Customizing the default basic CMYK file...

I have saved a customized "basic" file so that a new cmyk document loads with my changes...with the exception of color management. My chosen customized .csf for CS4 apparently doesn't stick... The new file, after being saved for the first time indicates that it's an "unmanaged file". What to do? Has anyone dealt with this before?

davidmacy wrote:
Unmanaged File doesn't mean anything - it means that you are not using Version Cue -- very annoying message. If you want that to go away, click on that part of the Status Bar and go to Show > Current Tool (or Document Color Profile if that is what you want to see).
Except, it keeps defaulting to 'Unmanaged File' – for new files and everytime you reopen an existing file.... Or is there a way out?

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    Hi Greg
    You were poorly advised. Deleting Adobe apps is a headache and completely irrelevant when it comes to making an app the default for a file type.
    Control-click a .pdf file, choose Get Info. In the Info window click the Open With drop down list, choose the app you want, and then click Change All underneath it.
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    There are some important distinctions and points to be made here.
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    ACLs supersede but don’t necessarily override Standard UNIX permissions.
    The best way to use ACLs is to enable Access Control Lists on the desired volume, create the share point folder from within Workgroup Manager, define the Users and Groups and then drop the relevant User and/or Group into the ACL window and define access privileges from there. Don’t be tempted to use the Standard UNIX permissions in addition to ACLs as all sorts of problems can ensue.
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    I'm not sure about Oracle8i Personal Edition. The default username/passwords are:
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    Autre façon : Ouvre un nouveau document. Il va être en A4. Dans le menu Fichier--->Format d'impression. Une fenêtre apparaît. Dans la ligne... Taille du papier, tu choisis... Lettre US; tu fais OK. Ensuite tu sauves ce document comme modèle. Menu Fichier----> Enregistrer comme modèle et tu lui donnes le nom, par exemple... USLettre.
    Ensuite, va dans le menu Pages, va dans préférences et dans la fenêtre qui s'ouvre - Préférences générales - tu choisis : Utiliser le modèle... et tu cliques sur Choisir... à droite un peu en bas de Utiliser le.... et là, dans la fenêtre qui va apparaître, tu trouves le modèle que tu viens de faire...USLettre.
    Voilà. Chaque fois que tu vas ouvrir Pages, ce sera USLettre qui sera là par défaut.
    J'espère que ça va te satisfaire.
    Évidemment l'idéal serait de pouvoir changer la template Vierge par une template Vierge US... mais j'ai pas encore réussi.
    Message was edited by: BenwaR

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    Mac OS X: Double-Clicking a File Opens the Wrong Application -
    =Changing the application used to open all files of a certain kind=
    1) In a Finder window highlight a file of the kind you want to change the application to open that kind of file.
    2) While that file is highlighted, select File > Get Info or press command (apple or propeller icon) + i to get a file information window.
    3) In the lower part of the info window there is an "open with" menu with a list of applications.
    4) If your application is already in the box then it is the default application for opening that kind of file and you don't need to do anything more.  Close the get info window.
    5) If the application showing in the menu is not the one with which you wish to open the file then select a new application. If your application does not appear there then select the "other..." and track down the application (usually in the Applications folder at the main level of the computer).
    6) If you wish to change all files of this type to open with this application in future, make sure the "change all" button is selected.
    7) Close the get info window.

  • Customizing the default tree

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    Thanks in advance

    Hi TJ,
    You can add styling into the tree template itself. What you do, though, depends on what the tree template already has.
    If we assume that none of the entries in the tree's template shows name="..." on any tag and the tree is constructed as a table - that is, the Before Tree setting is just:
    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">we can update this to (A) give the table tag an ID and (B) add some styling above that to target each tree node. There should be only types of node in the tree - ones without any link and ones with a link. The ones without a link should be just text in a TD tag. The ones with links should be text in an A tag.
    So, if we give the tree an ID of "mytree", we can change the Before Tree template setting to:
    <style type="text/css">
    #mytree td {color:darkblue; font-size:16px;}
    #mytree a {color:darkblue; font-size:16px;}
    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="mytree">Then the text in either the TD tag or the A tag will be darkblue and 16px. I have done that here: []
    If your template does include the name="+classname+" attribute for tags, you can override this by adding the following above the TABLE tag in the Before Tree setting:
    <style type="text/css">
    .classname {color:darkblue; font-size:16px;}
    </style>Then, no matter what the original classname style was, your setting will override this.

  • How do I set my older version of Pages as the default when opening files?

    I currently have two versions (Pages '08 3.0.3 and Pages '09 4.2) on my computer. I am finding that when others send me a document created in the older version of Pages, when I open it, it converts it to the newer version. If I make changes and send it back, that same person with only the older version cannot open the file. I know I can duplicate the file, and save a copy as the Pages '08 version when sending the file back, but I'd like to skip this step. Remembering to control click each new file to choose which version I want to open the file in seems like an extra, unecessary step as well. I simply want the files sent to me to open in the older version, so I don't need to go through these extra steps each time. Anyone have any suggestions or tips for me? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    I do try to keep Pages 08 open on my computer, but I sometimes find that my documents will still convert to the 09 version upon opening them, even if I don't make any changes or even save the file myself. I also find that I do not get the "save as" option in Pages 09 when it is not a file I created myself. You wouldn't think a basic word processing file would have this much trouble opening in a version that really isn't that much older. I've been doing a lot of copying and pasting into the older version when I send files out. This really makes the 09 version inconvenient to me. If it weren't for all of my files that now require the 09 version to open (because of this default setting everything I open seems to become an 09 version) I'd get rid of this version all together, as it is not compatible for so many other people with whom I work!

Maybe you are looking for