Data activation problems

Hi Gurus,
I´m having some problems after upgrade to BI 7.0. We have several infocubes related to (FI-SL), the datasources are all standards except the infocube itself.
So, we are able to initialize the data load and everything goes well in terms of RSA7 and so on. But if we try to load an FULL or DELTA procedure, the packdges remain in yellow and the status shows that the whole loading procedure is done.
And after a while an time out error comes up. We have about 6 datasources from FI-SL ( F1, F2, F4..) and this problems occurs in just one of them. (F1)
I have tried to delete the infocube, re-active it...but nothing!
Any help??

What does the job log say in the source system?

Similar Messages

  • Data activation problem at ODS

    Hi All,
         I am not able to load the purchasing data 2lis_02_scl (init load) in to ODS, Actually I am getting error message at data activation in ODS level.
    The error messages are
    1. Activation of M records from DataStore object ZP2_PSCL terminated   
    2. Error during confirmation of process 000001
    3. Caller 09 contains an error message.
    4. A caller 01, 02 or equal to or greater than 20 contains an error meesage.
    5. The material PBG600 does not exist or is not activated
    There is no material with that name in BW as well as R/3. And below I am giving the job log details of ODS activation.
    Job started                                                                               
    Step 001 started (program RSODSACT1, variant &0000000060772, user ID U6X9539)                         
    Activation is running: Data target ZP2_PSCL, from 1,572,117 to 1,572,117                              
    Overlapping check with archived data areas for InfoProvider ZP2_PSCL                                  
    Check not necessary, as no data has been archived for ZP2_PSCL                                        
    Data to be activated successfully checked against archiving objects                                   
    SQL: 06.06.2007 09:09:48 U6X9539                                                                      
    BEGIN DBMS_STATS.FLUSH_DATABASE_MONITORING_INFO;                                                      
    SQL-END: 06.06.2007 09:09:49 00:00:01                                                                 
    Program RSBATCH_EXECUTE_PROZESS successfully scheduled as job BIBCTL_461J7HV0XMIXCCH1SE9VX63A6 with ID
    Program RSBATCH_EXECUTE_PROZESS successfully scheduled as job BIBCTL_461J7HV0XMIXCCH1SE9VX63A6 with ID
    Parallel processes (for Activation); 000003                                                           
    Timeout for parallel process (for Activation): 000300                                                 
    Package size (for Activation): 020000                                                                 
    Task handling (for Activation): Backgr Process                                                        
    Server group (for Activation): No Server Group Configured                                             
    Activation started (process is running under user U6X9539)                                            
    All data fields updated in mode "overwrite"                                                           
    Process started                                                                               
    Error during confirmation of process 000001                                                           
    Data pkgs 000001; Added records 1-; Changed records 0; Deleted records 0                              
    Log for activation request ODSR_461J7HNCENX7TPXLMK7JN44KE data package 000001...000001                
    Errors occured when carrying out activation                                                           
    Analyze errors and activate again, if necessary                                                       
    Activation of M records from DataStore object ZP2_PSCL terminated                                     
    Activation is running: Data target ZP2_PSCL, from 1,572,117 to 1,572,117                              
    Overlapping check with archived data areas for InfoProvider ZP2_PSCL                                  
    Check not necessary, as no data has been archived for ZP2_PSCL                                        
    Data to be activated successfully checked against archiving objects                                   
    Parallel processes (for Activation); 000003                                                           
    Timeout for parallel process (for Activation): 000300                                                 
    Package size (for Activation): 020000                                                                 
    Task handling (for Activation): Backgr Process                                                        
    Server group (for Activation): No Server Group Configured                                             
    Activation started (process is running under user U6X9539)                                            
    All data fields updated in mode "overwrite"                                                           
    Process started                                                                               
    Error during confirmation of process 000001                                                           
    Data pkgs 000001; Added records 1-; Changed records 0; Deleted records 0                              
    Log for activation request ODSR_461J7HNCENX7TPXLMK7JN44KE data package 000001...000001                
    Errors occured when carrying out activation                                                           
    Analyze errors and activate again, if necessary                                                       
    Activation of M records from DataStore object ZP2_PSCL terminated                                     
    Activation of M records from DataStore object ZP2_PSCL terminated                              
    Report RSODSACT1 ended with errors                                                             
    Job cancelled after system exception ERROR_MESSAGE                                             
    Please help me on this issue.

