Custom Name Metadata? Download Path Settings?

Is there a way to use metadata in setting the custom name? I was hoping to be able to use a naming convention like \YYYY\MM-DD Descriptive Name.
I used a tool on my PC to this and I really prefer this format to all others.
I assume there must be a way to do this kind of thing using Bridge.

Thanks for the reply but I wasn't wanting to use slashes in the names literally. I was hoping to have a
folder created if needed for each of those portions of the file name. The result would be that the fully qualified name would be in the form of \YYYY\MM-DD Descriptive text\filename from camera. Some examples might result in this:
\2005\12-24 Christmas Eve\IMG2048.JPG
\2005\12-24 Christmas Eve\IMG2048.CR2
\2005\12-24 Christmas Eve\IMG2049.JPG
\2005\12-24 Christmas Eve\IMG2049.CR2
\2005\12-24 Christmas Eve\IMG2050.JPG
\2005\12-24 Christmas Eve\IMG2050.CR2
\2005\12-25 Christmas Morning\IMG2051.JPG
\2005\12-25 Christmas Morning\IMG2051.CR2
\2005\12-25 Christmas Morning\IMG2052.JPG
\2005\12-25 Christmas Morning\IMG2052.CR2
\2005\12-25 Christmas Morning\IMG2053.JPG
\2005\12-25 Christmas Morning\IMG2053.CR2
The end result is that the photos are naturally organized via their date. The software I use in Windows allows me to structure the target folder name with components from the photo's metadata and additional text provided by me in the form of a Job Code. The Job Code provides the descriptive text. The metadata provides the date details. Heck I even incorporate a bit of metadata from the photo that tells me the camera model so I can determine who took the photo. I know in our family who owns which camera models and then I parse that into and extra bit of text. So my fully qualified names look like this:
Dad Christmas Morning\IMG2051.JPG
Dad Christmas Morning\IMG2051.CR2
Jessie Christmas Morning\DSC2051.JPG
Jessie Christmas Morning\DSC2051.CR2
In each of these cases I knew that Dad used the Canon 20D or 50D while Jessie used the Panasonic S10.
As for the batch rename feature, this would be plausible on the files but as you can see, we don't rename the files. We create the folders the files are stored in with the metadata. In our home we shoot thousands of photos every year. In 2008 so far we have shot over 7,000 pictures. The have to be distributed into folders to be manageable.
Oh by the way, a second feature the tool I use in Windows has is it protects the files too. I does this in tow ways. First it allows me to set the files as read only. Second it allows me to copy the file to two locations one is the primary location on our network that we all use to view and manipulate the files. The other location is on an external hard disk. The external hard disk files are only visible by me and I only use them to restore files that may have been accidentally deleted or otherwise ruined.
As you can see this tool represents a significant part of my workflow. I try to use it under Parallels but , Parallels has difficulty with card readers an the nature of removable media. Plus I figure Adobe must have a similar capability seeing how powerful their tools are. Perhaps I am wrong in my expectations of Adobe in this regard.. I had assumed it was just my ignorance of the tool and that I could accomplish the same things with Adobe if I only sat down and learned the toolset.
BTW, the tool I am referring to is called Downloader Pro from Breeze Systems. It is a $29 tool just for downloading photos from cameras and cards to your computer. I have asked them to create a Mac version but they are not interested. They are a strictly Windows shop. :-(
PS. Please excuse any typos as I am replying during a brief wakening in the night and I cannot see as well as I might if I were more awake.

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  • [CS3 JS] Possible to Inspect Custom XMP Metadata With JavaScript?

    I am using custom XMP metadata in InCopy and InDesign docs in CS3 to hold custom metadata that can vary wildly. I know the full set of possible items but not what values will be in a particular document.
    Short of writing the XMP to a file and then processing that from my script, is there a way to inspect the custom properties from JavaScript. I didn't see a way to do it from the data model.

