Customer provide material

raw material A is provide by customer, which mean the cost is "0", this material A including in BOM. The finished goods cost is roll up from its sequence raw material. However, raw material A cost is "0" becuase it provide by customer. Then how can i roll up the cost for finished product? pls advice. thanks

Two options:
1. Create it as a non-valuated material. The system will not ask you for the cost of the material.
2. This is almost similar to a subcontracted scenario. The only expense you incur is the conversion cost... so set up a Costing variant that reads subcontracting rates. Setup the rate as an info record.

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  • RE: Subcontracting for customer provided material

    Hi All,
              We have a customer delivering goods to manufacture and inturn he will be purchasing the goods from us. Can any body give solution. I perepared the Bom with material provided by customer in the components. what extra settings I need ?

    Please explain the scenario in detail.
    If I understand it correctly the customer gets the material from outside and the customer processes the materials and then sends it back. If this is right, we have to decide how the materials are to be treated whether Valuated or non-Valuated.
    If the materials are valuated then it is a normal process as like creating a process order with a special order type and all other steps are similar to regular procesing. Please explain the process in detail so we can suggest a suitable solution.

  • IS MILL - Customizing of material provision indicators incomplete

    Dear PM Gurus,
                          We are currently implementing SAP IS-MILL. We have completed the basic configurations for Technical objects and BOM. But whenever we try to create a BOM, it throws an error in the ITEM/LONG text screen,
    Customizing of material provision indicators incomplete   Message no. AD_SUBCON141
    Please help me find the solution
    Thanks in advance,
    Sunanth V.Narayan

    Hey Sunanth V.Narayan,
    Well you need to configure the Material Provision Indicators for BOM as it is a requirement for use in the Subcontracting process of IS-MILLs. You can configure the Material Provision Indicators for BOM in transaction OICO. The normal material provision indicators used are 'K' - Material Provided by Customer, 'L' - Material Provided by Vendor, 'S' - Material for Subcontracting/Rework from Vendor.
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    Maintaining two different materials is not required. These are the steps to be followed.
    1) You can create the Customer as a vendor in XK01.
    2) Extend the material with "Purchasing view" in MM01.
    3) create Purchase order in ME21N.
    4) Do Goods Receipt in MIGO.
    5) Do Invoice in MIRO.
    Please note that if the Price control of this material is V(Moving Average) then there will be valuation change with every purchase. With price control S(standard price) the valuation will be constant.
    Raw materials in common is maintained with V normally.

  • Special stock for customer supplied material

    Dear all,
    We have a scenario wherein, some of the manufacuring  tools are supplied by the customerfree of cost. These are treated as non-valuated material. The requirement is to track the stock of the these materials in SAP against the customer master number.
    None of the existing special stocks seem to suffice this requirement. Kindly advise.
    Thanks and regards,

    Kesava Raju Gadiraju wrote:
    > Dear all,
    > We have a scenario wherein, some of the manufacuring  tools are supplied by the customerfree of cost. These are treated as non-valuated material. The requirement is to track the stock of the these materials in SAP against the customer master number.
    > None of the existing special stocks seem to suffice this requirement. Kindly advise.
    > Thanks and regards,
    > Amrita
    This requires both SD and MM integration.  It is a little bit involved because of the special processes for bringing in the customer provided tools you are using.  In the process they must be stored / inventoried (without value) as customer owned, kind of like consignment but not the same.  Also, do these need to have PRT functionality where their use needs to be recorded during the production process as well?
    Bill Wood - President
    R3Now Consulting

  • Bapi for customer wise material stock on date

    hi all,
    is there any bapi to find customer wise material stock as on logic as MB5B

    Hi Kumar,
    MB5B is a report RM07MLBD  u can copy it to Z, do the logic as you required.. instead of searching for new.. & buliding the logic from the scratch..  so that u will get all the Functionality of MB5B

  • Creating delivery notes for providing material to vendor (subcontracting)

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    What is the standard way of doing this?
    Thanks in advance!
    Kind regards!

    Hi Nandha!
    Thanks for your quick response.
    If I check the "Subcontracting" button on the tab Ext. processing in the production order, I need to assign components in the purchase order which will be provided to the vendor. These components either have to be on stock, or would be processed by MRP and planned orders would be created. That is not what I need.
    I have only one single part which consists of a raw material and only gets modified by the operations. No other component will be added at the vendor. So which material ID should I assign to the purchase order in order to just send the semi-finished pieces to the vendor? I cannot assign the raw-material again, because it would create another demand in the MRP again! I also cannot put the semi-finished parts on stock, because I don't have a material id for the part in this status.
    Thanks & regards!

