Currency Change to EUR

Can you please tell me what are all the steps to be known to change the currency from Slovakia(SKK) to EURO in the Hyperion Planning Application.
Advance thanks for your kind help...

Do you have existing historical data that is stored as SKK? If so, here's what I'd do. (This assumes that Euro's are already configured as one of the currencies in your app.)
1) If you don't already have EURO as a reporting currency, I would set it as such.
2) Update your FX conversion business rule to reflect the fact that EURO is now a reporting currency.
3) Make sure you have the rates required to convert SKK to EURO. (and refresh your cube)
4) Run the FX conversion business rule.
5) Export all of the Slovakia data in Euro's. (Create a report script to do this.)
6) Edit the Slovakia entity(s) and change their base currency to Euro.
7) Clear Slovakia's data.
7) Import the data for Slovakia (in Euros) you just exported into the LOCAL CURRENCY.
8) Run your updated FX business rule and make sure that the Slovakia local currency equals EURO's.
At this point, if you don't need Euro's as a reporting currency, you can remove this and update your FX business rule. I would highly recommend doing this in a DEV environment first.
Hope this helps,
- Jake

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    Hi Lee,
    You can do a client copy and create a specific client for the PI (formerly XI) and BI capabilities or just use client 001 for both.
    Obviously the latter option is the easiest one.
    The only benefit is that security might be easier with a separate client for each but that is a pretty weak argument in my opinion.
    BTW: You can't share a client for PI/BI with an ERP client.

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       A change of the company code currency is possible. The change is only possible as at year end (the actual running of the programms can be done mid-year provided certain customising has been done prior to the first posting in that year).
    All items will get changed from old local currency to new local currency.
    You can read the documentation in Spro > Cross-Application Components > EMU > Local Currency Changeover.
    This is a very complex procedure so be sure to read all the documentatin first.
    Kind regards

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    <event name="paramValueChangedEvent"
    eventType="Currency Change Event"/>
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    <event name="paramValueChangedEvent">
    <producer region="*">
    <consumer region="" handler="testEvent" handleCondition=""/>
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    FacesCtrlHierBinding tbl =
    FacesCtrlHierNodeBinding node =
    EventDispatcher dispatcher = bc.getEventDispatcher();
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    My idea is not to call custom method after clicking on a table row, but I want to raise declaratively the event because I will need so generics.

    there is a bug 10045872 filed for this. The bug is scheduled for fixing in PS4 ( I'll work on a manual - though code centric - alternative for the time being and publish it on ADF Code Corner when done.

  • Contextual Event question (Currency Change Event)

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    I also have a SelectionListener on the same table.
    Will I have to manually/programmatically publish the event within the selection listener code? (and if so, how?)
    The reason I ask is that I practiced with a small app containing a region from an ADF library that handled currency change event from the referenced task flow and everything was great, but now I am trying to apply the same principles to my "proper" application and there is no currency change event being received in the parent application.
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    Any help appreciated, thanks

    I've applied the same processing to another table that uses the standard collectionModel.makeCurrent selection listener and it's firing the contextual event handler in the parent application, so that almost confirms that it's the bespoke selection listener that needs code adding to it to invoke the currency change event
    edit :
    I added this code to invoke the makeCurrent and everything is ok again, thanks for listening
    FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ELContext elContext = fc.getELContext();
    ExpressionFactory ef =
    MethodExpression meth = ef.createMethodExpression(elContext, "#{bindings.partnersVO1.collectionModel.makeCurrent}", Object.class, new Class[]{SelectionEvent.class});
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  • [BC4J] Master currency change + dirty details = warning (how?)

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    Anyway, I 'want' something, but I could use some advice on how to accomplish it. Here's what I've been trying to realise:
    - A simple master-detail scenario
    - One of the detail records has been altered
    - The master currency changes
    - A popup comes up to warns me to either commit or rollback pending changes
    - One of the master records has been altered
    - The master currency changes
    - Nothing happens
    I hope this explains what I need. :) So far I've created a new CustomViewObjectImpl class which I use as a base for all my ViewObjects. In this new class I override the executeQueryForCollection() method, because if I'm not mistaken, this is the location where the check for dirty details should be performed.
    However, a simple call to getDBTransaction().isDirty() is too simplistic, too unspecific.
    I think I somehow need to end up with a ViewRowSetIterator instance (which has the isDirty() method) which is contained or derived from one of the detailRowSets of "this". Any ideas of how I can retrieve it?
    So far, I've got something like this:
    protected void executeQueryForCollection(Object qc,
                                             Object[] params,
                                             int noUserParams)
    RowSet[] details = getDetailRowSets();
    ViewRowSetIteratorImpl vrsi;
    for (int i = 0; i < details.length; i++)
      vrsi = ....; // how to retrieve it ?
      if (vrsi.isDirty())
        switch (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null,
                                              "Save changes?",
          case JOptionPane.YES_OPTION:
    super.executeQueryForCollection(qc, params, noUserParams);

