Custom Search iView - Portal Runtime Error when in role

I have created a custom Search iView based on a standard Search iView, but I have some problems with it.
When this iView is placed inside a page and in the role and when it is being used (eg. user clicks Search), Portal Runtime exception occurs.
Additional information: Exception during PageProcessorComponent.doContent()
When I display this iView in preview mode, everything is fine, there is no errors.
Also when this iView is being accessed through URLiView everything is fine too.
So I think perhaps the problem lies somewhere in the portalapp.xml of this search iview.
Here are the steps which I followed to create a custom search iView:
1. I've imported the following par file: and created a project.
2. The project name is:
2. I've modified propertyapp.xml file so that the "basicsearch" and "search" components have some additional properties.
3. I've exported a par ( and deployed it on the server.
4. I've created a search iView based on this par and put it inside a page and a role.
Maybe I'm missing something, maybe there are some additional steps which should be made, for example SecurityArea property in portalapp.xml file or something similar.
Help is very welcome cause I'm stuck with this.
The new properties are: HelpIViewPathToCall, "TagCloudIViewPathToCall, SearchIViewPath,KnowledgeBaseIndexes
Here is the portalapp.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--  edited with XML Spy v4.4 U ( by Andreas Gaupp (SAP Portals Europe GmbH) -->
<application name="">
    <property name="SharingReference" value=""/>
    <property name="ClassLoadingPolicy" value="transitive"/>
    <property name="DeploymentPolicy" value="6.0"/>
    <property name="Vendor" value=""/>
    <property name="SecurityArea" value="NetWeaver.KMC"/>
    <component name="actioninbox">
        <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
        <property name="SafetyLevel" value="low_safety"/>
        <property name="DisplayEntryAsLink" value="true">
          <property name="type" value="select[true,false]"/>
          <property name="description" value="ACTIONINBOX_DISPLAYENTRYASL"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Displays items as links to content or Details dialog box."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Display Items as Links"/>
        <property name="MaxEntryLength" value="30">
          <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
          <property name="description" value="ACTIONINBOX_MAXENTRYLENGTH"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Maximum number of characters to be displayed."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Maximum Item Length"/>
        <property name="AutoRefreshInterval" value="0">
          <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
          <property name="type" value="select[0,1,5,10,30,60]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMON_AUTO_REFRESH"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Time interval for automatic refresh; 0 means no auto refresh."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Auto Refresh Interval (minutes)"/>
        <property name="LinkTarget" value="DetailsScreen">
          <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
          <property name="type" value="select[DetailsScreen,ContentScreen]"/>
          <property name="description" value="ACTIONINBOX_LINKTARGET"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Define which screen opens when an item is clicked."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Defines which screen opens when a resource name is clicked"/>
        <property name="FilterPath" value="">
          <property name="description" value="ACTIONINBOX_FILTERPATH"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Only display notifications for items in this folder (including subfolders); Blank means notifications for items from all repositories."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Path to Folder to Be Notified about"/>
        <property name="MaxEntriesPerSection" value="3">
          <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
          <property name="description" value="ACTIONINBOX_MAXENTRIESPERSE"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Maximum number of notifications to be displayed in the initial screen (for example, 3 subscriptions, 3 pieces of feedback, etc.)."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Maximum Items per Section"/>
        <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=ActionInbox.xml&amp;StartPage=ActionInboxPage&amp;Validate=false">
          <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
          <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
    <component name="applog">
        <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
        <property name="SafetyLevel" value="high_safety"/>
        <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=AppLog.xml&amp;StartPage=AppLogPage&amp;Validate=false">
          <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
          <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
        <property name="DisplayHeader" value="false">
          <property name="type" value="select[false,true]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMON_DISPLAYHEADER"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Display iView Name within iView"/>
    <component name="websiteimport">
        <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
        <property name="SafetyLevel" value="high_safety"/>
        <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=WebSiteImport.xml&amp;StartPage=WebSiteImportPage&amp;Validate=false">
          <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
          <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
        <property name="DisplayHeader" value="false">
          <property name="type" value="select[false,true]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMON_DISPLAYHEADER"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Display iView Name within iView"/>
    <component name="businesscard">
        <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
        <property name="SafetyLevel" value="low_safety"/>
        <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=BusinessCard.xml&amp;StartPage=BusinessCardPage&amp;Validate=false">
          <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
          <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
    <component name="cachestatistics">
        <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <property name="SafetyLevel" value="high_safety"/>
        <property name="SortColumn" value="gets">
          <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
          <property name="type" value="select[gets,size,capacity,maximum,current,hits,added,ratio,removed]"/>
          <property name="description" value="CACHESTATISTICS_SORTCOLUMN"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Initially Sort by"/>
        <property name="AutoRefreshInterval" value="0">
          <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
          <property name="type" value="select[0,1,5,10,30,60]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMON_AUTO_REFRESH"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Time interval for automatic refresh; 0 means no auto refresh."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Auto Refresh Interval (minutes)"/>
        <property name="SortOrder" value="descending">
          <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
          <property name="type" value="select[descending,ascending]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMON_SORTORDER"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Sort Order"/>
        <property name="DisplayHeader" value="false">
          <property name="type" value="select[false,true]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMON_DISPLAYHEADER"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Display iView Name within iView"/>
        <property name="ShowInstructions" value="summary">
          <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
          <property name="type" value="select[summary,none]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMOM_SHOWINSTRUCTIONS"/>
          <property name="long_Description" value="LONG_COMMOM_SHOWINSTRUCTIONS"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Show Instructions"/>
        <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=CacheAdministration.xml&amp;StartPage=CacheAdministrationPage&amp;Validate=false">
          <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
          <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
        <property name="TableRows" value="10">
          <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
          <property name="description" value="CACHESTATISTICS_TABLEROWS"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Maximum Items per Page"/>
        <property name="Paddings" value="10px">
          <property name="description" value="NAVIGATION_PADDINGS"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Paddings in standalone case"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Paddings in standalone case"/>
    <component name="classificationinbox">
        <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
        <property name="SafetyLevel" value="medium_safety"/>
        <property name="CategoryPaths" value="">
          <property name="description" value="CLASSI_TAXONOMYPATHPRE"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Root category path for navigation in taxonomy tree"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Root Categories for Navigation"/>
        <property name="ListMode" value="ABSTRACT">
          <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
          <property name="type" value="select[SIMPLE,ABSTRACT] "/>
          <property name="description" value="CLASSIFICATIONI_LISTMODE"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="List Display Modus"/>
        <property name="TaxonomyPathPreselection" value="">
          <property name="description" value="CLASSI_CATEGORYPATH"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Path of taxonomy that should be displayed initially"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Path to be Initially Displayed Taxonomy"/>
        <property name="DocsPerPage" value="10">
          <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
          <property name="type" value="select[3,5,8,10,15,20]"/>
          <property name="description" value="CLASSI_DOCSPERPAGE"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Maximum number of documents to be displayed on each page"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Number of Documents per Page"/>
        <property name="DisplayHeader" value="false">
          <property name="type" value="select[false,true]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMON_DISPLAYHEADER"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Display iView Name within iView"/>
