Customclass accessing children

Hi there,
I made a search looking for custom class problems but didn`t find anything about what I`m having trouble with. Witch I thought to be pretty weird. I think I may be doing something stupid.
I have a customScrollBar_mc in my library which consists of 2 movieclips instanced as mcBar and mcBackGround.
I exported customScrollBar_mc for actionscript with a custom class attached to it called CustomScrollBar and I UNchecked the export in frame 1 option (I left only the preloader things with that checked).
Well, I made my CustomScrollBar class but the problem is. If I try something like this in its constructor
mcBar.height = 10; or
mcBackGround.width = 10;
Flash tells me that those instances doesn`t exist.
How can I make flash recognize them ?
Here is some structure information:
Project organization
     /sessions this class instances CustomScrollBar
Export SWC is checked.
Sourcepaths added are /src and /src/sessions
Automatically declare stage instances is UNchecked.
All my files have no PACKAGE especification (if I add "sessions" to the package name it tells me that it doesn`t especify the real location of the files. Don`t know why this happends.)
Could anyone please help me with this ?
Thanks in advance,

Hi there, the topic was on the 4th page so I decided to make some screenshots and explain better this so it would be easier to help me out.
I don`t have a clue about it and I just crossed a point where I can`t go any further without this.
I took a photo of my publish settings, library, movieclip properties andproject folder so you can understand what is happening.
First of all, the problem is related to the topico_mc movieclip (translation: topic_mc)
topico_mc is composed by:
movieclip topico_quadrado_mc (translation: square_topic_mc) that is just a small square: mcSquare
dynamic text: dynText
I export it to actionscript with class name TopicosFlash and unchecked export in frame 1 (I tested with this checked too). I also tried browsing my symbol in the Source field just as shown in the screenshot.
I make the file, make it extends movie clip and add a simple code to the constructor: mcSquare.alpha = 1
In the document class I simply add it: addchild(new TopicosFlash());
The issue: mcSquare is a undefined property
Trying to solve this I found some things that for me were strange:
1) If I don`t make the file, the movieclip is added with no problems.
2) If I make the file but let it empty flash throw an error: Cannot create property dynText on TopicosFlash.
3) If I make the file, it gives the mcSquare undefined error.
Sorry for the bad words but wtf is going on?
I really am not being able to understand this and I can`t find any answers anywhere.
Thanks in advance,

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    My guess is that you are waiting for the timeline to advance
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    don't exist in frame 1 but that's where your code (which does act
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                for (var i:int = 0; i < campaignRadioButtons.numChildren; i++) {
                    var tmpCheckBox:CheckBox = new CheckBox
                    tmpCheckBox = CheckBox(campaignRadioButtons.getChildAt(i));
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            var tempCheckBox:CheckBox = CheckBox(campaignRadioButtons.getChildAt(i));
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            var tempCheckBox:CheckBox = new CheckBox();
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    - B
    |- C
    |+ D
    + E
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    <af:commandLink text="#{node.Dname}"
    <af:setActionListener from="#{HrmTreeTree.tree.rowKey}"
    <af:setActionListener from="#{node}"
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    DCBindingContainer container =
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    JUIteratorBinding ib =
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    Can you try setSelectedRowKeys(RowKeySet newSelectionState) API on the tree? That should change the selection.
    You can do some thing like this to populate the RowKeySet:
    RowKeySet oldSelectionState = null;
    RowKeySet newSelectionState = null;
    oldSelectionState = table.getSelectedRowKeys(); //table is the table component
    newSelectionState = oldSelectionState.clone();
    Object oldRowKey = table.getRowKey(); //Save the orginal rowKey in the variable
    String rowKey = "XXXX" // the key of the row you want to select
    table.setRowKey(rowKey); //set the currency of the table to the row you want to select
    newSelectionState.setContained(true); //add the current row to the selection key set
    table.setRowKey(oldRowKey); //Restore the currency to the old one.
    table.setSelectedRowKeys(newSelectionState); //update the table selection
    ///Now Do some partial update here to change display

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    2) open up the sources so that folks like
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    lease document private and protected functions so that I can derive from these classes.
    3) runtime access to DTD info.
    4) easy way to map between tags and java class names
    5) ability to add a java package to generated code (I see an option for this, but so far
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    6) programatic access to id->node map (there must be one, since validation claims to check this.)
    7) introduce intermediate node-group classes
    so that methods to access children, and be
    number and type specific.
    8) Xpath navigation tools (query a tree of generated class nodes using Xpath syntax)

    5) ability to add a java package to generated code (I see an option for this,
    but so far it hasn't worked at all for me).
    We already have this functionality. And Here is the example for DTD class Generator:import java.util.Vector;
    Vector m_packageName = new Vector();
    // set Java Package Name
    XML Schema Generator will create package for each namespace, we also support that.null

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    This simple code throws the error. I have two rectangles grouped. That is what is selected.
    var mySelItem:Array = app.activeDocument.selection as Array;
                         if (mySelItem[0] is GroupItem){
                              var myPath:PathItem = mySelItem[0].PageItems[0]
    Can somebody give me the line of code that will allow me to access children of GroupItem and get properties?

