Custom Tags That Extend NetUI Tags

In, "Custom Tags That Extend NetUI Tags is not supported. Likewise, extending JSP tags in version 10.x is not supported." What does it mean? I have a few jsp tags that extend AbstractTag. Using TagSupport is the only way or I still can extend the beehive tags. Thanks!

Found a solution to 2) all of a sudden.
I have to compile my tag with the netui-tags-html JAR file from version 8.1.6. It is very importalt that this does not get included in the WEB-INF lib of the portal web-application.
So my code looks something like ;
import com.bea.wlw.netui.tags.html.Label; // from netui-tags-html.8.1-sp6.jar
public class ErrorLabelTag extends Label

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    Just need to provide a caveat with extending the 8.1 NetUI JSP tags...
    Unfortunately, the Workshop 8.1 JSP tags did not provide a supported extensibility API. If the 8.1 JSP tags are extended, BEA / Workshop do not make any guarantees about the forward compatibility of these APIs in future releases. A NetUI JSP tag API will be available in the 9.2 GA release of Apache Beehive, which will be included in Workshop 9.2.
    Hope that helps...

  • Adding custom tags and extend ParserDelegator and DTD support problem!!

    Hi all, I searched all forums and google for information about this problem but I did not find any clear solution or example.
    The probem stared when HTMLEditorKit's insertHTML method did not worked for custom tags.
    I extended javax.swing.text.html.parser.ParserDelegator class
    and override it's setDefaultDTD() method, which loads the default dtd (html32 definition). After the dtd field is created it I call this method:
              javax.swing.text.html.parser.Element element = _dtd.defineElement(
                  "template", javax.swing.text.html.parser.Element.SYSTEM, false, false,
                  null, null, null,
                  new AttributeList("value"));where _dtd is instance of DTD class in the same package, and "template" is the name of my custom tag.
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    So after this,i see that my new tag is in DTD.elements vector and DTD.elementHash hastable, so its defined in DTD structures.
    The problem is that I have to redefine most element's ContentModel field "content" so that the parser will parse correctly the html source.
    Here is the tracing of DTD.elements vector default contents + template tag.Sorry for the long text but i just want to be clear
    Index i 0 element name #pcdata type 19 content null
    Index i 1 element name html type 18 content (head , body , plaintext?)
    Index i 2 element name meta type 17 content null
    Index i 3 element name base type 17 content null
    Index i 4 element name isindex type 17 content null
    Index i 5 element name head type 18 content (title? & isindex? & base? & nextid?)
    Index i 6 element name body type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 7 element name applet type 18 content ((p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)* | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | input | select | textarea | tr | td)*
    Index i 8 element name param type 17 content null
    Index i 9 element name p type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 10 element name title type 18 content (#pcdata*)*
    Index i 11 element name style type 18 content (#pcdata*)*
    Index i 12 element name link type 17 content null
    Index i 13 element name plaintext type 1 content null
    Index i 14 element name nextid type 17 content null
    Index i 15 element name script type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 16 element name h1 type 18 content (img | br | hr | center | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 17 element name h2 type 18 content (img | br | hr | center | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 18 element name h3 type 18 content (img | br | hr | center | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 19 element name h4 type 18 content (img | br | hr | center | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 20 element name h5 type 18 content (img | br | hr | center | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 21 element name h6 type 18 content (img | br | hr | center | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 22 element name ul type 18 content (p | br | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | ol | ul | li)*
    Index i 23 element name ol type 18 content (p | br | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | ol | ul | li)*
    Index i 24 element name dir type 18 content (ul | ol | dir | menu | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | li)*
    Index i 25 element name menu type 18 content (ul | ol | dir | menu | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | li)*
    Index i 26 element name pre type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 27 element name xmp type 1 content null
    Index i 28 element name listing type 1 content null
    Index i 29 element name dl type 18 content (p | dl | dt | dd)*
    Index i 30 element name div type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 31 element name center type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 32 element name blockquote type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 33 element name form type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 34 element name hr type 17 content null
    Index i 35 element name table type 18 content (tr | caption)*
    Index i 36 element name object type 18 content (param | (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | (p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)* | address)* | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 37 element name tt type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 38 element name i type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 39 element name b type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 40 element name u type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 41 element name strike type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 42 element name s type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 43 element name big type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 44 element name small type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 45 element name sub type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 46 element name sup type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 47 element name em type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 48 element name strong type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 49 element name dfn type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 50 element name code type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 51 element name samp type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 52 element name kbd type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 53 element name var type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 54 element name cite type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 55 element name a type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | pre)*
    Index i 56 element name img type 17 content null
    Index i 57 element name font type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 58 element name basefont type 17 content null
    Index i 59 element name br type 17 content null
    Index i 60 element name map type 18 content (base | area)*
    Index i 61 element name nobr type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)+
    Index i 62 element name wbr type 17 content null
    Index i 63 element name blink type 19 content null
    Index i 64 element name input type 17 content null
    Index i 65 element name select type 18 content (option+)
    Index i 66 element name textarea type 18 content (#pcdata*)*
    Index i 67 element name address type 18 content ((#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea) | p)*
    Index i 68 element name frameset type 18 content (frameset | frame | noframes)*
    Index i 69 element name noframes type 1 content null
    Index i 70 element name nohotjava type 1 content null
    Index i 71 element name animate type 1 content null
    Index i 72 element name tr type 18 content (td | th | script | map)*
    Index i 73 element name td type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 74 element name area type 17 content null
    Index i 75 element name option type 18 content (#pcdata*)*
    Index i 76 element name dt type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 77 element name dd type 18 content (p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 78 element name li type 18 content ((p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)* | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6)*
    Index i 79 element name caption type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 80 element name frame type 17 content null
    Index i 81 element name th type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 82 element name template type 17 content null
    Can anyone plase give me advice how i can add my custom tag in this ContentModel structures for example as a content of "p" element
    I must do this for most structure elements.
    Or tell me any other way i can achieve the solution of my problem.
    A lot of topics here are still opened for solution for similar problems.
    and hope that there is any solution for my problem 'cause its urgent.
    Thanks in advance.
    Nenko Ivanov

