Daemons line

Here's my daemons line in the rc.conf:
DAEMONS=(syslog-ng net-profiles network firestarter netfs portmap fam dbus hal crond alsa sensors mysqld)
Are there any I can make start in the background or that are unnecessary?  Also, what are netfs and crond?
Last edited by Gauvenator (2008-05-03 23:42:08)

venox wrote:
dolby wrote:hal starts dbus if its not started and i dont think theres a problem with backgrounding all the daemons
I'm not sure about this. But I think it's not a good thing to background daemons of which other daemons depend. Like backgrounding network, while others need it to start correctly. You can't just assume that the backgrounded daemon will be up and running until the other daemon starts.
But again, I'm not sure about this.
Anyway, what's the difference of having a system that boots in 30 or 20 seconds when you're going to use it for hours?
Yes that's what I was thinking too.  A daemon could depend on another being running.
Well I'm happy atm, but just for the hell of it I'm going to see how quick it is without net-profiles

Similar Messages

  • Initscripts default rc.conf DAEMONS line and HAL

    Some application error messages recently caused me to realize that after setting up a new machine I was not starting the HAL daemon.
    Shouldn't this daemon be in the default DAEMONS=() line of rc.conf, as installed by the initscripts package?
    I started to flag the package "out of date" but I wasn't sure if this was the appropriate action for this issue/question.

    I was refering to flaging the initscripts package, not the hal package.
    It's my impression that udev hot plugging as well as kde and gnome infrastructure (therefore all of the applications, not just if that's your desktop) all rely on hal at runtime.
    I still haven't quite run it to ground, but I also believe that the arch boot proccess uses hal as part of hardware discovery.
    So I think quite a bit of stuff depends on it and that it's a default in arch installations.
    Given this, it seemed it would be reasonable if it were included in the DAEMONS line by default, or at least if configuration dependent on it is selected at system installation time.
    In short, it seems like initscripts is "out of date" by not supporting hal out of the box.
    This issue is related to knowing which of the, ever growing list of, groups to which a user should be added in order to have access to the systems hardware. But that's another post.
    This is just my impression as a user. I'm eager to learn more, especially about the arch setup and boot process.
    Thanks for your reply...

  • Daemons in rc.conf: order ok?

    This is the daemon line in rc.conf
    DAEMONS=(syslog-ng hal network netfs crond cups alsa slim)
    Is this ok? Do I need any other drivers? I want to print (cups!) stream music (via stream tuner) and look at my digital photos and manipulate them via gimp.

    You could background the last four.
    You could remove slim and instead edit /etc/inittab (id:5:initdefault: and run slim form the "x:5:respawn:" line). Why? it means you can turn the gui off and on easily (init 3, init 5 and from grub append 3 to the boot line to get text mode, multiuser. No need to make that change, just more flexibility.
    Last edited by vacant (2007-11-17 11:46:11)

  • Rc.conf DAEMONS '@' question

    In rc.conf it says to put a @ infront of a daemon to load it in the background.
    What exactly does this mean and which daemons should I consider loading up in the background?

    It means the next daemon listed will start without waiting for the prefixed daemon to finish.. uh,  e.g my daemons line:
    DAEMONS=(syslog-ng network dbus hal portmap @fam @shorewall @samba @netfs @crond @alsa @mpd)
    Basically, shorewall will start before fam has finished loading, and so on.  You have to use a little common sense to figure out what needs to be running before other things can - like portmap must be running before fam I believe.  I'm not sure my setup is optimal, I could perhaps background one or two more, but i'm not all that concerned right now.
    Anyway it's worth playing with and this setup saves me maybe 10-20 secs in boot time at a guess.

  • Firestarter fails to start as a daemon, any way to keep retrying?

    I connect via wifi using network-manager (the connection starts even before logging into the desktop, it was like that at least the day I tested it). This is my daemons line in /etc/rc.conf:
    DAEMONS=(syslog-ng hal laptop-mode cpufreq !network dhcdbd networkmanager netfs firestarter fail2ban cups fcron alsa)
    At boot, "starting failstarter" fails. If I do ps, I cannot see firestarter. It only starts running when I log into the desktop, and launch firestarter's gui as root. So this kind of protection is not good, because other users do not have the root password and/or may forget to start firestarter's gui.
    Any ideas why firestarter fails to start as a daemon?
    Thank you very much in advance.
    Last edited by alleluia20 (2009-05-24 17:54:35)

    I'm not that sure, really. Total networking noob speaking here, but I just figured it won't matter what ports get hit so long as there are no server processes waiting on them.
    Don't take my word for it.
    Correct me ASAP if I'm wrong, please.
    Last edited by alun (2009-05-25 05:22:00)

  • Installed Splashy... now weird lines on top of screen?

