Data binding in check_box in the WAD

Dear Gurus,
I searched on the forum and did not find any body having the same issue as here is my issue:
I created a web template thanks to the WAD. I want to add a check box list containing the characteristics in the result of a query.
Here are the steps:
- add the check box list in the template
- as data provider : my query
- in the characteristic field : the characteristic in the drill down of my query (actually it is a navigational attribute)
When I run the report, I get the data from another characteristic....
what is really strange is that,  the WAD offers me the right characteristic...
Any idea ??

Hi Michael
Thanks for the feedback, but I do not see the link between the 2 issues. Could you be more explicit ?
The OSS note you mention deals with the read mode of master data.
My issue is linked to the fact that the checkbox_group_item does retrieve the value of the characteristic I asked for, but from another chararcteristic in the web template...
The only link I would see is that BW will feed the checkbox with the first available characteristic in the buffer...
Another idea ?

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    You can write your own connection class for establishing the connection with DB.
    public class  ConnectionClass {
    static Connection con = null;
    public static Connection getConnection() {
    Context ctx = new InitialContext();
    DataSource ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("jdbc/TSPAGE");
    con = ds.getConnection();
    return con;
    }catch(Exception e){
    return null;
    You can place the above class file in src folder and you can use this class in webdynpro.
    You can have another UserInfo class for reading and writing the data into the DB .
    Regards, Anilkumar
    PS : Refer java bean generator for database.pdf
    Message was edited by: Anilkumar Vippagunta

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    <TextBox x:Name="txtHl7SpecMap"
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    using System;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
    namespace SpecMapException.Models
    * This class I am interested in knowing what properties change.
    * Also note that the properties in this class do NOT represent all of the properties
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    * to store.
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    private const int MAX_HL7SPECIMENTYPENAME_LEN = 250;
    #region class properties
    private string _hl7SpecimenTypeName = "";
    public string HL7SpecimenTypeName
    get { return _hl7SpecimenTypeName; }
    if (value != _hl7SpecimenTypeName)
    _hl7SpecimenTypeName = EnforceMaxLength(value, MAX_HL7SPECIMENTYPENAME_LEN);
    #endregion //class properties
    #region local routines
    private string EnforceMaxLength(string PassedValue, int MaxLength)
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    return PassedValue;
    return PassedValue.Substring(0, MaxLength);
    #region PropertyChanged code
    * The usual property changed code.
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
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    if (PropertyChanged != null)
    PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
    And lastly here's the relevant code which I've put into the windows Loaded event:
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    private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    var cvsSpecMapNames = (CollectionViewSource)(this.FindResource("cvsSpecMapping"));
    cvsSpecMapNames.Source = sm;
    So what is the mistake that I've made? Why isn't the data binding to the textbox txtHl7SpecMap working?
    (I'm using VS 2013, .NET 4.5.)

    cvsSpecMapping is a resource and not a property so you should set the DataContext using the StaticResource markup extension instead of Binding:
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    Also, the Source property of a CollectionViewSource is supposed to be set to a collection:
    private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    sm = new Models.SpecimenMapping();
    var cvsSpecMapNames = (CollectionViewSource)(this.FindResource("cvsSpecMapping"));
    cvsSpecMapNames.Source = new List<Models.SpecimenMapping>() { sm };
    You may also want to set a default value of the HL7SpecimenTypeName property to confirm that the binding actually works after you have done the above changes:
    public class SpecimenMapping : INotifyPropertyChanged
    private const int MAX_HL7SPECIMENTYPENAME_LEN = 250;
    #region class properties
    private string _hl7SpecimenTypeName = "def....";
    public string HL7SpecimenTypeName
    get { return _hl7SpecimenTypeName; }
    if (value != _hl7SpecimenTypeName)
    _hl7SpecimenTypeName = EnforceMaxLength(value, MAX_HL7SPECIMENTYPENAME_LEN);
    Hope that helps.
    Please remember to mark helpful posts as answer to close your thread and then start a new thread if you have a new question.

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    will try to write as much detail steps as i can...
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    Hi Gopi,
    There is a limitation for your requirement.The runtime data will not change in each page or it will be blank in case of header.
    I have used an alternative for the forms designed from SFP .I have called the PDF in a loop in the driver program. Then a new pdf will generated for each case.
    May be the alternative is assign the values through scripting.
    pavan meda

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    TopLink Runtime supports both fully fledged OX mappings and nested complex objects. These mappings can be setup in the code.
    TopLink ADF design time however currently does not have support for OX mappings.
    Hope this helps,

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    TopLink Runtime supports both fully fledged OX mappings and nested complex objects. These mappings can be setup in the code.
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    Hope this helps,