    Hi all, I searched all forums and google for information about this problem but I did not find any clear solution or example.
    The probem stared when HTMLEditorKit's insertHTML method did not worked for custom tags.
    I extended javax.swing.text.html.parser.ParserDelegator class
    and override it's setDefaultDTD() method, which loads the default dtd (html32 definition). After the dtd field is created it I call this method:
              javax.swing.text.html.parser.Element element = _dtd.defineElement(
                  "template", javax.swing.text.html.parser.Element.SYSTEM, false, false,
                  null, null, null,
                  new AttributeList("value"));where _dtd is instance of DTD class in the same package, and "template" is the name of my custom tag.
    (if i define the element's type as CONTENT instead of SYSTEM the parser removes it)
    So after this,i see that my new tag is in DTD.elements vector and DTD.elementHash hastable, so its defined in DTD structures.
    The problem is that I have to redefine most element's ContentModel field "content" so that the parser will parse correctly the html source.
    Here is the tracing of DTD.elements vector default contents + template tag.Sorry for the long text but i just want to be clear
    Index i 0 element name #pcdata type 19 content null
    Index i 1 element name html type 18 content (head , body , plaintext?)
    Index i 2 element name meta type 17 content null
    Index i 3 element name base type 17 content null
    Index i 4 element name isindex type 17 content null
    Index i 5 element name head type 18 content (title? & isindex? & base? & nextid?)
    Index i 6 element name body type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 7 element name applet type 18 content ((p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)* | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | input | select | textarea | tr | td)*
    Index i 8 element name param type 17 content null
    Index i 9 element name p type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 10 element name title type 18 content (#pcdata*)*
    Index i 11 element name style type 18 content (#pcdata*)*
    Index i 12 element name link type 17 content null
    Index i 13 element name plaintext type 1 content null
    Index i 14 element name nextid type 17 content null
    Index i 15 element name script type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 16 element name h1 type 18 content (img | br | hr | center | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 17 element name h2 type 18 content (img | br | hr | center | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 18 element name h3 type 18 content (img | br | hr | center | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 19 element name h4 type 18 content (img | br | hr | center | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 20 element name h5 type 18 content (img | br | hr | center | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 21 element name h6 type 18 content (img | br | hr | center | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 22 element name ul type 18 content (p | br | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | ol | ul | li)*
    Index i 23 element name ol type 18 content (p | br | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | ol | ul | li)*
    Index i 24 element name dir type 18 content (ul | ol | dir | menu | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | li)*
    Index i 25 element name menu type 18 content (ul | ol | dir | menu | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | li)*
    Index i 26 element name pre type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 27 element name xmp type 1 content null
    Index i 28 element name listing type 1 content null
    Index i 29 element name dl type 18 content (p | dl | dt | dd)*
    Index i 30 element name div type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 31 element name center type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 32 element name blockquote type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 33 element name form type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 34 element name hr type 17 content null
    Index i 35 element name table type 18 content (tr | caption)*
    Index i 36 element name object type 18 content (param | (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | (p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)* | address)* | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 37 element name tt type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 38 element name i type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 39 element name b type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 40 element name u type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 41 element name strike type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 42 element name s type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 43 element name big type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 44 element name small type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 45 element name sub type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 46 element name sup type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 47 element name em type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 48 element name strong type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 49 element name dfn type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 50 element name code type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 51 element name samp type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 52 element name kbd type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 53 element name var type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 54 element name cite type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 55 element name a type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | pre)*
    Index i 56 element name img type 17 content null
    Index i 57 element name font type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | center | p | dl | ul | ol)*
    Index i 58 element name basefont type 17 content null
    Index i 59 element name br type 17 content null
    Index i 60 element name map type 18 content (base | area)*
    Index i 61 element name nobr type 18 content (#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)+
    Index i 62 element name wbr type 17 content null
    Index i 63 element name blink type 19 content null
    Index i 64 element name input type 17 content null
    Index i 65 element name select type 18 content (option+)
    Index i 66 element name textarea type 18 content (#pcdata*)*
    Index i 67 element name address type 18 content ((#pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea) | p)*
    Index i 68 element name frameset type 18 content (frameset | frame | noframes)*
    Index i 69 element name noframes type 1 content null
    Index i 70 element name nohotjava type 1 content null
    Index i 71 element name animate type 1 content null
    Index i 72 element name tr type 18 content (td | th | script | map)*
    Index i 73 element name td type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 74 element name area type 17 content null
    Index i 75 element name option type 18 content (#pcdata*)*
    Index i 76 element name dt type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 77 element name dd type 18 content (p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)*
    Index i 78 element name li type 18 content ((p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea)* | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6)*
    Index i 79 element name caption type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 80 element name frame type 17 content null
    Index i 81 element name th type 18 content (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | p | ul | ol | dir | menu | pre | xmp | listing | plaintext | dl | div | center | blockquote | form | isindex | hr | table | object | #pcdata* | tt | i | b | u | strike | s | big | small | sub | sup | em | strong | dfn | code | samp | kbd | var | cite | a | img | applet | object | font | basefont | br | script | map | nobr | wbr | blink | input | select | textarea | address | frameset | noframes | nohotjava | animate)*
    Index i 82 element name template type 17 content null
    Can anyone plase give me advice how i can add my custom tag in this ContentModel structures for example as a content of "p" element
    I must do this for most structure elements.
    Or tell me any other way i can achieve the solution of my problem.
    A lot of topics here are still opened for solution for similar problems.
    and hope that there is any solution for my problem 'cause its urgent.
    Thanks in advance.
    Nenko Ivanov

