Currency Code Value Set

Can anyone point me to a seeded currency code value set (e.g. GBP, USD, etc) or full description of currencies (e.g. GB Pounds, US Dollars) which can be used to provide a LOV for a field in a Special Information Type in Oracle HRMS ( on Linux). The only one I've been able to find so far is GHR_US_CURRENCY but this is badly out-of-date as it shows most of the EU countries with their pre-Euro currencies and doesn't include Euros at all!

Correct ... HR_CURRENCIES uses table validation and interrogates FND_CURRENCIES_VL.

Similar Messages

  • Error Status 'U'  with error code value set validation error in ValueSet_Validate() from  INV_ITEM_CATEGORY_PUB.Create_Category  API

    HELLO Experts, Please help ,after running the the below anonymous block I am geeting error mentioned in the subject :-
    I am not able to understand why 'U' is coming what is the main cause for this??
    l_return_status  VARCHAR2(80);
    l_error_code      NUMBER; l_msg_count      NUMBER;
    l_msg_data        VARCHAR2(80);
    l_out_category_id NUMBER;
    BEGIN  insert into gkaur values ('Before'); COMMIT;
    l_category_rec.segment1 := 'DECAF TEST'; --l_category_rec.structure_id := 50440;
    SELECT f.ID_FLEX_NUM    INTO l_category_rec.structure_id  FROM FND_ID_FLEX_STRUCTURES f
    WHERE f.ID_FLEX_STRUCTURE_CODE = 'XXINV_COST_ACCOUNTING'; l_category_rec.description := 'ABC'; l_category_rec.web_status      := NULL;     l_category_rec.supplier_enabled_flag := NULL;
    insert into gkaur values ('Before RUNNING API');
    INV_ITEM_CATEGORY_PUB.Create_Category     ( p_api_version  =>1.0,      
                                                                                                 p_init_msg_list =>FND_API.G_TRUE,        
                                                                                                  p_commit        =>FND_API.G_TRUE,  
                                                                                 x_return_status =>l_return_status,
             x_errorcode    =>l_error_code,          x_msg_count    =>l_msg_count,          x_msg_data      =>l_msg_data,          p_category_rec  =>l_category_rec, --p_category_rec.structure_id =>l_category_rec.structure_id, x_category_id  =>l_out_category_id          );  insert into gkaur values ('After running API'); COMMIT; IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success or l_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success
    insert into gkaur values ('Hi After status validation');
    insert into gkaur values (l_return_status||'-'||l_error_code||'-'||l_msg_count||'-'||l_msg_data);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Creation of Item Category is Successful : '||l_out_category_id);
    ELSE  insert into gkaur values ('Bye');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Creation of Item Category Failed with the error :'||l_error_code);  
    END IF;
    exception when NO_DATA_FOUND
    insert into gkaur values ('oho');

    HELLO Experts, Please help ,after running the the below anonymous block I am geeting error mentioned in the subject :-
    I am not able to understand why 'U' is coming what is the main cause for this??
    l_return_status  VARCHAR2(80);
    l_error_code      NUMBER; l_msg_count      NUMBER;
    l_msg_data        VARCHAR2(80);
    l_out_category_id NUMBER;
    BEGIN  insert into gkaur values ('Before'); COMMIT;
    l_category_rec.segment1 := 'DECAF TEST'; --l_category_rec.structure_id := 50440;
    SELECT f.ID_FLEX_NUM    INTO l_category_rec.structure_id  FROM FND_ID_FLEX_STRUCTURES f
    WHERE f.ID_FLEX_STRUCTURE_CODE = 'XXINV_COST_ACCOUNTING'; l_category_rec.description := 'ABC'; l_category_rec.web_status      := NULL;     l_category_rec.supplier_enabled_flag := NULL;
    insert into gkaur values ('Before RUNNING API');
    INV_ITEM_CATEGORY_PUB.Create_Category     ( p_api_version  =>1.0,      
                                                                                                 p_init_msg_list =>FND_API.G_TRUE,        
                                                                                                  p_commit        =>FND_API.G_TRUE,  
                                                                                 x_return_status =>l_return_status,
             x_errorcode    =>l_error_code,          x_msg_count    =>l_msg_count,          x_msg_data      =>l_msg_data,          p_category_rec  =>l_category_rec, --p_category_rec.structure_id =>l_category_rec.structure_id, x_category_id  =>l_out_category_id          );  insert into gkaur values ('After running API'); COMMIT; IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success or l_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success
    insert into gkaur values ('Hi After status validation');
    insert into gkaur values (l_return_status||'-'||l_error_code||'-'||l_msg_count||'-'||l_msg_data);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Creation of Item Category is Successful : '||l_out_category_id);
    ELSE  insert into gkaur values ('Bye');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Creation of Item Category Failed with the error :'||l_error_code);  
    END IF;
    exception when NO_DATA_FOUND
    insert into gkaur values ('oho');

  • Error in setting Pricelist/Currency code

    I'm using Siebel Self-Services 8.1.1 and I always get the following error every for new session of the application:
    "Error in setting Pricelist/Currency code. Please contact System Administator".
    Anyone having an idea how to solve it?

    Hi Jon,
    Check the web service request and response in log immediately when you get this error.I think some setting at Siebel side needs to be done.

  • Need Help: How to configure/set-up custom interchange code values in B2B

    Hello All,
    Hope everybody is doing well.
    We are currently facing a problem in implementing Inbound 850 Purchase Orders in B2B from one of our Trading Partners (Customer).
    The Customer will be sending us EDI ANSI X12 ver 4010 Purchase Order files, but in the file they are sending a custom GS08 (8th element of GS Segment having Version/Release/Industry Identifier Code) value i.e. "004010RIFMAT".
    The above value is not present in the Standard Code values when we define an ECS using B2B Document Editor.
    Hence the document is failing in B2B since it is not able to identify the Trading Partner.
    If anyone has faced similar issues, I would appreciate if you could let me know on how to configure the same in B2B. Please let me know the steps in detail.
    Thanks In Advance.

