Currency conversion due to decimal differences in entering in an alv grid

i habe trouble with entering some currency values into an alv grid. We chose the alv grid to be able to enter per copy and paste out of excel, but also to enable direct entering.
The problem:
1. First i enter a value (111) into the value wert => by pressing enter or changing the field it changes to 111,00
2. I enter the currency JPY in the currency field
  => i do not get a error message, that decimals are not allowed. (what happens in a table control)
=> if i press a button (f.e. save) the 111,00 is converted to 11.100.
In the dictionary the value field is connected to the currency field as reference field.
Do you have an idea?
Best regards,
Edited by: Michael Flohs on Jan 30, 2012 4:47 PM

Hallo Tarik,
the fieldcatalogue for the two fields is like this:
ROW_POS     0     0
COL_POS     13     14
TABNAME     1     1
ROUND     0     0
EMPH          $
OUTPUT     0     0
I     P     C
INTLEN     21     5
REPTEXT     Amt in TransCur     TC
HIER_LEVEL     0     0
COL_ID     0     0
HREF_HNDL     0     0
STYLE     0     0
STYLE2     0     0
STYLE3     0     0
STYLE4     0     0
DRDN_HNDL     0     0
DD_OUT     28     5
DECIMA     2     0
SCRTEXT_L     Amount in Transaction Currency     Transaction Currency
Best regards,

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    Set the PF-status for OK key and use the FCODE or u can usethe dynamic ok_code generated .
    Also try 'ENTE' .
    Hope thishelps.

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    It is possible to change the format to accept larger values, however this change will only impact any newly created Applications.
    To change the default, open Administrator and select "Set Application Parameters"
    Add the KeyID "SIGNED_DATA_FORMAT" and for the Value enter the total number of digits and the number of decimals, ex: "20,15" would indicate 20 digits to the left of the decimal and 15 to the right.
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    I hope this helps in answering your question.

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    I checked OBY6 and the check box was already set. I also want to add some details. In F-28 I use BTE 1020 in order to split amount in bseg-dmbtr field. Have a look please. We have to make an incoming payment 5500 USD - this is document currency. In our functionality we split this amount into 2 amounts: 4500USD and 1000 USD, then we convert 4500 USD and 1000 USD into EURO as euro is local currency. After those conversion I get 2 line items with 4500 USD and 1000 USD in euro in bseg-dmbtr field (4500\fursf eur and 1000\kursf eur, accordingly) instead of line item with 5500 USD (5500\kursf eur). At the end of BTE 1020 FM I get a table with line items some of them are splited as I wrote above. And because of currency conversion while splitting balance is not zero.
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    We have an issue even with document currency in USD. there is a valuation difference between Local currency (USD) and Group currency (USD).
    For example:
    Doc currency = 0 USD
    Local Currrency = 171,000 USD
    Group currency  = 0 USD
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    Posting is only possible with a zero balance; correct document
    Message no. F5060

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    Dear Deepak,
    In fb60 you can go to Local currency tab(which is last one in the same level of basic tab) and change manually the exchange rate.
    Please assign points if it useful.
    Ravinagh Boni

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    Edited by: vyas on Mar 3, 2009 10:18 AM

    Thanks Guys.
    We decided to use conversion cost center and element or internal order to write off the differences during currency conversion occured. Once go-live went will block for postings and for reporting management need to omit this.

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    thanks for sharing,
    best regards,

    Hi Luis,
    This is off the top of my head, but my experience matches yours. I think you will have to add a new rate type to all your accounts that you want to convert with the multiplier of 1, and set up a business rule with
    in the formula. Maybe I'm missing something, but it looks to me like the documentation is simply incorrect on this point in the Netweaver version.
    As far as EUR and USD, are you using the STORED_CALC property in your MS system? In my brief tests of this functionality I've never been able to get this property to have the desired effect (setting CALC=Y for a base member) in the NW version. You may want to open a message for the issue if this is what you were using on the MS side and it's not working for you. It would be nice to have it working.

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    Please suggest.

    Look up note 419423 + related notes to repair incorrect SRM users. What you report sounds a bit strange. A debugging session might be helpful too. Especially the 2nd error looks like something 'home-made'...

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    Local Currency : EUR
    PO Currency     : HUF
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    1. Exchange rate are same in both doucments. I have checked in document Header.
    2. GR Qty & Reversed Qty are same.
    3. PO currency (HUF) amount are same in both doucments.
    4. Finished Material & Raw material are managed in standard Price.
    5. Document date & Posting date are same in both doucments.
    Anybody can explain why the system updates wrong local currency ?
    Thanks in Advance.

    I do not remember the Tcode, however it is under SPRO>>General setitings>> currency .. guess it is OB90
    And if the difference is large. check the following:
    Check the exchange rate type you use, next go to OB08 and see if the inverse translation is maintained for your currencies  EUR- HUF and HUF- EUR
    and then check OB07 and see what settings you have for the ex. rate type you have i.e Inv, fixed ...
    You might hit upon something here

  • Inputs on Currency Conversion

    Hi Experts,
    I need some help in the Currency conversion variable that I am using in my report.
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    Please provide your valuable inputs.
    Thanks in advance.