  • How to get custom tag output rewritten for netui tags?

    I have a custom tag that outputs <netui:button> elements but these need to be reprocessed
    into valid html prior to display. For example, in the JSP a netui:button becomes:
    <input type="submit" name="portlet_3_3actionOverride:ChangeMonth" value="Current"/>
    but from the taglib it remains the following in the html:
    <netui:button type="submit" value="Current" action="ChangeMonth"/>
    Is there a simple way to get the preprocessor to reevaluate the taglib output?

    No, there's no practical way to do that. For now, you might consider building a
    small ".jspf" (JSP fragment) that gets included at run time, to encapsulate what
    you're trying to do.
    When JSP 2.0 comes along (in the unseeable future, for WLS), you'd probably be
    able to write a "tag file" that encapsulated the logic you're trying to write.
    "Mike" <[email protected]> wrote:
    I have a custom tag that outputs <netui:button> elements but these need
    to be reprocessed
    into valid html prior to display. For example, in the JSP a netui:button
    <input type="submit" name="portlet_3_3actionOverride:ChangeMonth" value="Current"/>
    but from the taglib it remains the following in the html:
    <netui:button type="submit" value="Current" action="ChangeMonth"/>
    Is there a simple way to get the preprocessor to reevaluate the taglib

  • Custom TAGS can they extend ADF

    I am trying to solve the age old problem of splitting a group of radio buttons into 2 columns.
    A search through the forums suggests that this is not possible and that a custom tag is needed to achieve this.
    Please could you confirm a couple of things for me?
    1.) When creating a custom tag, is it possible to extend the af:selectOneRadio and amend its behaviour?
    2.) If possible, is it desirable to do what was described in 1? If not, what should I do?
    3.) Are there any good tutorials/blogs that people could recommend? (If 1 and 2 are possible!)
    Many thanks,

    no, you can't extend the Oracle components for this.
    AMIS wrote a nice article abot custom JSF components

  • A Custom tag/servlet that calculates the session size ?

