Custom Button Actions CS3

Hello, I have created a three page info/order form which I exported to pdf and used LiveCycle designer to make the form fillable. I was asked to add a print, e-mail, and clear form buttons. I know I have two ways of doing so. I was hoping to add them in ID, however there is no behavior/action in the drop down list that does each of those things. Is there a way to add a custom behavior? Or is there a way to create a "prettier" buttons in LiveCycle?

Thanks for the nugget. I was doing some new button designs today, so I add my newest findings right here.
At first: resizing is a bit critical. Get your design as a vector graphic (svg using inkscape), then use it on a LV button of the same size. A good start for design is tango, because it's all public domain (be aware of licensing issues when using icons from the net, most stuff on wiki-commons is CC-SA='share alike' which might force you to open your code!) and svg.
In this case, I use the IEC5010 On/Off Symbol (found here). Using inkscape, I did export a 16x16 png (attached). Now let's get it into LV:
Place a 'Modern->Boolean->Round LED' on a FP and go to Advanced->Customize. Little trick from the micro-nuggets-thread: use the win explorer to drag-drop the png file on the control FP. Now Select and Cut/Ctrl+X. Right-Click the Round LED and select 'Import Picture' -> Decal. (Do NOT switch to edit mode for this). Wow, the frame is now around both the on and off led. Below my result for 64x64 px size.
Get different sizes by: 1. export the png from Inkscape in the appropiate size and 1. Resize the round LED befor copying it from the clipcoard.
As mentioned in the original post, the image does not scale with the button resizing as usual.
I have some more tricks. Hope the weekend gives me the time to post them.
My latest community nugget on producer/consumer design
My current blog: A journey through uml
On_Off_16.png ‏1 KB

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  • Approve quotation on action of custom button

    Hello experts,
    For some requirement, standard approve/reject button is to be hidden and based on certain zfield status, and custom button action, quotation should be approved. I am able to add the button. The quotation is created in an external system and is transferred to SRM. In SRM system, the quotation is created using BBP_PD_QUOT_CREATE. The quotation is visible in approver's UWL. Now when approver opens the quotation, custom button should be displayed instead of standard buttons 'Approve' or 'Reject'. Upto this, it is done.
    On the action of the button, I am creating instance of class /SAPSRM/CL_PDO_BO_QTE_ADV in approval mode and using the method /sapsrm/if_pdo_bo_qte~approve or /sapsrm/if_pdo_bo_qte~action_approve etc.. none of them is working. For all the methods above, i am getting error - 'A PDO layer update method was called in display mode'.
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    Yayati Ekbote

    Hello experts,
    For some requirement, standard approve/reject button is to be hidden and based on certain zfield status, and custom button action, quotation should be approved. I am able to add the button. The quotation is created in an external system and is transferred to SRM. In SRM system, the quotation is created using BBP_PD_QUOT_CREATE. The quotation is visible in approver's UWL. Now when approver opens the quotation, custom button should be displayed instead of standard buttons 'Approve' or 'Reject'. Upto this, it is done.
    On the action of the button, I am creating instance of class /SAPSRM/CL_PDO_BO_QTE_ADV in approval mode and using the method /sapsrm/if_pdo_bo_qte~approve or /sapsrm/if_pdo_bo_qte~action_approve etc.. none of them is working. For all the methods above, i am getting error - 'A PDO layer update method was called in display mode'.
    Could you please guide me how can I approve the document using custom button action?
    Yayati Ekbote

  • ID CS3 Custom button limit?

    Hello All,
    This is a weird one. Seems to be a bug with creating buttons in CS3 (5.0.2) or how Acrobat recognizes those buttons. I'm adding multiple custom buttons to a single page (a master page) and all is fine until I create more than 16 buttons or so. When I export to PDF, it opens in Acrobat as a form. I don't want a form! (I thought you could only convert to a form in Acrobat Professional?) When I delete a few buttons, the PDF is fine. I've done this in several new docs, with the same result.
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    I'm wondering if there is a limit to how many custom buttons you can have in a document and/or single page. Not sure what is triggering it being recognized as a form, but this seems to be related.
    Anyone having any issues with creating buttons?

