Variable data binding in Excel

Hi guys,
how can I use data binding in Excel planning solutions? In WAD data binding works perfect getting values from a userexit variable to an input ready user variable.
How to do the same in Excel?
We have the problem that the values of our user exit variable may change between two executions of the planning sequence. Nevertheless the planning sequence works with cached values of the variable.

Thanks for the advice, but it is not quite the thing I am looking for.
I would like to use the same planning sequence in different scenarios , so the filter of the seqence contains input ready variables, which are used without variable screen. In WAD I can use userxit variables as source for input ready variables. How to do the same in Excel? Especially variables with multi single values.
Regards STefan

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    You'll have to convert the input to date yourself:
    where create_date = TO_DATE(:TARGET_DATE, 'DD/MM/YYYY')
    and type = 'D'
    Have fun,

  • Shared variable vs. data binding

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    Hi mhn05, 
    I'm not exactly sure why it would be operating slower.  Do you have code that you can upload that benchmarks or tests the speed of these, side by side? 
    Dave T.
    National Instruments
    FlexRIO & R-Series Product Support Engineer

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    Easiest way is to use the File/SaveAs option in Excel to save the spreadsheet as a comma-delimited file.
    Then you can use any number of tools to import the comma-delimited file into a database table.
    Oracle provides the SQL-Loader tool:
    Other tools like TOAD and PowerBuilder will also let you import comma delimited files

  • Data binding working ... now a question about the variables

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    var header = new sap.m.ObjectHeader({
      title : "{Name}",
      number : "{Price}",
      numberUnit : "{CurrencyCode}",
      statuses : [
      new sap.m.ObjectStatus({
      text : "Some Damaged",
      state : "Error"
      new sap.m.ObjectStatus({
      text : "In Stock",
      state : "Success"
      attributes : [
      new sap.m.ObjectAttribute({
      text : "{WeightMeasure} {WeightUnit}"
      new sap.m.ObjectAttribute({
      text : "{Width} x {Depth} X {Height} {DimUnit}"
      new sap.m.ObjectAttribute({
      text : "{Description}"
      new sap.m.ObjectAttribute({
      text : "",
      active : true,
      press : function () {
      sap.m.URLHelper.redirect("", true);

    Thanks for the reply Chandra,
    To clarify a bit more, I have a list object and have successfully been able to bind a model to it.  When I create a list item to put in the list I can display the correct values using the same syntax as above, ie {Width}
    So I am not binding the model to the items in the list rather to the list itself then referring to fields that are available in the model using the syntax {Width} ... and this works fine ... until I try and add some additional text like {StgeBin} in the example below (I am including myHeader in the list that has a model bound to it):
    var myHeader = new sap.m.ObjectHeader({
            title : "Bin # {StgeBin}",   //This shows the text --> Bin # {StgeBin}  ... rather then Bin # 123  (which is what I want)
            //title : "{StgeBin}",        This works and will show the bin number as I expected ie 123
            statuses : [
              new sap.m.ObjectStatus({
                text : "Some Damaged",
                state : "Error"
              new sap.m.ObjectStatus({
                text : "In Stock",
                state : "Success"
            attributes : [
              new sap.m.ObjectAttribute({
                text : "{StgeLocDesc}"
              new sap.m.ObjectAttribute({
                text : "{Material}"
              new sap.m.ObjectAttribute({
                 text : "{MaterialDesc}"
    I took this example right from the SAPUI5 documentation and it works great, just can't add additional text inline with my variables.

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    Hi Chandra,
    Do you mean a named variable in the Excel sheet, or some kind of actual data variable in custom macro/function code?  If you mean a named variable, just bind the component to the actual cell. 
    If you mean an actual VBA data variable, then Xcelsius does not support macros; it only reads directly from cells in Excel.  It does support things such as XML Maps and LiveOffice.