        <property name="ShowInstructions" value="summary">
          <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
          <property name="type" value="select[summary,none]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMOM_SHOWINSTRUCTIONS"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Display instructions on user interface."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Show Instructions"/>
        <property name="ThresholdMaximum" value="100">
          <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
          <property name="type" value="select[100,200,500,1000,2000,5000,10000,99999]"/>
          <property name="description" value="CLASSI_THRESHOLDMAX"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Maximum number of documents in classification inbox worklist."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Max. No. of Documents in Worklist"/>
        <property name="ThresholdMinimum" value="10">
          <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
          <property name="type" value="select[0,2,5,7,10,25]"/>
          <property name="description" value="CLASSI_THRESHOLDMIN"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Minimum number of documents per folder in 'Docs to Classify' selection list"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Min. No. of Documents per Folder in Docs to Classify"/>
        <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=TaxonomyAdmin.xml&amp;StartPage=ClassificationInboxPage&amp;Validate=false">
          <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
          <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
        <property name="Paddings" value="10px">
          <property name="description" value="NAVIGATION_PADDINGS"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Paddings in standalone case"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Paddings in standalone case"/>
    <component name="classificationviasearchresults">
        <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <property name="SafetyLevel" value="medium_safety"/>
        <property name="EnableSearchAction" value="false">
          <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
          <property name="type" value="select[true,false]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMON_ENABLESEARCHACTION"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Enable Selection of Search Method (linguistic/fuzzy /exact)."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Enable Selection of Search Action in SearchResult List"/>
        <property name="DisplayHeader" value="false">
          <property name="type" value="select[false,true]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMON_DISPLAYHEADER"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Display iView Name within iView"/>
        <property name="ShowInstructions" value="summary">
          <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
          <property name="type" value="select[summary,none]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMOM_SHOWINSTRUCTIONS"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Display instructions on user interface."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Show Instructions"/>
        <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=TaxonomyAdmin.xml&amp;StartPage=TrainTaxonomyPage&amp;Validate=false">
          <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
          <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
        <property name="SearchPluginName" value="TaxTrainerSearch">
          <property name="description" value="SEARCH_PLUGINNAME"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Search dialog box options set defined in configuration  "/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Search Options Set"/>
        <property name="path" value="/taxonomies">
          <property name="description" value="CLASSIFICATIONV_PATH"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Path to Taxonomy Folder"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Path to Taxonomy Folder"/>
        <property name="OverwriteConfig" value="false">
          <property name="type" value="select[true,false]"/>
          <property name="description" value="SEARCH_OVERWRITE_CONFIG"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Overrule Search Configuration"/>
    <component name="crawlermonitor">
        <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
        <property name="SafetyLevel" value="high_safety"/>
        <property name="AutoRefreshInterval" value="0">
          <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
          <property name="type" value="select[0,1,5,10,30,60]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMON_AUTO_REFRESH"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Time interval for automatic refresh; 0 means no auto refresh."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Auto Refresh Interval (minutes)"/>
        <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=CrawlerAdministration.xml&amp;StartPage=CrawlerAdministrationPage&amp;Validate=false">
          <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
          <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
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          <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
          <property name="type" value="select[summary,none]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMOM_SHOWINSTRUCTIONS"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Display instructions on user interface."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Show Instructions"/>
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          <property name="description" value="NAVIGATION_PADDINGS"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Paddings in standalone case"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Paddings in standalone case"/>
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        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
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          <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
          <property name="type" value="select[0,1,5,10,30,60]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMON_AUTO_REFRESH"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Time interval for automatic refresh; 0 means no auto refresh."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Auto Refresh Interval (minutes)"/>
        <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=XCrawlerMonitor.xml&amp;StartPage=XCrawlerMonitorPage&amp;Validate=false">
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          <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
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          <property name="type" value="select[summary,none]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMOM_SHOWINSTRUCTIONS"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Display instructions on user interface."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Show Instructions"/>
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        <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
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          <property name="type" value="select[0,1,5,10,30,60]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMON_AUTO_REFRESH"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Time interval for automatic refresh; 0 means no auto refresh."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Auto Refresh Interval (minutes)"/>
        <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=XCrawlerDetails.xml&amp;StartPage=CrawlerThreadDetailsPage&amp;Validate=false">
          <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
          <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
        <property name="ShowInstructions" value="summary">
          <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
          <property name="type" value="select[summary,none]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMOM_SHOWINSTRUCTIONS"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Display instructions on user interface."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Show Instructions"/>
    <component name="crawlerindexmonitor">
        <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
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        <property name="AutoRefreshInterval" value="0">
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          <property name="type" value="select[0,1,5,10,30,60]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMON_AUTO_REFRESH"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Time interval for automatic refresh; 0 means no auto refresh."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Auto Refresh Interval (minutes)"/>
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          <property name="type" value="select[summary,none]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMOM_SHOWINSTRUCTIONS"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Display instructions on user interface."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Show Instructions"/>
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        <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
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        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
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        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
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          <property name="plainDescription" value="Show Instructions"/>
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        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
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          <property name="plainDescription" value="Path to the object the discussion is related to"/>
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        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
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          <property name="description" value="DOCS_PATH"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Path to the document to be displayed in iView."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Path to Document"/>
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          <property name="validvalues" value="7/(*,*,*)"/>
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        <property name="path" value="">
          <property name="description" value="DOCS_PATH"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Path to the document to be displayed in iView."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Path to Document"/>
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          <property name="validvalues" value="7/(*,*,*)"/>
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        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
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          <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
