Cut-to-case backup strategy

Me is on seting up a concept of backup strategy for mbp being planned to be used in our environment.
Till now no experience with mac clients at all.
We will do it stepwise. At the beginning the Mavericks on-board tool for backup Time Machine.
As soon as bit conformable with platform disk cloning will possibly be included in the process.
But only if Time Machine not sufficient for our needs.
Finally if one day it turns out it all does not suite to our needs a switch to 3rd party backup solutions will be conducted.
However this day me can see some signals saying the Time Machine will not
be suitable due to functional limitations. So for final decision bit more information is needed.
We plan to use NAS attached to router as backup destination storage.
Mass storage of nas will be formatted in NTFS. Mac client will get access to nas for
purposes of backup at regular cycle but not continuously, let's say 1 time a week - this corresponds to current
backup strategy and fulfills the needs completely.
As far mine understanding is the TM drive (backup target) removes backed up items in following situations
- as soon as the remaining storage space is below some limit the oldest increments
  get removed, number of increments being removed depends on how quick the minimal free space
  requirement if met.
- there is no warranty a file is backed up on TM drive as soon the drive gets connected to mac client
  and the original item no more exists on the client's drive (source)
A. Is the above understanding fine? Any other situation to be added onto the list?
B. Local snapshots: Is this how the foundation of mac os trash bin are built and look?
C. Or is the mac os trash bin a function and implementation independent from TM local snapshots?
So a nas is planned to store the backup files. Additionally a usb 3.0 drive is planned to backup the backup nas.
In emergency situation where the mac os will following procedure will need to be conducted.
step 1, By other means the backup files are to be copied from ntfs formatted nas storage to
external drive - usb or thunderbolt - formatted using mac os conform file system.
step 2, external drive with TM backups prepared as above to be connected locally to mac client
step 3, recovery using Recovery HD is to be carried out.
Is the above understanding fine?

Yes, you are right.
In the meantime have had more read about TM.
As the well-known article does it claim it in the beginning indeed a complicated
and mysterious machine.
I guess for the same reason one needs more than one read runs
to have an overview.
Now I am aware, TM is proprietary and rather a closed-platform system.
Those components are not standardized. If any grade of flexibility is shown
it is so thanks to capabilities of that proprietary system.
I see some functional limitations shown by TM which immediate disqualify this
solution in our environment. We will need to take a 3rd party solution.
What a pity, the costs continue to explode.
Cloud based solution will not be acceptable due to connection rates
in my region. It is also quite regular case here to be left without broad -band connection
for more weeks after had changed the flat.
Also due to mine concerns regarding data security basically nowadays.

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    I too love automation. However, an automated backup requires the backup drive to be always connected (and maybe powered) in order to perform the backup. Also, the computer you speak of must remain on (by the sounds of it) 24/7 in order to do a nightly back up at midnight.
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    Hi Anish.S,
    According to your description, you want to backup SQL Server Parallel Data Warehouse (PDW) database.
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    Hi SH;
    I suggest check first our previous discussion
    backup and recovery startegy for EBS
    Re: Backup System
    Backup Policy for EBS can
    If you make search you can find many other thread which is mention same question
    For your issue basicly what we do
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    2. For our system we take file system backup weekly(OS base)
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    Now I am taking the backup with Rman Scripts daily after 6 PM. But the problem is that my company can not afford any data loss. I want to implement the backup advance backup startegy. Please I am going implement the advance backup strategy. Environment is What is you current backup mode
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    Hi nzglen,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The Managing Media with Final Cut Pro X Libraries white paper (PDF) at covers strategies for backing up libraries and media.
    I hope this information helps ....
    Happy Holidays!
    - Judy

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    1. When partitioning using Apple's Disk Utility, I could only choose one "option" for all volumes: the best options included "GUID Partition Table" (If I want to use that disk to start up an Intel-based Mac) or Apple Partition Map (If I want to use that drive as a non-startup disk with any Mac). I checked the box for Mac OS 9 drivers to be installed and chose the Apple Partition Map. I did this because I used SuperDuper! to clone my HD and checked the option to make that backup bootable (which is an option in SuperDuper). Is it still bootable on a non-GUID formatted drive? Are the Mac OS 9 drivers necessary? Does it hurt to have them?
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    4. Is there a way to safely test these bootable volumes and the backup?
    Thank you for your time and advice.