  • Variable data in Illustrator

    Before I go crazy here, I am wondering if you can populate a document with a different image and name using variable data.
    Can the image and name be outside the document in an excel sheet for example? If so, how would images be handled...
    If anyone could lead me to a really good tutorial on this, I would he very grateful.
    The ones I have found so far, are not helping me.

    You can use the Variable Data feature (the Variables palette) to create DataSets. You can then "bind" objects on the page to act as "placeholders," so to speak, for the text, images, visibility settings, or graph data that is contained in the current DataSet. You can then switch between DataSets to automatically re-populate the "placeholders." You can then semi-automate the swapping out of the DataSets to, for example, run exports or saves or prints in batch mode.
    The file that contains the data can be an external file that you import as an Illustrator Variables Library.
    However, the Variables feature set is based on XML, not on ordinary tab-delimited rows/columns like you are accustomed to in Excel. So you can't import an Excel file or any other ordinary row/column delimted text file into the Variables palette to create your DataSets. Excel and other programs (FileMaker Pro, for example) can export  XML from their rows/records. But unfortunately that's not all there is to it.
    XML is a tag-based markup language. An XML file doesn't necessarily follow a consistent rows/column kind of order germane to a spreadsheet or database table. The occurrances of Column/Row intersections (Elements) can be arbitrary. For example, imagine a spreadsheet with columns A, B, and C, and rows 1, 2, and 3. The arrangement in an XML file is not necesarily:
    1A, 1B, 1C
    2A, 2B, 2C
    3A, 2B, 2C
    It may be:
    1A, 1A, 3A, 2B, 2C, 1B, 1B, 1B....
    ...or any other arbitrary order and/or nesting arrangement of the Elements.
    So an XML file has to be "described" in order to be understood by the program that imports it. The XML file contains reference to a Schema or a Document Type Definition (DTD file) for that purpose. So to use Illustrator's Variables palette in that way, you have to get somewhat into the arcana of XML.
    That's about the extent of what I know about XML. Correction by anyone who acutally understands and works with XML is welcome.
    I haven't taken any polls, of course, but I dare say that the vast majority of users who actually ever touch the Variables palette just tediously enter the data directly into the bound objects in the Illustrator document and capture the DataSets as they go. A small minority does that with just a few sample DataSets, then exports the DataSets as a Variables Library (an XML file), and uses that file as the "template" into which they then insert the rest of the data from their spreadsheet or whatever, using a script or some other semi-automated routine. An even smaller minority actually creates the ready-to-import XML file from scratch.
    I have found it possible to import XML exported from FileMaker Pro directly into InDesign. But I cannot do that in Illustrator. For text-only purposes, I have resorted to writing a Javascript that lets me enter (or paste) ordinary tab-delimited text into a text object in Illustrator. The script then converts that text to Variable DataSets. I imagine it would not be hugely difficult to modify that script to also accommodate references to linked images, but I have not had the occasion or need to do so.
    I personally think the Variables feature would have been of much broader value across the AI user base had it been based on straightforward tabular data, like the data merge features in many programs, instead of XML. I guess that would be anethema to the XML users whom I assume must have asked for this feature being implemented this way. Or, it may have just been driven by Adobe-internal "me, too" gotta-have-it direction.

  • Report data binding error

    I have created a banded report split into departments. Each
    recore has a value associated with it. The report runs fine if I
    dont try to sub-total each departments vale, but if I add a
    calculated field to the banding, I get the following error:
    Report data binding error Error evaluating expression :
    textField_2 Source text : calc.Department_Total.
    Variable calc.Department_Total is undefined.
    The calculated field is simply the sum of the values, with an
    initial value of 0 and set to reset when the group changes on the
    department. I am using the same data type for the calc field as it
    automatically gave for the original Value field (Big Decimal)
    Any ideas?
    Dave H

    Does anyone have any ideas about this, Its getting a bit
    critical now. Has anyone else been able to do sums that calculate
    on group changes?? The sum total works for the report, jusyt not
    the bands. I desparate here, pulling my hair out.
    Dave H