    Hi all,
              is anybody aware of a custom tag/library that calculates the size of the Session ?
              Thanks a lot

    250 lines, lol.  You need a loop then.
    // Function in document JavaScript
    function calcTotal() {
    for (var i = 0; i<=249; i++){
        this.getField("Total1.0." + i).value = this.getField("Price1.0." + i).value * this.getField("Qty.1.0." + i).value;
    Launch this script only ONCE in a custom calculate script and the script will run through all 250 lines from line 0 to line 249.
    to launch it:
    //put this in a calulate script

  • Problem creating custom tags for site that has no outside internet connecti

    I've created a set of custom tags that work fine until we install our app at the customer site. The customer site has no outside Internet access, and so the DOCTYPE is failing since it references the web-jsptaglibrary_1_1.dtd located on Sun's site.
    I tried copying the dtd locally and got it to work, but the solution sucks because this web-jsptaglibrary_1_1.dtd file is referenced in both my taglib.tld file AND the web-jsptaglibrary_1_1.dtd itself. Soooo....I can put in a URL that references it on the local machine, e.g.,
    In the taglib.tld file:
    <!DOCTYPE taglib PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.// DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN"
    In the web-jsptaglibrary_1_1.dtd file:
    <!ATTLIST taglib id ID #IMPLIED
    xmlns CDATA #FIXED
    but that means for every client that uses this app (and we have several) I have to change that URL inside both these files.
    I tried simply changing it to the relative "web-jsptaglibrary_1_1.dtd", e.g.,
    <!DOCTYPE taglib PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.// DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN"
    <!ATTLIST taglib id ID #IMPLIED
    xmlns CDATA #FIXED
    but then it is requiring me to put the dtd in both my web app root directory AND my jakarta/bin directory. I get the following error:
    XML parsing error on file ../vtaglib.tld: D:\jakarta\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.29\bin\web-jsptaglibrary_1_1.dtd (The system cannot find the file specified)
    It seems like I must be missing something here. This shouldn't be this hard. And it seems funny that to use custom tags, you have to have Internet access in the first place.
    Help!!! :)

    Yeah, I think it's a bit ridiculous that in order to make all the tag library examples and instructions work, you have to have access to the Internet. I haven't seen a single example on how to make it work if there is no Internet access. That's very limiting. And I've tried all sorts of other ways of doing it, such as
    <!DOCTYPE taglib SYSTEM "web-jsptaglibrary_1_1.dtd">
    but even then it won't work because I get an error message saying:
    XML parsing error on file /assets/../vtaglib.tld: D:\jakarta\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.29\bin\web-jsptaglibrary_1_1.dtd (The system cannot find the file specified)
    I just don't think I should have to place this file in the bin directory. There has to be another way. Do I need to modify the dtd somehow? Cuz the dtd has the following this messing it up??
    <!ATTLIST taglib id ID #IMPLIED xmlns CDATA #FIXED "web-jsptaglibrary_1_1.dtd">
    I sure could use some help.

  • Why doesn't my custom tag work?

