Customizing Charts (merging Line, column aand stacked charts into one chart)

Post Author: BARTMAN
CA Forum: Charts and Graphs
I am currently using Crystal Xcelsius 4.5 and am striving to create a hybrid chart. In excel i have customized my chart to incorporate a stacked area chart, a stacked column chart and a couple of line charts thrown into the mix. 
I am perplexed when trying to accomplish the same task in Xcelsius, can not find anything that will allow you to custom build your own graphs.
Does any one have a solution?

I meant have one criteria (one query).
so you'd select :
week of year,
count(Fixed Bugs),
count(reported bugs)
in the same criteria, then select both measures on the 'line' and the week of year on the x axis of the graph?
Any reason why you cant build them into one criteria?
BTW are you measures defined the RPD or are you creating them in Answers on the fly using count() function?

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    HeyStupid wrote:
    how do I merge two valid, purchased iTunes accounts into one so all my music is in same account?
    You cannot. iTunes pruchases remian tied to the account they were purchased with.
    I just got a new iPad and set up second iTunes account,
    Remove your info from new account, update old account as needed and use that.

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    $Object =
    New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = $CC
    Model = 'Failed'
    OperatingSystem = 'Failed'
    Try {
    $Object.Model =
    get-wmiobject -computername $CC -class win32_computersystem -ErrorAction Stop |
    select -ExpandProperty Model
    $Object.OperatingSystem =
    get-wmiobject -computername $CC -class win32_operatingsystem -ErrorAction Stop |
    select -ExpandProperty Caption
    Finally { $Object }
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    There's a lot wrong with this script:
    1.  You're importing the same file 3x; you should import one and reference the things you need out of it.
    2.  If the CSV has more than one row in it, your .notation you're using to access the MailSizeMaster, MailSizeRefresh, and Alias properties is used incorrectly.  If you are trying to reference each of those properties from an array of different entries,
    the proper way would be:
    $Import = @(Import-Csv C:\usermigration.csv)
    $MailSizeMaster = $Import | Select-Object MailSizeMaster
    $MailSizeMaster = $Import | Select-Object -Expand MailSizeMaster
    ...the "OR" is not PowerShell. 
    3.  I don't know if you can concatenate different objects with the select-object cmdlet like you are.  However, what you could do is create a custom object to load the values into and then output that object:
    $filename = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyyMMdd")
    foreach ($item in $Import) {
    $MS = Get-MailboxStatistics $item.Alias
    New-Object PSObject -Property @{
    'DisplayName' = $MS.DisplayName
    'ServerName' = $MS.ServerName
    'StorageGroupName' = $MS.StorageGroup
    'Database' = $MS.Database
    'NotesMailSizePre' = $item.MailSizeMaster
    'NotesMailSizePost' = $item.MailSizeRefresh
    } | Select-Object DisplayName,ServerName,StorageGroupName,Database,NotesMailSizePre,NotesMailSizePost | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation "C:\$($filename)-mailboxstats.csv"

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    You'll have to use File->Scripts->Load Files into Stack to load all the images into a single document, each on it's own layer, select all the layers and go to Edit->Auto-Align Layers. If all went well then you should be able to achieve your effect using a couple of simple layer masks

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    It works well because InDesign is highly reliable for placing PDF files (you can even choose which layer):
    And it uses the common PDF Export presets for the Creative Suite. I've used it very reliably to place ads saved as PDF, and including them in a program guide, then exporting the entire project as one PDF file.

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    File > Scripts > Image Processor
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    Events menu - Autosplit selected Event
    Restore from backup.

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    Here is example
    TABLE A:
    id | value
    1 | a
    2 | a
    3 | b
    id | id_in_table_a | value
    1 | 1 | d
    2 | 1 | e
    3 | 2 | g
    this select should get all columns from table A where value = 'a' and all values related to this record from B merged to one column separated for example with pipe, so the output should looks like this
    id | value | merged_column
    1 | a | d|e
    2 | a | g
    thanks for help

    If you are on 10g, you can use this:
    SQL> create table a
      2  as
      3  select 1 id, 'a' value from dual union all
      4  select 2, 'a' from dual union all
      5  select 3, 'b' from dual
      6  /
    Tabel is aangemaakt.
    SQL> create table b
      2  as
      3  select 1 id, 1 id_in_table_a, 'd' value from dual union all
      4  select 2, 1, 'e' from dual union all
      5  select 3, 2, 'g' from dual
      6  /
    Tabel is aangemaakt.
    SQL> select id
      2       , value
      3       , rtrim(v,'|') merged_column
      4    from ( select id
      5                , value
      6                , v
      7                , rn
      8             from a
      9                , b
    10            where = b.id_in_table_a
    11            model
    12                  partition by (
    13                  dimension by (row_number() over (partition by order by rn)
    14                  measures (a.value, cast(b.value as varchar2(20)) v)
    15                  rules
    16                  ( v[any] order by rn desc = v[cv()] || '|' || v[cv()+1]
    17                  )
    18         )
    19   where rn = 1
    20  /
        1 a     d|e
        2 a     g
    2 rijen zijn geselecteerd.Regards,

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    Or, can I archive them somewhere so they don't appear in my Event list?

