Customize Portal Homepage

  I am working on EP 2.0 SP6 and want to know whether I can customize the portal homepage. If yes, kindly let me know of any sample code/link for the same.
I want to change the look of the Portal homepage(page after user logs into Portal). I want the navigation bar (which appears on left side currently) to appear on top (like second level navigation), etc.
Also read help pages but was not able to find the required data.
Thanks and Warm Regards,

Hi Ritu,
I not really know, what you meen.
The most of the layout thinks you can change in systemadministration -> portal di. In the theme editor you have to choose a default and make a copy of this. Than you can change what ever you want. After this you will need a display rule, a portal desktop and perhaps a new framework page.
Some other things you can "customize", do this careful, it could be overwritten with updates! For example:
The number of items in the catalog tree you can change in ContentProvidedBySAP->Admin Interfaces -> Admin iView Templates->
Also you can change the text format for TreeNodes in display name, display id or both with iView Portal Content Catalog - Portal Content Studio.
The iview Top-Level Navigation can perhaps help you to change the number of levels in the top-level navigation. But I don't think, that you can put the left side navigation completly in the top.
Have a lot of fun with trying this.
I would like to know, if you can solve your problem.
greetings Anke

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                                       + reader.getBackendSystemConfig().get(i).toString()
                                       + ""
                                       + "'>launch system</a>");
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    Hi Praveen,
    for internal portal, you can create 4 different system object in portal landscape for 4 different systems and then implement sso between portal to those system and use sap transaction iview
    for external portal, go with your way.

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    8.1.7 installs scott using System for the default and temporary
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    Hello Jay.
    This is a multi step process.
    Step 1 : Create 2 desktops with everything as same but different mastheads.
    - Copy your existing desktop and paste it in your working folder in PCD (Not select Delta link)
    - Now download masthead par file.
    - Modify your masthead par file where you will disable help link. Rename you masthead file (newMasthead.par) and export it from NWDS. Now import it in portal.
    - open your framework page in desktop2. Just add your new masthead in it. Enable the new one and disable the existing one.
    Step 2 : Create 2 groups of users. (First one belong to users who wish to see help link . i.e existing desktop) (Second of thoese users who do not have to see help link i.e. newDesktop)
    - Assign users to appropriate groups.
    - Assign same roles to both groups.
    Step 3 : Modify main rule section in PCD.
    - If group = HelpLinkUsers Then Desktop1
    If group = NoHelpLinkUsers Then Desktop2.
    You may find above process bit tedious and lengthy.
    But if you wish to further customize your portal then this will be needed one day.
    If you find problems in implementing any step then please search in google or SDN.
    Please revert back on any specific question on above approach you may face while implementing.

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    Just write a sub-class of Handler such as this:
    public class JMSHandler extends Handler {
    }Look into the JDK source code such as MemoryHandler and StreamHandler on how to implement it.

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    Benoit Pironet

    On the database where the single sign-on server is installed, log in to the single sign-on schema using SQL*Plus:
    ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus orasso/password
    See Appendix B to learn how to obtain the password for the single sign-on schema.
    Update LOGIN_URL. To replace the sample page with your own page, update the third value in the column. In the following example, single_signoff.jsp is the deployment-specific page.
    SET LOGIN_URL='UNUSED UNUSED http://server.domain[:port]/single_signoff.jsp';
    To revert to the Oracle page, simply restore the original value:


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    Pl see if this link can help -

  • Customize Portal Page

    If I add a column to a page, then the two columns are even. How can I customize the left column to be only one half of the right column?

    Each "column" on a portal page is basically a page region. What you'll need to do is to edit the properties of each page region.
    To edit region properties, simply do the following:
    1) click on the "customize page" (or for Portal 3.0.9, "edit page") link for your portal page.
    2)When the page layout appears, click on the little "pencil" icon within each columnar page region, and a popup window will appear.
    3) In the popup window, change the percentage of table width to say "25"% for the narrow column. Save your changes.
    4) For the wider columnar region, change the percentage to 75%, for example.
    Be aware that due to the nature of HTML and HTML tables, these properties will work best when you have images and content that are small enough to resize down to your narrowest column width.
    Hope this helps.
    Best Regards,

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    Thanks in Advance!!!

    Hello Yerramilli ,
    Please post your query in Portal Forum .
    In SDN we have varies Fourms like
    Portal Content Development , Portal Implementation ,Enterprise Portal Migration ,Unification, Connectivity and Object Based Navigation .
    You can post your query in Portal Content Development
    Regards ,

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