    Hello Dibya,
    Can you create a new group ecs with appropriate codelist for GS08 and use it while modelling B2B flow. Make sure to undeploy and validate the agreement.

  • Fnd_request.submit_request error with PA_SRS_DATES2 value set

    We are applications 12.0.6 with database. I'm trying to submit the "PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project" through fnd_request.submit_request and is erroring out with "PA: Error - Entered Accrue through date is not within open/future PA period". I'm able to run the same program from the application with the same parameters. I'm passing Accue date of 2009/08/31 00:00:00 from the program and I can see the same value when submitted frm the applications also.
    Value set for this Accrue date parameter is "PA_SRS_DATES2". It is setup as format type "Standard Date" and maximum size is 11.
    Thanks for your help,
    Here is the script
    SELECT TO_CHAR (rec1.per_end_date, 'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    INTO v_rev_accrue
    v_fc_req_id :=
    fnd_request.submit_request (application => 'PA',
    program => 'PARGDR_SINGLE',
    sub_request => FALSE,
    start_time => NULL,
    argument1 => rec1.project_id,
    argument2 => 'N',
    argument3 => 'Y',
    argument4 => v_rev_accrue,
    argument5 => NULL,
    argument6 => NULL,
    argument7 => NULL,
    argument8 => NULL,
    argument9 => NULL,
    argument10 => NULL,
    argument11 => 'Y',
    argument12 => 'N',
    argument13 => NULL,
    argument14 => NULL,
    argument15 => NULL,
    argument16 => NULL,
    argument17 => NULL,
    argument18 => 'N',
    argument19 => 'N',
    argument20 => 'N'
    IF NVL (v_fc_req_id, 0) = 0
    gv_debug_name :=
    'Error in Submitting the draft revenue program program. ';
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, gv_debug_name);
    RAISE general_error;
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,
    'draft revenue program. Request Id:'
    || TO_CHAR (v_fc_req_id)
    END IF;
    Here is the log for the request submitted via fnd_request.submit_request.
    Projects: Version : 12.0.0
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    PARGDR_SINGLE module: PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project
    Current system time is 13-AUG-2009 18:59:19
    Entering parmai()
    ...Connected to Oracle
    Accrue Thru date from Command line is : 2009/08/31 00:00:00
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Executing request completion options...
    Finished executing request completion options.
    PA: Error - Entered Accrue through date is not within open/future PA period
    Exceptions posted by this request:
    Concurrent Request for "PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project" has completed with error.
    Concurrent request completed
    Current system time is 13-AUG-2009 18:59:20
    Here is the log for the request submitted via the application
    Projects: Version : 12.0.0
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    PARGDR_SINGLE module: PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Entering parmai()
    ...Connected to Oracle
    Accrue Thru date from Command line is : 2009/08/31 00:00:00
    project:196 delete:N regenerate:Y acc_thru_dt:2009/08/31
    start project: end project:
    Operating unit is 153Revenue is running in Normal revenue mode
    Revenue is not based on specific project type...
    Revenue is not based on specific organization...
    Revenue is not based on specific customer...
    Revenue is not based on specific Agreement...
    Revenue is running for MCB/Non MCB projects...
    Revenue is running for Unrelease revenue mode...
    Revenue is not creating the detail report ...
    Revenue Processing Parameter List
    -------------- < parameter list > -----------------------
    Accru Through Date ----------------------------------------> 2009/08/31
    Project ID ------------------------------------------------> 196
    From Project Number --------------------------------------->
    To Project Number ----------------------------------------->
    Adjusting Revenue Run -------------------------------------> No
    Project Type ID -----------------------------------------> 0
    Organization ID ------------------------------------------> 0
    Customer ID ----------------------------------------------> 0
    Agreement ID ----------------------------------------------> 0
    Multi Currency Projects -----------------------------------> No
    Release Draft Revenue -------------------------------------> No
    Include Detail Report -------------------------------------> No
    -------------- < End of parameter list > -----------------------
    ...Request ID = 714111
    This concurrent request is not being rescheduled
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to delete revenue for project id 196
    ...0 draft revenues deleted
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to process adjustments
    SELECT p.project_id, p.segment1,
    p.distribution_rule, p.project_level_funding_flag,p.project_currency_code,
    nvl(p.inv_by_bill_trans_curr_flag, 'N'),
    nvl(p.revtrans_currency_type, 'PROJ_FUNC_CURR_ONLY')
    FROM pa_projects p, pa_project_types t
    WHERE p.project_id = :project_id
    AND pa_project_utils.check_prj_stus_action_allowed(p.project_status_code,'GENERATE_REV') = 'Y'
    AND :start_project_number||'x' != :end_project_number||'y'
    AND p.project_type = t.project_type
    AND t.project_type_class_code = 'CONTRACT'
    AND EXISTS (SELECT /*+ INDEX(pf pa_summary_project_fundings_u1)*/ NULL
    FROM pa_summary_project_fundings pf
    WHERE pf.project_id = p.project_id
    AND nvl(pf.revproc_baselined_amount, 0) != 0)
    FROM pa_draft_revenues r2
    WHERE r2.project_id = p.project_id
    AND r2.released_date||'' is null
    AND r2.generation_error_flag||'' = decode(:mass_gen,
    1, 'Y', r2.generation_error_flag)
    FROM pa_expenditure_items_all i
    WHERE i.project_id = p.project_id
    AND i.cost_distributed_flag ||''= 'Y'
    AND i.revenue_distributed_flag = 'N'
    AND i.expenditure_item_date
    <= NVL(TO_DATE(:acc_thru_dt,'YYYY/MM/DD'),sysdate)
    FROM pa_draft_revenues r, pa_cust_rev_dist_lines l
    WHERE r.project_id = i.project_id
    AND ((l.expenditure_item_id = i.adjusted_expenditure_item_id AND i.adjusted_expenditure_item_id is not null )
    OR (l.expenditure_item_id = i.expenditure_item_id))
    AND NVL(l.reversed_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND l.line_num_reversed IS NULL
    AND r.project_id = l.project_id
    AND r.draft_revenue_num = l.draft_revenue_num
    AND (r.released_date||'' is not null
    OR r.generation_error_flag||'' = decode(:mass_gen,
    1, 'N', 'E')))
    or exists (
    select 1 from pa_expenditure_items ei2
    where ei2.project_id = i.project_id
    and ei2.expenditure_item_id=i.adjusted_expenditure_item_id
    and ei2.revenue_distributed_flag='Y'
    and ei2.raw_revenue=0))
    union all
    FROM pa_events v
    WHERE v.project_id = p.project_id
    AND ((v.revenue_distributed_flag = 'N'
    AND v.completion_date
    <= NVL(TO_DATE(:acc_thru_dt,'YYYY/MM/DD'),sysdate))
    OR (substr(p.distribution_rule,1,4) = 'COST'
    AND v.revenue_distributed_flag = 'Y'
    AND v.completion_date
    > NVL(TO_DATE('2009/08/31','YYYY/MM/DD'), sysdate)))
    AND (DECODE(NVL(v.bill_trans_rev_amount, 0), 0 ,
    DECODE(NVL(v.zero_revenue_amount_flag, 'N'), 'Y', 1, 0),1) = 1)
    AND NVL(revenue_hold_flag, 'N') = 'N'
    FROM pa_tasks t
    WHERE v.task_id is not NULL
    AND t.ready_to_distribute_flag = 'Y'
    AND v.task_id = t.task_id
    FROM pa_tasks t1
    WHERE v.task_id is NULL
    AND t1.ready_to_distribute_flag = 'Y'