    1. GUID is fine, but you don't need an OS9 drivers on an Intel Mac, no harm if they are on there.
    2. At start up you hold down [option] and it will list all possible Boot volumes, select the one you wish to use.
    3. Yes you can store data on any format, the main impact the format has in that case is whether the volume is read/write capable from Mac OS and/or Windows.
    4. Once you've made your clone of the main hard drive onto the external volume, reboot holding down [option] and try booting from it ...

  • Valid One-Time Backup Strategy?

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    In the near future, though, we are planning an upgrade of 9i to 10g. In case we need to undo the upgrade, I want to make sure I have all bases covered when performing this upgrade. My strategy is:
    - Run a level 1 incremental right before starting the upgrade.
    - Shut down the instance
    - Backup the entire ORACLE_HOME(without the data files) using OS commands(tar)
    - Backup the entire oraInventory directory.
    If I needed to restore the 9i database to its pre-upgrade condition, I would simply untar the ORACLE_HOME, the oraInventory and then run an rman restore and recover.
    Is there any flaw in this strategy?
    Thanks, Nick

    RMAN Compatibility Matrix and Guide (Note:73431.1)
    Bye, Aron

  • Long-term  retention backup strategy for Oracle 10g

    I need design a Archivelog, Level 0 and Level 1 long-term retention backup strategy for Oracle 10g, It must be based in Rman with tapes.
    ¿Somebody could tell me what it's the best option to configure long-term retention backups in Oracle?, "CONFIGURE RETENTION POLICY TO RECOVERY WINDOW OF 1825 DAYS;" It's posibble ?
    Regards and thanks in advance

    RECOVERY WINDOW is an integer so yes its possible. Does it make sense?
    Later My bad, this is Oracle 11 only ( the gavinsoorma link ) . Getting harder and harder to think about 10. Don't think I would use RECOVERY WINDOW.
    I would let the tape backup system handle the retention of your rman backups.
    Using crosscheck and delete expired commands you can keep the catalog current with the available backups on tape.
    Oracle 10
    Keeping a Long-Term Backup: Example
    Oracle 11
    If you want to keep 5 years worth of backups I might just use KEEP specific date using the UNTIL TIME clause :
    keep until time 'sysdate+1825'More info :
    Best Regards
    Edited by: mseberg on Dec 4, 2012 7:20 AM

  • Need Advice on Backup strategy

    Database version:10.2.0.
    Database Size:60GB.
    Daily Updation Approximately :2GB.
    I need some advice on my backup strategy.
    My backup startegy:
    Monthly Once, Date: 1 Full backup (Incremental level 0).
    Daily Incremental level 2 backup from Date: 2 to 6.
    Weekly Once Incremental leve 1 backup on Date:7.
    Daily Incremental level 2 backup from Date:8 to 13.
    Weekly Incremental level 1 backup on Date:14.
    Daily Incremental level 2 backup from Date:15 to 21.
    Weekly Incremental level 1 backup on Date:22.
    Daily Incremental level 2 backup from Date:23 to 28.
    Weekly Incremental level 1 backup on Date:29.
    My system requirments are i have only 70GB disk to store the backups, i can store only the full backup in it.So what i am doing is, Am storing the full backup in my disk and am transfering the Incrmental level 1(weekly Once backup) to the Tape and deleting the Daily level 2 backups, after taking that weekly backup.
    Is my strategy correct or should i do anything different plz give me some advice.

    This backup strategy doesn't look bad. However the 70G of free space will be a pain in the neck. I suggest you to increase storage. Have you considered archivelog too? This average 2G daily transaction rate will increase storage requirements, sooner or later, so backup storage requirements.
    ~ Madrid

  • InfoProviders backup Strategy in SAP BW

        Does any one experienced a backup issue with BW especially when you would like to perform a risky modification. Is there any backup strategy that is supported by SAP for any modifcation senario, if it is a small modification or also a big one affecting one or more infoproviders. if there is any document please share with us.

