Customize Table Maintenance Dialog

  I have created a Z table and generated a maintenance dialog.  Is it possible to customize the dialog and add specific feature on it??

Double click on the screen number which takes you to a screen there  press flow logic button on the application toolbar ... where you can write your custom code by creating custom modules maintained in the main program ...

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    Hello everybody,
    I have a client specific table (mandt is the first key field) that should be maintained cross-client: In the table maintenance dialog, I want to change/create/insert values belonging to clients other than the current logon client. Can I do this with a generated maintenace dialog? If yes, how?
    Thank you for your help, regards, Kathrin!

    Hi Kathrin,
    I think you can't, you must create your own dialog maintenance program.
    They are some program to copy data from client to others .. but never seen any dialog cross client. (or remove the mandt  in your key).

  • Table maintenance dialog

    Hello friends,
    What is the use of generate table maintenance dialog?(se11 --> Utilitys --> Table maintenance generator)
    What is the use of function group in table maintenance dialog screen?

    What is maintenance type --> One step and two step - It refers to steps in creating a table value.
    Ex: Two step will have two screens for creating a value.
    What is Miant Screen no --> Overview screen and sinlge screen - It refers to screen nature.
    Overview screen - While displaying table entries, all values will be displayed in a single screen.
    sinlge screen  -  While displaying table entries, only single value is displayed.
    Edited by: Sap Fan on Mar 5, 2009 8:00 AM
    Edited by: Sap Fan on Mar 5, 2009 8:01 AM

  • Adding F4 help to a field in a table maintenance dialog

    I have used SE54 to create a maintenance dialog for my table. I need to be able to use F4 in a field in the maintenance dialog that will read several values that have been entered into the table (in the same row) but not yet saved and then execute an SAP delivered function module that will present the user with valid selections based on the data input.
    I am somewhat familiar with events and modifications in SE54 but I am struggling with how to implement this.
    Thanks for your help
    Corwin Slack

    Hi Corwin,
    You can have Process on Value-Request on your screen where the field exist. You can use SE80 to edit the screen of the function group that table maintenance generator created.
    1. Edit the screen using SE80.
    2. Place a 'process on value-request' at the bottom of the flow logic.
    3. Below that, put this line
    field fieldname module get_help.
    4. Double click on GET_HELP and create an input module pool program.
    5. In this module pool, pass the values of the other fields in your screen to the function module that can provide you the list of values
    6. Use function module F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST within this module pool to popup the values.
    However, please keep in mind that the values from other fields on the screen are not populated in its field unless you hit enter.

  • Table maintenance dialog event to modify the screen

    Hello All,
    Can anyone tell the Event in table maintenance generator where I can grayout the few fields of the SM30 screen dynamically?
    Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards,
    Sasidhar Reddy Matli.

    Hello Vijay,
    If I change the properties of the fields as output only in the screen, when ever they regenerate the table maintenance screen, these properties will go off. Could you please suggest any other method for this?
    Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards,
    Sasidhar Reddy Matli.

  • Generate table maintenance dialog

    Hi created one table.
    But it has one field ZCOUNT type NUMC with 10 and it is key. The other fields are one KEYFIELD type Char 10 positions, and others PARM1 until PARM17 type CHAR with 18 positions.
    After I want one view for maintain this table.
    I already have one view with the same name of the table and I created one transaction with transaction with variant.
    Now starts my doubt, because I don't want to see the field ZCOUNT, but I want put values when SAVE/delete/change.
    I know this should be done in SE54 with events, but How do I do this? Because I don't want to see this field, but when is new entry, I want save ZCOUNT with the total of  records of table. And when is for delete one record, I need to fill this field with number of records of table.
    Other things I don't want the text of the data element in the header, but another text like 'aaa' for parm1. Is this possible?
    All helps are welcome.
    Thanks in advanced.
    Best regrads,

    Hi Ana,
    Is your view a 'maintenance view'? If so, then there is a column in there that you need to set it to 'H' for this field.
    Go to SE11. Enter your view name in the view field. Choose 'Change'. Once you are inside, check if your view is a maintenance view(text right before your view name tells you the type). If not you need to change it to a maintenance view by choosing the "Change view type" under "Extras" in the menu.
    Once your view is a maintenance view, then in the tab where you have the view fields, there is a column for "maintenance attribute for view field". Set this value to 'H' for ZCOUNT. This way it will not be displayed in the maintenance transaction(provided you have the maintenance through this view not through the table directly).
    Then you can generate the "table maintenance generator module". Goto SE54 and use event 01 to fill this field.