    Hi Ken,
    Thanks for the quick reply. Appreciate your help again.
    I was just looking into trashing prefs when you mentioned it. Trashed both ID and Acrobat prefs. No go.
    Some interesting observations I've made:
    1. Exporting 2-3 pages at a time doesn't create the form issue, but it returns when I combine the PDFs (some text anchors no longer work, of course). All of the separate PDFs opened fine. (very odd)
    2. Including the buttons on either the left or right master page (not both) doesn't cause the issue. I want to include on both, naturally.
    3. Including the buttons on the direct pages (not masters) is problematic, also.
    If I click the Form icon to remove the form bar and save, would users still get the bar, do you think? That's my main concern. I don't want it to come up when it's not a form. :)
    Any thoughts, Dave or Bob? You guys have also given me great advice in the past.

  • Add a custom button on notification page and open a oaf page after button

    Hi All,
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    Edited by: 815572 on Nov 25, 2010 1:15 AM

    Hi Irk,
    My notification came in given below format (in table) but my custom button only enable for Contract Approval Type not for others..........i hv attach a button on notification page (subject-Contract 21969-R17......)
    From Type Subject Sent
    Taylor, Phillip Contract Approval Contract 21969 - R17-AUG-07 06:19:27 has been approved by Taylor, Phillip 22-Aug-2007
    Taylor, Phillip OKS Contract Process Contract 21975 - R17-AUG-07 06:22:18 for AT&T Universal Card (52,500.00 USD) has been published online 19-Aug-2007
    Taylor, Phillip OKS Contract Process Contract 21969 - R17-AUG-07 06:19:27 for AT&T Universal Card (15,000.00 USD) has been published online 19-Aug-2007
    If I just put a button SHOW BALANCE just like notification button APPROVE, REJECT, REASSIGN but this button shows all types of notification and my req. is this button show only for Contract Approval type notification. how to handled this issuesss ?
    if extend the co of notification page then how to handle TYPE value from worklist page ....please write proper code if u hv any idea...........

  • Add customer button on header level for BUS2201(PO) - SRM 7.0

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    Web Dynpro           FPM_OIF_COMPONENT
    Configuration          /SAPSRM/WDCC_FPM_OIF_PO_PURCH
    Add a customer button besides standard Export button.
    I assume-afterwards I have to enhance the method onactionbutton_pressed to create my event when customer button is pressed, right?
    Could anyone please guide me how to solve this issue?
    Thanks and best reagrds

    Here are the steps to add the button, I wrote it in other thread. In my case for PO is not displayed, try to follow the steps and if you are able to show the button tell me how please.
    Add custom button in PO
    And yes ,you need to create an enhancement point in the view CNR_VIEW of the component FPM_OIF_COMPONENT, you need to create a post-exit in the method BUTTON_PRESSED, here you have a sample code:
    DATA: lv_id TYPE string,
            lv_event_id TYPE fpm_event_id.
      DATA: lo_nd_oif_application TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
            lo_nd_variant TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
            lo_nd_toolbar TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
            lo_nd_button TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
            lo_el_button TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element,
            lo_nd_other_functions TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
      DATA: lv_substring TYPE string,
            lv_substring_i TYPE i,
            lv_node_name TYPE string,
            lv_position TYPE string,
            lv_length TYPE i,
            lv_seq TYPE i.
      DATA:lt_keys TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string,
           lv_key LIKE LINE OF lt_keys.
      TYPES:BEGIN OF y_parameters,
        name TYPE string,
        value TYPE string,
      END OF y_parameters.
      DATA: lt_parameters TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF y_parameters,
            ls_parameter LIKE LINE OF lt_parameters.
      DATA: lv_boid      TYPE bbp_guid,
            lv_botype    TYPE string,
            lv_objkey TYPE  swo_typeid,
            lv_objtype  TYPE  swo_objtyp,
            lv_object_id TYPE crmt_object_id_db,
            lv_process_type TYPE crmt_process_type_db,
            lv_object_type TYPE crmt_subobject_category_db,
            lv_rfc TYPE zgrs_co_logsys-rfc,
      DATA: lo_fpm TYPE REF TO if_fpm.
      lo_fpm = cl_fpm_factory=>get_instance( ).
      lo_fpm->raise_event_by_id( lv_event_id ).
      lt_keys = lo_fpm->mo_app_parameter->get_keys( ).
      LOOP AT lt_keys INTO lv_key.
        ls_parameter-name = lv_key.
          EXPORTING  iv_key = lv_key
          IMPORTING  ev_value = ls_parameter-value  ).
        INSERT ls_parameter INTO TABLE lt_parameters.
      lv_id = wdevent->get_string( 'ID' ).
      lo_nd_oif_application = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_oif_application ).
      lo_nd_variant = lo_nd_oif_application->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_variant ).
      lo_nd_toolbar = lo_nd_variant->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_toolbar ).
      lo_nd_other_functions = lo_nd_toolbar->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_other_functions ).
      lv_substring = lv_id.
      lv_length = STRLEN( lv_id ).
      lv_seq = lv_length - 3.
      IF lv_id+lv_seq = '_CP'.
        lv_substring = lv_substring(lv_seq).
        lv_id = lv_substring.
      WHILE lv_substring CS '_'.
        lv_position = sy-fdpos + 1.
        lv_substring = lv_substring+lv_position.
      IF lv_substring CO '1234567890'.
        lv_substring_i = lv_substring.
    * Item level action;
      IF lv_id CS '_item'.
    * Or header level action;
        IF lv_id CA '0123456789'.
          lv_position = sy-fdpos - 1.
          lv_node_name = lv_id(lv_position).
          IF lv_id CS 'OTHER_FUNCTIONS'.
            lo_nd_button = lo_nd_other_functions->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_button ).
            lo_nd_button->set_lead_selection_index( index = lv_substring_i ).
            lo_el_button = lo_nd_button->get_element(  ).
                  name =  `EVENT_ID`
                  value = lv_event_id ).
              CATCH cx_wd_context.
            READ TABLE lt_parameters INTO ls_parameter WITH KEY name = 'SAPSRM_BOTYPE'.
            lv_botype = ls_parameter-value.
            READ TABLE lt_parameters INTO ls_parameter WITH KEY name = 'SAPSRM_BOID'.
            lv_boid = ls_parameter-value.
    *         Obtain the object_id;
            SELECT SINGLE object_id INTO lv_object_id
             FROM crmd_orderadm_h
             WHERE guid EQ lv_boid.
    *         If not Z button, exits;
            IF lv_event_id(1) NE 'Z'. EXIT. ENDIF.
    *      Actions;
            CASE lv_event_id.
              WHEN 'ZBUTTON'.
              WHEN 'ZBUTTON2'.