    I recently installed Splashy, got it configured and working, but I have a problem. On the top of my screen there are a bunch of small lines which are really annoying. Is there any way to get rid of them? All I have changed is the daemons line (added splashy before kdm at the end) in /etc/rc.conf and edited the hooks line (added splashy at the end) in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and edited my /boot/grub/menu.lst:
    kernel (hd0,6)/vmlinuz26 root=/dev/sda6 rw quiet vga=791 splash
    Also, Splashy won't work when I turn off the computer/restart. Why? Can anyone help me with this problem?
    I'm using a ATI X300 card with the fglrx drivers if that helps. Here's an image of what I'm saying:
    EDIT: Will it help if I post my xorg.conf?
    # Auto-generated by Archie mkxcfg
    # Auto-generated by Archie mkxcfg
    Section "ServerLayout"
    # PS/2 Mouse not detected
    # Serial Mouse not detected
    Identifier "Xorg Configured"
    Screen 0 "aticonfig-Screen[0]" 0 0
    InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
    InputDevice "USB Mouse" "CorePointer"
    Section "Files"
    # Additional fonts: Locale, Gimp, TTF...
    # FontPath "/usr/share/lib/X11/fonts/latin2/75dpi"
    # FontPath "/usr/share/lib/X11/fonts/latin2/100dpi"
    # True type and type1 fonts are also handled via xftlib, see /etc/X11/XftConfig!
    RgbPath "/usr/share/X11/rgb"
    ModulePath "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/misc:unscaled"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/misc"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi:unscaled"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi:unscaled"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/PEX"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/cyrillic"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/Type1"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/ttf/western"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/ttf/decoratives"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/truetype"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/openoffice"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/latex-ttf-fonts"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/defoma/CID"
    FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/defoma/TrueType"
    Section "Module"
    Load "ddc" # ddc probing of monitor
    Load "dbe"
    Load "dri"
    Load "extmod"
    Load "glx"
    Load "bitmap" # bitmap-fonts
    Load "type1"
    Load "freetype"
    Load "record"
    Section "ServerFlags"
    Option "AllowMouseOpenFail" "true"
    Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "Keyboard0"
    Driver "keyboard"
    Option "CoreKeyboard"
    Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
    Option "XkbModel" "pc104"
    Option "XkbLayout" "gb"
    Option "XkbVariant" ""
    Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "Serial Mouse"
    Driver "mouse"
    Option "Protocol" "Microsoft"
    Option "Device" "/dev/ttyS0"
    Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"
    Option "Emulate3Timeout" "70"
    Option "SendCoreEvents" "true"
    Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "PS/2 Mouse"
    Driver "mouse"
    Option "Protocol" "auto"
    Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
    Option "Device" "/dev/psaux"
    Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"
    Option "Emulate3Timeout" "70"
    Option "SendCoreEvents" "true"
    Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "USB Mouse"
    Driver "mouse"
    Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
    Option "SendCoreEvents" "true"
    Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
    Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
    Option "Buttons" "5"
    Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "aticonfig-Monitor[0]"
    Option "VendorName" "ATI Proprietary Driver"
    Option "ModelName" "Generic Autodetecting Monitor"
    Option "DPMS" "true"
    Option "VerticalRefresh" "60-60"
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "aticonfig-Device[0]"
    Driver "fglrx"
    Option "UseInternalAGPGART" "no"
    Option "KernelModuleParm" "agplock=0"
    Section "Screen"
    Identifier "aticonfig-Screen[0]"
    Device "aticonfig-Device[0]"
    Monitor "aticonfig-Monitor[0]"
    DefaultDepth 24
    SubSection "Display"
    Viewport 0 0
    Depth 24
    Section "DRI"
    Mode 0666
    Section "Extensions"
    Option "Composite" "Disable"
    Section "ServerFlags"
    Option "AIGLX" "off"
    Last edited by miggols99 (2007-07-24 13:02:45)

    Well, now that splashy moved to using initscripts-splash it no longer works since there is no /etc/rc.d/splashy. But feel free to look through, I think what you'd be interested in is /sbin/splashy_wrapper.
    It is indeed a very nasty 'hack' (can hardly even call it a hack).
    Switching to console and back to X removes these lines.
    I have an nvidia card (7600go) with the proprietary drivers, x86_64, so I doubt it's X/driver related. I think the fault here is splashy
    I see you (miggols99) have already submitted something along the lines of a bug report. I think you might want to reconcider mentioning something more, like what distro you are running (Arch) what graphics card do you have etc.
    I'll be posting soon in the same report thread on debian bug lists but I can't seem to login there for now.
    For anyone else willing to drop a line there as well, experiecning similar problems, here's a link:
    http://alioth.debian.org/tracker/index. … tid=411690

  • Pimp my rc.conf daemons

    From what I understand, selective editing of the DAEMONS line of rc.conf, including prefixing certain daemons with @, can significantly reduce boot time. I read a couple posts, as well as the wiki, searching for a solid answer, but the best I found was "which services to start background depends on your needs" which is a bit obvious. In any case, here's my current line:
    DAEMONS=(syslog-ng !network netfs crond hal alsa hplip cups dhcdbd networkmanager laptop-mode gdm)
    I'm sure it's a mess, as I've just slapped daemons on to fix problems, enable wireless, etc. so far.
    If it's at all useful, this is a laptop that I commonly use as a workstation and with wireless.
    Last edited by ArchPad (2007-06-13 14:34:41)

    toofishes wrote:
    ArchPad wrote:
    From what I understand, selective editing of the DAEMONS line of rc.conf, including prefixing certain daemons with @, can significantly reduce boot time. I read a couple posts, as well as the wiki, searching for a solid answer, but the best I found was "which services to start background depends on your needs" which is a bit obvious. In any case, here's my current line:
    DAEMONS=(syslog-ng !network netfs crond hal alsa hplip cups dhcdbd networkmanager laptop-mode gdm)
    I'm sure it's a mess, as I've just slapped daemons on to fix problems, enable wireless, etc. so far.
    If it's at all useful, this is a laptop that I commonly use as a workstation and with wireless.
    Certain daemons likely depend on other things already having started before they initiate their startup, so you want to leave some alone. Here is my array, and although different than yours, notice how I leave quite a few things un-backgrounded due to dependencies and lump all the backgrounded ones at the end:
    DAEMONS=(syslog-ng network iptables portmap @fcron @hal @sensors @knockd @netfs @sshd @ntpd @alsa @cups)
    This would lead me to believe something like this would work for you (and WHY do you have network disabled?):
    DAEMONS=(syslog-ng network hplip @crond @hal @netfs @alsa @cups @dhcdbd @networkmanager @laptop-mode @gdm)
    I have syslog-ng and network backgrounded too and that works perfect.