    AND v.project_id = t1.project_id )
    AND Exists (select null from pa_draft_revenues r,pa_cust_event_rev_dist_lines l
    where l.project_id = v.project_id
    AND ( l.task_id = v.task_id OR v.task_id is NULL )
    AND l.event_num = v.event_num
    AND NVL(l.reversed_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND l.line_num_reversed IS NULL
    AND r.project_id = v.project_id
    AND r.draft_revenue_num = l.draft_revenue_num
    AND (r.released_date||'' is not null
    OR r.generation_error_flag||'' = decode(:mass_gen,
    1, 'N', 'E')))
    union all
    FROM PA_Billing_Extensions be, PA_Billing_Assignments bea
    WHERE bea.active_flag = 'Y'
    AND bea.billing_extension_id = be.billing_extension_id
    AND (bea.project_id = p.project_id
    OR bea.project_type = p.project_type
    OR bea.distribution_rule = p.distribution_rule)
    AND be.calling_process in ('Revenue','Both')
    AND nvl(be.call_after_adj_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
    AND be.trx_independent_flag = 'Y'))
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...0 projects processed for adjustments
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to generate revenue for project id 196
    ...Fetching next project
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to call pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'PRE', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...exiting pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'PRE', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Leaving pauoarchn() rows to process for this project.
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...generated revenue for project id 196, number 72DM000001
    ...about to call pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'REG', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...exiting pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'REG', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    l_inv_by_btc_flag is ...N
    l_mcb_flag is ...Y
    l_rpc_code is ...GBP
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    ...Else loop 1
    ...else loop 2
    ...else loop 4
    ...else loop 5
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    ...Else loop 1
    ...else loop 2
    ...else loop 4
    ...else loop 5
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...generated revenue for automatic events for project id 196, number 72DM000001 calling loc REG
    ...about to call pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'POST-REG', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...exiting pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'POST-REG', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...generated revenue for automatic events for project id 196, number 72DM000001 calling loc POST-REG
    ...about to call pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'POST', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...exiting pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'POST', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...Fetching next project
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to call AutoAccounting
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Entering pafvsu
    Allocating pafvcs structure
    Allocating memory for structure, fdfkai
    Allocating memory for structure, fdfkao
    Allocating flex input and output structure
    Assigning ptype
    Calling pagtfn
    Nullig out
    Setting everything that does not need to be allocated
    Allocating optional arrays
    Checking a_line_id
    Checking a_trans_ind
    Checking a_param_lst
    Checking a_extra_atr
    Allocating required array
    Allocating auto accounting elements
    Describing kff and control processing options
    Tune flex validation system options
    Allocate main cache
    Allocate additional memory for main cache
    Allocate ksv if needed
    Store pointer to text strings in last ksv element so we can free later
    val [¿], segval [00000000]
    val [00000000], segval [000000]
    val [000000], segval [7210OCOA01]
    val [7210OCOA01], segval [0000]
    val [0000], segval [72OXLFTG]
    val [72OXLFTG], segval [66101010]
    val [66101010], segval [7210]
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...returned from AutoAccounting
    ...about to update pe_expenditures_all for intercompany processing
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Entering parddl()
    ...setting error codes and bad code combination id to null
    ... Update draft revenues for marking autoaccounting error if any
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update draft revenues without generation error to normal state
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    1 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_cust_event_rev_dist_lines for setting bad CCID to null
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_events for marking AutoAccounting error if any
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_events for setting revenue_distributed_flag to 'N'
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_cust_rev_dist_lines for setting bad CCID to null
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_expenditure_items_all for marking AutoAccounting error if any
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_expenditure_items_all for setting revenue_distributed_flag to 'N'
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    Leaving parddl()
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated with Generation error due to ccid=-1
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated with Generation error PA_REV_GEN_ERROR
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...1 projects processed for revenue generation
    Deleting automatic event for which revenue has generation error
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to update proj summary funding amounts
    executing pa_billing.check_spf_amounts('B',196, , ) Calling check_spf_amounts...Inside the Single projects If
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to generate reports
    SEL-SUC:72DM000001 4 1048 BP Exploration Operating DML 101 31-AUG-09 121659.83
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:12
    ...completed generating reports
    Process completed.
    0 rows deleted from distribution_warnings table.
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    Request id is :714111
    Before calling the insert event for top task_id :19839
    Parameters to the insert event API :
    Revenue amount is :12106.73
    Bill amount is :12106.73
    Project id is :196
    Event Type is :BILLING
    Top Task id is :19839
    organization id is :239
    completion date is :31-AUG-2009
    event description is :Financing Fee
    Return status after calling insert event is :0
    error message after calling insert event is :
    Before calling the insert event for top task_id :14612
    Parameters to the insert event API :
    Revenue amount is :109553.1
    Bill amount is :109553.1
    Project id is :196
    Event Type is :BILLING
    Top Task id is :14612
    organization id is :239
    completion date is :31-AUG-2009
    event description is :Expenditure
    Return status after calling insert event is :0
    error message after calling insert event is :
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Executing request completion options...
    ------------- 1) PRINT   -------------
    Printing output file.
    Request ID : 714111
    Number of copies : 0
    Printer : noprint
    Finished executing request completion options.
    Concurrent request completed successfully
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:12