  • Is there a command to Submit a form from a custom button?

    I am going to add a custom button to allow the user to click on the button to Print the form.  I have found the example code of how to do this.
    My question is as follows:
    Is there a command I can add to a custom button to Submit the form after it prints?
    I want the submit to be automatic after they print using my custom "Print" button on the form.
    Thanks so much,

    Here is who you would do this :
    1) Import your PDF in FormsCentral
    2) Save the Submission Enabled Form from the Distribute Tab
    3) Open the PDF in Acrobat XI
    4) File > Save a Copy...
    5) Open the copy in Acrobat XI
    6) Tools > Forms > Edit
    7) Find the Submit button on the form right click on it to show the properties dialog
    8) Go to the Actions Tab
    9) Select "Run a Javascript" and click on the "Edit" button
    10) Add the this.print() javascript line to the button's javascript
    11) Close the dialog with "OK"
    12) Close the property dialog with "Close"
    13) Click on "Close For Editing" (top right corner in Acrobat XI)
    14) File > Save as Other... > Reader Extended PDF > Enable More Tools (includes form fill-in & save)...
    15) Test your form (make sure it submits to FormsCentral without errors)
    Hope this helps

  • Adding a custom button in agile web client GUI.

    Is it possible to add a custom button in agile web client GUI?. Since i am totally new in the agile world, please provide some guidelines.

    Yes, there are ways to add buttons to the user interface. The solution depends on your use case. If you are wanting to add a button in the same area that you see other action buttons, like the Save or Edit buttons, then you can do by following the instructions in the Navigation Extensibility Guide. You can find this document in the Extensibility Pack documentation online. All the online documentation can be found at - select the Extensibility Pack and you'll find the Navigation Guide in there.

  • Custom dynamic action not firing

    Using Apex 4.2.2 on 11g
    I have a standard report A1
    There is a column link on report A1 which refreshes chart C1 using a custom dynamic action.
    The column link on report A1  has the URL set to  javascript:$.event.trigger('RefreshTrend_2', [{key_2:'#COL01#' }]);
    and there is a dynamic action D1 RefreshTrend_2 which sets the value of the chart filter P17_KEY_2 to the value of the javascript variable key_2 and then refreshes chart C1
    The dynamic action is custom with a type DOMObject of document and no condition
    This works fine but when I add another report/chart (report A2, chart C2)  combination with a similar dynamic action (D2), D2 is a copy of D1 with the values for the variables and chart region changed.
    The A2/C2 functionality works fine on its own, D2 gets fired when I click the column link, but not when there are 2 dynamic actions of custom/document on the page.
    This column link on A2 only fires the dynamic action D2 if dynamic action D2 has a higher sequence than D1 (if i move it above D1 in the list it will fire, but then D1 does not fire for the column link on A1
    Am I missing something?