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    Dear Niels,
    Please find the attached example. I placed 5 controls on the front panel, all with a data socket URL (control 1 = URL1, control 2 = URL2 etc). Through property nodes I did the following;
    - I got a reference to the front panel
    - with this reference we can get an array of references to the controls on this front panel
    - one by one we will read the references and check the data socket URL from the control, we compare this with the URL we are searching
    - if found, stop we will use the reference to write a new URL to the control.
    Please notice the default values of the controls; it is set to search for URL3 and replace this with URL10, run the VI once and you will see that happening. I also included a sting indicator which will show you the label of the control which we find. Also a Boolean indicator in case we were not able to find the URL.
    I downsaved the VI to 8.6, I'm not sure in which version you are working, if you have 8.6 or higher you are able to open it. Hope this brings you further,
    Best regards,
    Martijn S
    Applications Engineer
    NI Netherlands
    Attachments: ‏12 KB

  • Data binding working ... now a question about the variables

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    Anyone else ran across this?
    var header = new sap.m.ObjectHeader({
      title : "{Name}",
      number : "{Price}",
      numberUnit : "{CurrencyCode}",
      statuses : [
      new sap.m.ObjectStatus({
      text : "Some Damaged",
      state : "Error"
      new sap.m.ObjectStatus({
      text : "In Stock",
      state : "Success"
      attributes : [
      new sap.m.ObjectAttribute({
      text : "{WeightMeasure} {WeightUnit}"
      new sap.m.ObjectAttribute({
      text : "{Width} x {Depth} X {Height} {DimUnit}"
      new sap.m.ObjectAttribute({
      text : "{Description}"
      new sap.m.ObjectAttribute({
      text : "",
      active : true,
      press : function () {
      sap.m.URLHelper.redirect("", true);

    Thanks for the reply Chandra,
    To clarify a bit more, I have a list object and have successfully been able to bind a model to it.  When I create a list item to put in the list I can display the correct values using the same syntax as above, ie {Width}
    So I am not binding the model to the items in the list rather to the list itself then referring to fields that are available in the model using the syntax {Width} ... and this works fine ... until I try and add some additional text like {StgeBin} in the example below (I am including myHeader in the list that has a model bound to it):
    var myHeader = new sap.m.ObjectHeader({
            title : "Bin # {StgeBin}",   //This shows the text --> Bin # {StgeBin}  ... rather then Bin # 123  (which is what I want)
            //title : "{StgeBin}",        This works and will show the bin number as I expected ie 123
            statuses : [
              new sap.m.ObjectStatus({
                text : "Some Damaged",
                state : "Error"
              new sap.m.ObjectStatus({
                text : "In Stock",
                state : "Success"
            attributes : [
              new sap.m.ObjectAttribute({
                text : "{StgeLocDesc}"
              new sap.m.ObjectAttribute({
                text : "{Material}"
              new sap.m.ObjectAttribute({
                 text : "{MaterialDesc}"
    I took this example right from the SAPUI5 documentation and it works great, just can't add additional text inline with my variables.

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         How to delete the dataprovider.
    Please suggest here

    Go to HTML tab. You will see all the data providers on top. You can delete the unused ones there.

  • Getting at the data binding for table rows in ADF/UIX

    At the highest level, I'm trying to figure out the best way to get spreadsheet-like behavior in a table where some of the cells are editable. The table cells were created using the "model=${uix.current.<columnName>}" mechanism.
    I've been able to specify event handlers triggered by the <primaryclientaction> for a table cell component which call into static java methods. But I haven't been able to figure out what binding to use to get at the Java instance for that cell's row in order to use <invoke> to get at non-static methods in the row's view object. The ${uix.current} binding is stale at that point.
    Are the table row data bindings just gone after the table is rendered or is there some alternate notation that lets me get at them.
    Thanks in advance.

    the primaryclient action should pass the rowkey of the current row (${uix.current.rowKeyStr}) as a parameter. This way the server can find the corresponding row on the server in an event handler.

  • I want to publish my data using datasocket connection on the net and I want to use Front panel binding. Can I?

    I want to publish my data on the net.
    I want to use front panel binding and I do not want
    to write the code. Can I do that. What should I modify
    in my datasocket server manager. The other question is, When I open my VI, I want to open automatically my DataSocket Server. My english is bad. When I open the LabView I also want to open my DataSocket server. How can I do this?

    To use datasockets to publish data to be accessed via the web, see the following document.
    This document explains how you can create an interactive Web page with which users can view data from a remote acquisition application without the common problems of a client-server application. You use the Measurement Studio DataSocket control and Microsoft Visual Basic to create a software component that you can insert in a Web page. You then use that Web page to read, write, or share data with other applications across the Internet.
    If you want to publish data but do not want to write any code, you should consider the web publishing tool available in Labview 6.1. This tool allows
    you to create a webpage to be published from the the LabVIEW webserver on your machine. See the following link for more information on ways to easily publish to the web from LabVIEW.
    As for starting the datasocket server when you run your VI, you can use the 'System Exec' VI to run the application. The exe to start the server is located in the following directory:
    C:\Program Files\National Instruments\DataSocket\cwdss.exe
    I hope this is helpful.