    First, my backend database is MS Access. Nothing I can do about that, unfortunately.
    I have defined three custom tags (no body, no attributes) to display report information from my project tracking/metrics Access database:
    <prefix:showProjectInfo />
    <prefix:showProjectTeam />
    <prefix:showProjectHistory />
    In my JSP, the first tag I use, <prefix:showProjectInfo />, works perfectly. However, <prefix:showProjectTeam /> gives no output.
    First, here is the tld file that defines the tags (report.tld):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE taglib
            PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.2//EN"
        <!-- Forte4J_TLDX:  This comment contains code generation information. Do not delete.
        <!-- A validator verifies that the tags are used correctly at JSP
             translation time. Validator entries look like this:
       <!-- A tag library can register Servlet Context event listeners in
            case it needs to react to such events. Listener entries look
            like this:
            <description>Shows the basic project information</description>       
    </taglib>Next, here is the relevant section of web.xml that defines this taglib:
      </taglib>Next, the code for
    * Created on March 9, 2005, 10:46 AM
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.lang.Integer;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
    * @author  jason.ferguson
    public class showProjectTeamTag extends TagSupport
        public showProjectTeamTag()
        public int doAfterBody() throws JspException
            HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest();
            int pr_id = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("pr_id"));
            JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut();
            Connection conn = null;
            Statement stmt = null;
            ResultSet rs = null;
               conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Metrics");
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new JspException(e.getMessage());
            String queryGetTeam = "SELECT Projects.pr_id, AS Name, Sum(Schedule.hours) AS SumOfhours FROM tblTAAccounts AS Accounts INNER JOIN ((tblTAScheduleEntries AS Schedule INNER JOIN tblProjectRelease AS ProjectRelease ON Schedule.projectID = ProjectRelease.tblFKTimeAccntProject) INNER JOIN tblPMProjects AS Projects ON ProjectRelease.Release_ID = Projects.pr_id) ON Accounts.accountID = Schedule.accountID WHERE Projects.pr_id=" + pr_id + " GROUP BY Projects.pr_id,, ProjectRelease.Release_number, Projects.Project_name";
                stmt = conn.createStatement();
                rs = stmt.executeQuery(queryGetTeam);
                if (rs == null)
                    out.print("No Results!");
                out.print("<th>Total Hours</th>\n");
                    out.print("<td>" + rs.getString("Name") + "</td>\n");
                    out.print("<td>" + rs.getInt("SumOfhours") + "</td>\n");
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new JspException(e.getMessage());
            return SKIP_BODY;
    }Finally, projectdetail.jsp, where the tag is called:
    <%@page contentType="text/html"%>
    <%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
    <%@page import="java.sql.*" %>
    <%@page import="java.lang.Integer" %>
    <%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/report.tld" prefix="report" %>
    <head><title>Project Detail</title></head>
    <h1 align="center">Project Status</h1>
    <h3>Project Description</h3>
    <report:showProjectInfo />
    <h3>Team Members</h3>
    <report:showProjectTeam />
    </html>The first tag, <report:showProjectInfo />, works fine. However, I get no output whatsoever when the system encounters <report:showProjectTeam />. I am a relative newbie at this, so any help is appreciated.

    It doesnt seem to matter if the code is in doStartTag(), doEndTag(), orr any of the other functions.
    I also put, as the first item in the function:
    Just as an aside, here is the code for the <prefix:showProjectInfo />. Maybe I made a mistake in it? I closed the resultset and connection...
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.lang.Integer;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
    * @author  jason.ferguson
    public class showProjectInfoTag extends BodyTagSupport
        public int doEndTag() throws JspException
            HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest();
            int pr_id = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("pr_id"));
            JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut();
            Connection conn = null;
            Statement stmt = null;
            ResultSet rs = null;
                conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Metrics");
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new JspException(e.getMessage());
            String queryProjectInfo = "SELECT * FROM tblPMProjects WHERE pr_id=" + pr_id;
                stmt = conn.createStatement();
                rs = stmt.executeQuery(queryProjectInfo);
                while (
                    out.print("<table border=\"1\" style=\"border-collapse:collapse\">\n");
                    out.print("<td><b>Project Name:</b>" + rs.getString("Project_name") + "</td>\n");
                    out.print("<td align=\"right\"><b>RAD Number:</b>" + rs.getString("tblProjectNumber") + "</td>\n");
                    out.print("<td>Project description: " + rs.getString("Project_description") + "</td>\n");
                    out.print("<td>Customer: " + rs.getString("Customer_POC") + "</td>");
                    out.print("<td>Customer Unit: " + rs.getString("Customer_OFC") + "</td>\n");
                    out.print("<td>Customer Phone: " + rs.getString("Customer_phone") + "</td>\n");
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new JspException(e.getMessage());
            return SKIP_BODY;

  • Connection Pooling and JSP Custom Tag Library - is code (inside) the best way/correc?

