Currency Adjustments

I have an entity hierarchy as follows:
Total Consol (USD Entity)
Sub-Consol (USD Entity)
Parent 1 (CAD Entity)
Dept A (CAD Entity)
Dept B (CAD Entity)
after data is translated to USD (Parent 1 to Sub-Consol), I find that I have a couple of differences from what was reported (history was wrong - but can't change it). Normally, I only make adjustments to base entities (i.e. Dept A or Dept B), however, I cannot make a USD adjustment here - only Entity Curr Adj or Parent Curr Adj - both of which are CAD entities. Do I need to make the USD adjustment to Parent 1 (using Parent Curr Adj with parent 1) to get a USD adjustment to Parent 1 balances or is there a way to book an entry to the base entities? I hate to use adjustments to Parent 1 as I have alternate hierarchies and would need to make this adjustment in multiple places.

Try using some imagination here to post USD data in the local entities. It is possible. One approach I've used is to capture values in a custom dimension for "USDJournalEntries". Imagine Custom4 has a member "GeneralLedger" in which all data is loaded in local currency. Create a second member of Custom4 which does not aggregate (weight = 0). Post USD journal entries there, even though the journals would be made in the base entity, <Entity Curr Adjs>. Next, add a translation rule so that all data in Custom4 "USDJournalEntries" will only translate at a rate of "1", effectively not translating. Finally, when you do translate, if the target currency is USD, you add the data from the Custom4 "USDJournalEntries" member to the "GeneralLedger" member. You could use a translation rule to assumulate the two Custom4 data sets, since Sub Translate will naturally accumulate values.
This solution will achieve what you want and will work across multiple hierarchies.

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    Hi Guys,
    I have no idea of HFM :)
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    From these extracts we pick up the data for the levels at Parent Curr Total, Entity Curr, Entity Currency Adjustments, Parent Currency Adjustments.
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    I have seen the values for adjustments getting doubled up, I suppose this should not be happening.
    I now understand that ECA & PCA must not get added up. However i want to know and understand if only ECA must be processed.
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    Kindly provide me with some understanding of these terms, especially PCA & ECA.
    Thx & Rgds

    It seems you need to understand the concept and how these are used.
    I would suggest you to go through these forums Calmly to get the understanding of these members:
    explanation required about Value dimension Adjustment Members
    Re: Difference between Parent and Parent Curr Adjs
    Re: difference between parent currency and parent in value dimension
    I am sure after going through all these forums, you will be able to understand the use and affect of these members.
    If still some confusion remains, point out and ask specifically.
    Acknowledge if Helpful.

  • Entity Currency Adj, Parent Currency adj for Parent-child with same currenc

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    I had an understanding that Entity Currency total always rolls upto Parent currency irrespective of whether the currencies of base and parent are same/different.
    Is this something new with version 11 or has it always been like this?

    I don't follow your explanation. To be very clear: <Parent Curr Adjs> is NOT the translation of <Entity Curr Adjs>. This will never happen. HFM takes <Entity Curr Total> and translates that into the target currency. The only time <Parent Curr Adjs> will equal <Entity Curr Adjs> is when they are indeed the very same currency. In that case there is no translation but instead two names for the same data set.

  • Parent Currency Extract

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    According your question the Ans is- For exm- If the parent and the child currencies are different,
    1.If the user wants to load the data to child member using parent's currency then the user can select the "Parent Curr Adj" in value dimension and can load the data. The value will be shown in "Entity Curr Total" (Translated value in local currency) , " Parent Curr Adj" and "Parent Curr Total"
    2.If the user wants to load the adjustment data directly to the parent using "Parent Adj" then the user can select that and load the data for adjustment. The value wiil be shown in "Parent Adj" and "Parent Total" not in Entity and Parent Currency level. And this Parent Adjment will be available, when you enabled the attribute called "Parent Adj". If you not enabled this the user can load the data up to "Parent Curr Total".
    I am sorry to explain your next point that "when we use parent currency adjustments and parent adjustments?"
    Even I am also looking for the situations. If you find the exactly ans please forward to [email protected]
    Thanks in advance.

  • Account calculation vs. Entity currency total

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    I'm trying to solve one issue regarding an account calculation...
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    How to force HFM to use the calculation also for <Entity currency total> and override the default setting which just sums <Entity currency> and <Entity currency adjustments>?

    I have tried this but this is not working... See the printscreen:
    Here is the rule:
    Sub Calculate()
    HS.EXP "A#c = A#a / A#b"
    End Sub
    Accounts "a" and "b" are set to revenue type, account "c" is balance type.
    Any other idea?

