Current Source

I want to build a current source controlled by LabVIEW. I was looking at some information and I found that you can make a voltage controlled current source, which we can control with the 0-10 v analog output of my DAQ card. The problem is that I need to generate currents of about 30 A, so these circuits dont work for my needs.
Do you have any ideas of how to build this current source?  
PXI 6229, PXI 6232
LabVIEW 8.2

You can buy a off the shelf power supply which is able to be controlled by an analog voltage for current limit. Set the power supply to the max. allowed voltage and the anlaog control to current limit. Sometimes you need an isolated analog amplifier between the DAQ-card and the power supply to get them work correctly.
Take a look a the specifications fo the power supply to meet all requirements johnsold was talking in his questions.
Using 7.1.1, 8.5.1, 8.6.1, 2009 on XP and RT
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    Is it really Tektronik or is it Tektronix. Tektronix is a major test equipment manufacturer. I can't find any reference to that model number on their site, though.
    There are several resources for learning instrument control. One good place to start is
    Assuming that you have a NI GPIB controller for the pc, you will be using the Instrument I/O Assistant or the VISA commands to send/recieve data from the current sources. Without having access to the programming manual, I can't give specifics on what commands you need to send. Your topic mentions controlling them at the same time. Truly simultaneous control is possible in only a few situations. If you have a couple current sources in the same mainframe, you may be able to send a single command to set them all. It will really depend on the commands that the vendor has implemented. With separate mainframes, you will send commands first to one, and then another, etc. Again, depending on what the vendor has implemented, it may be possible to sequentially program all sources to a ready state and then trigger all simultaneously.

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    Well from the first circuit you have there, you are looking for the current source to output 2x curret passing between the 10ohm resistor and the 19v source. So you need to connect that line to the current controller (the square thing attached to the current source), basically running a wire from the voltage source to one end of the controller, then running the other end of the controller to the 10ohm resistor (deleting the connection between the resistor and the source so that they only connect through the controler).
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  • Keithley 224 Current Source, 199 DMM Control

    Hi everyone,
    I can't control some hardwares. Actually, i changed my computer and again install labview, gpib driver etc but i can't control some devices.
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    * Connected to: GPIB0::17::INSTR
    -> *IDN?
    <- NDCI+0.0000E+0,V+3.0000E+0,W+5.0000E-2«x0D»
    I found some topic related my problem but i can't solve that problem. 
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    About my system;
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    keithley 224 2.JPG ‏152 KB
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    Ozkur wrote:
    Hi everyone,
    I can't control some hardwares. Actually, i changed my computer and again install labview, gpib driver etc but i can't control some devices.
    Labview connect to Keithley 224 but it can't operate the device.
    * Connected to: GPIB0::17::INSTR
    -> *IDN?
    <- NDCI+0.0000E+0,V+3.0000E+0,W+5.0000E-2«x0D»
    I found some topic related my problem but i can't solve that problem. 
    i solved this problem in past but i don't remember how i can that. 
    About my system;
    * NI Labview 2013 64 bit
    *Agilent GPIB 82357A USB to GPIB
    *Keithley 224 Programmable Current Source
    *Keithley 199 System DMM/Scanner 
    *Keithley 196 System DMM
    *Keithley 2401 Sourcemeter (i can control this device)
    *SR530 Lock-in Amplifier Stanford Research System
    i attached below some screenshot and my vi's
    You'll need LabVIEW 2013 32-bit to work with Agilent 82357A.
    You will also need to read

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    20140206_114946.jpg ‏2843 KB

    Hi Shreyas,
    did you even try to look up some information from the internet? There are plenty resources on usage of LM317 as this one!
    To use the LM317 as current source you need to control the voltage between OUT and ADJ pins. Usually this is done using a resistor. In your case you need to use more than just a simple AO of your DAQ board…
    Btw. Do you have any experience in basics of electronics?
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

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    You didn't mention what version of the NI-DAQ driver you are using over there. Anyway, my suggestion to you is to uninstall the NI-DAQ driver you have installed, remove the board, reboot the machine, download and install the latest NI-DAQ version (6.9.3) from NI web site.
    Try the installation with the new driver, and if that is still not working, the best bet is to try the same installation on a different machine to double check if the hardware is not defective.
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    National Instruments

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    Attachments: ‏128 KB ‏103 KB

    Are you reading from more than one input?
    These devieces are very acurate but dog slow. The more channels you scan through, the slower you can read to high precision. Using auto-zero in-between gives you better readings.
    Do your inputs look right using MAX?
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

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    thanks for help

    Thank you for posting your question on National Instruments' forum.
    I think the best way to find an answer to your question is to check the ressources on the NI website about PXI SMUs :
    Unité de source et mesure de puissance NI PXI-4130 :
    And yes I think that, considering the information you gave, a SMU is certainly the best thing to buy in a PXI format to source a signal.
    The best way to get additional information about which product you should buy is to contact your local NI commercial branch.
    The sales people there will be the best suited persons to aswer your questions about which product to choose.
    Best regards,
    Guillaume H.
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    >> NIDays 2011, le mardi 8 février au CNIT de Paris La Défense

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    Bill Rebey

    "debug" still being a hard work in Java... the oldest Java nightmare :^)))
    you may avoid this problem using labels in your code (the problem you must fill your code with debug stuff - if the code is a big one, you will get crazy about that :^) )
    or you may adopt a tool able to trace your code execution....
    JBuilder do it for you...
    Togheter is another good software available out there
    (unfortunatelly, both of them are really expensive...)
    I don�t remember now about other tools.. (the java has a flag to produce debug output - check in the forum about the debug syntax....)

