Data merge shifting objects inaccurate

I'm using Data Merge to create adress labels. When I setup border and activate Preview (or create the merged Document) Objects are shiftet wrong. See attached screenshots; please advise. Thank you!

Hi Peter,
thank you for your answer.
I tried skipping the preview, it is shifted in the same way.
(The zero point is set to page corners in both documents - in template doc the margin guides are set to 0 so it maybe looks just different; anyway )
Here I startet a new document, zero set to page corners, skipped the preview - and the objects are again shiftet by 0,122 mm in the merged document
This looks like a rounding calculation error somewhere … why should 10mm suddenly become 9,878mm?

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    I thought I had tried that, but I guess I didn't do it correctly because I just got it to work.
    Now I feel silly.
    Thanks Peter for your help

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    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    jdahl2 wrote:
    The first 6 come out fine, but subsequent labels are spilling off the page, such that label 7 and 8 are right underneath 5 and 6 and going off the page. Page 2 of the document is ending up with label 24-25, but label 7-8 should be starting off page 2.
    Adjust the spacing between rows, and the top margin from the Multiple Record Layout tab. (It is dependent on your frame height.)
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    You didn't say what version of ID, or whter a single or multiple record per page merge, but the Preview is known to be buggy for multiple records since CS5 and might be for single records as well.
    I have an annual directory that is built by data merge with one section in each listing as an anchored frame, and I've never had a problem, but it's not as complex as your description, nor do I ever merge to PDF (though I've heard here from several users that it's more reliable).
    One thing you might want to try is merging without the preview step, but do it from a "fresh" file by copying and pasting your placeholders into a new document. If the problem is with the preview it seems that it "infects" the file and even merging without touching the preview button may not work.

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    Thank you

    If you want to data merge into one text frame without the fuss of stitching lots of frames together, check out a script by Loic Aigon called Inline Merge:
    For more information, see a write-up on InDesignSecrets: .php/comment-page-1

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    If you want to data merge into one text frame without the fuss of stitching lots of frames together, check out a script by Loic Aigon called Inline Merge:
    For more information, see a write-up on InDesignSecrets: .php/comment-page-1

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    Thanks a lot.

    Thanks Peter. That helped me un-grey the multiple records. I was able to complete a data merge, however, this is what happens.
    As you can see in this image, I have the margins setup the way I prefer, and the data merge previews correctly.
    Once I click to merge, this is the new document I get - it's only putting one record per page (even though the multiple records per page is selected), and it inserts this layout, not onto actual pages in indesign. It looks reall odd.
    And when you scroll down,
    Any suggestions on fixing this?
    Also, my InDesign freezes up when I try and do a merge of my entire sheet (182 items). The images above are when I tested doing just records 1-32.
    Thanks in advance and thanks for being so prompt yesterday. Very helpful.

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    Thanks in adavance for your help

    Thanks for all your help, Peter. I will do the step and repeat method like you said. I dont know why I cant get this camera for the images to work but I did what you said with Word paint after capturing the page using the keyboard. Unfortunately I cant copy and paste the indesign screen to this page.
    Thanks again for your patience and good help.
    With kind Regards,
    P.S Im sure you will see more questions as I make my way through indesign. LOL

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    ASTDan wrote:
    Is there a way to store that object data within the object?
    That's what that Private Class Data control is for.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

  • Data merge?

    I've been trying to find information on what I need and I can't find the answer. So I'm here hoping someone has done this before. It seems easy enough but I cannot for the life of me figure it out.
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    Essentially i'm asking can I take a spreadsheet and input all the data from the rows and columns into one page.
    Any advise or direction would be appreciated. Thanks.

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    Does anyone know of a way around this?
    (Hope I've explained the problem properly!)

    We see a few Adobe employees from time to time, notably Dov Isaacs and occasionally Matthew Laun (from the InDesign development team), but they are here on their own time and in an unofficial capacity, though they are extremely helpful when they do drop in. Employees are encouraged, at least on the ID team, to monitor the forums, but not necessarily to participate, so they probably do see most of the reported problems, but their jobs are to do development, not provide tech support, and I for one would rather they spend their time fixing bugs and developing new features than have them actively engaging in these threads.
    And rest assured that Adobe appreciates the work that the user community is doing here. It's no secret that we are far better than the free telephone tech support, largely becasue we work with the programs every day while the suppot contractor only has relatively untrained folks reading from the knowledebase unless you can get escalated very high up the chain.
    As for the feature request, by all means file it. I think you are correct that it would be nice, though I can see some issues, too, like how do you decide how multiple fields will be strung together (one after another would be the same as your concatenation problem and using separate lines might not be approprtiate in all cases, either). The place to file is Adobe - Feature Request/Bug Report Form

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    But how would you use DM to place and print the 3 unique sets of 5 cut tab sheets? How would the csv file be set up to reflect the repeating tab positions? I believe you can have up to 50 items layed out in a DM.
    I know how to actually print tabs, but I figured DM was more efficient.

    I'm not sure this will really work for data merge, but if it can be done with a single file you'll need to do some modifications to your data set.
    First, you'll need five different fields for the data, one for each tab, so for each record you'll have one field populated, and 4 blank (or just two commas next to each other, nothing between for each blank field). If you were working in Excel, this would mean you'd need to populate cells in a shift right AND shift down pattern, sort of stair-stepping.
    Next you'd need to make a five-page file in ID and put each filed in the correct position on it's own page. It might work to use five master pages, and put one field on each master, but I haven't had good luck using fields on the master page unless you are using a single record per page merge (which you are), and I never tried with multiple masters, so ...

Maybe you are looking for

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