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    Has anyone faced this issue before? Am I going wrong somewhere?

    Please check your saplogon.ini file as detailed in note 170352.
    Maybe it contains empty descriptions under the section
    Please review the mentioned note for further details. In case you find such entries, take a look at chapter Solution ->
    "3.  Repair saplogon.ini".

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    Can you please explain a little about Business one.Is it a ERP system which can be integrated with any other application also.
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    I am still confused with the information.
    Please help me to understand in and out for that.
    (Its technology and use.)
    Looking forward for your replies
    Thanks in advance!

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    With SAP Business One, you can achieve a new level of control and increase the profitability of your business. Your employees get the information they need, when and how they need it. And you can easily customize the solution to meet your changing requirements
    SAP Business One allows managers and employees to access and use information more effectively -- so they can make smart business decisions. The comprehensive solution covers all the core operations necessary to run your business successfully, including:
    Business Administration
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  • F101 - Sort Order

    The report displayed by this Transaction displays Documents from GL, AR and AP. The document display seem to be in no particlar order. May be it showing the AP documents grouped by the Cost Centre? But then what logic for the GL Documents? The dates are definitely not in sequence, nor the document numbers. If anyone has wondered about this or has wondered and found a Solution please do respond

    Please find the documentation for this Tcode below:
    The sort processes are mentioned in this document. Go through them to establish a relationship.
    Short text
    Balance Sheet Supplement - OI - Analysis per &
    This report groups the receivables and payables according to a required list, for example, the "EU Guideline No. 4", and carries out transfer postings.
    Additional adjustment postings are necessary in the following cases:
    Customers with credit balances and vendors with debit balances
    Changed reconciliation accounts or partner (affiliated company)
    Display of investments
    All accounts that are managed on an open item basis are taken into account.
    Sorting of items
    The decision as to whether an account is sorted according to receivables or payables depends on the financial statement value of an account. This is the balance of the account per reconciliation account and remaining life. If several accounts are connected by the same trading partner, the joint financial statement value of the account group created determines the type of sorting. If the balance is positive, the account is sorted according to receivables, if the balance is negative, the account is sorted according to payables. You define the sort methods required in Customizing.
    Alternatively, several accounts can be summarized in a group whose joint balance is used for sorting. The definition for the corporate group is used as group definition for customers and vendors. For G/L accounts, there is a separate field in the G/L account master record.
    For credit memos with an invoice reference, the due dates are taken from the invoice.
    Vendors with debit balances and customers with credit balances are determined separately for each point in the sorted list, since only items with virtually the same remaining life may be balanced with each other.
    The documents are totaled under the current reconciliation account of the customer or vendor master record. If the reconciliation account is changed, the amounts are transferred from the old reconciliation account to the new reconciliation account.
    In some countries (for example, France), investments must be displayed separately. You use parameters to select this additional display. The investments are then displayed as a total per reconciliation account and transferred.
    For every transfer posting created, a reverse posting is also entered in the session. For reconciliation accounts in the customer or vendor area, postings are also made to an adjustment account.
    If you use a target company code, all items are summarized under the target company code and then processed. The company codes selected must be managed in the same currency however (for example, local currency, group currency).
    If you use an alternative valuation area, account determination for the transfer posting is carried out from the valuation area selected. Processing is carried out in the currency of the valuation area assigned (for example, US GAAP in group currency USD).
    If sorting is to be carried out taking into account foreign currency adjustments, you must first carry out the foreign currency valuation with program SAPF100. The field "Valuation for financial statement preparation" must be selected.
    You require a sort method to sort open items. Maintain a method.
    In order for program SAPF101 to carry out the adjustment postings required, you have to define the adjustment accounts, and the accounts for displaying the receivables and payables according to remaining life, as well as the customers with credit balances and the vendors with debit balances in the system.
    Where reconciliation accounts have been changed, check the accounts for the transfer posting.
    If the investments are to be displayed and posted separately, you also have to define the appropriate accounts.
    The posting keys required are already contained in the standard system.
    The items that have been read and sorted are displayed in the main list.
    The posting list displays the postings that have been entered in the batch input session.
    The notification lists informs you of errors and other incidents.

  • Incoming / Outgoing payments bank charges

    It is common for bank charges to be applied to both incoming and outgoing payments.
    It would be good to be able to deal with these at document level in the incoming and outgoing payments, using an account determination, rather than have to create a journal entry when reconciling the bank or the business partner account.

    Hi I agree, as we have several foreign currency adjustments that we would prefer to do at the payment time rather than at the reconciliation time against the vendor/customer.