        <property name="ShowInstructions" value="summary">
          <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
          <property name="type" value="select[summary,none]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMOM_SHOWINSTRUCTIONS"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Display instructions on user interface."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Show Instructions"/>
    <component name="highlightedcontent">
        <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
        <property name="SafetyLevel" value="low_safety"/>
        <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=HighlightedContent.xml&amp;StartPage=HighlightedContentPage&amp;Validate=false">
          <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
          <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
    <component name="ice-subscriber">
        <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
        <property name="SafetyLevel" value="medium_safety"/>
        <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=ICEConfig.xml&amp;StartPage=SubscriberProperties&amp;Validate=false">
          <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
          <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
        <property name="DisplayHeader" value="true">
          <property name="type" value="select[false,true]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMON_DISPLAYHEADER"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Display Title within iView"/>
    <component name="ice-subscriber-syndicators">
        <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
        <property name="SafetyLevel" value="medium_safety"/>
        <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=ICEConfig.xml&amp;StartPage=SubscriberSyndicators&amp;Validate=false">
          <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
          <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
        <property name="DisplayHeader" value="true">
          <property name="type" value="select[false,true]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMON_DISPLAYHEADER"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Display Title within iView"/>
    <component name="ice-syndicator">
        <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
        <property name="SafetyLevel" value="medium_safety"/>
        <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=ICEConfig.xml&amp;StartPage=SyndicatorProperties&amp;Validate=false">
          <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
          <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
        <property name="DisplayHeader" value="true">
          <property name="type" value="select[false,true]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMON_DISPLAYHEADER"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Display Title within iView"/>
    <component name="ice-syndicator-offers">
        <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
        <property name="SafetyLevel" value="medium_safety"/>
        <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=ICEConfig.xml&amp;StartPage=SyndicatorOffers&amp;Validate=false">
          <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
          <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
        <property name="DisplayHeader" value="true">
          <property name="type" value="select[false,true]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMON_DISPLAYHEADER"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Display Title within iView"/>
    <component name="ice-syndicator-subscribers">
        <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
        <property name="SafetyLevel" value="medium_safety"/>
        <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=ICEConfig.xml&amp;StartPage=SyndicatorSubscribers&amp;Validate=false">
          <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
          <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
        <property name="DisplayHeader" value="true">
          <property name="type" value="select[false,true]"/>
          <property name="description" value="COMMON_DISPLAYHEADER"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Display Title within iView"/>
    <component name="ice">
        <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ICEServletProxy"/>
        <property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/>
        <property name="SafetyLevel" value="low_safety"/>
        <property name="path" value=""/>
        <property name="AuthScheme" value="basicauthentication"/>
    <component name="ice-debug">
        <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ICEDebugServletProxy"/>
        <property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/>
        <property name="SafetyLevel" value="low_safety"/>
        <property name="path" value=""/>
        <property name="AuthScheme" value="basicauthentication"/>
    <component name="metadatadownload">
        <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.MetaDataDownloadServletProxy"/>
        <property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/>
        <property name="SafetyLevel" value="high_safety"/>
    <component name="indexadmin">
        <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
        <property name="SafetyLevel" value="high_safety"/>
        <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=IndexAdmin.xml&amp;StartPage=IndexAdministrationPage&amp;Validate=false">
          <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
          <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
        <property name="EnableDisplayNames" value="">
          <property name="description" value="INDEXADMIN_ENABLEDISPLAYNA"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Determine whether display names or IDs are displayed in list of assigned data sources."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Show Names rather than IDs"/>
    <component name="indexlog">
        <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
        <property name="SafetyLevel" value="medium_safety"/>
        <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=IndexLog.xml&amp;StartPage=IndexLogPage&amp;Validate=false">
          <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
          <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
    <component name="navigation">
        <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
        <property name="SafetyLevel" value="low_safety"/>
        <property name="StartUri" value="">
          <property name="description" value="BROWSE_STARTURI"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Path to first folder of breadcrumb; Blank means the entire breadcrumb from /root is displayed."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Path to Root Folder for Navigation"/>
        <property name="layoutSetMode" value="exclusive">
          <property name="type" value="select[exclusive,as default,force]"/>
          <property name="description" value="NAVIGATION_LAYOUTSETMODE"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Determine the priority of settings; Exclusive means that the iView settings override any existing OTH settings."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Layout Set Mode"/>
        <property name="rndLayoutSet" value="">
          <property name="description" value="NAVIGATION_LAYOUTSET"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Determine appearance of user interface and available commands."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Layout Set"/>
        <property name="rndRootLayoutSet" value="">
          <property name="description" value="NAV_LAYOUTSET_ROOT"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Determine appearance of user interface and available commands for the root collection."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Layout Set for Root Collection"/>
        <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=Navigation.xml&amp;StartPage=NavigationPage&amp;Validate=false">
          <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
          <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
        <property name="XFProjectPath" value="">
          <property name="description" value="NAVIGATION_XFPROJECTPATH"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Path to the folder where project-specific items (e.g. images) for XML forms are to be stored. Overrides the project path set in the XML Forms Builder project options."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="XML Forms Project Path"/>
        <property name="path" value="/documents">
          <property name="description" value="BROWSE_PATH"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Path to folder to be displayed initially when iView is loaded."/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Path to Initially Displayed Folder"/>
        <property name="Paddings" value="10px">
          <property name="description" value="NAVIGATION_PADDINGS"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Paddings in standalone case"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Paddings in standalone case"/>
    <component name="basicsearch">
        <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
        <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
        <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
        <property name="SafetyLevel" value="low_safety"/>
        <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=Navigation.xml&amp;StartPage=SearchPage&amp;Validate=false&amp;layoutSetMode=exclusive">
          <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
        <property name="SearchPluginName" value="">
          <property name="description" value="SEARCH_PLUGINNAME"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Search dialog box options set defined in configuration  "/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Search Options Set"/>
        <property name="SearchCompsName" value="">
          <property name="description" value="SEARCH_COMPSNAME"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Search dialog box component set defined in configuration"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Search Component Set"/>
        <property name="OverwriteConfig" value="false">
          <property name="type" value="select[true,false]"/>
          <property name="description" value="SEARCH_OVERWRITE_CONFIG"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Overwrite predefined configuration with specified parameters"/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Overrule Search Configuration"/>
        <property name="rndLayoutSet" value="">
          <property name="description" value="SEARCH_LAYOUT_SET"/>
          <property name="longDescription" value="Layout set for search result list display "/>
          <property name="plainDescription" value="Search Result Layout Set"/>
        <property name="ResourceListType

