DAQmx Examples on Runtime Target

Can the DAQmx examples from the NI Example Finder be complied and run on a runtime target?

Some yes, some no... The finder should give you some insight into what will and what won't.
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Similar Messages

  • Are there any DAQmx examples available for use with pci 6229 M series card?

    I have been searching around for examples which work with the pci 6229 M series DAQ card. Most examples do not list this card as applicable and the one I have found gives an error. Is there anywhere specifically available, what I am particularly interested in is seeing an analogue channel being triggered by another analogue channel reaching a certain value.

    Hi Kejoglo,
    You are right in the fact that the M-Series card is newer than LabVIEW (and therefore the examples that are shipped with it) and therefore the example finder doesn't list the M-Series cards in the list of available hardware.
    Basically though, the M-Series cards work with DAQmx and not Traditional DAQ so if you just go into the example finder and search under Hardware Input and Output>>DAQmx and choose an example from that folder to run on your M-Series card. As long as you don't try to do anything outside of the specifications of your card (which I doubt you will do) then you shouldn't have any trouble running any of the DAQmx examples on an M-Series card.
    Hope this helps, if you still have problems then please feel free to write back.
    Best regards,
    Peter H
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments UK

  • SOS(The Question of SVXMPL_Settled Dynamic Range (DAQmx) example in Sound and Vibration Toolkit)

    The SVXMPL_Settled Dynamic Range (DAQmx) example in Sound and Vibration Toolkit only run one time.
    How do it ? I want to run again and again.
    Sorry, my English very poor.
    Windows XP P
    LabVIEW 7.1 P
    Sound and Vibration Toolkit 3.1
    帖子被jwdz在10-22-2005 11:00 PM时编辑过了
    " 一天到晚游泳的鱼"
    [email protected]
    我的个人网站:LabVIEW——北方客栈 http://www.labview365.com

    I have simulated PXI-4461 in MAX,but the SVXMPL_Settled Dynamic Range (DAQmx) example in Sound and Vibration Toolkit  can not right run.
    Windows XP P
    LabVIEW 7.1 P
    DAQmx  7.5
    Sound and Vibration Toolkit 3.1
    " 一天到晚游泳的鱼"
    [email protected]
    我的个人网站:LabVIEW——北方客栈 http://www.labview365.com

  • Captive runtime -target bundle does not create the package fails after creating a .tmp folder

    Hi Adobe Team, Experts,
    I cannot create a captive runtime package successfully on windows.
    This is the command I am using to create a captive runtime package for windows
    adt -package -keystore CodeSigning.pfx -storetype pkcs12 -storepass password -target bundle TestPackage Test-app.xml Test.swf
    The issue is the above command creates a .tmp directory "adt5072057577475387637.tmp" but does not create a directory by name "TestPackage" .
    Another observation is the above command works in-consistently it seems to create the directory sometimes but fails for the most.
    Funny enough !! It worked when I was creating a POC but  now when I am trying to release it stops working on me.
    It is the same machine I did POC on.
    The application descriptor has
    <supportedProfiles>desktop extendedDesktop</supportedProfiles>
    I have also tried
    adt -package -keystore CodeSigning.pfx -storetype pkcs12 -storepass password -target bundle TestPackage.exe Test-app.xml Test.swf
    as mentioned here -  http://www.riaspace.com/2011/08/bundling-air-3-runtime-in-air-desktop-applications/
    Flex SDK version - 4.6.0
    AIR SDK version - 3.1
    JDK version - jdk1.6.0_18
    Please advise as to how to fix this issue.

    Hi vshare,
    did you ever find a solution to this? I'm running into the same problem with no apparent solution.

  • Issue with Garbled Text in DAQmx examples

    I have recently installed LV 2013 SP1.  When I go to browse examples under DAQmx the name of the vi appears garbled.  See attached screen shot.  Other examples appear to be ok, it only seems to occur with the DAQmx
    ni_issue.docx ‏32 KB

    Uninstall NI DAQ , Reboot, Open the example finder, Close LabVIEW and all other applications!, Then reinstall NI DAQ and reboot again.

  • DAQmx example "Multi-Device Synch-Analog Input-Finite Acquisition.vi"

    I'd like to sync 72-channels across nine 6123 cards.  The example quoted above demonstrates how to sync 2 individual channels on 2-cards.
    Other cards e.g. 6561, niHSDIO VIs have examples for Multi-Device that include FOR loop initialisation for Multi-Device synchronisation.  Is there equivalent example code for Multi-Device synchronisation of the 6123 cards ?