    Here is my page source from the browser (i put in some blank lines here to separate the 3 dynamic actions)
    <script type="text/javascript">
    apex.da.initDaEventList = function(){
    apex.da.gEventList = [
    Only the first "document" dynamic action will fire, even though I fire them by name using
    javascript:$.event.trigger('RefreshTrend_1', [{key_1:'#COL01#' }]); from the column link.

  • InDesign Button Action for PDF – Open File (in new window)

    I am using the 'Open File' action on buttons in a document i am making which will eventually be a PDF, but am wanting to specify the button action to open the file (another PDF) in a new window.
    I have found that I can achieve this and add button actions with this specific behavior in Acrobat, but it seems to be missing in indesign's abilities as far as I can see. Is there a way to do this in indesign so that i do not have to tinker in acrobat after I have made my PDF. As if I have changes to the PDF, all buttons then have to be totally re-done each time, and i will have possibly 900 buttons!!
    (Using indesign CS4)

    You are correct. I want to have a DVD with multiple PDFs. The main one almost acting as a table of contents for the rest.
    Problem = the 'main one' is 62 pages long, many hundred buttons and every page has at least a few of these links needed.
    Which means, if you are correct (and I believe you are, hope you aren't) that I need to custom code these buttons in Acrobat.
    The method is easy, but x300 = painful. And then the kicker... Boss says, 'Change slide 30' ... which means: Back to InDesign, Export to PDF, Recode ALL BUTTONS.
    *Note, there are some 'interactive' buttons with roll over states. So I don't think replacing the pages would work.

  • Custom button to URL using target="_blank" RH9

    Ive got a custom button in my Navigation toolbar that links to a web site. I'd like the site to launch in a new tab/window, but I can't seem to use target="blank" when modifying the code in whskin_tbars.htm
    Does anyone have a JavaScript action that would do this, or is it not possible?
    It would be nice for the user not to lose the help when being sent to the site.

    Sorted it after a bit of looking around (my JavaScript knowledge is a bit limited!). If anyone needs to do this, enter the following in the OnClick field:'', '_blank');

  • Can Captivate 3 Support a Rollover and a Custom Button in the Same Area?

    I'm trying to create a functionality in a slide that includes both a custom button and a rollover text box.  I'd like both the button and the text box to occupy the same area and trigger off the same MouseOver action.
    I'm finding that only one or the other will trigger on the MouseOver.  It seems like only the top-most object (whether it is the button or the rollover text box) will trigger on the MouseOver.
    I've considered multiple workarounds, but each of them I've thought about tend not to fail for one reason or another.  Here's what I've considered so far:
    Create a rollover slidelet.
              *  I can't find a way to import a button into the rollover slidelet.  Also, I can't use a rollover image in the slidelet because I need the _down, _up, and _over states.
    Create a button with transparent properties outside the bounds of the actual button to include the rollover text.
              *  Since I have so many buttons in a row, there's no way to exclude certain portions of the button that might overlap the rest of the buttons.  Also, I don't want people to MouseOver where the text box might be to enable the button.
    Create a click to jump to the button.
              *  This sacrifices the true functionality of the simulation.
    Finally, I don't want to use any other program other than the Captivate series of programs to complete this action.  I know I can import an animation, but I currently can't support that as a solution.
    I'm guessing that I've reached a Captivate limitation.  However, I figured I'd give a last ditch effort to see if there's anything out there that might be a clever workaround I can't figure out.
    So, what do you all think?

    Hi again
    I would then surmise you find yourself upstream with no visible means of propulsion.
    Please consider submitting a Wish Form to ask for this capability to be considered in the next version. (Link is in my sig)
    I'm not sure how many folks would actually realize there are three states. The down state happens so briefly it's hardly noticeable.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

  • Custom Button in Sap Standard webdynpro Component

    Hi Friends,
    i have one requirement
    1. want to added one custom Button in SAP SRM standard webdynpro component - This is done using component configurator
    2. but when i click this button, one   Z webdynpro component should run,
    Can any one please give me  idea on this
    Thanks and Regards
    Kumar Srini

    copy below given code and paste inside of your on action method,
    Note: just change the url address
    data: l_window type ref to if_wd_window_manager.
    data: l_cmp_api type ref to if_wd_component.
    data: str             type stinrg.
    data: result        type if_wd_window.
    CALL METHOD cl_wd_utilities=>construct_wd_url
    application_name = 'ZWEBDYNPRO COMPONENT NAME'
    out_obsolute_url = str.
    l_cmp_api = wd_comp_controller->wd_get_api( ).
    l_window = l_cmp_api->get_window_manager ( ).
    result = l_window->create_external_window(
    url = str ).
    result->open( ).