I've also noticed that the same thing happens when I create search iView based on portal component - basicsearch.
Here's the exception:[PRT-Async 2,5,PRT-Async]##0#0#Error##Plain###Exception ID = c00956aa-d58a-2a10-0ea1-e22f57d2ce92 com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentException: Exception during PageProcessorComponent.doContent()
        at com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent.doContent(
        at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.serviceDeprecated(
        at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.service(
        at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
        at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
        at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.async.AsyncIncludeRunnable$1$
        at Method)
        at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$
Caused by: null (java.lang.NullPointerException)
        at com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.KMControllerDynPage.doProcessBeforeOutput(
        ... 11 more
Message was edited by:
        Ladislav Pomezny

Similar Messages

  • Portal runtime error when trying to create new Iviews in EP

    Require an Urgent help
    getting portal runtime error when trying to create a new iView in portal. I am unable to create a single iView  in portal.
    It was working before please see this error message
      Portal Runtime Error
    An exception occurred while processing a request for :
    iView :
    Component Name :
    Error occurs during the rendering of jsp component.
    Exception id: 05:20_12/01/08_0004_17115850
    See the details for the exception ID in the log file
    AM Iworking on NW2004s sp11. I was able to create iViews on this system before
    let me know where to check the log file also. Points will be awarded
    Thank you
    Krishna Kanth
    Edited by: siddi siddi on Jan 13, 2008 12:05 AM

    Krishna Kanth,
    logs can be read from nwa, if you hv the relevant access or get portal admin to pass the defaulttrace file to you. Login to nwa, navigate to Monitoring-Logs and traces and select (either default trace or last 24hrs) to view the logs. hope this helps

  • Portal Runtime Error when excecuting a published iview

    I have an issue concerning the iviews published by the BEx 7.0 to the Portal. I get a Portal Runtime Error when I execute them on the portal.
    The log on J2EE server is:
    Exception in SAP Application Integrator occured: Unable to parse template &\#39;&lt;System.scheme&gt;://&lt;System.servername&gt;:&lt;System.serverport&gt;&lt;BWLauncherComponent[PORTAL_URL]&gt;;jsessionid=&lt;Request.JSessionID&gt;?sap-bw-iViewID=&lt;FPN.PCDHomeLocation[url_ENCODE]&gt;&amp;sap-ext-sid=&lt;ESID[url_ENCODE]&gt;&amp;sap-pp-producerid=&lt;producerID&gt;&amp;sap-pp-consumerBaseURL=&lt;Request.BaseURL[url_ENCODE]&gt;&amp;theme=&lt;LAF.Theme[url_ENCODE]&gt;&amp;sap-lafversions=&lt;LAF.AllVersions[url_ENCODE]&gt;&amp;&lt;BusinessParameters&gt;&\#39;; the problem occured at position 138. Cannot process expression &lt;FPN.PCDHomeLocation&gt;
    My support package levels are:
    SAP_ABA     700     0013     SAPKA70013
    SAP_BASIS     700     0013     SAPKB70013
    PI_BASIS     2006_1_700     0002     SAPKIPYM02
    ST-PI     2005_1_700     0005     SAPKITLQI5
    SAP_BW     700     0015     SAPKW70015
    BI_CONT     703     0008     SAPKIBIIP8
    ST-A/PI     01J_BCO700     0000          -
    Any ideas ?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Erik,
    When we confure system at portal under system admin tab, we wil have a dropdown to display
    the system object properties i.e. system alias,test conections ,permissions and delta link tracer.
    Here we will find option to add system alias.
    And Cache admin will be present at Aministrator level.Ask ur basis to do this.
    I m talking in perspective of EP7.0 SP 11.
    Hope this helps.