    Please give us some more information on the calculated key figure. How is it defined? I assume the calculations is based on amounts and not on dates as you've written?
    Best regards,
    Christoffer Owe

  • Currency Conversion Error from KRW to EUR in for March 2011

    We are facing problem in Currency conversion from KRW to EUR in BW Production.
    The report shows proper value for JAN, FEB 2011, but when we execute the report for March2011 it shows wrong value.
    Month               |   BW Production Value    |           BW TEST Value     
    Jan2011 u2013        |   102,459                         |              102,459                                          
    Feb2011 u2013        |   120,008                         |              120,008                                      
    March2011 u2013    |   12,056,385                    |              120,564
    As we can see the value for BW Production for the month of March is 2 decimals higher than the value in BW test.
    Edited by: nix_mania on Apr 18, 2011 4:20 PM

    My problem here is that the values for JAN and FEB are correct with their decimal values but only for March it is 2 decimals higher.
    Hence the TCURX table wonu2019t come into picture, since if TCURX entry was incorrect then it should show wrong values for JAN and FEB also.
    When I checked the data in cubes for BW Test and Production the values for March are same still in the report I am getting the difference.
    Report Output:-
    BW Test                    12,056,385
    BW Production          120,564
    Feb 2011:-
    BW Test                    120,008
    BW Production          120,008
    BW Test                    102,459
    BW Production          102,459

  • (Strange) Currency Conversion on YTD Application

    Hi experts
    I found a wrong currency conversion on YTD Application and my customer also has the same problem.
    Here is the example:
    Rate Application
    2008.JAN 1 EUR = 1.2 USD
    2008.FEB 1 EUR  = 1.2 USD
    2008.MAR 1 EUR  = 1.4 USD
    Finance Application (a YTD application)
    CV Time: YTD
    2008.JAN 10 EUR
    2008.FEB 20 EUR
    2008.MAR 30 EUR
    CV Time: Periodic
    2008.JAN 10 EUR
    2008.FEB 10 EUR
    2008.MAR 10 EUR
    For the correct currency conversion (to USD), I should get
    2008.JAN 12 USD (10x1.2)
    2008.FEB 12 USD (10x1.2)
    2008.MAR 14 USD (10x1.4)
    2008.Q1  38 USD
    But the result is
    2008.JAN 12 USD (10x1.2)
    2008.FEB 12 USD (10x1.2)
    2008.MAR <wrong> USD (10x???)
    Is it a bug or my wrong configuration ?
    ps. you can try it
    Edited by: Halomoan Zhou on Jun 20, 2008 8:54 AM

    What you see is normal behaviour:
    when you do a ytd currency conversion, the YTD LC amount will be translated against the entered rates.
    If you then look to periodic data, the ytd previous period amount will be deducted from the ytd current perid amount by OLAP.
    This then means that you cannot calculate the periodic LC amounts against the entered rates.
    If this wasn't the case, the calculation below will not work on converted numbers:
    YTD februari + periodic march = YTD march
    I think that the calculation above must always work. BUT I know of one customer that didn't wanted this behaviour, they wanted that the periodic values AND the ytd values calculated against the same entered rate. There are several ways to achieve this; we added a member in the subtables dimensions to store the difference and then adjusted the measures calculation so that this difference was picked up by OLAP when selecting the periodic measure.
    AGAIN: I didn't like this because the calculation of "YTD februari + periodic march = YTD march" is in my opinion a holy one.... But the customer is always right
    Hope this helps,

  • Currency conversion error in SAP HANA

    I am new to SAP HANA and learning to create information views in HANA studio (SAP HANA SP6 on Cloudshare, HANA studio 1.0.68). I am trying to create a simple analytic view (on purchaseOrderItem table in SAP_HANA_EPM_DEMO sample database) to have GrossAmount converted to EUR.
    I added a calculated column as follows:
    When i click on "OK", i get error -
    The check box “Calculate before aggregation” has been unchecked, because the definition of the calculated column contains measures with currency conversion, restricted measures or operands with input parameters. For such a calculated column the calculation is always done after the aggregation."
    and checkbox "calculate before aggregation" get unchecked. See screenshot below:
    Please suggest what could be reason? Thanks in advance.

    Hi Amit,
    If you uncheck the "Calculate before aggregation" checkbox and activate the view, you will see in the generated log that a Calc scenario is created. (a view with /olap wrapper). Due to the calc scenario, the aggregation is defined as the default behavior for the KFs and hence the calculation cannot be done before aggregation.
    By the way, I did not understand why do you need calculate before aggregation for a KF which is just a copy of another KF. If you need Gross amount in Local currency and EUR, then just perform the currency conversion without "Calculate before aggregation" checkbox. It will work.

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