DAO pattern and Java Persistence API

This is a question for anyone who might be familiar with the standard DAO design pattern and the Java Persistence API (JPA - part of EJB3). I'm new to this technology, so apologies for any terminology aberrations.
I am developing the overall architecture for an enterprise system. I intend to use the DAO pattern as the conceptual basis for all data access - this data will reside in a number of forms (e.g. RDBMS, flat file). In the specific case of the RDBMS, I intend to use JPA. My understanding of JPA is that it does/can support the DAO concept, but I'm struggling to get my head around how the two ideas (can be made to) relate to each other.
For example, the DAO pattern is all about how business objects, data access objects, data transfer objects, data sources, etc relate to each other; JPA is all about entities and persistence units/contexts relate to each other. Further, JPA uses ORM, which is not a DAO concept.
So, to summarise - can DAO and JPA work together and if so how?
P.S. Please let me know if you think this topic would be more visible in another forum (e.g. EJB).

Thanks, duffymo, that makes sense. However ... having read through numerous threads in which you voice your opinion of the DAO World According to Sun, I'd be interested to know your thoughts on the following ...
Basically, I'm in the process of proposing an enterprise system architecture, which will use DAO as the primary persistence abstraction, and DAO + JPA in the particular case of persistence to a RDBMS. In doing so, I'd like to illustrate the various elements of the DAO pattern, a la the standard class diagram that relates BusinessObject / DataAccessObject / DataSource / TransferObject (http://java.sun.com/blueprints/corej2eepatterns/Patterns/DataAccessObject.html). With reference to this model, I know that you have a view on the concept of TransferObject (aka ValueObject?) - how would you depict the DAO pattern in its most generic form? Or is the concept of a generic DAO pattern compromised by the specific implementation that is used (in this case JPA)?

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    You don't have to. That's what they mean by container managed. The container does it for you.
    In fact you will get an IllegalStateException if you call close on a container-managed EntityManager.

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    > Hi,
    > i use www.castor.org as my persistence framework, castor have have its own lock engine and cache for entities, then i think to avoid some table lock in database to pass for JDBC connection the parameter isolation=0, as any update or write is made and controlled by castor in castor i dont have dirty data, anyone have experience with any other java persistence engine and used maxdb with lock engine managed by framework?
    The whole SAP NetWeaver stack runs with isolation level 0.
    Works quite fine.
    In fact there are certain features (like the count(*) optimization) that don't work consistently with isolation level 1 (read commited).
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    2. Can you recomend some documentation or ideas that will help me find out what is the best approach in this case?

    Write the DAO for the class that is the root of the tree. Sounds like it should be DepartmentDao.
    I don't know of much better documentation than the Hibernate docs. Check their forum, too.

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    I downloaded Netbeans 6.1 and SDK 6.
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    24.Tem.2008 10:04:16 org.jdesktop.application.Application$1 run
    SEVERE: Application class simpleAp.simpleAp failed to launch
    *javax.persistence.PersistenceException: No Persistence provider for EntityManager named simpleAppPU*: The following providers:
    Returned null to createEntityManagerFactory.
    at javax.persistence.Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(Persistence.java:154)
    at javax.persistence.Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(Persistence.java:83)
    I can't fix this. anybody know the solution??
    hanks, good work.

    Assalamu Alaikum,
    Check in persistence.xml whether persistence-unit is same in Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory*("simpleAppPU")* or not. It should be same.
    persistence.xml is like as follows:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <persistence version="1.0" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/persistence_1_0.xsd">
    <persistence-unit name="*simpleAppPU*" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
    <property name="toplink.jdbc.user" value="root"/>
    <property name="toplink.jdbc.password" value="password"/>
    <property name="toplink.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/innosched"/>
    <property name="toplink.jdbc.driver" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/>

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    Can you give some more information ?
    Are you using netbeans 5.5 or doing this program standalone and interfacing
    directly with appserver ?
    Can you send a pointer to a gif of the incorrect looking characters ?
    Can you elaborate about putting data using jsf form and some details
    or extract from the code that writes or reads the data ?
    Do the names of your table or columns have the european characters
    in them or is it just the data ?
    Thanks for your help.
    I use Sun Application Server 9.0 and mySQL 4.1.20 on
    Linux. When I put data (with jsf form) into my
    database table everything is displayed correctly
    until I restart application server (or redeploy my
    web app). After restarting server non-ascii
    characters look strange. I suppose that there is a
    problem with character coding (between apps server
    and database) but I can't find any solution. I use
    UTF-8 character coding both in database fields and
    for displaying jsf pages.
    There are't any problems when I use Derby database
    for starage data.

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    I like the JPA/Hibernate development approach to create the database elements from JAVA classes.
    This way one gets rid of the need to keep JAVA code and the database in sync.
    However I have not yet found a good way on how to use JPA from the netbeans VWP.
    Note that I have found the tutorial on how to use the IDE with hibernate and it works without problems.
    However I think this tutorial does not really implement a good Model/View/Controller approach as it is done in the enterprise pack.
    Here you have a controller session bean that deals with all the persistence logic and that exposes properties through a DataModel to the application.
    There is no need to encapsulate logic in inherited classes of the ObjectListDataProvider.
    Maybe an example makes it more clear:
    If we stay with the hibernate tutorial that we have "Animals" and "Pavillion" entities.
    How would one efficiently design a "Table" component that shows a list of all Animals and their Pavillions.
    With the VWP approach it is quite clear: you create a RowSet with the inner/left join between Animals and Pavillions.
    But how would you do it with JPA?

    You said:
    "If we stay with the hibernate tutorial that we have "Animals" and "Pavillion" entities.
    How would one efficiently design a "Table" component that shows a list of all Animals and their Pavillions.
    With the VWP approach it is quite clear: you create a RowSet with the inner/left join between Animals and Pavillions.
    But how would you do it with JPA?"
    I have the exact same question. Have you found the answer on how to "join" entities and display them on visual web table component?

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    Download an IDE like Eclipse or JBuilder. Set-up the POI or JExcel JAR files on your new project's class path. Import the relevant packages into the class that will use them. Start typing, autocomplete will help give you a list of classes and methods that are available.
    If the above is confusing, start over. Go back and re-read how to import external JAR's onto a classpath. Try to use another third-party API to get the hang of it. Then, do it with POI. Follow the examples, even copy-paste a class into your own source tree and try to compile. Gradually, build up your expertise. Now, go to the Javadocs. You should have the ability to use any class or method published in the API.
    - Saish

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