  • Portal runtime error when using lightweight page

    hello everyone,
    i had portal runtime error when i changed from default framework page to lightweight page, the DTN istn't shown,(TLN is all right)  and in DTN section stay an exception message.
    i checked the log:
    #1#com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentException: Error in service call of Resource
    Component : pcd:portal_content/mxf/mxfDeskTop/frameworkPages/lightframeworkpage/
    Component class :
    User : mxf
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.handlePortalComponentException(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.async.AsyncPortalComponentResponse.include(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.serviceDeprecated(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.service(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.async.AsyncIncludeRunnable$1$
         at Method)
         at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$
    Caused by: com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentException: Original exception:
         at pagelet._sapportalsjsp_LightDetailedNavigationTree.doContent(
         at pagelet._sapportalsjsp_LightDetailedNavigationTree.service(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         ... 13 more
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
         at com.sapportals.portal.navigation.NavigationEventsHelperService.isPortalPlaceNode(
         at com.sapportals.portal.navigation.taglibrary.conditionals.IfNavNodeIsNavZoom.doStartTag(
         at pagelet._sapportalsjsp_LightDetailedNavigationTree.subDoContent(
         at pagelet._sapportalsjsp_LightDetailedNavigationTree.doContent(
         ... 17 more
    #1.5[PRT-Async 9,5,PRT-Async]##0#0#Error##Java###01:16_19/02/08_0035_2732250
         at com.sapportals.portal.navigation.NavigationEventsHelperService.isPortalPlaceNode(
         at com.sapportals.portal.navigation.taglibrary.conditionals.IfNavNodeIsNavZoom.doStartTag(
         at pagelet._sapportalsjsp_LightDetailedNavigationTree.subDoContent(
         at pagelet._sapportalsjsp_LightDetailedNavigationTree.doContent(
         at pagelet._sapportalsjsp_LightDetailedNavigationTree.service(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.async.AsyncPortalComponentResponse.include(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.serviceDeprecated(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.service(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.async.AsyncIncludeRunnable$1$
         at Method)
         at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$
    i didn't have any own jsp files for it. My program works well under standard framework. Must i in portalapp.xml sth. insert?
    get any ideals?
    Thanks in advance!
    best regards!

    This looks to be a quite complicated problem, and I would recommend you create a support message (OSS) against SAP on the problem.
    It appears a navigation taglib fails, but it doesn't give much details on why.

  • Portal Runtime Error when trying to preview an iView

    Hi All,
                  I am getting the following exception when I am trying to preview an iView (created from a par file I did some settings like rt_Parameter )
    Portal Runtime Error
    An exception occurred while processing your request
    Exception id: 02:06_26/09/08_1612_8553150
    See the details for the exception ID in the log file.
    Can some one point me the location of the log file where I can view for the details of the exception and possibly can some one help the cause of the exception.

    you can use the SOAP Log viewer in the EP perspective you can find this icon at the bottom right image with specs click this trace fiel will open in the browser.
    In opened file search the defaulttrace file with the smallest size and go for filter with the value 1 for the current day. and search based on the error id.
    if you have administrator id/pwd then type:-
    in that you can find moniter->log file....
    in this use can search based on the error id.
    Hope this may help you.

  • Two iView(out of three) give Portal runtime error when refresh MSS-UWL Page

    Hi All,
    i am getting the Portal runtime exception in the MSS->Work Overview ->2nd and 3rd iView on this page.
    First iView is the UWL-Task 2)Attendance Overview and 3) Work Orders
    When i refresh this page "refresh" from pae level refresh. i am getting the below error on 2nd and 3rd iView. Last 2 iView is not displaying.
    Portal Runtime Error
    An exception occurred while processing your request
    Exception id: 02:02_12/01/09_0039_38688450
    See the details for the exception ID in the log file.
    i have tryed to search the log also in the default trace but can not find any log with this exception ID.
    Please suggest me on this ?
    thanks in advance!
    Narpal S Sihag

    I have also a problem like this (error 09_0006_808022650)
    Can you describe your scenario ?
    My scenario is
    - Portal MDM connection OK and working tasks in MDM
    - new UWL System (connector type : MdmUwlConnector)
    - new config file (XML)
    - dedicated Role and dedicated iView (copy of standard UWL iView)
    - clearing cache
    Test : No working Tasks in UWL
    - restarting portail application
    Test : No working Tasks in UWL
    - running wizard (System Admin, system config, UWL customize IView)
    - new field "TEST" to iView
    - portail create the
    Test : No working Tasks in UWL
    Test : standard UWL crashes with error 09_0006_808022650
    After what, we try roolback, removing XML config, connection, dedicated iView, ...
    Still crashing with error 09_0006_808022650
    Now our developpemnt system don't work for UWL ... (using UWL with ECC connection and was OK for ECC)
    Questions : is your scenario similar to this one ? Is anyone can help us ?
    My best thanks

