Currency factor of 100

we load flat files (.csv) from different countries to constitute our payroll report, for one country the base salary (and other information) is multiplied by 100 just after the extraction ie in the PSA.
Do you know where the system goes to take this factor?
How can I correct this issue?
Nota : BI 7.0

Hi Galvagni,
It's normal for your case ..
It happens to some particular currency (like: jpy, idr, etc).
In order to solve this case:
You can get the factorial amount, then you divide your corresponding amount by this factor (you can do it in your routine either transfer rules or update rules or transformation ).
You can get the factorial amount by this function:
You also can check the configuration of factorial amount by this tcode:
Here is also the blog regarding currency, hopefully it can clear up you more.
Hopefully it can help you a lot.
thanks for the points you choose to assign.

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    Dear folks,,
    Could you share about your experience regarding my question ??
    I have pricing report where it display currency convertion. In that report, there column/field about local price value (e.g. IDR/JPY/EUR), beside that, it's also <b>USD price value</b>, <b> Local Currency </b>.
    ext. rate : IDR => USD : 50
    curr. factor : IDR : 100
    data input : local price value : 125
    it will be displayed in report like this :
    local price value   | local currency | usd price value
    12.500 | IDR | 6250,00
    The things i'm confuse why local price value can be multiplied by 100 ??? (Question 1)
    fyi, i use this function : convert_to_local_currency in order to convert value from IDR to USD. But, i made it in the routine belong to <b>usd price value</b>
    Why the local price value can be multiplied 100 though i did nothing in it's routine ??? (Question 2). 
    Is that because of that function ?? Though i just use local price value only for function parameter ??
    Could somebody share to me why it can happend.
    Many thanks for the attention .

    Hi mathew,,
    Many thanks for your quick response ..
    Beside i read directly to that table, if i use this
            DATE                           = lastdate
            FOREIGN_AMOUNT     = amount_doc
            FOREIGN_CURRENCY = 'IDR'
            LOCAL_CURRENCY     = 'USD'
            LOCAL_AMOUNT         = RESULT
            NO_RATE_FOUND    = 1
            OVERFLOW         = 2
            NO_FACTORS_FOUND = 3
            NO_SPREAD_FOUND  = 4
            OTHERS           = 5.
    If i wanna convert from IDR to USD with that function, have the function represented for ratio's calculation ??
    / should i calculate w/ the ration again from the output i get .. ?

  • Currency Factor

    Hi SAP GURU....
    I have a question about the currency factor of JOD which is Jordanian Dinar.(Jordan's currency)
    The JOD decimals is registered for my SAP System in default as 3 in t-code OY04.
    Is it right ?  when I use the function CURRENCY_CONVERTING_FACTOR, the value of factor is '0.100'.
    I wonder that this value is wheter correct or incorrect.
    I'm looking forward to your reponse.
    my best regards.

    That's standard SAP configuration for JOD (3 decimals).

  • What is a currency factoring technique

    what is a currency factoring technique

    Hi Shilpa,
    The amount value(defined as currency) will be dependent on currency  key. that's why currency field should have a reference field of type currency key.
    Based on the currency key value the no of decimals values will be determined. Please refer TCURC table to get infomation about currency key.
    To do currency translations, we are using many function modules.Some of the important function modules are:
    BAPI_CURRENCY_CONV_TO_EXTERNAL : Conversion of Currency Amounts into External Data Format
    BAPI_CURRENCY_CONV_TO_INTERNAL  :Conversion of Currency Amounts into Internal Data Format
    Bhupal Reddy

