D3s camera RAW support

Anyone heard when there will be an update for D3s RAW support?

If you use 5.6 public beta to open D3s NEF, here is the correction I have found to make it the same as a D3 image.
In my workflow the images are opened gamma 2.2 AdobeRGB, but everything else linear (zeroed straight) which looks very dull before processing.  The values given are relative to that, and represent how the D3s is being interpreted.
First the image needs to be brightened by a straightline curve ending on 200=255.  Given the gamma 2.2, this is almost exactly one f stop, 2x, too dark for the D3s.  Black level and contrast are the same, probably linear in the raw data.  If you open normally, you will need to brighten by almost one f stop AND decrease the black offset proportionately.  Note this one stop darkening also means there is less in the hightlights before rebrightening.  It is really as though the Nikon digital data was shifted by one bit.  Maybe they did what Adobe PSD files do.  As you know, a 16 bit Adobe PSD file is actually 15.001 bits.  Pure white is neither FFFF (16 bit) or 7FFF (15 bits) but 8000, just one step above the limit for 15 bits, in a 16 bit PSD file.
Color temperature is calibrated the same as the D3, but cross colors are different.  This is the matrix to use to (approximately) make a D3s image opened in 5.6 beta look like a D3 image:
R= 110%R - 5%G - 5%B
G= 17%R + 85%G - 2%B
B= 100%B
This implies Nikon has a green bayer filter that discriminates against red much stronger, but a slightly weaker red bayer filter.
I'm waiting a few days before processing the wedding, if the revised 5.6 isn't released, I'll deliver with these values, but the DNG files will have to be reburned later for my bride's archive.  Adobe, please hurry!

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    Thanks for your help.  I checked out DNG on YouTube and understand more
    about it.  I downloaded the DNG converter and transferred in files from my
    camera.  Then I imported into Lightroom.  It works!   Thanks again.
    On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 5:56 PM, Jeff Schewe <[email protected]>

  • Camera Raw Support for Canon 7D MkII

    Just trying to get some idea if I should spend the $99.00 to buy Aperture from the Apple Store.  This might sound a little over the top, but the work flow I miss by not having RAW support in Lightroom is worth the expense of buying Aperture.
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    Can anybody from Adobe advise when we will see Camera Raw support the new Canon 7DMkII?
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    Kind Regards
    Tom Croll

    Thanks ssprengel, you have clearly put into words what is currently reality at Adobe, and confirmed my suspicion of Aperture being a dead product.  Although Google's Picasa is not dead.
    I do realize Adobe Products are very well developed and software does take time to perfect before it gets released.  I have been in the software development game for 35 years
    But Camera RAW is an adjunct to Lightroom, Photoshop, Premier Pro etc.  As such the support for new camera models should be a relatively simple exercise and should not be held up by other R&D on the products that Camera Raw plugs into.  I believe they have in the past released updates to Camera Raw that essentially was just for new camera models.  I do realize I could be wrong on this point, but I fail to see why they can't achieve this outcome.
    Also, as I said Adobe Market Creative Cloud membership saying you will always be up to date. Or words to that effect.
    To have an Adobe support person get upset because he has a large number of people pestering Adobe, and not him personally, trying to get ans answer as to the timing of the release of support for a new camera model, quite frankly is totally unacceptable.  Not acceptable to the customers and not acceptable to the poor support person who has to handle disgruntled customers due to poor planning on Adobe's part.
    In my original post I made a very serious offer to do Beta Testing on support for the Canon 7DMkII Raw files.  But when i last checked with Adobe Labs the current Beta does not include support for this camera.
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    Kind Regards
    Tom Croll

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    Soapbox mode on.
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    However, Adobe itself should be making the plug-ins for PS, LR and PSE so they can apply to older versions when possible.  Adobe needs to set a horizon on what older products to work with, and not just the latest version.  When I worked in software development, that horizon was -2 versions plus the two in development.  By that logic, PSE 10 should be capable of supporting the latest versions of the Camera Raw plug-in.  And if I were in Adobe's software development unit, this is what I'd pitch for.  Microsoft does it, and Adobe does it too with Microsoft products, so why not with PS, LR and PSE?  It's not that hard, people.
    Soapbox mode off.
    I can and probably will use the Nikon software for raw images.  If I want to use some special effects, I can come back to PSE or LR.  But I'm not disposed to throw another $80 to Adobe for a product every time I buy a new camera. 
    Would you be?