       Thanks to all, After loading the master day I am trying to load the transaction data for purchasing information.
       Right now the data at ODS is not activating and is showing the two below error message.
    Error Message
    1. Activation of M records from DataStore object ZP2_PSCL terminated
    2. Error during confirmation of process 000001
       Please help me on this issue.

  • ODS data activation problem

    I have to load description from the flat file into the ODS since the ODS data needs to be a replica of the flat file.
    As the description is greater than 60 CHAR, I have split the description into 3 infoobjects in the transfer rule, using the individual line routine.
    After data is loaded into the ODS, the technical status as well as the total status is green, but when I activate the request for that corresponding load, the activation fails i.e. the data is present in the 'New Data' table, but it is not moving into the 'Active Data' table.
    Then, I tried a different method.
    I activated the setting in the ODS; 'Activate ODS object data automatically' and tried to load the same data with the same conditions to the ODS.
    This time the loading failed, giving multiple errors like;
    1) Value 'Absence Transactrion Dataload Failure ' (hex. '416273656E6365205472616E7361637472696F6E204461.
    2) Value 'ifying days ' (hex. '696679696E672064617973 ') of characteristic Z_LDES2 contains invalid cha.
    3) Activation of data records from ODS object DES3_ODS terminated.
    4) System error: RSDU_ANALYZE_TABLE_ORA/ ORACLE.
    5) Error getting SID for ODS object DES3_ODS.
    6) Error when assigning SID (details in long text).
    7) Error when assigning SID (details in long text).
    Please provide a solution for this.
    <b>*********Points will be rewarded*********</b>

    Hi Praveen,
    Thanks for the soltion.
    I checked in RSRV. There were no errors.
    So, I tried loading the data again. This time, I got the same error.
    But when I checked the contents of the Active table of ODS, the data was loaded, although in RSMO the status was RED.
    The laoding was successfull as of now, but lets hope this problem doesnt occur again.
    Please help, if you have any idea regarding this problem.

  • Master data avtivation problem

    Hi All,
    Any budy help me on this issue ,
    i have a master data activation problem ,
    after loading the master data i run the attribute change run it is sucessfully compleated ,but the proble master data tables is not updated status is still in 'M' version in 0Person table
       00019823 A     
       00019823 A     
       00019823 M     
       00019823 M
    i want to activate this      'M' version to 'A' version\
    this is an urgent issue please help ASAP.

    Hello ALl,
    I am also facing the same problem(activation of master data) but with 0COSTCENTER. I have checked records in CSKS table in R/3 system. I could not see any M version records lying there.I have done fresh reload and ran successfully attribute change run also.
    this is very urgent,please help me ASAP.
    many Thanks in advance.

  • DSO activation problem after creating the secondary indexes

        I am facing the problem with DSO activation after creating the secondary indexes.
    •  Compared with Info Cubes there is no functionality available which allows dropping and recreating a secondary index before/after the data activation.
    As a workaround I can write a simple report which drops and creates the indexes on database level.
    By using a process chain, we can simply insert the drop index report before data activation and the create index report after the data activation process.
    Can any body help me step by step procedure or Material to write the programs for delete index and create index reports on DSO object?..
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    Thanks & Regards,

    in BI if you are using the dso for reporting then you can simply chk the settings of dso for SID generation.
    no need to create the indexes or delete it.
    if the dso is not used for report then no need to use indexes.

  • How do I use a runbook Activity on an Incident and Runbook Initialize Data activity to sync and get the GUid from the Incident?

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    I'm very new to Orchestrator, so please be detailed in your directions.
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    I would like my activity that calls the runbook to pass the Incident GUID to the runbook, so my runbook only has to query the PR# included in the incident, and create the relationship that way.
    Thanks for any help you can provide.