    Can I combine the events while retaining the seperate events?
    No. If you merger events you'll end up with just one event representing those that you merged. 
    To make selected events invisible in the Events mode do the following:
    1 - select the events and double click on one of them to open all in the same window.
    2 - type Command+A to select all photos.
    3 - right or Control-click on any of the selected photos.
    4 - click on Hide in the window that comes up:
    That will hid those events from the list of other events in the Events mode and wherever else those photos are, i.e. albums, books, etc.
    To makes the Events visible again use the View ➙ Hidden Photos menu option:
    To make them permanently viewable you'll need to select those events and follow steps 1-4 above but click on the Show button this time.

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    R/3     Order           0000012901     item 10          created              05/08/2008
         Delivery              0080015843     item 10          created              05/08/2008
         Invoice          0090036871     item 10          created          05/08/2008
         FI invoice      1400000135     item 1          created          05/08/2008
    F1             F2     F3                     F4     F5                     F6     F7                     F8     F9             F10       F11        F12       F13
    12901     10                                                                                   5/08                    
    12901     10     80015843     10                                                         5/08      5/08               
    12901     10     80015843     10     90036871     10                               5/08      5/08      5/08          
    12901     10     80015843     10     90036871     10     1400000135     1     5/08      5/08             5/08              5/08     -

    I think your second level DSO should have only 2 key fields: Sales Order no and Item. The other fields will get update in this case. Hope this helps.
    Thanks and Regards
    Subray Hegde

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    One method is if she has an iPod, she can plug the iPod into either library and iTunes will find the purchased tracks and ask if you want to transfer them into the current library.
    Without an iPod, the files themselves can be copied out of either account's iTunes Music folder structure onto CDRs, USB thumb drive, or since it is on the same computer to a common shared folder. You can then add them to the other account's library. Since they are both authorized to the same account, they should play fine.

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    Some albums will fracture into a million pieces if you have different artist names. How the columns are sorted can effect this.
    If it is a multiple artists on one album select 'Compilation' in the options section for all of the songs on the album. 
    NOTE: You need to have multiple items selected to set this flag!

  • How do I MERGE several "ghost" copies of my user-folder back into one single identity?

    This is my current storage directory for THUNDERBIRD: (on my nearly brand-new PC workstation!)
    All of it's folder-icons in the left-most column are mute/empty/unresponsive...
    Others that I would like to "fold in" to this identity are located in analogous file-paths
    such as:
    --inside each of these three setups
    such as:
    .....each of these three setups contain the "same"set(s) of subfolders:
    ---However, NONE of these message-organizing sub-folders ACTIVELY show up within Thunderbird...
    ALL of them seem to show "ghost" copies of the folders and subafolder---in the left-column folder-list view window
    but they are mute and unresponsive, and do not SHOW the .emlx messages contained within them....
    Drilling into the PC's filing-system (Window Explorer, like Apple's FINDER) does show that the indiv. emlx. mail files
    DO exist and ARE readable as plain-text----ugly as hell with header information aond other control characters framing the text-message contents.
    How do I "shuffle together" (merge?) the various user-folders into ONE user folder, without overwriting folders and messages?
    How do I resurrect the functionality of the "ghost" folder icons in the left-most column?
    Such that clicking on a folder with show it's contents, or expand to show it's SUB-folders...
    Please Advise!
    Best regards,
    David A. Lewis a.k.a. "themacguy"
    [email protected]

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    Hi there,
    I run a media company, and until now our staff is working with creative cloud accounts that are specified to each employee.
    To save some money I want to start up a Team membership. But off course I dont want to continue paying for single accounts our staff use for the moment.
    Is there a way to merge the single creative cloud accounts into one Team account?
    All the best,
    Les Creatives Stockholm

    Hi Thomas,
    Once you will purchase Creative Cloud Teams for the employees then you can cancel the Creative Cloud membership for individual by contacting Adobe Customer Support and ask them to cancel the individual memberships.
    You may also contact our support here

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