    Hi srini,
    For the request submitted via the application and for the request submitted by fnd_request.submit_request, argument4 has the same value 2009/08/31 00:00:00

  • Fnd_request.submit_request issue with PA_SRS_DATES2 value set.

    We are applications 12.0.6 with database. I'm trying to submit the "PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project" through fnd_request.submit_request and is erroring out with "PA: Error - Entered Accrue through date is not within open/future PA period". I'm able to run the same program from the application with the same parameters. I'm passing Accue date of 2009/08/31 00:00:00 from the program and I can see the same value when submitted frm the applications also.
    Value set for this Accrue date parameter is "PA_SRS_DATES2". It is setup as format type "Standard Date" and maximum size is 11.
    Thanks for your help,
    Here is the script
    SELECT TO_CHAR (rec1.per_end_date, 'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    INTO v_rev_accrue
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,
    'Revenue Accrue Date is :' || v_rev_accrue
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'Parameters for GDR :');
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,
    'Argument1 is :' || TO_CHAR (rec1.project_id)
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'Argument4 is :' || v_rev_accrue);
    v_fc_req_id :=
    fnd_request.submit_request (application => 'PA',
    program => 'PARGDR_SINGLE',
    sub_request => FALSE,
    start_time => NULL,
    argument1 => rec1.project_id,
    argument2 => 'N',
    argument3 => 'Y',
    argument4 => v_rev_accrue,
    argument5 => NULL,
    argument6 => NULL,
    argument7 => NULL,
    argument8 => NULL,
    argument9 => NULL,
    argument10 => NULL,
    argument11 => 'Y',
    argument12 => 'N',
    argument13 => NULL,
    argument14 => NULL,
    argument15 => NULL,
    argument16 => NULL,
    argument17 => NULL,
    argument18 => 'N',
    argument19 => 'N',
    argument20 => 'N'
    IF NVL (v_fc_req_id, 0) = 0
    gv_debug_name :=
    'Error in Submitting the draft revenue program program. ';
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, gv_debug_name);
    RAISE general_error;
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,
    'draft revenue program. Request Id:'
    || TO_CHAR (v_fc_req_id)
    END IF;
    Here is the log for the request submitted via fnd_request.submit_request.
    Projects: Version : 12.0.0
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    PARGDR_SINGLE module: PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project
    Current system time is 13-AUG-2009 18:59:19
    Entering parmai()
    ...Connected to Oracle
    Accrue Thru date from Command line is : 2009/08/31 00:00:00
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Executing request completion options...
    Finished executing request completion options.
    PA: Error - Entered Accrue through date is not within open/future PA period
    Exceptions posted by this request:
    Concurrent Request for "PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project" has completed with error.
    Concurrent request completed
    Current system time is 13-AUG-2009 18:59:20
    Here is the log for the request submitted via the application
    Projects: Version : 12.0.0
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    PARGDR_SINGLE module: PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Entering parmai()
    ...Connected to Oracle
    Accrue Thru date from Command line is : 2009/08/31 00:00:00
    project:196 delete:N regenerate:Y acc_thru_dt:2009/08/31
    start project: end project:
    Operating unit is 153Revenue is running in Normal revenue mode
    Revenue is not based on specific project type...
    Revenue is not based on specific organization...
    Revenue is not based on specific customer...
    Revenue is not based on specific Agreement...
    Revenue is running for MCB/Non MCB projects...
    Revenue is running for Unrelease revenue mode...
    Revenue is not creating the detail report ...
    Revenue Processing Parameter List
    -------------- < parameter list > -----------------------
    Accru Through Date ----------------------------------------> 2009/08/31
    Project ID ------------------------------------------------> 196
    From Project Number --------------------------------------->
    To Project Number ----------------------------------------->
    Adjusting Revenue Run -------------------------------------> No
    Project Type ID -----------------------------------------> 0
    Organization ID ------------------------------------------> 0
    Customer ID ----------------------------------------------> 0
    Agreement ID ----------------------------------------------> 0
    Multi Currency Projects -----------------------------------> No
    Release Draft Revenue -------------------------------------> No
    Include Detail Report -------------------------------------> No
    -------------- < End of parameter list > -----------------------
    ...Request ID = 714111
    This concurrent request is not being rescheduled
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to delete revenue for project id 196
    ...0 draft revenues deleted
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to process adjustments
    SELECT p.project_id, p.segment1,
    p.distribution_rule, p.project_level_funding_flag,p.project_currency_code,
    nvl(p.inv_by_bill_trans_curr_flag, 'N'),
    nvl(p.revtrans_currency_type, 'PROJ_FUNC_CURR_ONLY')
    FROM pa_projects p, pa_project_types t
    WHERE p.project_id = :project_id
    AND pa_project_utils.check_prj_stus_action_allowed(p.project_status_code,'GENERATE_REV') = 'Y'
    AND :start_project_number||'x' != :end_project_number||'y'
    AND p.project_type = t.project_type
    AND t.project_type_class_code = 'CONTRACT'
    AND EXISTS (SELECT /*+ INDEX(pf pa_summary_project_fundings_u1)*/ NULL
    FROM pa_summary_project_fundings pf
    WHERE pf.project_id = p.project_id
    AND nvl(pf.revproc_baselined_amount, 0) != 0)
    FROM pa_draft_revenues r2
    WHERE r2.project_id = p.project_id
    AND r2.released_date||'' is null
    AND r2.generation_error_flag||'' = decode(:mass_gen,
    1, 'Y', r2.generation_error_flag)
    FROM pa_expenditure_items_all i
    WHERE i.project_id = p.project_id
    AND i.cost_distributed_flag ||''= 'Y'
    AND i.revenue_distributed_flag = 'N'
    AND i.expenditure_item_date
    <= NVL(TO_DATE(:acc_thru_dt,'YYYY/MM/DD'),sysdate)
    FROM pa_draft_revenues r, pa_cust_rev_dist_lines l
    WHERE r.project_id = i.project_id
    AND ((l.expenditure_item_id = i.adjusted_expenditure_item_id AND i.adjusted_expenditure_item_id is not null )
    OR (l.expenditure_item_id = i.expenditure_item_id))
    AND NVL(l.reversed_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND l.line_num_reversed IS NULL
    AND r.project_id = l.project_id
    AND r.draft_revenue_num = l.draft_revenue_num
    AND (r.released_date||'' is not null
    OR r.generation_error_flag||'' = decode(:mass_gen,
    1, 'N', 'E')))
    or exists (
    select 1 from pa_expenditure_items ei2
    where ei2.project_id = i.project_id
    and ei2.expenditure_item_id=i.adjusted_expenditure_item_id
    and ei2.revenue_distributed_flag='Y'
    and ei2.raw_revenue=0))
    union all
    FROM pa_events v
    WHERE v.project_id = p.project_id
    AND ((v.revenue_distributed_flag = 'N'
    AND v.completion_date
    <= NVL(TO_DATE(:acc_thru_dt,'YYYY/MM/DD'),sysdate))
    OR (substr(p.distribution_rule,1,4) = 'COST'
    AND v.revenue_distributed_flag = 'Y'
    AND v.completion_date
    > NVL(TO_DATE('2009/08/31','YYYY/MM/DD'), sysdate)))
    AND (DECODE(NVL(v.bill_trans_rev_amount, 0), 0 ,
    DECODE(NVL(v.zero_revenue_amount_flag, 'N'), 'Y', 1, 0),1) = 1)
    AND NVL(revenue_hold_flag, 'N') = 'N'
    FROM pa_tasks t
    WHERE v.task_id is not NULL