    Of course shortly after I post the answer is there.
    var mySelItem:Array = app.activeDocument.selection as Array;
                         if (mySelItem[0] is GroupItem){
                              var myPath = mySelItem[0].PageItems.index(0)
    Knew it was easy... just not obvious.

  • Tab Navigator Error

    Found a problem when submitting a textinput field from a
    canvas on a TabNavigator. Problem only occurs when you do not go to
    the tab when viewing on screen before submitting the TextInput.text
    This is the error.
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of
    a null object reference.
    If you click on the tab, view the contents of whatever and
    then submit, there is no error. If you do NOT click on the tab,
    then the error occurs. Seems like it does not create the tab until
    you view it. Which would not seem correct. Think of the case of
    entry screens where you have 3 or 4 or more tab sections on the
    Bill Brittain

    Hi Bill,
    > Found a problem when submitting a textinput field from a
    canvas on a
    > TabNavigator. Problem only occurs when you do not go to
    the tab when viewing
    > on screen before submitting the TextInput.text
    > This is the error.
    > TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or
    method of a null object
    > reference.
    > If you click on the tab, view the contents of whatever
    and then submit, there
    > is no error. If you do NOT click on the tab, then the
    error occurs. Seems
    > like it does not create the tab until you view it. Which
    would not seem
    > correct. Think of the case of entry screens where you
    have 3 or 4 or more tab
    > sections on the screen.
    Try setting creationPolicy="all" on the TabNavigator. By
    creationPolicy is set to "auto", which means the TabNavigator
    creates the children of the initially visible pane on
    startup--this is
    to make startup faster. In your case, since you need to
    access children
    of the hidden tabs regardless of whether the user visits
    them, you
    should use creationPolicy="all".
    Flex Builder team

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    Please, chcek short source code. I thought I can make hierarchy from ArrayCollection but can not use openNode() method that next I need this method later access parent or children. Simply when I click on one wedge, drill down, again, when I click, again drill down...when I click Ctrl+click get one level back then again and again....plese help me gurues
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical">
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import mx.charts.HitData;
                import mx.collections.HierarchicalData;
                import mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionView;
                public var cars:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
                    {type:"BMW", t_count: 150, children:[
                        {type:"1 class", t_count: 18, children:[
                            {type:"Coupe", t_count: 34},
                            {type:"Touring", t_count: 42},
                            {type:"Compact", t_count: 8}
                        {type:"3 class", t_count: 14, children:[
                            {type:"Kabriolet", t_count: 12},
                            {type:"Coupe", t_count: 34},
                            {type:"Touring", t_count: 42},
                            {type:"Compact", t_count: 8}
                        {type:"5 class", t_count: 7, children:[
                            {type:"Kabriolet", t_count: 12},
                            {type:"Coupe", t_count: 34},
                            {type:"Touring", t_count: 42},
                            {type:"Sedan", t_count: 8}
                        {type:"6 class", t_count: 15, children:[
                            {type:"Kabriolet", t_count: 12},
                            {type:"Coupe", t_count: 34},
                        {type:"7 class", t_count: 8, children:[
                            {type:"Kabriolet", t_count: 12},
                            {type:"Coupe", t_count: 34}
                        {type:"X3 class", t_count: 22, children:[
                            {type:"Sedan", t_count: 11},
                            {type:"Coupe", t_count: 9},
                            {type:"Touring", t_count: 5},
                            {type:"Compact", t_count: 17}
                        {type:"X5 class", t_count: 9, children:[
                            {type:"Sedan", t_count: 33},
                            {type:"Coupe", t_count: 18},
                            {type:"Hatchback", t_count: 7}
                        {type:"X6 class", t_count: 11, children:[
                            {type:"Coupe", t_count: 18},
                            {type:"Combi", t_count: 31},
                            {type:"Hatchback", t_count: 8}
                    {type:"Mercedes", t_count: 120, children:[
                        {type:"A class", t_count: 5},
                        {type:"B class", t_count: 12},
                        {type:"CLS class", t_count: 18},
                        {type:"CL class", t_count: 23},
                        {type:"C class", t_count: 12},
                        {type:"E class", t_count: 19}
                    {type:"VW", t_count: 320, children:[
                        {type:"Passat", t_count: 10},
                        {type:"Polo", t_count: 25},
                        {type:"Golf", t_count: 45},
                        {type:"Touareg", t_count: 15}
                //HCV from hierarchical data
                private var hView:HierarchicalCollectionView = new HierarchicalCollectionView(new HierarchicalData(cars));
                //event handler
                private function drillDownUp(event:ChartItemEvent):void{
                    if(event.hitSet && event.hitSet.length){
                        //DRILL UP
                            var hitItem:HitData = event.hitSet[0];
                            var parent1:Object = hView.getParentItem(hitItem.item);
                            var parent2:Object = hView.getParentItem(parent1);
                                myPieChart.dataProvider = hView.source.getRoot();
                                myPieChart.dataProvider = hView.getChildren(parent2);
                        //DRILL DOWN
                            var hitItem:HitData = event.hitSet[0];
    //                            hView.openNodes(hitItem.item); //here is problem!!
                                myPieChart.dataProvider = hView.getChildren(hitItem.item);
        <mx:Panel title="PieChart DDD Test - Trh predaja automobilov - 2009">
            <mx:PieChart id="myPieChart"
                    <mx:PieSeries field="t_count"
            <mx:Legend dataProvider="{myPieChart}" direction="horizontal"/>