  • Prefix a daemon with a @

    I just got an update for initscripts and in rc.conf.pacnew its has at the DAEMONS line:
    prefix a daemon with a @ to start it up in the background
    I'm confused, I thought they were all run in the background as long as they didn't have a '!'. Can someone explain this? Is it a new syntax?

    Hi, nobody mentioned a serious problem. The init scripts do a strange thing when starting hotplug, <b>causing the computer to freeze for more than 20 seconds</b> when loading the <b>hotplug</b> daemon. This applies to virtually all Asus laptops, but some desktops are affected as well, which could be related to hardware/motherboard type.
    <b>This problem occurs on multiple computers, but I haven't found any reasonable explanation so far</b>. Despite the numerous postings dealing with this matter, there hasn't been any reaction. The prolem is successfully ignored by everyone.
    The problem occurs on every boot, <b>no matter if d-bus and hal are started before hotplug or not, no matter if one uses UDev or devfs.</b> All the pieces of advice dealing with the presence or order of daemons proved to be useless.
    The line <b>...hal.hotplug DEVPATH is not set...</b> occurs many times in the error log, each time causing a 2 seconds' delay. Further information about this can be found in <b>man udevsend</b>. However, no solution arises from there.
    <b>It is therefore impossible to load hotplug in the background, as there would be no network card driver, no mouse driver and no soundcard driver ready for the daemons to follow (network-related, alsa, gpm...). All of them try to start during the time when hotplug is frozen, so they cannot find the appropriate hardware.</b>
    Loading the modules in the modules array wouldn't solve the problem at all. For example, the soundcard drivers like snd-intel8x0 must be loaded via hotplug. Loading the module before hotplug is run provokes a serious error, which might be caused by initializing the soundcard multiple times.  (The soundcard volume settings are messed up so terribly that ALSA stores nonsenses to /etc/asound.state on shutdown and the whole sound system crashes on next boot, requiring reboot to work again.)
    <b>It's high time to address this problem appropriately. If you have any experience with a similar serious issue, please post it here. Asus users should think more than twice before @ing their daemons! Everyone should skim their error log for "DEVPATH is not set" lines and delays before experimenting with @.</b>

  • Daemons

    here is my list of daemons in rc.conf
    DAEMONS=(syslog-ng !network netfs crond hal dbus gdm @alsa networkmanager @acpid @cpufreqd @laptop-mode)
    is it ok or should I add/remove something? the boot is not very fast...
    I run Arch on a laptop. The only thing I tried to change is hal --> @hal but in this case I could not wake up the wifi card!(unless it's already activated on boot)

    You probably don't need syslog-ng, netfs and crond. Also, HAL loads dbus and acpid so you don't need to - actually you shouldn't - load acpid and dbus explicitly. The login manager should be at the end of the DAEMONS line. I'd also rather use the modules acpi-cpufreq and cpufreq-ondemand instead of the DAEMON cpufreqd.
    This is what i would use in your stead:
    MODULES=(acpi-cpufreq cpufreq-ondemand)
    DAEMONS=(@alsa hal @networkmanager @laptop-mode gdm)
    echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
    If you feel like your boot process is slow you should check the arch wiki and google. There's much documentation on how to speed up your boot process (or system for that matter).
    I usually speed up my boot process by editing inittab and rc.sysinit as well as replacing /lib/udev/load-modules.sh with a symlink to /sbin/modprobe but you should really read into it before messing with the boot process.
    Using /etc/inittab to login instead of a login manager _might_ also save some time. I don't have any info on this one since i've never used a login manager in arch.
    P.S.: Consider buying an Intel SSD for your laptop. It's a perfect upgrade and speeds up a lot of things the least of all is boot process.
    Last edited by demian (2010-04-14 10:33:59)

  • Problem with HP printer hplip is not starting

    My daemons line
    DAEMONS=(syslog-ng portmap dbus hal network netfs hplip cups clamav alsa acpid !crond  kdm)
    I have installed it using pacman. If I run pacman -S  hplip I get a message saying it is already there.

    Okay, after a search I come up with the preferred printer installation method using the hp-setup command line tool. As this is supposed to be the 'HP' way to setup the printer and use hp-toolbox I decided to go this route. Naturally, the output is not promising:
    # hp-setup
    HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 0.9.8)
    Printer/Fax Setup Utility ver. 0.7
    Copyright (c) 2003-5 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP
    This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
    This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
    under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.
    [ERROR]: No devices found.
    [ERROR]: Error occured during interactive mode. Exiting.
    Now, why the heck would it not find the device when it is already set up via CUPS and working properly in the desktop environment? The latest hplip version is 0.9.10, but I somehow doubt using the 0.9.8 would cause this type of problem as the printer I use is not a recent piece of machinery.