  • How do I create an interactive PDF file with variable data

    We would like to basically do a 'mail merge' of our list of customers with an interactive PDF file (including videos, menus, etc - not just form fill out and web links) to create a single PDF file that contains multiple mail pieces ... one for each customer ... with each mail piece being customized for that customer.  Customizations would include different greetings (Dear Bob, Dear Dana, etc), as well as different charts based on data unique to the customer, different photographs, etc.
    I've seen that InDesign and Acrobat Professional can be used to create an interactive PDF (such as from  However I don't understand how I can insert data from a database, csv file, excel file etc into the PDF file so that each page, or each set of pages, within the PDF can be customized.
    Can anyone point me to a tool to use for this?
    Bob Kendall

    For that kind of volume and unattended operation, you want InDesign Server – which is the server/high volume edition of INDD.
    From: Adobe Forums <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Reply-To: "[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2011 06:58:07 -0700
    To: Leonard Rosenthol <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Subject: How do I create an interactive PDF file with variable data
    Re: How do I create an interactive PDF file with variable data
    created by Ti26E31DSxxx<> in PDF Language and Specifications - View the full discussion<

  • Network shared variables lose binding

    I am developing an application in LabVIEW that uses network shared variables to transmit data between two PC's on the same subnet. The shared variables work fine when running the VI's in development mode, however, when i build the vi's into an executable I find that they no longer work. Here is what I have found so far:
    I deploy the shared variable library on the publisher machine (also happens to be the development machine) through an invoke node in the executable. NI distributed system manager confirms that this does deploy and indeed updates as it should.
    For the executable on the subscriber PC I created a second shared variable library (same project) with the same shared variables and bound them to the respective shared variables from the first library by selecting enable aliasing, then bind to PSP URL and browsing to the shared variable I wish to bind it to (e.g. \\hallnet-ellm2\shared variable library\serial Number). The machines listed under browse were listed by name so when I tried this initially and it did not work I manually changed the name of my machine in the URL box to the IP address of the publisher hoping that would fix it in case the subscriber could not resolve the publishers machine alias. So now my bind URL read \\\shared variable library\serial Number.
    As part of the executable on the subscriber I deploy this second shared variable library. NI distributed system manager confirms that this deploys but under quality for an individual variable it has a list of issues (see attached) and the bound variable is not updating. At this point the publisher shared variables are still functioning fine. By clicking on 'edit variable' I can see that the variable on the subscriber is still bound but the PSP URL is now \\localhost\shared variable library\serial number. Changing the PSP URL on the subscriber to \\\shared variable library\serial number enables the variable to update as expected.However by this time my executable has already picked up the error and does not function.
    I think that the issue lies with the bind URL used on the subscriber as for some reason it does not keep the binding configured in the project and instead changes to 'localhost'. Why is this? Should it not stay bound to the address specified in the project?
    I have tried changing the IP addresses in the aliases file so that
    [My Computer]
    My Computer=localhost 
    [My Computer]
    My Computer=ip of local machine
    This did not help.
    The shared variable libraries are included in the build spec to go into the support files directory and they are successfully deployed from there on both publisher and subscriber.
    I am using LabVIEW 8.6 on Windows XP
    Thanks for any help you may be able to offer,
    distributed system manager.JPG ‏74 KB