    Hi, can anyone advise as to whether my tag library code (based
    on Apache Jakarta Project) will actually achieve connection
    pooling functionality across my entire JSP based application? I
    am slightly concerned that my OracleConnectionCacheImpl object
    may exist multiple times, hence rendering my conection pooling
    attempt useless.
    package com.solved.tag.dbtags.connection;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException;
    import javax.sql.DataSource;
    import javax.naming.InitialContext;
    import javax.naming.NamingException;
    import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionCacheImpl;
    * <p>JSP tag connection, used to get a
    * java.sql.Connection object.</p>
    * <p>JSP Tag Lib Descriptor
    * <pre>
    * &lt;name>connection&lt;/name>
    * &lt;bodycontent>JSP&lt;/bodycontent>
    * &lt;info>Opens a connection based on a jndiName.&lt;/info>
    * &lt;attribute>
    * &lt;name>id&lt;/name>
    * &lt;required>true&lt;/required>
    * &lt;rtexprvalue>false&lt;/rtexprvalue>
    * &lt;/attribute>
    * </pre>
    * @author Matt Shannon
    public class ConnectionTag extends TagSupport {
    static private OracleConnectionCacheImpl cache = null;
    public int doStartTag() throws JspTagException {
    try {
    Connection conn = null;
    if (cache == null) {
    try {
    InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
    DataSource ds = (DataSource) ic.lookup
    cache = (OracleConnectionCacheImpl)ds;
    catch (NamingException ne) {
    throw new JspTagException(ne.toString());
    conn = cache.getConnection();
    catch (SQLException e) {
    throw new JspTagException(e.toString());
    package com.solved.tag.dbtags.connection;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport;
    * <p>JSP tag closeconnection, used to close the
    * specified java.sql.Connection.<p>
    * <p>JSP Tag Lib Descriptor
    * <pre>
    * &lt;name>closeConnection&lt;/name>
    * &lt;bodycontent>empty&lt;/bodycontent>
    * &lt;info>Close the specified connection. The "conn"
    attribute is the name of a
    * connection object in the page context.&lt;/info>
    * &lt;attribute>
    * &lt;name>conn&lt;/name>
    * &lt;required>true&lt;/required>
    * &lt;rtexprvalue>false&lt;/rtexprvalue>
    * &lt;/attribute>
    * </pre>
    * @author Matt Shannon
    * @see ConnectionTag
    public class CloseConnectionTag extends TagSupport {
    private String _connId = null;
    * The "conn" attribute is the name of a
    * page context object containing a
    * java.sql.Connection.
    * @param connectionId
    * attribute name of the java.sql.Connection to
    * @see ConnectionTag
    public void setConn(String connectionId) {
    _connId = connectionId;
    public int doStartTag() {
    try {
    Connection conn = (Connection)pageContext.getAttribute
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    // failing to close a connection is not fatal
    public void release() {
    _connId = null;
    package com.solved.tag.dbtags.connection;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagData;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagExtraInfo;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.VariableInfo;
    * TagExtraInfo for the connection tag. This
    * TagExtraInfo specifies that the ConnectionTag
    * assigns a java.sql.Connection object to the
    * "id" attribute at the end tag.
    * @author Matt Shannon
    * @see ConnectionTag
    public class ConnectionTEI extends TagExtraInfo {
    public final VariableInfo[] getVariableInfo(TagData data)
    return new VariableInfo[]
    new VariableInfo(
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE data-sources PUBLIC "Orion data-
    sources" "">
    <property name="maxLimit" value="15" />
    <property name="cacheScheme" value="2" />
    <property name="user" value="console" />
    <property name="password" value="console" />
    This DataSource is using an Oracle-native DataSource Class so as
    to allow Oracle Specific extensions.
    A getConnection() call on this DataSource will return
    The connection returned is a logical connection.
    The caching scheme in place is Fixed Wait. Refer below to
    possible values.
    Dynamic 1
    Fixed Wait 2
    Fixed Return Null 3
    many thanks,

    Hi. Show me your pool definition.
    Ramamurthy wrote:
    I am using the jsp custom tag library from BEA called sqltags.tld which came with Weblogic 5.1. Currently I am using Weblogic6.1 sp2 on Solaris.
    I have created a Connection Pool for Sybase database using the driver com.sybase.jdbc.SybDriver.
    When I created jsp page to connect to the connection pool using sqltags custom tag library, I am getting the error
    "javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Failed to write body content
    at weblogic.taglib.sql.ConnectionTag.doAfterBody(
    at jsp_servlet.__hubwcdata._jspService("
    After this message, whenever I try to access the same jsp page I am getting the message
    "javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Failed to load JDBC driver: weblogic.jdbc.pool.D
    at weblogic.taglib.sql.ConnectionTag.doStartTag(
    at jsp_servlet.__hubwcdata._jspService(".
    Can you please help me the reason why this problem is happening and how to fix this ?
    This problem doexn't happen consistently. This occurs once in a while.
    I tried to increase Login delay Seconds parameter in the Connection Pool to 15 sec. It didn't help me much.
    Thanks for your help !!!