  • SAP reporting for Month end reports for Pension (TP, USS, LGPS)

    I wonder if anyone can help me.  We have just had SAP installed and are experiencing problems with month end reports for Pension reporting.  Can anyone point me in the right direction of the reports?  I have managed to extract some reports but they hold year to date values, not the current month and I am having problems with extracting the monthly contributory salary.
    Many thanks in advance

    It's possible to re value asset records but the intent is not for currency adjustments.  That is almost always done in consolidations.
    It's possible to depreciate based on the current exchange rate using 95314 but this is considered a modification.  I've rarely seen it implemented.

  • Issue with Asset Managemenet (parallel Currencies)

    This message is from my customer:
    Capital investments are kept in Asset Managemenet (FI-AA),  balances are integrated part of FI-GL, shown on respective accounts.
    Within AM, multiple valuation areas exists, as an asset underly different rules, depending of it's accounting (book) value and tax value etc.
    Therefore, we have one area (01) representing the book value, - which is also the GL-balance. In addition, AM keep another area (10) representing the tax value.
    Finally, we have a third area representing the difference between Tax and book, (called 'delta'), and these values are posted to GL as 'more/less  depreciation', enabling us to report both 'Accounting books' and 'Norwegian tax books'. This 'delta posting' is part of standard, monthly depreciation run.
    We have a challenge in the case were we have USD as functional currency, in an entity registrated as Norwegian a/s.
    Norwegian tax authorities require the tax values of the depreciation to be based on historical NOK-investments.  Both FI-GL and FI-AA support the parallel currency
    accounting, but not when it comes to the handling of the 'delta-values'. In this case, the initial investments are kept in histotical NOK in AM, and in AM the NOK-investment is depreciatied in the tax area. However, when the delta-posting is done, this is done in USD only (based on area 01 and 10), and the parallel NOK-value of this transaction is translated based on exchange rate on transaction date, NOT the historical NOK-value.  The consequense of this is that the tax-books in NOK is incorrect, and there is a need to do manual adjustments, based on tiresome spreadsheet calculations.
    Now: is this the only way SAP handles parallel currencies in AA/AM? No way to configure it to use historical exchange rates at all?
    If this cannot be changed within SAP, has anyone else solved this kind of problem and might help me getting started?

    Does someone have answers to this:
    From SAP Help:
    The central procurement and processing of data for an asset takes place
    in the logical database ADA in the FI-AA component. One of the functions
    that is carried out in the database is currency translation. Currency
    translation for a currency that is different from the company code
    currency is carried out according to a translation method that you
    define in FI-AA Customizing.
    Where do i find this customising?
    If the parameters of this standard translation method do not meet your
    needs, you can define your own individual translation method using this
    SAP enhancement.
    Follow the procedure outlined below:
    1.  Activate enhancement project AMGS_001.
    2.  Modify function module EXIT_SAPLAMGS_001. Enter your own code in the
        included program ZXBADU03.
        When the enhancement project is active, the system uses the function
         module at the corresponding positions in the logical database.
      3.  Define a translation method in FI-AA Customizing (Information
          System) that uses translation date 3 (own translation).
      The following transfer parameters are available for function module
      o   I_AMOUNT (amount in local currency)
      o   I_ANLAV (master data for the asset)
      o   I_AFABER (depreciation area)
      o   I_BERDATUM (report date)
      o   I_UMVAR (translation method)
      The translated amount is expected as a return value in the field
      E_AMOUNT. This value is then transferred to the respective report.
    This looks promissing But has anyone tried this exit, EXIT_SAPLAMGS_001?
    Will it work for me?

  • Problem with balance carry forward business rule and automatic adjustments

    Hi All,
    I faced with issue when run BCF business rule and consolidation process. According sap courses BPC440 members with A(automatic adjustments) type should carry forward automatically, and I(imputable), M (adjustments) members should carry forwarded by bcf business rule.
    When I set up my BCF business rule I use property "Category_for_ope" in Category dimension. But this rule not work properly, then I use notes:
    1784365 - Category_for_ope property should not effect Consolidation.
    1902677 - The property category_for_ope shall work for consolidation
    After applying those notes, system work as I aspect. After i run consolidation first time system carry forward my automatic adjustment from Category "Expected" to "PLAN_Y0" and this is correct!!!. But when i run consolidation process second and third time system duplicated automatic adjustments in Category "PLAN_Y0".
    Someone can help me with this Issue?
    And sorry for my english

    Can you try as follows :
    hope it helps...

