CVS Server Implementation

Does some know a CVS server implementation in Java? I found jCVS, but I think there is only a client implementation...

Why not???
Because I want a full java bases server. There are implementations for HTTP, FTP, POP, IMAP, SMTP and so on. And where is CVS? I think, it's a way to show, that Java is more then a language.
In addition, if there is a (good) CVS implemention, I (or anybody else) can use the API to implement server for easier usage, for example a webbased server with real document management or an integrated version system in a development environment in Java (without external software). The benefit of a CVS server is the handling with versions of texts - it's simple but works fine.
Another answer: Because it's possible!

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    did u check this link
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    Hi Colin,
    What is the exact version of BO/Crystal Enterprise.
    If it is BOXI R2 then follow below mentioned steps.
    To manually install the ActiveX Viewer on the client computer:
    1. Copy the file from the server to the client computer, and extract its contents to a temporary folder.
    2. Move the files Crviewer.dll, Crviewer9.dll, Sviewhlp.dll, and Swebrs.dll to the System32 folder. Keep this folder visible.
    3. On the Start menu, click Run. The Run dialog box appears.
    4. In the Open box, type "regsvr32" and then drag and drop the Crviewer.dll file icon from the System32 folder onto the Run dialog box.
    5 Click OK.
    Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the files Sviewhlp.dll, and Swebrs.dll.
    You may still be prompted by the browser, choose more options and never install to avoid being prompted.  The viewer should work after that.

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    Here is a two class web server, adapted from the Java Socket Tutorial. Doesn't support keep-alive though, implement it yourself... This can even pretty easily be tuned down to one class if it is ok to support one simultaneous connection only. Doesn't quite support all HTTP features though :-)
    public class NanoServer {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
            ServerSocket serverSocket = null;
            try {
                serverSocket = new ServerSocket(6666);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.err.println("could not listen on port 6666: " + e);
            while (true) {
             Socket socket;
             try {
              socket = serverSocket.accept();
             } catch (IOException e) {
              System.err.println("accept failed");
             new NanoServerThread(socket).start();
    public class NanoServerThread extends Thread {
        private Socket socket;
        public NanoServerThread(Socket socket) {
         this.socket = socket;
        public void run() {
         PrintWriter out = null;
         BufferedReader in = null;
         try {
             in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
             out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true);
             // Gobble request
             // TODO parse GET + URL from first line; log accesses
             while (true) {
              String line = in.readLine();
              if (isEmpty(line))
             // TODO examine request URL here, answer according to request
             out.println("HTTP/1.0 200 OK");
             out.println("Content-Type: text/plain");
             out.println("Hello sailor!");
         } catch (IOException e) {
         } finally {
                // What, Socket is not Closeable?
             try { if (socket != null) socket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { }
        public static boolean isEmpty(CharSequence s)
            if (s == null)
                return true;
            int len = s.length();
            for (int n = 0; n < len; n++) {
                if (!Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(n)))
                    return false;
            return true;
        public static void close(Closeable x)
         if (x == null)
         try {
         } catch (IOException e) {
             // Ignoring exceptions? How naughty!

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    - Could you tell us which CVS client you are using?
    GNU CVSNT 2.0.8 I downloaded it from
    - When you say that you have to manually increase the version number, how are you doing this? Are you editing the CVS/Entries file at all?
    I right click on the file in my project. I click commit the Commit to CVS dialog box appears and I have to click on the common options tab. I then click on the Use Revision Number or Tag: and manually enter a revision number.
    - Am I right in understanding that your CVS client is not assigning the correct incremental version number to committed files (ie. the version number stays the same after a file is committed)?
    I can only do this manually so the version number is incremental so to speak.
    - Does the CVS output in the log window show that these files were indeed committed?
    Yes. I also can check the files on the server and see that they have been committed.

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    Thanks in Advance

    Why do you want CVS? People are using Git these days. There is nothing wrong with CVS, but it really has no value for you.

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    Cannot connect to Connection timed out
    Cannot connect to Connection timed out

    I'm sure that I'm connected to the web.
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    Something like that.
    public class valueToUpdate {
    String value;
    public valueToUpdate(String value) {
    this.value = value;
    public String getValue() {  
    return value;  
    public class Main {  
    public static void main(String[] args) {  
    String str = "abc";  
    valueToUpdate vTU = new valueToUpdate(str);  
    ThreadClass tc1 = new ThreadClass(vTU);  
    Thread thread1 = new Thread(tc1).start();  
    ThreadClass tc2 = new ThreadClass(vTU);  
    Thread thread2 = new Thread(tc2).start();   
    public class ThreadClass implements Runnable {  
    valueToUpdate vTU;  
    public ThreadClass(valueToUpdate vTU) {  
    this.valueToUpdate = valueToUpdate;  
    public void run() {  
    }Okay, something like that. I know I need to add in a TimerTask for ThreadClass too for it to run for a certain period. But if I were to ask for user input at the main method while the TimerTask in running, and I change the value of vTU, will the output for both Threads be changed to the value of the user input?
    Or is there a better way to do it?