    After the modification if you want original cube structure mean you need to roll back your transports with help of basis team. About roll back you cross check with basis team
    Before doing the changes first have exact informations from your client or users.
    If you think like that as need original cube structure then you can on copy cube structure at prod and move to dev thru transport.
    When you need same or old cube structure, from dev you can move to prod or roll back option.

  • Best backup strategy

    Time Machine is brilliant. It's saved me many times.
    But recently, the backup drive with a year's worth of backups, died.
    I therefore lost ALL my backups.
    Not a major problem as I still have my current data and having re-formatted the Time Machine drive it's merrily backing it all up again.  (I just hope I don't need to recover to last week's backup ... as I no longer have it.)
    But until that's finished I have NO backups!  Eeek!
    So what is the best backup strategy, bearing in mind drives can fail, houses can burn down, etc.  Should I have two or three Time Machine backup discs and keep swapping them every day so if one dies I've still got a one-day-old version?
    Making DVD backups and storing them elsewhere is very time consuming and while my data is really important to me, it defeats the object if I can get on with any work on that data as I'm constantly burning to lotsof DVDs!
    Your views would be appreciated!

    I pretty much do a similar thing, but my offsite backup goes to a locked cabinet in my office (easier to get to weekly to bring home and update then using a bank - I honestly cannot remember when I last physically went to my bank, its been years).
    TM makes a great source for restoring single files or being able to go back to an earlier version of a file.  And the clones are easier for full restoration, or even for booting from temporarily if the machines boot drive dies and you just want to get in to deauthorize it before sending in for repairs or such.  Always good to have a bootable clone around, for many reasons.
    My external clones are on firewire 800 bus powered portable drives, again for simplicity (no power cables or bricks to go with them).
    I also still burn to optical disc for specific things like filed tax returns, and other financial documents I need to keep around in the fire safe for some period of time.

  • Backup strategy

    short story:
    Due to the structure of the library I have the "originals" and "modified" images, when edited some. When importing a library into another without copying them I have some/many thumbnails twice. How do I prevent iPhoto to use the original thumb when a modified exists?
    Long story:
    I'm looking for a working backup strategy for iPhoto. I'd like to collect fotos over the time and when the library reaches some GByte I'd like to copy it to two external drives in a software raid set (mirror). I know that I can merge the two libraries (one on raid, one on MacBook) with some piece of software. So far so good.
    Now I'd like to have the thumbnails of the fotos on the ext. drive on my MacBook as well. I can import them to a library with the option not to copy the images but leave them where they are (on ext. drive). When I'm on the go I can access the thumbnails. When viewing them I am asked to insert the drive.
    But now comes my problem: Due to the structure of the library I have the "originals" and "modified" images, when edited some. So I have some thumbnails twice. How do I prevent iPhoto to use the original thumb when a modified exists?
    Thanks a lot.

    What you really need to use isMedia Expression. It creates catalogs containing thumbnails of the cataloged photos and the catalog can be used without the source file being available.
    You can add keywords and other identifiers to the photos while just using the catalog and then when you get back and have the source files available the new metadata can be applied to the actual file.
    Expression Media appears to be available for the upgrade price of $99 if you are using iPhoto as shown here:
    $99 (Full Version $199)
    For qualifying owners of:
    Licensed copy of an earlier version of Expression Media or any iView Multimedia product.
    Any licensed photographic software, including Windows Photo Gallery or iPhoto
    That info is from this site: and by clicking on the "here" link on that page. I've emailed the developers to see if I've intrepreted that page correctly.
    In the meantime you can download and run the demo. You can also catalog your iPhoto library with EM and write all metadata entered in iPhoto back to the original files. Steps 1-7 of Old Toad's Tutorial #1 describe how. That page is in revision since iView is no longer available and Step #2 is slightly different with the EM demo. It should be changed by the end of the day today.
    I use it in conjunction with iPhoto. EM is my primary DAM (digital asset management) application and I use iPhoto for projects like books, calendars, slideshows, etc.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 6 and 7 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. Just put the application in the Dock and click on it whenever you want to backup the dB file. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.
    Note: There's now an Automator backup application for iPhoto 5 that will work with Tiger or Leopard.

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