    Hi Lee,
    I hope you are well.  Thank you for your post.  Your application sounds very interesting.
    Looking at your issue I was wondering, have you tried lowering your firewalls, as this may be causing the problem.
    Also, another option would be to setup a private network.  Do you have access to any routers that you could use to link the two machines independent of your IT's infrastructure?
    The other thing to try is two other computers entirely.  Again, it would be ideal to take them off the network you are on, but it's something to try if my prior suggestion doesn't work.  It should work on the original two machines though, and it's likely that different computers won't solve your problems because I suspect the network.
    Remember that the client variables must know the location of the variables on the server, so you can't move the server exe around without changing this value.
    Make sure to set the network location in the "Bind to Source" option for the client variables.
    It is also possible to write a separate piece of code to install on every machine that is responsible for deploying the library and by doing so eliminate the need for programmatically deploying the variables in the original application.  However, this won't really help you, because the variables you use in the application have to be the same as the ones deployed in the library, so if you change the library, they'll no longer be linked and they won't receive data.  You'd have to create a separate exe for every binding source you wanted to link to, and then have a second, known library for the sake of communication locally on the computer between the ‘deployer’ and the actual application.  The main application could then be assigned the responsibility of launching the correct ‘deployer’' if it sees it needs to switch to a different variable binding source.  This method is not the most streamlined or effective, but it might work.
    Just to let you know, you will need to use the DSC toolkit.
    Please find below some knowledge base links that I think you will find helpful in your application.
    Using Shared Variables in Executables
    How do I Programmatically Change the Data Binding Source for Shared Variables?
    I hope this information helps and if you can give these suggestions a go and let me know how you get on, that would be great.
    Kind regards,
    Prashant M
    Applications Engineer
    NI UK & Ireland

  • Report data binding error unknown column name

    I am having a problem with the new 7.02 update of Report
    Builder. The issue is it's not finding my SQL query.
    I have wrote my query initally in the advance mode, and it
    doesn't seem to reconize it. Is there an issue with this?
    I did manage to fix one of my reports by using the basic mode
    and selecting all my tables and seting my linkage and criteria.
    I have other computers that i have not updated to 7.02 and
    they do not have this issue. Below is the error:
    Error Occurred While Processing Request
    Report data binding error Unknown column name : work_phone.
    Please try the following:
    Check the ColdFusion documentation to verify that you are
    using the correct syntax.
    Search the Knowledge Base to find a solution to your problem.
    Browser Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0;
    .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
    Remote Address
    Date/Time 13-Jul-06 02:33 PM
    Stack Trace (click to expand)$ReportDataBindingException:
    Report data binding error Unknown column name : work_phone.
    at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke(
    coldfusion.filter.ClientScopePersistenceFilter.invoke( 8)
    at coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCServlet.invoke(
    at coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCServlet.doGet(
    This report works in 7.01. So all query variables match with
    a variable in the SQL select statement.
    Anyone have any Ideas??

    Thank you very much for help.
    The "Unknown column name " is a field still used in my
    report, so I can't remove it.
    After I clear the query in the report and reopen the report
    and apply the same query back to it, I get different error message:
    Element TASKNUM is undefined in QUERY.
    The error occurred in : line 1
    -1 : Unable to display error's location in a CFML template.
    I know for sure this "Element TASKNUM is undefined in QUERY."
    is defined in query. each time it complains something different. I
    get really confused.
    Thanks again.

  • Date conversion from Excel to the SAP format

    I have created a BDC program which uploads daat from Excel sheet.
    There is a date field also, the format of which can be any as per the end user (it will be one of those allowed by SAP).
    However, the file will be used for execution by another user who may have a date setting which is different than that from the one in Excel.
    Eg. End User's date format: DD.MM.YYYY, SAP User's date format: MM/DD/YYYY
    So, how do I convert the date format from excel to the format which will be accepted by the transaction during the recording?