  • How to create a custom tag for a custom converter

    In Jdeveloper 11g, I have a project where I have created a custom converter class that impements the javax.faces.convert.Converter class. I have registered the converter with an id in the faces-config.xml file of the project, and the converter works fine by using the <f:converter type="myconverter"> tag. However, the custom converter has a field which I would like to set from the tag itself. Hence, I would like to add an attribute to <f:converter> tag if possible or create a custom tag that has the attribute.
    I have done some reserach and I found that a custom tag can be implemented: I need to create a class which extends from the ConverterTag class or javax.faces.webapp.ConverterElTag class, which I did, but I also need to create ".tld" (tag library) file which defines the tag itself.
    The part about creating the ".tld" file and registring the new tag is what I'm not sure how to do.
    Does someone know how to do this?
    thank you

    Hi frank,
    that's a good document, and it explains how to make a custom converter. I already created the custom converter, it converts a number to any currency pattern. I know java already has a currency converter, but it doesn't support Rupee currency format, and I need that format.
    My converter works, but I would like to pass the pattern of the format through an attribute in a tag. Since f:converter doesn't seem to support that, I created a custom tag which uses my converter, and it enables me to pass a pattern to the converter.
    All of that works, but I need to be able to pass the pattern as an EL expression, and it's not evaluating the expression before passing it to the converter. It just passes the whole expression as a string. I'm thinking It may be something I'm doing wrong.
    this is the tag library definition file:
    <!DOCTYPE taglib
    PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.2//EN"
    custom currency custom tag library
    Edited by: Abraham Ciokler on Feb 4, 2011 11:20 AM

  • Custom tag with rendered attribute

    Is it possible to create a custom tag that operates similar to a JSF tag with the rendered attribute? Wrapping output with c:if test="..." is not as nice as the JSF rendered option, but I don't want to use JSF for this particular project.
    Edited by: black_lotus on Nov 23, 2007 12:13 PM

    TLD File, per your previous recommendation:
    </attribute>My Tag class (snippet):
    public class ButtonTag extends TagSupport
      private boolean disabled;
      public ButtonTag() {}
      public boolean isDisabled()
         return disabled;
      public void setDisabled(boolean b)
        disabled = b;
    }A sample of the jsp file invoking it:
    <c:set var="result" value="${computedValue}"/>
    <ltm:button disabled="${result}"/>Regardless of the value of result, ("true" or "false") it always passes false to the setDisabled method of the button tag class.

  • HTTP 500 Internel server error in Custom tag program on Weblogic 8.1

    Dear sir,
    Please attend my problem...
    I face the Error 500 Internel server error when I rum the custom tag program on weblogic 8.1.
    My program Structure is:
    >WEB-INF>classes>mypack>, MyTag.class
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/taglib" prefix="Kumar" %>
    <Kumar:hello name="Vijay">
    It is a Tag Body<br>
    package mypack;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
    public class MyTag extends TagSupport
    String name;
    public void setName(String c)
    public int doStartTag()
    public int doEndTag()
    JspWriter out=pageContext.getOut();
    out.print("Good Night "+name);
    catch(Exception e)
    return EVAL_PAGE;
    Allthough this program are run on NetBean6.1.In NetBean6.1, i am not specify the web.xml file.Please Help me..

    With an [HTTP status code|] of 500, the most helpful information for debugging the problem is usually in the server's log file. There should be a stack trace in the web or application server's log file that will contain the specific root cause of this. It is often a NullPointerException or ClassNotFoundException or other "common" exception.

  • Design view for jsp custom tags.

    when we drag-and-drop custom tag control in the source of jsp page, when we switch to the design view of jsp we should be able to view controls as desired.
    Observation: 1) Eclipse 3.2 doesn't have design view for jsp pages.
    2) which software uses the design view. we need to extend eclipse core framework and we do not find any technical approach document to proceed further on this.
    3) RAD 6.0 we can see a JSP in design view.
    I'm searching for any technical approach document to create plugin that can intercept the custom tags and provide a design view.
    Will any one suggest the plugin for that.

    I have checked with engineering and found that JSP Design View support on
    Linux is a planned feature for the next release. I don't think we will have
    this feature as part of a Service Pack for 8.1
    Raj Alagumalai
    WebLogic Workshop Support
    "Jeff Cassanvoa" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3f4df04e$[email protected]..
    Thanks for the information!! Any timeframe when it might be supportedon Linux
    "Raj Alagumalai" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Unfortunately, the JSP design view is currently not supported on Linux.
    Workshop does allow to do remote development where the IDE is running
    on a
    Windows machine and connects to a server running on Linux/Solaris.
    Raj Alagumalai
    WebLogic Workshop Support
    "Jeff Cassanova" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    Does anybody else who is running the Linux version of Workshop 8.1have
    getting the Design View of JSP files to come up. All I see is thesource,
    no tabs at the bottom to switch to/from the Design View. When I bootover
    Windows and run 8.1 Workshop, I see both tabs and I am able to useboth
    Is it something I have set in Preferences somewhere that disablesthe
    View ???