    Here is another script to catch MetaData, some more than the basic:
    // metaDataOfLinks.jsx
    //DESCRIPTION: Catches MetaData of linked images and creates a report at the DeskTop.
    // Martin Fischer 10/2008
    var myLinkXmpArray = ["author", "copyrightInfoURL", "copyrightNotice", "copyrightStatus   ", "creationDate", "creator", "description", "documentTitle", "format", "jobName", "keywords", "modificationDate", "serverURL"];
    var myIPTCArray = ["CiAdrCity", "CiAdrCtry", "CiAdrExtadr", "CiAdrPcode", "CiAdrRegion", "CiEmailWork", "CiTelWork", "City", "CiUrlWork", "CopyrightNotice", "Country", "CountryCode", "Creator", "CreatorContactInfo", "CreatorJobtitle", "DateCreated", "Description", "DescriptionWriter", "Headline", "Instructions", "IntellectualGenre", "JobID", "Keywords", "Location", "Provider", "Province-State", "RightsUsageTerms", "Scene", "Source", "SubjectCode", "Title"];
    var myPSArray = ["photoshop:AuthorsPosition", "photoshop:CaptionWriter", "photoshop:Category", "photoshop:City", "photoshop:Country", "photoshop:Credit", "photoshop:DateCreated", "photoshop:Headline", "photoshop:Instructions", "photoshop:Source", "photoshop:State", "photoshop:SupplementalCategories", "photoshop:TransmissionReference", "photoshop:Urgency"];//var myPSArray = ["photoshop:AuthorsPosition", "CaptionWriter", "Category", "City", "Country", "Credit", "DateCreated", "Headline", "Instructions", "Source", "State", "SupplementalCategories", "TransmissionReference", "Urgency"];
    var myTiffArray = ["tiff:ImageWidth", "tiff:ImageLength", "tiff:BitsPerSample", "tiff:Compression", "tiff:PhotometricInterpretation", "tiff:Orientation", "tiff:SamplesPerPixel", "tiff:PlanarConfiguration", "tiff:YCbCrSubSampling", "tiff:YCbCrPositioning", "tiff:XResolution", "tiff:YResolution", "tiff:ResolutionUnit", "tiff:TransferFunction", "tiff:WhitePoint", "tiff:PrimaryChromaticities", "tiff:YCbCrCoefficients", "tiff:ReferenceBlackWhite", "tiff:DateTime", "tiff:ImageDescription", "tiff:MakeProperName", "tiff:Model", "tiff:Software", "tiff:Artist", "tiff:Copyright"];
    var myExifArray = ["exif:ExifVersion", "exif:FlashpixVersion", "exif:ColorSpace", "exif:ComponentsConfiguration", "exif:CompressedBitsPerPixel", "exif:PixelXDimension", "exif:PixelYDimension", "exif:UserComment", "exif:RelatedSoundFile", "exif:DateTimeOriginal", "exif:DateTimeDigitized", "exif:ExposureTime", "exif:FNumber", "exif:ExposureProgram", "exif:SpectralSensitivity", "exif:ISOSpeedRatings", "exif:OECF", "exif:ShutterSpeedValue", "exif:ApertureValue", "exif:BrightnessValue", "exif:ExposureBiasValue", "exif:MaxApertureValue", "exif:SubjectDistance", "exif:MeteringMode", "exif:LightSource", "exif:Flash", "exif:FocalLength", "exif:SubjectArea", "exif:FlashEnergy", "exif:SpatialFrequencyResponse", "exif:FocalPlaneXResolution", "exif:FocalPlaneYResolution", "exif:FocalPlaneResolutionUnit", "exif:SubjectLocation", "exif:ExposureIndex", "exif:SensingMethod", "exif:FileSource", "exif:SceneType", "exif:CFAPattern", "exif:CustomRendered", "exif:ExposureMode", "exif:WhiteBalance", "exif:DigitalZoomRatio", "exif:FocalLengthIn35mmFilm", "exif:SceneCaptureType", "exif:GainControl", "exif:Contrast", "exif:Saturation", "exif:Sharpness", "exif:DeviceSettingDescription", "exif:SubjectDistanceRange", "exif:ImageUniqueID", "exif:GPSVersionID", "exif:GPSLatitude", "exif:GPSLongitude", "exif:GPSAltitudeRef", "exif:GPSAltitude", "exif:GPSTimeStamp", "exif:DateTimeOriginal,", "exif:DateTimeDigitized.", "exif:GPSTimeStamp", "exif:GPSSatellites", "exif:GPSStatus", "exif:GPSMeasureMode", "exif:GPSDOP", "exif:GPSSpeedRef", "exif:GPSSpeed", "exif:GPSTrackRef", "exif:GPSTrack", "exif:GPSImgDirectionRef", "exif:GPSImgDirection", "exif:GPSMapDatum", "exif:GPSDestLatitude", "exif:GPSDestLongitude", "exif:GPSDestBearingRef", "exif:GPSDestBearing", "exif:GPSDestDistanceRef", "exif:GPSDestDistance", "exif:GPSProcessingMethod", "exif:GPSAreaInformation"];