    Hi Jan,
           thanks for reply,sorry i am quite new in this forum not familiar with tabs and navigation,can you please elaborate/steps to find the business card

  • Converting MovieClip to Sprite issue

    I was reading that you can optimize your Flash project by using Sprites instead of MovieClips if you don't need the timeline. So I right clicked on one of my MovieClips in the library and changed the Base Class from flash.display.MovieClip to flash.display.Sprite and it now has a green gear icon. I changed my variable declaration from var myThing:MovieClip to myThing:Sprite as well. But now all of my textfields and buttons in that Sprite are causing compiler errors:
    Access of possibly undefined property textfield_txt through a reference with static type flash.display:Sprite.
    Am I going to have clear all those textfields and buttons and re-add them in Actionscript? It would be nice if I could position them using the GUI.

    After some more Googling, this is my understanding of what is going on. Please correct me if I am wrong. Dot notation is for accessing properties, not for accessing children.
    dot notation can be used to access children added in the authoring environment.
    But the reason why myMovieClip.myTextField_txt works is because MovieClip is a dynamic class. Sprite is not a dynamic class, which is why all my previous dot notation failed when I tried to access my buttons and textfields of mySprite, which is a former MovieClip.
    I was able to access my old buttons and textfields with SimpleButton(mySprite.getChildByName("myButton_btn")) and
    TextField(mySprite.getChildByName("myTextfield_txt")), but having to call getChildByName and casting them every time would probably offset any performance gains by converting my MovieClip into a Sprite.
    there are no appreciable performance gains obtained by using sprite instead of movieclip.  there are memory gains because a sprite occupies about 36bytes (<10%) less memory than a movieclip.
    The right way to do it would be to clear all my old buttons and textfields and re-add them with actionscript. Children of sprites are accessed directly, which is why mySprite.newButton.addEventListener doesn't work and just doing newButton.addEventListener does work. Is that about right?

  • Module + Tab Navigator = Error

    Everything works FINE until I load a new module. (Even after
    I go back to the original module, I get the error). Any component
    with a Tab Container or Accordian throws the following error when I
    load the component:
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of
    a null object reference.
    at mx.managers::HistoryManager$/register()
    at mx.containers::ViewStack/::addedHandler()
    at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/addChildAt()
    at mx.core::UIComponent/$addChildAt()
    at mx.core::Container/addChildAt()
    at mx.core::Container/addChild()
    at mx.core::Container/createComponentFromDescriptor()
    at mx.core::Container/createComponentsFromDescriptors()
    at mx.core::Container/mx.core:Container::createChildren()
    at mx.core::UIComponent/initialize()
    I have turned off History manager in the compiler page of the
    project properties. That does not help any.
    Any suggestions?

    Hi Bill,
    > Found a problem when submitting a textinput field from a
    canvas on a
    > TabNavigator. Problem only occurs when you do not go to
    the tab when viewing
    > on screen before submitting the TextInput.text
    > This is the error.
    > TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or
    method of a null object
    > reference.
    > If you click on the tab, view the contents of whatever
    and then submit, there
    > is no error. If you do NOT click on the tab, then the
    error occurs. Seems
    > like it does not create the tab until you view it. Which
    would not seem
    > correct. Think of the case of entry screens where you
    have 3 or 4 or more tab
    > sections on the screen.
    Try setting creationPolicy="all" on the TabNavigator. By
    creationPolicy is set to "auto", which means the TabNavigator
    creates the children of the initially visible pane on
    startup--this is
    to make startup faster. In your case, since you need to
    access children
    of the hidden tabs regardless of whether the user visits
    them, you
    should use creationPolicy="all".
    Flex Builder team

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    That's simply not possible I'm afraid. You'd need to give them their own account and allowance or make it so you are required to be there to input the password when they wish to make a purchase.

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