Customize hookflash event body

I'm trying to integrate the ATA's hookflash via SIP INFO with our Broadsoft platform but I'm running into an issue.
Broadsoft requires two things of the INFO message
1) Content type to be "application/broadsoft"
2) Event (body) to read "event hookflash"
I have been able to customize the content type via the "Hook flash MIME type" parameter (under the voice -> sip tab) but cannot see a way to modify the event body itself.  It currently sends "signal=hf".
Is there a way to modify this behavior so that I can send something besides "signal=hf" in the event body?
Below is an example of the INFO message:
INFO sip:[email protected]52:5060;transport=udp SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-927d442a
From: "2001 User" <sip:[email protected]>;tag=6b39d0aa55093223o0
To: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=174806386-1375398561300
Call-ID: [email protected]
CSeq: 102 INFO
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: Cisco/SPA112-1.3.2(014)
Content-Length: 11
Content-Type: application/broadsoft

FYI - I'm in touch with Cisco and have verified that what I want cannot currently be done.  I am in the process of working with them on a feature request.

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    Where are you clicking on "customize?" Are you using the iPhone?
    This is what I am presented with when choosing "repeat" on my iMac:

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    Where are you clicking on "customize?" Are you using the iPhone?
    This is what I am presented with when choosing "repeat" on my iMac:

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    Hi Inder - Regarding the audit log - have a look at the below blog (1)
    For the alerting , either you can use above suggested approach or have a look at the below blog
    Customize E-Mail Body and Subject in Alerts in SAP PI 7.31 – Java Stack Only – Part 1 – ESR  (2)
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    Check these documents. I think those will be help for you
    Customize E-Mail Body and Subject in Alerts in SAP PI 7.31 – Java Stack Only – Part 1 – ESR
    Customize E-Mail Body and Subject in Alerts in SAP PI 7.31 – Java Stack Only – Part 2 – ID
    Michal's PI tips: Component-Based Message Alerting

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    Hi Vorlerk,
    If i understand your question correct, that you need to change the automatic JE posting. If it is yes, then my answer is No .
    You can't change the system JE posting, instead you can post an extra JE for your needs through SDK.
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    I am not sure most of OIM Developers, System Integrators and Architects aware of this Oracle Asset, hence sharing information.
    In most of the questions posted on forum related to event handler usages Plugin Registration utility and weblogic scripts to import / export meta data files into MDS. There is easy way to deploy OIM 11g even handler plugins , Scheduled Tasks, Request Datasets and Notification Events using OIM Customization Installer JDeveloper Extension.
    Oracle has published Oracle Identity Manager 11g Sample Assets some time back. You can use OIM Customization Installer JDeveloper Extension for SINGLE CLICK deployment of OIM customizations like Event Handlers, Plugins, Scheduled Tasks, Request Datasets and Notification Events.
    You can access and download Oracle Asset using below link,

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    Hi Ajeya,
    The below blog might help
    Customize Alerts Using Job in PI 7.31/PO
    Customize E-Mail Body and Subject in Alerts in SAP PI 7.31 – Java Stack Only – Part 1 – ESR
    Customize E-Mail Body and Subject in Alerts in SAP PI 7.31 – Java Stack Only – Part 2 – ID

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