Curser stuck on hand tool

Occasionally the curser becomes stuck on the hand or move tool.  I can click on other tools but they do not respond.  The system is not completley
frozen, just the curser/tool.  The only way to fix it so far is to restart the computer.  Any ideas.  This only happens very rarely but it is very annoying.
I'm using Elements 8 and windows xp that is all up to date.

I get this too, I am a professional retoucher and have been using Photoshop since it's earliest days, (I pre-ordered CS5 as I have to be more up to date than any of my clients) I also bought a brand new Mac to run it on, as top spec as I could find.
Sometimes during an image edit my cursor will get stuck on the hand (panning tool). No matter what I try, I can't clone, erase etc even though the clone/erase tool is selected. I can even change brush shapes, but the cursor remains as a hand and the tool I want doesn't work. It will only go back to the tool I want after a prolonged wait, (maybe 3 minutes or so) and even quiting and restarting photoshop doesn't do the trick.
It's getting to be the bain of my life at the moment and embarrassing when retouching with a client watching.

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    Check  your keyboard to be sure that the space bar is not stuck.
    If that does not fix it, reset the tool via the little arrow at the top, left, of the tool's option bar.

  • Need Solution to Program getting stuck on hand tool

    Occasionally the curser becomes stuck on the hand or move tool.  I can click on other tools but they do not respond.  The system is not completley
    frozen, just the curser/tool.  The only way to fix it so far is to restart the computer.  Plus it is happening more often now.
    I really need a solution since I fear I am spending more time. Restarting computer than actual work!

    Not a reply to your problem but coincidently, starting yesterday, I experienced the same problem. I am using CS4, have a iMac10.6.8, and the icon tool is the eraser (not the hand tool) that comes up. The only good thing is that it lets you save (unlike a true freeze) before you have to quit the application and re-start. The file I am working on is 1.56G and it has taken over 10 hours to try and merge layers together to bring the size down to its present 1.06G size. The "freeze" happens every 5-10 minutes.

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    Can this please be fixed?

    Maybe a corrupt PS cache. Can you try clearing & re-creating your preferences? Follow instructions here:

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    Have you restarted the computer? Trashed the prefs? See Replace Your Preferences

  • Illustrator gets stuck on hand tool

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    I'm having the same issue, also in Photoshop CS4 extended. 
    1)  I just re-Ghosted to a pristine Ghost image to rule-out OS/software issues on my end.  I'll post how that goes once I reinstall the Adobe. 
    2)  Diagnostics report no memory or other hardware errors.  Also, I've done a Symantec disk check, and no disk errors are reported. 
    3)  Also, while the keyboard notion is a good thought, I'm thinking that we can't all have keyboard issues.  My keyboard is almost new and every key works beautifully.  Here is a filtered forum listing of others having the same issue.  As you can see, this is very widespread. peopleEnabled=true&dateRange=all&communityID=&username=&numResults=15&rankBy=9

  • Stuck in hand tool in CS6

    why do I get stuck in the hand tool in CS6?????????????

    Beside RAM, which is very important (I run with 16 GB and allow 10,841 MB = 70% to Photoshop), the scratch file plays an important role in performance.
    However, I doubt either of those factors plays a role in your issue.  It's been a while since I briefly experienced that myself, but it was fixable as I described above, and I vaguely remember linking it to a software conflict, maybe with Safari running in the background—not sure.
    Coincidentally, I happen not to use LR because I tried it and detested it.  I'm also not a Windows user. But I wouldn't be surprised if the culprit in your case turns out to be LR running in the background.
    Others have reported un-updated NIK plug-ins, which I don't use.
    As I rule, I feel more comfortable with allowing Photoshop at least 7 or 8 GB of memory.
    Since I already mentioned the scratch file, here are my thoughts on it:
    The rule of thumb I follow to figure out scratch space says to figure on 50 to 100 times the size of your largest file ever multiplied by the number of files you have open.  I have seen the scratch file exceed 800 GB once, an admittedly rare occurrence, but it often exceeds 200 GB when stitching large panoramas and the like.
    As an example—and stressing that I'm aware that others have even more scratch space than I do—I keep two dedicated, physically separate hard drives as my primary and secondary Photoshop scratch disks and a lot of GB free on my boot drive for the OS.  I also have 16 GB of RAM installed.
    Additionally, if you only have a single HD, i.e. your boot drive, you'd need it to be large enough to accommodate both the swap files of the OS as well as Photoshop's scratch.

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    thanks, Robin

    thanks a bunch! yeah, tapping the the spacebar did the trick! 

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    Screen shot attached.
    Many thanks,

    It looks as though you are on the Rotate View tool that is nested with the Hand Tool. Switch to the Hand tool and see if that solves the problem.

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    thanks in advance!

    Worked for me!
    I have spent all night re-starting, re-booting, re-installing and deleitng my preferences, to no avail.
    I could not for the life of me get the damned hand tool to go away. Then I finally resort to adobe support and see this seemingly stupid suggestion that the space bar might be stuck. Sounds stupid but it can't hurt to check, right?
    Turns out that was a brilliant suggestion. my space bar was stuck down.
    Crazy how some little thing like that can have you ready to throw your computer out the window.
    thanks for the suggestion. You saved my life!

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    Usually a stuck space bar.  Tap on it a few times to dislodge pizza crust.

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    Thanks, but that's almost entirely about the Windows version, and I've already deleted my settings by launching PS holding cmd-alt-shift down. Made no difference.

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    You could try to reinstall using the full three step way:
    Uninstall, run the Cleaner Tool, and reinstall.

  • Indesign CS6 hand tool gets stuck and can't use selection tool

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    Yes, this is an intermittent problem between Adobe and Apple: InDesign CS6 getting stuck in the hand mode. This happens to me when I am working by remote desktop using Screen Sharing. The cursor turns to a hand tool and you can't change it.
    I stumbled upon a quicker solution (to restarting, etc.) by depressing the Control-Command-Spacebar keys cumulatively in succession. (I just happened upon this out of frustration--it is an old PageMaker toggle sequence.) When I clicked on the screen after doing this, the hand reverted to the pointer. Sometimes you may have to click on the pointer in the tool palette first before the sequence to make it revert.
    I would like to see if this trick works for others. I see on another forum posting about Adobe CC that many people are experiencing this problem there as well. An Adobe moderator has listed the posting as "correctly answered" and solved that the issue is not an Adobe issue (rather bad keyboards, etc. etc.). But it still remains a problem with many Apple users of Adobe products. (It has only happened to me with Adobe other vendors...both in Mavericks or Yosemite.)

  • Hand Tool Getting stuck after using spacebar shortcut

    I have dumped the PS prefs, zapped the PRAM, fixed the permissions. It will work fine for a few minutes and then get stuck again. Even when retarting PS, the problem the hand tool is still stuck. It takes a complete reinstall to get it go back to other tools, then gets stuck again after several minutes of use
    I'm on a Mac running Lion 10.9 with a Cintiq monitor. This had never been an issue until  I installed CC.
    It's driving me nuts. I cannot work in any productive manner.

    All I can say is that we see a lot of Cintiq problems on this forum, and don't generally come up with answers.  I'd say you are better going to eh Cintic forum on the Wacom site

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