  • Portal Runtime Error when creating a new iView

    Hi, all.
      Our env is like the following.
      EP 2004s(7.0) SPS07
      From the Content Administration, when we try to create new iView, we
    sometimes(these days frequently!) got the following error.
    Portal Runtime Error
    An exception occurred while processing a request for :
    iView : N/A
    Component Name : N/A
    The exception was logged. Inform your system administrator..
    Exception id: 09:51_16/05/06_0062_9690550
    See the details for the exception ID in the log file
    And the detail in the defaultTrace.trc says like the following.
    Exception ID:09:51_16/05/06_0062_9690550
    com.sapportals.portal.prt.runtime.PortalRuntimeException: PortalRuntimeException
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.handleRequestException(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.runRequestCycle(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.connection.ServletConnection.handleRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.dispatcher.Dispatcher$
         at Method)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.dispatcher.Dispatcher.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.sapportals.appdesigner.appdesignerfw.TabContentComponent.doOnNodeReady(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.handleEvent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.pom.ComponentNode.handleEvent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.pom.PortalNode.fireEventOnNode(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.pom.AbstractNode.addChildNode(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.runRequestCycle(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.connection.ServletConnection.handleRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.dispatcher.Dispatcher$
         at Method)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.dispatcher.Dispatcher.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    Does anyone have any idea or advice?
    Best Regards.

    Does this happen for only specific users? Or is it global and apparent for all users?

  • Gettin a portal runtime error when adding iviews in web page composer

    we are getting the Following error when we try to add a iview in page builder .we have done the configurations as per the documentation (( will appreciate any help on this issue .
    Portal Runtime Error
    An exception occurred while processing your request
    Exception id: 08:09_31/10/07_0015_15308650
    See the details for the exception ID in the log file.
    #1.5[PRT-Async 2,5,PRT-Async]##0#0#Error##Java###08:09_31/10/07_0015_15308650
    #1#com.sapportals.portal.prt.runtime.PortalRuntimeException: Can&\#39;t read the prameter &\#39;siteString&\#39; from the PCD.
         at com.sapportals.portal.httpconnectivity.urliviews.runtime.URLIView.checkPCDVal(
         at com.sapportals.portal.httpconnectivity.urliviews.runtime.URLIView.readFromPCD(
         at com.sapportals.portal.httpconnectivity.urliviews.runtime.URLIView.doContent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.service(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.async.AsyncPortalComponentResponse.include(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.async.AsyncPortalComponentResponse.include(
         at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor362.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.service(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.CachablePortalComponent.service(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.async.AsyncIncludeRunnable$1$
         at Method)
         at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$

    Dear Prabash Balsuriya,
    I got similar issue while adding iView to WPC during public, can you elaborate how you solve this issue?

  • Portal Runtime Error When Previewing the BI Report iViews

    Hi Experts,
    I hope this is the right place for my issue. I have an issue previewing the BI reports that I have created as the iViews and have put them in the portal. I am able to preview them in the BW/BI server successfully. Then I have created them in another server and got the portal runtime error. There are 2 different servers that I am working on, and there is no single sign on support on these servers.
    Portal Runtime Error
    An exception occurred while processing your request
    Exception id: 10:21_29/06/09_0049_44107950
    See the details for the exception ID in the log file.
    I check the permission, and everything has been set up as the BW/BI server (Built-in Group Everyone). I still got the portal runtime error. There is another folder of BI report iViews that someone else has created before. When I preview it, it prompts me with the NetWeaver Log in page. Then it opens the BI report iView properly. Unfortunately, it will not prompt the log in page on my own BI report iViews that I have created. Instead, it shows the portal runtime error page. Any ideas how can I solve this?
    Edited by: Don P. on Jun 29, 2009 5:06 PM

    Never mind! I solved it myself.

  • Portal Runtime Error when previewing iViews from BP for CRM 4.0 (60.2)

    We have imported Business Package for CRM 4.0 (60.2) into EP 6.0 (Version: according to the installation guide(InstGuide_EN_CRM40_502.pdf). We have also defined SAP_CRM and SAP_R3 Systems in  Portal System Landscape Editor. And we have also set the permissions for the user with which we are logged in on the "Portal Content->Migrated Content->EP 5.0" folder with "Read" permission and checked the "End User" option.
    Now when we do a test preview for "Portal Content->Migrated Content->EP 5.0->iViews->SAP CRM 4.0: Sales->Activities" iView in PCD i get Portal Runtime Error in a new window with following information:
    <b>Portal Runtime Error
    An exception occurred while processing a request for :
    iView :
    Component Name :
    Error occurs during the rendering of jsp component.
    Exception id: 08:40_22/01/07_0001_6052850
    See the details for the exception ID in the log file
    We get this similar message for few other iViews as well. Following is the details from the log file for this exception ID:
    <b>###Exception ID:08:40_22/01/07_0001_6052850
    #1#com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentException: Error in service call of Resource
    Component :
    Component class : com.sapportals.portal.sapapplication.SAPApplicationIntegratorComponent
    User : <USER_ID>
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.handlePortalComponentException(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractComponentResponse.include(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentResponse.include(
         at com.sapportals.portal.appintegrator.Utils.includeJSP(
         at com.sapportals.portal.appintegrator.layer.HTTPRenderLayer.render(
         at com.sapportals.portal.appintegrator.LayerProcessor.processContentPass(
         at com.sapportals.portal.appintegrator.AbstractIntegratorComponent.doContent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.serviceDeprecated(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.service(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentResponse.include(
         at com.sapportals.portal.sapapplication.bwc.AbstractBWCComponent.doContent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.serviceDeprecated(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.service(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentResponse.include(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.pom.PortalNode.service(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.runRequestCycle(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.connection.ServletConnection.handleRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.dispatcher.Dispatcher$
         at Method)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.dispatcher.Dispatcher.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at Method)
    Caused by: com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentException: Error occurs during the compilation of java generated from the jsp
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.servlets_jsp.server.jsp.JSPCompiler.compile(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         ... 46 more
    Caused by: com.sapportals.portal.prt.servlets_jsp.server.compiler.CompilingException: Error occurs during the rendering of jsp component
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.servlets_jsp.server.jsp.JSPParser.parse(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.servlets_jsp.server.jsp.JSPCompiler.compile(
         ... 52 more
    Why am i getting this error page and how to resolve this? Please help. Thanks.