    The example to sync here, http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/4322  is similar to the example shipped with LV8.5.1
    for clarity, the code of the two examples as are added as .jpg's to the post.
    Are both examples fundamentally doing the same thing ?  "Sharing a Master Timebase" from one of the 6123 cards, and "using PXI Star Trigger to Trigger all cards simultaneously" ? 
    For 72-channels, would I need to create a huge diagram with 72 parallel paths ?
    20090716_6123_sync_a.jpg ‏65 KB
    20090716_6123_sync_b.jpg ‏193 KB

  • Labview Built Executable - Long Runtime Startup Time

    Hi All,
    I have a LV 2011 SP1 application that has been built (executable) on a development machine running Windows 7 Professional. The application is copied to the target runtime machine. This machine has the LV 2011 runtime plus other DAQmx pre-requisites. The target machine is also Windows 7 Professional, an quad core @ 3.3GHz Xeon machine that, on paper, is significantly faster than the development machine.
    I run the built application on the development machine. It takes around 1-2 seconds for the Startup VI Front panel to show. The application loads and runs. So far so good.
    I run the built application on the runtime machine. It takes just over 90 seconds for the Startup VI Front panel to show. The exe process during this time is showing 0% CPU usage and a very small memory footprint (around 32MB). Eventually the Startup VI is shown and CPU usage and Memory consumption climb almost immediately to around 2% and 80MB. This is normal. From this point on the application runs as it should.
    My question - why does the application startup time so dramatically different on the target machine? Is there some other startup process inherent in the runtime engine that is taking longer? I have tried loading the evaulation version of Labview 2011 SP1 on the target machine but this appears to make no difference. I know that this delay is more an annoyance than a show-stopper but my clients are asking questions and it would be good to provide some answers.
    Some basic web searches have revealed others having similar problems and often the problem is related to some Windows service or other. I have also disabled the firewall on the target PC (though it is not connected to the internet, just a small IO network with ethernet chassis CompactDAQ modules) with no apparent difference. Unfortunately I cannot disable the virus scanner due to company policies.
    Thanks for your help all.

    I have been having this problem and it is very annoying. I am unable to figure out what exactly is slowing load time of an exe in a target machine. My target machines (3 of them) are not connected to the network. I have LabVIEW 2012 and am pretty sure all drivers daqmx,VISA, and Runtime have been installed correctly.
    I have noticed this issue isn't there when the entire development environment is installed. To troubleshoot, I am using my personal laptop as test site (because I can't travel to other cities to fix it without knowing the solution), and my laptop has no previous installations of LabVIEW. I install the application and drivers using the installer I build, but it is exhibiting the same behavior. I must note here that I did not see this problem for LabVIEW 2010 that I was previously using, but my application design has changed. Nonetheless, I have checked the functionality of my application and am absolutely sure it has nothing to do with slow load times.
    I am beginning to suspect some component has a bug in it for LabVIEW 2012 but, I am in no position to validate that. Is there anyone that has found a concrete solution that has made their application open instantly and run?
    Thanks a bunch!
    I may not be perfect, but I'm all I got!

  • How do I use daqmx to get encoder direction/count on E-series board?

    Labview 7.1
    I have a linear actuator and wish to get distance/direction.  The
    motor has a quad encoder with phase A and B only.  I connected the
    lines according the the E-series, PFI-8 and PFI-6, and ground to
    digital ground. I then attempted to design a control with daqmx but
    failed.  I have tried the daqmx examples but none were attempting
    a reverse in direction.  Most examples given for direction change
    are for traditional daq control; i cant make a correlation on what to
    use to substite traditional daq with daqmx vi's. 
    2 questions:
    How do I use daqmx to get encoder direction/count on E-series board?
    Are there low pass filter vi's recommended for each phase connection to stabilize data?
    Wayne Hilburn

    Hello Wayne,
    Take a look at the Count Digital Events.vi shipping example.  You can find this in LabVIEW by selecting Help >> Find Examples... then browsing to Hardware Input and Output >> DAQmx >> Counter Measurements >> Count Digital Events.
    If you set the "Count Direction" control to "Externally Controlled", you will be able to count up and down depending on which direction you rotate your encoder.  Make sure you wire Phase A to Ctr0 Source and Phase B to P0.6.  P0.6 is the up/down line for counter 0.
    I hope this helps.  Please let me know if you have any further questions.
    Sean C.