  • Custom tag - setProperties() not called

    Hi all,
    I've created my first custom tag with it's own component class, Tag Class, Renderer and TLD. However, when the JSP first loads, the encode() method fails in trying to get the attribute values from the attribute Map - the Map is empty. Upon further debugging I can see that the Tag class is called and the setter methods are called for each attribute but the setProperties() method is never called before release(), so the attributes are never stored in the UIComponent's attribute Map.
    Anybody know what I'm doing wrong?
    Some code:
    Tag Class...
    public class ListShuttleTag extends UIComponentTag
    public void setProperites(UIComponent component)
      ComponentTagHelper.setString(component, "sourceValue", sourceValue);
      ComponentTagHelper.setString(component, "targetValue", targetValue);
      ComponentTagHelper.setInteger(component, "size", size);
      ComponentTagHelper.setInteger(component, "targetListWidth", targetListWidth);
      ComponentTagHelper.setInteger(component, "sourceListWidth", sourceListWidth);
      ComponentTagHelper.setString(component, "sourceCaption", sourceCaption);
      ComponentTagHelper.setString(component, "targetCaption", targetCaption);
          <description>A listShuttle allows the moving of items from one listBox to another</description>
          <!-- General component attributes -->
                 A binding that points to a bean property
            <description>The client id of this component</description>     
            <description>Is this component rendered?</description>     
            <description>Is this component disabled?</description>     
            <description>Is this component required?</description>     
          <!-- listShuttle specific attributes -->
            <description>A binding for the items in the source list</description>
            <description>A binding for the items in the target list</description>
            <description>Defines the number of items visible in each list</description>
            <description>Width of the source list</description>
            <description>Width of the target list</description>
            <description>Label displayed above the source list</description>
            <description>Label displayed above the target list</description>

    First, this is what the jsp spec has to say in sec 1.14.1
    When using scriptlet expressions, the expression must
    appear by itself (multiple expressions, and mixing of expressions and string
    constants are not permitted). Multiple operations must be performed within the
    expression.Simple, isnt it ? All you have to is evaluate the expression as a whole.
    <form:toolbaritem id="icon_cancelar" action="<%="javascript:listingAction('" + request.getContextPath() + "/;')"%>" icon<%= request.getContextPath() + " /images/toolbar/Cancelar_32.gif " %>"/>cheers,

  • Custom Tag not evaluating expression in attribute

    I have a custom tag that needs to take dynamic values in the attributes, but I can't seem to get the values "interpreted" correctly. I have the <rtexprvalue> tag set to "true" in my .tld file, which I thought was the only thing that was needed in order to accomplish what I am trying to do. However, that does not seem to be the case.
    I am using WebLogic (8.1.4) and their <netui> tags, along with JSTL tags (1.0).
    An example of what my code looks like is the following:
    <test:myTag id="1" idx="<netui:content value='{container.index}' />">
        <netui:select ... />
    <c:set var="myIdx" value="<netui:content value='{container.index}' />" />
    <test:myTag id="1" idx="<c:out value='${myIdx}' />">
        <netui:select ... />
    </test:myTag>Neither of the above approaches has worked. In my code for my file, I get the literal string values of <netui:content value='{container.index}' /> and <c:out value='${myIdx}' />, respectively, in my idx property.
    Can someone give me any hints as to what I may be doing wrong?

    Shouldnt that be
    <netui:content value='${container.index}' />Actually, weblogic does not use the '$' prefix before
    their expressions. Fine. Which in turn means weblogic has some custom expression evaluator.
    Note weblogic 8.1
    as a container doesnt implicitly supportexpressions
    and you have to build in that feature into yourtag
    library.Are you referring to the 'isELIgnored' attribute when
    you mentioned the above statement? If not, can you
    explain what you meant by "build that feature into
    your tag library"?
    It's like this - expression language is supported by default in all containers that implement the j2ee 1.4 spec (servlet 2.4/jsp 2.0). Additionally you should also declare your web application to adhere to the 2.4 standards (through the schema definition in web.xml). In applications that refer to the 2.3 dtd but are run on a 2.4 compliant container you can set the 'isELIgnored' attribute to false and use EL. This works because your container anyways supports it.
    If your container doesnt provide support for EL (outside the jstl tags) as is the case with weblogic 8.1, then you can still use expressions by using something like the [url]apache common evaluator  package. The difference being that you will have to call the evaluator classes to evaluate the attribute.
    Are there any alternatives that I could use to
    accomplish what I am trying to do?Did the above answer your question?

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