    var myCameraRawArray = ["crs:AutoBrightness", "crs:AutoContrast", "crs:AutoExposure", "crs:AutoShadows", "crs:BlueHue", "crs:BlueSaturation", "crs:Brightness", "crs:CameraProfile", "crs:ChromaticAberrationB", "crs:ChromaticAberrationR", "crs:ColorNoiseReduction", "crs:Contrast", "crs:CropTop", "crs:CropLeft", "crs:CropBottom", "crs:CropRight", "crs:CropAngle", "crs:CropWidth", "crs:CropHeight", "crs:CropUnits", "crs:Exposure", "crs:GreenHue", "crs:GreenSaturation", "crs:HasCrop", "crs:HasSettings", "crs:LuminanceSmoothing", "crs:RawFileName", "crs:RedHue", "crs:RedSaturation", "crs:Saturation", "crs:Shadows", "crs:ShadowTint", "crs:Sharpness", "crs:Temperature", "crs:Tint", "crs:ToneCurve", "crs:ToneCurveName", "crs:Version", "crs:VignetteAmount", "crs:VignetteMidpoint", "crs:WhiteBalance"];
    var myInfo = new Array;
    var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
    var myLinks = app.documents[0].links;
    for ( i = 0; i < myLinks.length; i++)
       getMetaData ( myLinks[i] );
    writeData ( 'Metadaten zu ' + + '\r-----------\r\r' + myInfo.join ( '\r\r'), File ('~/Desktop/Metadaten_' +$/, '') + '.txt'));
    // ===============================================================
    //                                  Funktionen
    // ===============================================================
    function getMetaData ( aLink )
       var myLinkXmp = /^\(\{/,'' ).replace (/\)\}$/,'').replace( /parent.+$/,'').replace(/:/g, ':\t').split( ', ');
       var myString =;
       myString += loopLinkXmp ( aLink, myLinkXmpArray );
       myString += loopArray ( aLink, "",  "Iptc4xmpCore:CreatorContactInfo/Iptc4xmpCore:",  myIPTCArray);
       myString += loopArray ( aLink, "",  "", myPSArray );
       myString += loopArray ( aLink, "", "", myTiffArray );
       myString += loopArray ( aLink, "", "", myExifArray );
       myString += loopArray ( aLink, "",  "", myCameraRawArray );
       myInfo.push( myString.replace( /, $/,'') );
    function loopArray( aLink, s1, s2, anArray )
       var temp = '\r\t--- ' + s1 + ' ---\r\t';
       for ( var a = 0; a < anArray.length; a++)
          try {
             var theEvalString = 'aLink.linkXmp.getProperty(\"' + s1 + '\", \"' + s2 + anArray[a] + '\")';
             var myCode = eval( theEvalString );
             if ( myCode != '' )
                temp += '[' + anArray[a] + ']\t' +  myCode + '\r\t'; 
          } catch (e){ //temp +=e + '\r'
       return temp;
    function loopLinkXmp( aLink, anArray )
       var temp = '\r\t--- LinkMetadata ---\r\t';
       for ( var a = 0; a < anArray.length; a++)
          try {
             var theEvalString = 'aLink.linkXmp.' + anArray[a] ;
             var myCode = eval( theEvalString );
             if ( myCode != '' )
                temp += '[' + anArray[a] + ']\t' +  myCode + '\r\t'; 
          } catch (e){ //temp +=e + '\r'
       return temp;
    function writeData ( aData, theFile ) ( 'w', 'Text', 'R*ch' );
       theFile.encoding = 'UTF-8';
       theFile.write ( aData );
       theFile.close ();
    Adobe XMP Developer Center:
    XMP Specification:
    Martin Fischer