  • NI-DAQmx VisualStud​io C++ 6 Single point analog output

    Specs: NI-DAQmx 7, VisualStudio C++ 6.0,  PCI-6722,8channel AO
    We have a very simple application: set a voltage (actually 6 channels) and keep it until we want it changed again, perform the change very quickly in response to an image capturing algorithm. So I don't need any waveforms or buffering.
    In this forum post http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=231​&message.id=3283&query.id=18094 you talk about an AOOnePoint example, but I get an error that the NI-DAQ driver does not support my device.
    I may need to use NI-DAQmx, but how? I would like to use something like AO_VWrite(,,), maybe for 6 channels in one call. But I can't find it in NI-DAQmx. It seems I need to setup buffers and frequencies. I have a working sample, but it seems a slow and certainly overkill of this simple application:
    // Link with \DAQmx ANSI C Dev\lib\msvc\NIDAQmx.lib
    #include "NIDAQmx.h"
    double[2] data;
    int taskHandleAnalog;
    int written;
    void Init()
        DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxCreateTask("",&taskHandleAnalog));
        DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxCreateAOVoltageChan(taskHandleAnalog,"Device and Channel Info","",0,10,DAQmx_Val_Volts,NULL));
        DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxCfgSampClkTiming(taskHandleAnalog,"",1000,DA​Qmx_Val_Rising,DAQmx_Val_ContSamps,NUMBER_OF_AO_SA​AMPLES));
        DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxWriteAnalogF64(taskHandleAnalog,NUMBER_OF_AO​_SAAMPLES,0,1.0,DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel,data,&wri​tten,NULL));
        DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxStartTask(taskHandleAnalog));
    void SetVoltage( double voltage )
        data[0] = voltage;
        data[1] = voltage;
        DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxWriteAnalogF64(taskHandleAnalog,NUMBER_OF_AO​_SAAMPLES,true,10.0,DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel,data,​&written,NULL));

    It looks like you simply wants to output voltages on the analog output channels, but only wants one update at a time with no waveforms or buffering in DAQmx.
    As I'm sure you know there are really just 3 types of measurements.  Single Point, Finite, and Continuous.  Since you want a single value at a time it's just a Single Point operation.
    You can find DAQmx examples for single point operations in this path:
    C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\Examples\DAQmx ANSI C\Analog Out\Generate Voltage\Volt Update
    Simply place the DAQmx Write Code within a loop and you will be updating one value at a time, but multiple times when "we want it changed again".
    Dennis Morini
    Field Sales Engineer
    National Instruments Denmark

  • Does NI DAQmx driver support PCI 6527 Card

    In my application i am using PCI 6527 Isolated DIO Card. In the examples from LabVIEW 7.0, i refered the following VIs
    1. Write Dig Chan.vi
    2. Write Dig Port.vi
    using DAQ 7 Driver.
    There it gives a list of devices that can run these examples. The list does not contains PCI 6527.
    Can I use DAQmx Example VIs with PCI 6527 Card?
    Please suggest me what driver to use with 6527 Card (Traditional DAQ or DAQmx).

    Hello partners,
    I'm using NI DAQmx 9.7 in a machine hosting a Windows 7, but always when I tried to run the application I got this error.:
    Does you have any idea why could I'm facing this problem ? Previously I was using the original driver NI DAQ 7.4.4 (Legacy) in a machine hosting a Windows XP.
    Other point perhaps here isn't the best place to start this new post, but I couldn't find how to post a new topic on the site.. My apologies, i'm waiting for any solution or advice
    Best Regards
    Josias Junior

  • Unable to use the Freescale M5329EVB target server

    Hi everybody,
    I have created a new target on Labview embedded which is based on the Freescale M5329EVB example. The target is a powerpc from Xilinx and it runs a linux on it.
    What I want to do is to use the "target server" from the Freescale example. I copied all LEP_plugin VIs of this target example and modified them to work with my target.
    According to the porting guide, the target server needs a TCP connection, Telnet server and a TFTP client. I implement all of this on my embedded linux and test them. I can connect through telnet and get files through tftp from my linux host.
    When I click on the "Download" command, the target starts, connects to the target through telnet and then tries to connect with TFTP. The problem is with the last one, it puts me a message "Awaiting target connection on port 69 ..." but it never connects.
    I tried to look to the target server VI's but its quite difficult to understand. The problem seems to be located in EMB_Utility_TFTPD_Listen.vi at the UDP_Read function.
    Also, when I netstat my windows, the tftp service is started, so port 69 seems to be opened. Netstat on my target tells me that my windows host is connected to it. The windows firewall is also disactivated.
    If anyone has an idea on what's going wrong ...,
    Thanks for your help,
    pblm target server.JPG ‏30 KB