    Hi Dave,
    I have faced the same issue while uploading the date to the bdc.
    if ur date format is DD.MM.YYYY in the excel file, first of all you need to change this to dats format ie YYYYMMDD ie character8 format and pass to the bdc, it will automatically convert to sap format
    ie you need to convert splitting at .
    data lv_date type char10,
            lv_dd type char02,
            lv_mm type char02,
           lv_yyyy type char04,
    v_date type char08.
    lv_date = '30.12.2011'.
    split lv_date at '.' into lv_dd lv_mm lv_yyyy.
    if strlen(lv_dd) lt 2.
       concatenate '0' lv_dd into lv_dd.
    if strlen(lv_mm) lt 2.
       concatenate '0' lv_mm into lv_mm.
    concatenate lv_yyyy lv_mm lv_dd into v_date.
    "Please use the variable V_DATE to populate to ur bdc"
    Edited by: Rahul Babukuttan on Aug 11, 2011 5:35 PM

  • Report data binding error with date values

    I have CF7.02 with a Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0 SP1 Database
    that I connect to using ODBC (FoxPro Driver 6.01.8630.01). I send
    my sql results to a CF Report Builder 7.02 PDF report and it works
    fine. If I dump the date values before I change them, they look
    like the following: {ts '2004-12-20 00:00:00'} . However I have
    tried a number of ways of manipulating the date before sending it
    to the report, but I continue to get errors. I don't care what
    format they go to the report in, since the report reformats them
    anyway. I checked to make sure that none of the dates were null.
    For example <cfset ReportQuery.PrcInputDate[lcCurRow] =
    CreateODBCDateTime(#ldCFPrcInputDate#) /> yields values in the
    {ts '2004-12-20 00:00:00'} format when I dump the query results to
    screen. Where:
    ldCFPrcInputDate = 12/20/2004
    CreateODBCDateTime(ldCFPrcInputDate) = {ts '2004-12-20
    ReportQuery.PrcInputDate[lcCurRow] = {ts '2004-12-20
    I get the error:
    Report data binding error Unable to get value for field
    'prcinputdate' of class 'java.util.Date'.
    coldfusion.runtime.OleDateTime -> Date
    Not using the CreateODBCDate function for example <cfset
    ReportQuery.PrcInputDate[lcCurRow] = #ldCFPrcInputDate# /> I
    Report data binding error Unable to get value for field
    'prcinputdate' of class 'java.util.Date'.
    java.lang.String -> Date
    Here are some of my failed attempts:
    <cfset ReportQuery.PrcInputDate[lcCurRow] =
    CreateODBCDateTime(#ldCFPrcInputDate#) />
    <cfset ReportQuery.PrcInputDate[lcCurRow] =
    #ldCFPrcInputDate# />
    <cfset ReportQuery.PrcInputDate[lcCurRow] =
    DateFormat(CreateODBCDate(#ldCFPrcInputDate#),'mm/dd/yyyy') />
    <cfset ReportQuery.PrcInputDate[lcCurRow] =
    CreateODBCDate(DateFormat(#ldCFPrcInputDate#,'mm/dd/yyyy') />
    <cfset ReportQuery.PrcInputDate[lcCurRow] =
    CreateODBCDate(DateFormat(#ldCFPrcInputDate#,'mm-dd-yyyy') />
    <cfset ReportQuery.PrcInputDate[lcCurRow] =
    Trim(createODBCDateTime(ldtmpdate)) />
    <cfset ReportQuery.PrcInputDate[lcCurRow] =
    CreateODBCDate({05-07-2006}) />
    <cfset ReportQuery.PrcInputDate[lcCurRow] =
    CreateODBCDate('{05-07-2006}') />
    <cfset ReportQuery.PrcInputDate[lcCurRow] =
    CreateODBCDate(05/07/2006) />
    <cfset ReportQuery.PrcInputDate[lcCurRow] =
    <cfset ReportQuery.PrcInputDate[lcCurRow] =
    CreateODBCDate(parseDateTime('05/07/2006')) />
    <cfset ReportQuery.PrcInputDate[lcCurRow] =
    parseDateTime(CreateODBCDateTime(05/07/2006)) />
    <cfset ReportQuery.PrcInputDate[lcCurRow] =
    parseDateTime(CreateODBCDateTime('#ldCFPrcInputDate#')) />
    <cfset ReportQuery.PrcInputDate[lcCurRow] = '{05-07-2006}'
    <cfset ReportQuery.PrcInputDate[lcCurRow] = '{05/07/2006}'
    <cfset ReportQuery.PrcInputDate[lcCurRow] = '05/07/2006'
    I also did some googling without success. Any help is

    You may want to make sure that the column is not included in
    the query variable list in your report cfr file.
    The newest version of the Report Builder, which may be
    installed on the server, no longer tolerates vars appearing in that
    list of they are not in the query itselft.