    This might help:
    Working With Relationships in the SCSM Orchestrator Integration Pack
    Basically, you'll receive the ID of the runbook automation activity from Service Manager, which you can then use with the Get Object and Get Relationship to get the runbook activity object, then get the incident object related to it. I realize this is confusing,
    but there should be more info out there to search on as well. Hope that helps.
    Noah Stahl | Automys |
    Downloadable Microsoft automation examples and solutions

  • Data activation in ODS taking too long

    Hi gurus,
    I have loaded data into PSA. From there I have loaded this data into ODS. However, the data is not being activated. So, I have to do manual activation on it.
    The problem is, I have to wait for a very long time. I started the data activation about 1 hour ago. My data records have 1.5 million lines.
    In SM37 the log shows the following messages:
    05.02.2007 12:13:37 Job started                                                                       00           516          S    
    05.02.2007 12:13:37 Step 001 started (program RSODSACT1, variant &0000000000061, user ID XXXXX)      00           550          S    
    05.02.2007 12:13:49 Activation is running: Data target ZFIGL_O2, from 1,553 to 1,553                  RSM          744          S    
    05.02.2007 12:13:49 Data to be activated successfully checked against archiving objects              RSMPC         153          S    
    05.02.2007 12:13:49 SQL: 05.02.2007 12:13:49 S12940                                                  DBMAN         099          I    
    05.02.2007 12:13:49 ANALYZE TABLE "/BIC/AZFIGL_O240" DELETE                                          DBMAN         099          I    
    05.02.2007 12:13:49 STATISTICS                                                                       DBMAN         099          I    
    05.02.2007 12:13:49 SQL-END: 05.02.2007 12:13:49 00:00:00                                            DBMAN         099          I    
    05.02.2007 12:13:49 SQL: 05.02.2007 12:13:49 S12940                                                  DBMAN         099          I    
    05.02.2007 12:13:49 BEGIN DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS ( OWNNAME =>                                 DBMAN         099          I    
    05.02.2007 12:13:49 'SAPBWP', TABNAME => '"/BIC/AZFIGL_O240"',                                       DBMAN         099          I    
    05.02.2007 12:13:49 ESTIMATE_PERCENT => 1 , METHOD_OPT => 'FOR ALL                                   DBMAN         099          I    
    05.02.2007 12:13:49 INDEXED COLUMNS SIZE 75', DEGREE => 1 ,                                          DBMAN         099          I    
    05.02.2007 12:13:49 GRANULARITY => 'ALL', CASCADE => TRUE ); END;                                    DBMAN         099          I    
    05.02.2007 12:13:56 SQL-END: 05.02.2007 12:13:56 00:00:07                                            DBMAN         099          I    
    It stuck there at SQL-END for some time...
    Is this normal? How can I improve the performance for my data loading & activation?
    Thank you very much.

    Hi Ken.
    Many thanks for  your input. I think I will follow what have been suggested in the note as follow.
    +     4.      Activation of data in an ODS object
    To improve system performance when activating data in the ODS object, you can make the following entries in Customizing under Business Information Warehouse ® General BW Settings ® ODS Object Settings:
    the maximum number of parallel processes when activating data in the ODS object as when moving SIDs
    the minimum number of data records for each data package when activating data in the ODS object, meaning you define the size of the data packages that are activated
    the maximum wait time in seconds when activating data in the ODS object. This is the time when the main process (batch process) waits for the dialog process that is split before it classifies it as having failed.+
    However, can someone advises  me what would be an optimum / normal value for
    1. the maximum number of parallel processes
    2. the minimum number of data records for each data package
    3.the maximum wait time in seconds?
    Many thanks.

  • Data Transfer Problem Getting Status 51

    Hi Experts,
    I have two logical systems namely cln 000 and t90clnt090 assigned to clients 000 and 800 respectively,
    and i am transferring data from 800 to 000.
    My message type is matmas and i am tranferring data using tcode bd10,but while i am transferring the data my outbound idoc shows the status of 03 in the sending system but in the receiving system i am getting a status of 51 and when i acces the application log it says something like this
    The material T-BW07-28 does not exist or is not activated
    Message no. M3305
    You wanted to display or process data on the material T-BW07-28. However, the material does not yet exist; that is, it has not yet been created, or its creation has been scheduled, but the material has not yet been activated.
    Check and correct your entry.
    Now what can i do to solve this problem.