    Hi, sorry for being long to answer.
    I have two problems, one for the target server and the other for the debug mode.
    In release mode, the executable downloads well and the execution is
    good. The error "failed to execute program" comes from
    "TargetServer_GetFileSize.vi". The "Match Pattern" box doesn't give the
    right information (please see CheckFileSize.JPG). The problem seems to
    come from the "file size regex" wire.
    Then, if I skip the "checkfilesize" step, the program tries to connect
    to the target, but it gives an other error : "Target not found". I set
    breakpoints in the "nitargetStartTCPDebug.vi". The ip address seems
    good (it's converted in decimal) (please see
    TargetNotFound.JPG and Debug.JPG). I wonder if there's a "HOST_IP" to
    set in the compile argument or something else.
    The other problem is when I try to compile a program in debug mode and instrumented debugging. It gives many errors :
    " C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW
    8.5\Targets\NI\Embedded\unix\ml403TGTS\libs\libppc405rtd.a(Debug.o): In
    function `SetDataToControl':
    ../../CCodeGen/libsrc/comms/Debug.c:496: undefined reference to `SetPictFieldValue'
    C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW
    In function `DtToSecs':
    ../../CCodeGen/libsrc/os/unix/CCGTimeSupport_unix.c:91: undefined reference to `PDAClusterGetElemByPos'
    ../../CCodeGen/libsrc/os/unix/CCGTimeSupport_unix.c:92: undefined reference to `PDAClusterGetElemByPos'
    ../../CCodeGen/libsrc/os/unix/CCGTimeSupport_unix.c:94: undefined reference to `PDAClusterGetElemByPos'
    ../../CCodeGen/libsrc/os/unix/CCGTimeSupport_unix.c:96: undefined reference to `PDAClusterGetElemByPos'
    ../../CCodeGen/libsrc/os/unix/CCGTimeSupport_unix.c:98: undefined reference to `PDAClusterGetElemByPos'
    C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW
    more undefined references to `PDAClusterGetElemByPos' follow
    C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW
    In function `NumToTextStatic':
    ../../CCodeGen/libsrc/blockdiagram/NumText.c:676: undefined reference to `StrResize'
    C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW
    In function `NumToTextExpStatic':
    ../../CCodeGen/libsrc/blockdiagram/NumText.c:1145: undefined reference to `StrResize'
    C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW
    In function `NumToTextEngStatic':
    ../../CCodeGen/libsrc/blockdiagram/NumText.c:1271: undefined reference to `StrResize'
    C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW
    In function `StrPadLeft':
    ../../CCodeGen/libsrc/blockdiagram/NumText.c:1407: undefined reference to `StrResize'
    C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW
    In function `StrPadRight':
    ../../CCodeGen/libsrc/blockdiagram/NumText.c:1431: undefined reference to `StrResize'
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    I compiled the program with these arguments :  -O0 -g -DCStatic
    -DUsesTCPDebugger=1 -DTCPUDPSupport=1 -w -I. -DCHeadless=1 -Dlinux
    -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fomit-frame-pointer
    and the run time librairies with : -DCHeadless=1 -DNoFileSupport
    -DSocketSupport=1 -DTCPUDPSupport=1 -DCStatic -DUsesTCPDebugger=1
    -D_Include_Scheduler -D_Include_OSScheduler -DPosixFiles=0
    -DFileSupport=0 -DDatalogSupport=0 -DPalm5Earlier=0 -Wall -Dlinux
    -D_LIB -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fomit-frame-pointer -Wa,-Wa,
    Thanks in advance,
    Debug1.JPG ‏79 KB
    CheckFileSize1.JPG ‏78 KB
    TargetNotFound1.JPG ‏40 KB

  • Join two source tables and replicat into a target table with BLOB

    I am working on an integration to source transaction data from legacy application to ESB using GG.
    What I need to do is join two source tables (to de-normalize the area_id) to form the transaction detail, then transform by concatenate the transaction detail fields into a value only CSV, replicate it on the target ESB IN_DATA table's BLOB content field.
    Based on what I had researched, lookup by join two source tables require SQLEXEC, which doesn't support BLOB.
    What alternatives are there and what GG recommend in such use case?
    Any helpful advice is much appreciated.