  • Cvs server

    I will be using solaris 10 box as a cvs server..where can i download a free cvs server for solaris 10...thank you
    ronald manlapao, scjp

    Its available in the companion CD, individual packages for Solaris 10 can be downloaded from the following URL:

  • JDev 10.1.3 / CVS server move

    We had to move our CVS server into another domain (from "" to ""). Although changing the CVS connection string ":pserver:..." in JDeveloper 10.1.3 Preview, keeping the connection name "Projekt_on_mike" and manually changing all Root files in the CVS directories, there is no chance of connecting to the CVS server in the Application Navigator. The CVS Connection Wizard works fine and browses in the CVS repository. A "Check Out Module..." went through without errors.
    Even TortoiseCVS works fine outside JDeveloper.
    As we have 90 MB source code in the CVS repository and a slow dialup connection, it would be horrible to transfer the complete repository again.
    How can I manage to get back the CVS connection in the Application Navigator?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    I've found the error!
    In "%JDEV_HOME%\jdev\system\oracle.jdeveloper.\cvs-connect.xml" the port number 2401 of the CVS connection was missing. But this seems to be not the real solution.
    Additional I deleted the cache file ""%JDEV_HOME%\jdev\system\oracle.javatools.cache\persist_0.stf" and the complete history in ""%JDEV_HOME%\jdev\mywork\.history". I believe that this is the point of interest and the solution.

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    Where can I find information to implement 2-tier (client/server) with Developer 6i?
    Is it possible to do it without installing form/report server?
    Thanks in advance!

    All you have to do is to install Forms, Reports Runtime on the client machine. Make a connect string referencing the Server. You can use either 'SQL Easy Configuration' or manually edit 'Tnames.ora' file found in
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Quiny:
    Hi all,
    Where can I find information to implement 2-tier (client/server) with Developer 6i?
    Is it possible to do it without installing form/report server?
    Thanks in advance!

  • JCO Server implementation questions

    Hi experts,
    I want to try to create a JCO Server with the JCO 3 library.
    I'm kinda lost in all the links I've found since there is still a lot of things from the JCO 2 on the internet and I don't understand everything I'm doing.
    Please note that there is already a working Java JCO server with old IBM tools and we need to migrate to JCO 3.
    So here are my questions :
    What do I have to do exactly in the sm59 transaction ?
    Here is what I get in the RSGWLST transaction (Loic-PC is my machine so I guess my java jco server is up.) Is everything ok ?
    I have followed this link (Java Program for Creating a Server Connection - Components of SAP Communication Technology - SAP Library) to create my java jco server. What exactly are ServerDataProvider.JCO_GWHOST, ServerDataProvider.JCO_GWSERV and above all ServerDataProvider.JCO_PROGID)
    How do I testmy Java JCO server ? I understood that I have to call STFC_TRANSACTION in se37 where I put my jco destination (previously set up in sm59 ?) and a string but I have a dump when I'm tying that.
    I hope someone can help me, everything is still really blurry to me.
    Here is the code I use to try to connect :
        static String SERVER_NAME1 = "JCO_SERVER";
        static String DESTINATION_NAME2 = "ABAP_AS_WITH_POOL";
            Properties connectProperties = new Properties();
            connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_ASHOST, "");
            connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_SYSNR,  "00");
            connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_CLIENT, "500");
            connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_USER,   "develop2");
            connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_PASSWD, "passw0rd");
            connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_LANG,   "en");
            createDataFile(DESTINATION_NAME1, "jcoDestination", connectProperties);
            connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_POOL_CAPACITY, "3");
            connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_PEAK_LIMIT,    "10");
            createDataFile(DESTINATION_NAME2, "jcoDestination", connectProperties);
            Properties servertProperties = new Properties();
            servertProperties.setProperty(ServerDataProvider.JCO_GWHOST, "sapdevdb02");
            servertProperties.setProperty(ServerDataProvider.JCO_GWSERV, "sapgw00");
            servertProperties.setProperty(ServerDataProvider.JCO_PROGID, "JCOServer");
            servertProperties.setProperty(ServerDataProvider.JCO_REP_DEST, "ABAP_AS_WITH_POOL");
            servertProperties.setProperty(ServerDataProvider.JCO_CONNECTION_COUNT, "2");
            createDataFile(SERVER_NAME1, "jcoServer", servertProperties);