  • Currency factoring technique

    What is Currency Factoring Technique

    Check this one

  • JPY Conversion and Display in query by a factor of 100

    I've seen a lot of threads on the forum that talk about this issue, but I have not found out a clear solution. I have a scenario where I'm loading data from R/3 into BI and developing queries on the cube.
    When I see the data for JPY in the report, the amount is multiplied by 100. There is no such issue for any other currencies.
    Order         Fiscper          Amount
    201            002.2008       8,730,000.00 JPY
    Amount displayed in listcube:
    with 'do not use conversion' checked: 8,730,000.00
    with 'do not use conversion' not checked: 873,000.000
    Value of decimal places for JPY in OY04 t-code: 0
    Amount in Report: 873,000,000.00
    Amount displayed in listcube:
    with 'do not use conversion' checked: 8,730,000.00
    with 'do not use conversion' not checked: 873,000.000
    Value of decimal places for JPY in OY04 t-code: 3
    Amount in Report: 873,000.00
    I cannot change the decimal places in OY04 to 2. It doesn't allow me to do it (I guess due to the fact that the default value by SAP is 2).
    I'm making changes to OY04 in BI and not in R/3. Also for testing purpose, I'm loading a subset of the data from a flat file instead of R/3.
    What do I need to do in order for the value to be correct in the query? I've read the blog by Viren Devi, but the routine is giving out a program error when I run it in the start routine.
    Any help will be appreciated.

    Hi Sameer,
         Just for your Information, this is due to TCURX table. Its not issue..
    Take one Example. IN BI we used to do transfer globle settings from R/3. Thats why in both side TCURX having same value for JPY.
    now What is TCURX entry. IF you find the entry for JPY there then you can see there CURRDEC = 0.
    SO when in R/3 any transaction is happen take example transaction of 1500 JPY is happen in R/3.
    at that time when data is stored into R/3 table it will check the tcurx value, here its find '0' value, so the value is stord in R/3 table was devide by 100. ( Reason for store factor = 10(currdec-2), here currdec = 0, so factor = 10-2 = 0.01 )
    so in R/3 table value is 15 JPY.
    now we pull the data in BI, in BI also it store as 15 JPY.
    Now while executing the value it will show value by multiply by 100 ( Reason ; for display factor = 10(2-currdec = 102 = 100 )
    thats why in report we see the value 1500 JPY...
    this is actually right, because transaction value is 1500 JPY. you can see...
    Hope you understand business. ( SAP is amazing!!!! )

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    Any thoughts?

    The VM is configured with a single processor - The physical machine is a quad core
    Do you mean the physical machine that was running the application has a quad core processor?  If not, what did the physical machine running the application actually have?  Is the application multithreaded so that it can make use of multiple processors? 
    Did the application in the physical world have OS and data on the same disk or on different disks?  Did you run this application shortly after you started the VM, or did you let the system quiesce a bit?  Did you measure performance on the physical
    under the same sort of conditions?  Are you running from a cmd window or PowerShell?  (Your comment about clicking away and coming back brings to mind things I've seen with PowerShell)  Does it run quickly on a second instantiation, or does
    it run poorly every instantiation?
    Determining performance requires a lot more information than what you provided.
    I always assign at least two virtual CPUs to any Windows Server VMs.  There are enough system processes running on the box that two processors will almost always benefit the workload.  Also, it it not uncommon that the first run of an application
    shortly after a machine has started will never perform as it will after a machine has settled in.  This is why every benchmark worth its salt will start the benchmark and let it run for a few minutes before they actually start measuring.
    .:|:.:|:. tim

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    As this is a common issue for Hungary Currency. Please suggest if there is a better solution that can be implemented or if there is SAP note that can be implemented. I had searched for a sap note no 1240163 but the note is applicable in SAP BW component only.

    check following
    Extraction Problem
    Local Currency COP, KRW values wrong in report
    Re: is conditional calculation in the report possible?

  • Currency issue - decimals moved to the left

    Hello gurus,
    I have an issue with an upload from a flat file. All of the key figures are upload corectly except 1 (YEN), It is uploaded with 2 decimals inside the numer. EX: In the file is 100,00 YEN  and after upload is 10000,00 YEN.
    How can I change that?