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    Id = something; for Vgs < something, Vds < something
          something else; for Vgs < something, Vds > something
          something else; for Vgs > something
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    These are Analog Behavioral Model sources, for current, ABM_Current, and also ABM_Voltage for voltage.   They are very useful to set up a series of conditions (relative to other values within the circuit) to generate appropriate controlled current and voltages.
    The ABM sources can be found in Master Database -> Sources -> CONTROLLED_CURRENT_SOURCES  (or CONTROLLED_VOLTAGE_SOURCES).
    Here is an example of using them with a nested if/then conditional.
    In this example I1 is depended on the voltage at net(1) - which is simply V1.
    So in this example, for I1 you have 3 states (dependent on V1):
    a) V1 > 4V, I1 = 1 (Amp)
    b) V1 <= 2.5V, I1 = 0 (Amp)
    c) V1 greater than 2.5V and 4V or less (inclusive), I1 = 0.1 * V1 (Amp)
    Here is a look at the behavior of I1 as V1 varies from 0 - 5V and back from 5 to 0....
    To specify a single ended voltage referenced to ground net(0), you just specify V(netname).  
    To specify a differential voltage, you would state V(net, net2)...
    Pat Noonan
    National Instruments
    ABM_Current_Example.ms12 ‏78 KB

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    keyur Makadia
    Sr. Application Engineer
    Optimized Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

    10nA resolution on 200µA current programming range
    Also take a look at the Keithley 238 High Current Source-Measure Unit, 100fA step size at lowest current source range  

  • ABM Current Source - Referencing Nets in an HB/SC

    Is there a way to reference nets inside an HB/SC using an ABM Current Source?  The ABM Current Source appears to only have the capability of referencing nets on the upper-level circuit and not actually within the HB or SC. This seems like it should be the other way around if it's going to be exclusive referencing some nets and not others.
    To reduplicate:
    Create an HB or SC with an Input Pin
    Put a DC voltage on that pin as an input (ground the DC source)
    Inside the HB/SC put a resistor to ground
    The IO1 pin will have a net named IO1 for example
    Create a grounded ABM Current Source in parallel with a resistor (any value, say 1 Ohm)
    For "Value", put V(I01) and then run it - no current
    For "Value", put V(1), which references the upper-level circuit input node - that results in current
    V(I01) and V(1) have the same potential (they are the same line in essence), but the ABM Current Source doesn't recognize the net inside of the HB/SC