    Hi Loic.
    The properties GWHost is Gateway Host and GWSERV stands for Gateway Server.
    Please look at this link to get more details:
    Possible Parameters (SAP Library - Components of SAP Communication Technology)
    Could you please put your full code for this class?
    I'm saying this because the code you have wrote only creates the propreties file that JCO uses to configure the server but you have to run your server through the main statement.
    You have to do something like that on your StfcConnectionHandler class.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    See my example:
    StfcConnectionHandler class--------------------
    package main;
    public class StfcConnectionHandler implements JCoServerFunctionHandler {
      private static final String SERVER_NAME1 = "YOUR_SERVER_NAME";
      public void handleRequest(JCoServerContext serverCtx, JCoFunction function) {
      System.out.println("call              : " + function.getName());
      .println("ConnectionId      : " + serverCtx.getConnectionID());
      System.out.println("SessionId         : " + serverCtx.getSessionID());
      System.out.println("TID               : " + serverCtx.getTID());
      System.out.println("repository name   : "
      + serverCtx.getRepository().getName());
      .println("is in transaction : " + serverCtx.isInTransaction());
      System.out.println("is stateful       : "
      + serverCtx.isStatefulSession());
      System.out.println("gwhost: " + serverCtx.getServer().getGatewayHost());
      System.out.println("gwserv: "
      + serverCtx.getServer().getGatewayService());
      System.out.println("progid: " + serverCtx.getServer().getProgramID());
      System.out.println("attributes  : ");
      System.out.println("req text: "
      + function.getImportParameterList().getString("REQUTEXT"));
      function.getExportParameterList().setValue("RESPTEXT", "Hello World");
      static void step1SimpleServer() {
      JCoServer server;
      try {
      server = JCoServerFactory.getServer(SERVER_NAME1);
      } catch (JCoException ex) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create the server "
      + SERVER_NAME1 + ", because of " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
      JCoServerFunctionHandler stfcConnectionHandler = new StfcConnectionHandler();
      DefaultServerHandlerFactory.FunctionHandlerFactory factory = new DefaultServerHandlerFactory.FunctionHandlerFactory();
      factory.registerHandler("STFC_CONNECTION", stfcConnectionHandler);
      System.out.println("The program can be stopped using <ctrl>+<c>");
      public static void main(String[] args) {
    StepByStepServer class
    package main;
    import java.util.Properties;
    public class StepByStepServer
        static String SERVER_NAME1 = "SERVER";
        static String DESTINATION_NAME2 = "ABAP_AS_WITH_POOL";
            Properties connectProperties = new Properties();
            connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_ASHOST, "ls4065");
            connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_SYSNR,  "85");
            connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_CLIENT, "800");
            connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_USER,   "farber");
            connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_PASSWD, "laska");
            connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_LANG,   "en");
            createDataFile(DESTINATION_NAME1, "jcoDestination", connectProperties);
            connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_POOL_CAPACITY, "3");
            connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_PEAK_LIMIT,    "10");
            createDataFile(DESTINATION_NAME2, "jcoDestination", connectProperties);
            Properties servertProperties = new Properties();
            servertProperties.setProperty(ServerDataProvider.JCO_GWHOST, "binmain");
            servertProperties.setProperty(ServerDataProvider.JCO_GWSERV, "sapgw53");
            servertProperties.setProperty(ServerDataProvider.JCO_PROGID, "JCO_SERVER");
            servertProperties.setProperty(ServerDataProvider.JCO_REP_DEST, "ABAP_AS_WITH_POOL");
            servertProperties.setProperty(ServerDataProvider.JCO_CONNECTION_COUNT, "2");
            createDataFile(SERVER_NAME1, "jcoServer", servertProperties);
        static void createDataFile(String name, String suffix, Properties properties)
            File cfg = new File(name+"."+suffix);
                    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(cfg, false);
          , "for tests only !");
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create the destination file " + cfg.getName(), e);

  • Virus scan server Implementation

    We are planning to implement Virus scan server for CRM(ABAPJAVA) stack.We have CRM system(ABAPJAVA) running on Windows 64bit, And Anti virus semantic running on Windows . I need to install the virus scan server Interface for CRM(ABAP+JAVA) stack.I went to the found some of the URLu2019s for installation,creating RFCu2019s and etc..but did not get clear.If anyone know how to install,creating RFCu2019s and post configuration steps then please share.
    Did anyone has full instllation document ?

    Hello Marcus,
    I already review the link you provided.Here is what I am looking for
    Here is more about what I
    We have 4 SAP application servers for production environments ?Do we
    need to install Virus scan adapter for all SAP Application servers ? or
    only one ?
    My SAP application server is 64bit but VSI Adapter is 32 bit, so can we
    install both on same machine or VSA has to be install on different
    Software can be download from AVIRA (Avira GmbH supports)or -> Download -> Support Packages and Patches-> SAP NetWeaver-> SAP NETWEAVER-> SAP NETWEAVER 2004S-> Entry by
    Component-> Application Server ABAP-> SAP VIRUS SCAN INTERFACE?
    Hope you can provide help. Thanks for your support
    - Ahmed

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