    Hi Ramona:
       Please refer to the SAP Notes below.
    1176399 - "Loading amounts to the BW system; decimal places"
    1240163 - "Amount too high by factor of 100 for HUF, JPY currencies"
    Francisco Milán.
    Edited by: Francisco Milan on Oct 13, 2010 12:06 PM

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    Does any one have a suggestion on how this data can be correctly imported into BPC?

    Hi Andrew,
    Maybe you can try using an openhub to see how the data is being download and upload it to bpc using the data manager.
    hope it helps

  • Currency scaling in screen output

    What causes the screen output of currency values to scale up by a factor of 100. I'm working with the condition values of the KOMV structure in SAPLV61A used with the condition values of items in sales orders and delivery notes.
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    Just before the PBO module displays, currency values in the internal structure (KOMV-KBETR and KOMV-KWERT) might be 1200.00. As soon as it appears on the output screen it jumps to 120000.00.
    I can't find a reason for this in the PBO code.
    What causes it?

    Hello ED,
    1. Retrieve currency field ( referenced field, eg: WAERS) , while running a select query and put it in internal table.
    And at the time of display add CURRENCY addition to the write statement.
    This is a vote of information.
    Try making test-cases.

  • Multiple currencies? Multiple languages?

        Does SAP handle multiple currencies? Multiple languages? What is a currency factoring technique?
    Thank you
    Ashok kumar