  • Exporting/Sharing Custom XMP metadata schema not possible?

    I've written a Python script which automatically encodes Quicktime files which I've mastered out of Premiere Pro CC with embedded custom XMP metadata (created using "New Schema" in the Metadata Display panel). I'm using the embedded custom metadata to drive the Python script (e.g. "Spot Title", "Client Name", fields etc etc), which encodes the source QT file to several different formats, based on the delivery specifications of various local TV broadcasters which the encoded files will go to.
    Everything about the XMP metadata entry/writing/parsing is fantastic. My only hitch is in the exporting/sharing of the custom metadata schema which I created for this purpose. I would like to roll the schema out to the other editors in our facility, so that they can also enter the XMP metadata on their own systems when they export out master timelines from Premiere.
    But unless I'm missing something, I can't figure out a way to "share" or export my custom schema for use on another system. Is this not possible in Premiere Pro CC?

    There's no feature for exporting and importing custom schemas, but it's entirely doable. Here are the path to the custom schemas
    MAC: Macintosh HD ▸ Users ▸ <username> ▸ Library ▸ Application Support ▸ Adobe ▸ XMP ▸ Custom File Info Panels ▸ 4.0 ▸ custom
    WIN: C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\XMP\custom file info panels\4.0\panels [I can't vouch for this path as I'm on Mac at the moment and it's been ages since I poked around for custom schemas, but this should at least be the right neighborhood.]
    You might also be interested in sharing your custom metadata display profiles. They in Documents ▸ Adobe ▸ Premiere Pro ▸ 8.0 ▸ Profile-mapes ▸ Metadata Preferences.

  • AR aging report does not print alphabetically by customer name in 8.8

    AR aging report does not print alphabetically by customer name in version 8.8.
    It is possible to create a custom layout for the receivables aging summary report (to print alphabetically by BP name) to overcome this problem. However, itu2019s not possible for the u201Cdetailed receivables aging reportu201D or u201Ccustomer statement reportu201D.
    Why has SAP changed this functionality? In version 2007 SAP takes the order of the rows set on the screen unless other order is specified in the layout.
    How can we make the u201Cdetailed receivables aging reportu201D and u201Ccustomer statement reportu201D print alphabetically by customer name?
    Steps to reproduce:
    Business partners > Business partner reports > Aging > customer receivables aging
    Doubleclick on customer name to sort it in alphabetical order.
    Click on preview and select u201Creceivables aging summary reportu201D.
    The system layouts do not print by customer name in alphabetical order.
    Click on preview and select u201Cdetailed receivables aging reportu201D. The system layouts do not print by customer name in alphabetical order.
    Also, customer statement report does not print by customer name in alphabetical order.
    In SAP 2007 versions, when a marketing document or aging report is printed, SAP takes the order of the rows set on the screen unless other order is specified in the layout.
    In SAP 8.8 although it works the same way for marketing documents, it doesnu2019t work like this for Aging reports.
    I was able to change the order for the u201CReceivables Aging Summary Reportu201D only.  We cannot overwrite a System report, I had to create a new layout called:  u201CBusiness Partner Aging (Summary) (Alphabetically Sorted)u201D.
    I couldnu2019t set up the order based on BP Name for the other 2 options: Detailed Receivables Aging Report and Customer Statement Report (One page per Customer).
    Iu2019ve checked print settings and properties, and I donu2019t see any way of changing the default order for these reports.

    Reported it to SAP support + they plan to fix it in a future patch.

  • Standard Sales Analsis Report with Customer Name and Location

    Hi All,
    Can Anybody provide a custom query for the standard slaes Analysis report which includes Customer Name , Location columns in the Standerd Report. 