  • Adding custom buttons to the Rich Text Editor in CQ

    I have added custom buttons to the rich text editor in order to allow our editors to add specific content, such as popovers, custom videos and other data necessary data.
    I have successfully modifed the Rich Text editor so, that it includes the custom buttons in the actions panel.
    I have also managed to make the buttons work and include the data where necessary, when user highlights the text and clicks on a certain button.
    The last bit I am struggling with, is the visual feedback we give to the users when this text has associated action with it.
    E.g. when we select this text and make it bold when we click on the word B the button B becomes highlighted in the actions panel, later when we continue typing our text and click again on "bold" the letter B becomes highlighted again.
    Is there any button related callback/method I could overwrite to add this functionality and make my button highlighted ?

    After lot's of thinking found a solution....
    Essentially the first step is to extend the CQ.form.rte.plugins.Plugin in your custom button.
    Then during the UI initialisation we create our "custom"
    var pressButton = new ui.TbElement("press-button", this, true,this.getTooltip("press-button")); // Essential extend of the button
    setInterval(function() {
                     if(window.jQuery) {
                         window.jQuery(document).ready(function () {
                             window.jQuery(".x-edit-glossary-insert").css({width:45,"background-image":"none"}); // Ignore the background
                             window.jQuery(".x-edit-glossary-insert").text("Press Button"); // Set the name
                                mouseenter: function(){
                                  window.jQuery(".x-edit-glossary-insert").html("<b>Press Button</b>"); // Set the name bold                        
                                mouseleave: function(){                       
                               window.jQuery(".x-edit-glossary-insert").html("Press Button"); // Set the name normal
                             }}, '.press-button');
                 }, 100);
    tbGenerator.addElement("press-button", plg.Plugin.SORT_LISTS, pressButton, 10); // element is inserted
    Every time the element is inserted I add the following html
    <span class="press-button">Test peter</span>
    Now, every time in the editor, the content editor mouse overs the custom button it is higlighted in the RTE))

  • Custom button to print

    Hello all,
    I created a custom button that I want to use to print the slide instead of the generic widget from Captivate. I thougt I would create a button that wouold have an advanced action that would execute a window.print() japavscript, but it wont print. I basically want what the Print widget does execpt on the cusomt button I made. Can someone please help. Thanks.
    I decided to use the Print widget that is already there, however, it prints really large. Is there a way to control the size of the print out or make it landscape?
    Thanks, again.

    Welcome to Adobe Forums.
    When you click on the button, does it bring up the Print Window ?

  • Custom button in FPM component

    Hello experts,
    In a requirement i want to add custom button in FPM_OIF_COMPONENT. For this i followed following steps -
    1. In SE80 transaction open FPM_OIF_COMPONENT
    2. Select the requisite component configuration.
    3. Start Configurator.
    4. In configuration, enter component name & configuration ID then select option 'Continue in Display mode'.
    5. In display mode, in 'Additional Functions', select 'Create customization' or if configuration already exists, then select 'Edit Configuration'.
    6. In toolbar schema, I added one toolbar element as 'Other Function' and set the properties as enabled checked and visibility as 'Is Visible'.
    7. Save.
    8. After this to control the action of the new button, i added the action 'ZACT' in 'CNR_VIEW' by enhancing the view.
    9. In SPRO->SRM->Cross application basic settings->Extensions & fieldcontrol->Assign actions, i assigned the action to set type and business object.
    10. Then in SPRO->SRM->Cross application basic settings->Extensions & fieldcontrol->Control Actions->Configure control on header level, I added PDO action type, BO type, PDO action enabled, dynamic class & method to control the button visibility.
    After doing all the steps above, when i open the required window in SRM portal, I am unable to view the custom button added.
    Please let me know where i am going wrong.

    Hi Yayayi,
    You need to refer FPM event id of the corresponding button but not action id. As you said you have given FPM_EVENT_ID as ZACT, write the code in process event of component controller of  your WDP component in which IF_FPM_UI_BUILDING_BLOCK interface has been re-implemented.
    But dont forget to follow the below steps shown in snapshot.
    Hope this helps you.

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