    SAP handles Multiple Currencies and Languages
    see the table TCURR, TCURC for different currencies
    Currency Factoring Technique:
    Currencies in Planning
    In Profit Center Accounting, three currencies can be stored at once:
    Transaction Currency
    The transaction currency is the currency used for a specific transaction. You can choose a different currency from the list of valid currencies for each new transaction. The transaction currency is stored in the transaction data for Profit Center Accounting as the so-called "first currency".
    Local Currency (Company Code Currency)
    The controlling area currency is stored in Profit Center Accounting as the second currency.
    Profit Center Local Currency
    You need to set a special currency for Profit Center Accounting in Customizing for each controlling area. This currency is used in the standard reports, among other things. You can find more information about this currency in Customizing. The profit center currency is the third currency updated in the transaction data.
    How Do I Plan Currencies in Profit Center Accounting?
    You first plan a profit center in USD. Then you later plan the same profit center in DEM in a second planning session. This may be necessary if:
    the planned costs for the profit center in a certain cost element consist of external invoices in the local currency and external invoices from abroad and
    the external invoice from abroad was billed and paid abroad
    The currencies which can be planned manually are defined in the Layout.
    If the corresponding key figures are defined and ready for input in the planning layout, you can plan in any permissible transaction currency, the company code currency or the profit center currency. The planned amount is then immediately and automatically translated into the other currencies. Note, however, that the system can only translate into a transaction currency if you have explicitly specified a transaction currency.
    If you want to want to plan data using different transaction currencies, you need to use a planning layout that contains the characteristic "Transaction currency".
    Note that data can only be saved in the transaction currency if a transaction currency has been specified. Otherwise the data will only be saved in the other currencies without the transaction currency.
    If you want to want to summarize data in the transaction currency, you need to use a planning layout that does not contain the characteristic "Transaction currency". You can then:
    change the summarized values, in which case the changes are not updated in the transaction currency, and
    add any combinations of objects that have not already been planned.
    If you
    enter one transaction currency, the system only displays the amounts planned in that currency. You can
    change these amounts
    plan in the currency specified
    enter a number sign (#) to represent the value " " (no value), the system only displays those values that were planned without the transaction currency. You can
    change these amounts
    plan amounts without a transaction currency
    specify more than one currency or all currencies (*), the system displays all the planned values. You can
    change these amounts
    can plan as yet unplanned combinations of your planning objects in any valid currency.
    Planned currency amounts are translated using
    the value date you entered in the planner profile for your area
    a translation factor entered in the currency table for the exchange rate type entered in the planner profile
    You will find further information about the currency table and currency translation in the documentation FI Configuration and Organization.
    Transfer Pricing Using the Conditions Technique
    The term "transfer pricing" is used to describe the calculation of prices for internal exchanges of goods between profit centers. Conditions are the individual steps carried out during price calculation. When a goods movement takes place between two plants, the price can depend on a number of factors, such as the material involved, the sender plant, the profit center, the partner profit center, and so on. The information on these variable factors is stored as master data in the form of condition records. There the transfer price can be defined as a fixed price or a percentage increase or reduction.
    This section describes the steps necessary to define transfer prices. You define these transfer prices in Customizing. There you will also find a detailed description of how to proceed.
    Define condition tables, which you use to store condition records for each condition type.
    Here you define the price dependencies for transfer prices. You can make the transfer price found dependent upon a combination of fields. For example, if you want your transfer prices to be defined for a combination of material and partner profit center, you need to define a condition table that contains these key fields. The condition records then contain the individual prices for each combination of material and profit center. You maintain the condition records when you define the individual condition types.
    Define access sequences that the system should use to search for valid condition records.
    An access sequence is a search strategy that the system uses to find valid data for certain condition tables. Each access sequence consists of one or more steps, which the system processes in the order specified. The order determines where the system should look first for a valid condition record. You can specify an access sequence for any condition type for which you create condition records.
    Define condition types for all the pricing elements (fixed amounts, markups and markdowns) that occur in your daily business operations.
    In Profit Center Accounting, a condition type represents a component of a transfer price. You can define condition types for every type of fixed price, markup or markdown that occurs in your internal goods movements. If you define a percentage markup or markdown as a condition type, you also need to define another condition type to serve as the basis for this percentage. This can be a price stored in the material ledger. The relationship between these two condition types is then defined in the pricing procedure.
    In some condition types you need to specify an access sequence. In this way you determine which fields the system should use to search for a valid condition record.
    Define condition records that determine the amount or percentage to be applied for each set of values in the condition table (such as "fixed price of USD 100.00 for material 01, profit center ABC, and plant 0001").
    You can maintain condition records directly from within the definition of the condition type. Or you can define them from the application menu by choosing Master data ® Transfer prices ® Conditions. It is also possible to copy existing condition records to create new ones. This is especially useful if you want to change the currency of the condition record. You can maintain condition records either in Customizing or in the application menu, under Master data ® Transfer prices.
    Define a pricing procedure to group together condition types and determine how they relate to one another.
    In addition to the selection and order of condition types, a pricing procedure determines
    – which subtotals should be calculated
    – what base value the system should use for calculating percentage markups or markdowns
    – what conditions must be met in order for a certain condition type to be calculated
    The base value for markups and markdowns can be either a fixed price or a value from the material ledger. Using a routine supplied in the standard R/3 System, you can have the system read the legal, group, or profit center price from the material ledger and calculate the markup or markdown on this basis.
    Define condition exclusions, which let you determine which condition type should be used in a given situation.
    In transfer pricing for goods movements, it often happens that a number of different condition records are valid. Using condition exclusions, you can compare conditions with one another and use, for example, the most favorable price for the partner profit center.
    For different condition exclusion methods are available:
    · The most favorable condition in an exclusion group
    · The most favorable condition record for a condition type
    · The most favorable condition among different exclusion groups
    · Exclusion of those conditions in an exclusion group when a condition type that belongs to another exclusion group appears
    Define transfer price variants, which let you specify which pricing procedures are relevant for actual data and which for plan data.
    To valuate different datasets, such as plan and actual data, using different conditions, you can define variants with an assignment to a specific pricing procedure. The system processes the specified procedures in order until it finds a valid transfer price.
    In transfer pricing for goods movements, only actual data is valuated (variant 000). However, you can also create additional variants if you want to calculate plan prices on the basis of pricing data.
    Define pricing reports, which determine the structure of lists of conditions.
    A pricing report lets you analyze condition records according to certain criteria and define the structure of these lists. You can define pricing reports either in Customizing for Profit Center Accounting or in the application menu, under Master data ® Transfer prices ® Pricing reports.