  • Data Binding for Custom Controls?

    I'm a little bit confused of how to use databinding for custom controls.
    I know i can bind a property, as seen here, but how can I map whole arrays?
    My problem is the following:
    I want to create a custom table control in SAPUI5 (as the default one doesn't provide the neccessary options and properties I need), but I can't seem to find an example how to bind "rows".
    There has to be a way to do this properly. All I can think of now, and implemented, is, passing the name of the variable in the model...
    var x = new my.controls.complex.table({data: "/status"});
    var row1 = new my.controls.complex.columnHeaderRow();
    row1.addColumn(new my.controls.complex.column({text: "", rowspan: "2", colspan: "1", content: "FIRST_COL"}));
    x.placeAt("content"); JSON/model looks like:
    { "status": [ {"FIRST_COL": "a" , ...}, {"FIRST_COL": "b", ... }, ... ], ... }
    (which should translate into /status/0/FIRST_COL, /status/1/FIRST_COL, ... AFAIK)
    ... and then I use this variable name by getting the application-wide model and use the variable passed as key for the model... (please note, this code is just a snippet)
           var sapCore = sap.ui.getCore();
                if (sapCore !== undefined) {
                 var model = sapCore.getModel().getObject();
                 if (model === undefined || model == [] || model == null){ } else {
                  $.each(model, function(idx, item){
                   $.each(oControl.getColumnsRows(), function(idx, item2) {
                    $.each(item2.getColumns(), function(idx, item3){
                     var content = item3.getContent();
                     if (content !== undefined && content != ""){
                      outpLine = outpLine + "<td>" + model[idx][content] + "</td>";
    ...which still leaves me with the problem of to get an event to react to re-render on changes within the data model, as well as when there would be just an control-specific model, or just a sub-node within a model etc.
    So my question is:
    Is there a way/best practice to define data binding in a custom control and have a way to react on it, and how to react on data changes within a custom control?
    Thanks & KR

    I create a entirely new control, from sap.ui.core.Control.
    sap.ui.core.Control.extend("my.controls.complex.table",{... });
    I did define a aggregation...
            aggregations : { columnsRows: {type : "my.controls.complex.columnRow", multiple : true, visibility: "public"}     },
    ...yet I'm still unclear how I work with this aggregation and databinding. I know we can use the bindAggreation functionallity, but since the aggregation is a object (my.control.complex.columnRow) I don't know how my JSON model should be able to bind to that aggregation (as well as how would one be able to cascade a aggregation like this down futher? For example if there is an aggregation in the object of my aggregation?), plus it still doesn't solve my problem of how I can react (for example redraw) on model changes.
    Thanks in advance,

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    My iPhone 5 turns itself off even with a full charge. Any help would be appreciated.

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    I've noticed this weird thing where the cursor sometimes gets stuck while I'm posting on forums like this one. It happens when the text entry box is highlighted, like the one I'm typing in right now. It's not the trackpad, I don't think, because it w

  • QS: want to change dbtimezone in Oracle9i

    Dear Friends , I have to change my dbtimezone from '+00:00' to '+06:00' . How can I do it ? I m in from Asia/Dhaka zone . My present time status of the server is : SQL> select sessiontimezone from dual; SESSIONTIMEZONE +06:00 SQL> select dbtimezone f

  • Call a Form with its name instead of its number

    instead of using : http://servername:7777/pls/portal30/PORTAL30.wwa_app_module.new_instance?p_moduleid=1556977996 I'd like not to use ModuleID but module name instead. Is it possible?