  • Problem with type ahead, maybe known as keyboard buffer or keyboard buffering

    Hi, I'm new to Lightroom and am halfway through Martin Evening's excellent book, but there's a problem I have which I can't find an answer to anywhere so far.
    I work on an older PC that has three screens.  My problem is if I have LR on one screen and type into an application in another screen, or rather think I'm typing into the other application but actually the LR screen is still active, then LR basically goes nuts as it attempts to carry out what is in effect a random series of keyboard shortcuts.  I have to wait for LR to finish jumping about and then so a long series of undo's and hope that one of the shortcuts wasn't a delete.
    It's occurred to me within LR when I've been typing into the keywords box and predded Enter twice by mistake to confirm an auto complete suggestion by LR and so subsequently exited the keywords box causing LR to interpret all my following keyword letters as commands.
    Is there any way to change this? To my mind there shouldn't be any need for LR to read from the keyboard buffer at all.  Is there any way to turn off keyboard shortcuts either all of them or selectively?

    If you are willing to experiment, you could try the following simple xorg.conf:
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "Configured Video Device"
    Driver "nvidia"
    Section "Screen"
    Identifier "Default Screen"
    Device "Configured Video Device"
    DefaultDepth 24
    This minimal xorg.conf is only needed because xorg must be told to use the nvidia drivers.
    It should figure everything else by itself.
    For the Keyboard and mouse handling, install xf86-input-evdev, if not already there.
    Start hal from the daemons Line in /etc/rc.conf:
    DAEMONS=(syslog-ng network netfs !dbus hal ....
    For the Keyboard layout, copy the file:
    and edit this copy as follows:
    <merge key="input.xkb.layout" type="string">ch</merge>
    <merge key="input.xkb.variant" type="string">fr</merge>
    I don't particularly appreciate this fdi thing, but, from experience, letting a particular
    Desktop/Window Manager manage the keyboard layout is even worse.
    Further info at:
    http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xor … otplugging
    Needless to say, if you try this, backup your original xorg.conf.

  • "Extra" Internal Hard Drives won't mount - swap, /, and /home work.