  • BAPI_ACC_INVOICE_RECEIPT_POST error F5 702 Balance in transaction currency

    I’m creating an AP with invoice with taxes but no PO.  I started with working test code / data without taxes and tried to add support for taxes following the example in Note 626235.  I’m coding in C# using the SAP .NET Connector but also tried it via SE37 and received the same error.  Test data from SE37 below:
    Username     validuser
    Comp_code     3000
    Doc_date     02/14/2008
    Pstng_date     02/14/2008
    Fis_period     00
    Doc_type     KR
    Itemno_acc     1
    Vendor_no     3904
    Itemno_acc     2
    Gl_account     470000
    Fis_period     00
    Tax_code     I1
    Taxjurcode     FL1011001     Custom but valid (FB60 tested), returned from BBP_CALCULATE_TAX_FRM_NET_40B
    Costcenter     1000
    Itemno_acc     3
    Tax_code     I1
    Acct_key     NVV
    Taxjurcode     FL0000000
    Cond_key     JP1I
    Stat_con     X
    Taxjurcode_deep     FL1011001
    Taxjurcode_level     1
    Itemno_acc     4
    Tax_code     I1
    Acct_key     NVV
    Taxjurcode     FL1010000
    Cond_key     JP2I
    Stat_con     X
    Taxjurcode_deep     FL1011001
    Taxjurcode_level     2
    Itemno_acc     1
    Curr_type     00
    Currency     USD
    Amt_doccur     -107
    Amt_base     -107
    Itemno_acc     2
    Curr_type     00
    Currency     USD
    Amt_doccur     100
    Amt_base     100
    Itemno_acc     3
    Curr_type     00
    Currency     USD
    Amt_doccur     6
    Amt_base     100
    Curr_type                  00
    Currency     USD
    Amt_doccur     1
    Amt_base     100
    Please note that there are no taxes for level 3 (FL1011001) as the rate is 0.
    Thanks in advance for any help,

    Hi Karl,
    Even i am also facing the same error. Please find below my code and do help me out in this problem.
    Username validuser
    Headertext   XMS:
    Comp_code  0B70
    Fisc_year     2008
    Doc_date     20080612
    Pstng_date  20080708
    Fis_period    07
    Doc_type     KR
    REF_DOC_NO  ERA0002120080612
    Itemno_acc 0000000001
    Vendor_no 0005147036
    REF_KEY_1 20080612
    ITEM_TEXT  XMSA00021
    Itemno_acc 0000000002
    Gl_account  0260121000
    comp_code  0B70
    Fis_period 00
    Tax_code    P3
    ALLOC_NMBR  A00021
    Costcenter 0000104648
    Itemno_acc 0000000003
    Gl_account  0226006010
    comp_code  0B70
    Fis_period 00
    ALLOC_NMBR  A00021
    Costcenter 0000104648
    Itemno_acc 0000000004
    GL_ACCOUNT  0226006010
    Tax_code          P3
    Acct_key         VST
    Cond_key       MWVS
    Stat_con X
    Itemno_acc 0000000001
    Curr_type 00
    Currency_ISO SGD
    Amt_doccur 85.6000-
    Amt_base    80.0000-
    Itemno_acc 0000000002
    Curr_type 00
    Currency_ISO SGD
    Amt_doccur 80.0000
    Amt_base    80.0000
    Itemno_acc 0000000003
    Curr_type 00
    Currency_ISO SGD
    Amt_doccur 5.6000
    Amt_base    0.0000
    Actually the IDOCS were getting generated successfully before adding the tax parameter "ACCOUNTTAX". Since the requirement is to calculate the VAT tax. I Introduced the parameter "ACCOUNTTAX". But now im getting the error "BALANCE IN TRANSACTION CURRENCY".
    Please help me out in this issue.
    Edited by: Meridius max on Jul 8, 2008 1:01 PM

  • 100% zoom is too small on screen

    Hello, I'm using photoshop CC on amacbook pro retina. I mainly use photoshop for web design and when I open a document that is 300x200 px, the 100% view is too small on screen. Any ideas, It was this way on PS cs6 also before I upgraded. I just tried to delete the prefs file and restarted PS and it did not change. I have also tried to change my screen resolution to "best for retina" and it is still the same.