    Hi Abhinab,
    Please be informed that we cannot create materials through idocs.  See you are able to transfer data through ALE from one system to another, even though that material is not present in receiving system, only thing is that data cannot be processed successfully,there are some conditions which are required to be met for the data to be processed successfully.
    Like in your case when you are trying to send data for a material which is only present in sending system, still idoc is generated, it contains data and you can see that data in receiving system in we02 through inbound idoc, but in inbound system the idoc which carries data cannot be processed sucessfully due to inconsistencies in data.
    It is not only material number that you are trying to send when you send data by using message type MATMAS, but it also carries other properties of material like material type, material group etc depending on which basic type you are using (for eg. MATMAS05). You can see the documentation for basic type through transaction WE60. So if you want the data related to that material number to be processed successfully, at least that material should be present in inbound system and material should be active.
    For the other error which you are getting while creating material directly through MM01
    The field MARA-RMATP is not ready for input and was therefore not initialized.
    The field MARA-BMATN is not ready for input and was therefore not initialized
    I dont have much idea about this but as far as i think you should try using BDC or using BAPI (BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA).
    Again for the data to be processed successfully , you should fix all data related problems then try transferring data from one system to another.
    Hope i am able to clear to some extent.

  • Activation problem of Illustrator CS2

    Hi, i'm from IT of Brandt Italia S.p.A., we have 4 licence of Adobe Illustrator CS2 installed and actually utilized by users.
    1 pc was broken last week, the hard disk failed and i cannot recover any data.
    I'm installing another pc for the same user with the same programs that he was used on the previous pc, i'm using WinXP
    I'm trying to activate Illustrator CS2 by internet, but don't work.
    I have tryed to activate by phone, also don't work.
    i have see on you site that this version is nomore supported, also the activation is not possible.
    But different years ago i have buyed this version of software, is my rigtht to install and use it, i cannot spend money to buy a new version of the software because i cannot activate it legally.
    surfing to your site, i see this page: but i cannot download Illustrator CS2 version.
    How i can resolve the activation problem? i cannot install another version, i have 4 users that have to work to same files with the same software version, i have no money to spend to upgrade, i don't care if the software version is old, works well fo me, i don't need any new feature.
    thanks for your help
    Mario Ghidelli from italy

    thanks for reply, but in the page you link, i select Italian language version: c=it
    and i have an error "Error processing your request, We're sorry, we encountered an error processing your request"

  • Data Roaming Problems with Lumia 610 and 710 phone...

    Data Roaming problem with Lumia Wndows 7.5 phones.  We have a Lumia 710 and also 610 phones on Virgin pay monthly sim cards.  We cannot get data raoming to work on either phone.  We have tried in a number of locations in France and Switzerland. Virgin confirm roaming and data roaming are set up on our account.  
    - I have purchased Data Passes.  
    - Settings>Mobile Network active network shows current operator
    - Data Connection is on,
    - Data roaming option shows "roam",
     - highest connection speed is 3G,
     - network selection is automatic.
     - Flight mode is off.  
     - Account settings are ok because everything works on Wifi.
     - Connection has been full bars showing 3G.  
     - I have tried hard resets of phone, manual network selection, deleted browsing history,
     - phone software reports that it is up to date,
     - I have run Network Setup which confirms phone has been updated network settings for relevant operator.
     - Telephone calls to Virgin from Switzerland could not resolve the problem.  
     - Discussions with Virgin since returning home have not been able to solve the problem.  It seems to be an issue with Lumia phones. 
    Can anyone help please? Nokia - why doesn't this work on your phones?

