solution is simply to replace all previous
    \[\016\] ... \[\017\]
    sequences with
    \[\033(0\] ... \[\033(B\]
    But this poses a problem, as the virtual consoles do not recognize these sequences and you'll get the same problem as before, only in text mode instead of X. I solved this by using the PROMPT_COMMAND variable to run fgconsole every time a command is ran in bash, checking if the command is ran in tty7 (i.e. X11) or in one of the (other) virtual consoles. This is my code for the root prompt:
    function prompt_func
    # Running in tty7 or larger (X11)
    if [ `sudo fgconsole` -gt 6 ]
    PS1="\n\[$DBLUE\]\[\033(0\]l\[\033(B\]\[$DRED\](\u@\h)\[$DBLUE\]\[\033(0\]qqq\[\033(B\](\[$LBLUE\]H\!\[$DBLUE\])\[\033(0\]qq\[\033(B\](\[$LBLUE\]C\#\[$DBLUE\])\[\033(0\]qq\[\033(B\](\[$LBLUE\]J\j\[$DBLUE\])\[\033(0\]qqq\[\033(B\](\[$LBLUE\]\D{%H:%M %A %d - %B %Y}\[$DBLUE\])\n\[\033(0\]t\[\033(B\]\[\033(0\]q\[\033(B\](\[\[$LBLUE\]\w\[$DBLUE\])\n\[\033(0\]mqq\[\033(B\]> \[$LBLUE\]"
    PS1="\n\[$DBLUE\]\[\016\]l\[\017\]\[$DRED\](\u@\h)\[$DBLUE\]\[\016\]qqq\[\017\](\[$LBLUE\]H\!\[$DBLUE\])\[\016\]qq\[\017\](\[$LBLUE\]C\#\[$DBLUE\])\[\016\]qq\[\017\](\[$LBLUE\]J\j\[$DBLUE\])\[\016\]qqq\[\017\](\[$LBLUE\]\D{%H:%M %A %d - %B %Y}\[$DBLUE\])\n\[\016\]t\[\017\]\[\016\]q\[\017\](\[\[$LBLUE\]\w\[$DBLUE\])\n\[\016\]mqq\[\017\]> \[$LBLUE\]"
    Note that I do not claim to be a good bash programmer, so there might be better ways. This has however worked flawlessly so far, including when su'ing to other users, and switching between tty's and X.
    The code is the same for my other users, except from the colors. Note the
    `sudo fgconsole`
    Sudo proved necessary for non-root users. I added an entry in the sudoers config file to let all users run fgconsole as root without providing a password.
    Okay, that's it. It's a bit dirty, but it solved my problem at least.
    Last edited by Mzg (2010-07-10 07:06:44)

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    Should it happen again double tap the screen with three fingers. Then go to settings> general> accessibility> zoom> off.

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    Article link:
    The future of the EPS file format
    EPS is rapidly becoming an outdated file format which is being  replaced by PDF just like PostScript itself is also being phased out and  replaced by PDF. Don’t just take my word on this. Here is what Dov  Isaacs from Adobe said in a discussion on a PrintPlanet forum about the  future of PostScript: “ …Adobe will continue to support EPS as a  legacy graphics format for import of non-color managed, opaque graphical  data into Adobe applications (such as InDesign and Illustrator).  Although we certain do not recommend that new graphical content be  stored in EPS format (except to satisfy the need to import data into  page layout programs that aren’t quite PDF-centric — no need to mention  names here!), our user base should feel comfortable that there is no  need to worry about a need to convert their very sizable libraries of  EPS-based graphic assets.”

    Yes, I drag the AI file in.
    If after it's in place I need to change I can just right click and chose edit original make the changes and save and the illustration in inDesign will reflect the changes.
    On the other hand I can make changes to the original and all iterations of the file will automatically update, say if I used the illustration in several documents.
    As an example I had completed a set of documents for a new company, i.e., biz cards, brochures, product labeling, stationery, etc. and in their wisdom they decided to make changes in their logo, which, of course, is on everything. I opened the AI file with the logo made the changes saved and all the documents then reflected the changes. The only caveat to do this seamlessly is to make sure that your file logo size is the same as the original or you might have to tweak placement in the other documents
    It is this interoperability that to me makes the Creative Suite so much more than the sum of their parts.

