Database administrator (core DBA)

hello sir,
my self chandrika..
If mirroring got failed. How do i know, and what alerts will get ? will please clarify my doubt.

If mirroring got failed. How do i know, and what alerts will get ? will please clarify my doubt.
Hello Chandrika,
There can me many reasons for mirror to fail.It can be due to mirror server not available ,network failure between principal and mirror.Log file getting full on primary server due to lack of transaction log backup.
You can use mirroring monitor to see status,size of logs being sent .You have to manually configure alert for DB mirroirng
Other very good option is to use Witness for automatic failover
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    I want to know what is the role of Apps DBA?That's a common question! An Oracle Applications DBA is very different from a regular Oracle database administrator and requires specialized skills in business administration and Oracle application server architectures. The Oracle Applications DBA job role is less compartmentalized than a traditional Oracle DBA and the Oracle Applications DBA must also have skills in these areas:
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    you have to have some earnings, if you are already at another area, you can take adavantage of being already hired somewhere, and you can start studing in parallel so you get acquinted with oracle. First kind of job you may find is a DBA at entry level, which lets you in a pretty difficult position, but there is no other way to start.
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    Besides the 2-Day dba guide, you should have a read of the Concepts and Administrator guide from the docs at . In addition, read these following books as well,
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    First step was the right step, forum participation. You can post here all your requests, questions, setup, configuration, references, and answer are at a very high level.
    I would suggest you this:
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    . Start with the two-days dba manual and start practicing from here
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    . Practice - practice - practice ... and ah! keep practicing.
    . Questions, issues, and so on, we all here will be gladly to answer.
    ~ Madrid.

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    You can't say DEV DBA or production DBA. The word should be development environment and production environment.
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    Vishal Joshigo through with Oracle Architecture & Administration

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    Oracle Applications DBA - Covers 11i and R12
    Applications Releases 11i and 12
    Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Applications Database Administrator Certified Professional
    E-business suite book recommendations
    E-business suite book recommendations

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    Toni Lazarin wrote:
    Hans Forbrich wrote:
    Industry Rule #1 - when providing a new server to the DBA, make sure that the DBA is not involved
    Therefore the DBA, in the process of accepting the new server, must be able to return the machine with a list of 'recommendations and requests' for configuration
    Industry Rule #2 - if there is an application, system, network, power or configuration issue ... blame the DBA first.
    Therefore the DBA, in the process of being able to assign the problem to the proper department or person, must be able to inspect, identify and understand all configuration settings.
    Industry Rule #3 - any non-database administrator must refute the DBA analysis.
    Therefore the DBA, in the process of PROVING that the problem is not with the database, must be able to provide the correct configuration values.This is great.
    I couldn't resist not to qoute this.
    Thanks.Glad you like it - it's based on experience. Feel free to quote it. (Feel free to attribute as well, if you remember.)

  • Difference between Core DBA and Apps DBA

    Hi Experts,
    I am In to Oracle DBA, where i ill manager DB through out the SDLC and also manage Backups,assist the developers with database activities(like query's,procedures,function's...etc).
    I want to know what will be the work for Oracle Apps DBA.
    Please give details in detail,as i want learn more.

    Hi Rajini;
    I am In to Oracle DBA, where i ill manager DB through out the SDLC and also manage Backups,assist the developers with database activities(like query's,procedures,function's...etc).
    I want to know what will be the work for Oracle Apps DBA.Firstly you are on wrong site for your question, i belive you should ask it on Forum Home » E-Business Suite » EBS General Discussion forum part. Check below links:
    Mainly Oracle apps dba also manage job like core dba, but apps dba also give support to application side(EBS). Apps dba can apply db patch and also apply application path. Apps dba monitor db activity&performance and also do samethink to application etc etc..

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    In my one of my earlier organizations DB administration jobs were done with TOAD. In my next organization my Project manager told that TOAD is actually meant for developers. There the tool was DBArtisan. Now in my present company I would have to take the decision to purchase some DB Administration tool. What should I select ? Any of the two ? Or any third one ? If any suggestion comes it will be a great help for me.
    I am using Oracle 8x,9x10g
    and the OSs are Unix AIX, Windows etc

    It really depends on what you mean by 'Administer the database', 'Database Administrator Tool' and so on. In other words, it depends on what you really want to accomplish.
    Many people want a tool to put up pretty pictures and respond to mouse clicks to 'do things'. There are a fair number of tools that accomplish this very well.
    TOAD was originally for developers (hence the name Tool for Oracle Application Developer), but it has expanded dramatically to include a number of DBA capabilities. Quest, BMC, Computer Associates and others have excellent tools that are heavily into the 'draw a picture and lead the budding DBA in complacency'.
    Even Oracle Enterprise Manager is great from that perspective AND it's free!!! Well, except that you license and pay for the add-on packs that make it truly useful.
    To paraphrase Nicolas - the best DBA tool is an intelligent DBA using SQLPlus. All other tools will lead down the path that the tool developer has decided to use. Which may be right for some of the time, but is rarely right all the time, and rarely completely right for the latest and greatest releases of Oracle.

  • ASE instance not available *** ERROR:ASE instance possibly left running when system went down(system crash?). Notify Database Administrator

    Hi Gurus,
    I made some changes in rz10 for client copy like:
    icm/host_name_full [email protected]
    login/accept_sso2_ticket 1
    login/create_sso2_ticket 2
    login/no_automatic_user_sapstar 0
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    error as " ASE instance not available
    *** ERROR:ASE instance possibly left running when system
    went down(system crash?).
    Notify Database Administrator."
    Please help us to resolve this issue, i have also added startdb.log for
    your reference.

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    Did you solved this issue.
    We are facing the same issue and only this thread is there in SCN for this issue.
    If you solved this issue,Kindly share the solution.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Mathan A

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