    I'm like what an OS this phone has. All I can say is that if you own MS stock dump it fast as the OS on this phone is so bad its not even funny.
    I think what they are trying to do here is a last ditch attempt to capture the online services market but it isn't going to work, because they have made this OS to weird.
    I'm a pretty seasoned user and I generally am able to get gadgets to work but dudes this puppy is something else. I have 14 days to exchange it so Im going to give it my best shot for another couple of days and see where it goes.
    The phone itself is pretty decent otherwise I would have returned on the 2nd day. Its pretty fast and the screen is nice and bright and if not some major concerns I wouldn't be a complaining.
    1st} There is no way to import your bookmarks into the phone without using a online service.
    2nd} I haven't been able to successfully export my old contact list from my LG P500 Android.
    The 710 seems to only use contacts that are stored on online services even though I have imported my contacts using the Contact transfer function on the phone.
    3rd)The phone won't shut off while charging even if you shut the phone down , plug it in and it turns on no matter what you do.
    The Zune software is all glitter and no meat too unfortunately.
    I really wanted an alternative and the phone is such good value and a local new Provider has a 27 $ a month unlimited everything, but luckily they have a 14 day phone exchange policy.
    I'm going to keep for a few more days and see if I can get it to work the way i want it to.
    Moderator's notes: Profanity removed, such language is not tolerated on the forums, please read the forum guidelines. 

  • Activation problem of nokia music

    My nokia music is not work since I bought this device...there is a activation problem dat u r already registered ...for unlimted ...try so any things but not working me 2 fix it

    What's the model of the phone? Where are you located? Have you used the account you're signing in to another device before for a music subscription?
    We suggest contacting your local Nokia support providing your Nokia account and the phone's IMEI to be assisted.

  • Activation problem for nokia music

    When I am trying to download songs it is saying activation problem your phone is already registered with other email id for unlimited subscription

    Hello, namratamurthy.
    Thank you for posting and welcome to the Nokia Support Discussions.
    For us to further assist you, can you answer below questions?
    • What's your phone model?
    • Where and when did you purchase your phone?
    • Did you purchase it second hand?
    • Where are you currently located?
    • What connection are you using, Cellular data or Wi-Fi?
    • Is there any chance that someone log in their Nokia account on your phone?
    We look forward to your response. 

  • Can you help me with FontExplorer font activation problems?

    Anyone know how to solve a font activation problem I am having with FontExplorer 4.2? I am on a new mac with new fonts, I am using Maverick with Adobe CS6. With my new mac I bought the latest version of FontExporer Pro X 4.2. This program is having trouble with font activation in all my Adoble suite apps including Indesign. Here is what I am seeing:
    1. The font activates, but the Adobe app does not recognize that it is active. If I go back to Font Explorer and deactivate manually, then re-activate manually. The adobe app might then recognize it. Sometimes it still doesn't. But this does not stay permanently, as soon as I do a restart I have to go through this process again. I see this more often with the User system fonts, but a few times with my regular fonts.
    2. Other times, such as in Indesign, I go to open the file and the file stalls and doesn’t progress while it is trying to activate the fonts.
    3. Another time I have seen after an illustrator file is opened the fonts aren't recognized as being opened and the text goes blank on the page.
    4. In all adobe apps, if I go to use "replace font" on the missing fonts (even though they are turned on) the "replace font" menu only shows the basic system fonts, it won't show me the other fonts turned on.
    I have seen these issues with both formerly created files and fresh new files.
    I have tried the following based on feedback from Font Explorer staff:
    Refresh your Spotlight database
    1. Quit all applications other than FontExplorer X
    2. Choose Tools > Refresh Spotlight Database
    Clean your font caches
    1. Quit all applications other than FontExplorer X 2. Choose Tools > Clean Application Font Caches (check all available checkboxes)
    3. Choose Tools > Clean System Font Caches (requires restart)
    Still after trying this multiple times, the errors continue and even get more random.
    I have also tried this based on their feedback:
    go to FONTEXPLORER X PRO -> PREFERENCES -> ADVANCED and make sure that "Automatically deactivate fonts which have not been activated by the system" is NOT set to never.
    Then click on TOOLS and clean all font caches. Then reboot the system.
    The auto-activation is using a new Apple technology (called Core Text), which unfortunately does not work correctly with some of the Adobe and Quark applications when keeping the fonts permanently activated. We are currently working on an update, and the next version of FontExplorer X Pro will fix this issue.
    This has also not work. Can anyone help me?