    AND t.ready_to_distribute_flag = 'Y'
    AND v.task_id = t.task_id
    FROM pa_tasks t1
    WHERE v.task_id is NULL
    AND t1.ready_to_distribute_flag = 'Y'
    AND v.project_id = t1.project_id )
    AND Exists (select null from pa_draft_revenues r,pa_cust_event_rev_dist_lines l
    where l.project_id = v.project_id
    AND ( l.task_id = v.task_id OR v.task_id is NULL )
    AND l.event_num = v.event_num
    AND NVL(l.reversed_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND l.line_num_reversed IS NULL
    AND r.project_id = v.project_id
    AND r.draft_revenue_num = l.draft_revenue_num
    AND (r.released_date||'' is not null
    OR r.generation_error_flag||'' = decode(:mass_gen,
    1, 'N', 'E')))
    union all
    FROM PA_Billing_Extensions be, PA_Billing_Assignments bea
    WHERE bea.active_flag = 'Y'
    AND bea.billing_extension_id = be.billing_extension_id
    AND (bea.project_id = p.project_id
    OR bea.project_type = p.project_type
    OR bea.distribution_rule = p.distribution_rule)
    AND be.calling_process in ('Revenue','Both')
    AND nvl(be.call_after_adj_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
    AND be.trx_independent_flag = 'Y'))
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...0 projects processed for adjustments
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to generate revenue for project id 196
    ...Fetching next project
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to call pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'PRE', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...exiting pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'PRE', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Leaving pauoarchn() rows to process for this project.
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...generated revenue for project id 196, number 72DM000001
    ...about to call pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'REG', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...exiting pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'REG', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    l_inv_by_btc_flag is ...N
    l_mcb_flag is ...Y
    l_rpc_code is ...GBP
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    ...Else loop 1
    ...else loop 2
    ...else loop 4
    ...else loop 5
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    ...Else loop 1
    ...else loop 2
    ...else loop 4
    ...else loop 5
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...generated revenue for automatic events for project id 196, number 72DM000001 calling loc REG
    ...about to call pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'POST-REG', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...exiting pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'POST-REG', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...generated revenue for automatic events for project id 196, number 72DM000001 calling loc POST-REG
    ...about to call pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'POST', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...exiting pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 196, 'Revenue', 'POST', '2009/08/31', 714111 )
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...Fetching next project
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to call AutoAccounting
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Entering pafvsu
    Allocating pafvcs structure
    Allocating memory for structure, fdfkai
    Allocating memory for structure, fdfkao
    Allocating flex input and output structure
    Assigning ptype
    Calling pagtfn
    Nullig out
    Setting everything that does not need to be allocated
    Allocating optional arrays
    Checking a_line_id
    Checking a_trans_ind
    Checking a_param_lst
    Checking a_extra_atr
    Allocating required array
    Allocating auto accounting elements
    Describing kff and control processing options
    Tune flex validation system options
    Allocate main cache
    Allocate additional memory for main cache
    Allocate ksv if needed
    Store pointer to text strings in last ksv element so we can free later
    val [¿], segval [00000000]
    val [00000000], segval [000000]
    val [000000], segval [7210OCOA01]
    val [7210OCOA01], segval [0000]
    val [0000], segval [72OXLFTG]
    val [72OXLFTG], segval [66101010]
    val [66101010], segval [7210]
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...returned from AutoAccounting
    ...about to update pe_expenditures_all for intercompany processing
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Entering parddl()
    ...setting error codes and bad code combination id to null
    ... Update draft revenues for marking autoaccounting error if any
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update draft revenues without generation error to normal state
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    1 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_cust_event_rev_dist_lines for setting bad CCID to null
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_events for marking AutoAccounting error if any
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_events for setting revenue_distributed_flag to 'N'
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_cust_rev_dist_lines for setting bad CCID to null
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_expenditure_items_all for marking AutoAccounting error if any
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_expenditure_items_all for setting revenue_distributed_flag to 'N'
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated.
    Leaving parddl()
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated with Generation error due to ccid=-1
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    0 rows updated with Generation error PA_REV_GEN_ERROR
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...1 projects processed for revenue generation
    Deleting automatic event for which revenue has generation error
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to update proj summary funding amounts
    executing pa_billing.check_spf_amounts('B',196, , ) Calling check_spf_amounts...Inside the Single projects If
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:11
    ...about to generate reports
    SEL-SUC:72DM000001 4 1048 AP Exploration Operating DML 101 31-AUG-09 121659.83
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:12
    ...completed generating reports
    Process completed.
    0 rows deleted from distribution_warnings table.
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    Request id is :714111
    Before calling the insert event for top task_id :19839
    Parameters to the insert event API :
    Revenue amount is :12106.73
    Bill amount is :12106.73
    Project id is :196
    Event Type is :BILLING
    Top Task id is :19839
    organization id is :239
    completion date is :31-AUG-2009
    event description is :Financing Fee
    Return status after calling insert event is :0
    error message after calling insert event is :
    Before calling the insert event for top task_id :14612
    Parameters to the insert event API :
    Revenue amount is :109553.1
    Bill amount is :109553.1
    Project id is :196
    Event Type is :BILLING
    Top Task id is :14612
    organization id is :239
    completion date is :31-AUG-2009
    event description is :Expenditure
    Return status after calling insert event is :0
    error message after calling insert event is :
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Executing request completion options...
    ------------- 1) PRINT   -------------
    Printing output file.
    Request ID : 714111
    Number of copies : 0
    Printer : noprint
    Finished executing request completion options.
    Concurrent request completed successfully
    Current system time is 10-AUG-2009 17:12:12