    I had a quite similar need, except the "Nothing happens" part on altered master.
    I realize this makes quite a difference, but maybe my solution could help you somehow.
    After trying several possibilities, I considered the following approach.
    1. I extended ViewRowImpl in MyViewRowImpl and wrote the following:
         private boolean areDetailsModified()
              String[]          viewLinks = getViewObject().getViewLinkNames();
              for( int i = 0; i < viewLinks.length; i++ )
                   ViewLink          viewLink = getApplicationModule().findViewLink( viewLinks[ i ] );
                   ViewObject     detailView = viewLink.getDestination();
                   Row          linkRow = null;
                   if( detailView.isExecuted() )
                        linkRow = detailView.getCurrentRow();
                   if( linkRow != null && viewLink.getSource() == getViewObject() &&
                       linkRow instanceof MyViewRowImpl &&
                       ( (MyViewRowImpl)linkRow ).getViewRowState() != Entity.STATUS_UNMODIFIED )
                        return true;
              return false;
          * Assume a view row creates/updates/removes its main entity.
          * If the row itself was not modified, checks for changes in details.
         public byte getViewRowState()
              Entity          entity = getEntity( 0 );
              switch( entity.getEntityState() )
                   case Entity.STATUS_INITIALIZED:
                   case Entity.STATUS_NEW:
                        return Entity.STATUS_NEW;
                   case Entity.STATUS_MODIFIED:
                        return Entity.STATUS_MODIFIED;
                   case Entity.STATUS_UNMODIFIED:
                        if( !entity.isValid() || areDetailsModified() )
                             return Entity.STATUS_MODIFIED;
              return Entity.STATUS_UNMODIFIED;
         }2. In my JClient client (still to use for the UIX one), I installed a JUPanelValidationListener and implemented
         public void beforeCurrencyChange( JUPanelValidationEvent event )
              Row          row = event.getIteratorBinding().getCurrentRow();
              int          rowState = Entity.STATUS_MODIFIED;
              if( row instanceof MyViewRow )
                   rowState = ( (MyViewRow)row ).getViewRowState();
         }3. And yes, not so fancy, I also made some changes to trace a "user-dirty" transaction (for some insert vs. LOV issues)...

  • 11g: Contextual Events - How do I fire them on currency change?

    After posting a question here: 11g: Bounded task flows, need help and advice!
    I read the article at because I need to refresh region B when the user selects in region A.
    Now, the comments in that article suggest that Contextual Events are the built-in mechanism for that use case. So I tried that first. The online help suggests that this is what I need.
    I read the online help and created an event and defined a producer and consumer in the event map in the parent page's page def. Now the help shows how to fire the event when a methodAction binding is executed. But I need to fire the event when the user selects a row in region A's table.
    1. How do I do that? Where do I put the event? The help says it's possible, but does not show how. Add a selection listener to the backing bean and call the event-enabled methodAction binding from there? Or is there a better way?
    2. I get the impression, that - when I use the event to call the consumer's binding ExecuteWithParams method - just the query of the consumer's VO is executed. That's great. But how do I reset the flow to the initial action? Just refreshing the VO is not enough. I need to reset the flow to the initial action (showing a view).
    I read and now I am completely confused. Use input parameters or use events? If I use events, how do I reset (refresh) the task flows?
    Edited by: Sascha Herrmann on Oct 19, 2008 3:33 PM