    Here is the official work-around for this problem.
    1. Locate "FontExplorer X" in Applications
    2. Right-click on "FontExplorer X" and select "Show Package Contents"
    3. Navigate to /Contents/Helpers/
    4. Double-click "" or right-click and "Open" to launch it manually. This is needed only once, afterwards the plugins will work normally.
    Please make sure you open the version with the "-3" suffix, the other one does not fix the problem.

  • Date popup problem in APEX 3.1

    I have a date picker (DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI) and after upgrading to APEX 3.1 from APEX 3.0.1 the popup window height is too small.
    The end user is having to resize the window to click on the OK button.
    Is there a file I can edit to increase the height, couldnt find it in templates/themes.

    Hi Adam,
    This is a bug in APEX 3.1. It was discussed here:
    Apex 3.1 Upgrade Issue - dba_lock and date picker display
    and here:
    Date Picker problem in Apex 3.1
    I'll let Carl investigate and provide an official response and recommendation. Although I know where this problem is occurring.
    The size of the popup calendar window is hard-wired in the file apex/images/javascript/apex_3_1.js. In APEX 3.0, the size of the popup window was determined programatically at runtime and was a function of the date format, if it included a time component or not.
    The uncompressed, readable version of this same file is in apex/images/javascript/uncompressed/apex_3_1.js. Look for p_DatePicker and you'll see what I'm talking about. You'll see the height is hard-wired to 210 and width to 258. In APEX 3.0, the height was set to 255 if the date format contained a time component.
    So my suggestion, until Carl provides an official response, is to look for '210' in apex/images/javascript/apex_3_1.js and change this to 255. Granted, all calendar popup windows will be this big, but it won't put as great a burden on the end-user.
    I hope this helps.

  • ORA-01403: no data found Problem when using AUTOMATIC ROW FETCH to populate

    ORA-01403: no data found Problem when using AUTOMATIC ROW FETCH to populate a form.
    1) Created a FORM on EMP using the wizards. This creates an AUTOMATIC ROW FETCH
    Item Containing PRIMARY KEY - P2099_EMPNO
    Primary key column - EMPNO
    By default the automatic fetch has a ‘Process Error Message’ of ‘Unable to fetch row.’
    2) Created a HTML region. Within this region add
    text item P2099_FIND_EMPNO
    Button GET_EMP to submit
    Branch Modified the conditional branch created during button creation to set P2099_EMPNO with &P2099_FIND_EMPNO.
    If I then run the page, enter an existing employee number into P2099_EMPNO and press the GET_EMP button the form is populated correctly. But if I enter an employee that does not exist then I get the oracle error ORA-01403: no data found and no form displayed but a message at the top of the page ‘Action Processed’.I was expecting a blank form to be displayed with the message ‘Unable to fetch row.’
    I can work around this by making the automated fetch conditional so that it checks the row exists first. Modify the Fetch row from EMP automated fetch so that it is conditional
    EXIST (SQL query returns at least one row)
    select 'x'
    from EMP
    where EMPNO = :P2099_EMPNO
    But this means that when the employee exists I must be fetching from the DB twice, once for the condition and then again for the actual row fetch.
    Rather than the above work around is there something I can change so I don’t get the Oracle error? I’m now wondering if the automatic row fetch is only supposed to be used when linking a report to a form and that I should be writing the fetch process manually. The reason I haven’t at the moment is I’m trying to stick with the automatic wizard generation as much as I can.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks Pete

    Hi Mike,
    I've tried doing that but it doesn't seem to make any difference. If I turn debug on it shows below.
    0.05: Computation point: AFTER_HEADER
    0.05: Processing point: AFTER_HEADER
    0.05: ...Process "Fetch Row from EMP": DML_FETCH_ROW (AFTER_HEADER) F|#OWNER#:EMP:P2099_EMPNO:EMPNO
    0.05: Show ERROR page...
    0.05: Performing rollback...
    0.05: Processing point: AFTER_ERROR_HEADER
    I don't really wan't the error page, either nothing with the form not being populated or a message at the top of the page.
    Thanks Pete

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