  • FM for getting Classification against Customer and Material

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    can integrate with other systems by adding custom providers. So with that confidence, i have started writing a connector as mentioned below.
    Step - 1: Added new provider xml in the below path
    "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\CONFIG\WorkManagementService\Providers"
    Provider Name: provider.bizagitasklist
    Provider XML Content: 
    <Provider ProviderKey="DAA52AF3-A147-4086-8C0C-82D2F83A089D" OverrideProviderKey="" Assembly="adidas.TaskProvider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5d6f3e6be60a351b" > </Provider>
    Step -2: Added a class which inherits "IWmaTaskProvider" and implemented the override methods.
    public class BizAgiTaskListProvider : IWmaTaskProvider
    public string LocalizedProviderName
    get { return "BizAgiTaskListProvider"; }
    public string ProviderName
    get { return "BizAgiTaskListProvider"; }
    public Microsoft.Office.Server.WorkManagement.CalloutInfo GetCalloutInfo(IWmaTaskContext context, string taskExternalKey, string locationExternalKey)
    return null;
    public DashboardExtensionInfo GetDashboardExtensionInfo(IWmaBasicProviderContext context)
    return new DashboardExtensionInfo { ClassName = "SP.UI.SharePointExtension" };
    public BulkEditResult HandleBulkEdits(IWmaTaskContext context, BulkEdit updates)
    return null;
    public TaskEditResult HandleTaskEdit(IWmaTaskContext context, BaseAggregatorToProviderTaskUpdate taskUpdate)
    return null;
    public void RefreshSingleTask(IWmaTaskRefreshContext context, string externalKey)
    public void RefreshTasks(IWmaTaskRefreshContext context)
    Step – 3: Written a class to fetch the tasks from BizAgi System which has method to provide the task data.
    But I’m not able to feed those tasks in the class written in Step – 2 as I’m able to find any method which will take Tasks as Input and I’m not
    sure about the format of tasks.
    I’m able to debug the provider, and the breakpoint hitting in only one method and two properties.
    (LocalizedProviderName, ProviderName, GetDashboardExtensionInfo).
    Can you please help me to proceed further in implementing the above solution?
    Best Regards

    Hi Mahesh,
    Although the implementation of work management service application is based on the provider model, I reckon the current SP 2013 RTM does not support custom providers. Only SharePoint task lists, Project server and MS Exchange are supported for now.

  • Price based on Customer's Material

    Dear Gurus,
    Pricing can be maintained based on the combination of customer and material.But, my client wants to maintain price
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    Pls adivce.
    Leela Krishna. R

    1. Insert that field (KDMAT) in Table KOMKAZ (T-Code SE11)
    2. Insert the Field in Field catalog (KDMAT)
    3. Maintain Logic in MV45AFZZ , User Exit : USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP
    4. Maintain Logic in RV60AFZZ , User Exit : USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP
    Check and Revert
    Edited by: prasanna_sap on Jan 10, 2012 8:55 AM

  • How to enter customer specific material description

    Tried MM02 - basic data for Language EN, but then all customers with language EN get this description.
    Tried MM02 - Sales Text but then all customers created in this salesorganization get this description.
    Would like to enter customer specific material description. Unfortunately VD52 is limited to 35 characters, need about 80 characters.
    Regards Andy

    Thanks RAF,
    I noticed I needed to use the button addtional text as well in VD52, though this is limited to 72 characters and not unlimited. Now I'm facing the issue that the commercial invoice is not printing all characters defined in this field, so probably have the layout increase field length.
    Thanks for the help.
    If there is another solution to define a Customer specific materail description then mentioned above I would like to know.
    Regards Andy

  • Customer Supplied Material

    Dear All,
    Customer Supplied us the Material for job Work Process.
    I want the flow to be captured.How to do it??
    At the same time customer send us the Challn (57f4) We want to Track that also.
    Qty Recvied Per  Challan
    Qty  Baked to customer Per Chlllan
    Is there any report is Std SAP???

    there is no need of creation of purchase order.
    as u have recd, the order there, u will have the sales order.
    1st u create the material with UNBW-material type
    (non valuated material)
    create the GR with mvt type 501-E with ref to 57F4 challan
    (Gr without Purchase order)
    (IIf u do GR by 501-E for the customer receipt material in sales order, ur finished material stock will not go up, but the customer material will reserved for that sales order)
    process the same with Production order for material conversion to finished product.
    raise invoice to for the finised product with ref to Sales order.
    cenvat for the same can be taken by J1IEX without referance to purchase order
    Edited by: manipal on Jan 9, 2008 6:05 AM
    Edited by: manipal on Jan 9, 2008 6:06 AM
    Edited by: manipal on Jan 9, 2008 6:07 AM

  • Planned Independant Requirement by Customer and Material

    Is there a way to input the Planned Independant requestments by Customer and Material? So far, what I know is that it can be done by product or product group. Pls advise.

    Hi Kalidas,
    Thanks for the info.
    What I am trying to do is to input customer forecast by material and customer. This is to enable me to compare the customer forecast and actual orders by customers in the future rather than just by material. This is so I will know whether the particular customer actually ordered what they have forecasted. I have tried using info structures but it is too difficult and not feasible for the particular case. Is there any standard SAP functionality that can do this since based on what you said PIR is not possible.
    Thanks so much.

  • Table and Field for Open Order Quantity for a Customer and Material

    I created two sales orders 3 and 5 quantities, and delivered 1 qty in the second order.
    when I checked the table VBBE or VA05, I am able to see 3 and 4 qantities open.
    but I want to see the total 7 as open order qty, i.e, 3+4=7
    because both the orders are placed by the same customer and same material
    can u please tell me in which table exactly the total open order quantity for a customer and total open order quantity for a material is stored
    Edited by: madhubabu rao on Jul 1, 2008 1:49 PM

    U can get the information in VA05 as there are columns like confirmed quantity and order quantty and status. U can use  summation button (add upto values) to get required information.

  • Report for Customer and Material list

    Dear Experts,
      Is there any Std. reprot to list all customers under particular sales org and also the material for each customer deals with.
      Input only sales org.
    Please advise,

    Go for MCTA report ....anter the sales org as the criteria and get the out put .
    You need to drill down til last to get the material list.
    hope this will help you !!
    Krishna O

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