Customizing Layout in PSE

I have PSE 5.0. I go into the Make Photo Creation. I like the scrapbook feature wherein there are specific layouts that I drop and drag my photos into.

How do you add the template to the photo layout section so that I call pull up my template in the layout.
Currently, I click on:
-Photo Layout
-Then, I select 8.5X11 size
-Then, select layout. I want to add my layout to this section so that it appears in this box.

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    How do you add the template to the photo layout section so that I call pull up my template in the layout.
    Currently, I click on:
    -Photo Layout
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    -Then, select layout. I want to add my layout to this section so that it appears in this box.

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    Hi Sudha,
    Please check the following blogs whick will guide you step by step.
    If helps reward points

  • R12: PO Print report not accepting custom layout

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    PO Print report is not picking up the custom layout in R12.
    We have developed a custom layour ( .rtf).It works fine when run as a concurrent program.
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    If any body has worked on similar type of issue anytime please let me know.
    Thanks in advance.
    [email protected]

    We are using r12-12.1.1.
    Still this bug is not rectified(6806428). Oracle has taken up new Enhancement request 9264442.
    Funny that it will rectified in next version .
    This db flaw in india localization which doest allow to pick sum of each taxes.
    Edited by: |SN| on Jan 21, 2010 10:46 PM

  • How to force a Custom Layout in the links sent by e-mail ?

    Hi everyone,
    For customizing the final user´s view for Discussion Groups,
    I created a custom Layout Set "myDiscussionGroupsContributor"
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    that references a custom Command "my_join_discussion_thread_contributor"
    that has a custom Layout Set assigned "mySingleDiscExplorerContributor".
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    the received link opens the discussion using the default
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    contains the property "rndLayoutSet=SingleDiscExplorerContributor"
    as noted in the following href element:
    scWidth=220&scPostListWidth=500" target=_blank
    The same happens with the link in the subscriptions list.
    Does anybody know how to set the layout in these links ?

    Hi all,
    I solved the problem, so here I post the steps for the solution I found.
    1) Modify the Object Type Definitions:
    In the CM Repository there is a folder root > etc > oth.
    There you have to change the LayoutSet settings in the following files
    (I don´t know if it is necessary to modify all of them):
         - discussion_post.oth
         - discussion_topic.oth
         - discussion.oth
         - discussiongroups_items.oth
         - discussionPostType.oth
         - discussionType.oth
         - dscGroupsCollType.oth
         - dscGroupsItemsType.oth
    2) Then you have to reload de OTH settings:
    In the Content Management configuration (System Administration >
    System Configuration > Content Management)
    go to User Interface > Debugging Settings and edit the configuration.
    Add your user id to "UI Superusers" then enable
    "Enable Rendering Information" and save.
    Then go to a KM and clic on "Rendering Information"
    (If the link doesn´t appear, refresh your window).
    A new window opens, clic in "OTH-Overview"
    and then in the new window click on "Reload".
    Finally close all popup windows and go to the
    Debugging Settings again to disable the checkbox
    "Enable Rendering Information"
    For further information you can read:
    I hope someone find this thread useful.
    Daniel Sacco

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    On my layout, I created a shape and dropped an image into it. This results in the following tooltip on both the layout editor and on the pages using the layout:
    "This image is a placeholder. Drag a new media file here to replace it."
    And with that shape selected, if I go to Format, Advanced, the option "Define as Media Placeholder" *is* checked.
    But when I go to a page using this new layout and attempt to drag a JPEG file on top of the placeholder, a new photo is created on the page rather than replacing the placeholder. This means I have to go set the wrapping, size, placement, etc. of the photo with each page.
    What am I doing wrong?

    Good question. Just figured it out myself. I'm going to quote from
    In order to successfully transform a picture/movie within a master page into a placeholder you must select it, then 1) Format – Advanced – Define as Media Placeholder. 2) From the Inspector panel, select the Layout inspector and below Layout Object select the Editable on pages using this layout checkbox. If you forget this checkbox, the placeholder won’t work.

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    Is there a custom layout which emulates Grid with File Preview?
    Thanks in advance.

    PDF Portfolios arrived out of the blue with Acrobat 9 and have been somewhat of an experiment - Acrobat contains some to get you started, but by also releasing the SDK it was hoped that the Flex programming community would have provided an ecosystem to support Acrobat users who wanted more choice - so just as you can buy or download hundreds of  templates for websites, you could find them for Portfolios too.
    Unfortunately it hasn't happened, and the technological landscape  has changed dramatically in the past three years - the rise of HTML5, dominance of tablets/iOS, security concerns and  Adobe's repositioning of Flash in the marketplace have all affected the commercial viability of Flex as a career, and consequently the availability of free third-party Portfolio layouts. It would have been nice to see a vibrant community of people sharing their designs, but the reality is that the majority of custom PDF Portfolios are created for enterprises as part of their brand identity, and there is an obvious cost involved in hiring one of the small number of expert programmers (of which Joel Geraci is the #1) to do the work.
    Adobe has never claimed that the layouts which ship with Acrobat were the best/only way to do things - just as with the default presets in Lightroom, they're examples of what can be done. With Acrobat X it became easier for non-programmers to style the layouts (via Themes) but there's no escaping the basic fact that making a layout itself is a Flex programming job, and not one you'd attempt as your first chunk of code.
    When Acrobat 9 launched, I saw pretty equal levels of complaints that the bundled layouts were too boring and too flashy. The target was shifted in Acrobat X to a less corporate style, but again people loved and hated them in equal measure. Given how much work is involved in writing and testing each layout, you can't expect Adobe to release a version for everyone.
    There were legitimate  reasons why the bundled layouts from A9 weren't included in AX. Speaking personally I don't expect my assessment to change: Portfolios may stick around, they may not - it depends on a mountain of bigger questions about Web standards, device popularity, politics and economics which Adobe have no control over.