    Duplicate thread.
    fnd_request.submit_request error with PA_SRS_DATES2 value set
    fnd_request.submit_request error with PA_SRS_DATES2 value set

  • ISO Currency Code Conflict

    Hello Hyperion World, it's been a while since I commented on OTN.
    We are in using an EPMA application. We add the currency code "ALL" to the Currency list (A value dimension triplet is automatically made) and it does not show up in the application system generated currency list (C1,C2) after being deployed.
    We've come to the conclusion that the currency code is having a conflict with the "ALL" that appears to be defaulted as a child of root in a custom dimension list in EPMA. As our metadata was initially set up in a classic application, we created our own "AllCustomX" parent member and have no need for the "ALL". It, however, does not seem to be able to be deleted.
    When we create a new entity and set "ALL" as the currency in EPMA, which is doable, we get an error upon redeployment.
    Does anyone have experience with a work around? Or is this something for Oracle Support to add to list of known bugs.

    I appreciate your response, however I don't think it is quite accurate.
    I have a number of classic applications that have the currency ALL as well as the associated value dimension triplets. After being converted to an EPMA application, the currency and triplet remains.
    However, it disappears after a "redeploy" of metadata is done through EPMA. This to me seems like EPMA is filtering on the deploy stage rather than restricting in the front, which it should do if it is indeed reserved.
    I assume (never a great idea), that you indicated "ALL" as a reserved word as it can be used in rules like "HS.Exp "A#ALL = A#ALL.P#PRIOR"".
    While this makes sense from an Account stand point, I do not believe "All" is available as a short cut for any of the other dimensions. Since, Custom 1 and Custom 2 are where the currencies are stored, I don't think it would systematically limit using "ALL" as a currency.
    Based on the evidence from some brief testing, it would certainly appear that EPMA is the difference. I'm curious if our classic applications have any unnoticed bugs due to the "All" currency.
    Investigation Continues...