  • How to get the font name?

    Hi i used the following code to find the font in illustrator cs3. but somewhere it exits the loop.
    Please some one guide me.
    AIArtHandle path=NULL,line;
        short artType;    AILayerHandle layer;
        ADMItemRef    ItemRef, FontListRef;   
        ADMListRef    theItemList, FontList;   
        short ccount;int l, i;
        AIErr error;
        long count, FontCount;   
        char buf[250],fonttext[500];
        short forfont;
        AIFontStyle faceStyle;
        AIFontKey fontKey;
        int idx;
        ADMEntryRef entry;
        AIArtHandle textPath=NULL;
        AIArtSet artSet;
        long numLayers;
        unsigned char title[150];
        error = sAILayer->CountLayers( &numLayers );
        ItemRef = sADMDialog->GetItem(g->qcGuide , lstDifferences);
        theItemList = sADMItem->GetList(ItemRef);
        FontListRef = sADMDialog->GetItem(g->qcCheckDialog , lst_FontsTo);
        FontList = sADMItem->GetList(FontListRef);
        //for ( int q = 0; q< numLayers; q++ )
        for (int q = numLayers-1;q >= 0; q-- )
            error = sAILayer->GetNthLayer( q, &layer ); //extracting layer by layer   
            error = sAILayer->GetLayerTitle( layer, title );
            if(strstr((char*)title,"SCAN")==0 && strstr((char*)title,"Bounding Box")==0)
                error=sAIArtSet->LayerArtSet (layer,artSet );
                error=sAIArtSet->CountArtSet (artSet, &count );
                FontCount =  sADMList->NumberOfEntries( FontList );
                int fontfound=0;
                for(long j=0;j<count;j++)
                    error=sAIArtSet->IndexArtSet (artSet,j,&path );
                    error = sAIArt->GetArtType(path,&artType);
                        if (artType==kTextFrameArt)
                            //char buf[250];
                            AIPathStyle style;
                            AIPathStyleMap styleMap;
                            long index;
                            TextRangesRef selRef;
                            TextRangeRef textRange;
                            if ( error ) throw( error );
                            ITextRange itext( textRange );
                            ICharFeatures features=itext.GetUniqueCharFeatures();
                            bool isValid = false;
                            IFont textfont=features.GetFont(&isValid);
                            FontRef FntRef=textfont.GetRef();
                            MessageBox(NULL,buf,"Font Name",0);
                            bool Exists=CheckIfValueExists(ArtAssess.FontList,buf);
                            if (Exists==false)
                                MessageBox(NULL,ArtAssess.FontList,"Fonts Used",0);
        MessageBox(NULL,"End font","",0);
        return kNoErr;

    When dealing with text frames that contain multiple styles such as different fonts, kerning or point sizes etc. You need to split the text frame into text runs.
    Using an ITextRunsIterator you can essentially split the text frame into a list of uniquely-styled text ranges.
            AIArtSet artSet;
            long artCount = 0L;
            AIArtSpec spec = {kTextFrameArt,kArtHidden,0 };
            sAIArtSet->MatchingArtSet(&spec, 1, artSet)
            for (int index = 0; index < artCount ++index)
                TextRangeRef trRef = NULL;
                AIArtHandle art = NULL;
                ATE::ITextRange textRange(trRef);
                ATE::ITextRunsIterator textRunsIterator(textRange.GetTextRunsIterator());
                while (textRunsIterator.IsNotDone())
                        // All of the text in this text range will have the same stylistic attributes
                        ATE::ITextRange range(textRunsIterator.Item());
                        // Get your character features etc here.

  • I installed the latest update, and tried to reply to an email right after. The email looked like a bunch of cymbals, arrows, font names, parts of the email. So I opened it up with Internet Explorer, and all was normal. How do I get this fixed?