  • Variable data binding in Excel

    Hi guys,
    how can I use data binding in Excel planning solutions? In WAD data binding works perfect getting values from a userexit variable to an input ready user variable.
    How to do the same in Excel?
    We have the problem that the values of our user exit variable may change between two executions of the planning sequence. Nevertheless the planning sequence works with cached values of the variable.

    Thanks for the advice, but it is not quite the thing I am looking for.
    I would like to use the same planning sequence in different scenarios , so the filter of the seqence contains input ready variables, which are used without variable screen. In WAD I can use userxit variables as source for input ready variables. How to do the same in Excel? Especially variables with multi single values.
    Regards STefan

  • MVC - Performance of data binding

    Hi Gurus out there
    I have a concern regarding performance of (dynamic) data binding if I have a lot of <i>textEdit</i> fields containing huge amount of data on a view page.
    The view page contains buttons <b>[Add textEdit field]</b> and<b> [Save all entries]</b>. If you click the button <b>[Add textEdit field]</b> then a (new) <i>textEdit</i> will be generated and the model remembers the total number of <i>textEdit</i> fields that have been generated.
    DATA: textedit_count TYPE i,
          o_textedit     TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_textedit,
          tabix(6)       TYPE c,
          binding_code   TYPE string,
          binding_str    TYPE string.
    textedit_count = o_model->get_section_count( ).
    DO textedit_count TIMES.
    * Create a unique ID for a textEdit field:
      tabix = sy-index.
      CONDESE tabix NO-GAPS.
    * String for the data binding of internal table model->data_stream_tab:
      CONCATENATE '//model/data_stream_tab['
             INTO binding_str.
    * Dynamic data binding:
      CREATE OBJECT o_textedit.
      CONCATENATE 'myTextEditID' tabix
             INTO o_textedit->id.
      o_textedit->width  = 650.
      o_textedit->height = 225.
      o_textedit->_text = binding_str.
      binding_code = o_textedit->IF_BSP_BEE~RENDER_TO_STRING( page_context ).
    <htmlb:label for = "<%= o_textedit->id %>"
                text = "<%= o_textedit->id %>"
              design = "EMPHASIZED" />
    <%-- Binding of the attribute (internal table) '//model/data_stream_tab<i>.data_stream' --%>
      <%= binding_code %>
    Obviously the <u>whole</u> contents of the <i>textEdit</i> fields in the coding above are <u>always</u> "moved" from the web browser to the server and vice versa when the button <b>[Add textEdit field]</b> is hit every time even though the content of some <i>textEdit</i> fields haven't changed.
    Does anyone have a good solution/optimization for this problem? Any suggestion, comment and/or answer will be very appreciated.

    Place this code above any textedit elements you have in your page:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var myFields = new Array();
    Then place this code after every textedit elements, this code will get run when the page is loaded in the browser, right after your element. You are saving the ID and the default value of your element to an array. For every further element, increase the array counter by 1!
    <script type="text/javascript">
    myFields[0] = new Object();
    myFields[0]["id"] = 'myTextEdit1';
    myFields[0]["default_value"] = document.getElementById(myFields[0]["id"]).value;
    Finally, include this function in your page (does not have to be at the bottom, I just put it here chronologically):
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function compareFields() {
      for (var i = 0; i < myFields.length; ++i) {
        if(myFields<i>["default_value"] == document.getElementById(myFields<i>["id"]).value) {
        // nothing has changed, set to ignore-value (any highly unlikely value, like ")?.("
        document.getElementById(myFields<i>["id"]).value = ')?.(';
        // check against this value in your setter method
        // if this is set, then do not user submitted value to update your model attribute value
        // maybe do some output for debug purposes
        // alert(document.getElementById(myFields<i>["id"]).value);
    Now add this attribute to your submit button:
    onClientClick = "javascript:compareFields();"
    This should do, test it out and let me know.

  • Date not being displayed in the custom format

    Hi ,
      I have a problem wherein i am unable to change the format of the date.
    I need the date to be in the format 'January 10,2010.' however the date is being displayed as '1/10/10'. I have tried all options for the date formatting. I specified the custom format as 'MMMM D,YYYY' as mentioned in the SAP Library. I am trying to use the std custom options like YYYY-MM-DD, the date is not being dispalyed in the custom format provided by SAP either.
    I have binded date from the context, used the Current Date field provided by SAP.  Nothing works.
    Its not working on the new form. However the old forms have the same kind of formatting and are being displayed as desired.
    Please suggest as to what the issue could be.

    Hi All,
    Even I'm encountering the same issue. I'm trying to control the outputted date format programmatically.Please have a look.
    data: v_int_date like sy-datum,
    v_int_date = '20110201'
    write v_int_date to v_ext_date MM/DD/YYYY.
    Here I've tried to convert the date to external format using a fixed format(MM/DD/YYYY). But still it's getting outputted in the format DD/MM/YYYY only as that's the way its defined in the User Master!
    Is there any solution for this? How can I 'override' defaults in the SAP User Master?

Maybe you are looking for