Database for 9iAS v2 Question

Has anyone tried to do the install of the Linux version (middle tier piece) with the 9i database on a 2000 box?
Want to keep the 3 pieces seperate (usually easier that way)....or will I have to install the database (portal repository, etc) on the same box as the middle-tier?
Thanks in advance

Thanks for the info.
Here is what I am working on for my v2 installation:
Infrastructure machine (SuSE Linux) is up and running with patches installed.
Second machine has Win2k and a database installed (planning on using this for the portal,
unified messaging, etc)....(customer database per the docs).
Third machine (SuSE Linux) is going to be the middle-tier box for v2.
Is this setup going to work ok, or will I have problems with the database version on the Win2k box? There are no patches specifically for the database on the Middle Tier install but.....
I can always install the 'customer database' on the Middle Tier box if I have to but would prefer to keep all seperate, much cleaner. If I do have to install the database on the Middle Tier box, are there any patches that have to be applied to that Home in addition to the 9iASv2 Home?

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    Hello Ayşe,
    I hope this document which we just published in the BPX Archive provides a useful guideline onto your question.
    [Question Catalogue for Student Lifecycle Management Business Process Mapping 2009|]

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    I have used HSQLDB for awhile. I have found it to be very useful, though I've mostly used it for simple, read-only databases. Definitely what I would recommend for your situation.

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    Hi Steve -
    Thanks for the info. I have a few more questions...
    Yes, this is exactly the issue. Currently I am
    invoking the UIX servlet not as a registered portlet
    but as a hard-coded URL link on the portal page.Are you saying that in order to access the UIX application, the user clicks on a link which navigates out of Portal? If so, is this by design, or did you go this route because of problems creating a portlet for your UIX servlet? That is, would you prefer to have your UIX application run inside of Portal as a portlet, or do you explicitly not want this?
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    be able to display the Portal username on the uix
    pages, have the VPD context in the database
    connection (we have striped the tables but it only
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    access to some of the extended Portal functionality
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    Are you trying to install in the same Oracle Home directory as the database? You should install in a different OH. Furthermore, 9iAS itself also installs in 2 OH's. You will end up with 3 OH's.
    It is not a good idea to install the database and 9iAS on the same server, unless you have a really big one.

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    Hi ,
    For all delta and full DTP loads you can get  information in table  RSICCONT .Check table  RSMONICDP  this will give you detail information .Here you will get all the information with timestamp and request id .
    Hope these tables will serve your purpose .

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    Consider acquiring some external hosting as part of your efforts, then?  Various folks offer this hosting, and that gets you out of maintaining (most of) MySQL and Drupal, and more time to spend on your web site and whatever else you're working on.
    As for your questions, please follow the installation instructions for installing MySQL, then follow the instructions for installing Drupal.  The OS X Server setup is basically the same as any other Unix system, too; what you're doing on Ubuntu is more or less the same as what you're doing on other Linux and Unix systems, and on OS X and OS X Server.  (This is also at the core of why most of these add-on widgets expect you to set up your PATH, too.)
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    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    Solution found, I'll post the work around to those who might encounter the same problem.
    Somewhere in the layers of technology (webwork or weblogic I'd guess), the servlet response is encoded into UTF-8 regardless. The encoding in the database was ISO-8859-1. Sending ISO encoded bytes by UTF-8 caused the conflicting character codes (anything above 127) to show up as undefined.
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    isoConvert = new String(buf, "ISO-8859-1");
    out.write(isoConvert.getBytes("UTF-8"), 0, isoConvert.getBytes("UTF-8").length);

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    Many sincere thanks to you all in advance,

    I'm chewing this over in my head, reading up on DB's in 'phpSolutions' and I think that things are slowly materializing.
    Here is the structure of the website that I have planned:
    User is presented with a link on the main page to select photo galleries (other links are also present). Clicking the link takes them to the Category Page.
    On this page, the User will then have 5 choices based on categories (photo style). CLicking any of these 5 links will take them to respective TOC pages.
    On this page, the user is greeted with a vertical list of galleries or photosets; one to three thumbs on the left, a small block of descriptive text on the right (ideally containing date/time info to show how recent the gallery is). Newest galleries appear at the top. Eventually, when there are tens or hundreds of galleries in any given catrgory, I'll need to adopt a method for breaking up the qualntity in groups (we can pick 20 for example) that can be scrolled through using a small navbar. This will keep the TOC Pages from getting endlessly long and avoid endless scrolling. User selects a gallery on this page to view.
    On choosing a gallery, a thumbnail page is generated (I have this working already)
    On selecting any thumbnail in the grid, the user is taken to the full-sized photo with a navbar and photo counter at the top. Navlinks allow forward and back, a link to the first image, a link to the last image and one link back to the thumbnail page. (I have this working already).
    I provide this info in an effort to help understand the basic structure of my site. The description above is as close to a step-by-step illustration as possible.
    Thank you!

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    Your question is the answer. Oracle9i Database manages all your eBusiness data and Oracle9iAS runs all your eBusiness
    applications. In a 3 tier architecture, Oracle9i Database fits in the Database tier where as Oracle9iAS fits in the middle
    tier. Oracle9iAS provides an infrastructure to run different types of applications(J2EE thru OC4J, Forms applns, Portal
    based applns, Wireless applns etc..)
    Cheers !
    -- Rajesh
    Can any one brief in detail the difference between Oracle 9i database and 9ias application server.

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    pocketmeapps wrote:
    I understand that Apache web server comes as a default with 10.6. I now how to turn it on along with PHP.
    Edit the file "/etc/apache2/httpd.conf" and uncomment the only php line in there. Then, turn on web sharing.
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    It comes with SQLite, but MySQL is a more traditional backend database for PHP.

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    Pavan Kumar

    That's documented in the Data Guard Concepts and Administration manual. Chapters 3 & 4 cover creating physical and logical standby databases.
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