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    I opened my emails in Internet Explorer, and everything was normal. How do I fix this?

    I look at it like this, it was a solution to my problem. There is obviously something wrong with the new version. When everyone starts complaining, and some genius figures out the fix, then I will worry about the upgrade. Until then, I am fine with running 4.0. I have to disagree with you though. 6.0 is a downgrade for sure. There is a lot to be desired compared to this version. Who wants price gong, and screwed up emails. Not me. The problem is out there, and now someone needs to work on the bug fixes on this BETA version.

  • How to do  Line Drawing

    Just how do I use a photo of a church building and make a line drawing of it? There are hundreds of lines, bricks, indented windows, steps,etc. and the whole thing is flooded with trees. They don't want a photo image and I've tried drawing it in PS 7 and am going nuts. There's no help with using the "auto trace" tool in AI 10.
    I suppose this can be done in several days, but I don't have that time. Unless there's a way to do this more efficiently than line by line, they'll have to get someone else to do this for them.
    I love challenges, but this one is

    There are several filters that should be close to what you need. The three that I ran across are:
    Each of these filters can be found at filter>sketch>name of filter.
    sorry I do not recall the name of the one similar to threshold.

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    i have a line drawing (black on white paper) i have scanned and need to make the white paper transparent, maintaining the line drawing, can i and then HOW can i do this in PS? this is for my business logo. ive used it for years but with a solid background. id like to have it just be the drawing over my photos with a transparent background.

    First let me apologize for posting a reply that was only suitable for advanced users.  Photoshop is broad and powerful therefore has a huge learning curve.  In fact I would state no one knows and uses all of Photoshop.  When we first get Photoshop it intimidate us and we're very uncomfortable using it.  Many thing are not intuitive there in much learning involved.  After some time we begin to know something and we are able to do some thing.  Learning become rapid and we start playing in Photoshop.  It is very important to play with Photoshop.  Playing with Photoshop and asking for help with in forums like this IMO is the best way to learn. 
    Photoshop Power lies in layers, selection and automation.  However it takes knowledge to use photoshop well so most powerful tool you have ins Photoshop is the gray matter between your ears.  Most at one time or another want to watermark or put a logo on their image.  So its best to automate this process. All run into a problem in the process. "Size"  We find our assets vary in size and aspect ratios. Landscape, Portraits, Panoramas and others. This complicates automation.  Vector graphics works best when size vary greatly.  If you can not work out how to create a vector solution like a custom shape.  Create your Logo and watermark large thing scale down better the up. Text scale well for text uses vectors graphics however if you rasterize text it will not scale well.
    I do not type or do English well so let me do some screen captures.  I can not stress enough how important Black, White, Grays and Blending is when it come to image processing.  Become friends with Multiply, Screen, Overlay and Luminosity blending.....
    However when there is a white or black background though you can blend them you can not add a style like a drop shadow, emboss or make it invisible setting fill to 0 so only the style is visible.  When there is contrast between the logo and background it is easy to separate the two. To select the background and delet it to have the logo with a transparent background.  Many tools can be used to create the selection hee I use my action kill white.
    Vector Shape would work better for scaling However it would be best to create the logo from scratch in a vector program like illustrator but I never had the resources to justify the Creative suite. I only had Photoshop.  Recently Adobe gave me and other a year subscription to the creative suite for our participation here.  I still have not installed anything but Photoshop,  A while back I found a program that can create vector patf for black and white art work.  It will not be as good as using something like illustrator. However vector paths can be edited in Photoshop and cleaned up some. Here is the PSD it 13MB because od the gradient

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    How to change the background color of text in PDF based by font name. Is there any option in Javascript. e.g: If PDF containing ARIAL font, the ARIAL text background color needs to be changed in red color for all pages. Same for all fonts with different different color in the PDF.
    Thanks in Advance

    1) Is there any possibilities to highlight with different color based on font using javascript
    2) list of font used in PDF using javascript
    3) How to hilight the text using javascript
    Thanks in Advance

  • Error while running Configuration Wizard in SharePoint 2013: Exception in RefreshCache. Exception message :The '?' character, hexadecimal value 0x43A0, cannot be included in a name. Line 1, position 5694.