    Hello All,
    *** I'm updating my post finally. Sorry it's so long, I'm not entirely sure what is and isn't relevant.
    *** Also I think it's a mix up with RAID causing the issue, as I'll address below, but in case I'm wrong I wanted to include the other information that came to mind before I noticed the RAID issue (because the RAID issue doesn't make a lot of sense to me).
    First off, I'm running Arch64 and KDE4 with my system up to date. Also I have Gamin installed and not FAM. I use ReiserFS on all of my partitions and drives.
    I have six hard drives in my computer, all of which are SATA drives. One is a WD 150GB Raptor with my swap, /, and /home partitions on it, the other five are for extra storage on what I call my media-server (they mount to /media/media-server/1 ,2 ,and so on). They only have one partition each. Of those five the first (/media/media-server/1) is a WD 1TB drive, the other four are WD 500GB drives of identical model.
    All of the Raptor's patitions, swap, /, and /home mount just fine.
    On top of that the 1TB drive mounts just fine. But the four 500GB drives will not mount at all. They show up in Dolphin, Disk Utility, KwikDisk, KDiskFree, and Partition Manager. However, their size is not shown and/or marked N/A, except in Partition Manager, where their size is shown. They are not seen by 'df'.
    Output from 'df':
    df -h
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    udev 10M 308K 9.7M 4% /dev
    /dev/sda2 25G 7.7G 17G 32% /
    none 4.0G 0 4.0G 0% /dev/shm
    /dev/sda3 112G 90G 22G 81% /home
    /dev/sdb1 932G 919G 13G 99% /media/media-server/1
    *** As for removable media, it's being a bit odd. When I first wrote this post removable media, specifically USB flash drives and SD media cards mounted fine. A while after that they'd show up in Device Notifier, but wouldn't mount. Just a little while ago they wouldn't show up in Device Notifier and wouldn't mount. Now they show up fine and mount fine again. This is possibly unrelated, I'm not sure.
    Depending on what method I try to mount my hard drives I either get an 'only root can mount that' error or else a HAL drive busy or already mounted error, followed by a 'drive is not mounted' error when I use umount to double check.
    *** Permissions are working better now , Dolphin isn't giving me the 'only root can mount' errors anymore. Still can't mount the drives though.
    All of this output is from when the drives are listed in /etc/fstab:
    Konsole output:
    mount /dev/sdf1
    mount: only root can mount /dev/sdf1 on /media/media-server/5
    sudo mount /dev/sdf1
    mount: /dev/sdf1 already mounted or /media/media-server/5 busy
    umount /dev/sdf1
    umount: /dev/sdf1 is not mounted (according to mtab)
    sudo umount /dev/sdf1
    umount: /dev/sdf1: not mounted
    Dolphin output:
    An error occurred while accessing 'MediaServer5', the system responded: org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.PermissionDenied: Device /dev/sdf1 is listed in /etc/fstab. Refusing to mount.
    Device Notifier output (pops up when I try to mount the drives in Dolphin):
    org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.PermissionDenied: Device /dev/sdf1 is listed in /etc/fstab. Refusing to mount.
    Partition Manager:
    The file system on partition /dev/sdf1 could not be mounted.
    Command: mount -v /dev/sdf1 /media/media-server/5
    mount: /dev/sdf1 already mounted or /media/media-server/5 busy
    mount: you didn't specify a filesystem type for /dev/sdf1
    I will try type reiserfs
    At boot, when the daemons are starting I get:
    mount: /dev/sdc1 already mounted or /media/media-server/2 busy
    mount: /dev/sdd1 already mounted or /media/media-server/3 busy
    mount: /dev/sde1 already mounted or /media/media-server/4 busy
    mount: /dev/sdf1 already mounted or /media/media-server/5 busy
    This is from when the drives are not listed in /etc/fstab:
    Dolphin output:
    An error occurred while accessing 'MediaServer5', the system responded: org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.InterfaceLocked: The enclosing drive for the volume is locked
    Device Notifier output (pops up when I try to mount the drives in Dolphin):
    An error occurred while accessing 'MediaServer5', the system responded: org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.InterfaceLocked: The enclosing drive for the volume is locked
    I have tried listing (with the UUID method and the /dev method) and not listing the drives in /etc/fstab, and I have 'hal' and 'dbus' daemons in /etc/rc.conf (and I've tried using only the hal daemon and not the dbus in /etc/rc.conf). I've also tried not listing 'hal', 'dbus', and 'kdm' and only booting to terminal and then mounting the drives manually, that doesn't work either.
    Here is my /etc/fstab (back to using UUID's):
    # /etc/fstab: static file system information
    # <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
    none /dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0
    none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
    UUID=699cdd5e-3f4a-4b85-8dcb-5d00c00c94a9 swap swap defaults 0 0
    UUID=ce94e7a3-3e07-41e5-90d7-1116e5da3121 / reiserfs defaults 0 0
    UUID=a1dce435-df90-4f0d-892c-61ff3ea0c8d1 /home reiserfs defaults 0 0
    ## Media-Server
    # media-server/1
    UUID=81998a75-f887-4a35-b3fa-e159190f25a3 /media/media-server/1 reiserfs defaults 0 0