  • Custom Layout for FBL1N (Open Vendor Items)

    Hi All,
    I would like to create a custom layout for the List Output.  Currently there is only options as to display the Standard Local currency, I would like to include the value for the Document Currency (Transaction Currency) as well.  Does anyone have come across this before?  Thanks.

    Creating a layout for any report is very easy.
    Go to TCODE FBL1N, in the output screen, below the menu options, you will find few buttons. you will find the button select layout, click on any one layout, and then click on the button select fields and copy the hidden fields from the select fields option,  add the fields you wish to add and then save the layout with a new name. Or you can also go through menu options - Settings ==> Special Fields - Include your special fields from the available tables. (This is cross client configuraiton)
    hope this helps

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    Hey can you please reply if this is applicable for 11i also..

  • Search result category with a custom layout set?

    I've created a nice little search IVIEW with a custom search options set that will display the document category (taxonomy) in the search result (if the resulting document is categorized, of course.)  Works great.  However there is one little problem.  The categories in the search results are hyperlinked and when you select one, you get a new window with the taxonomy rendered in the default layout set (the ConsumerExplorer I think.)  Not good.  I need this displayed in a custom layout set.
    Any ideas how to make this hyperlink use a custom layout set without changing the default?
    Paul Federighi

    Hi Paul,
    As per my knowledge of the basic s of layout sets and iviews.
    You want to change the layout set of the iview(window) which opens when u click the hyperlink.
    You should do this:
    1)Make a new layout set by customizing the default one.
    2)If the iview opening is a standard iview then go to its properties and change the Layout set value to ur new layout.
    Please revert in case of issues.
    I hope it helps.

  • Report with custom layout - formatting conditions

    There's a report with custom layout. What I need is to format some cells depending on the data they contain(like different background color). There's a tab named "Formatting Conditions" which should be meant for doing this and it works perfectly when report has tabular layout. But nothing happens in case of custom layout. Should this be done then in the "Report Layout Editor" and with Javascript? Portal version is
    Thanks in advance,

    Some condtions like background color do not work in custom mode reports. This is because in case of custom reports the table html is specified by the user and the report renderer has no control over it.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to migrate Stellent 7.5.1 custom layout component to OCS 10gR3

    I am in the process of upgrading stellent 7.5.1 to OCS 10gR3. There is a custom layout component in 7.5.1 wanted to find out how can I migrate the layout component. As probably there are changes in 10gR3 so want to find out how to migrate the custom layout component and any changes required before migrating to 10gR3.

    am putting out the steps needed for upgrading an existing CS instance from version 7.5.1 to 10gR3. Its basically a 2 step process where we use Configuration Migration Utility to migrate the CS structure and Archiver to migrate the existing contents. The steps are as follows :
    1. Install a new CS 10gR3 instance on the server and configure it as per the install guide.
    2. Verify that the basic functionalities for the newly installed instance is working fine by doing some simple tests like checkin ,checkout , update etc. Then upgrade the CS to the latest patchset level which can be downloaded from
    3. Install the latest version of Configuration Migration Utility component (which is found in the same uprgade patch set ) on both the 10gR3 CS (target) instance and the 7.5.1 CS (source).Enable them on both the CS instances and restart the same.
    4. Run the Configuration Migration Utility on the source CS and download the CMU Bundle created on it.
    5. Upload the CMU Bundle created in previous step to the Target CS and import the configurations from that.Verify that the CMU process is completed successfully on the Target CS instance.
    6. Create a new archiver instance on the Source CS and export all the contents in that.
    7. Open the Archiver Applet for the target CS instance and then Point the collections to the collections.hda of the source CS instance so that we can import the contents. Start the Import process on target server.
    8. Once the CMU and Archiver Process are completed then your 10gR3 CS would be an exact replica of the Source 7.5.1 Instance.
    You may also go through System Migration Guide to get more understanding on the Migration / Upgrade processes.
    Hope this helps

  • Problem to set the custom layout as the default layout in std. transaction

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    I want to change the standard layout that is displayed in a standard transaction (EL31) as default. I want few more fields of the structure also to be displayed in the default layout of the standard transaction. I have made a custom layout that i want to be displayed but cant make that layout as the default layout for all users. Please suggest me some way to make the custom layout as the default layout for a standard transaction.

  • How to give link between 2 customized layout in f110 transactions.

    Hello Abapers,
    I am developing customized layout for f110 transaction.I have developed layour for cheques as zcheques and for payment advice,i have developed layout as zpayadvice.When i am running f110 is giving output of cheques only,it is not giving payment advice report.when I am using standard prenumbered cheques form and it is diplaying my customized layout of payment advice(zpayadvice)..this is my porblem..Is there any interlink between customized layouts in f110 can i solve this problem.
    This is very urgent for me.
    waiting for ur favourable replies.

    The SelectOneChoice section is:
    <af:selectOneChoice value="#{bindings.ProcessId1.inputValue}"
    autoSubmit="true" id="ProcList"
    <f:selectItems value="#{bindings.ProcessId1.items}"/>
    and the binding list:
    <list StaticList="false" ListOperMode="0" IterBinding="NameViewIterator"
    ListIter="ProcessListIterator" id="ProcessId1" NullValueFlag="1"
    <Item Value="ProcessId"/>
    <Item Value="ProcessId"/>
    <Item Value="ProcessName"/>
    Do I need to change the format of SelectOneChoice to add "for each"?
    Message was edited by:
    [email protected]

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