  • Value  set in constructor is not getting saved in button  Action method

    Hi All,
    I am not understanding why the value set ( On Condition )in constructor is not hold in the button actoin method.
    Could any body explain me on that
    for this I will try to explain with sample example
    I have taken a button and add a integer property in session bean.
    now if session bean's property is even then I am trying to set the button value to bidNow other wise Accept Invitation.
    Till this opstion everything is OK
    but once I click on Button,
    Constructor is doing the right job only. But I do not understand why in button action I am getting the First Value only.
    public Page1() {
            // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Creator-managed Component Initialization">
            try {
                if (getSessionBean1().getIntValue()%2==0)
                    button1.setValue("Accept Invitation");
                log("In Constructor Button Value : "+button1.getValue());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log("Page1 Initialization Failure", e);
                throw e instanceof javax.faces.FacesException ? (FacesException) e: new FacesException(e);
            // </editor-fold>
            // Additional user provided initialization code
        public String button1_action() {
            // TODO Replace with your code
            log("In Action Button Value : "+button1.getValue());
            return null;
        }and here is the log
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:17.859+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:17.859+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:18.359+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : Accept Invitation|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:18.359+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:18.843+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:18.843+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:19.312+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : Accept Invitation|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:19.312+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:19.828+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:19.828+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:20.234+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : Accept Invitation|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:20.250+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:20.828+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:20.828+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:21.328+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : Accept Invitation|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:21.328+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:35.437+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:35.437+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:35.906+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : Accept Invitation|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:35.921+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:36.265+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:36.265+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:36.890+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : Accept Invitation|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:36.890+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:37.171+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:37.171+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:37.468+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Constructor Button Value : Accept Invitation|#]
    [#|2005-07-19T11:55:37.468+0530|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;|WebModule[/webapplication12]In Action Button Value : BidNow|#]As per this log every time I am getting Bid Now only in action, though the value is changed in Construtcor
    Can u explain the reason for this

    Hi Sudhakar,
    Please try the following and you will get an idea as to what is happening:
    1. Drag and drop a button, 2 outputText components
    2. Add a property to the session bean called intValue of type int. Customize it to set it's initial value to 0
    3. Add the following lines of code to the constructor
    outputText1.setValue("" + getSessionBean1().getIntValue());
    4. Double click on the button component to go to the button action method.
    5. Add the following line of code
    outputText2.setValue("" + etSessionBean1().getIntValue());
    6. Save and run the application
    7. Watch the values of outputText1 and outputText2 with each click of the button
    Also, try the application with the following code block in the button action method:
    button1.setValue("Bid Now");
    } else{
    button1.setValue("Accept Invitation");
    outputText2.setValue("" + getSessionBean1().getIntValue());
    When the above code block is in the button action method the values set to button are as expected.
    Hope that helps
    Giri :-)

  • How to use the :$PROFILE$ token in a table validation value set

    Hi Community,
    Let me explain the scenario.
    We have a Flex Value Set (CLIENTES SERVICIO DIRECTO) with a table validation, included in the PO Headers DFF, which shows a LOV with the Ship-to addressfrom the customer which we want to serve the goods; i.e. we are acting as a commisionists and the supplier puts the goods in the Ship-to address of the customer.
    This Flex Value Set, as I mentioned, have a table validation, with the following validation table information:
    Table Application: Oracle Receivables
    Table Columnns: b.CUSTOMER_NAME Varchar2(20), a.PARTY_LOCATION_ID Varchar2(20)
    Where/Order By: a.CUSTOMER_ID = b.CUSTOMER_ID
    Additional Columns: a.ADDRESS1 "Dirección"(20), a.CITY "Ciudad"(10)
    If we translate this to a SQL code:
    select a.address1,,
    from ra_addresses_all a,
    ra_customers b
    where a.customer_id = b.customer_id
    and b.customer_id = 6283 <--- This last condition clause is for narrowing the result to the interested customer.
    This select retrive us two records; for the same customer, one of them for one organization_id (let's say 85) and one of them for the other organization_id (84).
    What we are looking for and want is that the LOV, which actually display the two records, shows only the ship-to site of the customer that belongs to the organization_id which belongs the user who queries or creates the Purchase Order.
    I.e. Suppose that we enter to Purchasing using the responsibility assigned to the Operating Unit or Organization_id 84. We want that theLOV only shows the Ship-to Site from the customer that belongs to the Operating Unit or Organization_id 84.
    I believe that we can achieve this using the :$PROFILE$ token, but we do not know how.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks a lot for your answer.

    Hi Rcana,
    We have just test your suggestion and it works. We believe that the correc sentence was fnd_profile.get('profile_name'), but the value feature solve the problem. Thanks for your help.

  • How to add one default value in table type value set?

    Hi All
    I have the below requirement:
    Need to display all the organization ids in the parameter for one concurrent program along with one default value of 'ALL'.
    I have created a table value set which picks up the organization name from hr_all_organization_units. But while submitting the program I should also be able to give 'ALL'.
    Any pointer/idea how to achieve this will be highly appreciated!!
    Thanks in Advance!!
    Shashank Mishra

    i get below error when i change the script 
    PS C:\scripts> C:\Scripts\updatedefaultvalue.ps1
    Cannot index into a null array.
    At C:\Scripts\updatedefaultvalue.ps1:8 char:7
    + IF($i[ <<<< "Title"] -eq $null)
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (Title:String) [], RuntimeExce
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NullArray
    $web = Get-SPWeb http://tspmcwfe:89/
    $list = $web.Lists["test"]
    $item = $list.Items | Where { $_["Name"] -eq "Emc" }
    foreach($i in $items)
    IF($i["Title"] -eq $null)
             $i["Title"] = "test"
    Why are you piping a where in the items? Do you only want to add the "test" to ones matching
    a name?
    If you have ISE installed on your server I recommend you put your code in there and debug it. 
    If this is helpful please mark it so. Also if this solved your problem mark as answer.