    #/dev/sdb1 /media/media-server/1 reiserfs defaults 0 0
    # media-server/2
    UUID=8cdd114a-b190-44f6-9240-1910a5d048f7 /media/media-server/2 reiserfs defaults 0 0
    #/dev/sdc1 /media/media-server/2 reiserfs defaults 0 0
    # media-server/3
    UUID=59164593-b56d-4c49-8837-277b3c392dfb /media/media-server/3 reiserfs defaults 0 0
    #/dev/sdd1 /media/media-server/3 reiserfs defaults 0 0
    # media-server/4
    UUID=ba6007bd-1e36-431c-85f4-857c83845c86 /media/media-server/4 reiserfs defaults 0 0
    #/dev/sde1 /media/media-server/4 reiserfs defaults 0 0
    # media-server/5
    UUID=6fab5364-1acb-4ba3-9f83-bb171a6d398a /media/media-server/5 reiserfs defaults 0 0
    #/dev/sdf1 /media/media-server/5 reiserfs defaults 0 0
    ## VirtualBox USB
    none /proc/bus/usb usbfs auto,busgid=108,busmode=0775,devgid=108,devmode=0664 0 0
    Here's the daemons line from /etc/rc.conf:
    DAEMONS=(syslog-ng !dbus hal network netfs crond wicd openntpd sshd avahi-daemon avahi-dnsconfd samba alsa mysqld lircd mythbackend !mpd !sensors !sensord !fancontrol cups keytouch kdm)
    Also, /etc/mtab because only the first media-server drive is listed in it (the one that does mount):
    proc /proc proc rw,relatime 0 0
    sys /sys sysfs rw,relatime 0 0
    udev /dev devtmpfs rw,nosuid,relatime,size=10240k,nr_inodes=1014438,mode=755 0 0
    /dev/sda2 / reiserfs rw,relatime 0 0
    fusectl /sys/fs/fuse/connections fusectl rw,relatime 0 0
    none /dev/pts devpts rw 0 0
    none /dev/shm tmpfs rw 0 0
    /dev/sda3 /home reiserfs rw 0 0
    /dev/sdb1 /media/media-server/1 reiserfs rw 0 0
    none /proc/bus/usb usbfs rw,busgid=108,busmode=0775,devgid=108,devmode=0664 0 0
    I attempted to add the other drives to /etc/mtab but they get overwritten upon a reboot. I've drived mounting the drives from konsole and dolphin.
    All my drives used to work. At one point I had Chakra installed and had this issue after an update, however after thinking about it the problem may have actually started after the power flashed on and off here. I couldn't fix it so I installed Arch64 and KDE4 (the normal KDE from the Arch repos, not KDEMod) thinking maybe it was a Chakra specific issue. That fixed it at the time. It later happened on my Arch install. I reinstalled Arch again and the issue was gone. However the issue is back. Again I think it was after a power outage/flash but it was also after an update that included a kernel update. Best I can remember each time it's happened has been after a kernel update and power flash. So I can't say for sure which is the cause.
    Oddly though if I boot from a live disc (in my case a Chakra Live DVD) I can mount and access all of the drives just fine.
    Another oddity, is that in 'Disk Utility' (palimpsest) there is a 1.5TB RAID-5 array listed. The only thing I can figure is that that is what is making the individual drives busy.
    Here's a screenshot from Disk Utility of the RAID-5 array:
    http://theavataroftime.com/sites/defaul … enshot.png
    After talking to a friend I remembered that quite a while back (over a year) we had messed around trying to setup a RAID array and dual boot WindowsXP. However, we never could get it working quite right, not even just in Linux without dual booting. I really can't say what all we did/tried, it's been too long. I realize that's not much help but...
    Anyway I'm pretty certain I deleted everything RAID related at the time and turned it off. However I must be mistaken or I guess the array wouldn't be showing up.
    I apologize, I really know nothing about RAID or RAID controllers. I do have an onboard RAID controller, but it's not a full fledged hardware RAID controller. It's onboard, but doesn't have it's on proccessor like good hardware RAID would. Or that's the way I understand it. Perhaps 'hybrid' is the proper term?
    I checked in BIOS and my onboard RAID controller is off.
    I take it that my attempts at setting up a RAID array before are still in the MBR (on that note I use GRUB and have never used LILO)? That's the only place I can think of that any leftover RAID configurations wouldn't have been wiped during reinstalling and reformatting the drives and partitions? I've reformatted my drives completely and changed the size of swap, /, and /home on several occasions since then, as well as formatting the media-server drives to ReiserFS (not sure what FS I was using when trying to setup RAID before. Perhaps FAT32 since I was trying to dual boot).
    I clicked the stop array button in Disk utility, and then all the options except start array went away. Then I clicked start, and instead of my four media-server drives being listed at the side of Dolphin there was one 1.4TB drive. I rebooted and now it's back to the 4 500GB media-server drives.
    I'm worried about losing a bunch of data, so I'm hesitant to start experimenting. How should I go about getting rid of the remnants of the RAID array safely?
    Also here's a screenshot of MediaServer5 from Disk Utility. The other 500GB drives have the same info minus the names and labels of course:
    http://theavataroftime.com/sites/defaul … enshot.png
    *** I had forgotten about dmesg output. It's quite long so instead of copying it, here's a link to it:
    http://theavataroftime.com/sites/defaul … /dmesg.txt
    Thanks for advice on the matter.
    Last edited by The Avatar of Time (2010-10-07 08:27:06)