    are region A and B share the same transaction ? If yes and the content in region B is a dependency of the VO used in A then you don't need contextual events at all. So if i assume that region A contains a list of departments and region B the employee table (where DepartmentsVO is the parent of EmployeeVO) then you can do as follows
    - navigate to the region definition of region B in the pageDef file
    - use the right mouse context menu to add parameters, and then a parameter (e.g. changeIndicator)
    - wire the changeIndicator parameter to the DepartmentsVOIter current row key str (its a method exposed directly on the iterator)
    - set the region binding refresh to ifNeeded
    - set a partial trigger on the regionB to point to the departmentTable so the region is refreshed whenever the table row currency changes
    The parameter that you added just does nothing except that it indicates to the region binding that the region must refresh. You point it to the row row key of the department iterator because it provides the changed value.
    If VO in regionB is not dependent on the DepartmentVO, then you need to create a parameter on the bounded taskflow, which takes the value of changeIndicator to write it to pageFlowScope.currRowKey. Then create a set currentRowWithKey method as a default activity and wire it up to pageFlowScope.currRowKey

  • Currency changes rates through TBEX from excel file getting erro

    When i am trying to upload the currency changes rates through TBEX from excel file getting error message:
    Error "The macro 'ThisWorkbook.TableBackToR3' cannot be f" occurred during macro execution
    Kindly guide what macro i need to define in excel sheet. or should i need to activate something in excel sheet relates to macros.

    When you call it the first time, it new Shell() constructs a new Display for you (the default).
    The second time, it gets the default display, but you are in a different Thread now. Since you have to create your widgets in the UI thread, it gives you that error.
    To run code in the UI thread, Display provides two methods:
    for more details.

  • VK12 - Currency Change

    Hi all,
    I am figuring out on how to perform a large change on Currency from USD to GBP. Apparently, I have got all the currency in USD for each material number when I execute the following:
    1) Run Transaction VK12.
    2) Condition Type = PR00 (Price).
    3) Key Combination = Price list/Material.
    4) Price List = 01 or 02 (Standard or Distributor, any one).
    5) Notice that all the material's currency is in USD (no matter <b>Price List = 01</b> or <b>02</b> from point 4).
    Base on the above, is there any way to perform the large change, as I have a list of materials (more than 10,000 materials) with condition (<b>PR00/01</b> and <b>PR00/02</b> only) and with the new price in GBP for each materials.
    By the way, is the above relates to IMG configuration, or it is ABAP oriented? Any advice is much appreciated.

    HI Patrick
      As far as i know the currency change cannot be done via transaction VK12. We have to create the condition record again to replace/overwrite the existing one.
      For this i advice,
      1. Extract whole sets of condition records.
      2. Re-upload them with new currency.
    Kind Regards

  • Badi or user exit for changing currency INR to EUR

    hi friends,
    in po header there is one tab called status.
    in this tab there is one field called delivery payment
    which has curr INR but i want to change that INR CuRR
    to EUR.Can any one tell me how do this is there any badi or user exit
    for this req.

    Hi Sonu,
    Use the following program to find out the appropriate user exist for ur transaction:
    *&  Enter the transaction code that you want to search through in order
    *&  to find which Standard SAP User Exits exists.
    *& Tables
    TABLES : tstc,     "SAP Transaction Codes
             tadir,    "Directory of Repository Objects
             modsapt,  "SAP Enhancements - Short Texts
             modact,   "Modifications
             trdir,    "System table TRDIR
             tfdir,    "Function Module
             enlfdir,  "Additional Attributes for Function Modules
             tstct.    "Transaction Code Texts
    *& Variables
    DATA : field1(30).
    DATA : v_devclass LIKE tadir-devclass.
    *& Selection Screen Parameters
    PARAMETERS : p_tcode LIKE tstc-tcode OBLIGATORY.
    *& Start of main program
    Validate Transaction Code
        WHERE tcode EQ p_tcode.
    Find Repository Objects for transaction code
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        SELECT SINGLE * FROM tadir
           WHERE pgmid    = 'R3TR'
             AND object   = 'PROG'
             AND obj_name = tstc-pgmna.
        MOVE : tadir-devclass TO v_devclass.
        IF sy-subrc NE 0.
          SELECT SINGLE * FROM trdir
             WHERE name = tstc-pgmna.
          IF trdir-subc EQ 'F'.
            SELECT SINGLE * FROM tfdir
              WHERE pname = tstc-pgmna.
            SELECT SINGLE * FROM enlfdir
              WHERE funcname = tfdir-funcname.
            SELECT SINGLE * FROM tadir
              WHERE pgmid    = 'R3TR'
                AND object   = 'FUGR'
                AND obj_name = enlfdir-area.
            MOVE : tadir-devclass TO v_devclass.
    Find SAP Modifactions
        SELECT * FROM tadir
          INTO TABLE jtab
          WHERE pgmid    = 'R3TR'
            AND object   = 'SMOD'
            AND devclass = v_devclass.
        SELECT SINGLE * FROM tstct
          WHERE sprsl EQ sy-langu
            AND tcode EQ p_tcode.
        WRITE:/(19) 'Transaction Code - ',
        20(20) p_tcode,
        45(50) tstct-ttext.
        IF NOT jtab[] IS INITIAL.
          WRITE:/(95) sy-uline.
          WRITE:/1 sy-vline,
          2 'Exit Name',
          21 sy-vline ,
          22 'Description',
          95 sy-vline.
          WRITE:/(95) sy-uline.
          LOOP AT jtab.
            SELECT SINGLE * FROM modsapt
            WHERE sprsl = sy-langu AND
            name = jtab-obj_name.
            WRITE:/1 sy-vline,
            2 jtab-obj_name HOTSPOT ON,
            21 sy-vline ,
            22 modsapt-modtext,
            95 sy-vline.
          WRITE:/(95) sy-uline.
          DESCRIBE TABLE jtab.
          WRITE:/ 'No of Exits:' , sy-tfill.
          WRITE:/(95) 'No User Exit exists'.
        WRITE:/(95) 'Transaction Code Does Not Exist'.
    Take the user to SMOD for the Exit that was selected.
      GET CURSOR FIELD field1.
      CHECK field1(4) EQ 'JTAB'.
      SET PARAMETER ID 'MON' FIELD sy-lisel+1(10).
    Then u can use the function CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY to change the amount from INR to EUR.