    Hi nick,
    See if anybody has worked on SIS (sales information system) in your team.
    He can help you out to create one info structure , by selecting desired characteristics, key figure with respective update rules. though its require lot of configuration but you can make it without abap development.
    (I couldn"t make it in time to provide you detailed configuration but below given path will take you to the configuration area )
    IMG - LG -Logistick information system -logistick data werhouse- data basis- field catalogue.
    IMG - LG -Logistick information system -logistick data werhouse- data basis -
    IMG - LG -Logistick information system -logistick data werhouse- data basis - updating - update defination & update rules.
    ( MC18, MC21, MC24,& MC30)this transaction help to create field catelogue, info system, update rule & generation log respectively.

  • Flat file connection: The file name "\server\share\path\file.txt" specified in the connection was not valid

    I'm trying to execute a SSIS package via SQL agent with a flat file source - however it fails with Code: 0xC001401E The file name "\server\share\path\file.txt" specified in the connection was not valid.
    It appears that the problem is with the rights of the user that's running the package (it's a proxy account). If I use a higher-privelege account (domain admin) to run the package it completes successfully. But this is not a long-term solution, and I can't
    see a reason why the user doesn't have rights to the file. The effective permissions of the file and parent folder both give the user full control. The user has full control over the share as well. The user can access the file (copy, etc) outside the SSIS
    Running the package manually via DTExec gives me the same error - I've tried 32 and 64bit versions with the same result. But running as a domain admin works correctly every time.
    I feel like I've been beating my head against a brick wall on this one... Is there some sort of magic permissions, file or otherwise, that are required to use a flat file target in an SSIS package?

    Hi Rossco150,
    I have tried to reproduce the issue in my test environment (Windows Server 2012 R2 + SQL Server 2008 R2), however, everything goes well with the permission settings as you mentioned. In my test, the permissions of the folders are set as follows:
    \\ServerName\Temp  --- Read
    \\ServerName\Temp\Source  --- No access
    \\ServerName\Temp\Source\Flat Files --- Full control
    I suspect that your permission settings on the folders are not absolutely as you said above. Could you double check the permission settings on each level of the folder hierarchy? In addition, check the “Execute as user” information from job history to make
    sure the job was running in the proxy security context indeed. Which version of SSIS are you using? If possible, I suggest that you install the latest Service Pack for you SQL Server or even install the latest CU patch. 
    Mike Yin
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

  • How Automate Dynamically Embedding Customer Names from a List into PDF Footer?

    After discovering that a PDF training workbook of mine has been widely copied (without authorization), I'd like to "personalize" future versions of this artifact with the customer/user name dynamically embedded in each PDF's footer.
    Based on your experience, what is the easiest, quickest & most economical way to: generate a set of PDFs (from a "Master") where each individual PDF is personalized with a user/customer name in the footer (e.g., "This document is licensed to {FRED BLOTZ} at {BIG COMPANY, Inc.}. Duplication or distribution is not authorized.").
    The desired workflow is:
    1. Create an MS-Excel Workbook with a list of all trainee (user) names.
    2. Open some type of "PDF Personalization" tool.
    3. Provide the path to the "Master PDF" to the tool.
    4. Provide the name of the customer (company) to the tool.
    5. Provide a path to the MS-Excel Workbook with list of individual's names.
    6. Provide a path to a folder where the tool should write the generated PDFs.
    7. Click a button ("Generate Personalized PDFs").
    Then...distribute individualized PDFs to trainees.
    Is there a tool out there somewhere which provides the desired solution?
    Thank you in advance for your experienced-based suggestions.
    Plane Wryter
    PS: While I fully appreciate the on-going discussions regarding the merits/lack-of-merits of DRM, etc...if you elect to reply to this request...please be so kind as to focus on the question as presented and avoid clambering onto a soapbox to "rant" about DRM...or suggest increasing the fee to the customer (a big firm that only pays "per-trainee" fees) to cover distribution. Thank you.

    go to database, show sql query. please paste the query in here it will be easier to help you
    if you cant seem to get it from there, go to database, database expert and edit the command file. (if that is the dataset you are using) copy and paste that.