  • Foreign Currency Revaluation for company code with multiple currencies

    My company code has the following parallel currencies:
    company code currency - USD (10)
    group currency - CAD (30)
    index currency - USD (50)
    transaction currency - CAD
    When I execute F.05 for valuation of CAD open item in currency code 10, the program only posts adjustments to the company code currency 10; no postings to
    index currency 50. As a result, my Revaluation document does not have balanced company code currency and index currency. 
    For example:
    Open item                     = CAD 1,000
    company code currency = USD 990
    group currency              = CAD 1000
    index currency              = USD 990
    Revaluation adjustment = USD 5
    This adjustment is only posted at company code currency; no posting for Index currency.
    As a result, company code currency is USD 995 but index currency remains at USD 990.
    Pls. advise corrective measures.

    Currently, I have the following settings:
    Chart of Accounts           xxxxx
    GL account                    xxxxx
    Currency                        blank
    Curr type                        blank
    F.05 calculates foreign currency adjustment based on above.  I tried your proposed solution, and added new entries for currency USD and curr types 10 & 50, but still the program does not post to curr 50, only to curr 10.

  • HFM 9.3.1 Extract Data - adjustments?

    If I run an "extract task">extract data, will it extract adjustments I've entered as well?
    Edited by: user9213000 on 05-Sep-2011 08:42

    The "official" answer to your original question is --> No. It will only extract entity currency. You will have to extract Journals, etc., as well and bring those into the other application.
    A possible "answer" to your second question about extracting all of that data, would be perhaps to use rules and a metadata account to do this. I would create an account called something like boolExtractEntities. Create a rule that checks for that flag to be set to 1. If it is, have it grab everything for the current BASE entity and append to a file. Have it grab Entity Curr Total as that will have adjustments in it as opposed to Entity Currency.
    Depending on what you are looking to get, you could have the rules append to one big file so that if you kick off a consolidation at a parent level with the flag set to 1, it would drop all of the base entity data into this file.
    You're basically recreating the built in extract functionality..... If you are at all familiar with rules and writing to files, this isn't that hard really.

  • OSC and foreign currency / euro regulations

    I have the following problem in OSC;
    If transactions are in a currency, other than the internal functional currency, TRANSACTION_CURRENCY_CODE and EXCHANGE_RATE are required attributes in the COMM_LINES_API table. (11.0, 11i-versions)
    I'm puzzled by the EXCHANGE_RATE.
    It seems
    a) technical superfluous; the exchange-rates are allready defined in the currency domain.
    b) functional undesirable; how should an external transaction-source know what the functional currency (and thus the right exchange_rate) in OSC is at the moment that the transactions are going to be loaded?
    c) in violation of the euro-regulations, though Oracle claims that applications are supporting all euro-requirements from release 11 and up.
    Some of these rules are (don't blame me, I did not invent them):
    &#61623; Conversion rates may be expressed only as one euro in terms of each national currency.
    &#61623; Inverse rates derived from the conversion rates cannot be used.
    &#61623; Monetary amounts to be converted from one national denomination into another shall first be converted to euros and then converted to the other currency.
    The first two rules are violated when I load an euro-transaction in my dutch guilders database : I have to put an inverse exchange-rate on the interface.
    The last rule is violated when I load a D-Mark transaction in my dutch guilders database; my exchange-rate on the interface is the direct conversion-rate between DM and NLG.
    My basic questions:
    - can anyone explain why OSC needs the EXCHANGE-RATE field in a transaction?
    - Are there other OSC-users in euro-country with the same problem(s)
    - Who within Oracle is the author of the following (copied from the Oracle euro-site) "Oracle Release 11 supports Regulation 235 requirements. Triangulation and rounding rules are fully implemented. Oracle is uniquely qualified to support conversions with precision exceeding EC requirements because Oracle Financials native mode use of the Oracle database engine permits calculations with 38 significant figures. . . ." bla bla etc.
    Maybe I can make him or her the owner of this problem. . .
    Remmelt Veenstra

    Exchange_rate is a value that we collect from AR or OM. This is the rate that we use to convert to the functional currency.
    The exception is a MANUAL trx. In this case, we do the lookup to the GL API's using currency code to establish the appropriate daily rate.
    I'm not completely up to speed on the EU adjustments that occur in OM, AR, or legacy sources. In general we are dependent on the values that are available to collect. It makes sense that the conversion to EU should occur in the source system and then we would convert to the functional (GL) currency from there. This should comply with triangulation rules.
    If the source system does not convert to EU or if the mapping has not been set up to collect the EU value, there might be an issue. You really have to trace the transaction flows and conversions in the system as a whole.

Maybe you are looking for