    Here's what it sounds like to me:
    Under the hood, Multisim is a SPICE simulator
    SPICE requires a unique list of net names or else it just won't work
    This is the lowest level of abstraction in terms of thinking
    about the circuit - essentially it is the flattened view of the world
    where all components are on a single page
    It might be likened to a computer program written in C++ which
    gets compiled down to assembly level, where all the upper-level
    variable names have now been replaced by their respective numerical
    This view of the flattened schematic is essentially the netlist that gets simulated
    Now in order to make things a little more user friendly, Multisim has a
    bit of UI abstraction -- that is, subcircuits and hierarchal blocks. 
    These blocks get flattened into the netlist before simulation
    In the posted circuit example, net X1.IO1 is replaced by net 1 and net X2.IO1 gets replaced by net 2
    This is required at the lowest level of abstraction so that the
    list of net names is unique (there is no duplication of a net named IO1)
    This is what everyone expects to happen for the circuit to be simulated properly
    What is not expected is that you can't reference nets in a
    subcircuit or hierarchal block.  I didn't entirely follow the last post
    about referencing node 33 in a HB as X1.33, because when I tried that
    with the posted circuit by making the ABM source value to be V(X1.IO1),
    it doesn't work.  Referencing a node like X1.IO1 is doing so at the
    level of abstraction that the user interface is operating at, but it is
    not translated correctly when the circuit is compiled to a netlist.  X1
    and X2 are flattened to their respective nodes--ie, X1.IO1 -> 1 and
    X2.IO1 -> 2, but a reference in the ABM source to X1.IO1 does not
    get translated -> 1, so you wind up with a reference to nothing in
    the netlist (ie, X1.IO1 is referenced but the X1.IO1 net in the
    subcircuit has been flattened/changed to 1, so there is no longer an
    X1.IO1 net).
    Now lets look at the case of an ABM source inside of a
    subcircuit or hierarchal block.  This is where I definitely think a few
    changes need to be made to Multisim.  As has been stated, if we have an
    ABM source inside of a subcircuit, we can globally reference any unique
    net (ignoring for now previous headscratching over referencing nets
    inside subcircuits).  So say we have a single circuit, which among
    other things contains a single subcircuit, which among other things
    contains an ABM source.  Even though the ABM source is inside of the
    subcircuit, we can still reference anything in the main circuit, which
    might be compared to something along the lines of having global scope. 
    This is a very powerful ability, as we are not limited to referencing
    voltages or currents passed into the sub-circuit, but instead can
    reference anything we like.  So say we set the ABM to reference V(1) --
    a voltage in the main circuit.  If we now duplicate the use of
    subcircuit so that now there are two 'instances' if it on the main
    circuit diagram, the ABM source won't change.  We don't expect it to. 
    It's referencing a net that is independent of however many copies you
    make of the sub-circuit.
    In the same way, we would expect Multisim to reference the net
    correctly if we reference a local net, but this doesn't happen. 
    Multisim knows to translate the nets of the sub-circuit to correspond
    with the actual connections of the main circuit so there are no
    duplicate nets in the netlist, but this isn't implemented for the ABM
    source.  If it was, we would expect to be able to reference V(IO1) in
    an ABM source.  We would expect this to be local scope, not global, and
    that any global reference to V(IO1) in an ABM source outside of
    the subcircuit would throw an error (but a reference to V(X1.IO1)
    should work since we are specifiying the subcircuit and subcircuit
    net).  Inside of the subcircuit, we would expect that a local ABM
    reference to V(IO1) gets translated to global reference of V(X1.IO1),
    for whatever instance we happen to be in (X1 in this case), and
    subsequently that V(X1.IO1) would be translated to the final connection
    for the netlist before simulating, i.e. V(1).  If the we were to
    duplicate the use of the subcircuit so that there is an X1 and an X2,
    then we would expect not to have to change anything, just like you
    wouldn't change anything if you were making a global reference.  Why?
    Because we are referencing the local subcircuit net IO1, which would
    get translated respectively to V(X1.IO1) -> V(1) for the ABM source
    in X1 and to V(X2.IO2) -> V(2) for the ABM source in instance X2.
    The problem currently, is that if we intend to have an ABM source
    inside the subcircuit reference the voltage passed in on IO1 of that
    subcircuit, we have to reference the global net which IO1 will be
    connected to.  If we duplicate the subcircuit then the ABM source is
    still referencing V(1) instead of say V(2), which is now the net that
    IO1 is connected to for the X2 instance of the subcircuit.  This is
    extremly counter-intuitive, especially for anyone used to programming a
    function block with inputs and outputs, where the inputs are operated
    on to produce the outputs.
    So to boil it down, it seems that Multisim lacks a way to reference
    subcircuit nets from within the subcircuit (and on the main schematic)
    and have them be translated correctly when the netlist is compiled. 
    Here are some examples of items that seem like they should be translated correctly but aren't:
    Inside of X1, V(IO1) -> V(X1.IO1) -> V(1) in the netlist
    Inside of X2 the same V(IO1) -> V(X2.IO1) -> V(2) in the netlist
    For the main circuit, V(IO1) = ERROR (net exists but no subcircuit specified) (ie, could be V(1) or V(2), SPICE can't tell)
    For the main circuit, V(X1.IO1) is a correct reference and gets translated to V(1) in the netlist
    For a specific example, say we model a device that has a fixed
    relationship between the input and output terminals, where an ABM
    source is used to simulate that relationship.  Right now there just
    doesn't seem to be a good way to model that, because you can't
    reference the local input and output pins inside of the subcircuit.  If you only have one instance of the subcircuit, you can change the ABM source to reference the global nets feeding the sub-circuit, but that nullifies the whole point of being able to duplicate the subcircuit and re-use the device model.

  • ABM Current Source - Current Direction is Opposite

    If I use a regular DC Current source of 1A, and an ABM Current source with just 1 for the value (ie, 1A), the direction of current coming out of the ABM source is opposite that of the DC Current source, and in the opposite direction of the arrow on the ABM Current Source icon.  This polarity reversal requires a negative sign to fix and is confusing... is there a reason for this or is it just a bug?  I didn't find anything noted on this peculiarity under the help files for the ABM source.

    My background is in Industrial Electronic Servicing with over 20 years experience analyzing electrical and electronic circuits. I have to disagree with what you are saying. What we know now is called the Electron Current Theory and it is electrons (current) flowing from a negative potential to a postive potential. Way back in history they believed that current flowed from the postive potential to the negative potential. This called Convential Current Theory and is backward from what we recognize today. What you are describing is what I would refer to as "hole theory" where postive charged "holes" travel from the positive potential to the negative potentional. This still would have electrons flowing from negative potential to the positive potential. This is mainly taught to explain the operation of PNP and other P-type components.
    With all that said,  Multism follows the only accepted theory of Electron Current Flow where electrons flow form negative or ground to postive.or +12V.
    I don't know if conventional theory is even being taught in colleges anymore since the Electron Theory is consider the norm. I was taught using the Electron Theory but I did have to learn the other theory and if you have ever used the right-hand-rule for coils then you are using the conventional current theory.
    Here's a link that you might find interesting.​28.htm
    Kittmaster's Component Database
    Have a Nice Day

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