    I'm sorry, I don't mean to be condescending.  But the problem is you've paid extra for something that's actually an improvement, but now you don't want it to work any differently than what you had before.
    You don't appear to understand how images and displays actually work.  I'll try to provide an explanation...
    Images are made out of pixels.  Little squares of one and only one color each that when stacked in rows and columns together make up what we call an image.
    Your display has the ability to display little lighted squares of one and only one color each (it's really a bit more complicated than this, but I'm trying to keep it simple).  Stacked in rows and columns these tiny display sites make up your display screen.  Before the Retina display, every square inch had roughly 100 x 100 of these display sites.  Now (assuming a 15" Macbook Retina display) you have 220 x 220 of them in every square inch.
    In order to fit so many more in a square inch they have to be much smaller.  With me so far?  Each tiny display site is 1/220 of an inch on a side, by definition.
    When Photoshop displays an image, it sizes it per your guidance - you set the Zoom factor.
    100% zoom - by definition - means that one pixel from an image will occupy one display site on the screen.
    Can you now see how, since the display sites are much smaller on a Mac retina display, an image displayed at 100% will appear smaller?
    Now here's where some additional magic comes in:  The folks who programmed your operating system and browser realized that you would probably not like to see everything less than half the size it was, so they automatically use 200% (or more) zoom behind the scenes so that the pictures and stuff on web pages and application controls are displayed nice and big.  This happens with older non-retina applications automatically as well - it's called pixel doubling.
    To directly answer your question:
    Set an appropriate zoom level in Photoshop to make the image as large as you'd like to see it and you will be fine.
    It may help you to feel better to think, when you see the sharp edges of the pixels at zoomed-in sizes, that you have a display that's got such high resolution and is so accurate that you can see the edges of the actual pixels, while all the folks who don't have Retina displays are just seeing them blurred together.

  • Foreign and Local currency balance difference in GL

    Dear All,
    I have a GL for Bank in which entries are posted manually through F-02. GL is maintained on company code currency (Say INR). The transactions posted are in foreign currency  (ex USD).
    when we check the balance of the account in FBL3N it is showing FC balance as zero and Local currency balance as 100 INR.
    The above situation is due to the following
    Received Amount 100 USD @ 40 = 4000 INR (manually posted JV)
    Credited amount 100 USD @ 39 = 3900 INR (Manually posted through JV).
    As both the activity is done through JV the system dint prompt for exchange rate difference account. So no my question is:
    1. In this scenario, is there any why the system can automatically post entry to exchange rate difference Or posting Manual JV is the only way out.
    2. What is the use of Tcode F.05. What it actually does.
    Thanks for your valuable time.
    Please let me know if you need any additional details

    Since you do not have any parallel currency, The balance of 100 INR in Local Currency is correct.  There is no need to write it off.
    My understanding is that the transactions are as below.
    Transaction    Doc Curr   Doc Curr Amt      Loc Curr     Loc Curr Amt
    1                     USD            100.00                 INR                4000.00
    2                     USD           -100.00                 INR              -3900.00
    Balance                                0.00                                          100.00  
    You have a Bank Account which is maintained in INR. 
    In first transaction, you have a receipt of 100$ and bank has applied a rate of 1USD = 40 INR.  So the balance is 4000 INR. 
    Then you have made a payment of 100$  and bank has applied a rate of 1USD = 39 INR.  So you still have 100 INR. 
    That is not a gain or loos.  It is valid balance.
    Edited by: Prasad Neelisetty on Dec 23, 2009 8:35 PM
    Edited by: Prasad Neelisetty on Dec 23, 2009 8:36 PM

Maybe you are looking for