    Thanks for the reply.
    Here is my output from the commands you suggested:
    fuser -v -m /media/media-server/2
    root kernel mount /
    theavataroftime 2518 fr.e. startkde
    theavataroftime 2561 Frce. gpg-agent
    theavataroftime 2575 .rce. dbus-launch
    theavataroftime 2576 .rce. dbus-daemon
    theavataroftime 2584 Fr.e. kdeinit4
    theavataroftime 2585 Fr.e. klauncher
    theavataroftime 2587 fr.e. kded4
    theavataroftime 2592 .r.e. kglobalaccel
    theavataroftime 2605 .r.e. kwrapper4
    theavataroftime 2613 Fr.e. ksmserver
    theavataroftime 2622 .r.e. kwin
    theavataroftime 2656 fr.e. knotify4
    theavataroftime 2658 fr.e. plasma-desktop
    theavataroftime 2662 .rce. kuiserver
    theavataroftime 2665 .r.e. akonadi_control
    theavataroftime 2667 .r.e. akonadiserver
    theavataroftime 2670 Fr.e. mysqld
    theavataroftime 2714 .r.e. akonadi_contact
    theavataroftime 2715 .r.e. akonadi_contact
    theavataroftime 2716 .r.e. akonadi_ical_re
    theavataroftime 2717 .r.e. akonadi_ical_re
    theavataroftime 2718 .r.e. akonadi_maildir
    theavataroftime 2719 .r.e. akonadi_maildis
    theavataroftime 2720 .r.e. akonadi_nepomuk
    theavataroftime 2721 .r.e. akonadi_vcard_r
    theavataroftime 2739 .r.e. nepomukserver
    theavataroftime 2741 .r.e. nepomukservices
    theavataroftime 2747 .r.e. kaccess
    theavataroftime 2759 fr.e. krunner
    theavataroftime 2765 Fr.e. virtuoso-t
    theavataroftime 2772 Fr.e. kio_http_cache_
    theavataroftime 2774 .r.e. kmix
    theavataroftime 2782 Fr.e. konsole
    theavataroftime 2785 .r.e. kjots
    theavataroftime 2790 .r.e. bash
    theavataroftime 2807 .r.e. kalarm
    theavataroftime 2809 fr.e. kopete
    theavataroftime 2812 .r.e. polkit-kde-auth
    theavataroftime 2815 .r.e. kwin
    theavataroftime 2821 .r.e. dolphin
    theavataroftime 2822 Fr.e. firefox
    theavataroftime 2834 .r.e. kwalletd
    theavataroftime 2839 .r.e. kwalletmanager
    theavataroftime 2842 Frce. gconfd-2
    theavataroftime 2850 .r.e. python
    theavataroftime 2854 .rce. wicd-client
    theavataroftime 2858 .r.e. klipper
    theavataroftime 2861 .r.e. nepomukservices
    theavataroftime 2862 .r.e. nepomukservices
    theavataroftime 2865 .r.e. nepomukservices
    theavataroftime 2867 .r.e. nepomukservices
    theavataroftime 2868 .r.e. nepomukservices
    theavataroftime 2869 .r.e. nepomukservices
    theavataroftime 2870 .r.e. nepomukservices
    theavataroftime 2871 .r.e. korgac
    theavataroftime 2883 fr.e. kmozillahelper
    theavataroftime 2979 .r.e. amarokapp
    theavataroftime 2989 .r.e. plugin-containe
    theavataroftime 3010 .r.e. npviewer.bin
    theavataroftime 3048 Fr.e. kdeinit
    theavataroftime 3051 Fr.e. dcopserver
    theavataroftime 3053 Fr.e. klauncher
    theavataroftime 3055 fr.e. kded
    theavataroftime 3075 .r.e. ruby
    theavataroftime 3081 fr.e. kio_file
    theavataroftime 15311 .r.e. kio_http
    theavataroftime 15312 .r.e. kio_http
    theavataroftime 15313 .r.e. kio_http
    theavataroftime 15314 .r.e. kio_http
    theavataroftime 15315 .r.e. kio_http
    theavataroftime 15316 .r.e. kio_http
    fuser -v -m /dev/sdb1
    /dev/sdb1: root kernel mount /media/media-server/1
    I ran 'fsck.reiserfs --check' one /dev/sdf1, which is the /media/media-server/5 hard drive.
    Here are the results:
    fsck.reiserfs --check /dev/sdf1
    reiserfsck 3.6.21 (2009 www.namesys.com)
    ** If you are using the latest reiserfsprogs and it fails **
    ** please email bug reports to [email protected], **
    ** providing as much information as possible -- your **
    ** hardware, kernel, patches, settings, all reiserfsck **
    ** messages (including version), the reiserfsck logfile, **
    ** check the syslog file for any related information. **
    ** If you would like advice on using this program, support **
    ** is available for $25 at www.namesys.com/support.html. **
    Will read-only check consistency of the filesystem on /dev/sdf1
    Will put log info to 'stdout'
    Do you want to run this program?[N/Yes] (note need to type Yes if you do):Yes
    reiserfsck --check started at Mon Sep 27 19:21:20 2010
    Replaying journal: Done.
    Reiserfs journal '/dev/sdf1' in blocks [18..8211]: 0 transactions replayed
    Checking internal tree.. finished
    Comparing bitmaps..finished
    Checking Semantic tree:
    No corruptions found
    There are on the filesystem:
    Leaves 77863
    Internal nodes 474
    Directories 2856
    Other files 18718
    Data block pointers 77184421 (0 of them are zero)
    Safe links 0
    reiserfsck finished at Mon Sep 27 19:29:03 2010
    Also I just used Partition Manager to check /media/media-server/5 as well.
    Check and repair partition '/dev/sdf1' (465.76 GiB, reiser)
    Job: Check file system on partition '/dev/sdf1'
    Command: fsck.reiserfs --fix-fixable -q -y /dev/sdf1
    reiserfsck 3.6.21 (2009 www.namesys.com)
    ** If you are using the latest reiserfsprogs and it fails **
    ** please email bug reports to [email protected], **
    ** providing as much information as possible -- your **
    ** hardware, kernel, patches, settings, all reiserfsck **
    ** messages (including version), the reiserfsck logfile, **
    ** check the syslog file for any related information. **
    ** If you would like advice on using this program, support **
    ** is available for $25 at www.namesys.com/support.html. **
    Will check consistency of the filesystem on /dev/sdf1
    and will fix what can be fixed without --rebuild-tree
    Will put log info to 'stdout'
    reiserfsck --fix-fixable started at Wed Oct 6 22:29:02 2010
    Replaying journal: Replaying journal: Done.
    Reiserfs journal '/dev/sdf1' in blocks [18..8211]: 0 transactions replayed
    Checking internal tree..
    ***I'm cutting most of this out, it's insanely long: \|/-\|/-\|finished
    Comparing bitmaps..Bad nodes were found, Semantic pass skipped
    3 found corruptions can be fixed only when running with --rebuild-tree
    reiserfsck finished at Wed Oct 6 22:36:43 2010
    block 32772: The level of the node (48287) is not correct, (1) expected
    the problem in the internal node occured (32772), whole subtree is skipped
    block 262149: The level of the node (28423) is not correct, (1) expected
    the problem in the internal node occured (262149), whole subtree is skipped
    block 11326: The level of the node (63701) is not correct, (1) expected
    the problem in the internal node occured (11326), whole subtree is skipped
    vpf-10630: The on-disk and the correct bitmaps differs. Will be fixed later.
    Check file system on partition '/dev/sdf1': Error
    Check and repair partition '/dev/sdf1' (465.76 GiB, reiser): Error
    Thanks for the advice.
    Last edited by The Avatar of Time (2010-10-07 05:53:05)