    I am facing one more problem now. I tried to create a new user in Portal and when i try to login with this new account i get following error message:
    <b>Portal Runtime Error
    An exception occurred while processing a request for :
    iView :
    Component Name :
    Error occurs during the rendering of jsp component.
    Exception id: 10:04_22/01/07_0010_6052850
    See the details for the exception ID in the log file</b>
    Following is the error message snippet from the log file for this exception ID:
    ###Exception ID:10:04_22/01/07_0010_6052850
    #1#com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentException: Error in service call of Resource
    Component :
    Component class : com.sapportals.portal.ume.component.logon.SAPMLogonComponent
    User : J2EE_GUEST
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.handlePortalComponentException(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractComponentResponse.include(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentResponse.include(
         at com.sapportals.portal.ume.component.logon.SAPMLogonComponent.doContent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.serviceDeprecated(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.service(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentResponse.include(
         at com.sapportals.portal.ume.component.logon.SAPMLogonCertComponent.doContent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.serviceDeprecated(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.service(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentResponse.include(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.pom.PortalNode.service(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.runRequestCycle(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.connection.ServletConnection.handleRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.dispatcher.Dispatcher$
         at Method)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.dispatcher.Dispatcher.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at Method)
    Caused by: com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentException: Error occurs during the compilation of java generated from the jsp
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.servlets_jsp.server.jsp.JSPCompiler.compile(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         ... 49 more
    Caused by: com.sapportals.portal.prt.servlets_jsp.server.compiler.CompilingException: Error occurs during the rendering of jsp component
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.servlets_jsp.server.jsp.JSPParser.parse(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.servlets_jsp.server.jsp.JSPCompiler.compile(
         ... 55 more</b>
    Though i am still able to login with any of my old accounts, but not with the newly created ones. I thought this might have been because of the new roles that i assigned, but i see the above error message even when i haven't assigned any role. How do i get rid of this one now?
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Erecuitment- Webdynpro - Portal Runtime Error When Clicked On Page Or Iview

    Hi Guys,
    I am getting error for every link on recruiter tab in portal as below: 
    Portal runtime error.
    An exception occurred while processing your request. Send the exception ID to your portal administrator.
    Exception ID: 02:52_07/11/09_0292_3408050
    Refer to the log file for details about this exception.
    We are on EPH4 with web dynpro ABAP.
    Any clues?

    Hi Ron,
    basically there can be 2 different reasons.
    If there is something wrong with the portal settings / connection to e-recruiting you will probably need your portal guys to have it checked.
    While the portal guys are checking the connection you should check if there is anything with the e-recruiting server. As a first step log on to the backend and check TCode SLG1 for any error entries. Perhaps it is something very basic like a missing candidate for your user you have to create using report RCF_CREATE_USER so you can solve on your own. If you encounter a message you cannot handle on your own, just post it again here, we will probably able to offer some guidance. In addition to checking SLG1 having a look into SM21 and ST22 can be always useful.
    Best Regards

  • Portal Runtime Error when opening Webflow workitem in UWL

    I have recently configured the UWL to pick up workitems from SAP workflow on a background system. The workitems are appearing OK in the Task folder. However, when I try to open a workitem by double-clicking on it, I get the following error:
    Portal Runtime Error
    An Exception occurred while processing your request. Send the exception ID to your portal administrator.
    Exception ID: 05:33_30/09/10_0010_24209150
    Refer to the log file for details about this exception.
    NB. This only seems to happen for items that would be shown via the SAP GUI (E.g. a Confirming a task completion or user decision). The workitem runs OK if it is for a task that is visualised as a Web Dynpro app and specified in transaction SWFVISU.
    I have not configured Delta Refresh options in the Workflow Administrator so do not know if this is a possible reason (I assumed that this would not cause a problem and would simply mean that refreshes only occur once every 60 seconds). Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am fairly new to Portal & UWL I would also be grateful if someone could tell where I can find the relevant log files referenced in the original error.

    Hey Simon,
    Welcome to UWL :).  Portal Runtime Errors in UWL don't always signify that there is a UWL issue.  This could be a permissions problem, etc.  I'm not sure what version of the portal that you are using.  But here is a little trick for you when checking can enter in the following: irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/
    and check the log file with the id that was given in the error.
    Exception ID: 05:33_30/09/10_0010_24209150 is your exception id.  Search for the log files in the default trace and see what the exact error message is.  If you can post this here it would be great.
    The log files can be found in the following location:
    or by entering the URL that I mentioned above.
    Please let me know in the next reply what the portal version is:
    You can get this information by doing the following:
    a. log on to the portal
    b. backspace out the irj/portal section of the URL
    c. click enter.
    d. You are now at the J2EE administration page.
    e. Next, click on the system information link
    f. Please click on the all components link
    g. Please attach this information to the message.
    I am interested mostly in the UWLJWF component but if you can attach the full software component info to this post that would be great...
    Please note, that note number 1133821 is an important note that is needed in the UWL.  Did you maintain your RFC destination accordingly?
    Here is some additional information to help you too since you are new to UWL:
    [UWL Wiki|]
    [UWL Forums|SAP Enterprise Portal: Application Integration;
    [Business Task Management|]
    [Using Universal Worklist|]
    [JavaDocs UWL API|]
    I hope that you find this information useful!
    Best Regards,
    Beth Maben
    EP - Senior Support Consultant
    AGS Primary Support, Business Suite & Technology
    Please see the UWL Wiki @  ***