  • Parent Child Value Sets for Item Categories

    I've tried to set up parent-child value sets, not independent-dependent sets for Item Categories but in vain. So, if Item Category has 2 segments - Category & Sub-Category; Sub-Category only shows valid values for a category. For example, if Category is 19 (Tools), the LOV for 2nd segment would only show 28 (Large Tools), 29 (Heavy Tools) etc.
    Creating an independent-dependent combination displays all values for the independent & dependent sets.
    Just looking for help here.

    Karthik, Sandeep and Hugh
    Thanks for your responses. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to reply to this thread. My e-mail is [email protected], that is if you'd like to send any documents.
    Basically, this is what we were looking for -
    The category structure is
    Equipment 1 - Spare 1,
    Equipment 1 - Spare 2,
    Equipment 2 - Spare 1,
    Tools - Large,
    Tools - Small,
    When selecting Codes for this structure, if I choose 'Equipment 1' for 1st segment, LOV for 2nd segment would only show 'Spare 1', 'Spare 2'. Similarly, If I choose 'Tools', I only see 'Large', 'Small' for Segment 2.

  • CRM R12.0.6  Map Type does not exist in the value set

    Hi Everyone
    When attempting to access Service Request Types in our CRM UAT Release 12.0.6 environment an error message appears referring to 'Value General for the flexfield segment does not exist in the value set'.
    Checked the flexfields for the value set but did not set up a value for MAP_TYPES
    Checked our PROD environment but no value set up as above.
    Currently in progress of mapping service requests to responsibilites in UAT, could this be the cause and how to resolve? No mapping as yet for service requests set up in PROD. Has anyone else experienced this?
    Thanks very much, Louise

    Hi IWolbers,
    >>I have a recurring problem where all of a sudden I can no longer see the values of my variables when I debug my unit tests. I cannot find a pattern as to when this happens but I experience this across one of every 20 tests that I write. Occasionally
    this has also happened during normal debbuging of running code on my machine.
    So you mean that it worked well before, am I right? 
    If you debug the same app in other VS machine, does it work well? So we could make sure that whether it is related to the VS IDE.
    Please disable all add-ins in your VS IDE, and then reset your VS settings, debug it again.
    Or you could run your VS in safe mode, debug it again, at least, we could know that whether it is the add-in's issue.
    To make sure that it is not the project files' issue, create a new blank solution, copy the project files to the new solution, clean and rebuild the solution, check the result.
    >>Once I step over this to the next line (screen shot 2) I get the error message 'The name '[variable name]' does not exist in the current context'
    How about debugging it with "Step Into" instead of "Step Over"? Or you could add breakpoints between 234 line to 241 line, after the breakpoint is hit, check the watch window again. How about the result?
    In addition, do you check other debugger window like local or others?
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • How to give  Value set for model attribute?

    Hi all,
           How to give value set for model attribute?
           plz explain me with some sample code.

    Hi Srinivasulu,
    An attribute (of basic data types like integer , string etc) holds a single values.
    Please clarify by what you mean value set ?
    Also, share the structure of context.

  • Balances in Local Currency GL Account Setting

    If I check this flag for a GL account and do the following what will happen:
    1) Go into FB50 for a USD based company code
    2) Set the document currency to CAD
    3) Post to that same account with the Balances in Local Currency Flag checked off
    Also when and why would this ever need to be checked off for an account?

    If your company code currency is USD and you are posting few documents in CAD in April for. e.g. total amount for the month of April in currency CAD is 25,000 then
    1. If "Only balance in local currency" selected
    You will not be able to see balance in CAD in FS10N for the month of April
    1. If "Only balance in local currency" not selected
    In FS10N you will be able see balance in CAD currency separately for the month of April.
    Try it out.

  • KO23 Object currency assigned  value not equal Line item assigned value

    Dear all:
                    I have one problem.  Some Internal Order budget  use KO23  view about Object currency assigned value not equal Standard Reprt
    S_ALR_87013019 - List: Budget/Actual/Commitments  assign value.
    I don't knew what happen ?
    So I wish someone can give me a hand. Tel me how to fix this problem.
    thank you !

    Hi Jason,
    First of all:
    The displayed account code must be translated into the internally used code ("_SYS...") when using segmentation - when not using segemntation it is just internal code = displayed code.
    The code displayed is just a sample to give you a hint in case you are already familiar with the SAP Business One application.
    Therefore the sample code does not talk about where you got e.g. the value for FormatCode from ("FormatCode" is e.g. a field in table OACT where the account name with segments is (redundantly) stored without separators).
    The user should know on which account he/she wants to book a line on; maybe you might want to give some help to the user by displaying a dialog with suitable - or preselected accounts?
    In addition I am sure you know how to assign a string value to a string property - without explicitly writing it, right?

Maybe you are looking for

  • Release SO many times

    Hi all, The scenario is after booking sales order, i go to release sales order to run concurrent in order to get the move order number.Then release complete and i got the move order number. But I can release sales order again and again.Is this normal

  • Flash web gallery - style.xml start with slideshow in play?

    When creating a web gallery with Lightroom, using a default flash template, a style.xml sheet is created. Does anyone know the line of code in that style.xml that sets the gallery to load with the slideshow in play mode? thanks, Donnie

  • Error: 'Database handles still open at environment close'

    Hello, I have read information about this error, but I cannot solve it. I think I have closed all objects that I use, but the error appears. When I remove next code, the error doesn't appear: while (xmlValue != null) { XmlDocument theDoc = xmlValue.a

  • Configuration of two-phase-commit in OC4J 10.1.2

    Configuration of two-phase-commit in OC4J 10.1.2 in application with multiple modules We have an application ear file consisting of ejb-modules (mdb and slsb) and two web-modules. We are using Oracle's advanced queueing for messaging and CMT (all ejb

  • Need Help On DOM

    i have learned SAX n DOM parsing in java but not sure about how to use in it my jsp n Servlet project , how it helps me to gain performance plz help