  • How to get column names in table maintenance dialog?

    I created a new Z table and created a maintanance dialog so that I can maintain the table through sm30. i don't see columns names on maintenance screen, just a "+" sign for each column! Could someone please tell me how to display column name?

    Hello Mithun
    The column texts are taken from the field descriptions of the data elements used in your z-table. A "+" sign usually indicates that none of the field descriptions of the data element has been maintained.

  • Missing Date fields in table maintenance generation

    I have some non-key date fields in my custom table and have noticed that they do not get generated on the overview screen of my two-step table maintenance dialog. They are present on the detail screen.
    If I change the domain of the fields to CHAR they appear.
    If I change the maintenance type to one-step they appear.
    It seems it is standard behaviour for date fields to be omitted from the overview screen.
    Can anyone confirm that this is standard behaviour or give an explanation for date fields being treated in this manner?...or come up with a way of including the fields on the header screen.
    I already know that I can:
    1. customize the screen to include the fields
    2. create a non-date domain for the fields which uses date-type calendar dropdown

    Thankyou Jonathan, I would have been too lazy to go into debug if I didn't have the form name you supplied! It wasn't the reason you suspected but it was failing the following check in that routine:
    maintenance in list screen required?
          CHECK p_tvdir-type = one_step_maint OR
           ( <w_dfies>-keyflag NE space    "force only keyfields
            OR ( 'CHARNUMC' CS <w_dfies>-datatype     "and view char-fields
             AND p_skip_fields = space )
            OR ( 'CHARNUMC' CS <w_dfies>-datatype     "and view char-fields
             AND <w_dfies>-intlen GE 20 )       "int 3263961/2000
            OR <w_dfies>-rollname = 'BEGDA'    "time dependence
            OR <w_dfies>-rollname = 'ENDDA'    "time dependence
            OR <w_dfies>-tabname NE p_gencb-viewname ). "or text table field
    Because the datatype was DATS.......looks like it will only include key fields and CHAR, NUMC non-key fields or those with a rollname of BEGDA/ENDDA or texttable fields. In debug I changed the datatype to CHAR and it generated with my field included. I think there might be an OSS note to fix this but haven't found it yet.

  • Hidden fields in a maintenance dialog

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    You have to Change the code of the Function group generated (which is in customer namespace anyway)
    In the PBO event of the Screen :
    Module definition:
            IF SCREEN-NAME = '<YOUR FIELD>'.
               SCREEN-INVISIBLE = 0.
                MODIFY SCREEN.
    <b>reward if Helpful</b>

  • How to regenerate a table maintenance view for a table.

    A  new customer defined field(y_status) was added to the table(ykxrdarea). But the field is not reflected in the view maintenance.busiess adviced me to regenerate the table view maintenance.
    Can any one help me how to regenerate the table view maintenance.

    Go to transaction SE11.Enter the table name and choose utilities from the menu and click on table maintenence generator.You will get the table maintenance dialog.Choose generated objects from the menu and click on change.You will get the change generation elements screen.Enter the reason for regeneration.In your case it is new field/sec.table in structure.hit enter and the table maintenance will be regenerated.If you go back and see the maintenance view now you should see your field.