  • Portal Runtime error when modifying:

    We need some help because we get 'Portal Runtime error: iView: N/A Component Name:N/A' error when trying to access portal logon screen.
    This is what we've done:
    We've modified file and we've uploaded it but it doesn't work. Because of the error, we've overwritten this file with the original one but now it's imposible to access portal.
    The situation it seems to be like before the modification of the .par file but we get the same error and can't access portal.
    Please, do you know what could be the problem?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Belen,
    Here are the steps you would need to take
    1. import the original par file into the NWDS and name the project as 
    2. Make sure the project name is
    3. use winzip/winrar to extract the file in
        a local directory
    4.Under the lib you would find two jar files copy them and paste them in your project
       under dist>PORTAL-INF>lib directory
    5.move the files cert....till umResetPass....jsp into the  PORTAL-INF directory
    6. export the par to the server in question
    7. restart your server
    This should solve your problem..

  • Portal Runtime Error when operating "Portal Content"

    Hi there,
    these days, I installed a NW710 in our team server, and try to configure its UWL to one backend system. Therefore I need to create a new system entry from "System Administration->System Configuration->Portal Content->New->System(from template)".
    After a few test, I found I can't do these operations: "add folder", "open properties", "open permissions", "new system", I got following runtime error when I clicked them:
    If anybody encounter the similar issue? great appreciate your clues!
    <b>Portal Runtime Error</b>
    An exception occurred while processing a request for :
    iView : N/A
    Component Name : N/A
    The object found is not an IView: pcd:portal_content/administrator/super_admin/super_admin_role/
    Exception id: 02:22_30/05/07_0030_708183150
    See the details for the exception ID in the log file
    <b>Detail Trace:</b>
    Exception ID:01:32_30/05/07_0014_708183150
    com.sapportals.portal.prt.runtime.PortalRuntimeException: The object found is not an IView: pcd:portal_content/administrator/super_admin/super_admin_role/
    at com.sapportals.portal.prt.connection.ServletConnection.handleRequest(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at Method)

       Were u able to do the operations before the UWL configuration? There is possibility that it would have been caused because of improper configurations also.

  • Query Designer, Execute fails with missing iView (Portal Runtime Error)

    I have followed all steps to integrate Sap NetWeaver 2004s BI into EP. Checks done so far indicate that all is well between the EP and BI.  From within the EP, I can execute the Bex Web Analyser iView and from there I can execute a query on the BI backend.  From the BI backend, executing the function module RSWR_RFC_SERVICE_TEST returns the 'BI test service' success message.  SSO is working fine as no user/passwords were prompted for. From the trace file, I can see no errors appear but I do see authentication success messages.  So far, so good
    But, when I execute a query from within the Query Designer, it calls the browser and then errors with the following error:
    <b><i>Portal Runtime Error
    An exception occurred while processing a request for :
    iView : N/A
    Component Name : N/A
    iView not found: pcd:portal_content/
    Exception id: 10:06_03/03/06_0012_26285450
    See the details for the exception ID in the log file</i></b>
    Looking at the trace file, all it tells me is the same, that this iView is not found.
    If I logon to the portal and have a look at the iViews within the 'platform-add-ons/bi' folder, I can see the following 4 iViews:
    BEx Broadcaster (
    BEx Portfolio (
    BEx Web Analyser (
    My Portfolio (
    I cannot find the missing iView (
    Any ideas/suggestions would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Ashish,
    Thanks for the suggestions.  Here is what happened:
    1. I have run the deploy and change template again (BIPostInstall).  Step 10 failed but I am not too concerned as it does appear that SSO is working both directions.  Also, step 13 failed which is the 'Configure Repository Manager'.  The error I got here was USER_AUTH_FAILED: User account for logonid "" not found.  I am not sure where it is getting the blank userid from. 
    2. The '' role suggestion looked very promising.   I found some doco on it and it does mention this role and when assigned, then you see the Business Explorer tab.  I assigned it to all users and to all groups.  When I went back into the portal, sure enough, the Business Explorer tab was visible.  From within there, I could run query which all worked fine.
    BUT, when executing a query from within the BEx Query Designer, I still got the same error:
    <i><b>Portal Runtime Error
    An exception occurred while processing a request for :
    iView : N/A
    Component Name : N/A
    iView not found: pcd:portal_content/
    Exception id: 11:25_05/03/06_0003_26285450
    See the details for the exception ID in the log file</b></i>
    Do you know if this is an actual iView that should exist in the portal content ?  If you have this working, can you see this iView in the portal?
    3. I had a look at this note (872043) but I could not get the sap download manager to work to get the zip files attached to the note download.  If you have it still, could you email it to me ([email protected]) and I will try that. Did you apply the zip file?
    I can't find any further trace information on why this missing iView error is happening.  I've amended the severity level on the areas which a SAP note detailed but the only information I get is that a missing iView was called.
    Function module RSWR_RFC_SERVICE_TEST still works fine and I can execute a query from the Web BEx Analyser iView.
    I just can't execute a query from the BEx query designer due to the missing iView.
    I don't know whether it is a communication problem even though SSO both directions seem to work OR whether I do have some content missing from my portal. 

Maybe you are looking for

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