  • Arch Linux Beginners Guide

    Remembering the days when I installed Arch Linux for the first time I still feel that Arch misses a guide for beginners. I started one at the Wiki. Its intention is to show how you install and configure Arch Linux until you have a fully working desktop system for multimedia and office purpose. I'm still heavily improving it. If you have any suggestions or critics feel free to drop me a note or add the content to the wiki. If you find some spelling or grammar errors do the same or fix them, I'm no native speaker

    iphitus wrote:article is too big. provide links to existing wiki pages and documentation. If things change and you dont know, your article will be broken.
    Sure...but you will have this problem with all wiki pages. If you don't have a maintainer for bigger articles, the whole idea of the wiki won't work well.
    iphitus wrote:For example, change the install documentation to the install guide. Same goes for network, link to existing pages, and if there isnt one, create one.
    I disagree with this one. I personally like the idea of having one basic guide which will led in most cases to a fully working system and does not stop right after the installation, which will leave you with a single prompt. I tried to explain the "basic things" and give links for digging deeper (I may have failed at this, but I tried and will try again).
    Therefore you are right about linking, but as you may have seen I tried to link to existing pages if they exist and give more than just a basic information. As far as I know no install guide for voodoo exists yet.
    What I really don't want to do, is to create just a meta page that only links to other pages, for three reasons:
    * It's annoying to read if you have to follow a link, get back and follow the next link...
    * Because there is no single maintainer for all the sub pages, you can only link to pages that are known stable, otherwise the beginner will be totally lost fast
    * Some of the other pages are way too technically for a beginner, they quickly start with special things for exotic purposes (mainly because experienced people don't like writing about basic things I believe)
    iphitus wrote:Some of it seems a bit overkill too, you give a newbie style how to for tiny things, but completely gloss over even a basic description of what the "daemons line" is. Newbies using this beginners guide learn bugger all, as they just copy from the beginner guide. When things go wrong, they come to the forums rather than use initiative. I guess the installation and configuration acts as a form of natural selection.
    I think we have a different opinion how a wiki works, I always thought you start with something and improve it over time, when questions or suggestions arrive.
    A wiki will get better if more than one people is involved, therefore sharing and discussing at an early point of time is reasonable.
    On the other hand you are absolutely right about the daemons line, which should be explained for a beginner (EDIT: I added a paragraph about daemons a few moments ago).
    But I think differently about the natural selection. I never felt that Arch Linux aims to be an elitist distribution and that an acceptance test is needed if you want to use it...what I have seen from the community so far, Arch seems in fact to be the opposite. I like Arch for being clean, simple and logical constructed, not for being complicated. I'm too old to get     self-confidence just from installing an operating system.
    If users use the forum to ask the same questions again and again, our beginners guide is incomplete and we should fix it.
    iphitus wrote:Things like:
    http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arc … or_newbies
    and a better FAQ, would be more useful than yet another blow by blow install tutorial that falls out of date in 6 months.
    This may not be representative, but a better FAQ and Jargon for Newbies (damn, I really love this elite attitude ) wouldn't helped him:
    Someone at my blog wrote:Thanks for the guide! I tried installing Arch over Christmas and had the worst time trying to figure that out. So I of course went back to my trusty Gentoo. I always liked Gentoo because even though its an "advanced distro" they provide you with plenty of documentation. Arch on the other hand does not and that really bothered me. But now that I have a Gentoo style guide, I think I'll try it again!
    Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate your criticism because it makes me think twice about some things and will most probably lead to a better guide.

  • Screen resolution in VMWare

    I just installed the newest Arch .iso into a VMWare Workstation 6.5 virtual machine. Everything seems good, I have Gnome installed, and I am looking at the desktop. However, I can't seem to figure out how to go about changing the screen resolution to 1280x800 so it goes full screen on my laptop. I searched around and found a few things via Google but none of them seemed to solve my issue. I have the vmware video driver installed, I configured xorg.conf according to one of the guides I found, and open-vm-tools is installed and added to the daemons line in rc.conf. If anyone can help me out that would be great, thanks!

    Vamp898 wrote:
    You should really use Sun xVM VirtualBox. Its a _lot_ faster, it does a _lot_ of less problems and at least there is an OpenSource Edition
    I have used Virtualbox A LOT in the past (mostly from when it was innotek). The newest version does not play nice with my Windows XP install. The install takes hours and once it is done I have no network connection. I do still utilize Virtualbox 2.2 on my machine with no problems. I am trying Arch out in VMWare Workstation 6.5 and that's why I am trying to figure this out. I would like to evaluate it for myself.

  • Can't get eth0 to work after fresh install .

    I just finished installing Arch; everything went well, with the exception of Networking .
    When booting into the new system and logging in as root, I did ping www.google.com and the output was like 70+ tries at receiving data from google, although it did manage to find out gogole's IP address .
    This is my Networking section, omitting the commented lines :
    After posting this, I thought maybe I should try and see if pacman works, and I was able to properly -Syy and -Syu .
    I also checked that "network" was in the rc.conf DAEMONS line .
    ping still doesn't work, but I will try going on with the post-install configurations .
    Last edited by AstarothMastemaRavenclaw (2011-06-20 20:32:37)

    Mr.Elendig wrote:If you can use pacman, then maybe it's just a dns problem?
    Try setting the dns server to
    I was thinking that, except that he can look up the address of Google, the address of the mirror, and presumably is able to use tcp and udp to download packages based upon their URLS 
    I'm trying to figure out if something could be blocking ICMP packet echo requests.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Activation of DSO failed

    Hi Team,               After loading the data to DSO and Activating i find the following error.The DSO is activated.There is data in New table and error occurs while activating. The Errors are: 1.DSO ZPF_O07 is inconsistent; request DTPR_4IA4N9BCL2EN

  • Not able to see material and operation overview as tab in production order

    Hello Friends, While creating the production order by T.C CO01, after giving the material code , production plant and order type, system took me inside it.There i am not able to see component overview, operation overview as tab.Whereas in menu option

  • Can't setup PofAnnotationSerializer in pof-config.xml

    Hi, i have class annotated with @Portable and @PortableProperty, and pof-config.xml for setup serializer:       <user-type>          <type-id>1001</type-id>          <class-name>entity.dto.base.EmployeeBaseDTO</class-name>          <serializer>      

  • Weird! modifiction about users.

    It is so weird! I am a java developer, using novell ldap api, here is the situation: there is a user "cn=foo,o=someorg", password is "123456". 1. get a connectionPool: Code: PoolManager poolManager = new PoolManager("", 389, 10, 5, null);

  • How many single apps do I have to download if I need to upload into 100iPads? Any legality issues?

    Nd to Upload a single apps for 100 iPads using a single account. How many apps shld I purchase in order no to infringe in any legality issue. Do note that volume purchase is not an options as I'm situated out of US. Rgds Kleon.C