  • Logical file name or logical path name incorrectly defined

    Dear All,
    We are doing archival in our IDES for test purpose before we do it to our Production.
    Steps Performed
    Copied AM_ASSET archive object to ZAM_ASSET
    Logical Path
      Logical path    ZAM_ASSET
      Name            Asset
      Syntax group    UNIX       Unix compatible
      Physical path   /archive/test/<FILENAME>
    Logical File Name
       Logical file    ZAMASSET
       Name            Asset
       Physical file   FI_<MONTH>_<DAY>.txt
       Data format     ASC
       Applicat.area   AM
       Logical path    ZAM_ASSET
    But when we run the WRITE though SARA , in the job log we get the following
    Logical file name or logical path name incorrectly defined
    When generating a file name for an archive file that is to be created, the system determined that the logical file name FIAA_ARCHIVE_DATA_FILE or the logical path name ARCHIVE_GLOBAL_PATH  was defined incorrectly.
    But we have maintained a Logical name  ZAMASSET , so we are unable to change the location of archived file and as well as the format.
    So is there any setting we need to maintain apart from the logical file name and logical file path.
    Suggestions are highly appreciated.
    Thanks in anticipation

    follow this steps :
    - transaction SARA
    - enter authorization objects, eg SD_VBAK
    - hit button CUSTOMIZING
    - Archiving Object-Specific Customizing: execute Technical Setting
    - field Logical File Name enter or select ARCHIVE_DATA_FILE
    - leave CONTENT REPOSITORY as blank if you are not using 3rd party for storing (eg. IBM Tivoli)
    - back to customizing
    - from Basis Customizing, execute : Cross-Client File Names/Paths
    - on Logical FIle Path Definition, highlight (select) ARCHIVE_GLOBAL_PATH on the right pane
    - double click on the Assignment of Physical Paths to Logical Path on the left pane
    - double click on OS used, eg. UNIX, define Physical Path where archive file (on WRITE process) will be stored
    - save changes made
    - double click Logical File Definition, Cross Client on the left pane
    - double click ARCHIVE_DATA_FILE on the right pane
    - make sure that logical path is already set to ARCHIVE_GLOBAL_PATH
    - save changes made
    this setting also can be done using transaction FILE
    we have experienced on this case using SAP standard archiving (SARA, SARI) and everything is fine with this setting above.
    hope it help you.
    Alfonsus Guritno

  • Custom Name Identifier format in Oracle Identity Federation (OIF)

    at the moment we're using OIF together with Oracle Access Manager (OAM) and everything works well.
    We're acting as both IdP and SP in the Federation for which we are using OIF.
    So far we're using the persistent name ID format as Subject ID in the assertions we're creating as IdP.
    Now we have the need to store a non-opaque value in the Subject ID, something like an uid for example, since the SP is requiring this for their back-end systems.
    With the X509 Subject format we're able to store a non-opaque value from the OID, however the SP wants the name ID format NOT to be of the X509 subject format, but something different.
    I intended to use the custom name ID format that is described in the OIF documentation (see this link:
    I followed every step and double checked that I configured everything correctly. What happens when I set the property "defaultnameidformat" to "custom", is that OIF is defaulting to the "persistent" name ID format when an assertion is created and not the "custom" name ID format.
    I checked if it also happens when I specify the X509 Subject format, but then it is correctly using the X509 subject name ID format as expected, so it seems I've configured everything like it should be. By the way, the same problem occurs for the "unspecified" name ID format.
    I found something interesting in the 10g Release 3 Patch Set 1 ( documentation for OIF (see link: At bug ID: 5725307, it says something about this feature (for both the unspecified and custom name ID format).
    Although the functionality is described in the documentation for OIF, it appears that this is not working. Is this correct?
    Do I need to apply the patch set?
    It's rather strange and confusing that this functionality seems to be added and documented in the first version, and seems to be added again in the patch set.
    Does anyone experienced the same problem?
    Also I would really have it confirmed that this is not working for OIF and IS working for OIF
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Thanks for your help Vinod,
    after applying the patch , everything is working as expected!