  • Table maintenance view - tcode

    Hi experts,
    We have a tcode (already in production) created for table maintenace view of z-table.
    Everything is working fine.
    Now I added one new field to the z-table and changed the table maintenance view accordingly. In SM30 I can maintain the table without difficulties - the new field is visible and maintenable. However, when I call the transaction code created for this view, it doesn't have the new field yet.  I tried a lot but without success to update the tcode accordingly.
    How can I get the tcode adjusted with the new field?
    Thanks for your advise and help in advance!
    Your feedback will be << appreciated >>.
    Please do not offer rewards.
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Dec 6, 2009 5:22 PM

    It's about one week you asked the question, but I answer in case you didn't understand what happened:
    First, screens 1000-1010 can't be used in a table maintenance dialog (an error is mentioned by SAP when you try to use these numbers). So, I really don't understand how you can get 1000 in your table view!
    So, I think that your transaction is linked to a custom program (not the SM30 view). So you just need to adapt manually the custom program. Note: maybe the program is a partial copy of the SM30 function group, so maybe you may just copy the dynpro 1000 of the SM30 function group  to the dynpro 1001 of your custom program...
    Note: when you want to create a transaction which is linked to a table maintenance view (SM30), you must define a Z* transaction of type parameter, with reference to SM30 transaction, select "skip initial screen", do not choose any dynpro, and choose VIEWNAME = your view and UPDATE = X as parameter values.

  • Calculations while entering data into table via table maintenance generator

    Hi all,
    This is the following requirement.
    I created a ztable and also I created the table maintenance generator.  I have two fields which accept integer data.
    The requirement is when I enter value in the first field from the tcode SM30 the data should be populated into the second field automatically by subtracting the first value from 100.
    Can anyone explain me how I can do that.

    take the help of events in TMG and write the code in that event
    like field2 = field1 - 100
    steps to create events
    Step: 1: Create a table
    Step: 2: In SE11, go to Utilities --> table maintenance generator.
    Step: 3: Follow the path Environment --> Modification --> Events.
    Step: 4: Click new entries, select a table maintenance dialog event which suits your requirement.
    Step: 5: Create a form routine.
    Step: 6: Include your logic in the routine created in step 5.
    Hope this helps you.
    Re: bdc
    reward if helpful

  • Field description / label become a plus (+) sign in maintenance dialog

    Hi expert,
    I've create a maintenance view & use it in a maintenance dialog screen. All fields shows ok except one field , the label show a '+' sign only, why huhh ?
    Did anyone face this problem before ? Please help. Thanks

    In the Generate Table Maintenance Dialog screen, go to Environment->Modification->Maintenance Screens via the menubar. Then go to the screen layout by clicking the Layout button.
    Now double click on the column name where you have the '+' sign and type over your required label. Save and activate. Now run this via SM30 you should see the correct label.
    Hope this helps.

  • Table Maintenance screens ...

    I have created a table ZREM1 and also table maintenance generator for this table.  I am using function group ZREM1 for this purpose.  I have modifiled table maintenance screens for this maintenance.
    Now I have a table ZREM2 and also table maintenance generator for this table.  I am using function group ZREM2 for this purpose.  I dont want to create separate screens for this table maintenance but want to use same screens developed for table ZREM1. 
    Table & Field Structure of ZREM1 & ZREM2 are identical.

    Hello Santosh,
    Anyways, when you specify the screen numbers while creating table maintenance dialog, you dont have to do anything. Standard SAP by itself generates the screen.
    Hence, no need to copy the screens from one Function Group to other.
    Just specify the Screen numbers in the new Function Group and Create the Table maintenance. The standard would automatically generate the screens for you.
    Hope this helps.

  • Maintenance dialog for table

    Hello folks,
    I had successfully created a table and I tried inserting some records in to the table using table maintenance.
    I received the following error.
    'The maintenance dialog for table zxxx is incomplete or not defined'.
    What does this mean?? And what should I do??
    I am pasting the detail help over this error.
    The maintenance dialog for ZTV_DBS_RANGE_NO is incomplete or not defined
    Message no. SV 037
    The called function with the view/table ZTV_DBS_RANGE_NO needs a special maintenance dialog which, however, either does not exist at all, or does not exist completely.
    System Response
    The called function cannot be performed.
    Generate the required maintenance dialog.
    Please help

    You have to create the maintenance dialog for table you would like to use with transaction SM30 / SM31.
    To do this look the transaction SE55.
    (or SE11, select the table, MODIFY, (menu) Utilities -> Maintain dialog ... )
    Message was edited by: Frédéric Girod

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