    Not sure what you're data looks like but it's possible the the comma separated value (CSV) requirement may be solved by something like this in your MAP statement:
    colmap (usedefaults,
    my_blob = @STRCAT (col02, ",", col03, ",", col04)
    Since this is not 1:1 you'll be using a sourcedefs file, which is nice because it will do the datatype conversion for you under the covers (also a nice trick when migrating long raws to blobs). So col02 can be varchar2, col03 a number, and col04 a clob and they'll convert in real-time.
    Mapping two tables to one is simple enough with two MAP statements, the harder challenge is joining operations from separate transactions because OGG is operation based and doesn't work on aggregates. It's possible you could end up using a combination of built in parameters and funcations with SQLEXEC and SQL/PL/SQL for more complicated scenarios, all depending on the design of the target table. But you have several scenarios to address.
    For example, is the target table really a history table or are you actually going to delete from it? If just the child is deleted but you don't want to delete the whole row yet, you may want to use NOCOMPRESSDELETES & UPDATEDELETES and COLMAP a new flag column to denote it was deleted. It's likely that the insert on the child may really mean an update to the target (see UPDATEINSERTS).
    If you need to update the LOB by appending or prepending new data then that's going to require some custom work, staging tables and a looping script, or a user exit.
    Some parameters you may want to become familiar with if not already:
    Good luck,

  • Value mapping : target value need to be blank

    I have a requirement like below (just example).
    Source                        Target
    A                                 Z
    B                                 Y
    C                                 X
    N                                 BLANK or ""
    When I did this using value mapping it works fine for all values except for source value 'N'.
    When the source is N then the target should have value space or blank. Is this not supported by value mapping?
    For value N, do i have to explicitly check 'if value N then make it blank'?

    > For source value N I am getting target as N though in value mapping I have mentioned the target as blank.
    This is standard behavior of value mapping when any value is not present in value mapping table then it return the input value as it is. So this means when you declare N with a bank value as result then value mapping won't consider it as an valid entry in the value mapping table. So now you have to take care of N explicitly.

  • Build is not working for examples in j2eesdk1.4_beta2

    dear Experts.,
    i have downloaded the latest version of j2eesdk from sun site...
    Version: j2eesdk1.4_beta2
    java : j2sdk1.4.1_04
    Working Environment:WindowsXP Professional...
    after setting all the necessary things ie.,Environment Variables like J2EE_HOME,JDK_HOME...
    etc., the server starts working nicely...also deploy tool...
    My problem starts when i try to execute the Examples EJB programs...
    when i try to compile my example Ejb program provided by SUN...it throws the following error..
    <install dir>/j2eetutorial14/examples/ejb/helloservice...
    when i try to execute the ASANT BUILD-SERVICE....
    it doesn't throws any errors...compilation successful...Build Success...
    it creates all the necessary files like mapping.xml,MyHelloService.wsdl...,class files etc...
    there is no problem at all...
    when i try to execute the Client program...(J2ee Client)it throws the following error...
    <install dir>/j2eetutorial14/examples/jaxrpc/helloservice
    when executed by ASANT BUILD...
    it shows the following error...
    Build Failed....
    file d:/sun/j2eesdk1.4_beta2/j2eetutorial14/examples/jaxrpc/common/targets.xml:36:
    Execute Failed:Java.io.IOException:Create Process:
    ${wscompile.dir}\wscompile.bat - define -d ${build} -nd ${build} -classpath ${build} ${config.interface.file}
    what will be the solution for this problem...i will be very thankful if some Experts do the needful...

    Have you set the j2ee.home property as described in the About chapter?

  • Flash Builder 4.7 - Command line ExportReleaseBuild unable to compile to Captive Runtime?

    I am working on a project with the following setup:
    - AIR Desktop running with the ExtendedDesktop Profile with GPU rendermode
    - Apache Flex SDK 4.11
    - SWF version 18
    - Implements the FRESteamWorksNative Extension
    - Flash Builder 4.7 Premium is our work enviroment
    Our problem is that we can compile the project in Flash Builder manually as Captive Runtime, but when we run it with ExportReleaseBuild in our build.xml, it seems to forget our Captive runtime target and just outputs the installer.
    This is our buildscript:
    %FLASHBUILDER% --launcher.suppressErrors -noSplash -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner -data "%WORKSPACE%" -file "%BUILDXML%" desktop
    <target name="desktop">
         <fb.exportReleaseBuild verbose="true" destdir="bin-test" project="ProjectName" basefilename="ProjectBaseFileName" packagetype="native" certificate="Certificate.p12" password="passwordToUse"/>
        <buildTarget buildTargetName="default" platformId="default">
          <airSettings airCertificatePath="Certificate.p12" airTimestamp="true" anePathSet="true" version="1">
              <anePathEntry path="steamworks/FRESteamWorks.ane"/>
              <Parameter name="-target" value="air-captive"/>
        <Parameter name="-extdir" value="steamworks/"/>
          <actionScriptSettings version="1"/>
    Any help with this is much appreciated, and if I missed something, please let me know.

    I've opened bug at Adobe site:
    Bug#3801869 - FlashBuilder 4.7 command line fails due to "Exception in com.adobe.flexbuilder.codemodel.CMCoreActivator.s…
    please vote on the bug.

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