    Hi Friends,
    I was trying to run configuration wizard in SharePoint 2013 Central Administration and I got below error:
    Exception in RefreshCache. Exception message :The '?' character, hexadecimal value 0x43A0, cannot be included in a name. Line 1, position 5694.
    Yesterday my SharePoint server was running fine and today when I try to update a SharePoint solution (wsp) I got same error. Even if I try to do any operation
    in Central administration like adding new WSP, Updating WSP , I get same error.
    Does any one have any Idea?
    Gireesh Painuly

    Posted this a few weeks back - would appreciate any suggestions?

  • Issue in font name

    We are using Adobe acrobat x pro 10.1.1 licenced version,from our application,we have to fill data dynamically in to the text boxes.
    We had set the text box font as "VectoraLTStd-Roman",we need to display the text with font name as “VectoraLTStd-Roman” (We need to display the same fonts which has been set in the template)
    Please find the below mentioned issue
    Sl No
    Data/Text in both pdf
    Type of text
    Font to be displayed as
    Font getting Displayed as
    Static Text
    Static Data
    Myriad Pro
    Myriad Pro
    Myriad Pro
    First Place
    Myriad Pro
    Default Value
    Myriad Pro
    As this is a high priority issue,please suggest me how to display the same font which has been set in the template
    We had installed the “VectoraLTStd-Roman” font in application server; after exporting the pdf, in the client browser, we are getting incorrect fonts. 
    Please check in the system where “VectoraLTStd-Roman” font is not installed 
    To check the font names,please copy the text from pdf and paste it on winword/wordpad.

    I tested on a device here and see the same issue using  I would consider this a bug and open an issue with support so they can escalate and have it corrected.  It appears to be device/os version specific as I don't see the issue on Android 2.3.4 but I do see it on Android 4.1.1 and Android 4.4.2.
    I am also going to open an issue with Engineering on this as well.

  • Sharepoint 2007 list error - The '}' character, hexadecimal value 0x7D, cannot be included in a name. Line 1, position 440.

    Hi Everyone,
    We have a sharepoint 2007 deployment which in general has been fine since it was built.  
    Version is (MOSS 2007 SP2 (KB953334 & KB953338))
    on a Windows 2003 R2 SP2 server.
    We created a list a while back to store information for our servers but for some reason it now has an error.
    the symptoms are:
    1) Navigating to the list and choosing any view (a few custom views), we can see the data fine
    2)  Creating new items or modifying existing items brings up:
    An unexpected error has occurred.
    3) Trying to access the list settings brings up:
    An unexpected error has occurred.
    4) Using "view all site content" and clicking on the list brings up:
    The '}' character, hexadecimal value 0x7D, cannot be included in a name. Line 1, position 440.
    I've attempted to search for the error online but the error doesn't bring back anything specific to Sharepoint.
    My gut feeling is either a corruption of the list or a user has entered an invalid character in one of the list entries, but I cannot amend the list in any way.
    Ordinarily I would advise the user to re-create the list and enter the information from scratch, however this list contains alot of information and is crucial to the server teams documentation.
    Does anyone have any ideas on where I should be focusing my search efforts?  I did check the logs and couldn't see any obvious entries for this list.
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    Posted this a few weeks back - would appreciate any suggestions?

  • I tried to import a PDF of a line drawing into Photoshop Elements. The thumbnail looks fine, but when imported the file is empty. This used to work in the past. What is wrong and how do I solve this?

    I tried to import a PDF of a line drawing into Photoshop Elements. The thumbnail looks fine, but when imported the file is empty. This used to work in the past. What is wrong and how do I solve this?

    The value of the Channel Strip volume etc is not stored within the C Strip setting, as you have discovered.
    If you really wanted, you could add a Gain plug to the strip, with it set to give the correct output level with the Fader set to 0
    (Or just set the fader manually in MS)

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