  • Currency Change in New Version ECC 6.0 SR2 - showing as EUR  insted of USD

    Hi Gurus,
    I am facing a problem about currency.  We are implementing country USA using ECC 6.0 SR2.
    It is showing EUR in Infotypes 0014, 0015, 0008, 2010 defaultly for all Wage Types, actually it has to show USD for USA country.
    I checked all the related tables. 
    I checked the Company code to Personnel Area assignment, it is OK.
    I checked the MOLGA for User ID Parameters, it is showing 10.
    I checked T500W, it is OK
    I checked T500C table, it is also OK, USD is there.
    I checked V_T510F_B, where we can assign currency to Payscale Tye and Area, it is showing USD only in 0008 Infotype for the Payscale Wage Types.  All other Wage Types are showing again in EUR.
    Further,  when I Run Time Evaluation Live Run, and run Payroll for a month I am getting the Hourly rate of the employee in EUR instead of USD. Also Wage type amounts and Payslip Gorss and Net amounts are showing in EUR instead of USD.
    If any body faced this problem before. 
    Pl let me know how to solve this issue.
    Thanking you in advance.
    Kind Regards

    Hi Ajay,
    I checked Darsana Thread. 
    I check all the tables.  Everything is OK.
    In the end, she said that she solved the issue, but did not posted how did she solve the issue.
    It would be great if she help to solve this issue.

  • SC limit item currency change

    After creating the SC with limit items, in the soco we create a held PO so that we could change the vendor.
    Say SC with 9000 quantity price 1 SEK.
    1. In the held PO for the user is changing the currency to EUR and reducing the corresponding quantity to 90 (CONVERSION 1 EUR = 10SEK) and creating the PO.
    2. However the SC reappears in the soco with 9000-90 quantity and SC currency SEK. So with this, more POs can be created using step 1.
    I checked few notes corresponding to BBP_GET_STATUS_2 and clean_req_req however from the code it looked like only the quantity is considered to set the sourcing indicator and not the net value.
    Has anyone faced this problem? Any hints about how to approach this.. I suppose it is a standard error and any BADI changes may not be a good solution.

    Very well Sanjay. It was very helpful information. I checked in general it is only quantity that is considered for sourcing.
    However regarding the indicator mentioned, I am unable to see the checkbox to set the complete requirement indicator in the item data tab of the PO. We are using SRM 5.0 with SP08. I checked all the sub-tabs like Basic data, partner etc, but was not able to find it. I checking on the PO (BBP_POC) which is on held status.
    I also checked the BADI BBP_UI_CONTROL_BADI but there is no method concerning PO and this BADI is not implemented anyway. I checked both in the display mode and the change mode. Is there some specific customization required for activating this?
    Thanks again for the info.

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