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    Would it really do any good for Adobe to communicate an official release date? If they didn't meet that date then you would just call Adobe a liar. Adobe has users from several different companies waiting for support. And whether you believe it or not, there is no providing of specs from camera makers. They don't care whether Adobe Camera Raw supports the camera. Adobe is just another company to them. Adobe has to purchase each camera and then create the profiles for it. The real solution? Camera makers, agree on a common file format. If you won't do that, then YOU take the blame for this delay that happens about four times every year.
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    You could try that 'Release candidate' version of the DNG converter.

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    You'd better complain to Nikon... Just like other camera manufacturers who issue new raw formats for each and every new camera. Adobe and all other software companies have to reverse engineer each new format. Those manufacturers could use the open and public DNG format (a few do).
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    I have deleted (the 2.2 update) “from” System/Library/CoreServices/RawCamera.bundle and reinstall the RAW support 2.1.1 update.
    * NOW I can now see all my raw Nikon .NEF images and they are now all fully functional again *.
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    This requires a fix ASAP

    Thankfully, I wasn't affected by the issue given I'm currently with Canon. There have been Canon woes in the past though.
    On a side note, I never update anything until it has been out for a few weeks just to be sure. Because Aperture is such an integral component of my studio and business, I make sure everything always works before making any updates or changes - including upgrading cameras.
    I'm sure the next update will fix the magenta issues.

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    there is no camera raw support for Leaf Aptus-II 8? I need to be able to read MOS files

    OS X Mountain Lion: Supported digital camera RAW formats seems to indicate that you are correct.
    Are you are trying to provide  Apple - Aperture - Feedback or Apple - iPhoto - Feedback?
    If so, use you can send direct feedback via the above link(s).  You will not likely get a direct response, but you can be certain that the responsible Apple people  will see your input for consideration in future product development.
    If you seek a solution rather than to offer feedback, or until Apple supports your needs within the Mac OS, check whether Mamiya's Leaf RAW converter 1.2.6 for Mac meets your needs.
    Message was edited by: EZ Jim
    Mac OSX 10.8.4

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    Does camera raw support the Nikon D5300, if not when there will be an update for this camera model?

    The asterisk next the model number on the download page linked above means there is preliminary support, which usually means the camera is supported by pretending it is an earlier model with similar sensor.  This can lead to color issues, so while you can convert your NEFs to DNGs with the DNG Converter, and open them with PSE12, now, save your NEFs and be prepared to revisit those pictures once the final release of ACR 8.3 occurs probably in the next few weeks, with finalized support.

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    After todays Apple Security Update 2008-007 the Apple Digital Camera RAW Support 2.2. update finally works correctly and the data can be aquired via card reader.
    Message was edited by: jdonath

    Lucky you jdonath....
    I have still have the problem that have been mentioned in a number of posts in the forum, and what I guess you are refering to. And I have tried the advices I have found in those posts. I must admit that I might not have found them all.
    The CF card on my Nikon D2Xs shows in finder, .nef files are there, but Aperture 2.1.1 don´t recognize my files only the card itself.
    I use a card reader-not transferring files directly from the camera. I have installed the latest security update and camera raw 2.2. I have tried to go back to version 2.1 of the raw converter with no luck. I have repaired permissions, both with Onyx and with the disk tool in OSX.
    Aperture opens when I put the CF card in the reader and it shows in the import option/drives window in Aperture, but the files are somewhere in outer space or at least hidden and unavailable for import.
    So for now my solution is to dump the files to a picture dump folder on my hard-drive and import them from there to one of the libraries I use.
    I have different libraries for work and private files in case someone wondered
    It does not make any difference which library I use the problem is persistent. This feels like unnecessary work and not a very satisfying sollution in my workflow.
    Yeah, yeah i use both belt and suspenders so the files are kept safe on an external drive as well. Manually copied of course... and btw i use a combo of referenced and managed files, but that should not make any difference. I have tried to alter that in the import options, with no apparent result of course.
    Can anyone give me a hint what could (still) be wrong or do I have to be moderately patient and wait till next sunrise (it is late autumn and dark in Norway this time of year) , when Apple sends out version 2.3 and make a prayer that they remember that some photographers are still back in the stone age when comes to cameraequipment... ( I wish someone gave me a D3)
    And just to make the confusion complete... It used to work BEFORE the security update last night...
    Cheers and my 2 cents

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    Thank in advance for you anwer and have a great and sunny day :-)

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    Re: lumix fz1000 camera raw support on pse12 

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