  • Customer/Vendor Code in Form Settings

    Hello everyone,
    I'm facing a strange problem. When I want to add an extra column (Customer/Vendor Code) using form settings in the list of A/R Invoices, the system is displaying Customer/Vendor name instead of the code. When I use the View System Information, the CardCode is displayed at the bottom of the screen. This is happening in all sales documents. I tested this issue in different versions (2007A, 8.8 and 8.81), but the same problem exists.
    Please any idea? Thank you.

    Hi Nadia.....
    At every Form Setting you find Restore Default Button at the bottom.
    Please press that button and then try to see the same you trying to see.......
    Hope this will solve your problem.........

  • Customer names with cyrylic characters are wrongly shown in Bex Analyser

    Customer names with Cyrillic characters are wrongly shown in Bex Analyser. The master data is correctly maintained and extracted\loaded by BW for these customer (Master Data object is correct). This might be a Bex Designer issue.
    Furthermore, it has nothing to do with the local settings, when copying the name of the customer to Bey Analyzer the name is correctly shown.

    We are facing the same problem with the turkish characters, Our system is BW 3.10 (3.30 Cont) and ECC 6.0. The turkish characters are displaying correctly at the table level, but not at the RSRT or the Bex level.
    The turkish characters are displaying correctly at the table, RSRT and Bex level if we load the same record from the Non-unicode Prod system to the Non-unicode BW Dev system, but if we load from the unicode QA system the same record is not displaying correctly.
    Has anybody got a solution for this issue

  • Custom form shows wrong path

    Custom form registered and worked successfully .
    echo $XXTIME2_TOP
    if we removed form from this path "$XXTIME2_TOP/forms/US/FORM_NAME" . then we found that form is not opening from applications and message that there's no form in this path is appear . which means form is detecting proper path .
    only issue related when we open the form and check "Help >> About Oracle Application" it shows form path " $FND_TOP" instead of"$CUSTOM_TOP"
    Any idea ?
    Thanks and Regards

    Current Form
    Form Application : Application Object Library
    Form Path : /u03/PROD/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/forms/US/XXTIMEATTENDANCE.fmx
    Form Version : 11.5.12
    Form Last Modified : $Date: 2003/12/19 11:02 $
    while errors are in :
    1- form path (gives fnd instead of my custom top),
    2- form version ,
    3- last modified
    Regards ,
    Waleed .

  • Add Customer Name to KE24

    Good morning, All
    User requirement to add customer name to the output of KE24. Customer number is already there. Could easily link to KNA1 to get NAME1. I'm hoping that there is an easy way to extend a structure or something to accomplish this but all my searches for such a solution have come up empty.

    Hi Chad
    Customer Name is available in all the reports... This is a std feature...
    Execute KE30 report in Classic Drilldown Option... Customer Name & Key is always available..
    After executing KE30 in Classic Drilldown Option,
    1. Drilldown on CUSTOMER
    2. Goto Menu Settings > Char Display and choose KEY/NAME or NAME/KEY
    If you Execute KE30 in "Object List" Option, then after execution - Change the layout and plug in the field "Customer Text"
    Ajay M

  • Format "shot date (yyy mm dd) + custom name"

    While creating subfolders with de advanced photo downloader from my camera i want to use the format "shot date (yyy mm dd) + custom name". This format seems not available in the Dutch version of the program. The format should be available as it seems in the "Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 - Classroom in a book".
    How to organize my format?

    If you have a string like 2008-12-15 and you want to interpret it as a date and format it as 12/15/2008, then you need two DateFormat objects.
    One to parse the String in the first format into a Date, -------> i could do this
    try {
              String begin_date = "2008-12-15";
              System.out.println("The begin date is :"+begin_date);
              DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
              Date d1 =  df.parse(begin_date);
              System.out.println("the Date value is d1 :"+d1);
    catch() {
    }Output is :The begin date is :2008-12-15
    the Date value is d1 :Mon Dec 15 00:00:00 EST 2008
    Pls help me with the second part :- ?????/
    and one to format that Date into a String in the second format. MM/dd/yyyy --- how to do this ..after i tried several times with different statements , i am asking this piece of code to achieve this

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